Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services
- Joaquin Arambula
Good afternoon. This is the Assembly Budget Subcommittee Number 1 on Health and Human Services. Today's hearing is focused on seniors and on health equity. In addition, we will have a special order of business at 05:00 p.m. today to hear the Governor's mental health modernization proposal. Given the length of today's agenda, I would like to request that all our speakers be as brief as possible. We will have panel presentations on the first 19 issues on today's agenda, while the remaining 20 are non-presentation items.
- Joaquin Arambula
Since we have a special order of business at 05:00 p.m. for the mental health modernization proposal, we will begin issue number 15 at 05:00 p.m. even if we have not yet finished with the first 14 issues on the agenda. We will then finish the prior issues on the agenda after issue 19 in this case.
- Joaquin Arambula
Members are welcome to ask questions on all issues in the agenda, including on non-presentation items, and we welcome public comment on them at the end of the hearing, should there be any. We are located today in Room 437 in our State Capitol. With that, we will begin. Let us have our first panel with Dr. Radhakrishna. Please come forward.
- Rohan Radhakrishna
Good afternoon Chair Arambula and all Members of the Assembly Subcommittee. My name is Dr. Rohan Radhakrishna. I have the honor of serving as the Chief Equity Officer at the California Department of Public Health, where I lead the Office of Health Equity, and I'm here also on behalf of our Cal Health and Human Services Agency. I'll provide a brief overview and answer the three questions provided by the staff, if that's all right.
- Rohan Radhakrishna
So issue number one, this budget item is a technical transfer of one position from our agency to our department. With this item, the Office of Health Equity that I lead will hire a position and take lead on coordinating the retrospective analysis on equity from COVID-19 with internal and external stakeholders, including but not limited to, local government, academia, other states and national entities, and community-based groups.
- Rohan Radhakrishna
We already have live dashboards from an equity lens showing the relationships between COVID outcomes and certain social drivers of health like income, crowded housing, and access to health insurance. And we have already released an early report in July of 2022 that my office commissioned focused on supporting communities and local public health departments during COVID-19 and beyond. It's titled 'A Roadmap for Equitable and Transformative Change'. It encompasses the first year of the pandemic, but it is not a retrospective analysis.
- Rohan Radhakrishna
Nevertheless, the 208 page report does have very many relevant chapters and recommendations. We haven't yet completed a retrospective analysis because the pandemic lasted longer than we all imagined back in 2021 when this item was originally crafted. CalHHS and CDPH have been actively in response mode for the past three years. Coming from a local health department in the middle of the pandemic to join state service personally, I'm familiar with both levels and perspectives. COVID is still with us.
- Rohan Radhakrishna
It's not yet fully in the rear view mirror. Hence, a retrospective equity analysis has not yet been completed. Just like no after action reports have been completed, the proposed retrospective analysis will look at the intersection of the COVID-19 pandemic and the health disparities and inequities that were further perpetuated due to the pandemic. The purpose of this analysis, as articulated on page 10, is to better understand how these underlying disparities and inequities fueled the pandemic and what can be done to prepare for future crises.
- Rohan Radhakrishna
How we bounce forward as opposed to going back I'll now answer the three questions proposed by staff. First, the timeline for this analysis. If this budget change proposal is accepted, we will transfer the position from agency to our department to hire this lead coordinator this summer, who will begin work with many internal and external partners conducting after action reviews. Preliminary mapping has already begun and will continue throughout 2023. We anticipate completing the analysis in 2024 or 25. Question two, how will CDPH share the final analysis?
- Rohan Radhakrishna
We plan to post it publicly on our website for consumption by all. And question number three from Assemblymember Calderon with a letter proposing an amendment. In response to this letter, I would like to exclaim the importance of the issue and appreciate what Assemblymember Calderon raised in their letter regarding the economic impact of long COVID on women. We are happy to share our current and ongoing work related to long COVID with this Committee and directly with Assemblymember Calderon.
- Rohan Radhakrishna
While CDPH's Center for Infectious Disease has created a COVID-19 control branch to continue working on the impacts of COVID, including long COVID, it is and will continue examining the impact of long COVID on Californians. However, a specific economic impact on long COVID on women is beyond the scope and expertise of the much broader equity retrospective analysis and this budget change proposal, which is a minor technical transfer of one AGP staff from the family of the agency to our department.
- Rohan Radhakrishna
Conducting a true economic impact would require additional funding and a health economist. I'll briefly summarize what we are doing in regards to long COVID. CDPH is engaged in multiple activities to assess, communicate, and coordinate around long COVID in California. These efforts include collaborating with federal and academic partners to assess incidents, risk factors, measuring burden in the state using different survey tools, developing communication materials for patients and providers, and facilitating interagency coordination for post-COVID public health action.
- Rohan Radhakrishna
Through these efforts, CDPH aims to characterize the proportion of COVID-19 patients that have ongoing health effects, the duration, the severity of those effects, and patients at greatest risk, including characterizing the burden based on different demographic disparities, including gender and women. The hope is that this data will inform public health programming to assist Californians most impacted by long COVID. Furthermore, I'll guide you to CDPH's occupational health branch, which already has live on its website information on long COVID and workers, employees in the workforce.
- Rohan Radhakrishna
This includes tools for workers and accommodations for employees under the Americans with Disability Act. So as mentioned, we're happy to share current and ongoing work related to long COVID with Assemblymember Calderon. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
- Will Owens
Will Owens, LAO. We have no concerns with this proposal.
- Joaquin Arambula
Department of Finance
- Nick Mills
Nick Mills, Department of Finance. Nothing further to add, but available to answer questions.
- Joaquin Arambula
Bring it up to the dais for any Members' questions. We'll begin with Dr. Jackson.
- Corey Jackson
Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. This item is actually very important that we do a thorough recap on our strengths and weaknesses that we've encountered, how we have- Before I came here, I was on Riverside County's Equity Task Force for COVID-19 and one of the greatest things that I think now informs my work is that efficient doesn't mean the best choice. And because we start to do the most efficient things, we began to create disparities, right?
- Corey Jackson
Which means we had to then engage more community based organizations to truly achieve equity in the distribution of resources, whether it's PPE, whether it's being able to educate people on the vaccine and those type of things. The only thing that I would request in this item, Mr. Chair, is that we also include some level of recommendations to the Legislature. There are things that we proven that we could do that are now sunsetting, but we're hearing throughout the systems that those are still good to have.
- Corey Jackson
And because there's so many of them that were created that are now sunsetting, it would be great for the Legislature to be able to relook at those so that we can make sure that we are prepared for the next pandemic, the next whatever, that might lend these type of things to us.
- Corey Jackson
So even though it's great that it'll be for the public to see, I would like to make sure if we are going to be approving this, that we get some stuff out of it from a more practical things of how we can better do our job in preparing for the next thing. My greatest fear is that which is already happening. We're moving on to the next thing, right? And we still haven't fixed some of the opportunities.
- Corey Jackson
I see a SWOT analysis in here, so I'll just say opportunities to be able to fill in some gaps that still exist, right. That we saw were some of our weaknesses in our society. And I want to make sure that we can continue to do that work. And this document could actually help us to do it more efficiently or effectively. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. I'll bring it to the Chair if I can. I was really drawn to your comments about what fueled the pandemic, and oftentimes it was those social drivers of health you spoke about income, crowded housing and access to health care that I'd also like to understand the role that CalAIM will play as we are rebounding out of this pandemic and the supportive services or enhanced case management.
- Joaquin Arambula
It would be important with this position that those recommendations allowed us to see how we could impact those social drivers of health beyond the three that you listed, but would love to get more clarity as you dig into it and do your analysis. Wanted to give you an opportunity to provide some comments.
- Rohan Radhakrishna
Yeah, thank you. First, Dr. Jackson, thanks for your work in Riverside. They were one of 68 key informants that went into our preliminary report, and it does have policy recommendations for different levels of jurisdiction. Some have been implemented, some are opportunities for the long term. So we'll keep that in mind. And to directly answer your question, Dr. Arambula, we will continue to coordinate with the Department of Healthcare Services and their CalAIM initiative.
- Rohan Radhakrishna
They have an equity roadmap which will be presented in June at the Quarterly Office of Health Equity Public Advisory Committee. So we have a 26 member advisory board, and we tackle different topics. And by statute, we work and partner with Department of Healthcare Services. They have a new chief equity officer as well. So we'll definitely reach out to them, as well as many Cal OES, local jurisdictions, others within our agency family in conducting this retrospective analysis absolutely.
- Joaquin Arambula
It's identifying those drivers that will allow us to focus our limited resources on providing solutions in real time. And so we're grateful that you're doing this retrospective analysis, but we have to look at some of the lessons that we learned during this pandemic of the century and to figure out how to do it better. And I believe it's important for us to do this work.
- Joaquin Arambula
We're supportive of the BCP, but for many of us, it's just taken so long to get to the place where we're at now that we don't accept the results that happened during the pandemic and are looking forward to the opportunity to create a system that doesn't have the disparities that we see within it. With that, we will thank very much this panel and move on to issue two.
- Nick Mills
Good afternoon. Nick Mills, Department of Finance. The budget reduces $25 million General Fund-
- Joaquin Arambula
I think we have a climate change and health equity section chief from CDPH who is joining us remotely.
- Nick Mills
- Linda Helland
Afternoon. This is Linda Helland with the Office of Health Equity, Climate Change and Health Equity Section. I will defer to the Department of Finance to present the issue and cover questions brief.
- Nick Mills
Here we go. All right. The budget reduces $25 million General Fund in 22-23 for climate and health resilience planning grants. If there's sufficient General Fund in January 2024, this reduction will be restored. This reduction is consistent with the administration's overall approach to addressing the budgetary problem through delays or reductions of some spending in the near term. Where feasible, the budget prioritizes ongoing commitments included in previous budgets and climate health.
- Nick Mills
That includes 10 million General Fund ongoing for DPH's Climate and Health Surveillance Program to provide near real time notification for Public Health Department's first responders in the community for emerging climate sensitive diseases. I'll now answer question number three in the agenda regarding the trigger, and then we'll turn it over to the Department for the other two questions. The potential restoration of this proposal, which is contingent upon certain General Fund revenue criteria being met, is operationalized in control Section 3.94 in the Governor's Budget in AB 221.
- Nick Mills
This control section identifies that on or before January 10, 2024, the Director of Finance shall determine whether the state has excess General Fund for the 2024-25 fiscal year that is sufficient to support the restoration of all the reversions and reductions identified in the section. And excess General Fund is defined to be the total General Fund available for allocation if the state fully funds baseline obligations, enrollment, caseload and population adjustments, as determined by the Department of Finance at the release of the Governor's Budget for fiscal year 24-25 plus various constitutional obligations such as Prop 98, the Budget Stabilization Account, and the public school system Stabilization Account.
- Nick Mills
If there is sufficient General Fund revenue, Finance will notify the Joint Legislative Budget Committee of this determination and will provide the controller with a schedule of appropriations in fiscal year 23-24 to be augmented through an Executive Order, and I'll turn it over to the Department for the other two questions.
- Linda Helland
Thanks. Good afternoon, Chair Arambula, Assembly Members. I'm Linda Helland with the Office of Health Equity in California Department of Public Health. I will address the first and second questions. How did CDPH plan to distribute these funds? 25 million? And was this intended to be a grant program for local health jurisdictions and tribal health programs? I will answer question two first. Yes, this was intended to be a grant program for local health departments, tribes and community-based organizations to develop climate and health resilience plans.
- Linda Helland
Of the total award of 22.5 million after Administration and staffing costs, 1 million was planned for consultants, leaving 21.5 million for local assistants. Of that, 64%, or 13.8 million, was planned to be for local health departments, and about 18% of that, or 3.85 million for community-based organizations, and similarly about 18% or 3.85 million for tribes.
- Linda Helland
And because competitive grants tend to be inherently inequitable, as the most resourced jurisdictions with the most money for consultants and grant writers, or the most free time to write good grant applications tend to be rewarded with further funding. We wanted to allocate the funding to an equity framework to local health departments and tribes, and we're in the process of engagement with them when instructed to stop work on this program in December.
- Linda Helland
And for CBOs, we would likely have had to release a competitive solicitation, but wanted the application to be fairly simple and make awards based on demonstration of need. I will stop there and take questions or comments.
- Joaquin Arambula
- Will Owens
Will Owens, LAO. Given the state's current budget situation, we generally find that this solution meets some of the criteria that we had laid out earlier in the year on solutions that would disrupt services, be fairly recent, and so we have no concerns with the pros at this time.
- Joaquin Arambula
Bring it up to the dais for any Members' questions. Seeing none, I'll keep it here at the chair. First, I was struck. We've both had it described that this is the most significant public health threat that we face today. Then I'd like to understand how we can explain when only a couple of our local health departments are making significant investments regarding this issue. Should we be expecting more given the greater investments that we've done to local health departments, the 200 million ongoing that we gave them last year? What is our expectation?
- Linda Helland
Would you like me to try to answer that?
- Joaquin Arambula
- Linda Helland
Some local health departments are using some of those 200 million to address climate change. A few of them have proposed and actually are addressing the health impacts of climate change through their future of public health or California Public Health Initiative funding. Previous to that, there were about four funded health departments through their own funding or through CDC Climate Health Program funding. This would have been the first dedicated state funding to local health departments to address this issue.
- Joaquin Arambula
Department of Finance
- Sonal Patel
Sonal Patel, Department of Finance. I would just like to add that although this is one reduction contained in the Climate Health investment, the budget does maintain 321 million to continue other investments such as, as my colleague noted, the 10 million ongoing for surveillance as well as an additional I apologize, approximately 280 million for community health workers, some of which will be engaged in climate health work.
- Joaquin Arambula
We'll just state this is not inherently regarding the reversion or the restoration, but a commentary on the lack of investments that have been occurring from our local health departments. The agenda highlights that there's only two departments that currently have full time staff dedicated to addressing the health impacts of climate change and knowing that these impacts disproportionately affect our communities of color, it's imperative that our local health departments are working to come up with solutions that meet the needs of all of our communities.
- Joaquin Arambula
And hence why we're asking. I'll follow up if I can. The agenda also mentions the disproportionate impact that occurs for many of our tribal nations and how they are not given significant access to governmental planning efforts. That I want to kind of understand, are our tribal nations represented on our air quality management districts as an example? Should they be?
- Joaquin Arambula
Their borders lie within air basins, but their sovereign nations also require an opportunity to have a seat on those decision making that I'd like to understand. Are we planning to start to work on that to make sure that they have a seat at the table? That's for the Department, if you can.
- Linda Helland
Address tribal nations seats on air quality management districts? I think that is unfortunately a question that I cannot answer, not being in charge of air quality management districts. But I will tell you that we do have one staff person working on a dedicated basis with tribes to support them to address the health and equity impacts of climate change on the tribes. And they are definitely working very hard in facing those impacts on a daily basis and want to do more.
- Linda Helland
And so we are supporting them to the extent we can with technical assistance and data and tools with one staff person.
- Joaquin Arambula
There will be more conversations about some potential ways to be inclusive and to make sure that all voices are able to be heard, but we'll come back to that at a later time. I will briefly bring up issue number 34, which is currently on the non presentation item, but has a correlation here as it's related to extreme heat and the AB 2238 BCP. Since we won't be discussing it later, I'm really trying to understand the extreme heat ranking system and ways in which it will be coordinated.
- Joaquin Arambula
Happy to follow up offline if you don't have any answers today, but there was a delegation that went to France to learn from that country about extreme heat and their warning system that I'd like to be able to work with the Department and understand if there are lessons that we can bring over from that country, as well as whether or not there are other examples within our current government, such as PSPSs, the public safety power shutoffs, the notifications that we're doing for our elderly population when we're going to turn power off, that I'd like to understand how you're going to be implementing this, and I would like to be able to work with you going forward.
- Linda Helland
Should I answer that, or would you like me to answer that at a different time?
- Joaquin Arambula
You can follow up with our office, if that's okay. I will thank very much this entire panel, and we will now move on to issue three.
- Joaquin Arambula
We will begin with Ms. Ochoa when you are ready.
- Maria Ochoa
Okay. Good afternoon. Maria Ochoa, one of the Assistant Deputy Directors within the Center for Healthy Communities in CDPH. And today I'll be providing a brief overview of one of our spring finance letters for protect protecting children from the damaging effects of lead exposure. So lead is one of the most common environmental illnesses in California. Lead can have harmful effects on a child's body, which may lead to lifelong learning, behavioral, reproductive, cardiovascular, and other health problems.
- Maria Ochoa
Within CDPH, the Childhood Lead Prevention Branch leads these efforts and is supported by fees assessed and collect annually from lead polluters. Most of the funds are distributed to 48 local health jurisdictions that conduct lead poisoning prevention and basic case management.
- Maria Ochoa
CDPH is requesting two positions and 9.7 million from the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund in fiscal year 2023 through 2026, and 6.1 million ongoing for additional case management activities that have increased as a result of the 2021 Center for Disease Control and Prevention updated blood lead reference value from five deciliters to 3.5 and to also address the finding of a 2019 audit by the California State Auditor that recommends CDPH's CLPPP program to focus more on primary prevention of childhood lead poisoning.
- Maria Ochoa
Of the 9.7 million, 5.9 will be allocated for basic case management services to be performed by state and local staff. 3.6 will be allocated to develop and enhance local general prevention measures outlined in the 2023 through 2026 scope of work proposed by contracted LHJs. 214,000 will be allocated in state operations to establish two positions to provide direct services provided by state and local public health nurses, community care workers, and environmental professionals that perform case management, care coordination, and environmental investigations to identify and remove lead sources.
- Maria Ochoa
And there were a couple of questions within the agenda. So the first one was, does CDPH have authority to increase the fees as necessary to cover the increasing cost of the program? CDPH has the authority to increase the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention fees for program costs in Health and Safety Code 105310G, which sets a fee cap adjusted for inflation, pursuant to Subdivision B. CDPH will continue to monitor expenditures and revenue projections and plan for fee adjustments as necessary.
- Maria Ochoa
And the second question was, does CDPH have any way to measure outcomes in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the program? And yes, CDPH continually measures effectiveness and program outcomes through surveillance data, site visits, and progress report trackers. These measures occur at both the state and local level. CDPH posts data annually and reports biannually, which provides information on the rates of childhood lead poisoning, effects to increase screening, and efforts to reduce prevalence of childhood lead poisoning. This BCP is in response to CDPH's past work measuring the effectiveness of this program and has the goal of increasing screening rates and primary prevention. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Next we will hear from Ms. Gibbons, Executive Director of CHEAC.
- Michelle Gibbons
Thank you. Good afternoon, Chair and Members. My name is Michelle Gibbons. I'm with the County Health Executives Association of California, representing local health departments throughout the state. We're supportive of the Administration's request for additional funding for the California Lead Prevention program. I'm just going to refer to it as CLPPP. However, we believe that local health departments will need additional funding beyond what has been requested to fulfill the requirements of the scope of work relative to the next three years.
- Michelle Gibbons
Local health departments contract with CDPH to administer various aspects of the CLPPP program. The program originally required local health departments to provide provider education and case management for children with elevated blood lead levels, which were previously valued at five micrograms per deciliter, and then to remediate the sources of lead for those children that were being case managed. The new scope of work increases the workload for local health departments in two ways.
- Michelle Gibbons
First, it lowers the blood lead level reference value to 3.5 versus the 5 to align with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This results in increased numbers of children requiring case management, and it results in a longer duration for case management because you have to get kids down to below the 3.5 level now. The scope of work also adds new primary prevention activities that includes roughly 100 tasks, or up to 100 tasks, that local health departments are responsible for completing.
- Michelle Gibbons
Many of those tasks are entirely new requirements for local health departments. It's unclear to us how the state estimated the FTEs and salaries needed to complete this work, given local health departments do not report in that manner. To better understand what the actual costs were with implementing these new requirements, CHEAC began to outreach to our members.
- Michelle Gibbons
While this process is still underway, we know that with just 11 jurisdictions, ranging from very large to small counties, they need roughly 19 million to fully implement the scope of work requirements. The current allocation for those same jurisdictions is roughly 7.6 million. We're concerned that locals will have increased responsibilities without sufficient funding to carry out those duties, and in that case, CDPH should expect locals to respond to the scope of work identifying what work they can carry out with the limited funding, but not all.
- Michelle Gibbons
We hope we can work with the Administration and Legislature to fine tune the funding request to support local health departments in carrying out both case management and primary prevention. And I would just note that there is a fund balance, however, if fully funding local health jurisdictions would exceed the fund balance, then we would recommend increasing the fee to compensate for that. Thank you for the opportunity to provide remarks, and I'm happy to answer questions when appropriate.
- Joaquin Arambula
Department of Finance.
- Nick Mills
Nick Mills, Department of Finance. Nothing further to add, but available to answer questions.
- Joaquin Arambula
- Will Owens
Will Owens, LAO. We have no comments at this time.
- Joaquin Arambula
Bring it up to the dais for any Members' questions. I'll keep it here just for a second. I want to give the Administration a chance to respond to CHEAC. It seems that with the decrease from 5 to 3.5 that there's significant increase in workload, both for primary prevention and for case management. And in light of the request, doesn't it make sense for us to consider those fees and to evaluate, since you have the statutory authority?
- Maria Ochoa
We do continue to assess this annually, and we are committed to working with CHEAC and have their concerns and building that partnership.
- Joaquin Arambula
Well, the sooner you do it, the better, as there's no amount of lead that's safe for our children. And I'm appreciative that we're moving in the right direction. But it then requires us to be staffing and providing the resources to address the issue head on. So would encourage you to get there as quickly as you can. With that, I will thank very much panel three and move on to issue four. Issue four is on EMSA's diversity, equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan Development, BCP. We will begin with Kim Lew, who is the Chief of Personnel for EMSA. Please begin when you are ready.
- Kim Lew
Good afternoon. Thank you for the invitation to come and speak with you today. My name is Kim Lew. I am the EMS Authority, known as EMSA's, Division Chief over the EMS Personnel Division. To the left of me is Rick Trussell. He is our Division Chief over our Administration Division. As requested, I am here to present the diversity, equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan development budget proposal currently under consideration, and we'll also respond to any questions raised at the end of my presentation.
- Kim Lew
Diversity, equity, and inclusion is something that we have not had much of an opportunity to look into within our department. As such, we are asking, through this proposal, we're requesting $100,000 in General Fund for the 2023-24 year to contract with a consultant to assist in the development of a diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic plan that aligns with the California Health and Human Services Initiatives that you had heard earlier today.
- Kim Lew
This will help to reduce health inequities and disparities and to support the EMS Authority's strategic priorities. As we've heard, health equity has been a key focus of the Administration, and the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated that need for additional action. It is critical that Californians of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds have equitable access to the conditions that optimize their health. This would include prehospital EMS. This is especially critical for communities that have experienced socioeconomic disadvantages, historical injustices, and other avoidable systemic inequities.
- Kim Lew
To do this, the EMS Authority must coordinate with CalHHS so that its policies and programs are strategically aligned to further statewide equity goals. CalHHS's guiding principles include a focus on equity and emphasis that must support CalHHS as a leader in the fight for equity and strive to create programs that address persistent and systematic inequities to create a state where citizens can have the opportunity to thrive.
- Kim Lew
This also includes removing, first of all, identifying and removing barriers that impede certain groups and individuals from achieving optimum health and wellness because of the color of their skin, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or disability. Health equity workforce diversity and inclusion are critical elements of this mission and have long standing barriers to health and wellness of the diverse population throughout California.
- Kim Lew
By approving this request, it will allow the EMS Authority to continue to support its missions and its goals, improve the sustainability of pre hospital EMS equity and social justice efforts within the state, local, private, and community based organizations. It will help to improve EMS patient outcomes in disadvantaged and disparate communities across the state. It also aligns with CalHHS's mission of creating patient focused programs addressing access, treatment, and work stream to combat EMS healthcare disparities and workforce initiatives in inequality.
- Kim Lew
Some of this money will go towards the EMS Authority, maximizing community partnerships and stakeholder collaborations. We will incorporate health equity concepts and measures into the EMS Authority's programs and policies. We will conduct a SWOT strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats analysis in helping to plan for our future initiatives. We will also include a vision, objective, strategic goals and tasks along with action items using key performance indicators and baseline metrics. We want to develop mechanisms to collect detailed EMS personnel workforce data as well.
- Kim Lew
We have identified that there is some disparities and some concerns among our population in just even being comfortable having EMS personnel come out, particularly if they don't look like or speak like what they're used to in their own families and businesses. So we'd like to invest some of this funding into looking at the workforce and including the diversity there as well.
- Kim Lew
We also want to secure training and host forums for EMSA staff and our partners and create a workforce to assess the impact of EMS workforce and cultural competency training for those EMS personnel on patient health outcomes. And then we will also conduct metrics and performance indicators to determine how that might look and what we might want to establish as benchmarks moving forward. So this is a preliminary effort to do an assessment of our Department and the services that we provide through the workforce and with patient outcomes. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Mr. Trussell.
- Rick Trussell
I have no comment. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Department of Finance.
- Shelina Noorali
Shelina Noorali. Department of Finance. Nothing further to add.
- Joaquin Arambula
- Will Owens
Will Owens, LAO. We have no concerns with this proposal.
- Joaquin Arambula
Bring it up to the dais. Dr. Jackson.
- Corey Jackson
Thank you very much for this item. Obviously very important, and thank you for being proactive in doing so. My only question is in regards to the rich diversity that exists in California, right. Of course, if I'm an EMS worker, and I'm in the San Jose area, totally different population and cultures that come with that.
- Corey Jackson
Like, if you're trying to save lives, you have to understand the cultures of very people different from LA County, different from Coachella, farmworker area, right. How are you going to design it in a way that allows people to really understand that there's still some uniqueness depending on the populations they serve in the different geographic areas of California?
- Kim Lew
Great question. Thank you. We are a small department, but we understand the impact that this is going to be or could be. So our intention of having a consultant come in is to look at what we should do and to do an assessment across the state, which would include having that consultant, along with some of the staff that I currently have, along with the local EMS agencies and community based organizations, getting together to have that very discussion and what that might look like for our EMS personnel in required training, continuing education, cultural competencies, as well as employers in hiring practices for diverse individuals.
- Kim Lew
And we want to talk on the other side of that, the community based organizations of those disparate families and the businesses in those communities. So we have to start somewhere, and that's part of this initial assessment. It'll come later down the road once we've identified our deficiencies.
- Corey Jackson
Thank you.
- Kim Lew
You're welcome.
- Joaquin Arambula
I will thank very much this panel. We will now move on to issue five.
- Rick Trussell
Thank you.
- Kim Lew
Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Issue five is on the Department of Healthcare Services, California Cancer Equity Act, BCP. Lori Walker, the Deputy Director and Chief Financial Officer with DHCS, is going to start when you are ready.
- Lori Walker
Good afternoon. I'm Lori Walker. I'm the department's Chief Financial Officer. The department's requesting three permanent positions, one LT position, contract, resources, and expenditure authority of approximately $1.1 million. Resources are needed to develop and implement good faith effort contracting requirements for Medi-Cal Managed Care health plans, develop and implement a cancer center referral program for enrollees with a complex cancer diagnosis, develop a process in consultation with appropriate stakeholders to continually update and further define complex cancer diagnosis for purposes of the referral program, and conduct ongoing monitoring and oversight of managed care plans and take corrective action when necessary.
- Lori Walker
The bill requires managed care plans to make good faith efforts to include at least one National Cancer Institute designated cancer center or qualifying academic cancer center within their contracted and subcontracted provider networks within each county in which they operate for the provision of medically necessary services to members diagnosed with a complex cancer diagnosis.
- Lori Walker
Eligible members have the right to request referrals to these in-network cancer centers, and in instances where an MCP is unsuccessful in its good faith contracting efforts, members can still request referral to an out of network cancer center. However, the access is limited to when the MCP and the out of network cancer center are able to come to agreement in terms of payment.
- Lori Walker
The requested resources will work to develop a definition of a complex cancer diagnosis and a stakeholder process for updating and defining the diagnosis on a periodic basis. There's no standard definition of a complex cancer diagnosis at this time, and this would require extensive clinical expertise and a process to come to consistence on such a definition. A subject matter expert is needed to differentiate what should be included in the definition of a complex cancer diagnosis and to conduct ongoing review and maintenance of the list of eligible diagnosis. Currently, DHCS does not have a subject matter expert with an oncology background who can manage the bill's requirements. Happy to take your questions.
- Joaquin Arambula
Department of Finance.
- Andrew Duffy
Andrew Duffy, Finance. Nothing further.
- Joaquin Arambula
- Jason Constantouros
Jason Constantouros, LAO. We have not raised concerns with this proposal.
- Joaquin Arambula
Bring it up to the dais to see if there are any Members' questions. Seeing none, I will thank very much this panel. We will move on to issue six. Issue Six is on the $1 premium subsidy augmentation proposal at Covered California, which will be presented by the Department of Finance. I believe it's Joseph Donaldson.
- Joseph Donaldson
All right. Good afternoon, Chair, Committee Members. Joseph Donaldson, Department of Finance. Under the Federal Affordable Care Act, federal dollars are not allowed to be used to provide abortion services. When the ACA was passed, plans that covered abortion services would charge consumers a flat premium of no less than $1 per month to not violate federal policy. Because California law mandates all plans to cover abortion services, all consumers were impacted and thus required to pay this $1 monthly premium.
- Joseph Donaldson
As a result, the 2021 Budget Act included a 20 million General Fund ongoing appropriation for Covered California to make these payments on behalf of individuals in plans through the exchange equal to the cost of these monthly premiums. This program would be called the $1 Premium Subsidy Program. Now, due to increased enrollment, Covered California is requesting an augmentation of 350,000 ongoing to its original appropriation.
- Joseph Donaldson
The current appropriation is not sufficient to provide the services at this time and this increased expenditure authority will serve an estimated 29,000 additional enrollees. Now, it's important to note that this proposal is for 23-24 and ongoing. However, Department of Finance, in collaboration with Covered California, submitted an approved JLBC letter increasing this appropriation for the current year pursuant to current law. Committee had a question related to this proposal, asking if there is a way to Fund this based on enrollment estimates.
- Joseph Donaldson
At the time, the Administration does not believe it is necessary to approach the program in this manner, as this program has been fully funded to meet anticipated demand through the budget process. These reproductive health services are and continue to be a high priority, and the Department of Finance has worked with Covered California to stay apprised of any budget needs. Additionally, we have the necessary mechanisms through current law to make adjustments as needed, and as such, approaching the program in this manner would not be needed and happy to answer any questions you may have.
- Joaquin Arambula
I have Mr. Aguilera, if you have any comments.
- Matt Aguilera
No, I have nothing to add.
- Joaquin Arambula
- Luke Koushmaro
Luke Koushmaro with the Legislative Analyst Office. As the Administration noted, enrollment in Covered California has increased substantially in recent years, and as such, we do find it reasonable to make an augmentation to account for the enrollment trends, such as what the Administration is proposing. However, rather than making an ongoing augmentation of $350,000, the Legislature could consider directing the Administration to adjust their appropriation based on forecasted enrollment. We note that Covered California already does forecasts of their enrollment, and there are similar types of adjustments made in other parts of the budget, including in the Department of Healthcare Services budget and the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
- Luke Koushmaro
A population based adjustment would help ensure the program is appropriately funded based on the number of individuals enrolled in Covered California plans in a given year, and we note that over the next few years, enrollment in Covered California plans could fluctuate considerably due to a number of factors, including the end of the continuous coverage requirement in Medi-Cal, which will result in decline in Medi-Cal enrollment and potentially result in an increase in people shifting to Covered California.
- Luke Koushmaro
In addition, enhanced federal premium subsidies in Covered California are expected to end at the end of calendar year 2025, which could result in a reduction in Covered California enrollment, and there are also potential changes the state may make in terms of financial assistance provided by the state to Covered California enrollees. So doing an adjustment based off of enrollment could ensure that the amount of funding available remains appropriate for the population to address these issues. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. I'll bring it up to the dais for any Members' questions. I'll keep it here at the Chair, first. I just want to state how supportive I am of the proposal overall, but would like to follow up on what the LAO is commenting regarding enrollment trends and why we aren't doing population based adjustments as we do within other DHCS programs.
- Joaquin Arambula
Your answer earlier was you don't believe it's needed, but shouldn't we base it on population, so we can get adequate projections, so we can build the budget out? Or why are we not looking at number of people served and are simply looking at a flat number?
- Matt Aguilera
Matt Aguilera for Finance. You know, there are several entitlements in the state. As you know, there's also other programs that are just funded subject to the funds provided, and I think, in this case, it falls under the latter category. However, many of those programs are treated like an entitlement in that as their enrollment changes through our normal budget process, we're addressing that through our normal budget process. So that's the way we've been handling this program.
- Joaquin Arambula
If it's not an entitlement, doesn't that then mean we're only covering it for some people? And haven't we been pretty clear about who we are as a State of California in ensuring that all who wish to access reproductive services are going to be given that opportunity? So it seems contrary to me a bit and really would like to evaluate these population based adjustments as a way to ensure that we're right sizing the proposal going forward.
- Joaquin Arambula
With that, I will thank very much this panel and we will move on to issue seven. Issue seven is CDPH's facilitating projects to benefit nursing home residents, BCP. We will have Michelle Bell, Office of Internal Operations Chief in the Center for Healthcare Quality at CDPH, who will begin.
- Michelle Bell
Hello there. I also have... Can you hear me okay? I also have Chelsea Driscoll, our Public Policy and Prevention Division Chief, with me today. Okay, much better. CHCQ is requesting an increase in local assistance expenditure authority of 5 million in 23-24, 5 million in 24-25, and 3 million in 25-26 for the Federal Health Facility Citation Penalties Account. CDPH also requests provisional language to extend the expenditure and encumbrance authority through June 30, 2027. Civil Money Penalty, or CMP funds, are penalties that are collected from nursing homes that are not in compliance with federal regulations. These funds are reinvested to support CMS approved projects that protect or improve the quality of life of nursing home residents. These funds will allow CDPH to execute contracts for current and multi-year projects in a timely manner.
- Joaquin Arambula
Is that the conclusion of your Department of Finance?
- Nick Mills
Nick Mills, Department of Finance. Nothing further to add.
- Will Owens
LAO, Will Owens, LAO, we have no concerns with this proposal.
- Joaquin Arambula
I'll bring it up to the dais to see if there's any members'questions. I will just uplift how important it is to have person centered care. One of the examples that came from this was life BIoS, which took time to tell the life stories of nursing home residents so that those who are working at the nursing home understood a little bit more about them. Seeing them and listening to their stories, I think, is a very important investment, and I'm grateful that the Administration has this proposal. With that, I will thank very much this panel, and we will move on to issue 8.
- Joaquin Arambula
Issue 8 is the Internal Department Quality Improvement Account Provisional language proposal. Miss Bell, when you are ready for.
- Michelle Bell
Any potential projects that may exceed the existing Account Expenditure Authority, CDPH is requesting provisional language be included in the Budget Act. That allows us to request from DOF the ability to increase that expenditure authority from the account after reviewing a request that we submit demonstrating need for that additional authority. This language, while new, will allow CHDQ to identify quality improvement activities that we'd like to Fund through this account and to request expenditure authority in the current year.
- Nick Mills
Department of Finance. Nick MIlls, Department of Finance. Nothing further to add. LAO
- Will Owens
Will Owens, Lao. We haven't raised concerns with the proposal at this time.
- Joaquin Arambula
Bring it up to the dais. Dr. Jackson,
- Corey Jackson
What would you usually do if you needed to make a change? Would this be a budget change proposal?
- Michelle Bell
Correct. And our concern with that would be it would create unnecessary delays in the process. We've been making a lot of investments in terms of our program's technology and efficiency in recent years, and we do have projects on the horizon, but as of this point, they weren't necessarily far enough along in the PAl process to request funds at this time.
- Corey Jackson
Okay. Can you give me an example of what would make something urgent that would necessitate something faster than a budget change proposal? Is there something like, I'm a new kid here, so you're going to have to help me visualize it?
- Michelle Bell
Yeah, absolutely. So we certainly would submit a budget change proposal for a major technology enhancement. So, for example, we're hoping to procure an online application system for all of our applications, but particularly for smaller projects.
- Michelle Bell
Let's see. One that we might have coming up is we're looking to procure a way for us to securely get investigation documents from healthcare facilities and to reduce our staff's reliance on paper, things like that. They're small. They might not necessarily. It helps us to have some flexibility there.
- Corey Jackson
I'm always for flexibility. I'm just concerned that this is a little bit too broad and not specific. Meaning, at what dollar number would you request a BCP. Right. Like, there's no ceiling here when it comes to. And even though one project may be little, what if there's multiple things that need to happen? Right.
- Corey Jackson
So we might just need to tighten up the language a little bit to making sure that we're not just doing a blank check kind of thing, but certainly want to find that sweet spot for flexibility, but yet making sure that we're doing our job in terms of accountability as well. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
- Jim Wood
Dr. Wood. Thank you, Mr. Chair. Did I hear you say that complaints are being filed on paper?
- Michelle Bell
Still no. So we've used these funds to implement, in past years an online system that allows our staff to do complaint investigations. But not all of the elements of the process are fully electronic. So, for example, we still have health facilities that may want to hand us paper as part of an investigation. And what I was referring to was the need to have a secure, electronic way to collect documents such as that.
- Joaquin Arambula
Okay, thank you. I'm sorry. With it, I will share the concerns of Dr. Jackson and look forward to the discussions as we move forward. We will. Thank very much, panel eight, and move on to issue nine. Issue Nine is a proposed trailer Bill on the removal of the Federal Health Facilities Citation Penalties Account Award limit. We will begin with Miss Bell.
- Michelle Bell
Okay, so, in 2007, AB 1397 created separate penalty accounts for state and federal civil penalties and established a $130,000 annual cap on the amount of money from the FHFCP account that CDPH may spend each year per project. This amount has not increased in the 15 years since that bill's passage. This limit conflicts with the mandate that we have from CMS to spend down the balance of this Fund on projects that improve the lives of nursing home residents.
- Michelle Bell
Although CMS does prohibit costs that appear excessive or unreasonable, CMS does not specify a ceiling amount for these projects. Additionally, CMS has already approved multiple projects that exceed the current limit. This proposal would align state law with federal guidelines. At the end of fiscal year 2122 the balance of this account was approximately 13.9 million. And in consultation with CMS, CDPH always keeps a two to $3 million Fund Reserve in the event of unanticipated expenditures or additional funding for temporary managers, patient relocation expenses, et cetera.
- Michelle Bell
Removing the spending cap is necessary to allow CDPH to Fund a sufficient number of projects, thereby improving the lives of long term care facility residents and satisfying CMS's guidance regarding spending down these penalty funds.
- Nick Mills
Department of Finance Nick Mills Department of Finance nothing further to add.
- Will Owens
LAO, Will Owen LAO, we have no concerns with this proposal.
- Joaquin Arambula
Bring it up to the dais for any Members questions. I'll keep it here at the chair. I'm very supportive of this proposal as we need to update more often than every 15 years on a hard cap, especially in light of the fact that CMS has already approved some of the applications that exceed that cap. It's time for the states to make the change.
- Joaquin Arambula
With that, I will. Thank very much. Panel nine, we will move on to issue 10. Issue 10 is also proposed trailer Bill on the Radiologic Health Branch licensing and certification. This proposal is being presented by Miren Klein, Director for the Center for Environmental Health at CDPH. Please begin when you are ready.
- Miren Klein
Sure. Good afternoon. So this proposal will make changes to licensure, denial, suspension or revocation procedures for medical X ray machine and radioactive material users. So currently, CDPH is only able to take disciplinary actions on licenses for crimes specifically committed during the performance of an X ray duty. So current law prevents CDPH from taking disciplinary action on a licensee who has been convicted of a crime that is substantially related to their duties.
- Miren Klein
These proposed changes will bring the department's licensing program into alignment with existing standards for similar licenses that are already issued by other state entities, such as the California Podiatric Medicine Board, the Pharmacy Board, and the Physical Therapy Board. The proposal also expands the civil Penalty authority that the Department currently has to cover all statutory and regulatory violations related to medical, radioactive material and X ray machine use. Happy to answer any questions that you have.
- Shelina Noorali
Department of Finance Shelina Noorali, Department of. Finance Nothing further to add.
- Will Owens
LAO Will Owens, LAO we have no concerns with this proposal.
- Joaquin Arambula
I'll bring it up to the dais for any Members questions. I'll keep it here at the chair. I just want to clarify, so currently you're only able to charge if it's regarding a mammography procedure, is that correct?
- Miren Klein
Correct. So the civil penalty authority that we currently have that tool, we can only use if an X ray technician is performing a mammography X ray, but any other X ray, we don't have the authority to be able to use that tool. This proposal will expand that.
- Joaquin Arambula
Where did the origin of that come from? How did we expand it to mammography only? Why did that come about?
- Miren Klein
I think it's back a few decades ago when the state adopted the federal mammography statutes, and there was something that was missed at that time. And so we finally have decided that it's time to kind of resolve that.
- Joaquin Arambula
Issue as well as technologies have evolved which also are more invasive and require us to make sure that the laws are following them. I'm very appreciative of this proposal. With that, I will thank Panel 10 and we will move on to issue 11. Issue 11 is on DHCS's BCP on the Medical Short term Community Transitions program. First we have Lori Walker. Please begin when you are ready.
- Lori Walker
Thank you. The Department is requesting extension of two existing limited term positions and expenditure authority of $286,000 beginning in fiscal year 2425. Extension of these limited term positions is necessary to enable the Department to continue to implement and maintain the workload for the short term Community Transitions Program.
- Lori Walker
This program creates an expedited path for residents in long term care institutions to receive transition coordination services to assist them with transitioning to a community based setting and connect them with long term services and supports that they will need to remain at home or in the community, thereby reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 the short term Community Transition Program was extended by the Legislature in response to ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency.
- Lori Walker
The CTP program funds transition services for beneficiaries that have been residents of long term institutions for up to 60 days. If a beneficiary has been a resident for over 60 days, the services are provided through a companion program called the California Community Transitions Program, which is funded through the federal.
- Lori Walker
Money follows the person grant approval of this proposal will allow the Department to continue to transition eligible individuals from inpatient facilities to the community setting of their choice sooner than what was allowed under the Medi Cal Home and Community Based Services Program and generate ongoing long term savings for providing services to individuals in the community instead of Medi Cal inpatient facilities.
- Lori Walker
The Department acknowledges that previous uncertainty about the continued federal funding for the money follows the Person grant program, directly impacted provider participation in the CCT program and supports permanent extension of the money follows the grant program. There is more stability in the CCT program over the last two years as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has approved funding allocations through 2027, with the flexibility for states to draw down and expend the year of funding plus four additional years going to 2031.
- Lori Walker
The Department agrees with stakeholder feedback that the services made possible through the CCT program are critical in assisting individuals to access services in settings of their choice and has worked through CAlam to establish the infrastructure to continue transitional case management and transition services through enhanced care management and community supports.
- Lori Walker
The ACM benefit available through managed care plans implemented a new population of focus January 1 of 2023 for adults nursing facility residents transitioning to the community that was specifically built using the money follows the Person CCT program as a model that also applies to the community services Nursing facility transition to a home and community support benefit that managed care plans can elect to make available.
- Lori Walker
Building and expanding the availability of institutional transition services through the State's Medi Cal Managed care delivery system removes reliance on a non permanent funding source and will also drive the development of these services and supports in communities across the state where the CCT program is not currently available. In regards to the reporting East Bay Innovations is requesting from the Department, it's unclear at this time if this is a one time data request or a request for ongoing reporting.
- Lori Walker
The Department should be able to provide the information requested, although noting that demographic data will be dependent upon the data that the Department has required collection of historically happy to address.
- Joaquin Arambula
Our next speaker is Tom Hinez, who is joining us remotely.
- Tom Hinez
Hi, thank you. My name is Tom Hines. I'm the Executive Director of a nonprofit called East Bay Innovations. Bay Innovations is a California community transition service provider. Has been since 2009, EBI has transitioned 300 people, approximately 300 people, from skilled nursing facilities back into their own homes. The history of CCT goes back to 2007. It was started when California decided to participate in a federal demonstration Medicaid demonstration project called Money follows the person.
- Tom Hinez
CCT assists people who are medical beneficiaries and who have been in skilled nursing facilities for longer than 60 days. CCT enables providers like East Bay Innovations to provide intensive housing searches for people who are in skilled nursing facilities to locate and secure a home to help pay for deposits first month's rent to help pay for accessibility modifications to make their new home suitable to move in considering their disability and mobility issues.
- Tom Hinez
Also, it helps to pay for assistive technology, things like lifts and Hoyer lifts, overhead lifts, shower chairs, adaptive equipment to help people be safe in their own homes. At EBI, about 75% of the folks that we've served through CCP are folks from communities of color, and 72% are people who are over 55 years of age. EBI also connects people to long term services and supports like in home support services.
- Tom Hinez
As a CCT provider, we help people access IHSs and then hire and train IHSS workers as well as apply to beyond the home and community based alternatives. Waiver Unfortunately, CCT's funding rates have not changed since it was started in California in 2007. The rates are still the same as 2007, even though medical funding rates for skilled nursing facilities and other institutions have risen significantly over that time.
- Tom Hinez
The previous speaker alluded to the federal Demonstration Project money follows the person being not extended in 2018 and then extended twice for short periods of time. That uncertainty has led to many agencies that provide CCT services, like EBI, to discontinue providing the service. But just as instrumental to the decrease in CCT providers is the inadequate rates that we've been living with for 16 years. In 202014,000 people in skilled nursing facilities who are medical beneficiaries expressed an interest in hearing more about the CCT program.
- Tom Hinez
But there's not enough. There's only 16 providers providing these transition services in California right now, so there's no providers left to meet the needs. Even though transition services result for almost all parties who transition in a significant cost savings to the state over their institutional terms. The previous speaker alluded to Cal Aim being as a vehicle to continue these transition services. Unfortunately, Cal Aim was not developed to parallel the funding that's available through CCT.
- Tom Hinez
So even though CCT's rates have not been increased in 16 years, many of Cal aims benefits to help people transition are actually less than the CCT resources available. That's right, less. And then there are some several troubling lifetime caps in the Calais program that do not exist for the CCT program, thus serving to limit people's access even more. This is an incredible health equity issue and access issue for Low income communities that have no chance of transitioning into their own home without a service like CCT.
- Tom Hinez
So I appreciate the opportunity to speak and any questions? Sure.
- Hersh Gupta
Department of Finance Hersh Gupta, Department of Finance Nothing to add at this time.
- Luke Koushmaro
LAO Luke Koushmaro with the Legislative Analyst Office. No concerns with this proposal.
- Joaquin Arambula
Bring it up to the dais for any Members questions? I'll keep it here at the chair just to contextualize.
- Joaquin Arambula
I believe there's 1000 nursing homes, and if we have 16 providers for the CCT, and in light of us not increasing rates from 2007, does it necessitate us to look towards it, since ultimately we're finding cost savings from these transitions as a system and hoping you can comment on whether we have an adequate number of providers currently in the state for the number of nursing homes we have.
- Lori Walker
Thank you, and I'd like to turn it over to my colleague.
- Susan Phillips
Good afternoon. My name is Susan Phillips. I'm Deputy Director for Healthcare Delivery Systems at the Department of Healthcare Services. Can you hear me? Okay. Okay.
- Susan Phillips
So in terms of the number of providers, I will say that is the goal of Calame, with enhanced care management going live for the population of focus for adults who are currently residents of nursing homes that went live January of 2023, so just a few short months ago. And so we are looking to scale ECM providers through Calam. So we do have providers participating. We do have opportunities for CCT providers to also participate as ECM providers, and we are looking to scale ECM through managed care.
- Susan Phillips
And in regards to the question about rate increases, at this point, we are willing to work and understand the request and receive the data to understand the rate increase request. Looking at utilization and also in the context of the calame and the ECM specific goals.
- Joaquin Arambula
I'm trying to understand, and I thought you heard that. We're sorry for the pun. We're transitioning to, it seems, Calame. Does that mean we're moving away from CCT, or is this a long term program that will be around and that will be sustainable, or is this a temporary program that we're going to support until we can transition to Cali? Hoping you can comment.
- Susan Phillips
Well, we recognize the benefits of CCT, which is really the ECM program, as well as community supports. That focus on this population was really built on the lessons learned for CCT, and we really do want to scale it. Statewide CCT, as was noted, is limited in terms of the providers and the take up right now, 1617 providers in 43 counties. And the goal of ECM is really to be statewide CCT.
- Susan Phillips
As Lori, my colleague mentioned, the CMS has approved funding through 2027 and will allow for expenditure of that funding through 2031.
- Joaquin Arambula
I'll stop, but it seems as if what you're saying is that they're not complementary programs, that in many ways they may be duplicative, that ultimately ECM will take the place of CCT. Sounds as if what you're saying as a way for us to scale and to grow it. Now, ultimately transitioning people to where they do the best should be the goal.
- Joaquin Arambula
And if we can work with both CCT and calame to accomplish that goal, we will ultimately, as a state, see the rewards as well as the patients who will benefit from that. So I'm supportive, but just want to make sure that we're not duplicating processes that we're complementing. And it sounds as if the goal here is really to look towards Cal aim, seeing no further questions from the dais. We will thank very much panel 11 and move on to issue 12.
- Joaquin Arambula
Issue 12 is the PACE Monitoring and Program Operations BCP. We will begin with Ms. Walker.
- Lori Walker
Thank you. The proposal Request Expenditure authority for 10 new permanent positions that are necessary for the Department to meet current workload demands to comply with federal and state requirements related to the Administration, operation, and monitoring of the program of all inclusive care for elderly or PACE.
- Lori Walker
The positions requested will allow the Department to establish a dedicated Pace monitoring unit and increase operational capacity to meet the continuous, increasing volume of pace nursing facility level of care determinations it must perform for every new participant evaluated for enrollment in pACE, as well as annually after enrollment. The positions requested also include legal support for the program and its continued growth.
- Lori Walker
Federal pace regulations require the state administering agencies conduct on site audits of new pace organizations annually during their first three years of operations, and additionally, the DHCs contract with PACe organization requires that DHCs will conduct on site audits of mature pace organizations outside of their trial period at least every three years or is appropriate to address program compliance.
- Lori Walker
All PACE audits include both on site and desk review components, and the dedicated PACE monitoring unit established with these positions will also be responsible for Pace quality monitoring functions that would include review of quarterly pace, quarterly reporting, intake, and investigative complaints, monitor pACe organization compliance with licensing requirements for PACE organizations that fall under the DHCS Authority and monitor Corrective action plans and we're happy to address questions.
- Hersh Gupta
Department of Finance Hersh Gupta Department of Finance Nothing at this time.
- Will Owens
Lao no concerns at this time. Bring it up to the dias for any members'questions.
- Corey Jackson
Dr. Jackson, certainly understand the need for this. My question is for the long term, obviously this service will probably be needed more and more as we get down the road. Do we have a projected growth plan for this as we know that the aging population will increase? Thus, I'm thinking one plus one equals two. So I'm thinking we're going to see continued budget increases when it comes to this. Am I correct in that?
- Corey Jackson
Do we have any anticipation what the long term growth of this program would look like?
- Susan Phillips
Sure. So we definitely have seen growth in the PACE program over the last few years. So just in terms of the program growth, there has been a 75% increase since 2018. So back in 2018 11 pace organizations, and now we have 23 pace organizations in 25 counties. And currently at the Department, we have several applications, 28 new PACE organization applications and service area expansion.
- Susan Phillips
So just to concur that it is in fact growing, we are looking to build the infrastructure to ensure that we can conduct appropriate monitoring and oversight that we can review the applications timely. And so at this point, this is our request, and we may need to assess in the future.
- Corey Jackson
Right. Of course. We have the master plan for Aging, and I'm wondering, are you looking at those growth projections when it comes to this program as well? In terms of, by 2030, we're supposed to have a very, I mean, this seems to be a big increase, but the big, big one hasn't hit us yet. Right. So I'm just wondering, how closely are you aligning with those growth projections when it comes to this program? Is it in alignment in terms of the infrastructure you're trying to build out?
- Susan Phillips
Our assessment that it is in alignment, but we will definitely monitor that.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. I'll elevate, if I can, having visited a PACE program in downtown Fresno, how culturally and linguistically competent they can be to address certain subpopulations. We have a local mong population that struggles to not be socially isolated, and the Pace center creates an opportunity for them to be together to have their health needs met to address any psychological needs that they have.
- Joaquin Arambula
And really, I'm impressed with this model as a means for us to address some of the inequities that have been present within systems with it. I will thank very much this panel, and we will move on to issue 13. It Issue 13 is a trailer Bill proposal on post eligibility treatment of income. Ms. Walker, when you are ready.
- Lori Walker
Okay. The Department is proposing trailer Bill to clean up language to align state statute with federal guidelines. The trailer Bill addresses how the Department describes the cost sharing provisions for individuals subject to the post eligibility treatment of income and the spend down of excess income required for individuals to become eligible for Medi Cal through the medically needy program. California currently operationalizes its long term program in the medically Needy program.
- Lori Walker
Institutionalized individuals are transferred and are transitioned into the medically needy program where the post enrollment treatment of income rules are applied for ease of Program Administration. The scope of the individual's coverage remains the same as their original program coverage prior to long term care placement.
- Lori Walker
The Department has used the term share of cost to describe the post enrollment treatment of income rules for many years when individuals move into long term care and have applied the post eligibility treatment of income rules correctly and in accordance with federal regulations.
- Lori Walker
The Department uses the share of cost terminology interchangeably to explain both the post enrollment treatment of income and the concept of spend down of excess income, causing confusion for our consumer advocates and our Medi Cal Members, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and consumer advocates raised concerns during the continuous coverage period during the public health emergency with the use of the share of cost terminology and notices of action.
- Lori Walker
When individuals moved into long term care in which they were now subject to the postal enrollment, treatment of income rules and share of cost when prior to their placement in long term care, they had no cost Medi Cal. This appeared as if the Department was not being consistent with the federal policies on continuous coverage and imposing cost sharing incorrectly.
- Lori Walker
The Department was requested to revise the notices of action to more appropriately communicate with beneficiaries the post enrollment treatment of income rules in a consumer friendly way and to remove the share of cost terminology and to align our long term care notices of action with the department's operational practices.
- Lori Walker
The Department is partnering with the California Healthcare Foundation to do focus group testing to make sure meaningful consumer facing language is used and the trailer Bill does not change the way share of cost or post enrollment treatment of income is calculated or administered for the medically needy beneficiaries.
- Hersh Gupta
Department of Finance Hersh Gupta Department of Finance Nothing further to add.
- Will Owens
Aleo we have no concerns with this proposal bringing it up to the DAIS. It's a much needed change. Thank you very much for Panel 13.
- Lori Walker
Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Move on to Issue 14. Issue 14 is an oversight issue on delayed payments to skilled nursing facilities. First, we will hear from Jennifer Snyder, legislative advocate for the California Association of Health Facilities. Please begin when you are ready.
- Jennifer Snyder
Good afternoon, Jennifer Snyder with Capital Advocacy here today on behalf of the California Association of Health Facilities. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on this item, which is relative to skilled nursing facility payment delays. So, effective January 1 of this year, all long term care facilities were integrated into medical managed care. There were 31 counties where that was very new to them and to the nursing facilities that worked within these transitioning health plans is what we call them.
- Jennifer Snyder
Their lack of experience and knowledge as to how long term care is funded and coordinated is having a significant impact on contracting and timely payments for our transitioning populations that either are currently in nursing facilities or obviously being referred to them. So the nursing facility Members of CAF are experiencing a number of Cal AEM implementation issues that are relative to plan payment and to contracting concerns are twofold.
- Jennifer Snyder
First, because some managed care plans are not following through with their contracting responsibilities, nursing facilities are being forced to take medical patients either out of contract or out of network. Some plans are refusing to actually contract, instead requiring some types of letters of agreement, LOAs or what we call them.
- Jennifer Snyder
So without contracts, facilities are doing their best to secure out of network payments or request a contract agreement, but without any requirement for a plan to contract, many facilities are left without any guarantee of payment for current Medi Cal patients or future referrals. So CMS rules require that providers have to be in network to receive any directed payments. And directed payments can include any rates that are directed from state government, and that does also include any medical program rate.
- Jennifer Snyder
Facility rates that are also what we talk about related to quality payments that are under kind of the new rate setting system from AB 186 last year. It includes quality payments that facilities are incentivized through meeting certain quality standards. The problem is that CMS requires that these facilities be a network to qualify for those quality payments. So unfortunately, due to those CMS rules, skilled nursing facilities that are not contracted aren't eligible for those patient days that are not under contract.
- Jennifer Snyder
Now, of course, they still have to adhere and meet the quality standards, but they can't actually get to a point where they can be qualified for those days just by the fact that they're not contracted, which in many cases is completely out of their control. So second, since January 1, many, if not most nursing facilities have experienced significant payment delays for services they have provided to their medical residents.
- Jennifer Snyder
Nursing facilities, as we know, rely heavily on state Medicaid funds, which on average is about 70% of patients that they serve. So as of today, it'll be four months without some facilities receiving any reimbursement for services provided. Plan's ability to processing to process transitioning medical populations, including recognized newly enrolled beneficiaries and recognizing the DHCs prior authorizations, have caused significant delays in facilities ability to submit claims.
- Jennifer Snyder
There's a requirement in state law that health plans must pay a provider within 30 days, and then after 45 business days, certain interest starts applying. Unfortunately, there are many managed care plans that are not adhering to this rule. So due to these circumstances where a plan is still not understanding kind of the long term care space, they're issuing erroneous denials for rates that are already set by the state.
- Jennifer Snyder
So CAF would suggest two amendments to the Calam trailer Bill that the Department of Healthcare Services has suggested. First, we would ask that the trailer Bill Language require Medi Cal managed care plans to sign, when they do sign contracts, to sign them retroactively, and this will be utilized really for the purposes of directed payment.
- Jennifer Snyder
So in cases where facilities are able to secure a contract, and we hope all of them will, that can be retroactive to January 1 so they can at least qualify for the patient days that they've served medical patients. And then second, we would ask that there will be a requirement for health plans to report their network utilization and timely payments that are specific to long term care health facilities and the system issues that are specific to long term care health facilities.
- Jennifer Snyder
This will make sure that we're not seeing a broad averaging of how payments are being adhered to. Timeliness of payments, because right now those types of information, at least from what we understand, is an average and it's not specific to long term care. So we can have a better sense and the Department could have a better sense of where we're seeing problems related to timely payment.
- Jennifer Snyder
So these two requested amendments will strengthen what we believe are the Cal aim statutory requirements and ensure that Medi Cal beneficiaries have stable access to SNF services. I appreciate your time. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Next we have DHCS Director Michelle Boss.
- Michelle Boss
Good afternoon, Mr. Chair Members Michelle Boss, Director of the Department of Healthcare Services. We continue to keep communication channels open with our managed care plans and our skilled nursing facilities to monitor the delivery of long term skilled nursing facility benefit and to directly intervene in particular situations to address noncompliance and to be informed of any systematic actions needed to clarify policies in the market.
- Michelle Boss
Over the last few months, we've been monitoring the market and taken some systematic action to address the concerns, and we've implemented some all plan letters and have an all plan letter forthcoming to remediate some of the concerns we're hearing. We issued an APL back in December and clarified it in March, addressing facility concerns regarding the ability for managed care plans to pay higher rates than the fee for service per diem for exclusive services, which DHCs clarified are not subject to the directed payment policy.
- Michelle Boss
The APL laid out existing MCP or managed care plan requirements pertaining to continuity of care for skilled nursing facility residents to be able to remain in their facility and have continued access to their out of network provider and services, including therapy services and durable medical equipment. The APL also clarified transportation requirements that managed care plans are obligated to provide to their Members, particularly transportation to appointments like dialysis. The APL included new guidance to address operational concerns.
- Michelle Boss
For example, it required the managed care plans to have a long term services and support liaison so that SNFs have a point of contact at the plan to support questions that they may have. Also requires managed care plans to train their providers on claims protocols.
- Michelle Boss
Since many managed care plans have their own processes and systems that they use to reimburse services to broadly address the concerns related to the prompt payment of claims, we are working on a timely payments APL that reminds managed care plans of their existing contractual obligations to pay claims timely. Managed care plans are considered out of compliance if they do not meet certain thresholds of timely payments.
- Michelle Boss
Specifically, they must pay 90% of clean claims in 30 days and 99% of claims clean claims in 90 days, and this will clarify when that clock starts to be very clear both to the plans and providers. We are targeting to issue this APL in June of this year. Additionally1.0 of confusion for the market was what services were considered part of the directed payment for a facility rate versus services falling outside that rate in which directed payments do not apply.
- Michelle Boss
We clarify what services are part of the directed payment rate and what may be further negotiated between the plans and the facility. Although we do not intervene in contractual relationships between plans and providers, we have followed up with specific plans with concerns that we've heard from some of the facilities and have directly intervened to kind of keep tabs on their prompt payment.
- Michelle Boss
We have broad enforcement authority to impose sanctions for noncompliance with regard to the Workforce Quality Incentive Program and the letters of agreement we have communicated to all plans that they must transition from minimum contracting requirements for network adequacy and readiness to ongoing network capacity building to ensure appropriate access to skilled nursing facilities.
- Michelle Boss
They are aware that their Letters of agreement are not considered network provider agreements and we have encouraged our managed care plans to retrospectively effective date their contracts to the beginning when the first letter of agreement was entered, kind of to address the first issue that Ms. Snyder raised. We continue to monitor our managed care plan's efforts to build its network capacity and look forward to continuing conversations with the nursing facility industry.
- Hersh Gupta
Department of Finance Hersh Gupta, Department of Finance we appreciate hearing from Ms. Snyder and would be happy to work with the relevant parties at the appropriate time.
- Joaquin Arambula
LAO Andrew Duffy on thank you. Bring it up to the DAIs for any members'questions.
- Corey Jackson
Dr. Jackson Ms. Snyder, obviously I share your concerns in terms of timely payment. I come from the nonprofit sector. I know what it means when you got bills to be paid, when you got people to pay, and you are not getting properly compensated as a rarely practical time. Right. You're not asking for 24 hours. You're not asking right. When you hear the response to be able to rectify this issue, are you hopeful that this will help with the issue?
- Jennifer Snyder
Definitely pleased to hear that the department's actually taking some really good action to communicate with plans and keep them a little bit more accountable. Definitely pleased to hear that. I think, I mean, I heard at least two new APLs I think the concern will continue to be that the Department, to some extent, will do all they can and you will still have plans that will not be compliant, and so you'll have facilities that will be harmed and their patients will be harmed because of it.
- Jennifer Snyder
Some of that will remedy itself as we transition. Most of this is going to be in this first year. And so that's really why we're pushing. The first proposal I talked about is to find some way where contracts can be retroactive or required to be retroactive, and we only need that for a period of time. This window of opportunity, I think, is the concern is it just won't be remedied. And you have facilities that really do rely on those quality payments when they qualify. So I would say I feel better. I can't say I'm 100% better.
- Corey Jackson
And are you saying this is the big, is this all you plan on doing, or is this some other solutions you're also working on? Right.
- Michelle Boss
Mean, I think to Ms. Snyder's point, this is the transition period. And if there are plans that are systematic, kind of non compliant with their timely payment or just in good faith discussions with the skilled nursing facilities, we are happy to engage in those conversations. But to systematically require across the board plans to have certain contracts, that's not a position that the Department would be in to have this kind of broad based requirement, but happy to intervene as different situations arise.
- Corey Jackson
And the authority that you have in terms of penalties, are they sufficient enough for them to actually care.
- Michelle Boss
Plans don't want to be sanctioned by the Department.
- Corey Jackson
Some sectors are like, well, we'll rather accept the penalty. Right. We'll definitely. Obviously looking forward to continue to closely monitoring this because we really got to make sure we make people whole.
- Michelle Boss
Yeah. It's very important for us that our providers are paid timely, they're providing a service, and they should receive the payment for those services.
- Corey Jackson
Absolutely. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Bring it up to the chair. Ms. Snyder, I wanted to get the data point. You said that there were 31 counties who have new transition health plans, and I believe within that, you said 70% of the patients being seen have not had reimbursement thus far. Can you clarify that? 70%, yeah, I apologize.
- Jennifer Snyder
So if I was a little bit confusing on that. The 70% I used is the average number of medical patients that a nursing facility cares for. So on average, nursing facility, every nursing facility is about 70% of their population are medical patients. In some cases, it can be upwards of almost 90%. Right. And others can be a little bit less. So I apologize for that, we don't know exactly how many have received non payment.
- Jennifer Snyder
We could tell you I would only be kind of coming up with a very approximate and in many cases it is lack of payment based on a number of different issues. And they could receive payment for two of their patients, but not have it for the 50 others that they have or something.
- Joaquin Arambula
To that extent it's safe to say, though, it's more than 10%. So this all plan letter that's coming out requiring 90% within 30 days would.
- Jennifer Snyder
Zero yes, it's got to be at least 70% of our providers, if not more, that are having problems easily.
- Joaquin Arambula
For Director Boss, if I can, what would it take? You said we have the ability to impose sanctions for non compliance. Having gone four months not receiving payment, it seems that I want to make sure we're doing all that we can. That what would it take, what type of non response would it take from the managed care plans to then how long are we going to wait before we insist that our facilities are getting reimbursed?
- Michelle Boss
I think part of it is kind of learning the process between what plans require for a clean claim and kind of that back and forth between the provider. So a lot of this is also education and kind of the relationship between the plan and provider to get to a point where the claim is processible and they think they can pay it.
- Michelle Boss
And so working with our plans on how to define and kind of do more provider education as well, each plan is responsible for educating the providers on what that process might look like. And so that is part of our, kind of the APls that we are working on. And this goes across beyond just skilled nursing facilities. It's really the relationship between the plan and the provider. To ensure Prop payment.
- Joaquin Arambula
Are we not requiring them to report network adequacies related to SNFs as it's reported by CAF within the agenda, or do you have that ability?
- Michelle Boss
Plans are required to reflect their skilled nursing facility network adequacy and kind of their provider networks. I'm not quite sure I understand the request that CAF has with regard to the data.
- Joaquin Arambula
I may ask Ms. Snyder to comment.
- Jennifer Snyder
Sure, no problem. So ours is more around timely payments. It's our understanding that at least what's reported by the plans to the Department of Healthcare Services is their compliance overall with timely payments across their entire providers, not just certain categories of providers. So what we're hoping for is that there is a little bit more specificity as to their timely payments relative to long term care facilities.
- Jennifer Snyder
So we can see where there are more outliers, because if you're looking at provider payments as a whole, they're probably doing Pretty well at this point with other providers that they've been contracting with for a long time. So it's more specific to timely payments as opposed to network advocacy.
- Joaquin Arambula
Awfully hard to think we can have adequate networks if plans haven't contracted with the health facilities that we have, and so believe that should be a major motivation for many of these plans to get into compliance with network adequacy and then would push on. How do we ensure that we are meeting that need from the Medi Cal managed care plans? With that, I will thank very much this panel and move on.
- Joaquin Arambula
We are going to do something a bit nontraditional. We are going to accept public comment on issues 1 through 14 at the moment, as well as we will take public comment after the completion of all the issues today, but wanted to give the public an opportunity to participate now and this will be stopped or we will take a break prior to 05:00 so we can begin with the order of business directly at 05:00. Right now though, Operator, we are ready to receive.
- Joaquin Arambula
We will begin with any public comment in the hearing room, first, for issues one through 14, and then we will turn to you, Operator.
- Tiffany Whiten
Thank you, Mr. Chair, Members. Tiffany Whiten with SEIU California. We support the efforts to hold hospitals accountable and ensure nurse to patient ratios are met. We also support the proposal by CAF to amend the CalAIM Implementation Trailer Bill in order to address the need for our long term care facilities. We definitely appreciate the updates from Director Baass and look forward to the collaboration as we continue to figure these things out to ensure that the problems are addressed adequately. Thank you so much.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you.
- Jennifer Snyder
Jennifer Snyder with Capitol Advocacy, first on behalf of City of Hope, I just wanted to comment how much we appreciate under issue five, the department's request to add money for the implementation of SB 987, which is the Cancer Care Equity act. And then second, on behalf of WelbeHealth. They're very supportive of the department's BCP relative to increasing funding for the PACE program. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
We will take that as the end of public comment for now. Operator, we will turn to any public comment that is on the phone.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you. For any public comment, you may press one and then zero. We will go to line 25.
- Vanessa Cajina
Thank you, Mr. Chair and Members. Vanessa Cajina, on behalf of Cal PACE, the Statewide Association of PACE Providers, speaking in support of item 12, DHCS's BCP to properly support PACE program oversight and functions. And we really appreciate the staff recommendation and the agenda. We also appreciate the Committee's remarks today with an eye of the future so that trail elderly Californians can age safely in their homes and communities, especially folks from linguistically and culturally underserved communities.
- Vanessa Cajina
We really appreciate the department's partnership in making these complex programs operate properly and respectfully ask that the BCP be approved at the appropriate time. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. Next caller, please.
- Committee Moderator
Line 26.
- Autumn Ogden
Hello Chair, Members. Autumn Ogden-Smith with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network here to support item number 5 on the Cancer Care Equity Act. While amazing advances in cancer science are creating more effective treatment and cures for cancer patients, many patients with complex diagnoses are not given the same opportunities to benefit from this level of care. The impact of care disparities are greater for patients who are medical beneficiaries, especially those from underresourced communities, resulting in less than favorable five year outcomes.
- Autumn Ogden
Supporting this budget request will ensure that patients with complex cancer diagnoses receive the care that they need, and we respectfully ask that you support this measure. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. Next caller, please.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you. Line 14.
- Diana Douglas
Good afternoon. Diana Douglas with Health Access California. We would like to express support for issue six, the requested increase in funding to support the Covered California $1 Premium program that ensures everyone can enroll as seamlessly as possible without the previously burdensome extra dollar charge. Thank you very much.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. Next caller please.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you. Line 16.
- Catherine McBride
This is Catherine McBride. ...I'm sorry, but I'm calling regarding issue number 33 regarding gender affirming care. SB 107 never should have passed as it takes away parental rights. Adding 321,000 to the budget to implement special investigation due to an increase in complaints regarding release of medical records would be a waste of taxpayer dollars. Healthcare providers should be allowed to release medical information with proper subpoenas and authorization from patient or representative, especially regarding minors.
- Catherine McBride
If a minor decides to change gender, they should never be kept a secret from parents or representatives. Considering the countless stories of transgender regret and how many consider detransitioning, I'd be surprised if any parent would approve a Bill that supports caregivers being kept in the dark regarding this very sensitive matter. Please vote no on issue number 33 and consider spending the money on increased mental health care for those suffering from gender dysphoria. Thank you very much.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. Next caller, please.
- Committee Moderator
Line 27.
- Kelly Brooks-Lindsey
Good afternoon. Kelly Brooks on behalf of the Center for Elders' Independence, a PACE program serving seniors in Alameda and Contra Costa counties, calling in in support of the PACE Budget Proposal. DHCS needs to be adequately staffed to increase their capacity for pace administration and oversight. The department's staff is critical to our mission to serve real seniors. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. Next caller, please.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you. We have no further public comment in queue.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. I will take that as the conclusion for now. We will take a break until 05:00 when we will come back to our order of business issues 15 through 19. We are recessed until 05:00 p.m.
- Joaquin Arambula
We're going to call the meeting back into order. I would ask Dr. Ewing to come forward. We had been waiting on Daryl Steinberg, Mayor of Sacramento, and haven't seen him log on. So if you're having any technology challenges, please feel free to reach out to the Budget Office. But since we have not seen him online up to this point, I believe we're going to begin with you, Dr. Ewing, and we'll come back as needed.
- Toby Ewing
Thank you, Mr. Chair and Members. Toby Ewing, on behalf of the state's Mental Health Commission, I appreciate the opportunity to join you this evening. I was hoping to go second and hear Mayor Steinberg, so I'm a little caught off, but I really appreciate the chance to join you.
- Toby Ewing
And we provided some written commentary for panel one or item one, which is really asking about sort of the origin story of the MHSA, and so apologize that it's a little lengthy, but there really are a handful of key takeaways from the origin story of the Mental Health Services act that I think are very relevant to the governor's modernization proposal that is in front of the Legislature, that will be in front of the Legislature shortly.
- Toby Ewing
And one of them is really to recognize that Prop 63 was born out of a multi year consultation process, really building off of work that the Little Hoover Commission did over several years. And the reason that's important is because the MHSA is considered by many in this community to be community owned.
- Toby Ewing
It was really the product of hundreds of hours, hundreds of meetings of consultations and engagement that started with an understanding of where California's mental health system was at the time and thinking about what should the mental health system look like.
- Toby Ewing
And so the goal really was to draft very broad goals with specific strategies, but also with flexibility built in to the Mental Health Services Act that will allow local agencies to make decisions that are responsive to their communities in ways that are tailored to their geographies, to the political realities of this very diverse state that is California. And it was designed to benefit from emerging research. And so, and I can give you some examples designed to require community consultation with a mandate for prevention and early intervention.
- Toby Ewing
This whatever it takes approach that is inherent in the full service partnership programs that are a mandatory component of the Mental Health Services Act. And that calls for innovation that recognizes that we can do better. And so it's important to reflect back of where we were 20 years ago when California rationed access to care through medical to only the most ill, the most sick Californians. And there was no prevention, and there was no mechanism for continuous improvement.
- Toby Ewing
The MHSA is really designed around a future where everybody who has mental health needs has those needs met, and we're not there yet. We're far from it. The challenges we face, actually, I would argue through the perspective of the work that we do at the Commission, are more about implementation than policy. Senator Member Jackson has raised issues at these budget hearings about whether or not there's a profound sense of urgency in addressing the challenges that we have in our mental health system.
- Toby Ewing
And that's where we were 20 years ago, is that we did not have that profound sense of urgency. The Commission was formed to actually sustain an aggressive and assertive voice for urgency around mental health needs, broadly defined.
- Toby Ewing
And if you look at the membership of the commission, with two mental health peers, two family Members, two providers, but also educators, to public safety officials, to employers and a labor representative, it was really designed to be reflective of diverse voices across the state, to bring them together in a way independent of who was in the governor's office, independent of legislative leadership, because at the time, we did not have the support of the governor's office and the Legislature.
- Toby Ewing
In fact, Gray Davis vetoed legislation to create a mental health Commission at the time, which was part of the reason why now Mayor Steinberg and others went to the ballot. In terms of accomplishments. One of the questions that are outlined in the packet, the prevention and early intervention component and the innovation component, are key foundational pieces. They are funding that is unavailable in nearly every other funding stream for mental health.
- Toby Ewing
Again, if we go back 20 years, and I want to keep referencing this because I want to alert you to the likelihood that some of the reforms may result in returning to how we had organized and fund mental health services prior to the MHSA, an over reliance on Medi-Cal to the point where we were restricting access to services dependent on whether or not Medi-Cal would pay for it, the MHSA does not have restrictions other than no supplantation.
- Toby Ewing
I argue that under innovation, if you can convince the Mental Health Commission that filling potholes is good for the mental health of the community, that that isn't acceptable. There's no restrictions beyond the idea of engaging the community and having fiscal and policy decisions around local behavioral health strategies to be driven by what's happening at home. The dollars are very fungible. PEI is important not just as a funding stream.
- Toby Ewing
It's more important as an attitude that we mandate prevention or early intervention in ways that is not true in any other funding stream. It is a funding stream, but its most important value is it forces us to have community conversations about what does it mean to prevent, what does it mean to intervene early? And are we being successful in terms of the expectations of the statute?
- Toby Ewing
And given that it was a statute that was driven by a voter initiative, it really is the voice of the people who are saying prevention and early intervention is key. More than that, it defines prevention and early intervention in the context of avoiding homelessness and school failure and criminal justice involvement, avoiding unemployment and child welfare involvement.
- Toby Ewing
If you take the language of prevention, early intervention, the MHSA, and you turn those seven negative outcomes that are discussed, it lines up very nicely, very close to global definitions of well being. The Mental Health Services act is pushing our behavioral health system to be a driver of well being for all Californians. So have we been successful? Absolutely we've been successful in that we're having these conversations around prevention in the mental health space at a time where there is not agreement of what that even means.
- Toby Ewing
And so the MHSA is this catalyst to really push us to think differently beyond what we traditionally pay for and to think about how we do. upstream investments to really support the Californians who are at risk. Local communities have used PEI dollars in incredibly flexible ways. I'll give you an example of an out of the box PEI strategy that was originally funded with innovation. I'll give you two. In Fresno, they funded a community garden to serve their Hmong community.
- Toby Ewing
So remember, Chair Arambula's designed to recognize that the Hmong community didn't have the language around mental health, and they could actually leverage these cultural practices of gardening to engage that population, and they put services next door.
- Toby Ewing
And so it became a very creative, low cost, highly visible, highly valuable prevention strategy to engage a community that otherwise was not accessing services. We have more recently partnered with Solano County and other counties to leverage innovation funds to improve how we create access to services. In Solano County, they saw a 300% increase in access to care for their communities that were least likely to access behavioral health services, again through robust community consultation, early intervention, and prevention work.
- Toby Ewing
We know that because of the testimony that you heard at your last hearing, the young woman whose parents had very high quality health insurance and were not able to get her into an early psychosis program, and they were able to get her into an early intervention program with a grant. That program today is funded with MHSA Dollars. The strategies that are available, that are necessary, that are not available under Medi-Cal are funded with MHSA.
- Toby Ewing
So prevention has been essential, PEI has been essential to shape how we think about mental health opportunities and to ensure that we can cover the difference between what an individual needs or what a community needs and what Medi-Cal is able to pay for.
- Toby Ewing
I also want to recognize that in this question of Are we making progress in terms of prevention early intervention, that in the 2000s, when before the Mental Health Services act was passed, the idea of a schizophrenia diagnosis was akin to an end of life diagnosis, right? There was this just profound sense of, my life is over. That's not true today. That is absolutely not true today.
- Toby Ewing
We have seen progress in schizophrenia treatment, in mental health treatment, akin to the kinds of leaps that we have seen in cancer over the last 40 or 50 years, where a cancer diagnosis for a generation ahead of us may have been seen as a death sentence. And now we know that prevention and early intervention absolutely work. The frustration that I have that you may hear in my voice is that we're even having this conversation.
- Toby Ewing
We don't need to have a conversation about does prevention work or does early intervention work in terms of almost any other aspect of health care. And so these two components are essential in that they have actually pushed our county behavioral health partners to move beyond the traditional approach to behavioral health care, that is funding driven, and instead put in place a strategy that is need driven, born out of that community consultation, born out of those honest discussions.
- Toby Ewing
In some places, they're more honest than others in some places across this diverse state, that the level of engagement with the community is more robust than others. But it is this idea that the law requires the behavioral health system at the local level to sit down with residents and have a discussion on these two opportunities.
- Toby Ewing
One, are we doing everything we can to do the upstream work, to engage people early, and to invest in strategies that can prevent needs from cycling to be more expensive, particularly in terms of incarceration, hospitalization and homelessness? And second, are we doing everything we can to ensure that the services we have are best available? That innovation piece, having a prevention mandate and having an innovation mandate, I would argue, is essential. It's at the core of the MHSA.
- Toby Ewing
And those pieces really were put into the MHSA in response to a scenario where a mental health system was driven primarily by medical prior to the MHSA. So I was going to say that three years ago, I sat with the mayor and we talked about actually wanting to change the formula to be 80% prevention, early intervention, which is how we should be allocating resources and 20% response to deep end needs.
- Toby Ewing
I'm challenged to see how we find ourselves in this place where we've lost sight of the idea that upstream is not the priority, and that instead what we need to do is maximize responsiveness to diagnoses. Now, I want to recognize that the governor's proposal is tackling some just phenomenal challenges, and he is spot on in terms of the emphasis on homelessness, the emphasis on addiction, and spot on in terms of pushing Medi-Cal to be able to offer more upstream services. Right.
- Toby Ewing
The MHSA was actually designed to be a counterpoint to work together with Medi-Cal so that Medi-Cal with the MHSA would actually give our communities the best opportunity to be as responsive as possible to needs that are occurring today and that are emergent.
- Toby Ewing
And the reason I say emergent is because the fact that MHSA dollars are so flexible, they allow local agencies to spend those dollars on issues that we did not know about last year, that it's not driven by federal policy or even state policy, that it's really the most flexible resources that allow our systems to actually be responsive to not what we learned last year, but what we're thinking about in terms of the impacts today and tomorrow.
- Toby Ewing
I've got a bunch of examples, but just in the interest of time. Andrew is shaking her head. Please know I will finish there and say I really look forward to hearing Mayor Steinberg's comments. Happy to answer any questions you might have about the origin. I did not cover what was in the handout because I gave it to us a handout. But I appreciate your time and happy to answer any questions you might have.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you, Dr. Ewing, for your flexibility. It now is a privilege and treat to welcome to sub one the Honorable mayor of Sacramento and the author of the Mental Health Services Act, Daryl Frank.
- Darrell Steinberg
That's better. I'm sorry. I think I was on mute. Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Arambula and Members of the Committee. Thank you for having me. I'm so sorry I cannot be with you in person. I tested positive. Yes. Yesterday for COVID and minor symptoms, so I'm fine. But of course, I shouldn't and can't be there with you. But I appreciate the technology and the opportunity to address you. So let me begin by saying I've heard most Dr. Ewing's testimony.
- Darrell Steinberg
Let me begin by saying that not just as a pride of authorship statement, but genuinely, I am a big fan of the Mental Health Services Act. It has saved the mental health system in California literally. Its billions of dollars have made up for numerous recessions over the past 20 plus years and have served, as Dr. Ewing said, as a spur for innovation and positive change in the system.
- Darrell Steinberg
If we did nothing else, if we changed nothing, it would still be a good and a great thing by virtue of what it is doing. At the same time, over 20 years after the passage of any major law, it is not only fair, but I would say it is imperative that we all take a look at its strengths and where it can be more effective.
- Darrell Steinberg
Frankly, to put it in the most basic way, it's too much darn money to allow us to just go on for another decade or two without asking the fundamental question, are the dollars being used for the highest and best uses the most important needs of the people of California when it comes to mental and behavioral health? And on that question, I argue forcefully that it is time for not redoing it for the sake of redoing it, but for modernizing it. And here's why.
- Darrell Steinberg
First of all, it's important, you asked the question, what was the original intent of the Mental Health Services Act? The original intent, and I can say this because I was the lead campaigner for it, was to alleviate the then version of California's homeless crisis, plain and simple. Rusty Felix and I In 1998, the late Rusty Felix and I in 1998 did some fuzzy math on the back of a napkin and said, we estimate there are fifty thousand homeless, mentally ill people in California.
- Darrell Steinberg
We estimated that it would cost then about fifteen thousand dollars apiece, half from the state and half from federal matching funds to be able to provide wraparound services, which became full service partnerships to help them. And it was rough math, but it led to, in the years prior to the Mental Health Services act, my introduction as a freshman Assembly Member of AB 34 and AB 2034, which were the integrated services for the homeless mentally ill bills.
- Darrell Steinberg
That led to fifty plus million a year to help people who were homeless and mentally ill in 30 plus counties in California. It was a great success. We showed significant reductions in homelessness, in psychiatric hospitalization, in jail time, and increased employment for people who were the beneficiaries of the whatever it takes approach. It was so good that it led Rusty and I and other Members of the Mental Health Movement to say, fifty plus million a year is not enough.
- Darrell Steinberg
We ought to fulfill the promise made by the state in the 1960s and 70s when they shut the state mental hospitals to build a full system of mental health care for all Californians. And that led to the development of, and eventually the passage of the Mental Health Services Act. And yes, we were deliberate about saying that 20% of the money every year ought to be spent on prevention, early intervention, and 5% on innovation. And I will get to that in a moment.
- Darrell Steinberg
But I think what's most important is to recognize that the definition of whatever it takes in AB 34 and 2034 has not necessarily been the way that 58 counties throughout the state have defined their own full service partnerships, which is the coin of the realm, wraparound services for people with severe and persistent mental illness. What do I mean by that?
- Darrell Steinberg
Well, the homeless crisis has multiplied in California, and I say this not only as someone with a statewide scope here, but also as the mayor of a major urban city. The truth of the matter is that neither the Accountability Commission and I love the work that Toby and his team do, but the truth is the truth.
- Darrell Steinberg
Neither the Accountability Commission or any of the counties have produced any data to show that the majority of their full service partnerships are actually focused on people in these tent encampments who are living or living in their vehicles, many of them who are suffering from a diagnosable mental illness and or drug addiction. And what's really happening in the counties, if we're going to tell the truth, is that they are helping a lot of people.
- Darrell Steinberg
No question about it, the full service partnerships are good and they are working. But because addressing the problem of street homelessness is so significant, they are not focusing on the people in the streets. Now, there may be instances where they are where the full service partnership concept is applied, in fact, to people living chronically homeless, but the majority of those FSPs are not focused on that population.
- Darrell Steinberg
And I think if there's anything to be taken from the governor's proposal that needs to be addressed, it's that a majority of those FSPs must be directed to people who are in the most vulnerable positions in our state.
- Darrell Steinberg
If we really want to do something about homelessness, if we really want to see a relief for the thousands of people who are suffering and for the communities, because that's relevant, too, then this money, which, as Toby said, is some of the only discretionary money that the state has when it comes to mental health, more of it needs to be focused on the homeless population, and it just plain isn't.
- Darrell Steinberg
Now the counties will produce some statistics saying that with a broader definition of homelessness that says that a lot of the money is going towards homelessness, not enough, and not enough towards the people who are actually living in the encampments. And it's not just the services. It's the assertive community outreach, the mental health Clinicians out on the streets in those encampments. There's very little coordination between cities and counties.
- Darrell Steinberg
In our county and in our city, we worked for four difficult years with a lot of conflict before we got to a place that we were finally able to negotiate a legally binding partnership agreement that requires the county to add as many FSPs as are necessary to meet the need based upon the diagnosis. In the field, there's no such partnership agreement that I know of in any other part of the state. So that's one fundamental problem.
- Darrell Steinberg
Let me talk about prevention and early intervention for a moment, because while Toby is correct that it was a major tenet of the Mental Health Services act and ought to continue to be, I'm sorry, there has not been any kind of a value of data to show that the wide variety of things that are funded through prevention and early intervention are actually making a systemic impact on the most serious problems and challenges we face as a state, not just homeless, but criminal justice, recidivism reduction, the number of kids that are kept out of institutional placement, suicide reduction.
- Darrell Steinberg
Let me give you one very prominent example. We know that one of the best evidence based practices in prevention and early intervention is early psychosis identification and intervention. Because we give so much discretion to the counties and because these kinds of programs take some time to develop and maybe are more expensive than other approaches, we've got 30 early psychosis identification intervention programs that are going on in the state.
- Darrell Steinberg
I'm told by the experts that we have the capacity to raise that tenfold, that we could easily serve teenagers and others who either have had a first break or are just short of first break. We could have 300 programs and meet the need. Instead, we only have 30. So what does that say to me? Not that the MHSA prevention and early intervention dollars are being wasted? No, just like the FSPs are not being wasted. The argument is different.
- Darrell Steinberg
My argument is that it is far past time that we set more focused priorities. If early psychosis identification and intervention is the kind of early intervention we want to see more of, then we ought to say as a state to our county partners, you must fund this. Do it your way. We won't tell you how to do it, but you must fund this.
- Darrell Steinberg
What would be wrong with saying, in that third bucket, for example, which I know is the most controversial part of it, I strongly favor one billion dollars set aside for housing. I think it ought to be tied to FSPs as much as possible. I support enhancing FSPs in the second bucket, but making sure that a high percentage of those FSPs are dedicated, including outreach to people on the streets.
- Darrell Steinberg
In the third bucket, I would support a set aside for early intervention, just as the original act did, but I would require by the state that it be much more focused. Pick the five evidence based practices around early psychosis, around suicide reduction, around whatever else is going to help save lives for people who are the sickest of the sick. How about FSPs for transition age kids between the ages of 16 and 24 and make that one of your categories of prevention and early intervention.
- Darrell Steinberg
In other words, without state leadership and state focus on the outcomes that we expect from these dollars, you're going to get the kinds of examples that Toby just described. I love the Mong story from Fresno. I've told that story many times. That story is 15 years old. What do we have now to show for prevention and early intervention to scale that is actually going to make a real than. And one other thing. The world has changed in some ways for the better.
- Darrell Steinberg
We now have CalAIM, the Governor, because of the good budget, because of his leadership and the Legislature's leadership. Thank you, Chair Arambula and your colleagues. You've set aside five billion for youth mental health. As I said, you now have CalAIM MHSA should never be seen as just one piece of the system or just a separate part of the system. It should be seen as an integrated part of these other measures and initiatives.
- Darrell Steinberg
And in that light, I think it is worth asking, can school based services be funded through CalAIM? Therefore, obviating the pressure on MHSA to do that prevention early intervention is absolutely right, but it must be focused, and I'm sorry, there's no evidence that I've seen that there is any focus statewide priorities to scale that would fulfill the promise of what we set out to do 20 years ago.
- Darrell Steinberg
So, in conclusion, FSPS ought to be based more on the original intent of AB 34, and AB 2034 ought to be focused in collaboration with cities, the major cities of this state, on addressing and genuinely reducing the numbers of people living in squalor, on our streets, in their vehicles, or in these tents. Number two, housing is an absolute must, because without an ongoing source of funding, you remember several years ago, I pushed with then pro tempore Kevin De Leon the idea of No Place Like Home.
- Darrell Steinberg
That has worked, but it was one time money. And frankly, if you do it again and you do the billion, I would direct as much of it as possible to manufactured housing and Low cost housing that can be built to scale and built quickly. But we need the housing money. The FSPs continue them, but enhance them and make them focused on the people who are living on our streets and on prevention and early intervention. Right on.
- Darrell Steinberg
I think there's a lot of room to negotiate and to work out that third bucket, but focus it on three - four - five things that we can't otherwise do with the other money and that represent intervention for people who, without that intervention, are going to end up on our streets or in our jails. I'm happy to answer your questions. I think this is the time to lean in. I see what's happening out there.
- Darrell Steinberg
I see that the Steinberg Institute, which I'm very proud of, the leadership of our entire team, are sort of on one side, sort of rallying with a similar message to mine. I see a lot of the traditional stakeholders who are our friends, who we did this work, MHSA, in partnership with, are saying, don't take the money that we have away from us because we'll get hurt and our programs will get hurt.
- Darrell Steinberg
I urge us all to come together here, because where you can show that any good program will somehow be hurt by any modernization, we ought not to go forward until we can address that, either through MHSA, through CalAIM, or through other source of funding. But we can't have the usual debate here.
- Darrell Steinberg
That is, look what X is doing to Y. We have an opportunity with this largest, this gift from the people to save more lives and what's going on on our streets and what's going on with teenagers and kids who are at such great risk if they don't get intensive, immediate help. It's too big for us to do business as usual. And so if my voice means anything, as the original author of this act, this does not need to be fundamentally fixed. Or redone.
- Darrell Steinberg
It just needs to be modernized and refreshed to meet the most urgent needs of the moment, and I think it's a great opportunity. I hope it's seen that way, and I hope that we can all come together as people who really care about all those suffering needlessly out there. Thanks for having me.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you, Mayor Steinberg. I will bring it up to the dais for members'questions and would remind everyone that we have five issues related to mental health that we'll be following. So any particular questions that you may have related to the history and overview, this would now be an appropriate time. Seeing none, I will then keep it here at the chair.
- Joaquin Arambula
I really liked, Mayor Steinberg, how you said this was a gift from our people to save lives, that I'd like to ask Mr. Ewing, if I can. There was a suggestion regarding three to five things that we could recommend potentially to counties that would focus on prevention and early intervention. And I'm hoping you can comment on what you would believe those three to five things would be.
- Toby Ewing
Thank you, Mr. Chair. And I agree with Mayor Steinberg. And in fact, the Commission has been bringing that focus, at least in our own work. And if we start with the three most expensive, most negative, difficult outcomes of homelessness, incarceration, and hospitalization, and we look at just the dollars that we're spending to react to those three particular challenges, we look upstream first. The step that should be just before that happens is, as the mayor points out, as full service partnerships.
- Toby Ewing
So with your support, just last year, the Commission received funding to actually dig in and do the analysis that the mayor has called for, which is to understand what is working. And in fact, last week, we did a site visit. Assembly health staff were planning to attend, but ran into some barriers, and Budget Committee staff also were planning to attend. We will do another site visit to FSPs to really understand what's working and what's not working.
- Toby Ewing
But the step up from that is, as the mayor says, early psychosis. We have an evidence based practice. It is available to less than 10% of Californians. The estimate is 27,000 Californians will develop psychosis this year, and somewhere in the 22 to 2500 will receive care, and about half of those will not actually receive evidence based, most effective care.
- Toby Ewing
And so if we want to keep those folks who are most likely to struggle and need an FSP from needing that expensive intervention, the next upstream is early psychosis. We are arguing that upstream from that is youth drop-in because we have to create the trust and engagement with young people before they need the service and create unimpeded access to services.
- Toby Ewing
You have supported the development of youth Alcove centers around the state as a globally recognized practice, invented, developed, really in Australia, that is expanding across the world. And we have two sites open, three more sites underway. The challenge we have with youth drop-in is the funding actually doesn't pay for the services that the youth need through this drop in model because it's a payer based financing model, not a need based response. And then the upstream from that is school mental health.
- Toby Ewing
And we really appreciate the chance for some of the students who are involved in Mental Health Student Services Act funded programs in Imperial county having the chance to talk with you today. So now that leaves off justice involvement, suicide prevention, the needs of older adults, strategies to prevent kids in the child welfare system.
- Toby Ewing
But those four would be at the core of really putting in place the prevention early intervention strategy that is responsive to those three profoundly difficult challenges that are bringing this topic to the table today, homelessness, incarceration, and hospitalization.
- Joaquin Arambula
I'm going to bring up a point that I also believe I heard Mayor Steinberg say that currently a majority of FSPs are not being focused on those who are living in encampments. And I'd like to try and understand why we aren't using a whatever it takes approach for those who we know have great needs, who are unhoused and living in the encampments. Is this an individual county, or are we able to say that?
- Joaquin Arambula
Is there a focus within the FSPs to look at those who are within the encampments?
- Toby Ewing
You know, we spent, and I was going to raise this issue in the next panel. We spent some time working with the Department of Finance in order to secure the resources, in order to do the analysis that the mayor is mentioning and that you're asking. And we just got started with this work, and so we haven't had the chance to actually ask those questions.
- Toby Ewing
We can point out, though, that there are requirements in the law for a majority of MHSA CSS funds to go towards full service partnerships, and we're not actually requiring counties to dedicate a majority of funds to FSP. So while I cannot speak specifically to the issue of who gets selected for FSP services, that's something we're working to explore.
- Toby Ewing
I can agree that from an anecdotal perspective, that there are many people who are living on the streets who should be in a full service partnership, who are eligible for a full service partnership. And we know that there are funds available or that supposed to be available for that, that are not being made available. But that's the most I can tell you at this point in time.
- Joaquin Arambula
Yes. Mr. Mayor Steinberg, just going to mean.
- Darrell Steinberg
I think anyone who is living this at the local level, and this is not putting it negative on the county, because like I say, the full service partnerships I think are effective and the people who are the recipient of them are getting help and often life saving help. But anybody who experiences what is going on locally knows that there is not a primary focus on people living in tent encampments or living in their vehicles. There just isn't.
- Darrell Steinberg
There aren't the interdisciplinary teams between cities and counties going out in these encampments. There isn't the offering of FSPs to large numbers of these people. If we really want to ask why, the answer is pretty clear. It's because it's really hard. It's really hard. And it's not creaming because the people that the counties are helping are in real need, but it's harder to do that consistent, persistent work out there.
- Darrell Steinberg
And so the question is not just what is the Commission's policy here, it's what should be the state's policy. And what I'm asserting, and what I think the Governor is asserting, loud and clear, is that more of the priority needs to be applying these mental health resources, these precious resources, to the problem of chronic and unsheltered homelessness. And if we can agree on that, then we can agree on the formula for how to make that better.
- Joaquin Arambula
Assembly Member Ramos.
- James Ramos
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just a couple questions. The mayor brought up collaboration with the counties, and it taken some time to be able to work through some agreement to get to that point. Do we think that that is something that's holding it back in other cities also in the state, collaboration with the county and the resources that are there?
- Darrell Steinberg
Yes. So I have been out there for several years now saying that providing help to people who are homeless ought to be a mandatory legal obligation of cities and counties and the state, for that matter, and care court, controversial as it is, where most of the attention was paid to whether or not the individual should have to involuntarily commit to services.
- Darrell Steinberg
Nobody talked about the other half of what you did, which I thought was exemplary, and that is that a judge can order the government through the county, can require the government to provide the services to the people.
- Darrell Steinberg
I think that the state should require in some way, cities and counties to develop similar partnership agreements to what we did in Sacramento, by the way, every part of the state might have a different version of this, but I think it ought to be required that cities and counties have legally binding partnership agreements that assign roles and responsibilities and require cities and counties to actually get out there in an intensive, assertive way and to do whatever it takes to get people off the streets.
- Darrell Steinberg
Because absent that sort of legal prod, it's just not going to happen as fast as you want it to, because it's just not going to. I can tell you the law matters. Said it for years, and the law currently says that everything that cities and counties do in this area is optional and voluntary, and in some ways, the results speak for themselves.
- James Ramos
So hearing that in some areas in the state, and certainly here, you were able to work through an agreement with the county, but maybe other cities and other jurisdictions aren't. So the ability to work through some of those challenges might not be in front of them. And so another question that I've been dealing with and trying to advocate around is direct funding to the cities. Cities that now aren't afforded direct funding because of the population base of some cities.
- James Ramos
Largest city in my district is a 200,000 plus city that doesn't get direct funding, that still has to work through the county through some of those things. Do you think that if we did start to look at that direct funding and who actually gets it, would that be something that would be a step in the right direction?
- Darrell Steinberg
Well, I think it would be. I mean, back in 2018, I believe it was the big city mayors were able to work with Chair Ting and then Governor Brown and the Legislature to get the first direct allocation under heap and hap to the largest cities in the state. But the line was drawn, and so medium sized cities did not get that same benefit. I would favor more direct allocation to the cities, but the counties are health and human services subdivisions.
- Darrell Steinberg
I do not think cities are equipped, most cities are equipped to become health and human service mental health agencies. I think the counties are the appropriate body of government to do this. I think they do a good job. I think they're good partners. This is not a matter of are you doing a good job or bad job? It's a matter of priority.
- Darrell Steinberg
And I think that the law, through the state, ought to in some way induce, require that more focus be paid to these most serious problems and not just homelessness. And here's your opportunity. The MHSA reform is an opportunity because it's not the state's money, it's not the county's money, it's the people's money. And here's an opportunity to work together to ask the people to modernize it and make sure that we state the priorities that the people of the state are demanding.
- James Ramos
Thank you, Mayor. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
- Joaquin Arambula
We'll begin with Chair Ting and then Dr. Jackson.
- Philip Ting
Mr. Mayor, thanks very much for joining us today. Just a quick question. When you wrote the ballot measure a number of years ago, you created an independent Commission, which Dr. Ewing oversees. Can you walk us through why you created an independent Commission that wasn't directly tied to the Administration? It wasn't directly tied to the Legislature. I mean, you were a Legislator back then, so you easily could have had it be part of the legislative body.
- Philip Ting
But if you could walk us through that thinking, that'd be great.
- Darrell Steinberg
Sure. One, I'm always transparent and honest. Number one, it was a political campaign, and we wanted to convince the voters that there would be true independent oversight. And it also was the right thing to do to establish a Commission that would be independent of the Legislature and the Administration just in the very way you described it. This is a tougher question.
- Darrell Steinberg
I still favor Independence, but I would like to see a greater alignment, certainly with the Administration, because one thing that has really bothered me over the years, and I don't know where to put the blame or the focus on this, but it's just been a source of great frustration, and that is that neither the state nor the counties nor the commission have ever been able to figure out how we produce regular outcome based data for what this gift from the people is actually producing.
- Darrell Steinberg
And it has led to the most significant criticisms of the act. The Little Hoover Commission reports. I'm getting a lot of feedback. I'm sorry. Can you hear me?
- Joaquin Arambula
You're coming in loudly and clearly on our end.
- Darrell Steinberg
Okay. Sounds like somebody's, like, coughing, but maybe it's just my computer.
- Philip Ting
Someone is coughing. That's okay.
- Darrell Steinberg
Okay. It's just loud. Okay. I don't understand why we do not have the technology to be able to allow the program providers to easily input basic data to the counties, to have the counties then be able to provide basic data to the state so that every year the Commission or the Administration or somebody can be producing the same kind of outcome based data that we did with AB 34 and 2034 back in 1999 and 2000, in the years after that.
- Darrell Steinberg
It's so basic and so important because I know that this money has been well spent. I know that lots of people are getting help, but the public doesn't know the results. And so I hope that whatever comes out of this in terms of the status of the Commission.
- Darrell Steinberg
And again, I think Independence is important that we also invest in whatever technology infrastructure is necessary to be able to do that basic outcome based data work so that regularly knows what's working, what isn't, and it might also guide these kinds of debates in a way that would be helpful.
- Philip Ting
So I hear you about technology and data. I think that makes a lot of sense. In your mind, how do you create this greater alignment with the Administration you mentioned without losing the Independence?
- Darrell Steinberg
I don't know. It's something I'm thinking a lot about, and we're thinking a lot about the Governor does appoint most of the Members of the Commission. I know the Attorney General and the Superintendent and the pro tempore and the speaker also appoint. I don't know. There needs to be, I think, some greater engagement for sure, but I think maybe these months are an opportunity for the Commission and the Administration and the Legislature to figure out how you work more closely together.
- Philip Ting
Great. Thank you, Dr. Jackson.
- Corey Jackson
Thank you very much. I agree with Mayor Steinberg in terms of some of the PEI programs. I actually, before I got here, actually administered one of the PEI programs for county, one focusing on early intervention and prevention for mental health in regards to African American youth. And one of the criticisms that we had when we were administering the program is, number one, when you do all the data, you do all the appropriate tools. It works, but you can only serve 15 young people per year.
- Corey Jackson
And it was not scalable. And I think we have to start focusing more on interventions that can produce those type of results. Yes, but yet can also be scalable so that other community based organizations can implement it and in a way that is not as cumbersome and expensive as some of the things have been. Right. But I also think that we also need to create a better structure to work closer with the schools.
- Corey Jackson
I think we're just in a perfect opportunity here in society while we're trying to recreate ourselves to say these are what institutions have done in the past, but that doesn't mean that they have to be that way in the future. And that includes our schools. The alcove. I actually visited one of them. Beautiful. Fantastic. However, the issue is that if you can get to us, hopefully we can help you. Our schools is the number one way to reach our young people in a consistent manner.
- Corey Jackson
And we have to say at some point that our schools are not just for education, it's to make them healthy and they're not mutually exclusive. And, you know, my rants that you've been victims of and I think we meet tomorrow so you'll hear it again.
- Corey Jackson
And the idea that we can't get to screening our young people in schools while we have thousands of young people suffering, well, I can't say right now they're out of school now suffering every day for things that they haven't exhibited yet in terms of behavior. We're waiting for them to get less healthy in order for us to find something to do with them.
- Corey Jackson
So it's my hope that as we are thinking about reinventing the Mental Health Services act, that number one, they reflect our current priorities but also reflect the type of innovation that we need to have and the research based practices that we need to have to making sure that we can really meet these needs. So I appreciate the current discussion and looking forward to more to come.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. With that, we will thank very much this panel and want to wish Mayor Steinberg a speedy recovery. Thank you for joining us today.
- Darrell Steinberg
Thank you very much.
- Joaquin Arambula
We will now move on to issue 16, which is on the MHS OAC transfer to the Administration. We will begin with Stephanie Welch, Deputy Secretary of Behavioral Health, followed by quickly questions and answers from Chair Ting prior to him needing to leave, and then we will work through the remainder of the order as normal. We will begin with Ms. Welch when you are ready.
- Stephanie Welch
Good evening, Chair Arambula and other Members. Nice to see everyone. My name is Stephanie Welch. I'm the Deputy Secretary of Behavioral Health for the California Health and Human Services Agency. I'm also joined here by my colleague Kim Chin, who is an assistant secretary with the agency. I'm here tonight to provide an overview of the component of the modernization package proposal that includes moving the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission under the California Health and Human Services Agency.
- Stephanie Welch
With this change, it is the intent of the Administration to seek support, to seek to support their work in being integrated, connected, and coordinated to the state's overall behavioral health agenda and system and the work that we have underway in several of our departments and the work that we do across agencies and the essential goal of that work being to improve the behavioral health of all Californians. Specifically, the proposal will support the Commission's focus on the critical need to examine data and outcomes.
- Stephanie Welch
I really want to underscore some of the points that Mayor Steinberg made and that we are in agreement with really wanting to have a core focus on Datas and outcomes to drive policy, and that is one of our intents with this proposal. We feel that this is also very consistent with the work that they're doing now and part of their core mission, and that that data would really drive policies and really drive where the state should be investing in best practices and high quality programs.
- Stephanie Welch
The Commission will continue to administer the programs that they are directed to administer by the Legislature and the Administration. The Commission will also continue to report to the Legislature. As Mayor Steinberg outlined, there is representation of the Legislature on the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, which we call OAC for short. I apologize if I do shorten it at some points, and they really play a critical role in stakeholder engagement.
- Stephanie Welch
When we had the disillusion of the Department of Mental Health over a decade ago, they took on some really awesome responsibilities to engage consumers and frankly, have done a really excellent job going beyond just the simple classifications of peers and family Members, but really looking at underrepresented groups, various cultural groups, older adults, LGBTQ plus, et cetera.
- Stephanie Welch
And then lastly, we would be requiring as part of coming into the Health and Human Services Agency that the Commission itself be led and managed by a Gubernatorial appointee, which, of course, would be subject to the checks and balances that exist in the Legislature.
- Stephanie Welch
In approving those individuals, we really feel that this is a good marriage and a good relationship between the Department of Healthcare Services that can really focus on providing oversight of the fiscal allocations and the county's use of funding, including accountability for contracted services.
- Stephanie Welch
I know you're going to hear a lot about some of the strength and accountability measures that we're putting in this, and it really is the focus on DHCS's responsibility to regulate who they contract with the counties to deliver this care, and for the OAC to really focus on outcomes, high quality programs, best practices, and making sure that we create a marriage between those as part of our agency.
- Stephanie Welch
We recently had the opportunity just a few days ago, I think, at the end of last week, to meet with the commissioners, and we're really able to listen and hear some of their concerns about this particular proposal. It was very helpful to listen to their perspective. We want to acknowledge that we heard those concerns and that we look forward to continued discussions similar to what the Mayor Steinberg suggested, that we need to have more conversations, and we are very open to that.
- Stephanie Welch
So with that, I will close and open up for any questions and thank.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you, for the flexibility. We will have the remainder of the panel come up. Chair Ting has another engagement and wanted an opportunity.
- Philip Ting
Chair Ting, thank you, Mr. Chair. Just mish Welsh. I was just trying to understand the problem the Administration is trying to solve by making this Commission part of the Administration rather than leaving it as an independent body.
- Stephanie Welch
As I mentioned, I wouldn't necessarily frame it as a problem as well as how we can make it a better success. I think in being part of our agency, there can be more collaboration and integration in real time. Mr. Ewing talked about the value of implementation. We have critical roles in supporting implementation, providing oversight to implementation in real time, and I think it could be very valuable to have that kind of coordination happen in real time together as part of our agency.
- Philip Ting
How does a Commission that becomes part of the agency maintain its Independence as a watchdog and to provide oversight over the spending?
- Unidentified Speaker
If I may, Mr. Chair, I think that we've heard that as one of the concerns of this particular proposal, and we hear that loud and clear. And as Ms. Welch and has mentioned, we're happy to continue iterating on this and see if there is something we can do to reach both goals here. Right. Oversight and better integration and alignment. And of course, our goal is always to improve the access of care and improve alignment.
- Unidentified Speaker
However, what I'm hearing from folks here is that your goals are not being met here, and we're open to having further discussions on what that might mean.
- Philip Ting
I don't know. It's kind of hard to find a middle ground, I guess, because when we have an independent analyst, our legislative analysts, they're bipartisan. If they worked for either, since we're the majority caucus, we could say, well, they're going to be part of our caucus, but I think the minority caucus would object to that, even though we would say, hey, it's okay. We're going to continue to have it be bipartisan. It's just going to be overseen by us. I'll ask it again.
- Philip Ting
I mean, how do you maintain Independence and oversight if they are part of your agency?
- Unidentified Speaker
I don't have an answer to that today, and I'm committing to you that we are going to discuss that and bring it back to folks to consider that further. I don't have an answer to that today.
- Philip Ting
When I heard Dr. Ewing talk about one of their main issues and when I heard Mayor Steinberg talk about it, talked about a lot of it was lack of data collection, a need for more data collection. That can be done as an independent commission, couldn't it?
- Unidentified Speaker
In some ways. I think that you'll hear in the later panels or your colleagues will hear in later panels about the efforts that our Department of Healthcare Services is proposing that will have as part of this proposal to increase oversight and accountability. Part of that right now is difficult to share because of the role the Department plays as the contract holder versus the OEC being an independent entity. So there are some pieces of friction there.
- Unidentified Speaker
I think part of having potentially the OEC as part of agency is because they are brought into agency. There's a little bit more ability to share that information and align that information in real time.
- Philip Ting
But to me, one of the main roles of this commission is a fiduciary responsibility, is it not? Is there a fiduciary responsibility as per what the voters approved?
- Stephanie Welch
I don't know if I can answer that specifically. You might have to get that answer from DHCs. But technically, the DHCS has oversight to the contracts of which the MHSA dollars flow. The way the Mental Health Services act is designed now, it really is driven by the local process. And so as, say, we take Fresno, for example, I think they'll be here later. They get their allocation that comes from the state. They develop their state local process.
- Stephanie Welch
Now, the one component that does go to the OAC for review, is currently the innovation component, but for the most part, those are really determined at the local level, signed off by the Board of Supervisors, and then counties are held responsible through the contracts that they have with DHCs.
- Philip Ting
I'll ask Dr. Ewing, that mean does. If you could just stand at the MIC for 1 second, does the Commission have a fiduciary responsibility? Was it designed as a fiduciary responsibility?
- Joaquin Arambula
You can join us at the table, Dr. Ewing.
- Toby Ewing
Thank you, Senator Ting. So the law actually states that the Commission has oversight over the children's system of care, the adult system of care, and the older adult system of care, which collectively make up the entire mental health system, public mental health system. But because the PEI language is even broader than that, the Commission's purview is expansive. Our school mental health work, for example.
- Philip Ting
But when you think of oversight, because you're not managing it, correct. What does oversight mean in your mind?
- Toby Ewing
We actually work to create trust on the part of policymakers and the public, including sharing fiscal information. So some of the very first work that we did was to monitor and document whether or not the fiscal rules were being followed, and including putting online what we called as a fiscal transparency tool that allows policymakers and the public to track MHSA Dollars, spending and unspent funds. And that resulted in. There was a follow up audit. We found about 100 and 9200 $1.0 million of unspent funds.
- Toby Ewing
The Auditor found about 350. So, yes, I would argue that the Commission's jurisdiction does include a fiduciary responsibility, not to ensure that contracts are being implemented in a way that is the way that the Department of Healthcare Services is, but more expansively, much like a grand jury is authorized to look at fiscal issues across a government agency.
- Philip Ting
Well, to me, a better example, and Ms. Welch, I don't know if you're familiar with, oftentimes when you pass bond measures, you have a citizens oversight bond Committee. Are you familiar with that model, Kim?
- Stephanie Welch
I'm not. I'm sorry.
- Philip Ting
As a voter, have you heard of that? You vote on a bond measure. It's very common. You have a school bond, you have a community college bond, they have a citizens Oversight Committee.
- Stephanie Welch
I guess you haven't heard of it. I'm hearing you now, and I understand what you mean.
- Philip Ting
Very common amongst measures all across the State of California to do exactly what Dr. Ewing said, to build trust with the voters, because the voters want to make sure that money is being spent properly. Now, the districts pick what the projects are. They oversee the contracts they pick, which facilities are being improved, how they're being improved. That's not what the Commission is just making sure that, hey, district, whatever we promised you, it's actually being delivered.
- Philip Ting
So to me, if the school district proposed to the voters, you know what? We're not going to do an independent oversight Commission. We're just going to have the board of trustees do it. How do you think the voters would react to that? You're a voter. I mean, just tell me how you as a voter would react to it through the chair.
- Unidentified Speaker
Sure. I think that that's a really important point that you're raising. I think that what Mr. Ewing is talking about is a much more expansive role than that, and I think we could probably have a discussion about a specific oversight role of that that's more akin to a bond. I think, again, reiterating our openness to have this discussion, I think that some of the more programmatic oversight responsibilities that the Commission works on, we think could be improved with better alignment and real time data.
- Philip Ting
That's why I asked what the problem was. Are you saying the Commission is managing things and your agency is managing things, and because of that, there are too many managers of these programs? I'm still trying to understand what's a problem you're trying to solve.
- Stephanie Welch
I think here's a good example. We're going to talk a little bit later about the role that commercial insurance plays in covering the care for individuals. In many ways, a majority of individuals here in our state, we have a number of initiatives underway. One of the things we want to do is really focus on working through the Commission. You're probably going to hear today about many of the good works that they do.
- Stephanie Welch
And we really want to make sure that the things that we're working on and that we're pursuing, including just things that are already our responsibility to do, frankly, not necessarily new things that we're doing in coordination with a group that really is trying to do good work and do things like early psychosis and to support the counties to be successful with the implementation of difficult programs.
- Philip Ting
I don't understand that. So what's the issue that's coming up? You're talking about in the future? We hope to be doing these things and we want to bring the Commission in. What's the issue today?
- Unidentified Speaker
Our goal is to have better alignment. We think that it can be better.
- Philip Ting
You think this misalignment, I'd like some evidence of what that misalignment is because you haven't articulated a single example. Sure.
- Unidentified Speaker
For instance, real time collecting and reporting of data.
- Philip Ting
Real time data. But part of what I've been hearing, the problem with the real time data is their lack of budget. They haven't been given, we've advocated for years more budget authority, have had challenges getting it to them. So they finally got budget and they're finally collecting the data. Okay, so what else? Seems like we're moving and solving that problem. What other problem do we have that's misalignment?
- Unidentified Speaker
Well, I think it's clear that you're pointing out the concerns that the Legislature and others have with the.
- Philip Ting
I'm asking you to tell me where the misalignment is, and you've given me no evidence. I'm looking at data. Give me data. So you said there's misalignment. How has there been misalignment? Please tell me.
- Unidentified Speaker
We believe that there's misalignment.
- Philip Ting
But how? Give me a few examples. I mean, you're pure testifying, talking about misalignment, but you have no examples.
- Unidentified Speaker
I don't have anything right here today, but you have my commitment to come back and share with you that information.
- Philip Ting
Why did you propose this? Because clearly you proposed it because there was evidence. Or am I to assume that you actually don't have any evidence? And there's another motive as to why you propose this, because you've given this Committee no evidence as to why this was proposed. As of right now, we hear you.
- Unidentified Speaker
And understand your concern.
- Philip Ting
So one issue I imagine with misalignment is around communication. How often does your agency meet with the Commission?
- Stephanie Welch
Communicate with the only. I will let DHCS speak for themselves, but for myself. We started meeting when I came into this position. I've been in this position for about three years. We meet monthly and I come and spoken to the Commission. I was just there last Thursday. And so I feel like we have a good partnership. My colleague Melissa Stafford Jones, who is leading the Children and Youth Behavioral health Initiative, also meets with Toby and his team right now.
- Toby Ewing
And I meet with DHCS Monthly.
- Philip Ting
So I'm here monthly Communications monthly. That the communication is good. I'm still trying to understand.
- Toby Ewing
And we have a partnership with the Department of Aging. We released $20 million in grant funds in about six months to a partnership with the Department of Aging. We have a partnership with DHCs around expanding access to early psychosis care through reshaping. And I can give, there are multiple.
- Philip Ting
Examples of hearing, I mean, what I'm hearing, what I've heard, the only thing that I've heard right this is just me listening. You'd like to get the data faster. I like to get the data faster, too, so I'll totally, completely agree. Seems like you're starting to collect the data, so I assume as soon as you get the data, you'll be happily turning it over to DHCs. Is that a fair statement?
- Toby Ewing
We actually get the data from them? In most instances.
- Philip Ting
Oh, got it. Okay. I don't know. What data are you looking for, then, if it's your data.
- Unidentified Speaker
Well, that's the point, is that if they were more brought in, we could get that information to them faster and more real time.
- Philip Ting
Why? Is it because the email is not working or the servers aren't working, or what's.
- Unidentified Speaker
There are internal protocols?
- Philip Ting
Is it like it's a piece of paper or something?
- Unidentified Speaker
No, I understand your point, and these can sound like very bureaucratic barriers to sharing data, and we can explore what that could mean, but I feel those.
- Philip Ting
Are your words, not mine.
- Unidentified Speaker
Sure. I'm acknowledging the concerns that you're sharing, and I hear you, and we will bring it back and are open to continuing the discussion on this particular part of the proposal.
- Philip Ting
I don't have any concerns. I'm just trying to understand what's the issue. So I'm just listening to what you are articulating. You propose something, you're telling the Committee there's misalignment. There's no evidence of misalignment. So if there's no evidence of misalignment, then there's perhaps some other reason this has happened.
- Unidentified Speaker
I hear that.
- Philip Ting
But before we tell the voters that an independent Commission, that is a fiduciary Commission overseeing money be taken away, I would hope that there's some articulation as to why that is as a voter. If someone told me that an independent oversight Committee was actually run by the school board on school bonds, that, to me, is not Independence. So that wouldn't give me, as a voter. I'm just saying as a vote, and I have just one vote on a ballot measure, that would give me pause.
- Philip Ting
That give me pause. And the fact that we're having challenges really understanding where the money is going from this revenue. How much money is it a year, roughly?
- Stephanie Welch
- Philip Ting
Yeah, MHSA.
- Stephanie Welch
I think it's roughly at this point in time. It does fluctuate dramatically sometimes with our economy the way that it is. But it's around 4 billion.
- Philip Ting
Yeah. The fact that we can't really articulate where $4 billion is going. It's concerning.
- Toby Ewing
Yeah. As Mayor Steinberg pointed out establishing the Commission was explicitly to support the ballot measure.
- Philip Ting
Right. But I think one of the Commission's challenges has been not having the budget authority to actually go get the data. Right. Is that correct? Part of it, yeah, part of it. Okay. Well, I mean, we appreciate continuing this discussion. Hopefully we can get a list of what issues we're trying to solve so we can decide whether we agree with this or not. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you, Church. We will now continue with the rest of the panel on Issue 16. We are going to begin with Dave Gordon, Superintendent of Sacramento County Office of Education, followed by Bill Brown, followed by Andrea Wagner, and then our students who are here from Imperial County High School, Mr. Gordon and Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown, when you're ready.
- Bill Brown
Well, thank you and good afternoon. Chair Arambula and Members of the Committee. I am Bill Brown, the Sheriff of Santa Barbara county, and I have served on the Commission as a governor's appointee, representing the state's 58 sheriffs since 2010. It's been such a privilege to serve alongside an extraordinarily dedicated group of fellow commissioners who represent consumers and their families, mental health service providers, law enforcement, educators, legislators, advocates and employers.
- Bill Brown
Each of our diverse backgrounds is what makes the Commission unique and relevant, and our Independence has provided us the freedom to intensify engagement that influences and touches mental health in areas such as homes, communities, schools, workplaces and the justice system. I would like to thank the Governor and the Administration for their leadership on this important issue. I share the governor's commitment to focusing on full service partnerships and on improving California's behavioral health system to better address mental health, substance use disorders and homelessness.
- Bill Brown
These are vexing issues which I see every day in my county, and I couldn't agree more that more can and more must be done. Law enforcement officers are often the first responders to mental health crises, and jails and prisons have become a default treatment system. An estimated 31% of justice involved Californians have unmet mental health needs, and the percentage of state prisoners with mental health challenges has increased by 77% over the past decade.
- Bill Brown
The Commission has been working upstream to prevent justice involvement, reduce costs and improve outcomes. We do that by partnering with criminal justice and behavioral health agencies and practitioners. We have had many important accomplishments in this area. We established data infrastructure to track justice involvement. We documented a 69% reduction in criminal justice involvement for full service partnership participants.
- Bill Brown
We partnered with federal agencies to identify and observe national best practices to bring to California, after which we published a report entitled Together We Can Reducing Criminal justice involvement for people with mental illness. This report highlights effective ways that counties can better collaborate and combine their resources, provide better crisis services and alternatives to custody for mentally ill people, and expand both jail and community based restorative programs for persons found incompetent to stand trial. We launched an innovation incubator to reduce justice involvement.
- Bill Brown
We are developing multicounty learning collaboratives to reduce justice involvement, and we are leveraging innovation on a range of projects, including expanding the use of psychiatric advanced directives to improve response to mental health crises, launching a crisis now academy to scale evidence based practices across California, and strengthening county capacities to map the mental health criminal justice nexus. I believe that we are able to do much of this work because of the Commission's Independence, because of our ability to work outside of the traditional boundaries of mental health.
- Bill Brown
As I mentioned, Governor Newsom has shown tremendous leadership in this field, and that has not always been the case with prior governors. While I applaud his great interest in and commitment to mental health, I respectfully disagree with that part of the administration's proposed plan that takes away the Independence of the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission and places it under the Health and Human Services Agency, as well as having the Governor appoint the Executive Director.
- Bill Brown
The Commission's staff should work for the Commission, and there's a reason for that. My fellow sheriffs and I have been championing efforts to divert mental health clients out of the criminal justice system and to decriminalize mental illness for years. At times, we've had support for that effort and at other times we have not had that support. The Commission was formed in part to make sure that there is a consistent and constant voice to tackle this challenge, among many others.
- Bill Brown
It is essential that millions of Californians who are struggling with mental health needs continue to have an independent body available to hear them and to recommend ways that we can do better. Mr. Chairman, I thank you and all of the Committee Members for the opportunity to speak before you today.
- Joaquin Arambula
Next we will have Bill Brown, excuse me. Dave Gordon, Superintendent, Sacramento County Office of.
- Dave Gordon
Education Good evening, Chair Arombial and Members of the Committee. I'm Dave Gordon, Superintendent of the Sacramento County Office of Education and former Superintendent of the Elk Grove Unified School District. I've served on the Commission since 2013 as the representative of local schools. What you will hear in a few moments from the high school students from Imperial County today is exactly what the Commission hoped to achieve when we began advocating that the state move towards encouraging school based mental health.
- Dave Gordon
The Commission believed school entities and health systems could work effectively together to help children to live, work and thrive by partnering to make schools into centers of wellness and prevention and by joining with school leaders to meet students and families where they are, which is in the community. I thank and applaud the Governor and his team for their continued support in creating vehicles to better meet the behavioral health needs of children and youth.
- Dave Gordon
The Governor's historic commitment to the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative is indeed extraordinary, and the Commission's work on School Mental Health was a precursor to that effort. We have been urging our local and state partners to recognize schools as centers of wellness and Prevention since 2016, and the Governor's initiative has the potential to expand those early efforts statewide.
- Dave Gordon
The programs you will hear the students speak about today were developed as a result of leadership coming out of the State Superintendents Association, the CDE and the Commission, among many others, facilitating these strong partnerships between local education and behavioral health leaders.
- Dave Gordon
The makeup of the Commission, with both its behavioral health and education seats, and I want to recognize my public safety colleague, Sheriff Brown in that regard, has enabled the Commission, in its oversight role, to identify and pursue opportunities for innovation that oftentimes go unaddressed in those two important areas. The Commission is currently directly supporting school mental health partnerships in more than 400 school districts and 2000 schools.
- Dave Gordon
We are partnering directly with 57 county behavioral health departments and 50 county offices of Education, one of which is my own. Our school mental health efforts have engaged the Department of Healthcare Services, the Department of Education, FEMA, Community based organizations, University and research centers, among others.
- Dave Gordon
I cannot overemphasize how important this work is, particularly as our schools and communities are struggling in the wake of the pandemic to address suicide risks, addiction and overdoses, bullying and the stress of anxiety from the pandemic and the economic realities facing far too many California families. The expansive perspective of the Commission, which includes suicide SUD services, housing, employment, child welfare involvemenT, justice involvement, as outlined in the Mental Health Services act, has made the Commission's effort even more impactful.
- Dave Gordon
The work is enhanced because the Commission is a small, independent Commission appointed by the Governor that works across multiple sectors in dynamic ways with tremendous flexibility and Independence. In my tenure in public service, working with many public agencies, one characteristic of the Commission that stands out is how nimble it is and how accessible it is to promoting innovative practices and the ability to respond quickly to mounting innovations.
- Dave Gordon
Trying them out, they may work, they may not work, and getting the data to figure out what has happened. And in an area as important as mental health and prevention, that's an aspect of the Commission that I feel we cannot lose thank you for the chance to speak before you this evening.
- Joaquin Arambula
I want to thank both the Superintendent and Tim Sheriff. We will now have Andrea Wagner, Executive Director for the California Association of Mental Health Peer run organizations, followed by Ivan Arilano, Carlos Castellem and Ayanna Hoffman. If you can come forward, please. We will begin with Ms. Wagner.
- Andrea Wagner
Hi, I'm Andrea Wagner and I'm the Executive Director for CAMPRO, the California Association of Mental Health Peer run organizations. As you heard, we represent several dozen independent peer run organizations across the state, which in turn represents about roughly 5000 peer constituents around California.
- Andrea Wagner
One of our projects is an MHSOC funded stakeholder grant which we go to all five regions each year and do focus groups among individuals in those counties and people with lived experience asking them what their mental health priorities are and what's missing in their systems of care. We talk a lot. I've heard a lot in the last few weeks from different meetings in the Capitol about data.
- Andrea Wagner
And I can tell you firsthand, I'm just about to finish my degree in public Administration from USC and I know all kinds of ways to collect and gather data, but our organizations cannot do that in an effective way and that is the data that states asking for. So when I hear Steinberg saying that there isn't data, how do you collect data on success? When people like me have gotten through the system, through an innovation project?
- Andrea Wagner
When I got out of the hospital, that kept me out of the shelter and into housing. I'm not going to the hospital anymore. So my number isn't counted anymore. Right. How do you measure that and how do you quantify tons and tons of qualitative data that we hear every day?
- Andrea Wagner
We have thousands of pages of notes of what people have told us and we don't know how to get that to you all because we don't have money to pay for data analysts to come and make fancy infographics so we can show you the success that the voluntary peer programs have provided to our communities. I'm speaking today as a sister of someone with schizophrenia, as a mother of a child that has mental health diagnoses. I've worked in crisis services for five years.
- Andrea Wagner
So I've been on both sides of that psychiatric hospital door. I've also been incarcerated. I've also been homeless. I say all that to say that when I first read the Mental Health Services act, it brought tears to my eyes because it was the first time I saw in a legal document the things that made me well and that changed my life and the lives of so many people that I started to meet doing peer work.
- Andrea Wagner
I'm concerned about moving the MHS OAC because of so many ways that the OAC allows that open door for advocates like me to come and tell these stories, to be able to talk. And I can say I'm really afraid of it going under CaLhHs based on and demonstrated and outright dismissal and ignoring of the peer community during the care court push last year. I have a really large fear that if this Commission is moved, our peer voice will be incredibly silenced and disenfranchised.
- Andrea Wagner
It already is struggling. We already feel like with the Governor and Steinberg and the big city mayors coming after our rights and coming after our programming and our money, and we have no recourse. We already feel know that Goliath is taking the stones away from David. It really feels very much like an unwinnable battle. I remember a couple years ago in this very Committee, we had a budget hearing on this first idea that Steinberg had of modernizing MHSA, and the entire room was packed.
- Andrea Wagner
Think you were there? And the public comment was put off till the very end. I was there 7 hours with two people that had physical disabilities. We sat and we waited because it meant so much to us to hold on to the MHSA, and we all stood up at the end. And I think you were the only Member that stayed. And I really want to thank you for that.
- Andrea Wagner
And heard all of the public comments that went on for quite a while, and I don't think that anyone else ever probably watched them. And that was really sad. And that's just what we see a lot. And I feel like in the OAC, although they don't always do what we ask, and they don't always hear everything we have to say, it is one of the few places I feel like they're actually asking to hear us, and they actually want to know what we have to say.
- Andrea Wagner
I don't know how much time I have, but that's the bulk of what I have to say.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you for that. And we'll say, we are asking to make sure that students have a seat at the table, and we do want to know what you say. And so I'm looking forward to the students who will share their experiences. Next, we'll begin with Ivan Arilano.
- Unidentified Speaker
All right, good afternoon or good evening. I'm Ivan Ariano, obviously, and I'm here today and telling you guys about my experience with mental health. I guess I'm adopted into a Mexican family. We're known for our pride. But also, what most people don't know is that normally feelings are hidden in a Mexican household. You can't really express yourself in front of certain situations because you'll be seen as weak. You'll be seen as, well, lesser than the rest.
- Unidentified Speaker
But I've been with that mentality since I was little because I used to try to express myself, or I didn't really know how, so it always come out in the wrong way. And then I finally hit high school and problems started getting worse. My behavior started getting more aggressive. I didn't really care what anyone else thought or felt. I was disruptive, I was destructive, and I wasn't the best person. I wasn't as good of a person as I am now.
- Unidentified Speaker
And I finally hit my junior year. I moved to, I started going to IHS, and I didn't realize that we had a mental health person there. And I finally started seeing her this year, and she's been helping me through all the problems, my emotional problems and distresses that I've been having throughout the entirety of my life. We've been sorting them out, and now I actually get along with a lot of people.
- Unidentified Speaker
I am understanding, and I even try to help others with their feelings and their emotions, and I even have a better relationship with my mom and my dad, of course, because they weren't as understanding as they've tried, but I've finally been able to put some sort of understanding into them, and now we can get along emotionally. We help each other throughout problems now. And all in all, it's a very good cause, in my opinion, and I feel like this is something that's very much needed.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you, Ivan. Next we will hear from Carlos Gastalum.
- Unidentified Speaker
Hello, I am Carlos Gastellum, and I would say, I'd speak on behalf of the students with emotional unavailability, very independent students who I've been going to school by myself, walking miles since the second grade because my mom, middle class, had to work five to nine all the time. I had to take the bus, always alone, just not able to work with my own emotions.
- Unidentified Speaker
So imagine coming to high school with the reality of adulthood, bills, growing up, and I don't even know how to deal with my own sadness, my own anxiety. I have SATs coming up, I have to graduate, I have to do all of these things, yet I don't even know what to do with my own self, yet I'm told what to do. So with my experience heading into high school, I skipped school, I was a skipper.
- Unidentified Speaker
I was one of those kids who just, I don't like school, I don't want school, I can't do school. I had to stay home. That's my comfort. Skip school any little way so I can have comfort. Till I got scouted out by the security and they had asked me.
- Unidentified Speaker
- Unidentified Speaker
Were you gone for so long? Months. And I had said, you know what? I haven't told you because I have been afraid that you're just going to tell me, you know what? Just do your work. Just do your work and you're going to be fine.
- Unidentified Speaker
Like, just do your work. But I want to commit suicide. And right away, every single resource that I could think of was given to me. Every single support, every single resource, everything. I had packets. I had so many people emailing me, telling me that they could help me, so many people calling me, telling me, hey, I got emails by the counselors at the school. I got emails by this and that. I want to help you. Here's an appointment, here's your mom. Give me your mom's phone number. Let's talk.
- Unidentified Speaker
Blah, blah, blah, blah. Within, I would say, a year and a half, my grades have increased. My relationships with myself and others have just skyrocketed. And I really feel like I've become, like, just the architect of my own life, just the master of my own emotions. And imagine what I could do at 30 years old if I could do this now. So imagine everybody. If every student was like that, then how can it be passed on to their kids?
- Unidentified Speaker
And what would that look like in the future? So, yeah.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you, Carlos. Next we will hear from Ayana Hoffman.
- Unidentified Speaker
My name is Ayana Hoffman, and I am a 17 year old junior at Imperial High School. Although I am not originally from California, I come from Montana. I will still be advocating for mental health awareness programs in education systems. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there was a statistic done in 2022 on mental health awareness and mental health services throughout the states, and it listed the amount of how much mental health services a state can give. Number 17 was Montana, and I struggled immensely in Montana.
- Unidentified Speaker
Number 28 was California. In Montana, I was born into an extremely traumatic, verbally and physically abusive environment. By third grade, I was self harming. If I'm not mistaken, that is, an eight year old to nine year old child. I switched from home to home. Both environments were incredibly traumatic, and by 15, I was kicked out of my house with nowhere to go. Before that, I had been managing my grades incredibly. I was a 4.7 GPA student, always. My attendance was perfect.
- Unidentified Speaker
I was heading for valedictorian or valedictorian, apologies. And I used schooling as a way to escape from my current situation. I did any extracurricular activities I could. I was an athlete. I was good at what I did. I had incredible relationships with all of my teachers, and I was well known around the school for my intellectual abilities. When I got kicked out, my grades dropped immediately. I was skipping class. I was having more suicidal tendencies. I was harming myself a lot more.
- Unidentified Speaker
I would skip class if I did attend school to harm myself. I was crying every single period because I couldn't handle myself and my emotions and the amount of abandonment and trauma that I went through with no one to talk to. I had no one. There was no mental health awareness. There was no on campus therapist that could connect me to other resources for my benefit. And I was alone. I had tried committing suicide multiple times. I was sexually assaulted on multiple accounts.
- Unidentified Speaker
I was abusing drugs and alcohol. I was damning myself. When I moved to California, I had started living with my grandparents, and it has been a lot better. But I was still struggling with keeping up my grades. I was still struggling with going to class and maintaining a positive attitude. I was still crying. I was still having angry episodes, and I was still having intrusive thoughts.
- Unidentified Speaker
When I heard about the on campus therapist, when I heard about the resources that it could provide me, I was speechless. Never have I ever experienced anything like that. I've never stayed at a school for more than two years, and no school in Montana has ever provided mental health services since then. I have not self harmed in over a year. I no longer abuse drugs or alcohol. I am working through my trauma. I have gotten a diagnosis, a confirmation.
- Unidentified Speaker
I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, and I am currently on medication. My grades are steadily improving, and my relationships with people, my relationships with teachers have exponentially become better. I'm more confident in myself. I can express myself. I am okay with showing my skin. I'm okay with smiling. I'm okay with laughing. And I can finally show people that I am a bright, young, creative, intelligent mind, and I have potential, all thanks to the mental health services that California provides.
- Joaquin Arambula
I want to thank Ivan and Carlos and Ayanna for your testimony here today. It's important to show your vulnerability, but we see it as strength, and we know the resiliency that's within you will be passed on to other students who are seeing you in these positions, speaking your truth. Because you're speaking for so many students across California, I wanted to make sure to appreciate your time.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
We will next hear from Kaleki Ubozo.
- Unidentified Speaker
Hello. Good evening, Chair Arambula, and Assembly Members. And also, thank you so much for the students and who just spoke to their lived experience. My name is Kalechi Ubozo. I am a suicide attempt survivor, a peer supporter, and someone who deeply cares about the availability and accessibility of self determined, voluntary mental health care for everyone. In 2012, I moved to California, actually because of the Mental Health Services act and the consumer movement.
- Unidentified Speaker
I was someone who cycled in and out of hospitals and experienced traumatizing care during forced treatment, and I thought I was alone, too. And then I learned about peers, people with lived experience supporting one another. And I heard about this MHSA legislation that not only honored lived experience, funded lived experience recovery, innovation, cultural humility, and so much more.
- Unidentified Speaker
And so inspired by this consumer movement and imagesa, my mother, my biggest supporter, and I packed up all of my belongings and moved me from Stone Mountain, Georgia to Oakland, California to work in the mental health field. I have facilitated imagesa community planning processes, conducted community based par for innovative programs, and much more. And I'm really, really sad to be here at the corner of what I believe is good intent and truly harmful consequences.
- Unidentified Speaker
And if you hear nothing else I say today, I want you to hear three things. One, the OAC has to be a separate, independent body or we will lose the voice and expertise of lived experience. Two, changing the target population of the entire behavioral health system will negatively impact the mental health of those who need and deserve upstream care before they have more severe and acute mental health challenges, as literally just demonstrated by the students you heard.
- Unidentified Speaker
And three, we have to preserve the current requirements for the local funding of PEI component of MHSA, which is actually the most viable funding for reducing disparities through funding community defined, evidence based practices for BIPOC and LGBTQ plus communities. So I will say it's called the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, not the Mental Health Services Act Oversight and Accountability Commission.
- Unidentified Speaker
And that distinction is important because this body has oversight on all mental health services in the state, which is needed because California does not have a Department of Mental Health. It's also important for those of us with lived experience, which does include peers and family Members, to be able to voice our concerns to an independent body. I'll give you an example.
- Unidentified Speaker
Since 2018, and more urgently, in response to the devastating outcomes that the pandemic has had on communities of color in particular, and the ongoing effort to reduce disparities, community stakeholders have been organizing to have prevention and early intervention DEI priority. Populations include Tay, who are not in college, and community defined evidence based practices, also called CDEPS. This advocating happened everywhere and also at the OAC, as the OAC creates space for lived experience, not only as part of their leadership, but in dialogue with the community.
- Unidentified Speaker
So what was the outcome just last week? The Commission adopted those two additional priorities. I'll also give you another example. Prior to the signing of the Governor's Care Court Bill, people with lived experience who may not be in agreement with care court asked over and over again to meet with the Governor and the governor's office to discuss concerns of court order, treatment and voluntary treatment with negative peers.
- Unidentified Speaker
Collectively did not meet with the governor's office and Care Court was steamrolled through relationship building requires communication and bi directional feedback. And how can we trust that the OAC under the Governor will ensure that lived experiences are heard? We need an independent body to listen to the experience of peers and family Members. And yes, family members and peers continue to wrestle with big conversations, but both of us need to be heard regardless of who is deemed easier to listen to.
- Unidentified Speaker
We need an independent body that has oversight over the mental services of this state not to be under the Governor because frankly, that is a conflict of interest. We know MHSA is not perfect. When we first started, when counties first started with MHSA, it was like the icing on top of the cake. And now it's grown to be the entire cake. And counties, let's be real, are impacted by politics. And yes, we want more support for folks who are unhoused.
- Unidentified Speaker
But let's acknowledge that the unhoused population is not the result of mental illness. People with mental health issues are being scapegoated again for economic and social problems that permeate our society. The problem is lack of affordable housing and political will, not people diagnosed with mental illness. With that said, it is my understanding that a comprehensive, multi year study on the California Reducing Disparities Project was completed and showed that CDEPs are not only effective, but have an impressive return on investment.
- Unidentified Speaker
So one of the unintended consequences of changing the priority populations to focus on who is deemed the most vulnerable and most risk is that we actually deprioritize upstream prevention and early intervention solutions that largely Fund culturally specific and responsive programming, our children and youth programs and our LGBTQ plus programs. We have to remember to see mental health as a continuum that needs more than one time funding efforts, and we need upstream support to ensure that we interrupt increased mental health needs.
- Unidentified Speaker
My colleague Karis Myrick says it's like we're continually moving deck chairs on the Titanic, but we're not addressing the iceberg. We are not building capacity or looking at our structural efforts. This will have an unintended consequence of harm, which I'm sure nobody wants, and that is not the intent. Thank you so much for listening thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Next, I will have Robert Harris come forward, followed by Tyler Rindy and then Toby Ewing.
- Robert Harris
Robert Harris with SCIU California on behalf of our 700,000 Members, who paid about a third of what it costs to pass Prop 63, just to be clear. So we have an interest in making sure it works and it continues to work. We don't have a formal position yet on the movement, but when I talked to our Member of the oversight panel yesterday, she doesn't want to move, but we don't have a formal position.
- Robert Harris
So I was surprised that Daryl was actually straightforward, that it was a political reason that there was an oversight Commission created, because it wouldn't have passed. The polling showed when we were drafting the initiative, it wouldn't have passed without the Oversight Commission. And that's what Chairman Ting was saying, too. It's like people don't trust elected people. I'm just telling you. Okay. Yeah.
- Robert Harris
Now, public opinion might have changed and they might be able to pass this revision with the Oversight Commission gone, but they might not be able to. And it's true, we have a fragmented system with conflicting rules, regulations, oversight and complex administrative functions around the system of care. And so we waste a lot of money sometimes just in duplicative reporting. But we should remember that whatever changes are made are for the future, for today and the future of people.
- Robert Harris
And it's not for who's on the Commission now. It's not who they've appointed, it's not for the Governor. They'll all be gone. But hopefully, if we do this right, the MHSA will live beyond all of us. And that's our hope and that's our goal, and that's what we intend to make sure it happens.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. Next we have Tyler Rindy.
- Tyler Rinde
Good evening, Chair Arambula and Members Tyler Rinde with the California Alliance of Child and Family Services. The California alliance represents over 160 different nonprofit, community based organizations providing services to children, youth and families across mental health, child welfare, juvenile justice and education systems. Our Member agencies are serving individuals in marginalized communities that are heavily reliant on services funded by the Mental Health Services Act.
- Tyler Rinde
The alliance views the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission as a vital partner in oversight entity overseeing the implementation of the MHSA. The Commission provides oversight on fiscal transparency within the act, including if counties are meeting required spending allocations, including within components such as the requirement to spend a majority of PEI funding on children and youth.
- Tyler Rinde
Zero to twenty five also releases reports and initiatives exploring prevention and early intervention, criminal justice, school mental health, crisis services for children and young adults, and suicide prevention, as well as approves county innovation plans. The Commission's work on suicide Prevention, set the groundwork for us to work together and sponsor legislation with Assemblymember Ramos to stand up the State's First Office of Suicide Prevention at the California Department of Public Health.
- Tyler Rinde
The work of the Commission uplifts specific needs of communities, and the Independence of the Commission, allows them to speak with a free voice, and advise both the Legislature and Administration on issues related to the MHSA. We believe that the work of the Commission has made significant, positive progress to our mental health system in California. The value of the Commission's Independence and importance of its oversight function cannot be overstated, is invaluable for the families and our clients that our Members serve.
- Tyler Rinde
We respectfully request that the Legislature reject the administration's proposal to move the Commission under the Administration as an advisory body and instead to preserve its capacity and ability for the Commission to do oversight and to highlight areas that require attention within our mental health system and not be preserved. Thank you for the opportunity to speak today and happy to answer any questions.
- Joaquin Arambula
Dr. Ewing.
- Toby Ewing
Thank you, Mr. Chair. And Members, just in light of the hour, just really keep my comments very brief and then available to answer any questions. As I stated in the written handout, the origin story of the MHSA is twofold. Well, it wasn't quite stated this way, but it's really been twofold.
- Toby Ewing
It is, as Darryl Steinberg and Assembly Member Ting commented, is that when you put a measure on the ballot with the tax increase, you get a 15% to 20% bump in support, because taxpayers and voters do have an expectation there that there will be a second set of eyes paying attention. But it was also to have a persistent voice on this need to constantly push, particularly in the broad areas of the MHSA, as evidenced by the sheriff and the Superintendent.
- Toby Ewing
The mental health system under the MHSA really recognizes the intersection between criminal justice, housing, education, child welfare, employment. Those are all outcomes that are identified as key priorities under the PEI section. And we are currently partnering with and hope to continue to partner with the Board of State and Community Corrections, the Council on Criminal justice and Behavioral Health, Department of Education, Department of Aging, Housing, Community Development, Department of Public Health, DHCs.
- Toby Ewing
And, you know, one of the questions we have for the Administration as they think about this issue, particularly the idea of moving the Commission under agency, is the Health and Human Services Agency doesn't actually work in some of those areas. And so we're more than happy to continue to strengthen opportunities to partner with the Administration. We welcome that. And as evidenced by the comments earlier, we do meet regularly with a number of officials from the Administration.
- Toby Ewing
But we also would question if it is appropriate to house the Commission under Health and Human Services Agency, recognizing that the perspective that the Commission brings, as evidenced simply by its Members, is broader than the purview of agency.
- Toby Ewing
So thank you for the chance to join you again, and thank you so much for allowing us to support the students to come and talk about the importance of the Mental Health Student Services Act and the Commission's work on school mental health, because that has, as many of you know, that has not been a traditional area of state investment in the past.
- Toby Ewing
And while this Administration has just made historic investments, we hope that continues in the future, and we would want to be in a position to advocate for that to continue under future administrations in the event that that is not a priority. Thank you again.
- Joaquin Arambula
Department of Finance.
- Diana Vasquez
Diana Vasquez with Department of Finance. Nothing to add?
- Joaquin Arambula
- Will Owens
Yes, Will Owens. LAO so, to the chair, I just want to kind of set the table so we have a number of initial comments through the remainder of the issue items as it relates to the modernization effort, and we're happy to share those today. Just want to clarify, these are all initial comments, as the actual proposal has not been put forward in language, so any concerns we raise or comments will change over time.
- Will Owens
Also, one thing to note, just for the Legislature and the Commission or the Committee, as I'm sure you're aware, to the degree that some of this proposal will be put on the November 2024 ballot, there is time for thoughtful deliberation and analysis on the proposal. This is not something that needs to be done necessarily immediately. So we'd just like to emphasize that, and we're happy to work with the Committee as more information is forthcoming as it relates to the proposed transfer of the Commission to agency.
- Will Owens
You've heard a lot today from a number of speakers on the trade offs, and we would like to highlight those trade offs. On one hand, moving the Commission under agency could help better coordinate the state's Administration of its numerous behavioral health initiatives, especially the major investments that have happened in recent years. However, the Commission's existing structure, we acknowledge very much enables the Commission to have a strong independent role in both oversight, policy and research and advisement to the Legislature and the Administration.
- Will Owens
There are alternatives to the administration's current proposal, which is to move the Commission fully as an Advisory Committee under the agency, as well as the current structure that the Legislature could consider. An example of this would be the Energy Commission under the Natural Resources Agency, where the Commission would still have Independence for its Members for the Commission membership while still hopefully being able to have better coordination with the Administration.
- Will Owens
That being said, with the proposal as it's currently structured, we think the Legislature will want to ask the Administration to provide more information on a number of topics. For example, we would recommend the Legislature ask how the proposal would actually improve coordination of mental health efforts with both counties and stakeholders, and what are the specific outcomes that the Administration hopes to accomplish by transitioning the Commission under agency.
- Will Owens
Additionally, we would seek more information on how the transfer would actually impact the Commission's ongoing and current efforts, particularly in terms of staffing, research and development, data collection and sharing, and what the actual result of that transfer would be on those efforts. Happy to answer any more questions.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. I will bring it up to the dais for members'questions. We will begin with Dr. Jackson. I may ask to create some space for Ms. Welch and Ms. Chen to come forward, if that's okay. Mr. Ewing? I'd stay there.
- Corey Jackson
Dr. Jackson, thank you very much, Mr. Chair, and thank you for everyone who's contributed to this item, particularly our young folks. We want to thank you very much for your insightful words and giving us an opportunity to understand that the things that we talk about really affects real people and things that happen on the ground. And there is no doubt that you have probably had to, you've been up for a while and just know that the time that you've put in today is absolutely worth it.
- Corey Jackson
I would just say that it's important that because this item and the way we've kind of made sure that we've delineated these by issues so that one issue is not spilling into the other in terms of the Mental Health Services act and the Commission, two separate things. And I would agree that the importance of keeping this commission independent, I think, is very important for a few things. As someone who actually enjoys the subject matter, my ability to have frank and open conversations is important to me.
- Corey Jackson
And I think that being someone who is appointed by the Governor, their job is not to be frank and open, just the nature of things. And so I think that it's a public good for this Commission to be independent. Again, how do we ensure that we strike a greater balance in terms of making sure that the state does have a single comprehensive and strategic mental health plan and everyone's moving in the same direction is also essential.
- Corey Jackson
So how do we make sure that we do that in a way that satisfies both? And so I would just urge us to continue to have these discussions, but to also ensure that, like I said, we don't confuse the two. This is a complicated issue, but there is no doubt that the Mental Health Services act was created in a different time. The populations are different.
- Corey Jackson
The needs have grown exponentially, and we definitely need to make sure that every dollar is used for what is best for this moment in time. And so I look forward to the continued conversations. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. And I won't belabor the point. I think you have heard the interest of the Legislature in embracing this portion of the proposal that I'd like to make sure we at least ask the LAO's questions about which outcomes we would expect to see improved if we were to do this proposal.
- Diana Vasquez
I diligently wrote down his questions because I do think we owe you a more thorough response, to be frank, than what I can share with you at this very moment. But what I can say is that I think that we do both at the agency level as well as our departments. We really do listen to the Legislature's priorities, too. I've been doing this work for almost 25 years, and it's been really helpful in the last three years to really think about having a shared agenda.
- Diana Vasquez
And so I think one of the outcomes that I would hope to see is I think we can do more together, potentially faster when we have a shared agenda and we're all working together. So I know that that's very broad and not super specific. I think we would like the opportunity to be able to do some homework, to come back and give you specifics, but I think there is so much work going on.
- Diana Vasquez
You guys know that I've been here in other hearings talking about all the different things going on, and I really want us to be coordinated. We want everyone to coordinate and focus on doing great work with all of the opportunities that we have ahead of us. So that would be the one major outcome that I would want, is the focused, working together approach to get good outcomes for Californians.
- Unidentified Speaker
If I may, I want to thank the LAO for bringing up different examples. I think that those can be part of the discussion. I think I'm also hearing two different priorities. One in the driving towards goals that we can all achieve, and then the fiduciary oversight in statute, Department of Healthcare Services is the administrator of the MHSA Fund. So how do we square that with what the role of the OAC is? Right.
- Unidentified Speaker
And so I think that there's a lot of conversations that should be had there when we have sort of a by statute split function already. Right. How do we bridge those two so that we're getting both the fiscal oversight pieces of it and the oversight the policy, broad agenda pieces to it. But here are all the comments, thoughts, frustrations have our commitment to continue the.
- Joaquin Arambula
Conversation I will elevate while sitting in this chair. I've tried hard every chance I can to make sure the public participates in improving the process, and it isn't always easy to hear the critiques towards proposals, and yet it's an important part of the process for us to get it done right. And I guess I'm trying to understand why we would want to decrease that participation, since it seems that a number of peers and organizations feel more comfortable coming to the MHS OAC.
- Joaquin Arambula
At least that's anecdotally what we're receiving that I'm trying to understand why we would take that away, as I think it's a vital check and balance for us.
- Diana Vasquez
There's no intent to take that away. In my comments, I mentioned many of the duties of the OAC, as they are today, would remain intact, and that is one of the things that they do that's high value and extremely helpful. I did hear some of the comments that some of the other peers made that is irrelated to this particular topic, and I think we'll follow up on.
- Joaquin Arambula
That as well for Dr. Ewing, if I can. I've loved the work that you've done for the Mental Health Student Services Act. We see the benefit here with students who have received that. That I'd like to understand. Do you think that proposal happens if you have Independence or if you don't have Independence from the Administration?
- Joaquin Arambula
Do you think that goes forward, or does it only occur because of your connection to community and hearing from those who are at schools about the dire need that our students are facing.
- Toby Ewing
Thank you, Mr. Chair. As we've thought about this, and we've actually had conversations among commissioners, and I think this will be part of our new strategic planning process, which we're undertaking this year, is, there's sort of a couple of models here. One is that the Commission continues to have the sort of portfolio that it has today, and it is apart from some of the other aspects of the Administration.
- Toby Ewing
And there's a lot of value in that because we're small and we can be dynamic and move quickly.
- Toby Ewing
Right. But the downside is, I think, what the Administration is pointing out in terms of the connectedness. And so one example is the work that we did on suicide prevention, where with this Subcommitee really pushed a prior Administration that was hesitant. And so upon the direction of the Legislature and the Governor, that we undertook the process of drafting a strategic plan, which was then handed over to, in collaboration with the Department of Public Health, resulted in the establishment of the Office of Suicide Prevention.
- Toby Ewing
So there's an example of strong connectedness where it was important for the Commission to have an independent voice, to be able to move outside of the domain of what a Governor was willing to do at that time, and to actually have that strong relationship so that it made more sense to put that office within the Department of Public Health than within the Commission itself.
- Toby Ewing
On school mental Health, we have asked the question of who owns school mental health moving forward, particularly given the constitutional separation between our Department of Education, run by a Superintendent, and our Department of Healthcare Services, that is, under the Governor, I don't think it is a good idea to have school mental health owned, so to speak, by the Commission, because we don't have the capacity to manage and grow that space in a way that is comparable to the Administration, as evidenced by the Child and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative.
- Toby Ewing
But that doesn't mean that there should not be a role for the Commission to continue to push in those spaces that are not being addressed within school mental health. Push. There you go.
- Robert Harris
- Toby Ewing
That's right. I think it's a very valid conversation to ask this question about how can the Commission be effective at doing things that the Administration isn't doing, and how can we not try to do the things that the Administration really needs to do? And that is a dynamic topic. Right. Because what we know needs to be the focus of school mental health today may not be the opportunity that we're looking for tomorrow. Right.
- Toby Ewing
Five years ago, we adopted a white paper calling for public investment in digital mental health strategies, recognizing that this was taking off in the private sector. But we did not want a subscription based, meaning a fee based, individual, fee based model for digital mental health, because we knew that would leave people who cannot afford that fee. Right. Rural people, people of color. We knew that that would not be where the commercial sector would.
- Toby Ewing
So we adopted a platform that said we have to embrace digital mental health. And in fact, in partnership with DHCS, we worked to actually get FEMA to Fund supports through. So what you see is CalHOPE today, led by the Administration, actually was born out of these early, early conversations because we weren't constrained by having to run a large bureaucracy in a system. It allowed us to sort of look around the corner.
- Toby Ewing
So I believe that the state needs to figure out how it can sustain the school mental health initiative consistent with the three incredibly courageous voices that you heard today. But also be thinking about how can we continue to do better, and that's what we're good at.
- Joaquin Arambula
I appreciate very much this entire panel. We will now move on to issue 17. Issue 17 is on the Mental Health Services act reform. We will begin with Director Boss. Whenever you are ready.
- Michelle Boss
Hi there. Good afternoon again. Michelle Boss, Director of the Department of Healthcare Services. Since 2019, the Administration and the Legislature have embarked on massive investments and policy reforms to re envision how the state treats mental health and substance use disorder services.
- Michelle Boss
We've invested more than 10 billion, as you've heard over the last few hearings, of investments, children, youth Behavioral Health Initiative, Cal AiM Care act, the expansion of the Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program and this initiative builds upon what we've already put in place and continues the transformation on how California treats mental health and substance use disorders. One of the key initiatives Key elements of this initiative is the proposal to modernize the Mental Health Services Act.
- Michelle Boss
Today, MHSA funds 30% of the state's mental health system, but the MHSA has never undergone a full scale reform since its initial passing in 2004. The Affordable Care Act and parity laws have significantly shifted the landscape, and now is the time to modernize the MHSA to account for expanded coverage under Medikal.
- Michelle Boss
The governor's proposal includes some reforms specifically requiring counties to dedicate 30%, roughly about a billion a year, ongoing to pay for housing housing interventions and to provide an ongoing source, really, this is an ongoing source for those interventions. Focus funding on full service partnerships as was discussed earlier, by dedicating 35% of the local dollars to full service partnerships and really creating a standardized system of care 30% for community supports and services.
- Michelle Boss
This is where the prevention and early intervention dollars would also come from, workforce and capital infrastructure, broadening the target population to include more people who need support by allowing people with SUD disorders to receive services funded by MHSA and then improve county accountability and increase transparency by updating the three year county planning process to require counties to create really a more comprehensive plan.
- Michelle Boss
So this plan would really bring together some of our independent efforts with regard to the Medi-Cal managed care, population needs assessment work, local health jurisdictions, community investment plan work, bringing all of these efforts together to really what is community behavioral health in a county, instead of really looking at all of these planning processes and these efforts and these programs and these fundings in siloed approaches, what does community mental health mean? And developing a three year plan to do this.
- Michelle Boss
This would continue to build on the local stakeholder engagement process that is very robust under the three year plan under MHSA, but this is adding new players to that conversation. So we have a more comprehensive plan to address community behavioral health. Under the proposal, DHCS anticipates that counties will continue to invest in prevention and early intervention. And really there is a distinction between prevention and earlier intervention and really recognizing some of the population based prevention efforts that we want to be continued to be funded.
- Michelle Boss
We think counties will have more flexibility to adjust their spending as needed, depending on their three year planning process and what the local prevalence and needs of the community might be. This provides counties the ability to flex a little bit in that 35% bucket, really again to identify what are the community needs and how to adjust.
- Michelle Boss
I do want to note a number of prevention and early intervention services are now covered under Medikel and under the newly proposed California Behavioral Health community based Continuum Proposal, the 1115 waiver that is still in draft concept, and also under the California Behavioral Health Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative. So now medical covers peer support specialists under medical they were previously not covered prior to the last couple years. The coverage of dietic services, which also was not previously covered.
- Michelle Boss
Medi-Cal Benefit, the community health worker benefit as well, is now a covered benefit in Medi-Cal. And then finally the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative will establish a fee schedule for school based behavioral health services across all payers. If there is a local prevention or early intervention service that is offered but not currently covered by Medi-Cal, this is where counties can continue to use their MHSA dollars to Fund those.
- Michelle Boss
We really want to encourage counties to continue really refining the community defined practices and testing innovative models to build that evidence base to turn them actually into statewide benefits in the long run. I think about community health workers, which were often funded before with innovation dollars. Now that practice has been demonstrated, we have evidence, and now it's a statewide benefit. So want to continue that practice.
- Michelle Boss
I think one of the main reasons to get to some of the questions in your agenda of why counties don't always Bill for Medi-Cal. It does take work to become a Medi Cal provider and want to provide the assistance to provide a path there.
- Michelle Boss
We have streamlined the process for this as well with regard to some of the CalAIM documentation standard revisions, some of the medical necessity criteria, also for receiving services, and then very importantly, the behavioral health payment reform that will go live in July, which also will simplify from a provider perspective, participation in the Medi-Cal health space. I will scoot onto again, our goal here is to really maximize the dollars available in our community behavioral health system.
- Michelle Boss
So wanting counties to Bill Medi Cal and all opportunities possible so that we're able to draw down federal dollars and stretch both MHSA, our realignment and our various block grants to the maximum ability as possible. This proposal does not deprioritize children with mild to moderate behavioral health needs. Many of these children are already being served through Medi Cal, where a comprehensive set of non specialty mental health services are provided through managed care and fee for service system.
- Michelle Boss
Last year, the Department we released our guidance to Medi Cal managed cares to clarify the responsibilities for non specialty mental health services, and we also developed a standardized screening and transition care tools between the two systems between managed care and specialty mental health so that there's a consistent way that children and youth are screened and assessed and transitioned through the different delivery systems.
- Michelle Boss
Again, it's critical that counties maximize all behavioral health funding and avoid using MHSA to pay for services that are actually reimbursable under Medi Cal and really maximize our opportunity to draw down federal funds. In addition, the proposal will align commercial coverage of behavioral health care with Medi Cal. This will ensure that individuals with behavioral health conditions can access appropriate services through their commercial health plans as well, including children and youth with mild to moderate behavioral health conditions.
- Michelle Boss
And then finally, again to mention, the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative will improve access to these critical services in that preventive upstream approach through the virtual Services platform and the fee schedule, which is really maximizing our ability to meet children where they are in schools and provide services and an ongoing funding source for those services.
- Michelle Boss
I do want to reiterate this is a work in progress, as we've already spoken to and we've had many stakeholder conversations and we know we will have many more, but really look forward to the continuing discussion and really understanding kind of where folks might feel there is a loss and getting some specific examples to kind of work through those. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. Next we will have Robert Harris with SEIU.
- Unidentified Speaker
Them. First, I want to start with a personal and hominem remark, which is, thank you so much, and to the Governor for the Youth and Child Behavioral health thing. I've been waiting my whole life for at least 50 years, so thank you for that. As long as it works, we're good. SCIU knows that a holistic and compassionate approach to care that ensures consumer access to the high quality that Californians need to deal with the range of behavioral health issues. This includes housing, behavioral health help, and supporters.
- Unidentified Speaker
The whole system of care that's coordinated is reliant on case workers, case managers, navigators, peers, and community health workers who are paid a decent living so they'll actually provide care over continuity. Clearly, there was a mistake in Prop 63, and that was that they only talked about substance abuse in terms of co occurring disorders, and that was because even Mr. Steinberg and no one wanted to deal with the double stigma, and it still exists today.
- Unidentified Speaker
I was at a hearing earlier this week where they were talking about addicts, right? And it was just grading because it's substance use disorder. It's not addicts. It's not substance abuse disorder. It's substance use disorder. It's a different thing. And so if we could use that to refer to it, I'd feel better. We're happy that you decided to include that. The only thing that we're worried about is because the ODS is pretty much not funded right by the counties, and then they'll fall their own.
- Unidentified Speaker
The rates are too low. Then you're putting an added burden on the Mental Health Services act to fund something that's already underfunded. And that's worrisome because will there be enough money? And so we're waiting to see the language. The devil's in the details, and we don't know the details yet, although we're getting closer, I think the sooner we see them and understand them and can discuss them, the better we'll feel. And I think the same way goes for the Legislature.
- Unidentified Speaker
And so, not to speak for you, but, yeah, to speak for you. But once we see them and can work with you and do that, we think we can make your suggestions, probably improve them, we think, and that we'll go forward from there. But it's got to be cooperation, and it's got to be like actually talking about substance abuse disorder.
- Unidentified Speaker
Schoolchildren, most young people are afraid to talk about they'll get kicked out of school to talk about it, to admit they have problems, and there's got to be a way to deal with that, and so we've got to deal with it. We've got to raise the issue. So that's pretty much it. Thank you very much. Thank you. If you have any questions, I'll be back there.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
Next we will hear from Ahmadreza Bahrami, division manager for the Public Behavioral Health in Fresno county, who's appearing remotely.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
Good evening, Dr. Ambula. Hopefully everyone is able to hear me. Ahmad Barami, I'm with the Fresno County Department of Behavioral Health. I have a tendency from people who are probably on these earlier panels to know that I speak quickly, so that might be a good thing at this late hour. So earlier in the hearing, Mayor Steinberg noted that the Hmong Community Gardens funded through the county started about 15 years ago.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
While that partnership and program was successful, it was eventually sunsetted a few years ago due to feedback we got from two different independent third party evaluations and their fundings and outcome associated with that program. So I just wanted to kind of make sure I set the record correct on that one. We welcome the opportunity tonight to expand on how we're engaging friends, diverse communities.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
This evening I will touch on a strong partnership we have with some of our local community based organizations that assist us with doing our outreach and providing services in a culturally responsive manner to one of our specifically traditionally underserved communities here in the Central Valley, and that being our Southeast Asian, specifically Mung population. Fresno County's partnership with the Fresno started with the Fresno center started about 15 years ago. Today, The Fresno center provides an array of community based services targeting our Southeast Asian immigrant communities.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
We find these continual services actually through three different components of the Mental Health Services Act. The first one, the Culturally based access and navigation services, or CBaNDS as we Call that an acronym World, is a prevention early intervention funded access and Linkage program primarily focused on providing access and linkages to those in our community, connecting them to those behavioral health services.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
The Holistic Wellness center is another prevention early intervention program funded by the Department with the Fresno center that uses culturally responsive approaches such as gardening, dance, traditional healers as a way to engage and have discussions around mental health in a non stigmatizing way that is more effective in engaging those populations who have not been served effectively in the past by the behavioral health system. As a community defined practice.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
These services are not necessarily insurance or medical reimbursable services, but they are effective at improving the equity and access for those populations. The Fresno center also operates a full service partnership. We heard a lot about full service partnerships earlier this evening. The Fresno center also operates a full service partnership that's been designed for our Southeast Asian population. That's just one of our FSPs. We do have a number of FSPs here. Fresno County.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
Numerous ones that focus on youth, children, justice involved persons, individuals with co occurring disorders, specifically substance use or misuse disorders, as was just noted by the previous panelists, and also cultural specific populations, as I said, with our Southeast Asian population. So I also want to highlight one last program, if I can, real quickly, which is funded through our Innovation partnership with the Fresno Center. It's called the Hmong Helping Hands. I know Chairman of Rambling is familiar with that program.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
The Hmong Helping Hands Project was one of the three California reducing disparities projects that was actually ceded by statewide MHSA dollars. Our innovation plan continues to support the Hmong helping hand and two other local CRDPs here in Fresno county with innovation dollars, with our intention to continue those projects as prevention early intervention programs. The Hmong population in Fresno county is made up primarily of refugees and immigrants who came to Fresno in the late 80s, late 1970s, early 1980s.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
And we're talking about a population that, when it resettled here in the Central Valley, had already experienced trauma. They had a lot of challenges as far as related to acculturation, and then just does not even count, just the regular mental health challenges that the population has. So they had regular challenges as well as these ones that exacerbated their situation.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
Yet from that community, people did not seek mental health services for almost three decades until we started seeing culturally responsive programs begin to emerge through MHSA, through our PEI, through our innovation. That's where we, for the first time, had this underserved community actually reaching out and engaging in services. So I just wanted to kind of highlight that real quickly. And then amongst helping hands, a project works well.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
Like I said, with our older adult Hmong population, who are, many of them are alone, they have language barriers. A lot of them are monolingual. There's cultural barriers. They have challenges from past trauma, as I mentioned, challenges with this relation. A lot of times they're struggling not just emotionally, but also financially. They're physically isolated. That's one of the biggest things we do here. A lot of times that has an impact on their wellness. And like I said, language is a barrier, but also tech.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
So a lot of times it's like, well, let's do this or sign up this way or do that. The tech literacy and accessibility is really limited for that population as well. I'm going to wrap up here in a second. If you'll bear with me. I just want to kind of point out two really things that I think were important for the community to hear in 2019.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
When we started to do our mental health services community planning process, we did an event and we had 80 individuals from our older Hmong community that showed up to that event. And they were sharing with us just the stories of the desperation they were feeling, the feeling of hopelessness.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
A number of the people in that group probably wasn't half, but I would say a third of them had talked about having suicidal ideations and whether it was from grief, whether it was just from being alienated, or just a lot of them was historical trauma. Through these programs, they're able to connect. We met again this past November with over 100 Members from our Southeast Asian community, and a large number, again, shared stories about hopelessness, suicidal ideation, things like that they were experiencing.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
But then how by getting engaged in these programs, they started to feel connected, they started to get help, and they started to have hope. They shared that they do not. Number of them. This is not a few. These are probably large numbers. I can say maybe about a third.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
They do not believe that they would have been there that day, sharing their experiences with us if they had not had those programs that were able to speak to them in their culturally appropriate way, in their language, with people they were familiar with. There's people that literally told us they would not have been here without that. So when we go to talk know PEI programs and what they know, we feel PEI programs work. We feel they're saving lives and they are engaging.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
Our BIPOC are black, Indigenous, and persons of color in the immigrant communities. We're hearing the testimony from them in Fresno County. We do really try to follow all of the regs, the PEI regs. We utilize a neutral third party. The RAND Corporation has actually evaluated a number of our PEI programs to look at those programs, measuring of are they meeting, reducing those seven negative outcomes? Are the programs having the desired outcome? Do they need to be changed?
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
It's time for some of them to sense it, kind of what the program was designed for and the priorities in the community change to where we either need to adapt and adjust the programs or look at going in a different direction. So to Assembly Member Jackson's point earlier in the panel, we do look at do the needs of the community change and do the programs change? Do we need to change the programs to reflect that, to address that need?
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
We don't want to keep the same program, let's say from 15 years ago. If it's not needed today if it's not having the same impact. But we go through evaluation doing that. That doesn't mean we eliminate access to those programs, it just means we have to reprioritize those prevention opportunities. Lastly, I'll just say that we do look at what needs to be done with the outcomes.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
We're constantly looking at how we can make sure that our underserved and our vulnerable communities are getting connected through these types of programs into those medical eligible services, because a lot of times it's hard to take them from point A to B. So we have to use these programs as a way to build up the rapport, help them understand, improve mental health literacy, reduce the stigma, and then connect them to those services.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
With that, I will say thank you, and hopefully if you have any questions, I'll be able to answer those.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
Thank you. Next we have Lishaun Francis, the senior Director of behavioral health at Children Now, followed by Tyler Rinde.
- Lishaun Francis
Thank you, chair Members Lishaun Francis, with Children Now we are a statewide research, policy and advocacy organization. The main thing that I really want to get across today is we agree that there should be changes to MHSA. It has been 20 years. What those changes are is what's up for debate.
- Lishaun Francis
So while we do like the idea of including SuD more broadly into the proposal, we also understand and agree with, I think, someone else's earlier comment that the state should really be robustly funding SUD services and shouldn't be using MHSA to fill this gap. However, outside of that, as proposed, we strongly believe that this is a bad idea for kids. I think that's very simply stated so that we're all clear.
- Lishaun Francis
The current categories of community supports and services and prevention, early intervention, workforce and capital infrastructure are collapsed into that third bucket of 30%, I believe, and the plan so far is that counties can have a community process determining how much money goes into those categories. That means you could have a county or several counties that decide not to put any money towards prevention and all of their money into technology. Or if they do put money into prevention, it doesn't have to be focused on children.
- Lishaun Francis
We see that as a problem. Someone mentioned earlier that CalAIM and MHSA have been solid responses to children's mental health, and we do agree with that to a point. Right now, the state's plan for children's mental health lies largely in providing services in clinical settings and school settings. Very important. We support both of those initiatives. But there's really no plan on how to support long term investment in community defined evidencebased practice models. This proposal drastically reduces the possibility for those funds, and here's why that's important.
- Lishaun Francis
The reality is not all children are in school. This is true for those under five and those transition age youth that we talked about earlier. You'll notice a number of our parenting classes are actually funded by the MHSA. You'll notice that for some of our transition age youth, some counties are funding anti gun violence programs not directly related to mental health, but definitely mental health adjacent that's funded by the MHSA. I do want to note that the MHSA is still valuable for our school age children.
- Lishaun Francis
As someone who has run several bills and supported efforts to make schools a more emotionally welcoming space for all students, including training for school staff and restorative justice approaches, I can say not all of our schools are ready. Not because the staff or students aren't ready, but because the state has balked at the price tag of scaling these approaches or there's been a hesitancy to require these approaches.
- Lishaun Francis
There's a program in San Joaquin county right now that's training school personnel on suicide prevention that's funded by the MHSA. Until we're fundamentally addressing not just the services we offer on campus, but also the environment, we're not ready to reroute MHSA funds. I do want to focus on outcomes. I didn't come prepared to talk about that today. But Children Now did write a report detailing all of the data that the state collects and publicly reports on children's mental health.
- Lishaun Francis
And the point of the report was we collect a lot of data and we still don't know much. We have a healthcare data problem that's not unique to Prop 63. No one tracks good outcomes, and we should. A true data transformation would incorporate all of the different departments and agreed upon set of metrics for what outcomes we would like to see from kids. The good news is we don't need a ballot initiative to do this.
- Lishaun Francis
There's a narrative that we don't know if the PEI programs are working. That may be true, but absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. We could be asking the wrong questions. We could not be funding these programs well enough to show effectiveness. My point is there are a host of issues that could be evident that don't mean since we don't know if it works, then it must not work.
- Lishaun Francis
That conclusion is going to be a hard pill to swallow for programs like the one in Alameda County that focuses on unaccompanied immigrant youth and supporting their mental health once they arrive in California. Here's what we'd like to see. A defined percentage for PEI for kids, a defined percentage for CSS for kids a defined percentage of FSP for kids.
- Lishaun Francis
I acknowledge that this goes beyond the current MHSA, but as someone mentioned earlier, a lot has changed in 20 years and that includes what we're doing for kids. So we should actually be doing a lot more. I'm pleased this Committee is thinking about the impact this will have on children, and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. Next we have Tyler Rindy, Deputy Director of Child welfare Policy at the California alliance of Child and Family Services.
- Tyler Rinde
Good evening Chair and Members Tyler Rinde with the California alliance of Child and Family Services. The governor's proposal opens up an important dialogue around modernizing the Mental Health Services act and California's behavioral health system. The work to modernize our state's behavioral health system offers an opportunity to provide better care for our communities.
- Tyler Rinde
Our Members are on the front lines caring for communities and are eager to engage in a dialogue about how to modernize the system to be most effective to meet the needs of today and future Californians. While great progress has been made, there's still a strong need in communities across the state. For example, despite an overall decrease in the suicide rate in California in 2020, during COVID-19 youth, particularly black, Latinx, and girls, all showed disproportionate increases in suicide.
- Tyler Rinde
A shocking 78% of LGBTQ plus youth who were surveyed shared that they had considered suicide, with the majority of those who had considered suicide shared they had done so in the past year, and nearly a third had made an attempt in the past year. There's still a great amount of detail needed to understand the governor's proposal, and we look forward to engaging when further details are available. However, we have identified several concerns.
- Tyler Rinde
From what we know now, existing law requires 20% of MHSA expenditures spent on prevention and early intervention, or PEI, with 51% of PEI funding to be spent on programs and services focused on children and youth. This results in at least $360,000,000 required of annual statewide expenditures for children and youth based on fiscal year 22-23 revenues. The governor's proposal would collapse PEI for children and youth into a broader funding category of 35% of the annual revenues, including capital, facilities, workforce and education, and prudent Reserve.
- Tyler Rinde
We view this as putting the funding that is set aside for children and youth at risk, and then another 35% would be for full service partnerships with the explicit requirement to leverage Medicaid funding. There's a little detail about how children and youth would be prioritized within the FSP component, and we know that half of all mental illnesses start by age 14 and three quarters of by age 25.
- Tyler Rinde
Without explicit language requiring a certain percentage spent on prevention and early intervention, we fear that children and youth will not receive the necessary prevention and early intervention services, and we'll see more cases of mental illness and the consequences associated with untreated mental illness that could have been prevented or treated earlier. We often do not see the impact of prevention services, but we will notice when they are not there.
- Tyler Rinde
Additionally, current summaries of the proposal note that PI Dollars for schools should be focused on school wide behavioral health supports and not individual services to not overlap with the children and youth Behavioral Health Initiative or CyBHI. But it's unclear how much counties will invest in school based, school wide prevention services without the preserving the existing set aside. We also fear know the impacts to community defined, evidence based practices and losing a key ongoing revenue source for them.
- Tyler Rinde
While the governor's proposal emphasizes alignment with CYBHI, which includes investments for CDEPs for youth, the CyBHI is strictly one time funding, and CDEPs are the foundation of culturally responsive healing for communities of color, including youth, and the state has already made significant investments in uplifting and scaling CDEPs through the California Reducing Disparities Project, and it's unclear of how the healthcare system at large, including medical managed care plans, county mental health plans, can or will embrace CDEPs as medically necessary services and continue to pay for them.
- Tyler Rinde
Historically, they've been funded through the Innovation component under the Mental Health Services Act, a stream that would be eliminated from the MHSA. With this proposal, we understand and appreciate the focus on housing and homelessness and the significant crisis that California is in. Our thoughts relate to preserving what we believe made the MHSA unique in its capacity to focus on prevention, early intervention, local community planning and funding of culturally responsive services.
- Tyler Rinde
We recommend, in order to incentivize investments in a public health approach to well being and true upstream prevention, that we must preserve the set aside for prevention and early intervention for children and youth especially. We do agree that there could be ways to strengthen the act, including additional focus on youth that are not in school and the zero to five population. Thank you for the opportunity to testify and happy to answer any questions.
- Ahmadreza Bahrami
Next we will hear from Toby Ewing, Executive Director of the OAC.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. I'll invite forward Michelle Cabrera when she's ready as well.
- Toby Ewing
Thank you, Mr. Chair and Members. Toby Ewing. On behalf of the Commission, I want to sort of address these questions through some of the other policy decisions that the state has made just for reference, including 1991 realignment in 91.
- Toby Ewing
Among many challenges we were trying to address through realignment, and some of us were here, I'll admit publicly and on the record, was this notion of, by providing resources to the counties and giving them responsibilities that cut across service delivery systems, that it would create a natural incentive for prevention to occur because counties could, investments in mental health could reduce juvenile justice costs and cost savings could result, which would remain with the counties prior to realignment. There was always this tension over who retains cost savings.
- Toby Ewing
If the state is making an investment, it reduces local costs. Part of that realignment conversation was really to bundle rights and responsibilities, authority and responsibilities in ways that could create that incentive for prevention. I would say the record is not quite as effusive in terms of our ability to have achieved that prevention incentive through this idea of a discretionary funding stream. Getting at the question in the Committee analysis, and I want to say, I think you're asking the right questions.
- Toby Ewing
Right. Is it important to have an explicit mandate for prevention and early intervention, and is it important to have an explicit mandate for innovation? I would say absolutely yes. The nature of the challenges in front of you as policymakers and us as public officials and working to address these issues are beyond what we can afford to simply pay our way out of. We have to think about how we can prevent, do the upstream work that will actually reduce those costs.
- Toby Ewing
And as I mentioned in my testimony earlier, some of the largest increases in expenditures are in state hospitals. Right. And we know a lot about how to actually prevent that from happening. The challenge isn't in the policy. The challenge is in the practice. And how might we, I would ask you to think about how can we actually strengthen the support for the counties to do prevention well and to do it effectively?
- Toby Ewing
The scaling that was mentioned earlier in terms of the ability for counties to learn from each other, to learn from researchers and academics, to learn from community members, the folks who are actually bringing the lived experience of the students of other representatives that you've had testify, and how can the state actually back them up, particularly in doing the kind of analysis that some counties can do, like Los Angeles or possibly Santa Clara, San Francisco, but other counties do not have the staff capacity to do that kind of work.
- Toby Ewing
And so under this proposal, do we anticipate that counties will continue to invest in PEI and innovation? I would say it's highly unlikely because the fiscal incentives are to shift resources, particularly under the medical maximization proposal.
- Toby Ewing
One of the questions that I would ask of the Administration, if we take for example, the early psychosis program that was part of the presentation, your last hearing, and the experts at UC Davis pointed out that about 80% of the services are funded by medical and about 20% are then funded through MHSA to cover that portion that medical can't cover.
- Toby Ewing
If we change the incentives to require a much stronger investment in medical, require a medical billing and medical match, does it create an incentive for counties to Fund the 80% using MHSA as the federal match at the expense of the 20%? And if we take that 20% of service off the top, does the service have the same level of efficacy that it would have without that 20% add on as it does with the 20% add on?
- Toby Ewing
And so fiscal incentives are a huge driver of decision making, not just at the state level, but at the local level. In this issue about the expansion of Medi Cal through CalAIM specifically, it is a phenomenally important step for the State of California to open that up. And yes, there are opportunities to cover some of the same types of services that PEI is covering. But the MHSA was really envisioned as the balance to Medi-Cal.
- Toby Ewing
And what we would like to see is MHSA funds that are freed up because Medi-Cal is now covering more can then be used for those things that Medi Cal still does not continue to cover. It really should be pushing us to think upstream so that we can continue to expand our prevention strategy. Additionally, I have to recognize that in addition to doing the upstream work that is important to reduce our costs and improve our outcomes.
- Toby Ewing
We have to recognize that a lot of what we do today was designed in the 1950s or 60s or 70s, that we're not necessarily the most dynamic aspect of the public sector, is not necessarily the most dynamic aspect of our lives. And look how fast so many other areas of our life have been evolving. The innovation component is this. It's about 1% of public mental health funding, it's 5% of the MHSA, but it's about 1%.
- Toby Ewing
And as Medi-Cal goes up, that percentage will actually go down. That is probably the most effective tool the state has because it requires our county partners to think differently about how they can not just do more prevention, but how they can actually improve their base. It gives them the resource, gives them the mandate, it gives them the political cover to say, we think we can do better in this space.
- Toby Ewing
So we have seen actually through the history of the MHSA that local governments and state government, I will say, are not good at innovating on our own. And so having that requirement, forcing that conversation, particularly a conversation that starts with the community talking about what is not working as well as it should be working and how might we do better as a mandate, is the only way we can continue to have this push towards not just more upstream investment, but improving how our base is functioning.
- Toby Ewing
I'm not going to comment on the lack of billing of Medi-Cal. You've got much smarter people in the room here than me on your last question about this prioritization of mild to moderate versus severe and persistent. The reality is we should not be forced into this false choice. We can't allow ourselves to say we are going to invest in cancer treatment but not cancer prevention. Right. Because we do know that if we intervene early, the outcomes are better. If we do prevention, right.
- Toby Ewing
The outcomes are better, right. We really have to do both. This fourth question in your document here is that, yes, if we neglect opportunities to intervene early in use the example of the lives of the young people who were here today, right.
- Toby Ewing
Very powerful for them to sit in front of you, powerful for you and powerful for them and to recognize that they just said to you, I was failing in school, but for the opportunity that was afforded to me by my county Behavioral Health Department in partnership with our schools. Absolutely. Yes. If we deprioritize upstream opportunities, we can anticipate much longer downstream lists and much larger downstream bills. Thank you for the chance to join me tonight.
- Joaquin Arambula
Next we have Michelle Cabrera, Executive Director for the County Behavioral Health Directors Association.
- Michelle Cabrera
Good evening, Mr. Chair and Members. Michelle Cabrera with the County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California. And I just want to say that on this first day of mental Health Awareness Month, I, like Andrea, also recall when you chair, held the last oversight hearing on MHSA reform in late 2019, and really welcome the opportunity to be here again to provide an updated view on the status of proposed MHSA reforms. Let me start out by saying the MHSA, as you've heard laid out today, is the cake.
- Michelle Cabrera
It is the lifeblood of our community. County mental health safety net. Its transformative impact literally hides in plain sight all around us, serving tens of millions of Californians today, it's allowed counties to invest in culturally aligned services like those described here today, that are not insurance reimbursable, even under Medi Cal. It's helped us to provide seed funding to build out our state's network of national suicide prevention lifeline call centers as well as mobile crisis services. Before 988 was even a thing.
- Michelle Cabrera
In fact, there was a question earlier about independent analyses of the impact of the MHSA and prevention work. Last year, a researcher from USC did a wholly independent analysis of the MHSA. It was a peer reviewed study and found that in his estimates, the MHSA by itself resulted in 5600 avoided deaths by suicide from 2012 to 2019. That's the powerful impact of our Mental Health Services act in California.
- Michelle Cabrera
It's also built out and funded community health workers and peer support specialists before these services could be reimbursed by Medi-Cal and funded our school based services to a very significant degree. It's allowed us to make investments in workforce and housing over decades, and it covers a full range of needs in our community, from wellness and prevention to crisis services to our most acute high levels of full service partnerships and associated wraparound and whatever it takes approach for both children and adults.
- Michelle Cabrera
And over time, it's become a pillar of Medi-cal funding. You see, counties do need to provide the non federal share of services. And so today we leverage approximately half of the MHSA as a source of nonfederal share, over a billion. That generates two billion in medical funding for our statewide safety net.
- Michelle Cabrera
And while the state has been working aggressively under this Administration to really expand the array of services that we can reimburse with Medi-Cal, which is wonderful, I have to note that needs have gone up tremendously as well. And the more we expand the number of services that we can or must reimburse with Medi Cal, the more we'll be searching for that dollar to put up as non federal share.
- Michelle Cabrera
We don't have kind of an existing set aside or sort of endless supply of funding to pay for our medical entitlement responsibilities. And so the bigger that obligation, yes, the more we'll need to Fund our Medi-Cal Services. At the same time, the MHSA, as we'll likely get into over the course of the next year, is by far our most complex and volatile funding stream. That volatility has been compounded by the challenges that we face just with planning how we'll spend our dollars.
- Michelle Cabrera
The state estimates revenues, but then there's a lag with the adjustment. And to explain it a little bit better, we need to build out three year plans and spend to those plans with our communities. Later, funding is adjusted either upward or down, and that has to do with how tax receipts come in.
- Michelle Cabrera
This fiscal uncertainty is then layered with very strict requirements to ensure that every penny of our spending is approved through the local community planning process as well as our Board of Supervisors, then validated by the state. And no matter whether the fluctuations with those adjustments are up or down, we're still expected to spend according to our categorical spending requirements, as they are today.
- Michelle Cabrera
It may not come as any surprise that with the wild ride that is the MHSA, our members welcome the conversation about finding a better way to do this. There must be one. And yet, as we work to streamline and simplify and add transparency, we believe it's essential for us to understand how the state's proposal lines up with what's important to our local communities.
- Michelle Cabrera
To put it a different way, there will be trade offs associated with this reprioritization, and we believe that the Administration as well as the Legislature and communities need to better understand those trade offs. Undoubtedly, the homeless crisis in California is the biggest issue facing our state.
- Michelle Cabrera
We would argue that the MHSA is already hard at work addressing this crisis up and down the continuum from prevention and outreach through to the most severely impacted individuals who are seriously and persistently mentally ill, who often actually avoid encampments where they can be at risk for violence. Oftentimes, our most mentally ill clients are hiding under freeway overpasses and really ensconced, and we definitely go and look for them, connect with them and seek to bring them into services.
- Michelle Cabrera
We have far more county behavioral health clients who are unhoused and who want housing than we have available sources of housing to connect them with. And the reasons for that are varied. There are many. They include a lack of housing supply to begin with, but they also include antiquated rules, connected often to HUD funding, that deprioritize people with the most significant mental health needs, if you can believe that, it's really upside down.
- Michelle Cabrera
And so in those counties where we've really tried to partner with our COCs, we found it actually sometimes deprioritizes or deemphasizes our clients. We would argue that, looking ahead, we need to ensure that we're mindful of our community's needs, not only to address the crisis before us, but to do it in ways that retain the local wisdom about how to foster and sustain recovery and prevent homelessness in the first place.
- Michelle Cabrera
Yes, we also do need to retain Medi Cal match under the MHSA, continue to commit to PEI as it is one of the only and certainly the best source of prevention and early intervention funding.
- Michelle Cabrera
We need to understand that the MHSA is actually a driver of equity within our behavioral health system, meaning that it is the source of funding for community defined practices and it cannot replace a broader and ongoing, sustained investment in what we will need as a state not want, but need to address homelessness.
- Michelle Cabrera
Consistent with our county's at home proposal put forward by CSAC, we welcome the opportunity to share more insights and to learn more as we go along the way about what the MHSA is doing today and how we can improve the public's confidence in that work through better transparency and, really a better understanding about how the MHSA functions. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
Next we will hear from the Department.
- Michelle Cabrera
Of Finance Diana Vasquez with Department of Finance. Nothing to add, but here for any questions.
- Unidentified Speaker
Next we will hear from the LAO. There are two major components of the mental health modernization proposal that the LAO would like to bring up for the Committee. Now, as more language and more information about the proposal comes to light, we will of course raise more information for the Committee to consider. However, at this time, we would like to highlight two things. First is the change in the local categorical funding amounts.
- Unidentified Speaker
As you've heard, there's a number of trade offs to consider when evaluating how to allocate the resources that are provided by the MHSA, and those concerns will be worked through and hashed out. We just want to bring before the Legislature that we think it is very reasonable for the Legislature to reconsider the priorities of this funding as time goes on and evolving issues take place in the state.
- Unidentified Speaker
That being said, to the degree that some of these categories change, we acknowledge that could have some disruption to the current services that are provided by counties at the local level. So a couple of things the Legislature could consider as they're evaluating this proposal is to the degree that the categories are changed, the Legislature could consider delays in implementation to the changing funding categories to really allow time for better evaluation of how these changes will impact current service levels.
- Unidentified Speaker
Secondly, to help address the evolving policy needs of the state moving forward. Beyond this proposal, the Legislature could consider provisions that would allow changes in the allocation of funding moving forward without going back to the voters for another ballot measure. So that's something to consider there. The other component that we would like to draw attention to is the reduction in the allowable prudent reserves from 33% to the 20 and 25%, respectively, for large and small counties.
- Unidentified Speaker
So, as was stated, the MHSA's funding source, which is the 1% on tax on incomes over one million dollars is among the most volatile in the state's budget, fluctuates to a large degree year over year, and generally revenue volatility is managed by two things, either through reserves or changes in the actual tax structure. So MHA currently allows counties to manage the volatility by keeping a fairly sizable Reserve amount and lowering the Reserve caps, as the Administration proposes, does weaken this tool and should be considered cautiously.
- Unidentified Speaker
That being said, as an alternative, the Legislature could consider funding the MHSA moving forward with perhaps a less volatile revenue stream, not necessarily the millionaires tax. And doing so would not necessarily require changes in the actual tax structure, but rather have just a more consistent funding for counties in the future.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you. We'll bring it up to the dais for members' questions. We'll begin with Dr. Jackson.
- Corey Jackson
Thank you very much, Mr.
- Corey Jackson
This is very important and really exciting discussions. Even at this time, I'm still excited. Just want to let you know, could be I have a little pep, but a few things that I want to highlight. Number one, like I said before I came here, I was an administrator of a PEI program through the MHSA and I think that as we look to reform that we have to focus on scalable programs. Sometimes we create little nuggets of excellence, but it doesn't transform, right?
- Corey Jackson
A other community based organization can't take that same model with the funding that they have and implement the same program. And in many cases, counties will say that this is actually proprietary information. How can we be creating programs that are, but still have great outcomes? Don't get me wrong, right, great outcomes, very small population and no one can learn from it. That has got to change, right? That has got to change.
- Corey Jackson
So I would say if we're going to continue on with PEI, it needs to be more scalable with the ability for other organizations that are in the community that can replicate it so that we can get more bang for our buck when it comes to those things. Secondly, I do agree we got to.
- Toby Ewing
Let the data guide us.
- Corey Jackson
At the top of the list in terms of mental health is youth mental health. When you look at this percentage and how we want to allocate dollars, this doesn't reflect the data. So we need to make sure that we actually do have a separate percentage for youth when it comes to making sure that they are able to, are being able to be a serve to meet the moment of this crisis. I'll never stop saying about screenings in schools.
- Corey Jackson
We need to find a way to continue to do those things so that we can actually do some extra prevention so that we can catch them early. And then we need to also think about, there's a lot in here about inpatient services for the most severe mentally ill, but there's nothing about outpatient either. Not only do we need inpatient facilities, we also need a lot of outpatient facilities as well so that we can prevent them from getting into the more expensive inpatient services.
- Corey Jackson
Those facilities are equally as important. And I say that as someone who actually took a family Member to an outpatient facility in my county. And then finally I would just say that obviously we're going to have to have some more nuanced conversations to making sure that are even some of these categories flexible enough to meet the local needs of particular counties. Some counties might need more inpatient. Some counties might need more outpatient facilities. Right.
- Corey Jackson
I'm worried that we have too much of a cookie cutter approach when it comes to some of these percentages and categories, and we can talk about the specific ones later. But besides that, I think obviously we have a lot of needs that we're trying to serve during this with this reform. But of course, I think that it's a good start. Great start. I love the great conversation and looking forward to getting our hands dirty. Thank you.
- Joaquin Arambula
I'll bring it up to the chair if I can. I'm going to begin, Director Boss, with where you started, that this is a work in progress and appreciate the opportunity to get into conversations that sometimes have friction, but we try and work through it. That I'm trying to understand, really the community supports and services. That seems to be a focus of the discussion here today. Your comment was that it really is there as an overall percentage to create more flexibility.
- Joaquin Arambula
And what we're hearing from our county partners is that it may decrease funding towards certain populations, specifically if we listen to Children Now. It was decreasing funding towards children, and I'm questioning whether creating more flexibility is deprioritizing or not. And you were really clear with your statement that it does not deprioritize children, that I'm trying to figure out how that flexibility shows our prioritization.
- Michelle Boss
I think part of it is really considering the context of all the initiatives underway within the state. And so kind of the statement that the Administration has deprioritized mild to moderate or has deprioritized children is just not the case. It's one of our clinical focus areas in the medical space. It's clearly demonstrated with the children and youth Behavioral Health Initiative and all the prevention upstream work that is happening there, including evidence based practices and community defined practices and grants to really build out the scalability there.
- Diana Vasquez
And so I think my comment is definitely also wanting to be taken in the context of everything that is going on in the state and that this bucket is really intended to be the grout intended to be the places where maybe Medi Cal Dollars can't be used to also really recognize the possibilities of those dollars as well, not just to be used as match for Medi Cal.
- Diana Vasquez
And also recognizing that with the addition of some of these benefits, diatic peers, community health workers, we are now able to draw down federal dollars in times when we were not able to before.
- Diana Vasquez
And so really thinking about this comprehensively and as we get to the next topic about accountability and transparency, our whole goal, and I can't say this enough, is really about thinking about the entire community behavioral health system and not just MHSA in one vein, Calam in another vein, our other waivers in another vein, it's how do you look about this comprehensively with our managed care plans, our local health jurisdictions and some of their prevention dollars that they get.
- Diana Vasquez
And that's how through the community kind of conversation, I think locals will be able to design programs and kind of just a comprehensive approach to community behavioral health.
- Joaquin Arambula
And I will say when the Governor was at [un-audible] with me listening to students, I did not feel he was deep prioritizing. And the overall emphasis of this Administration to focus upstream is noted by those of us who are serving here. I think what we're really trying to get at, though, is the percentages. And I was struck by Ms. Francis who spoke about that over 50% of PEI Dollars are spent on children.
- Joaquin Arambula
Does that go away after we now move into community supports and services, are we still going to be priority? It seems like we're given that flexibility, but we're not, again, focusing to ensure those dollars are spent on.
- Diana Vasquez
I mean, that's the balance. You've set strict percentages, then you take away some of the flexibility and really understanding what the needs of the community are. So again, we are open. This is an ongoing conversation and really also thinking about prevention. The difference between prevention from a population based and public health approach, really more broad based intervention versus prevention, which is more individual based services, which we now do have some additional funding sources for that type of work.
- Michelle Cabrera
- Diana Vasquez
So lots to continue to discuss and think through as we build this out.
- Joaquin Arambula
While giving them the flexibility, couldn't we also be encouraging them to be spending those dollars on children? If you're going to have PEI Dollars that the county is spending to ensure that they spend over 50% of those dollars on children seems like a logical thing for us to move from MHSA forward that I'm wondering why.
- Diana Vasquez
I will also note early intervention. So not the prevention side of this, but the early intervention are services that are generally mostly all Medi Cal covered. And so regardless of if we set a certain percentage related to early intervention, these are entitlement services on the Medi Cal side that have to be paid for or provided. You think about crisis services. Those are Medi Cal services and so those are entitlements.
- Joaquin Arambula
We heard about the community defined, evidence based practices. Are those services which are covered by Medi Cal? Because it seems as if they've been incredibly successful at dealing with many of the cultural and linguistic needs.
- Diana Vasquez
Yeah, it's part of our proposal. We would want to embed that in all of the different categories, really pushing the boundaries of what are some of the community defined practices, building the evidence base so then eventually they can turn into statewide strategies.
- Joaquin Arambula
But currently Medikal doesn't Fund those. That would have to come from the community supports and services, which, as we heard from the Fresno county Director, really has led towards great results within the mong helping hands. I'll elevate the sweet potato project that we have for our African American community in southwest Fresno, as well as just some great examples of, and I would.
- Diana Vasquez
Also say there's components there for FSP as well. So there are some FSP probably ideas with community defined practices that can be incorporated in that bucket and likely in the housing bucket as well. I think as counties really think about what these interventions might look like.
- Joaquin Arambula
Wanted to follow up with the LAO. You piqued my interest. Changes to percentages without going to the ballot measure. I'm trying to understand what that looks like and feels like because I would want to ensure that at the end of the day, the public, the partners who are going to be implementing, have an ability to ensure that their voices are similarly heard that I'm trying to understand what you think that would look like.
- Unidentified Speaker
Absolutely. And as this proposal takes shape, obviously very happy to work with the Committee on the Specific Language of that. But Historically there have been changes within either the community services supports, the PEI, there have been changes within those categories, what could be funded that have not needed to go to the voters. Right. But those overall categories have still existed. So when we're talking about flexibility in the future to change those, we really are talking about changes of those overall categories.
- Unidentified Speaker
Whereas currently it is the 20% for P and I. What that 20% could change, but it's 20% flat for PEI. Moving forward, we think it would be reasonable for the Legislature to consider through some type of process the ability to alter that percent, whether that needs to be increased or decreased. And under the proposal, for example, with the 30% for housing and residential services, does that need to get shifted up over time? Shifted down over time? Depending on the state's ongoing needs, something like that.
- Unidentified Speaker
We think the Legislature could very much consider.
- Joaquin Arambula
Within that consideration, would there be an opportunity for us to insist on a certain amount within community supports and services to be spent on PE and I if it was a priority of the Legislature? Absolutely.
- Unidentified Speaker
I mean, that's currently the case now where there is a set aside for PEI. It's certainly reasonable for legislative priorities to decide that PEI is something that is important moving forward. And again, it could be a set percent. It could be what that funding includes. It's absolutely within the Legislature's purview, and we think that given the nature of potentially bringing this up in a ballot measure, could be a chance for the Legislature to include some language to give it more flexibility in the future as well.
- Joaquin Arambula
This next question is for Ms. Cabrera and for Toby Ewing within that community supports and services. If we take current percentages, it's 20% for P and I, 5% for innovation. It doesn't leave much for the remaining items that you listed, which are capital improvement, technology and workforce investments. Can you speak to what then occurs if we continue our levels of PE and I and innovation to those other categories? What would transpire if they were all within one bucket?
- Michelle Cabrera
Thank you for this question. Chair Michelle Cabaret with the County Behavioral Health Directors Association. We've actually been working with our Members to try and understand what happens if you have a table for four and you're trying to create room for seven. So we're doing a lot of analysis right now about not just what happens with CFTN and WeT and some of these other components, but we're asking to pull up a chair for SUD only services. Right.
- Michelle Cabrera
And we're pulling up a couple of chairs for housing, and we're looking at, okay, what's the collective impact here? Because not only do we have what's funded under CSS with regard to those potential transfers for workforce funding, for capital and technology and infrastructure, there's also the rest of CSS that is not full service partnerships, which we haven't talked much about today, but that turns out to be a very important seat at this table. And a very important set of services.
- Michelle Cabrera
We're talking bread and butter outpatient care. And to your point, Dr. Jackson, I mean, we've looked at some of our highest performing counties. They are high in the per cost, per beneficiary, outpatient mental health spending, very highly invested there. And the results are very few people needing very acute inpatient or kind of forced treatment kinds of options. It's a fairly simple recipe, but it does require that deep investment in outpatient and upstream services.
- Michelle Cabrera
So we think it's crucial to not put our system and our clients, who are real people with real lives, who could be destabilized and then face very significant negative outcomes for us to very carefully consider how we're going to make that know kind of work together and turn around. And again, what are the trade offs? What are we looking at? Potentially putting a little bit of a squeeze on as we try to make more seats at the table.
- Joaquin Arambula
Dr. Ewan?
- Toby Ewing
Thank you, Mr. Chair. I can tell you from experience, you slice the tomato a lot thinner when you add three extra seats to the table. So the way the formuLA works now, 80% for CSS, but you're required to do a set aside of 5% for innovation, so that 80 actually becomes about 76. I think part of the reason why counties have been challenged to dedicate the majority to FSPs is because that would say 38% or so for FSPs and about the balance for everything else.
- Toby Ewing
And the law allows counties to shift up to 20% of CSS into workforce technology, prudent Reserve. Right. And they're required to have at least one workforce education and training program every given year. So that 38%, if they're maximizing that, which is 2820%, that leaves them 18% for everything else. The bread and butter. Right. The core, not the extension there, but the way the law is written today is it gives the counties the flexibility.
- Toby Ewing
Personally, and I think from the perspective of the work that we have seen sustaining that flexibility, particularly if we supported it with the kind of technical assistance and capacity building around. Scaling. Scaling happens when things are easy to do. Scaling doesn't happen when it's hard. And a key component of easy to do is sustainable financing, clear and consistent available staffing, and confidence that we know what we're doing, which often comes with that kind of capacity building and training.
- Toby Ewing
The Child and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative is a phenomenal example through the evidence and CDEP grants that the Department is making available and that the Commission is partnering with the Department to make available, is a tremendous opportunity for the state to provide that little push for counties that have not already adopted evidence based practice to explore and learn with their colleagues. Right. But we recognize that CyBHI is short term and it's only kids. It's not older adults. So there's a limitation there.
- Toby Ewing
I think it would be one way to approach this is to how do we create a system that is going to be responsive to the counties which worked very hard to clarify that these funds can be used for housing, by the way. Right. That ability is already there.
- Toby Ewing
How do we support their ability to be successful, given the fact that we only have so many seats or so much food at that table, to make sure that it is most effectively used and to recognize that what's happening in Los Angeles is very different than what's happening in Modoc and mono. Right. Particularly around the Prudent Reserve. I didn't say this earlier, but one of the challenges that we have had is the notion that the state controls whether or not counties can access their prudent Reserve.
- Toby Ewing
And it's only during a downturn in the economy. During COVID the economy didn't turn down, but needs shot up. And a county that wanted to access their prudent Reserve because they felt that they had set it aside at a prior time when there was enough extra, but they needed it today, would not have access to, you know, how do we find the sweet spot between the flexibility to adapt our finances, the MHSA, but not just the MHSA.
- Toby Ewing
Realignment and Medi Cal to reflect the diverse geography, demography, and policies and practices and realities of California, from Imperial to Del Norte. Right. And do so in a way that leverages that consistency of effective interventions that we're learning collectively, and recognizes that volatility isn't just in the MHSA. And this has come up in this topic of billing.
- Toby Ewing
We hear many counties raise the issue of the audit risk over a five year time frame as creating an incentive for them to be hesitant to be assertive about spending MHSA and to be aggressive about billing. Finding that balance. One of the questions that we're beginning to think about in the context of a mandatory Medi Cal billing is under realignment. What we did is we shifted a lot of the fiscal risk onto the counties for federal audit exceptions.
- Toby Ewing
And so part of the reason we see variation in how counties Bill Medi Cal is because their local tolerance for risk taking in terms of billing. And so we're challenged by the notion that the state will set the requirements of the billing that happens. But will the state share the financial risk of the audit exception when building is done in a way that may or may not meet federal rules.
- Joaquin Arambula
There was something in your comment there that really struck me, and that was that counties are not currently investing into housing. And yet we also, to a significant extent, as the percentages that are being proposed in the reform that we're looking at that I'm trying to understand with all of this housing need that we have, how we keep people healthy if they are unhoused, why, if you have the flexibility to use those dollars on housing, have we not been using more of those dollars for housing?
- Toby Ewing
My answer would be that in some places they are right. In some places we have very strong examples. So the site visit that we had last week, we heard from three people and they were in an FSP program. And one of our commissioners asked this just delightful person, how did you land here? And she said, well, I fell asleep in the wrong place. And after several law enforcement interactions, they brought me here.
- Toby Ewing
Another gentleman know I've been living at Discovery park and I have had a problem with alcohol. And I got here through Sacramento County Behavioral Health program. So I think there are phenomenal examples. I think the question know, are we bringing those costs down? Are we bringing those slots up and are we as thoughtful and knowledgeable as we can to maximize those opportunities so that we get better at it?
- Joaquin Arambula
I want to bring in Ms. Cabrera, but I think I'm also trying to ask, are we right sizing what we're spending towards housing and the needs that we have? And I think that's really the question we're trying to put before the voters with this potential reform is are we able to ensure that we're spending enough adequately to address the housing supply issue that we know the state is facing?
- Michelle Cabrera
Michelle Caprera with CBHDA certainly not for the 170,000 individuals who are experiencing homelessness in California today. So we have to remember that even for county behavioral health clients who maybe represent half of that population we're talking about, it's several. Gosh, why am I struggling with math? Probably because it's late at math night. But anyhow, so we're looking at a very. Thank you. I need some Mountain Dew. Thank you. I'm like, I should know this number. Why isn't it coming to me? My recall is bad. Yeah.
- Michelle Cabrera
Okay. Thank you. Okay. 85,000 roughly, right? So we're talking 85,000 people who might qualify for county behavioral health services. Obviously, 100% of people who are unhoused living on the street probably need some mental health something. Right. But not all of those people will qualify for county behavioral health services. Again, probably half of them would not qualify. They probably need some mild to moderate mental health support, that kind of thing. Or they might have some substance use, but it's not at the level of a disorder. Right.
- Michelle Cabrera
That population is a part of our homelessness problem more broadly. Right. And we have folks who, again, qualify because they have serious mental illness or they have some sort of significant issue. These are two different problems. And to the earlier comments, the drivers of homelessness are primarily not people's behavioral health conditions. It's the affordability and the lack of affordable places for people to live in California.
- Michelle Cabrera
When you have people who are rich by most people's standards, who have a very solidly middle class life in California, you know something's up. Right. So I just want to be clear. Our clients are disproportionately impacted because they're people with significant disabilities who can't compete and who, when they're living off of SSI, there's just no hope. So let's talk about what MHSA is doing today. Full service partnerships help to Fund rental subsidies for a lot of folks, but only the people who can get in.
- Michelle Cabrera
And we can only house about half of the unhoused people who we bring into FSPS every year. And then once they're in FSPS, sometimes because of how MhSA funding works, their housing is tied to that FSP slot. And so they might stay in that FSP longer than they actually need to be at that higher level of care because we don't want them to become homeless. Okay.
- Michelle Cabrera
So there's actually potentially some benefit to reordering this and looking at all the puzzle pieces so that we can say, okay, housing and FSP status are actually different things. We need to have a conversation there. Right. But our counties using MHSA dollars enough towards housing, we would argue we have been breaking our backs to use MHSA for housing. We've been paying for the bonds for no place like home building permanent supportive housing. And there was the MHSA housing program before that.
- Michelle Cabrera
So we're talking hundreds of millions of plus MHSA dollars ongoing. We probably think it's close know a billion today that just gets put to both housing and services for people who are unhoused. We're working on updating those numbers and getting them more accurate, but we're paying for boarding care patches through MHSA. We're building housing.
- Michelle Cabrera
What we can't do is keep up with the degree and the pace at which people are falling into homelessness in California and the more time they spend on the streets the more likely they are to come to county behavioral health with some kind of really profound need. Right because life on the streets if you don't come with a significant behavioral health problem will help you develop one. Yes, and that is a matter of survival and dealing with the trauma of being unhoused.
- Michelle Cabrera
And so we really think, and that's why I mentioned the CSAC at home proposal, we need to in addition to this continue to have that conversation about broader sustained efforts to continue to invest in housing because we can do a slice of the slice but the bigger problem is still the bigger problem will elevate.
- Joaquin Arambula
I don't expect or anticipate the CBHDA to be able to fully Fund the housing needs we have as a state but just to be a partner to help us to braid funding and see the advantage towards an ongoing source of funding.
No Bills Identified
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