Senate Floor
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Members, a quorum is present. Will the Members and our guests beyond the rail, please rise.
- Steven Bradford
And in the gallery. We'll be led in prayer this morning by our Chaplain, Sister Michelle Gorman, after which we're going to ask you to remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
- Michelle Gorman
We gather in God's presence and in the presence of one another. And in the words of Irish poet Pádraig Ó Tuama, we greet God and we greet the God who is more God than the God we greet. And as we celebrate the feast of St. Patrick these days, we pray for his intercession to help us be people of hope as we navigate the challenges of our day. May we find consolation in this traditional Irish prayer, loosely translated from the Gaelic Ag Chriost an Siol.
- Michelle Gorman
God of all mystery. Yours is the seed, yours is the harvest. Gather us one day into your granary. God as vast as the ocean. Yours are the waves, yours are the fishes. Gather us up into your entwining nets from birth to age, and from age to death. Cradle us in your grace and loving arms. From death to the end, not end, but new life, in your presence may we reside eternally. Amen.
- Steven Bradford
Members, please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
- Steven Bradford
Members, without objection, Senate Rule 55 will be suspended to allow guests on the floor for today's session. Members, without objection, we'll move to Senate third reading to take up Senate Resolution 77, item 29 by Senator McGuire. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Resolution 77 by Senator McGuire, relative to Irish American Heritage Month.
- Steven Bradford
Senator McGuire, the floor is yours.
- Mike McGuire
Thank you so much, Mr. President, and good morning, Members. We ask all to raise their shillelagh today for SR 77, commemorating March as Irish American Heritage Month. This year is especially significant as we celebrate a century, a century of unity and partnership with the great country of Ireland and the United States. The role of Irish Americans are deeply embedded in the history and the communities of California. As some of America's first immigrants, their history, their stories, accomplishments, they are a testament to the American dream.
- Mike McGuire
But let me be clear. Like all who seek a better life in the United States, their road to this nation was not easy. And at a time when some in this country now seek to vilify those who are fleeing poverty, political persecution, or a better life for their kids, we must never forget what America's promise is all about. Diversity is our strength, and the United States is proudly a nation of immigrants. The Irish and American story is one of resilience, of hard work, and success.
- Mike McGuire
And the Golden State's bond with Ireland is unrelenting. Ireland is a top trade partner with the Golden State, worth over $4 billion. Over 140 Irish companies have set up shop here in the West, primarily in California. So today we celebrate the vibrant Irish American community of over 2 million strong that live here in California. What we ask today, we all raise a little bit of green Guinness in gratitude of the contributions of the Irish American community to the Golden State. Happy St. Patty's Day. Mr. President, would respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate? Senator Min.
- Dave Min
Thank you, Mr. President. And I want to thank the pro tem for bringing this bill forward. And as the only Korean American in the Legislature, I just want to note that Koreans are sometimes referred to as the Irish of the East. And so I urge you all to support this bill.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate? Hearing and seeing none. Senator McGuire, would you like to close?
- Mike McGuire
Would respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Senator McGuire moves the call. Now, we're returning to privilege of the floor. Senator McGuire.
- Mike McGuire
Thank you so much, Mr. President. Mr. President, we are so honored to be able to have two remarkable leaders with us here today who have been integral in continuing the century-long partnership between the great State of California and Ireland. Ladies and gentlemen, we're honored to be able to have Senator Jerry Buttimer here today. He is chair of the Irish Senate. We also have Counsul General Micheál Smith, Ireland's Consul General for the entire western United States of America.
- Mike McGuire
And I want to say thank you to the good senator who is here today. The senator is a trailblazer. He led the charge to approve marriage equality in Ireland and is one of the first out members of the LGBTQ community ever to be elected to Ireland's House of Representatives. Let's give him a round of applause, please, and say thank you. He also gave a hell of a speech with Joe Biden when he was over there, so you should Google that.
- Mike McGuire
But like California, marriage equality is now law of the land, thanks to the senator's hard work in Ireland. And we also want to acknowledge Consul General Smith. He works day in and day out to build and strengthen the relationship between California and the great country of Ireland. Members, if we can please give both a round of applause. We welcome you to come take a picture. We also have prominent Irish Americans who are up in the gallery as well. We welcome them to the California State Senate.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you and welcome to the California State Senate. Members, if you'd like to take a picture, now would be the time.
- Steven Bradford
Members, the Senate will reconvene in 30 seconds.
- Steven Bradford
All right, members, returning to privilege of the floor. Senator Dahle, you're recognized.
- Brian Dahle
Thank you, Mr. President. Members, it's my pleasure to welcome the Folsom High School football team to the Senate. The Folsom Bulldogs won in 2023 California Interscholastic Federation State Football Division 1A championship in an exciting 20-14 win over St. Bonaventure High School ... which is located in Senator Limon's district. This is Folsom's fifth CIF state championship, earning state banners in 2010, 2014, 2017, and in 2018.
- Brian Dahle
These athletes often begin their career in the Folsom Junior Bulldogs Pop Warner program as young as six years old. Over several years, countless volunteers, coaches, teachers, parents, peers pours their time and support into these young men. They excel on the field and in the classroom and are the pride of the Folsom community. Many go on to play football in college and in the NFL. Two Folsom High School alumni currently play for the Cincinnati Bengals; quarterback Jake Browning and offensive tackle Jonah Williams. Please join me in congratulating the Folsom High School Football Team and their achievement. Thank you, members.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Congratulations, and welcome to the California State Senate. Members--Senator Niello, for what purpose?
- Roger Niello
Thank you, Mr. President. Folsom is lucky to have not one, but two state senators. I've represented Folsom in every public office that I've had. I live in Fair Oaks, which is right next door to Folsom, so I'm very close to the community, and it has been fun--I'll emphasize fun--following the progress of this program over the last several years. So I salute all the young men of that team and Coach Doherty and his staff, and we look forward to next year.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Again, congratulations to the Folsom High School Football Team. D 1A state champions. Next up, under privilege of the floor, is Senator Atkins. From the majority leaders desk. Thank you.
- Toni Atkins
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, I rise today on behalf of my office and the people of the 39th senate district to recognize my chief of staff, my friend, my advisor, Nick Hardeman. This week is Nick's last week in the senate, and as much as he wanted to quietly slip out of the chamber door, I couldn't let that happen, given the incredible role that he has played, especially in the senate these last six years.
- Toni Atkins
Nick is joined this morning by his wife, Katie Hardeman, their children, Alex and Damien, his mother, Marina Hardeman, and his brother, Greg Hardeman. And if you look around, I see that many of his colleagues and good friends have joined us on the floor, in the back and in the gallery. To Katie and to Marina, Greg, Alex and Damien.
- Toni Atkins
I want to thank you for sharing Nick with us and for your sacrifices, as he has served 24 hours a day, seven days a week as chief of staff for me, particularly these last six years. Nick has served the people of California through his work in the state legislature for over two decades. I don't think it's an overstatement to say that everyone in this room has worked with Nick and experienced his dedication and his positive attitude. Nick grew up in San Francisco in a labor household.
- Toni Atkins
He was bit by the political bug at a young age, spearheading a living wage initiative when he attended St. Mary's College. He also played rugby in college, which he credits as excellent training for campaigns and legislative work. Nick first came to Sacramento as a senate fellow for then Senator Richard Alarcon. He stayed on as a consultant with the Senate Labor Committee before moving to the assembly to work as communications and legislative director for then Assembly Member Fiona Ma, treasurer, who is here with us today.
- Toni Atkins
Thank you, Treasurer Ma, for being here. He went on to be Assembly Member Ma's chief of staff before joining Speaker John A. Perez's office to focus on labor issues. And the speaker is with us today as well. Thank you, Speaker Perez, for being here to celebrate Nick. When I became speaker, I got to work with Nick more closely. I was impressed by his limitless passion for the work and how he always kept a level head, even in the most challenging situations.
- Toni Atkins
I lobbied Nick hard, with the help of my spouse, for him to be my chief of staff when I came to the senate. When I was elected in 2016, he did come with me. When I was selected to be pro tem, Nick stepped up and provided support not just for me, but for all of the members in this chamber. He acted as negotiator, a support system, a moral compass, and as the glue that has kept my team and this institution moving forward.
- Toni Atkins
We encountered tremendous challenges during our time in leadership, including the COVID-19 pandemic. But Nick's work ethic and dedication to decorum never wavered. Overall, I would say three personal things. One: I'm sure that I got three votes to become pro tem entirely because of Nick Hardeman. Two: Nick is a San Franciscan through and through--'49ers all the way--and one of my highest honors is to be able to see that great city through his eyes. Three: I talked about him being level-headed and calm.
- Toni Atkins
The minute I heard Nick, in a very quiet voice, say, "Oh, my," I knew we were in trouble. But four: at the heart of everything, Nick is a public servant, and I have appreciated the opportunity to work with him. He strived to ensure the senate and its staff work together with efficiency, courtesy, and respect. He's been a strong advocate for equity, and he never forgets about the underdog. And most importantly, he believes greatly in supporting and mentoring staff.
- Toni Atkins
And I know that my office and the senate have benefited because of it. I'm happy to say that Nick will not be leaving the state service completely. Tomorrow, he will travel to Oakland for his very first meeting as the inaugural chair of the California Fast Food Council. Governor, you're welcome. Nick, I, of course, and all of us want to wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.
- Toni Atkins
It has been an incredible honor and a joy to have you as my chief of staff. I am proud of what we have all achieved together, and I look forward to seeing all of your accomplishments in the next stage of your career. Colleagues, please join me in thanking Nick Hardeman for his service to the Senate, the Capitol community, and the people of California.
- Steven Bradford
At this time, I'm going to recognize some members who would like to bring remarks. Minority leader, Jones.
- Brian Jones
Thank you, Mr. President and members. I want to turn around here--you know, maybe I'm not. I just want to say to Nick and his family, thank you very much for your service to our state. I've had the opportunity and privilege of working with Nick since we were all back in the assembly together, when Senator Atkins was the speaker, and even before that. Nick has always been a professional.
- Brian Jones
He's always fiercely fought for the leaders that he's worked for, but also at the same time, as Senator Atkins said: even-keeled, measured and fair. And I know that my staff is going to very much miss working with you. You've always been very kind and caring for my staff. And when they had a need that you could solve, you always did. And we appreciate that.
- Brian Jones
Before I got up, I just want to make sure that you know from Senator Dahle that you are invited to come fishing in his area anytime that you choose to. I think it was an open invitation and he would love to host you. And maybe I can sneak up there, too, when that happens. But I just want to say to Nick, the kids and your wife, thank you very much for your service to both houses; the assembly and the senate.
- Brian Jones
And to tell you the truth, I'm very excited about your next assignment. I think that you are going to be very serious about that. I think you're going to be as fair as anybody could be in that position. And I'm looking forward to working with you there as well to make sure that we continue to move California in a positive fashion. So thank you very much.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Next up, Senator Laird.
- John Laird
Thank you very much, Mr. President. And the pro tem emeritus cannot be topped. And the applause that we heard from everybody that worked with him cannot be topped. But even though he's a San Franciscan and even though he lives in Sacramento, every summer, he is a de facto resident of the 17th senate district. He and his family come and spend time in Capitola. He has taught his kids how to fish. He enjoys the food. He enjoys the beach. Friends come down and visit with them.
- John Laird
And we tried to go over and have dinner, and we had dinner the year before last. And I found myself last January texting Nick and saying, "Did you see President Biden standing in the restaurant where we had dinner last August?" And as the waves took down the wharf and swamped all the businesses, I heard from the mayor, I heard from the city manager, and I heard from Nick, who wanted to know what they need; do they need help?
- John Laird
And when he was down this year, I arranged for a briefing of the mayor and the city manager to explain to him what the state help had done and exactly the difference that he, along with the rest of us, had made in doing that. So even though he has this invitation to fish somewhere namelessly on the north coast, he will be in Capitola first and I will enjoy it. And he does these things in a way that they're unsung. So just on behalf of my constituents, thank you for the help he gave and the fact that he boosts tourism revenue every summer.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Senator Skinner. Senator Skinner, you're recognized.
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you, Mr. President and members. As someone who greatly respects this institution, it is always very bittersweet to be honoring Nick and wishing him well, but to know that he is going to be no longer in the employ of the legislature. Nick, you have been an incredible asset to this entire institution. And as you know, I got to know you when you were in the assembly. And when you were working for Fiona and I, when Fiona was assembly member--Treasurer Fiona and I--served together.
- Nancy Skinner
So I first got to know Nick in that hat. But then later, when he went to work for Speaker Perez, as our pro tem emerita pointed out, he is a calming influence. And for those of us who worked with my good friend, former Speaker Perez, he needed calming. And there weren't very many people who could do it. So, anyway, there's many other things I could share, but just generally, Nick, we will miss you have been a great asset, and thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
Wow. I cannot imagine this place without you, Nick. I met Nick when I was head of the Labor Federation in Los Angeles, and he was working for Speaker Perez, and we had some really tough issues. But I always remember how calm Nick was. But that does not mean that he didn't have the passion for working people.
- María Elena Durazo
And that has always stuck with me about the way that you address issues, because you're calm, you're strong, you're smart, but you also always have the passion of working people in your heart. So I also want to thank your family for allowing you to devote so many hours to us. And I just want to remind everyone that we also have something else in common besides our family's history in the labor movement. And that is, we are both alumni of St. Mary's College of Moraga. So thank you, Nick, for everything.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Senator Rubio.
- Susan Rubio
Thank you, Mr. President. Ladies and gentlemen of the senate, today, I'd also like to stand and rise and speak a little bit about Nick. I think everyone's covered his professionalism, which I think it's unmatched the way he takes care of the members--each and every one of us feels special because you give us that personal attention. And I know that I sat many times with you where you take care of me.
- Susan Rubio
And that's incredible, because I think that this institution is better for the work that you've done here. But as our Pro Tem emeritus stated, she got to know San Francisco through your eyes. So today, I'm going to share that. I got to know you as a friend, as a compadre, how caring you are, how well you take care of people outside this institution through the eyes of Crystal Moreno, who's your comadre and always talks so highly of you.
- Susan Rubio
Your friendship, your dedication to your family, to this institution, the things you do way beyond the call of duty here, the hours that you put in, and how thoughtful and caring you were, and her friendship with Katie as well. And I think all of us are going to miss you greatly. So thank you for your service, and you will be missed. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Senator Ashby.
- Angelique Ashby
Well, I can see we're all going to make our best claim on Mr. Hardeman here. I'm going to try my best to win that competition. All due respect to the pro tem emerita, I know that you love San Francisco, as we all do. But this is your home. And I get to be your senator. And I can prove it, because I got to welcome your children onto this floor with their classmates.
- Angelique Ashby
And I got to stand with you as we presented checks to Fairytale Town and to Sacramento's street soccer program and to a million other things that you and Katie and your children have poured yourself into in this city. And you all know his work inside of these walls much better than even I do, because I'm new. But what you might not know is that this whole family pours into this city incredibly. Women's soccer; Katie is one of their biggest champions.
- Angelique Ashby
Sacramento Storm exists only because of some very strong women who push. And his wife is one of them. And Nick, an excellent husband, never forgets and stands right with her to help all of us make sure that those programs stay strong for the next generation. I know you well and personally. So I know that the best thing going for you right in this moment is that little hand that you're holding that's holding you up. Bless her sweet heart for being here with you. And bless your family.
- Angelique Ashby
And then, on just one personal note, Nick, it's really hard to be a new senator, especially in Sacramento, because everybody knew me and I couldn't remember all of them. But you helped me so much and took every call I ever made to you and walked me through the simple things and the complicated things. And I just want you to know how deeply grateful and appreciative I am. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Senator Archuleta.
- Bob Archuleta
Thank you, Mr. President. Well, Nick, I look back at the times we were walking the hills of San Diego together. We spent the entire day huffing and puffing up and down the San Diego hills for our colleague. I'm going to give you three words that I think of you: duty, honor, country. And that is Nick. You know, your love of this beautiful country of ours, our state. The devotion you gave to the pro tem, to all of us who just walked in the door.
- Bob Archuleta
You made us feel like we belonged. You made us feel like we are going to be part of a big picture, which we are now. And you opened some doors for us. But the fact that you talked about your family when we're walking together, spent that day together. We talked about my five kids. We talked about your kids. We talked about your family. But more than anything else, we talked about the love you have of California.
- Bob Archuleta
So God bless you for the work you've done for all of us as we look around the room. And I am not surprised that the gallery is filled. There's so many people here to say goodbye and say thank you. But again, God bless you and have a great time.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Senator Wiener.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mr. President. So, I appreciate all of the shout-outs for the great City of San Francisco. And once a San Franciscan, always a San Franciscan. And I know San Francisco is always in Nick's heart. And I'm just so honored that the Hardeman family is here. My constituents: thank you for allowing me to represent you. I first got to know the Hardiman family through Nick's dad, Mike, God rest his soul.
- Scott Wiener
Just an absolutely tremendous human being, as shown by his funeral, where a massive church was completely packed. The Hardeman family is core San Francisco. And thank you for all that you do for our city. And, Nick, I also just want to say that the pro tem emerita was truly among the most successful leaders in this building ever. And this body is so well respected, accomplished so much, and did so with very few exceptions, with a lot of collaboration and harmony even when we had disagreements because of your leadership, Senator Atkins.
- Scott Wiener
And, Nick, you were just such a key part of that. And I will tell you, and I think you know this. Whenever--I won't say first names--the senator from San Diego and I would talk and you would come up. Just the emotion in her voice because of how deeply she admires you and loves you. And you have earned that 100 times over. So thank you for everything that you've done for this institution.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you. Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. All of my colleagues have said really wonderful things that I just echo across the board. And I just want to say that the people that spoke before me were absolutely right. That you are a negotiator, a calmer, a peacemaker. Most of all, you're an out-of-the-box thinker and a problem solver.
- Shannon Grove
And it doesn't matter what side of the aisle that you're on, even though you work for the senate pro tem emeritus and the former speaker, you actually worked outside the box to help us resolve issues that we have that are personal to us in our district. I see your predecessor up there in the gallery, Mr. Campbell, to come and watch this incredible honor of you.
- Shannon Grove
And I do want you to know that I think that you are not only all of those things that I mentioned before, but you are an individual on this staff and in this body and in this institution that has great integrity. And I think that you will carry that with you, or I know you'll carry that with you, whatever you decide to do. I hope that you do take a very long vacation, because it's very much well deserved.
- Shannon Grove
And I know that when you applied for these positions, everything that you did was not in the job description that was posted by the senate. I can 100% guarantee you. I remember calling the senate pro tem emeritus, and she was out on some Honda side-by-side, and you guys were tipping over sideways on the mountain, getting a tour. And the only thing that she could think about is, "Oh, my God, Nick's back there, and he's got his kids at home."
- Shannon Grove
And so I remember calling you to get shoe sizes, and if she would go horseback riding, and you would get these silly questions answered for me. So even on a personal note. When I was in leadership, you worked so well, hand-in-hand with my staff, with Mark Reader and Lindsay Deetz. And even though you didn't have to, you made it decency and respect-
- Shannon Grove
Because I really do believe that you are one person, one of the people in this building that recognize that all of us are elected to represent our districts. And even though they may be vastly different, you decently respect every member that is here in this body and every Californian, and you will be greatly missed. And may God bless you on everything that your hand touches in the future as you seek out whatever you're going to do. And may you be successful with everything that you do.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Senator Allen.
- Benjamin Allen
Well, members, I usually hate getting up and speaking when everything's already been said about a topic, but I'm making an exception for Nick Hardeman because he's such a special person. Beyond being a great dad and a good soccer dad and husband, which is something I particularly appreciate, I do want to say what a joy he's been to work with.
- Benjamin Allen
The majority leader and I were just side barring just now, and she mentioned that he's almost like all of our chiefs of staff, that he was somebody who we could--so available, so able to switch from difficult issue to difficult issue and speak with intelligence and thoughtfulness about this massive range of issues that we all have to deal with with such alacrity.
- Benjamin Allen
And I got to say, the good-natured, even-keeled, and an incredible problem solver, which is really got to be one of the most important skills in this building. And so, Nick, we're going to miss you so much. We know your service continues, but I just want to personally thank you for all that you've done to help make our senate better and help make all of our jobs better. I really appreciate you, Nick.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Senator Limon.
- Monique Limón
Thank you. And like my colleague from Santa Monica, I really didn't want to keep adding on, but I feel it's needed. This is the moment to recognize your incredible hard work. I have been in the room with you where it happens and when it happens, and your dedication, your commitment to this state, to leadership, to our pro tem emerita, and making sure that the vision was always something that was delivered.
- Monique Limón
You have stayed up till the wee hours of the morning, of the night doing the work for California, whether it's a comma that is being debated or whether it is significant--right--recommendations. You have been there, and I think you're hearing from so many members because I think it speaks to what all of us have experienced with you. But I also believe that it is an incredible team. We're on camera right now speaking, but there are an incredible team-
- Monique Limón
I'm looking out at a team that maybe the public can't see right now, who has all been there in those moments, who have been at the chief of staff meetings, who have been the ones that have been doing the background work on getting the ledge ready, the budget ready. And you have been that steady force for so many of us. And so I just want to recognize you and thank you for all the work that you've done.
- Monique Limón
It has been a privilege to work with you and learn from you. And I think I say that not just for members, but I say that for many people who don't have this opportunity today to talk about your incredible work. And you also did something really incredible. Every time there was an outrageous request from a member--and maybe there was just a few in your lifetime--you just smiled quietly. So thank you, Nick, for all of those moments. And thank you for how dedicated you are.
- Monique Limón
When you were there at two, three, four in the morning trying to do the work, it meant that you weren't home with Katie and the kids. But, Katie, you should know that the best thing he did, when he found his smile, was when he was talking about the weekends with soccer and all the kid activities that would happen. So thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
And I want to take this opportunity again to recognize our State Treasurer, Fiona Ma, who's here today, and Speaker Emeritus John Pérez, for being here to celebrate Nick Hardeman as well. I'll allow them to take a picture with him right now.
- Steven Bradford
Members, if you would like to enter the photo, now would be the time.
- Steven Bradford
On behalf of the California State Senate, we want to congratulate Nick Hardeman. We want to personally thank you, Mr. Hardeman, for over two decades of service and I want to personally thank you for 15 years of friendship. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Members, the Senate will reconvene in 30 seconds. We'll reconvene in 30 seconds.
- Steven Bradford
All right, we're returning back to our privileges of the floor. Senator Laird, you're recognized.
- John Laird
Thank you, Mr. President. It's hard to follow that, but we are visited in the gallery by representatives of Leadership Morgan Hill. They come to the Capitol every year. In fact, four years ago they were here on the day that things were locked down because they religiously, at this time, come every year. Leadership Morgan Hill delivers a curriculum to people in Morgan Hill from diverse backgrounds that are chosen to educate them on government issues and just being involved in the community.
- John Laird
Its participation represents a significant commitment from the people. There are 12 class members here today. They're from all walks of life in Morgan Hill. They have learned a lot during their visit. Please join me in welcoming the class of Leadership Morgan Hill.
- Steven Bradford
Welcome to the California State Senate. All right, Members, we're returning back to our agenda. We're on file item six. Messages from the Governor will be deemed read. Messages from the Assembly will be deemed read. Reports of committees will be deemed read and amendments adopted. Motions, resolutions and notices. Senator Wiener, you're recognized.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, I move the adoption of authors amendments for budget bills that cross the desk on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, March 15, 16th and 17th, 2024.
- Scott Wiener
These amendments will be adopted, published, and the bills return to the Committee.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Senator Niello.
- Roger Niello
Question of the Senator from San Francisco.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wiener, will you take a question?
- Steven Bradford
- Roger Niello
And by the way, Senator, I was born in San Francisco. So once a San Franciscan and always a San Franciscan.
- Scott Wiener
- Roger Niello
Where can I find a list of these bills identified today?
- Scott Wiener
When they go into prints, they'll be available and you'll be able to see them.
- Roger Niello
So voting on this today, we don't know what bills they are?
- Scott Wiener
The bills will have to be voted on. This is not voting on the merits of the bills. This is about the bills going--
- Roger Niello
But in terms of today's vote?
- Scott Wiener
They're noted in the file, and we're voting to allow them to be amended.
- Roger Niello
Thank you for that. Now, as everybody in here knows, well, I guess to share a great quote from a presidential debate of a former President who was also a former Governor of California, some of you older will remember this, "Oh, there you go again". But we're taking it one step farther.
- Roger Niello
In past times, the bills have been identified when we've voted to authorize this in the first place, and we're authorizing amendments to be made, which theoretically is a carte blanche to basically change any bill that is currently in the Senate. I'm not making the accusation that that's what the plan is. I just want to make it clear that if this is approved, that's the authority that you're voting to give.
- Roger Niello
And I obviously have a huge problem with the lack of transparency of this process as we've exercised it in the past. But as I said, this takes it one step farther that I think is an unwise precedent for this institution. So I urge a no vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate? Hearing, seeing none. Senator Wiener, would you like to close?
- Scott Wiener
Yes. Thank you. Mr. President. With respect to the comments that were just made, just to be clear, first, the bills are noted in the file. In addition, this is simply allowing for amendments. So we amend bills all the time, and then there's a 72 hours rule, Committee hearings, and a new vote on them. This is just allowing for amendments. Respectfully, ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. All debate having ceased, please call the roll. Senator Wiener is asking for aye vote. Senator Niello is asking for a no vote. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Reading Clerk
[Absent Member Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Aye's 32. No's eight. The motion carries. Now, Members, we're moving on to consideration of the daily files. Second reading items 1,2,3. Secretary, please read.
- Reading Clerk
[Second Reading]
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Now, we're moving to governor's appointments. Senator Grove for governor's appointments. Item number four.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. File item number four is the confirmation of Dr. Asif Mahmood for the reappointment of the California State Medical Board. Dr. Mahmood, I apologize for mispronouncing his name. Dr. Mahmood is a practicing physician, and he's the founder and director of Pulmonary and Hospitalist Associates. And he's the first appointed, and was first appointed to the medical board in 2019. He was approved by the Rules Committee on March 6 with a 5-0 vote. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion debate on this appointment? Senator Min.
- Dave Min
Thank you, Mr. President. I also rise in strong support of the appointment of Dr. Asif Mahmood to the Medical Board of California. I got to know Dr. Mahmood a few years back. He has roots in Orange County, and he has a long history of public service, I think, laid out by my colleague over there. But the one thing I just want to note is his passion and dedication to helping others. It really informs his whole body of work.
- Dave Min
And so I would respectfully ask that you join me in supporting his appointment.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Seeing no further mics up. Secretary, please call the roll on file item four.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Reading Clerk
[Absent Member Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 38. Nos zero. The appointment is confirmed. Now moving on to file item five.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, file item five is a confirmation of Dr. Richard Thorp for the appointment of the Medical Board of California. Dr. Thorp is currently a physician's supervisor for the Paradise Medical Group, where he previously served as President CEO following the campfire. He was first appointed to the Medical Board in 2019. He was again approved by the Rules Committee on March 6. Respectfully, by unanimous vote, and respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on the appointment? Hearing, seeing none. Please call the roll.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Reading Clerk
[Absent Member Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 39, Nos zero. The appointment is confirmed. Now we're moving on to file item seven. Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, file item seven is the confirmation of Nikki Beasley for the appointment of the Housing Partnership Corporation Board of Directors. Ms. Beasley serves as the Executive Director for Richmond Neighborhood Housing Services and previously served as a business development director for @youthuprising. She was approved by the Rules Committee on March 6 on a 5-0 vote. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on the appointment? Hearing, seeing none. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Member.
- Reading Clerk
[Absent Member Roll call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 40, Nos zero.
- Steven Bradford
The appointment is confirmed. Now, Members, we're moving to unfinished business. We have two items there. Item 10. Secretary, please read.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Skinner, the floor is yours.
- Committee Secretary
Senator Bill 477 by Committee on housing and acclimating to land use and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Skinner, the floor is yours.
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you, Mr. President. Members, this is the Housing Committee's Committee Bill. It is cleanup on some ADU passed legislation. It was held until this session. So to avoid chaptering out on some bills that were passed last year and signed, there are no policy or substantive changes. It's entirely technical cleanup, and it's also an urgency measure to be able to take effect immediately to avoid issues for any bills this year. And with that, I would like your I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Members, is there any objection to using a unanimous roll call on this measure hearing? Seen none. Eyes 40. On the urgency? No, zero. On the Assembly amendments are concurred. Now we're moving to file item 11. Senator Durazo, please. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 479 by Senator Durazo an act relating to tenancy and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately. Senator Durazo, the floor is yours.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mr. President. Assembly amendments to SB 479 are technical and noncontroversial in nature. They are a small cleanup to my SB 567 from last year and add urgency so that this revision can be made prior to SB 567 going into effect in April. This measure is supported by affordable housing advocates and the California Apartment Association. It received unanimous support on the Assembly floor and in the Senate Judiciary Committee. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Members, this too is eligible for a unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using to unanimous roll call? Seeing no objection. Ayes 40 on the urgency. The Assembly amendments are concurred and 40-0. Now, Members, we're moving on to Senate third reading. We have three items. First up is file item 18. And we have Senator Wahab. She's prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Concurrent Resolution 118 by Senator Wahab, relative to Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Wahab.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you, President and Members. I rise to present SCR 118, which proclaims March 2024 as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month. Hemophilia is a rare genetic condition affecting at least 4000 people in California. Von Willebrand disease impacts at least 360,000 people in California. Without treatment, people with rare bleeding disorders face frequent and spontaneous bleeding episodes into their joints, causing swelling, pain, and joint damage. Lack of treatments and other medications can lead to chronic arthritis, permanent disability, chronic pain, and frequent hospitalizations.
- Aisha Wahab
Without the medications they need, many of these individuals are at risk of severe bleeding and even death. With proper care, access to federally recognized Hemophilia treatment centers, and with newer clotting factor medications, patients can now expect to have a full life expectancy. By declaring March 2024 Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month in California, we are educating, reducing discrimination, and fostering understanding of Hemophilia and other rare bleeding disorders. I respectfully ask for an aye.
- Steven Bradford
Any further discussion or debate on this item? Any discussion or debate? Hearing and seeing none. Members, this is eligible for a unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to applying unanimous roll call to this measure? Hearing and seeing none. Ayes 40, noes zero. The measure is approved. Now, moving on to file item 23, Senator Rubio. She's prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Concurrent Resolution 122 by Senator Rubio, relative to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Day.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Rubio.
- Susan Rubio
Thank you, Mr. President. Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, today I rise to present a woman's Caucus resolution, SCR 122, which proclaims March 15, 2024 as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Day in California nearly four years ago on September 18 2020. We were devastated to hear of the passing of Justice Ginsburg after a long battle with cancer. As we honor her life and legacy, let's celebrate her for being a vibrant guardian of equality for all.
- Susan Rubio
It was through her litigation, community outreach, advocacy, and public education that Justice Ginsburg empowered poor women, women of color, immigrant women, the LGBTQ community who have been subject to gender bias and who have faced pervasive barriers, inequality.
- Susan Rubio
She broke through many glass ceilings for all of us by graduating first in her class from Columbia law, becoming the first female Professor to earn tenure at Columbia Law School, serving as the first female Member of the Harvard Law Review and Columbia Law Review, and later becoming the second woman appointed to the United States Supreme Court.
- Susan Rubio
She left a profound mark on American history and worked to ensure that everyone and their families could enjoy the benefits of full equality and participate in every sphere of society, including her landmark case United States versus Virginia, which ended gender segregation in public institutions and set the precedent for every gender equity victory that followed. Unfortunately, the overturn of Roe v. Wade caused many states to strip away an essential right for all women.
- Susan Rubio
And to honor her legacy it is critical that as a nation, we continue to move forward, and not backwards, in protecting women's rights, something she worked so hard to achieve. Justice Ginsburg's presence in the court preserve women's rights to choose, and she understood very personally that when government tries to control women's decisions, women are treated less than a person in this country, less than an adult capable of making their own decisions. Today, we recognize and honor Justice Ginsburg for her commitment and dedication to all.
- Susan Rubio
I would like to end with one of my favorite quotes from Justice Ginsburg. Permission to read?
- Steven Bradford
Permission granted.
- Susan Rubio
Thank you. "Women's rights are an essential part of the overall human rights agenda, trained on the equity, equal dignity, and ability to live in freedom all people should enjoy." With that, I respectfully ask for an eye vote. Thank you, Mr. President.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debates? Senator Skinner.
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you, Mr. President. Members, I also rise in support of this resolution and thank our colleague for authoring it. And I also thank her for, as you notice, that many of the women members of the floor today are wearing collars like our former Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg also obviously wore when she was at the bench, and she wore different collars for different purposes.
- Nancy Skinner
But I rise now because one of her significant, before she was Supreme Court Justice, but one of the significant cases that she argued before the court, which is well known, was on the basis of sex and laid out the precedences around more equal to get at this disparate treatment, that gender bias treatment that women experienced under the law. Now, it was very significant, that groundbreaking ruling that she got and other rulings once she was on the court that she herself participated in. And yet here we are today. It's 2024. We're in the middle of Women's History Month.
- Nancy Skinner
And I don't know how many of you noticed the headline, I believe it was yesterday, and it was headlines all over about the "California mom". "California mom" arrested for being the ringleader of the organized retail theft. Now, the crime that the arrest was made for and that this particular person was accused of is very significant and something we're all paying attention to.
- Nancy Skinner
But you read through the article and you note that her husband was also part of the operation and would, we don't know all the facts yet, but perhaps equal partner in the operation. Also the father of her children. Did the headline say California dad arrested as ringleader? And also, what does it have to do with anything that she's a mom? So we haven't gone very far. I hope we do. And I ask for your aye vote on this resolution.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Senator Smallwood-Cuevas.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Thank you so much, Mr. President, and good morning, colleagues. And I rise today on behalf of the California Legislative Black Caucus in support of SCR 122 that recognizes March 15 as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Day. Justice Ginsburg was a true trailblazer who dedicated her life to the pursuit of equality and justice for all people in this country, particularly focusing her energy and brilliance on women, but also on Black Americans and other citizens from marginalized communities.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Her commitment to equality was marked by her courageous decisions and dissents on the Supreme Court on issues ranging from voting rights, affirmative action, equitable access to health care, and fair employment. In 2003, when the Voting Rights Act, one of the greatest accomplishments of this country in terms of the civil rights and the civil rights movement and creating access and connections for every citizen to fully participate in this democracy, was threatened and gutted.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
It was Justice Ginsburg who documented the racist tactics of voter suppression and intimidation and outlined the targeting of black voters and fought to ensure that there was equal access to the ballot box. She also defended the intrinsic rights of affirmative action, recognizing that we must mandate that all people be represented in schools and work sites and contracts.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
She profoundly understood how it is essential for this tool to address the historic injustices and exclusion bottled in this institutional racism that had seeped into so many facets of our society, and that the only way we could deal with this was to use the tool of justice and the law and how it was necessary that we promote and mandate diversity and inclusion in all of our institutions. She defended affirmative action against legal attack.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
She stood up and reminded Americans that Black Americans and women have the right to be in every work site and institution in this country and that they benefited. They, meaning all of the country, all Americans, benefit from the practice of inclusion.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
When faced with intense efforts to destroy the Affordable Care Act that was led by America's first black President, it was Ruth Bader Ginsburg that spoke about the health disparities of Black Americans who lifted up how these disparate health outcomes and mortality rates were significantly worse in black communities, and that America had to do something about it. She defended this act by invoking the constitutional powers of the Federal Government to protect the well being of all Americans and their access to life through health care.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
She also used her influence to protect working people from wage discrimination, stood up on the economic plights of women in the disproportionate ways in which women and black workers were paid in this country, and ensured that a woman could have the right to take as long as she needs to care for herself, particularly when it came to maternity leave in the workplace.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
In fairness, as it pertained to the disenfranchisement related to white men in this country, in the workplace, she used her voice and her vote to direct Congress on a path to putting wage protections in place and benefits in place that protected all of us. And that's why we wear these necklaces today. That's why we celebrate her life today. That's why we celebrate her influence on our government and our laws and continue the unfinished work of justice for all in this country.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
And with that, I respectfully call for your aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion and debate on this item? Hearing, seeing none. Senator Rubio, would you like to close?
- Susan Rubio
Just want to thank my colleagues for their words. And with that, I urge and aye vote. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the roll on file, item 23.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 36, no zero. The measure passes, and members, at the end of session, there will be opportunity for photo op. Anyone who wants to participate in front of the chambers. Now, we're moving on to file item 26. Senator Hertado, are you prepared? She is. Secretary you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate resolution 73 by Senator Hurtado, relative to California Agricultural Day.
- Steven Bradford
Senator Hurtado?
- Melissa Hurtado
Thank you, Mr. President. I rise in support of SR 73, which makes Tuesday, March 19, Ag Day. Members, over 12,000 years ago, agriculture marked a profound shift from nomadic hunter gathered lifestyles to settled communities. Today, farming is a global industry with numerous immigrants carrying their professions to their new homes. And on March 19, we express deep appreciation for the dedication of our farmers, farm workers and all individuals contributing to the agricultural food system.
- Melissa Hurtado
Recognizing the indispensable link between agriculture and nutrition, we underscore its pivotal role in safeguarding our health. Additionally, we acknowledge the formidable challenges confronted by those within the ag sector. Despite the challenges faced by the ag sector, let us remain steadfast in our support for farmers, farm workers and all involved in the agri food system. The significance of their contributions in the United States alone keeps 22 million people employed, with each American farmer providing food to 144 people.
- Melissa Hurtado
Together, let us work towards solutions that ensure the resilience and sustainability of our food production systems. With collective effort and innovation, we can overcome obstacles and build a brighter future for agriculture and food security worldwide. So come on out on Ag Day, Tuesday, March 19, and learn about Ag Tech. Check out the animals, see John Deere's latest and greatest tractors, and pick up some flowers. Ag Day will be held on the west steps of the Capitol once again on the 19th of this month. I look forward to seeing you there. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate? Senator Dahle?
- Brian Dahle
Thank you, Mr. President. Members, I love this resolution. Every year I love to get up and talk about agriculture in California. As a third generation farmer myself, 93 years our family has been in California producing food and fiber for not only Californians, but for the world. I just want to say that California leads in this area, by far. Nowhere in the world do we have the safest more production per acre. I think God laid out California in a way that's just amazing. We have the Pacific.
- Brian Dahle
With the storms come in, we have the Sierras that catch the snow, that water comes down into our fertile soils and the valleys. But I want to just say this year, since it's the last time I get to speak on this, is that agriculture in California is a tough business. We saw the biggest company in the history of California actually go bankrupt here just recently in Ammons.
- Brian Dahle
And that's because we're seeing big investment corporations come in and the family farm, which is what we operate, is getting squeezed out by large farms. And quite frankly, it's due to regulation too. My grandfather came in 1929, had seven children, hired people to run our farm. Megan and I run that same farm today with three people. And we have other lands that we have to expand into because the cost of equipment and the regulatory environment that we have here in California.
- Brian Dahle
California farmers are paying a dollar a gallon higher for diesel. They're paying 70% higher electricity rates. Our labor laws are different here in California than other states, and we have to compete. So this is a time where we have water shortages, we have pesticide regulations. There's a lot happening in the agriculture industry, and California really is, it's the number one economy. It's a backbone. It's all of our communities.
- Brian Dahle
When you see farms leave or get gobbled up by bigger farms, you lose those family farms that support your little league, that supports your communities all throughout the valley and through the foothills. So I just want to say, as you travel California, the number one thing you see is agriculture. Whether you're in San Diego or you're in Modoc, we produce food for the world. And so come out and check out all the great things that are going to happen next week.
- Brian Dahle
But also remember that there's generations of people that have settled in California that are having a tough time because of, quite frankly, a lot of the policies that come out of this body. So with that, I support SR 73, and urgent I vote.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. I too rise in support of SCR 73. Just yesterday, most of us went to the steak and egg breakfast put on by the Cattlemen's Association to listen to what our ranching families are going through that produce the beef that we eat in this state. 93% of the ranches and farms in California are family owned. And like my colleague said, we do have large corporations coming in to take over some of that land.
- Shannon Grove
My family, a ranching family that I married into, is on its 7th generation. Our grandchildren will be the 7th generation that runs this family run ranch. And it's hard work. It takes a lot of time. It's not a nine to five job. And a lot of times we have family ranchers that have been in business for decade after decade after decade, and then they're told to stop their cow calf operation because there's a willow flycatcher that's going to be burrowing into a hill, and they have to immediately find new land for their cattle, again, trying to keep beef on the shelves at supermarkets that we all enjoy. As the Senator that represents.
- Shannon Grove
Excuse me, I'm going to watch my former secretary of natural resources have a heart attack right now. As the Senator that represents the top three food producing counties in the world, I want you to know that I'm glad that this legislature recognizes the importance of agriculture in our state. California is known for more than its beaches and our Hollywood film industry. And I'm telling you that our ag industry brings in over $50 billion worth of revenue into this state. We sell that every single year.
- Shannon Grove
We lead the nation in dairy products, in grapes, in almonds, or almonds, according to my colleague from Bieber, and hundreds of commodities that Americans eat every single day. And you may not have ag in your district, but I can guarantee that your constituents eat what we grow even as we feed and fuel the nation. We have to realize that food grows where water flows and a lot of our farmland is going to be fallowed.
- Shannon Grove
There's an estimate that over 500,000 acres of farmland will be lost by agriculture by 2050. And more than 300,000 acres will have been highly productive irrigated cropland that is not going to be out there for us to be able to grow the food that your constituents eat, all of our constituents eat. Colleagues, it's a very important issue, as we honor this resolution today in Sr 73 to really put policy to what this resolution says and support our Ag communities. We feed the world.
- Shannon Grove
This state has more ag producing counties. I believe six. I represent the top three, but I think we have the top six ag producing counties in the entire world. And if we don't navigate our water system to be able to grow the food that people in this world need, then we have a huge food security issue. When introducing legislation this year, I'd like to encourage you to be mindful of the importance that we need water to grow this food.
- Shannon Grove
And although our farmers have been very become conservationists, I can say that because I grew up in a little town called Arvin, and my mom was a single mom, and I would go with my neighbors, the Sierras and Elias to go check the water in the grapes. Where they had just these wells, these irrigation systems, they'd turn on, it would just flood the groundwater, and now it's drops of water that they'd use, and they use water more wisely.
- Shannon Grove
They have technology to be able to determine what ground needs water and what ground doesn't need water. So they are becoming conservationist when it comes to water. And I just want you to. When you think about policy and introducing policy, you really need to think about the food that we grow, the policy that feeds the constituents that we all represent. And I respectfully ask for an aye vote for this bill and to be thoughtful about the policy that we put forth from this building that affects our agricultural community. Thank you.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item? Seeing none. Senator Hurtado, would you like to close?
- Melissa Hurtado
I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Steven Bradford
Members, this item is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to applying our unanimous roll call to file item 26? Seeing no objection, ayes 40, noes zero. The measure passes. Now, members, we're going to move back to file item 29. We're going to lift the call on that measure. Secretary, please call the absent members.
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 39, noes zero. The measure passes. Now, members, we're moving on to special consent calendar. Are there any members wishing to remove an item from the special consent calendar hearing and seeing none, secretary, please read items 37 through 40.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Concurrent Resolution 138, 127, 130, Assembly Concurrent Resolution 136.
- Steven Bradford
Please call the roll on this consent calendar.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Steven Bradford
Ayes 38, noes zero on our special consent calendar. Now, members, we're moving on to file item 11. Now is the time for committee announcements. Senator Laird.
- John Laird
Thank you, Mr. President. Budget Subcommitee One on education will meet in a swing space in room 2100 upon adjournment.
- Steven Bradford
In room 2100 upon adjournment. Senator Becker.
- Josh Becker
Thank you, Mr. President. Budget Subcommitee Two on energy, natural resources and the environment will be meeting in room 2200 15 minutes after adjournment.
- Steven Bradford
Sub two will be meeting in room 2200 15 minutes after adjournment. Senator Minjavar.
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Mr. President. Budget sub three on health and human services will meet 15 minutes after four session in room 1200.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Sub three will be meeting in room 1200 15 minutes after adjournment. Senator Padilla.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you, Mr. President. Budget Subcommitee number four on State Administration will convene 15 minutes following adjournment. Room 113 here in the Capitol.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Sub four will meet here in the Capitol in room 113 15 minutes after adjournment. Senator Wahab.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Budget sub number five will meet in room 112 15 minutes after adjournment.
- Steven Bradford
Sub five will meet in room 112 here, 15 minutes after adjournment. Now, members, we're moving on to file item 12. We're turning to motions and resolutions. Now is the time for adjourning memories. Senator Cortese, you're recognized.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Mr. President. I rise to request an adjournment in memory of Jack Lucas, president of the board of trustees at West Valley Mission Community College District, located in Santa Clara County. Jack died recently, peacefully, at his home at the age of 93. Some of his family members are here in the gallery and I will introduce them at the end of my comments. Jack was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, in 1930. He was a decorated student.
- Dave Cortese
He held an associate of arts from Fulterton Community College and a BA, an MA and teaching credential from San Jose State University. He also had a doctorate in education from the University of Oregon and remained an avid fan of the Oregon Ducks football team throughout his life. Jack had a distinguished career in both education and politics, 42 years of experience in high school education.
- Dave Cortese
He was the founder and principal of Mark Twain Continuation High School, for 24 of those years, giving many students a second chance at education. In addition to his teaching, Jack held several positions in local government. He served four terms on the Monte Serino City Council in Santa Clara County and he was elected mayor in 1986. He was then appointed as Vice Chairman of the Valley Transportation Authority, our countywide transit authority.
- Dave Cortese
Later, he was appointed to the board of trustees of the West Valley Mission Community College District, where he served an additional 20 years. Jack was very involved in his community outside of education and politics. He coached several different sports, including baseball, varsity football, wrestling and varsity tennis. He even coached Saratoga's first Santa Clara Valley Athletic League championship. He was a lifelong volunteer, not surprisingly, committing his time to many different causes.
- Dave Cortese
He served as President of the Santa Clara County American Red Cross and Los Gatos Community Concert Association. He spent 23 years with the Los Gatos Lions club. Jack met his wife, Francis, while they were students at San Jose State. They shared a love of teaching. She also earned a teaching credential and became an elementary school teacher and librarian.
- Dave Cortese
I enjoyed seeing Jack at ribbon cuttings at West Valley College, especially over recent years, where he was involved in pushing forward so many key projects, amazing projects, and at the College of Adaptive Arts on the campus, a unique, one of a kind school for disabled students. He was instrumental in recent decisions to offer free tuition and support to West Valley Mission community college students. Also cutting edge work.
- Dave Cortese
It's hard, I know, for all of us in life, and I think sometimes, particularly in politics, to stand side by side with such wonderful persons, in this case, such a wonderful person in Jack Lucas, there one day, gone the next. He was healthy right up to the last time I saw him, so recently. Jack's legacy lives on through his children, Kathy, Janet, John and his grandchildren Jim, Katie, Anthony, Samantha and Luke. Jack will be remembered for his impact on the education of hundreds of students.
- Dave Cortese
His legacy will continue and he'll be remembered, of course, for his commitment to the communities, the cities of Saratoga, Los Gatos and Monte Sereno. I respectfully ask that we adjourn today's session in memory of Jack Lucas. And if I may, Mr. President, I'd like to acknowledge the family members in the gallery who have joined us here today and thank them for letting us share in his life, for sharing him with the public, and for sharing your time with us today in the Senate Gallery.
- Dave Cortese
We welcome as our guests Jack's daughter Janet Donahue, son in law Bob Fry. They're here visiting from Petaluma. Thank you for being here particularly, and Robert and Vicky Schuler. And to those with the Irish heritage, wish you were here under better circumstances, but perhaps fitting that you're here with us today. Thank you, Mr. President.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. And we ask that you bring his name forward so he can be properly memorialized by the California State Senate. Next up is Senator Wiener.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, it's with great sadness that I rise to ask that the Senate adjourn a memory of Maurilio León Maori, the former Chief Executive Officer of the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation, which is one of the major affordable housing nonprofit builders in San Francisco. He was also a former staff member to Assembly Member Ting, and he passed away suddenly on February 23.
- Scott Wiener
Born into an immigrant farm worker family, Maurilio became the first in his family to attend college, graduating with a bachelor's degree from UC Berkeley and a master's from Harvard Kennedy School. As the CEO of TNDC, he led efforts to reimagine community preservation, neighborhood development, and to create housing opportunities. Leaning on his extensive experience in the private, public and nonprofit sectors, Maori dedicated his personal and professional life to fostering opportunity, equity and generational change for immigrants, for low income families and families of color.
- Scott Wiener
His fierce passion for housing justice is exemplified through the residents he stably housed, the buildings he created through which his legacy was formed. He'll be warmly remembered by all the lives he touched as a family member, friend and leader. And I want to say that this was a huge and very shocking and surprising blow to the affordable housing community in San Francisco. People are just devastated.
- Scott Wiener
He has survived by many relatives, including his parents, Nicolas and Maria, his fiance and partner Rhea Alina Lachlan, his brothers Salomon Leon, Dario Leon and his sister Maria De Los Angeles Leon. Please join me in adjourning the Senate in memory of Maurilio León.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Our deepest California Senate condolences, and please bring the name forward so we can be properly memorialized. Senator Lamona, on this, on this adjournment.
- Monique Limón
So, Members, I rise today also to adjourn in the memory of Mariglio. I went to school with Mariglio and with his brother Sal, and I have known him throughout the years. I know what Mariglio was like as a scholar. He was dedicated. He was focused. He was part of a Latino fraternity, Gamma Zeta Alpha, at Berkeley. And he was someone who was very dedicated to his work, to his passion to Berkeley, to the Chicano Latino Alumni Association at Berkeley.
- Monique Limón
And his loss is very sudden to all of us who worked with him and who know him. He was someone who would text me and would check in with me and would run into me, with me, run into me. We would run into each other. Sorry. And would always just be so aware of what was happening in the community. His focus was affordable housing, but he cared so broadly about so many issues impacting Californians. He cared about education.
- Monique Limón
He cared about the immigrant community, our health care system. He brought information, education, and light to many policy issues because he understood the intersection with affordable housing and everything else. To those of us who know him, who knew him, the loss is sudden. It was a shock. And I know today in Oakland many people who know him will be gathering to say goodbye to him.
- Monique Limón
So I just want to personalize this loss in a deep way because this is someone who I went to school with, who I knew well, who we were in classes together, and who I've kept in touch with. And that is a loss to many of us in the state.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Once again, our deepest condolences, and we ask that the name be brought forward. Senator Jones.
- Brian Jones
Thank you, Mr. President and Members, thank you for this opportunity to adjourn in memory this morning. It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of one of our predecessors here in the State Senate. Senator Richard Dick J. Monteith of Modesto was 92 when he peacefully passed away recently surrounded by love and family. Dick Monteith was a proud Central Valley native, resident, and leader.
- Brian Jones
At a young age, he was a star athlete in the valley, and later at Stanford, where he earned a bachelor's of arts in sociology. He went on to a long and happy career at agribusiness. At the young age of 56, he would enter the world of politics, winning a hotly contested State Senate seat in 1994 and getting reelected in 1998.
- Brian Jones
After leaving the State Senate due to term limits, Senator Monteith was elected three times to the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors and retired from there in 2018. Many politicians talk about walking precincts. Well, Dick Monteith not only talked the talk, he walked the walk in many of the Stanislaus precincts over the years. A gregarious man with an infectious laugh, Dick Monteith loved listening to and helping people. He was a true public servant. Dick Monteith has survived by the love of his life, his wife Jeannie and many children, stepchildren and grandkids. Many of you may know his daughter in law, Heidi Kellison, who worked as a Senate staffer in the old capitol for many years. And of course, many of you know her husband, Peter Kellison, who is still a legislative advocate. Senator Dick Monteith will be remembered as a man who devoted his life to the Lord, his family, his community, and of course, his Stanford Cardinal. I ask that the Senate today adjourn in the memory of Senator Dick Monteith.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Senator Alvarado-Gil, on this adjournment.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you, Mr. President. I join our colleague from Santee in requesting the Senate adjourn in the memory of former Senator Dick Monteith and Stanislaus county supervisor for 12 years. Stanislaus county has a proud history of electing legislators who stand up for them regardless of party. And Dick was one of those members, and a true friend of agriculture in the Central Valley. Dick was always active in the community, even between his stints and elected office.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
In addition to all the activities and investments already listed by the Senator from Santee, Dick also served in the US Naval Reserve, was the treasurer of the Northern California Egg Handlers, and a board member for the Turlock Chamber of Commerce. He was strong institutionalist who revered the Senate and a fierce advocate for his community while serving in local government. Our thoughts are with Senator Monty's family and loved ones and the community in the Central Valley Valley that loved and cared for him as well.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you. Our deepest condolences to the passing of the Senator. We'll ask that you bring his name forward so he can be properly memorialized. If there's no other business. Senator McGuire, the dust is clear.
- Mike McGuire
Thank you so much, Mr. President. Hope everyone has a wonderful St. Patty's Day. Long live Nick Hardeman. The next floor session is scheduled for Monday, March 18, 2024 at 12:30 p.m.
- Steven Bradford
Members of the Senate will be in recess until 3:30, at which time an adjournment motion will be made. We'll reconvene on Monday at 12:30.
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