Senate Floor
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
- Steven Bradford
Members a quorum is present. Would our Members and our guests beyond the rail and in the gallery. Please rise. We'll be led in prayer this morning by our chaplain, Sister Michelle Gorman, after which we're going to ask you to remain standing and will be led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag by Senator Blakespear.
- Michelle Gorman
Let us bring our minds and hearts into the presence of our God again. Sylvia Villobos reminds us that peace begins within the hearts of each one of us, in our thoughts, in our words, and in our actions. And let us join Han's walking meditation, maybe as we walk from the parking lot, as we commit to thoughts, words and actions to create peace in our lives, he says, take my hand. We will walk. We will only walk. We will enjoy our walk without thinking of arriving anywhere.
- Michelle Gorman
Walk peacefully. Walk happily. Our walk is a peace walk. Our walk is a happiness walk. And then we learn that there is no peace. Walk, that peace is the walk. That there is no happiness. Walk, that happiness is the walk. Walk and touch peace every moment. Each step brings a fresh breeze. Each step makes a rose bloom under our feet. Kiss the earth with your feet print on earth your love and happiness. Earth will be safe when we feel in ourselves enough safety. Amen. I invite you to join me in the pledge of allegiance.
- Steven Bradford
Members, we're now moving to privileges of floor. Senator Glazer, from the majority leader's desk.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Mr. President. And Members, just a few weeks ago, the Senate, President Protem and I had the honor of placing a wreath at the memorial for the Hiroshima victims. It was a powerful moment as we laid the wreath on behalf of the Senate at that place a few years ago, some Members of the Senate joined me in walking the final steps of a great leader for world peace, Mahat Gandhi, on his final steps before he was assassinated on this floor just days ago.
- Steven Glazer
We recognize the horrors of war, the horrors of hate, the Armenian genocide. We recognize the victims, the survivors of the Holocaust. We have at many moments in our Senate service, talked about fought against hate that still appears in so many places in our state, in our world. We have here in Capitol park examples of the failure of human leadership. I'm talking about the marble and the cement and the iron, memorials to thousands of Californians who have lost their life in war.
- Steven Glazer
But there is a place in Capitol park that isn't dedicated to failure. It's dedicated to a place where hope springs eternal. I'm talking about the international world peace Rose Garden. Now, it didn't just happen by happenstance. It happened because of community leaders, people from our capital community working very hard to find a special place where hope and love and harmony can spring forth. And if you have been there, you know what I'm talking about, 750 rose plants, over 165 varieties.
- Steven Glazer
It's a recognized, renowned rose garden around our country and around the world, and it joins an international movement promoting peace. We have with us today some of the leaders that made that special place happen. I'm speaking of the co creators of the international world Peace Rose Garden, Sylvia Villobos, TJ Davis. They're joined today on our floor by two of their board Members, Kathy Garcia and Tir Feng Yang. They know the sweat and tears and hard work it was to create this special place.
- Steven Glazer
If you have not been there, it is spectacular today. It is blooming in all its glory. It is the most beautiful place you'll find anywhere in Sacramento, if not California. It's a special place for reflections on the failures and the hopes that we all have that love and harmony will triumph in the world in which we live.
- Steven Glazer
So with that, Senators, I would ask that on this 20th anniversary, this 20th anniversary of the world peace Rose Garden, we give our leaders of this great effort a warm Senate welcome.
- Steven Bradford
Members wanting to join in the photo, please do it at this time. Thank you, and welcome to the California State Senate. All right, Members, we're going to return back to business. Messages from the Governor will be deemed read. Messages from the Assembly will be deemed read. Reports of committees will be deemed read and amendments adopted. Now it's the time for motions and resolutions. Senator Skinner, from your desk.
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you, Mr. President. And Members, I move the adoption of authors amendments for budget bills that cross the desk on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 20, eigth, 29th and 30th, 2023. These amendments will be adopted, published, and the bills return to Committee.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Niello.
- Roger Niello
Thank you, Mr. President. Well, I guess we're beginning our opaque process of budget deliberations, as I've been told it has been in the last few years over the weekend, when nobody's watching. I urge a no vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Senator Skinner's asking for aye vote. Senator Niello is asking for a no vote. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen. Alvarado-Gil. Archuleta aye. Ashby aye. Atkins aye. Becker. Blakespear aye. Bradford aye. Caballero aye. Cortese aye. Dahle no. Dodd aye. Durazo aye. Eggman. Glazer aye. Gonzalez aye. Grove. Hurtado. Jones no. Laird aye. Limon aye. McGuire aye. Menjivar aye. Min aye. Newman aye. Nguyen. Niello no. Ochoa Bogh no. Padilla aye. Portantino aye. Roth aye. Rubio aye. Seyarto no. Skinner aye. Smallwood-Cuevas aye. Stern aye. Umberg aye. Wahab aye. Wiener aye. Wilk no.
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye. Alvarado-Gil. Becker aye. Eggman aye. Grove no. Hurtado aye. Nguyen.
- Steven Bradford
Ayes, 31, noes seven. The motion passes. Now, Members, we're moving on to consideration of the daily file. We first have up second reading file. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 14 with amendments 516. With amendments 796. With amendments 8522-589-1682 with amendments 273.
- Steven Bradford
With amendments second reading file will be deemed read. Now we're moving to governor's appointments. Senator Grove, are you prepared? We have three appointments. First up is file item 50.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. And Members, file item 50 is a confirmation of Keeley Balsler for the appointment of the Central Valley Food Protection Board and Ramona Fernandez as a Deputy Director for the Division of Boating and Waterways and Department of Parks and Recreation. These appointees were approved by Senate rules on April 12th on a 5-0 vote, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on the appointments hearing? Seeing none, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye. Alvarado-Gil. Archuleta aye. Ashby aye. Atkins aye. Becker aye. Blakespear aye. Bradford aye. Caballero aye. Cortese aye. Dahle aye. Dodd aye. Durazo aye. Eggman aye. Glazer aye. Gonzalez aye. Grove aye. Hurtado. Jones aye. Laird aye. Limon aye. McGuire aye. Menjivar aye. Min aye. Newman aye. Nguyen. Niello aye. Ochoa Bogh aye. Padilla aye. Portantino aye. Roth aye. Rubio aye. Seyarto aye. Skinner aye. Smallwood-Cuevas aye. Stern aye. Umberg aye. Wahab aye. Wiener aye. Wilk aye.
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil. Hurtado aye. Nguyen.
- Steven Bradford
Ayes, 38. No, zero. The appointments are confirmed. Now moving on to file item 51.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. File item 51, colleagues, is a confirmation of Tony Tavares. As a Director of Department of Transportation. Prior to his role, he was serving at Caltrans, district seven. Director. He started his career at Caltrans over 30 years ago as a project manager and project engineer for the capital Outlay support program. Mr. Tavares was exceptionally knowledgeable in the Rules Committee questioning.
- Shannon Grove
And I can tell you that I do believe that he has a plan to make sure that transportation is taken care of, that we have safe roads to drive on. And he is very available to each one of us for the issues that we have in our districts. Where our constituents have issues with major highways and byways for us to drive on. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item, Senator Rubio?
- Susan Rubio
Thank you, Mr. Chair, ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, I rise in strong support of Mr. Tavares. He is Director of District seven, which oversees my district in the 22nd Senate district. And he was extremely responsive to all of our issues. And so I want to strongly urge an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you.
- Henry Stern
Thank you. Don't need to speak here. You're good. Speaking in support. Worked very closely with Mr. Tavares in district seven on very complicated issues. Going deep into anything from a community conflict over a wildlife bridge to a pedestrian crossing. Freeways are tricky politics, always. And Mr. Tavares has navigated that with technical expertise and a patience that I think we need at the state level as well. So, speaking wholeheartedly in support.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Dodd.
- Bill Dodd
Yes. I've also had the opportunity to work with Mr. Tavares. I just think he's a great candidate for this job. Also, he's got experience, great experience in Southern California and Northern California, which makes him the right fit. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on the appointment hearing, say, none. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye. Alvarado-Gil. Archuleta aye. Ashby. Atkins. Becker aye. Blakespear aye. Bradford aye. Caballero aye. Cortese aye. Dahle aye. Dodd aye. Durazo aye. Eggman. Glazer aye. Gonzalez aye. Grove aye. Hurtado aye. Jones aye. Laird aye. Limon aye. McGuire aye. Menjivar aye. Min aye. Newman aye. Nguyen. Niello aye. Ochoa Bogh aye. Padilla aye. Portantino aye. Roth aye. Rubio aye. Seyarto aye. Skinner aye. Smallwood-Cuevas aye. Stern aye. Umberg aye. Wahab aye. Wiener aye. Wilk aye.
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil. Ashby aye. Atkins. Eggman aye. Nguyen.
- Steven Bradford
Aye is 37. No, zero. The appointment is confirmed. Now moving to our final one. File item 52.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. File item 52, colleagues, is the confirmation of Tyler Sadwith as Deputy Director for behavioral health and the Department of Healthcare Services. Prior to his role, he was serving as a Department assistant Deputy Director of behavioral health. He was approved by the Rules Committee on April twelveth on a unanimous vote. Respectfully ask for your I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on the appointment hearing? Seeing none, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen aye. Alvarado-Gil. Archuleta aye. Ashby. Atkins. Becker aye. Blakespear aye. Bradford aye. Caballero aye. Cortese aye. Dahle aye. Dodd aye. Durazo aye. Eggman. Glazer aye. Gonzalez aye. Grove aye. Hurtado aye. Jones aye. Laird aye. Limon aye. McGuire aye. Menjivar aye. Min aye. Newman aye. Nguyen. Niello aye. Ochoa Bogh aye. Padilla aye. Portantino aye. Roth aye. Rubio aye. Seyarto aye. Skinner aye. Smallwood-Cuevas aye. Stern aye. Umberg aye. Wahab aye. Wiener aye. Wilk aye.
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil. Atkins. Dahle. Glazer aye. Limon aye. Min aye. Nguyen.
- Steven Bradford
Call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado-Gil. Atkins. Dahle aye. Nguyen.
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 37, noes zero. The appointment is confirmed. Now, Members who are moving on to file item 59, SCR 21 by Senator Archuleta. He's prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Concurrent Resolution 21 by Senator Archuleta, relative to energy.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Archuleta.
- Bob Archuleta
Thank you, Mr. Chair and President. As Chair of the Select Committee on Hydrogen Energy, I could not be more proud to rise to present Senate Concurrence Resolution 21 relating to California's Hydrogen Hub application. California has long led the nation and the world in environmental innovation and policy and will do so again with clean hydrogen.
- Bob Archuleta
Over the past year, California Legislature has worked with the Governor's office, the University of California, organized labor, and other supporting efforts to establish the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems, also known as ARCHES. As California's applicant for the Department of Energy Hydrogen Hub funding, hydrogen is an important complement to our carbon-free solutions such as solar, wind, hydro, and is necessary for California if it is to reach our clean air, clean energy, and climate goals.
- Bob Archuleta
ARCHES will move California towards a robust hydrogen economy and marketplace and a cleaner, greener future. Most importantly, ARCHES is prioritizing projects with a focus on California's impacted, disadvantaged, low-income, and tribal communities. It is critical we create an economically sustainable, renewable hydrogen market that benefits all of California's communities. California is uniquely positioned to become a hydrogen hub due to our strong skilled workforce, public and private investment base, relative industrial ecosystem, and renewable resources.
- Bob Archuleta
Our hope is that the Federal Government recognizes this and awards California a hydrogen hub. Senate Concurrence Resolution 21 simply acknowledges ARCHES efforts to bring a hydrogen hub to California and restates hydrogen's goal of prioritizing renewable, clean hydrogen for the state and the future. For these reasons, I would respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Any further discussion or debate? Is it any objection to using a unanimous roll call? This is eligible. Seeing and hearing none. Ayes 37, noes zero. The measure passes. Now file item 63, Senator Ochoa Bogh. Is she prepared? SCR 27. Pass temporarily. Now let's move on to file item 65 by Senator Laird. He has prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Steven Bradford
Senate Bill 39 by Senator Laird. An act relating to resource conservation.
- John Laird
Senator Laird. Thank you, Mr. President. This is just another Laird-Dahle Bill. And when the Sierra Conservancy act was created in 2004, there were six public seats in the Sierra conservancy. They were divided by area. Last year, in a Dahle-Laird Bill, the boundaries were expanded. They don't match the areas to elect the seats. This Bill realigns the seats to match the new areas. Senator Dali has a Bill this year to add more territory. It will not affect this Bill. This is a needed update.
- John Laird
There's support on both sides. I ask for an aye vote. Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing seeing none. Members, this is eligible for UNAMS roll call. Is there any objection to using a UNAMS roll call on this measure? Hearing seeing none. Ayes 37, noes, zero. The measure passes. Now we're moving back to file item 63. Senator Choa Boke, secretary, you may read.
- Steven Bradford
Senate concurrent Resolution 27 by Senator Ochoa Bogh relative to California Public Safety telecommunicate tours week.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Ochoa Bogh.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Thank you, Senator or Mr. President, I apologize. And Members, I'm pleased to present SCR 27, which recognizes April 9 through the 15th, 2023, as California Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. More than 8000 public safety dispatchers work in California at both the state and local levels. These professionals, who can be found in law enforcement, fire, EMS and other public safety operations, answer more than 27 million 911 calls annually and measure their success by the lives that are saved every day.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Public safety dispatchers are highly trained in collecting the information that provides situational awareness for responding officers, negotiating hostile situations, and helping distress callers navigate highly stressful circumstances. Every day is different in their job because they never know what the next call will be. Immediately after dispatcher completes a call another must be answered without time to decompress. Not surprisingly, the emotional stress of a dispatcher career takes its toll.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
With the average career span at roughly three years, this has an impact on both response times and staffing levels at 911 centers. It also creates challenges with respect to training and retaining the professionals needed in this important role. But in spite of the challenges, when you're having what could be the worst day of your life and you dialed 911, someone always answers. And for that, California's 911 dispatchers deserve our respect and gratitude.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Please join me in honoring the men and women who share the most difficult moments in our lives. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debates? Senator Grove?
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. I rise in support of SCR 27 colleagues. My mom was a single mom, and she raised five kids. And when she was a 911 operator at Arvin Police Department, she worked in the nighttime, left us with our older brother, the younger of us with my older brother, so that she could work all night, provide a living for us, and then get us off to school in the morning and go home and sleep while we were at school.
- Shannon Grove
Back then, it was called a 911 operator. Today it's called a California Public Safety Service professional. So I applaud the author for bringing this up, and I ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Archuleta.
- Bob Archuleta
Thank you, Mr. President. I rise as a former law enforcement officer who's been on the other side of that 911 call, that dispatcher as calm and as cool as can be, given direction, given information of the shooting or baby not breathing, whatever it was, it was that expert, that professional, and I am strong support of SCR 27. God bless them all.
- Kelly Seyarto
Thank you, Senator Seyarto. Thank you, Mr. President. I rise also in support of SCR 27. As also a former Member of the public safety community, I can attest to the valuable, valuable service that these folks do. They are the unsung heroes of public safety. They are no longer just dispatchers. They are public safe trained, and they have advanced training in first aid. So they're able to actually help people get through the first initial moments of having to deal with medical emergencies.
- Kelly Seyarto
But they are also in charge of organizing the communications link for responding police and fire to emergencies large and small. Sometimes that can be as difficult as coordinating communications for 50 to 100 units. And everybody will tell you that's in public safety. The most important part of public safety and keeping people and keeping your public safety workers safe is communications. And so my hats off to the public safety communications workers out there. They do a fantastic job. They're behind the scenes. People don't see them.
- Kelly Seyarto
They don't get the accolades a lot of time. So I'm glad that we are taking the chance to give them the accolades. And I vote, I urge an. I vote on SCR 27. Thank you, Senator Rubio.
- Susan Rubio
Thank you, Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, I also rise in strong support of SCR 27. We're having worked closely with so many of not only public safety police officers, but telecommunication people that just sit behind the scenes, and they're the quiet voices that, and a lot of the times when there's tragedies, they're the ones that step up and have to sometimes bear the brunt of maybe not being successful.
- Susan Rubio
And I've met with some of them at times where there's very traumatic incidents and they're still human beings. And so I'm so glad that we take the time to acknowledge them. They are our unsung heroes. So with that, I also urge an ivote. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Any further discussion or debate? Senator Ochoa Bogh, would you like to close?
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
I want to thank my colleagues for their heartfelt comments, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Members, this is eligible for a unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using a unanimous roll call on this measure? Hearing. Seeing none. Ayes 37, no, zero. The measure passes. Now, Members, we're moving back to file item 84. Senator Caballero, she's prepared.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, you may read Senate Bill 706 by Senator Caballero, an act relating to public contracts.
- Reading Clerk
Senator Caballero.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Mr. President and Members for the opportunity to present SB 706, which will allow counties, cities and special districts to use progressive design, build or PDB procurement and delivery method in order to build important infrastructure projects. PDB allows local agencies to collaborate with one entity or team to complete the design, the drawings, and the construction for a project. This allows them to work together to determine the final costs and schedule for the project.
- Anna Caballero
This approach allows for earlier negotiations between the local agency and the construction team, which helps ensure projects meet agency needs. And for those of you from local government, control costs because there are no change orders and remain on schedule. SB 706 allows local agencies to use PDB for projects that will benefit from this procurement tool, and importantly, it maintains key safeguards by limiting each agency use to no more than 15 projects with a threshold of $5 million to be eligible.
- Anna Caballero
These safeguards ensure that local agencies use the authority on the projects that are most likely to benefit from this more collaborative approach. The Bill has bipartisan support and no opposition.
- Brian Jones
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Senator Jones? Thank you, Mr. President. I rise in favor of Senate Bill 706 and just wanted to share from a personal perspective, as a former City Council Member, our city used the design build on several projects. The County of San Diego is expanding their use of design build, and this is a very positive way to build things. And I appreciate the author and this Legislature and California are leading the way on this issue. Thank you. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Senator Caballero, would you like to close?
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. I appreciate the bipartisan support, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Members, this is eligible for a unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using a unanimous roll call in this measure? Hearing? See none. Ayes 37, no, zero. The measure passes. Now, members, we're moving on to file item 85 by Senator Min. As you prepare.
- Committee Secretary
Secretary, please read Senate Bill 381 by Senator Min. An act relating to vehicles.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Min.
- Dave Min
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, SB 381 would require the Minetta Transportation Institute at San Jose University, San Jose State University, to conduct a study on electric bicycles. Electric bicycles are an essential transportation device that fill in transit gaps and allow us to pedal away from gas combustion cars into a cleaner environment. There are wonderful benefits to these. This is important to decarbonize our economy, but it is also important, I think, to take a closer look at the potential implications of broad implementation of ebikes.
- Dave Min
In recent years, cities have seen a surge in accidents involving ebikes and regular bicycles, resulting in injuries and occasionally in death. The response has been a patchwork of regulations by cities and counties, creating a lack of uniformity in ebike policy. It's critical that we try to encourage the adoption of electric bicycles, but we do so in a thoughtful way, anticipating any challenges that they might pose.
- Dave Min
And to do that, we need to have the data to assess any future policy decisions that need to be made in this area. SB 381 would provide the Legislature with the necessary data and recommendations to consider what to do going forward. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing seeing none. This, too is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using a unanimous roll call? Hearing seeing none. Eyes 37, noes, zero. The measure passes now, Members, moving on to file item 89. Senator Umberg, he has prepared. Secretary, you may read Senate Concurrent Resolution.
- Committee Secretary
50 by Senator Umberg relative to Arab American Heritage Month.
- Thomas Umberg
Senator Umberg, thank you. Mr. President, colleagues, today I rise to present SCR 50, which will proclaim April 2023 as Arab American Heritage Month. Commend Arab Americans for their significant contributions to the success of California. For over a century, Arab Americans have been making valuable contributions to every aspect of American society, including medicine, law, business, education, technology, government and military service, while also sharing their rich culture and traditions.
- Thomas Umberg
Arab Americans have enriched our society with their resilient family values, strong work ethic, dedication to education, and diversity in faith and creed, all of which have added to our strength here in California and to our democracy. Senator Newman and I both represent little America. It's one of the anomalous situations where a certain region has two state Senators and indeed Little Arabia does in the City of Anaheim.
- Thomas Umberg
It's the cultural and business destination for Arab Americans and Americans of diverse backgrounds to attain a sense of belonging and commitment to culture. However, the history and experiences of Arab Americans in the United States is neglected and sadly, it's plagued with misconceptions and bigotry and anti Arab hate and forms of speech and even hate crimes. Arab Americans in the United States have been victims of civil rights abuses, harmful stereotyping, bullying, discrimination, as I mentioned, hate crimes.
- Thomas Umberg
It's important that we denounce all forms of hate against Arab Americans and others and that we recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of Arab Americans in California and in the United States. This resolution proclaims April 2023 as Arab American Heritage Month and commends Arab Americans for their significant contributions to success. The State of California. I ask that you join me in recognizing this is Arab American month. Thank you. Thank you. Any further discussion or debate, Senator Newman? Thank you, Mr. President.
- Josh Newman
I stand in support of SCR 50 as a proud co author as well as a proud representative of Little Arabia and northern Orange County. As my colleague has noted, little Arabia sits in a small but very vibrant section of west Anaheim which features many thriving small businesses, including credentialed professionals, travel agencies, halal butcher shops and bakeries, as well as numerous mosques and churches that minister to the Arab American community. Together, they have revitalized the area both socially and economically.
- Josh Newman
This is, of course, the very essence of the American dream. As Arab Americans, like so many other disparate groups, have made California home and in doing so, made it richer and better in so many ways. I join in urging your. I vote on SCR 50 this morning. Thank you. Thank you. Any further discussion or vote, Senator? Men.
- Josh Newman
Thank you, Mr. President and colleagues. On behalf of the API Legislative Caucus, I too rise in support of SCR 50 Arab Americans are rich, part of the fabric of California and this country, and I have the privilege in Orange County of representing a very vibrant Arab American community. Their contributions are seen in every aspect of American society, including prominent people like Donna Shalala, former secretary of health and human services under President Bill Clinton Steve Jobs, the co founder of Apple Khaled, Mohammed Khaled, aka DJ Khaled.
- Dave Min
Three of the countless Arab Americans who've contributed to our society. Celebrating history, the history and Arab American experiences through Arab American Heritage Month provides us with an opportunity to dispel many of the misconceptions and bigotry that still plague our communities today. So I ask you to join me in supporting SCR 50.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item, Senator Wahab.
- Aisha Wahab
You. Thank you. I'm grateful to be able to honor Arab American heritage month and an estimated 715,000 Californians are Arab Americans, with 22 American countries spanning from North Africa to West Asia. The Arab American community represents a beautiful diversity of culture, races and religions, and more. The core common issue across this tapestry of people is the shared commitment to their respective faiths, families and communities. We value your contributions to California and the United States and your continued pursuit of the American dream across generations. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Seeing no other speakers on this issue, Senator Umberg, would you like to close?
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you, Mr. President. I urge an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using a unanimous roll call on this measure? Seeing none, eyes, 37, noes, zero. The measure passes. Now moving on to file item 114. Senator Allen, are you prepared? He is secretary.
- Committee Secretary
You may read Senate Concurrent Resolution 53 by Senator Allen relative to arts, culture and Creativity Month.
- Steven Bradford
Senator, floor is yours.
- Benjamin Allen
Thank you so much, Senator. I rise today to present SCR 53, which recognizes April as arts, culture and creativity month. The arts work to heal, build community, educate youth, create jobs, advance racial justice and equity. And Arts Month is a significant time to celebrate the transformative power of the arts in our state. Arts Month also highlights the vital role that the arts play in supporting our economy directly and indirectly through everything from Hollywood studios to independent artists.
- Benjamin Allen
Our creative economy here in the State of California employs over 1.8 million workers, nearly 8% of the state's workforce, and more than any other state in the nation, of course, and it contributes over half $1.0 trillion to the state's economy. Dr. Maria Rosario Jackson, Native Californian currently making our state proud as the chair of the National Endowment for the Arts nationally, she elegantly highlighted the intersectionality and central role of the arts when she said that the arts don't exist in a bubble.
- Benjamin Allen
There is immense opportunity in understanding the arts comprehensively and holistically, recognizing their intrinsic value and understanding how arts and culture can strengthen other fields, health, community development, education, transportation, among others. Members, as we continue to find ways to support the Californians and businesses that have committed themselves to the arts and our creative economy, we have to keep in mind how powerful the benefits of the arts can be. When we invest in the arts, we invest in our communities.
- Benjamin Allen
When we invest in the arts, we support mental health and rehabilitation programs. When we invest in the arts and arts education, we invest in our children's academic success and open doors for their futures. The arts are integral to the social and cultural fabric of our state. They give a voice to every californian. And the creative work coming from the state has given artists from all backgrounds the opportunity to share their perspectives, stories and experiences with the world.
- Benjamin Allen
I look forward to working with each of you to find ways how we can work together to uplift equity and diversity in our creative industries, support affordable housing for artists, expand our successful cultural districts program, and so, so much more. Colleagues, I respectfully ask for your. I vote on SCR 53.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Hearing seeing none. This is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to applying the United Roll call here?
- Steven Bradford
See? None. Ayes, 37. noes, zero. The measure passes. Now, Members, we're moving to special consent calendar. Is there any item that Members would like to remove from the consent calendar at this time? Seeing none. Secretary, please read the consent calendar.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Concurrent Resolutions 404245 and 49.
- Steven Bradford
All right, let's call the roll on file item 145.
- Committee Secretary
Alan aye Alvarado, Gill, Archuleta. Aye Ashby. Alan aye Archuleta. Aye Ashby. Aye Atkins. Becker Blakespear. Aye Bradford. Aye Caballero. Aye Cortese. Aye Dahle. Aye. Dodd. Aye Durazo. Aye. Eggman. Aye Glazer. Aye Gonzalez. Aye Grove. Aye. Hurtado. Aye. Jones. Aye. Laird. Aye. Limon. Aye Mcguire. Aye Menjivar. Aye Min. Aye Newman. Aye wynn Niello. Aye achoa bo. Aye Padilla. Aye Portantino. Aye Roth. Aye Rubio. Seyarto. Aye Skinner. Aye smallwood. Quavas. Stern. Aye umber. Aye Wahab. Aye Wiener.
- Steven Bradford
Aye. Wilk. Aye. Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Alvarado, Gill, Atkins. Becker. Becker. I wynn, Rubio. Aye. Smallwood,-Cuevas. Aye.
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 37. No, zero. The special consent calendar passes. We'll apply that vote to the two other items as well. Now, Members, it's time for Committee announcements. Members, it's time for Committee announcements. Senator Laird.
- John Laird
Mr. President. Senate Budget Subcommitee number one on education will meet in room 2100 in the swing space upon adjournment.
- Steven Bradford
Subcommitee one will meet in the swing space, room 2100 upon adjournment. Senator Menjivar.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Mr. President. Budget Subcommitee number three on health and human services will meet 15 minutes after session in room 1200.
- Steven Bradford
Subcommitee three on budget will meet in room 1215 minutes after adjournment. Senator Padilla.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you, Mr. President. Budget Subcommitee number four on State Administration and General government will convene in the swing space in room number 1115 minutes following adjournment.
- Steven Bradford
Subcommitee four will meet in the swing space, room 1115 minutes after adjournment. Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
Yes. Budget sub five will meet in room 2215 minutes after adjournment.
- Steven Bradford
Subcommitee five will meet in room 2215 minutes after adjournment. Now Members will return to motions and resolutions. Now is the time for adjourn and memories. Senator Skinner, are you prepared for your adjournment memory? Thank you.
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you, Mr. President. Members, I rise to ask the Senate to adjourn in memory of Mal Bernstein. Malcolm Bernstein, who is a Friend. A longtime Berkeley resident, an activist attorney who is known as the lawyer for the free speech movement, Mal was a lifelong advocate for equity and justice. He passed away at home with his family and friends on March 6 and he was 89.
- Nancy Skinner
Mal was born in Detroit, Michigan, but he fell in love with the Bay Area when he came to attend UC Berkeley Law School in 1955. After graduating law school and passing the bar, Mal became a central figure in the Bay Area activist movements during the in the 50s, Mal worked on fair housing with Core, the NAACP, and the ad hoc Committee to end discrimination.
- Nancy Skinner
In the 60s, Mal became active in the National Lawyers Guild and was the lead attorney for students and others who were arrested in UC Berkeley's free speech movement. Steve and Linda Lustig were students at Cal during that time and they were arrested at the FSM. It was Mal who bailed them out and then served, and he had never met them before and then served as their other FSM arrestees. Attorney Steve. Linda and Mal remained lifelong friends.
- Nancy Skinner
Later Steve became the vice chancellor of the very University that got him arrested. And Mal, a well respected alum, a lifelong peace activist, Mal was also the trial attorney for the Oakland Seven who were charged with felony conspiracy for their anti draft demonstrations at the Oakland Draft Induction center. He won acquittal for all seven. Now some of you, some of my colleagues, you've probably met Mal from when he was very, very active in our state Democratic Party. And that activism goes back to the Vietnam War.
- Nancy Skinner
His electoral work grew out of local involvement opposing the Vietnam War. At that point, the California Democratic Party was supportive of the Vietnam War. Mal ended up being the lead organizer of the Sheer for Congress campaign in 1966, which was the first Democratic congressional campaign that opposed the war in Vietnam. Mal and others in the East Bay who are dissatisfied by the party's pro war position helped establish an alternative progressive electoral organization just locally.
- Nancy Skinner
And that local community for new politics later named many other things, including Berkeley Citizens Action, elected antiwar activist Ron Dellums to Congress in 1967 along with progressive candidates to the Berkeley City Council, and forged alliances between the peace movement and the Black Panther Party. Years later in the this is where some of you may met Mal. Mal was instrumental in organizing our state Democratic Party's progressive caucus. He also served as campaign treasurer and advisor for Congresswoman Barbara Lee.
- Nancy Skinner
Mal mixed his passion for peace and justice with a deep love of family and friends, art, theater, travel, music, hiking with his dogs in our nearby Tilden park, and coaching his daughter's softball team in elementary and middle school. Mal is survived by his wife, Catherine Trimber, his two daughters, his four grandchildren, and numerous other loving family and friends. He will be missed. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Skinner. Please bring his name forward so he can be properly moralized by the California State Senate. Next up is Senator Wiener.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, it's with great sadness that I rise today to ask that the Senate adjourn in memory of Dick Rosenberg, who passed away on March 3 at the age of 92. Dick Rosenberg was born on April 20, 1930 and grew up in Fall River, Massachusetts during the height of the Depression. His mother was an immigrant from Russia, his father a World War I veteran.
- Scott Wiener
He graduated from Suffolk University in 1952 with a degree in journalism and then joined the Navy and attended officer candidate school in Newport, Rhode Island. After graduation, he served in the Korean War, then in Vietnam, rescuing refugees and French troops. In 1956, Nick's married fellow Dick married fellow Fall River native Barbara Cohen, who would be his wife for the next 66 years. In 1960, the couple moved to San Francisco and later Marin County, where they brought up their sons, Michael and Peter.
- Scott Wiener
In 1962, he earned his MBA from Golden Gate University and then his JD from the same University. He got his start in banking at Crocker Anglo bank before starting his 22 year tenure at Wells Fargo. He thought of putting the bank's now iconic stagecoach in the TV ad and made it part of the institutional logo. In 1987, Dick joined Bank of America, and three years later he was named Chairman and CEO of Bank of America.
- Scott Wiener
Despite technically retiring in 1996, he continued to go into his bank of America office almost every weekday, all the way into his 90s. Even amid his career success, Dick was dedicated to balancing his time with philanthropic work. He often noted that he felt that he owed the community for his own good fortune, and he dedicated himself to giving back.
- Scott Wiener
In return, the couple gave generously to the American Jewish Committee, the Jewish Community High School of the Bay, the Jewish Community Relations Council, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Jewish Community center of San Francisco, and many other nonprofits. In 2003, Dick received the federation's Robert Stinton Award for distinguished leadership. In 2006, the Barbara and Richard Rosenberg Family center opened at the San Francisco campus for Jewish Living, then called the Jewish home.
- Scott Wiener
As chair of the UCSF Foundation, Dick oversaw a 900 $1.0 million capital campaign to build UCSF's hospital in Mission Bay. Dick is survived by his wife, Barbara, his sons, Michael Rosenberg of Los Angeles and Peter Rosenberg of Marin, and five grandsons. Dick Rosenberg will be greatly missed. May his memory be a blessing, and please join me today in adjourning the Senate in his memory.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Wiener. We'll ask you bring his name forward so he can be properly memorialized by the California State Senate. Next up is Senator Niello.
- Roger Niello
Thank you, Mr. President. Members, I rise today to adjourn in the memory of John Hugh Bristow. A resident of Senate District six and a former Member of the Senate family, John served the California State Senate for nearly three decades, beginning his service in Senate special services in 1972. John Bristow served in the Senate sergeant at Arms office from 1982 until his retirement in the year 2000.
- Roger Niello
He carried on a tradition of honorable service, distinguishing himself on multiple occasions, including when his actions actually helped save the life of then Senator Bill Green when he required immediate medical attention here at the Capitol. A proud graduate of the California Post Academy in 1986, John held additional certifications in background investigation and passive demonstration control and was a trained and highly regarded emergency medical technician.
- Roger Niello
In addition to serving his community as a loyal Member of the Carmichael Elks Lodge, he loved watching NASCAR and the Los Angeles Dodgers, playing the harmonica, enjoying country music and sharing his exceptional sense of humor. John is survived by his wife Diane, his daughters Lauren and Alana and his grandchildren Aaron and Haley George.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator. We ask that you bring his name forward so he can be properly memorialized by the California State Senate. Next up is Senator Cortese.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Mr. President and Senators, I rise to adjourn a memory of Pat Fenton, one of West Valley College's most dedicated educators. West Valley College being in Saratoga, California, in my district, Pat passed at the age of 76. He served the college in the district for over 40 years beginning in 1982. After a successful career in private industry. He served the community college district in leadership positions, including faculty union President, Vice President for administrative services, and most recently, associate vice chancellor for facilities.
- Dave Cortese
Pat held many roles throughout his life, including teacher, author, father, grandfather, husband, mentor and friend. He was a man of many skills. Aside from being an expert educator, Pat was also a classically trained chef, a FIFA certified soccer referee, an apple coding expert, and he spoke three languages. He was respected for his expertise in business and finance beyond teaching students at West Valley for over 30 years. He applied his skills to help the district achieve a strong financial footing that continues to this day.
- Dave Cortese
Pat was happy to help others. By lending his knowledge and expertise, he made a lasting impact on his students, his college, his family, and the broader community. And the outpouring of love for Pat after his passing reveals the admiration many had for him and the mark he left. He survived by his wife of 55 years, Marcia, his five children, his grandchildren, and many, many friends, students and colleagues. He will be deeply missed. Thank you, Mr. President.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Our deepest condolences. We ask that you bring his name forward so he can be properly memorialized by the California State Senate. Next up is Senator Roth.
- Richard Roth
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, this morning I ask that we pay tribute to a great man, a dedicated public servant and a dear friend, Riverside fire Department captain Tim Strack. His sudden passing at the age of 53 from a heart attack shocked us all to our core. I first met Tim in 2012. I was running for the State Senate at the time in a race for an open seat against another Democrat and a Republican, a sitting Assembly Member.
- Richard Roth
It was a very different district then, and I didn't have the party endorsement. Frankly, I didn't have much of anything, including money to Fund a campaign for someone who thought he had a lot of friends in the region. I didn't seem to have too many. No one would take my calls. No one except someone I didn't even know, fire Captain Tim Strack. Tim agreed to help me with my campaign in 2012, and I guess the rest is history. But I wasn't the only one Tim touched.
- Richard Roth
He was such an integral part of our community, a big man with an even bigger heart. He was everywhere, all the time, solving problems, offering a helping hand, some sage advice, and always, always a very, very big smile. Tim loved people. You could easily see that. And they loved him back. Most especially, he loved his wife, Wendy, and his three children, madeline, Isabella, and Justin. And they loved him back. As a husband and a father. He was a family man, the best. And it showed.
- Richard Roth
For 28 years, Tim proudly wore the uniform of the Riverside Fire Department. And as a Riverside firefighter, he not only saved lives, he lifted them up every single day, and in doing so, left some extraordinarily big boots to fill. He also served for over 20 years as the President of the Riverside City Firefighters Association, Local 1067, the longest serving President in its history.
- Richard Roth
And in that role, he gave his energy and his determination to make important changes to our community and our region, benefiting firefighters as well as every single citizen in the communities in that area. Riverside Fire Captain Tim Strack. Last radio call, April 12023. We will miss him a lot.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Senator Rothwood asks that you bring his name forward so he can be properly memorialized. And our deepest condolences to all those that we have lost. If there's no further business, Senator Grove. The desk is clear. Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, our good Senator from Contra Costa County talked to us today about the incredible asset that we have on the Capitol grounds, the international world Peace Rose Garden. I challenge each of you to go and walk. It's at the 15th street side of the building. You'll be blessed by the beautiful, vibrant colors and the beautiful array of roses that are there.
- Shannon Grove
Having said all that, the Senate will be in recess until 03:30 p.m. At which time an adjournment motion will be made and we will reconvene on Monday, May 1, at 02:00 p.m.. Members, the.
- Steven Bradford
Senate will be in recess until 03:30 p.m. At which time an adjournment motion will be made. We'll reconvene on Monday, May 1, at 02:00 p.m. Thank you. Thank.
Committee Action:Passed
Previous bill discussion: March 29, 2023