Senate Standing Committee on Appropriations
- Anna Caballero
The Senate Committee on Appropriations will now come to order. We are holding our hearing today in room 2200 of the O Street building. I ask that all Members of the Committee come to the hearing room so we can begin the hearing. We have a substitute Committee Member this morning. Senator Wiener will be sitting in for Senator Ashby today, so when he gets here, we'll welcome him, and I know he'll do a great job.
- Anna Caballero
We have 99 measures on today's agenda, three of which are eligible for a due pass motion. The rest of our bills are suspense candidates. We will extend a courtesy to Members with due pass items and allow them to present their bills out of agenda order as they show up. All Members with suspense items before the Committee this morning have waived presentation. We will be taking testimony from the public on each and every item.
- Anna Caballero
However, even if the author has waived presentation. I also want to announce that several bills that are listed in the daily file for today's hearing have been rescheduled to next week. These items are SB 1354 by Senator Wahab and SB 1464 by Senator Ashby. The Department of Finance has indicated that they do not have a file on any of the measures before the Committee, and their representative will not be here to testify.
- Anna Caballero
So before we begin, I want to remind any witnesses to limit their testimony to the fiscal aspects of the bill. And please refrain from lengthy policy discussions and repeating prior testimony in your comments. So we are going to start today's meeting as a subcommitee until we can establish a quorum. So we'll go straight on in to our testimony. And Senator Durazo is here. Welcome. We're excited to have live senators here, as opposed to AI-produced. So, Senator Durazo, you're here on SB 1350? Very good.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you very much, Madam Chair and Members. SB 1350 simply requires the Department of Industrial Relations to make recommendations to the Legislature on policies the state may adopt to protect domestic workers from work-related injuries and illnesses. We've heard about, despite caring for what we hold most dear, our families and our homes, domestic workers remain without any health and safety protections.
- María Elena Durazo
And that goes from during the pandemic, when domestic workers were three times more likely to have contacted COVID-19 or climate-accelerated disasters, which magnify the dangers that domestic workers and day laborers face on a daily basis. Beyond these extreme dangers, domestic workers also face risk of injury and illness in their day to day work related to lifting, chemical handling and repetitive strain, among other risks.
- María Elena Durazo
Since the governor's veto last year of my prior legislation removing the exclusion of private pay household domestic service employees from California's occupational health and safety requirements, I have been in conversation with his office regarding the health and safety of domestic workers. I am hopeful that those conversations will result in a meaningful step forward this year in addressing legitimate health and safety risk associated with domestic work. The DIR indicates that it would incur a one time cost of $75,000 to implement the provisions of the bill.
- María Elena Durazo
And with me here today in support of SB 1350 is Cynthia Gomez, Deputy Director of State Policy and Advocacy with CHIRLA. Thank you, Madam Chair.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Welcome.
- Cynthia Gomez
Good morning, Madam Chair and Members. My name is Cynthia Gomez. I'm the Deputy Director of State Policy and Advocacy with the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, CHIRLA. CHIRLA is a founding member of the California Domestic Workers Coalition and a current member of the Coalition Steering Committee. The California Domestic Workers Coalition represents nearly 300,000 house cleaners, nannies, home care workers in the state and has been at the forefront of working to end the exclusion of domestic workers from workplace safety standards, like many others are protected by.
- Cynthia Gomez
Domestic workers, are a key member of the care economy, and provide critical services to many. In recent years, domestic workers have continued to work through climate disasters, wildfires, floods, and a global pandemic and are largely comprised of women and immigrants. A study conducted by the UCLA Labor Occupation of Health and Safety Program found that despite being injured, 94% of respondents reported continuing to work through their injuries out of fear of job loss or financial loss.
- Cynthia Gomez
California has the opportunity to ensure that all workers have access to a safe work environment. SB 1350 would require the Department of Justice relations to make recommendations to the Legislature on policies that the state may adopt to protect domestic workers. We estimate that SB 1350 would be a low cost measure, but one that has the potential to benefit thousands of workers in the state. We thank you for your consideration of this bill and ask for your support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Is there anyone else that would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? Seeing neither, this is eligible for a due pass recommendation today. Are there any questions? Any questions? Okay, we do have a quorum, so it looks like we're going to be able to take action. So if you could call the roll, please.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Anna Caballero
We have a quorum. Would you like to conclude?
- María Elena Durazo
I just respectfully ask for your support and aye vote. Thank you, Madam Chair.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Is there a motion? There is a motion by Senator-- Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
The motion is due pass to the Senate Floor. [Roll call]
- Anna Caballero
We have three votes. We'll put that on call. Thank you very much. Next up is Senator Newman. Senator Newman, you're here on SB 1449?
- Josh Newman
That is correct.
- Anna Caballero
And there is a due pass recommendation on this one as well.
- Josh Newman
Thank you. Madam Chair and Members, thank you for the opportunity to present SB 1449, which would extend an existing exemption to the Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009 to provide much needed regulatory relief to Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles. In 2010, the US Department of Education issued new guidelines requiring institutions of higher education to maintain a formal process for receiving and processing consumer complaints.
- Josh Newman
In 2015, the state's Bureau for Private Post Secondary Education invited Southwestern Law School to enter into a contract for the purposes of satisfying that requirement. Recently, however, the bureau notified Southwestern Law School that those contracts had been made in error and that absent accreditation by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, better known as WASC, Southwestern would need to become bureau licensed or it would fall out of compliance with federal law.
- Josh Newman
Moreover, the standard licensure requirements to which Southwestern would be required to conform, which were developed to regulate private educational institutions and are admirably intended to protect students interests, are in many cases, in direct conflict with the standards and practices of a dedicated nonprofit law school such as Southwestern. SB 1449 addresses this flaw in a deliberately tailored fashion by explicitly authorizing the bureau to contract with Southwestern Law School pursuant to federal requirements. I'm respectfully asking for an aye vote today.
- Anna Caballero
Very good. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 1449?
- George IV
Madam Chair and Members, George Miller, on behalf of Southwestern Law in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? Is there anyone here that would like to speak in opposition to SB 1449? Seeing none. I stated earlier, the Department of Finance doesn't have files on anything, so we're not going to hear from them. Any questions of Senator Newman? Seeing none wie'll allow you to conclude.
- Josh Newman
I respectfully asking for an aye vote today.
- Anna Caballero
Very good. Do we have a motion on this do pass recommendation? Senator Wahab moves the Bill. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
The motion is due pass to the Senate Floor. [Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
That Bill has three votes. We'll put it on call for the absent Members.
- Josh Newman
Thank you, Madam Chair.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Alrighty. So we'll start up at the beginning of the list and start with Senator Weiner's SB 509, as I. Senator Wiener has waived presentation on his Bill. On his bills. And so we'll see if there's anybody here that would like to speak in support of SB 509. Is there anybody that would like to speak in opposition to SB 509? 905, I'm sorry. What did I say? Well, it's close. Seeing no testimony, this Bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 509, 905. Holy cow. I guess I need more coffee. We'll move to suspense. Moving on to SB 960. We're just starting the agenda. It could be rough. SB 960 by Senator Wiener. Senator Wiener has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 960? Anybody here that would like to testify in opposition to SB 960? Seeing neither. This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 960 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
SB 1047 by Senator Wiener. Senator Wiener has waived presentation. Those here to testify in support.
- Chris Micheli
Good morning, Madam Chair. Chris McKaylee, on behalf of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, in support of the Bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Very good. Is there anyone else who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition to 1047? Seeing neither, this Bill or finishing up on this one, this Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1047 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1227 by Senator Wiener. Senator Wiener has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This is a candidate for the suspense file.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 1227 will move to suspense. SB 906 by Senator Skinner. Senator Skinner has waived presentation. Is there anybody that would like to testify in support of SB 906? Anybody who would like to testify in opposition to SB 906? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, SB 906, without objection, will move to suspense. Picking up SB 1022 by Senator Skinner. Senator Skinner has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support of SB 1022? Anyone in opposition to SB 1022?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate as well. So, without objection, SB 1022 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1144 by Senator Skinner, who has waived presentation. Those in support.
- Chris Micheli
Madam Chair? Chris McKaylee, on behalf of the LA Area Chamber of Commerce in support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Very good. Anyone else who would like to testify in support. Is there anybody here that would like to testify in opposition to SB 1144. This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So SB 1144 without objection, will move to suspense. SB 908 by Senator Cortese. Senator Cortese has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to speak in support of SB 908? Anybody who would like to testify in opposition to SB 908? This is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 908 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
SB 915 by Senator Cortese, who again has waived presentation. Anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 915? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition to 915? This is a suspense file candidate. So SB 915 without objection, will move to suspense. SB 999 by Senator Cortese, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 999? Welcome.
- Trent Murphy
Hi. Trent Murphy with the California Association of Alcohol and Drug Program Executives in support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else who would like to testify in support of 999? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 999 will move to suspense. SB 1162 by Senator Cortese, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1162? Anyone here who would like to testify in opposition to 1162? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1162 will move to the suspense file.
- Anna Caballero
SB 1298 by Senator Cortese, who has waived presentation. Is there anybody here who would like to testify in support? Anybody here who would like to testify in opposition to 1298? Welcome.
- Brendan Twohig
Thank you. Madam Chair and Members. Brendan Twohig, on behalf of the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association, which is the air pollution control officers from all 35 local air districts, we have an opposed position. We've seen that under the current 100-megawatt exemption, that the default is diesel when we know there are cleaner alternatives available. So we have concerns with that underlying exemption. Now, this increases at 50%.
- Brendan Twohig
So all we're saying is that these projects, these large projects, should go through the full, normal certification process, where there's more opportunity for public input and mitigation. So thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Very good. Thank you so much. Anyone else who would like to speak in opposition?
- Alan Abbs
Good morning Chair and Members of the Committee, my name's Alan Abbs, representing the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. We have an opposed unless amended position to be more protective of communities such as the City of Santa Clara, which, as the analysis notes, has had over 667 diesel engines installed in the last five years under the exemption that 1298 proposes to expand. So our amendment that we suggest would be to allow the additional exemption to the CEC but not allow those exemptions for diesel engine projects. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you so much. Anyone else in opposition? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1298 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
SB 1299 by Senator Curtisi who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 1299? In opposition to 1299? This is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1299 will move to suspense. SB 1373 by Senator Cortese, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1373?
- Anna Caballero
In opposition to 1373? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1373 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 910 by Senator Umberg, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 910? Anyone who would like to testify in support, I mean, in opposition to SB 910. This is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 910 will move to suspense. SB 919 by Senator Umberg. Senator Umberg has waived presentation on this Bill.
- Anna Caballero
Anyone who would like to testify in support?
- Randy Pollack
Madam Chair, Members of the Committee, Randy Pollock, on behalf of the International Franchise Association in support of this Bill. We believe that the registration fees for third party brokers would offset any cost to the Department. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 919 will move to suspense. SB 939 by Senator Umberg, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support of SB 939? Anybody who would like to testify in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 939 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
Moving on to SB 926 by Senator Wahab. Senator Wahab has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 926 will move to the suspense. SB 983 by Senator Wahab who has waived presentation. Anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone in opposition? SB 983 is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, we will move SB 983 to the suspense.
- Anna Caballero
SB 984 by Senator Wahab who has waived presentation. Anyone here would like to testify in support? Anyone in the room that would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. Without objection, SB 984 will move to the suspense. SB 1355 by Senator Wahab. She has waived presentation on this Bill as well. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support. Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So SB 1355 will move without objection to suspense. Moving on to SB 934 by Senator Gonzalez. Senator Gonzalez has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to speak in support of SB 934? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 934 will move to suspense. SB 1253 by Senator Gonzalez, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 1253? Welcome. If you'll come up to the mic.
- Anna Caballero
Your opposition. Okay. Seeing no testimony in support, we'll move on to opposition. SB 1252, opposition.
- Elizabeth May
Good morning. I'm Elizabeth Rose May. I am a two time violent crime survivor. I have a CCW, and I also hunt. I'm concerned that this safety certificate will function as a license to possess a firearm, which is an insult to the Constitution. Also, it excludes young people from even being able to acquire this certificate. So I ask you to oppose this Bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1253 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 942, Senator Becker. Senator Becker has waived presentation on his bills. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 942? Anyone in opposition of 942? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 942 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 993 by Senator Becker, who has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to speak in support? Anyone here who would like to speak in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 993 will move to suspense. SB 1133 by Senator Becker, who has waived presentation on this Bill. Is there anyone here to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1133, we'll move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
Moving on to SB 1254 by Senator Becker, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1254 will move to suspense. SB 1288 by Senator Becker, who has waived presentation. Anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1288 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
SB 1307 by Senator Becker, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. So, SB 1307 will move to suspense, without objection. SB 1374 by Senator Becker, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Welcome.
- Margrete Snyder
Hi. Meg Snyder, Axiom Advisors, on behalf of the California Building Industry Association, Rewiring America, Sunpower, and Pearl X in support of 1374. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Is there anyone who would like to anyone else who would like to testify in support? Is there anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1374 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 943 by Senator Ochoa Bogh. Senator Ochoa Bogh has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 943? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition to SB 943?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 943 will move to suspense. SB 1040 by Senator Ochoa Bogh, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1040? Is there anyone who would like to testify in opposition to SB 1040? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1040 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 970 by Senator Ashby, who has waived presentation on her Bill.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Chris Micheli
Madam Chair, Chris McKaylee, on behalf of LA Area Chamber of Commerce, also in support of this AI Bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Is there anyone else who would like to testify in support? Is there anyone who would like to testify in opposition to SB 970? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 970 will move to suspense. SB 1180 by Senator Ashby, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support?
- Trent Murphy
Trent Murphy with the California Association of Alcohol and Drug Program Executives in support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Is there anyone else that would like to testify in support? Anyone in room 2200 that would like to testify in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1180 will move to suspense. SB 1452 by Senator Ashby, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of the Bill? Is there anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense candidate. Without objection, SB 1452 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Grove, thank you for being here today. I understand you're going to be presenting on SB 1270.
- Shannon Grove
Yes, ma'am.
- Anna Caballero
There is a do pass recommendation on this.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, ma'am. Very briefly, just thank you for letting me present today SB 1270, which is brought to me by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. The CDFA Market Enforcement Branch provides several services to farmers throughout the state and projects more than or protects more than $40 billion in California agricultural commodities. The branch also is 100% industry funded. However, fees have not been adjusted in over 10 years. When it was brought to me by CDFA, I checked with our local farmers.
- Shannon Grove
They support this branch of the agency. Again, no cost that we can determine based on state resources because it's 100% industry funded. Not sure it's why in Appropriations, but we're here to say we appreciate the do pass and respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Anna Caballero
Very good. We do not have the Department of Finance to speak today, so we'll move on to those in support. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support of SB 1270? Anyone here who would like to testify in opposition? Seeing neither are there any questions of the Committee. If not, I'll entertain a. I'll allow you to finish, wrap up.
- Shannon Grove
Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Anna Caballero
Very good. Is there a motion? Okay, we have. We have a motion. We do. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
The motion is do pass to the Senate Floor. [Roll call]
- Anna Caballero
We have three votes on that. We'll put it on call for the absent Members. Thank you for being here today. Appreciate it. Let's just wait. We're going to move on to SB 1453. So, let's do the unusual because Senator Wahab is begging me to do it. We're going to go back to Senator Grove's SB 1270 and call the roll again.
- Committee Secretary
Do you want to lift the call on all three bills?
- Anna Caballero
Yeah. So we're starting with SB 1270.
- Committee Secretary
The motion is do pass to the Senate Floor. Chair voting aye. [Roll call]
- Anna Caballero
So that now has four votes. We'll put it back on call for the absent Members, and we'll go back. And we have two other bills that we put on call with do pass recommendations. The first is SB 1350 by Senator Durazo. We're going to lift the call on that.
- Committee Secretary
The motion is do pass to the Senate Floor. Chair voting aye. [Roll call]
- Anna Caballero
That Bill is four to one, and we'll put it back on call, and then we're going to take up SB 1449 by Senator Newman. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
The motion is do pass to the Senate Floor. Chair voting aye. [Roll call]
- Anna Caballero
That Bill has four votes and we're going to put it back on call for the absent Members. So, we're going to move on to the. Those are the only bills that have the do pass recommendation. We're going to move on to SB 1453 by Senator Ashby, and Senator Ashby has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 1453? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate, so, without objection, SB 1453 will move to the suspense. SB 1454 by Senator Ashby. Senator Ashby has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support of 1454? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition to 1454? This bill is a suspense file candidate, so, without objection, SB 1454 will move to suspense. SB 1455 by Senator Ashby, who has waived presentation. Anyone here desire to testify in support? Anyone in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
SB 1455 is a suspense file candidate, so SB 1455 will move to suspense. SB 1456 by Senator Ashby. Senator Ashby has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate, so, SB 1456 will move to suspense, without objection. Moving on to SB 1502 by Senator Ashby, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support of SB 1502? Anyone in opposition of SB 1502?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate, so, without objection, SB 1502 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 977 by Senator Laird, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate, so, without objection, SB 977 will move to suspense. SB 1064 by Senator Laird, who has waived presentation. Anyone here like to testify in support? Anyone here like to testify in opposition to 1064?
- Anna Caballero
This is a suspense file candidate, so, without objection, SB 1064 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 997 by Senator Portantino. Senator Portantino has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support of 997?
- Trent Murphy
Trent Murphy with the California Association of Alcohol and Drug Program Executives. We're proud co-sponsors of this Bill and urge your support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition to 997? This Bill is a suspense file candidate, so, without objection, SB 997 will move to suspense. SB 1116 by Senator Portantino, who has waived presentation. Anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about anyone in opposition?
- Chris Micheli
Madam Chair, Chris Micheli, on behalf of SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management, and the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce, in respectful opposition to 1116. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Marlon Lara
Madam Chair and Members, Marlon Lara with the California Restaurant Association, in opposition. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate, so, without objection, SB 1116 will move to suspense. SB 1160 by Senator Portantino, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1160? Is there anybody that would like to testify? I asked it in support, rght? Opposition. Lost my train of thought. Anyone here in opposition to 1160? This is a suspense file candidate. Without objection, SB 1160 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
Moving on to SB 998 by Senator Rubio, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 998? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition to 998? This Bill is a suspense file candidate, so, without any objection, SB 998 will move to suspense. SB 1230 by Senator Rubio, who has waived presentation. Anyone like to testify in support? How about in opposition? SB 1230 is a suspense file candidate, so, without objection, SB 1230 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
SB 1419 by Senator Rubio. Senator Rubio has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate, so, without objection, SB 1419, will move to suspense. SB 1008 by Senator Bradford. Senator Bradford has waived presentation. We thank you for that. And is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate, so, without objection, SB 1008, will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
SB 1059 by Senator Bradford, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support? Is there anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate, so, without objection, SB 1059 will move to suspense. SB 1403 by Senator Bradford, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Anna Caballero
- Darlene Crummity
Good morning. My name is Darlene Crummity, a member of Segec in Arc Bay Area. I am in total support at SB 1403. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Kim Mims
Good morning. My name is Kim Mims with Coalition for Adjusting Equitable California, American Redress Coalition of California, Sacramento branch, and Amend the Mass Media group in full support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much for being here today. Is there anyone else who would like to testify in support? Is there anyone who would like to testify in opposition to 1403? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1403 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1021 by Senator Archuleta. Senator Archuleta has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like. To testify in support of 1021? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1021 will move to suspense. SB 1262 by Senator Archuleta, who has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without any objection, SB 1262 will move to suspense. SB 1315 by Senator Archuleta. He has waived presentation on this bill as well. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, SB 1315 without objection, will move to suspense. SB 1388 by Senator Archuleta, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Testify in opposition? This bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 1388 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1033 by Senator Menjivar. Senator Menjivar has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1033? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1033 will move to suspense. SB 1492 by Senator Menjivar. Is there anyone here? And Senator Menjavar has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support of 1492? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition to 1492?
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1492, we'll move to suspense. Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't see you move.
- Margrete Snyder
Hi. Meg Snyder, on behalf of Prime Home Health, in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you so much. I appreciate that. Anyone else in support? How about anybody in opposition to 1492? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1492 will move to suspense. SB 1042 by Senator Roth. Senator Roth has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
So we'll see if there's anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1042. How about anyone in opposition to 1042? This is a suspense file candidate. So, SB 1042. Without objection, we'll move to suspense. SB 1289 by Senator Roth, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Testimony in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1289 will move to suspense. SB 1511 by the Health Committee. I was going to say, Heath. Is there anyone, and obviously the Health Committee is not here. So is there anybody who would like to testify in support of 1511? Anyone in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a candidate for the suspense file. So, without objection, SB 1511, we'll move to suspense. SB 1053 by Senator Blakespear. Senator Blakespear has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to speak in support? Anyone in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1053 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1061 by Senator Limon. Senator Limon has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Savannah Jorgensen
Good morning. Savannah Jorgensen with the Lutheran Office of Public Policy California, in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Is there anyone else in support? How about anybody in opposition? This bill is a candidate for suspense. So, SB 1061 will move to the suspense file. SB 1101 by Senator Limon. Senator Limon has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support of 1101? In opposition? This bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, SB 1101 will move to suspense without objection. SB 1115 by Senator Limon, who has waived presentation on this bill. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1115? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1115 will move to suspense. SB 1472 by Senator Limon. She has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This bill is a suspenseful candidate. So, without objection, SB 1472 will move to suspense. SB 1088 by Senator Alvarado-Gil. Senator Alvarado-Gil has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1088? How about in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1088 will move to suspense. SB 1089 by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about anybody in opposition to SB 1089? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1089 will move to suspense. SB 1446 by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify? Senator Smallwood-Cuevas has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 1446? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1446 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1090 by Senator Durazo. Senator Durazo has waived presentation on this bill. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Savannah Jorgensen
Savannah Jorgensen with the Lutheran Office of Public Policy California in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you so much. Anyone else in support? Is there anyone in opposition to SB 1090? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1090 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1107 again by Senator Durazo, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support? Is there anyone who would like to testify in opposition 1107?
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1107 will move to the suspense. SB 1375 by Senator Durazo. Is there anyone? Senator Durazo has waived presentation. Anyone who would like to testify in support?
- Savannah Jorgensen
Savannah Jorgensen with the Lutheran Office of Public Policy California in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1375 will move to suspense. SB 1447 by Senator Durazo, who has waived presentation on this bill. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1447? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition to 1447?
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1447 will move to suspense. SB 1111 by Senator Min. Senator Min has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1111? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? SB 1111 is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1111 will move to suspense. SB 1402 by Senator Min. Senator Min has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1402? How about anybody in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. Without objection, SB 1402 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1118 by Senator Eggman. Is there anyone here who would like to testify? Senator Eggman has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1118? How about anybody in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1118 will move to suspense. SB 1491 by Senator Eggman. Senator Eggman has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of 1491? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition to 1491?
- Anna Caballero
This is a suspense file candidate. So SB 1491 without objection, will move to the suspense. Moving on to SB 1123 by moi. I have waived presentations. So is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of 1123? How about opposition to 1123? This is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1123 will move to suspense. SB 1432 by myself, Senator Caballero. Anyone here? And I've waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support? Anyone that would like to testify in opposition? This too is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1432, we'll move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1138 by Senator Newman. Senator Newman has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of 1138? How about anyone in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without any objection, SB 1138 will move to suspense. SB 1218 by Senator Newman, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. So SB 1218 will move to suspense. SB 1362 by Senator Newman. Senator Newman has waived presentation. Is there any anyone who would like to testify in support?
- Anna Caballero
How about anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So SB 1362, without objection, we'll move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1217 by Senator Glazer. Senator Glazer has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Kenny Lam
Kenny Lam, California Department of Insurance on behalf of Commissioner Ricola Lara, in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? Is there anybody in opposition to SB 1217? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1217 will move to suspense. SB 1382 by Senator Glazer. He has waived presentation. Is there anyone that would like to testify in support of 1382? How about anyone in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 1382 will move to suspense. SB 1482 by Senator Glazer. Is there anyone here that would like to? He has waived presentation on this bill as well. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support? How about anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate as well. So, SB 1482 will move to suspense. Without objection, SB 1233 by Senator Wilk. Senator Wilk has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 1233? How about anyone who would like to testify in opposition to SB 1233? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1233 will move to suspense. SB 1359 by Senator Wilk, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? About anybody who would like to testify in opposition.
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1359 will move to suspense. SB 1234 by Senator Allen. Senator Allen has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 1234? Anyone in opposition? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1234 will move to suspense. SB 1339 by Senator Allen, who has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1339 will move to suspense. SB 1436 by Senator Allen, who has waived presentation. Anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1436? Anybody in opposition to 1436? This is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 1436, we'll move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1267 by Senator Dahle. Senator Dahle has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1267? How about anybody in opposition to 1267? This file is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1267 will move to suspense. SB 1423 by Senator Dahle, who has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1423? How about in opposition to 1423? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1423, we'll move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1400 by Senator Stern. Senator Stern has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 1400? Is there anyone here who would like to testify in opposition SB 1400?
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1400 will move to suspense. Want to call any of the Members from Approps. that want to be able to add on. We're going to be lifting the call on the three do pass bills. I want to make sure that we get them down here so that their vote can be recorded. We're almost done. SB 1413 by Senator Niello. Senator Niello has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1413? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition to SB 1413? This bill is a suspense file candidate. SB 1413 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1459 by Senator Nguyen. Senator Nguyen has waived presentation. Is there anybody who would like to testify in support? Anybody who would like to testify in opposition? This bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So without objection, SB 1459 will move to suspense. Alrighty, so let's go back. Okay, we're going to finish up the Committee and lift the calls. We'll start with SB 1350 by Senator Durazo. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
The motion is do pass to the Senate Floor. Chair voting aye. [Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
That bill is out. Five to two. Moving on to Senator Newman. SB 1449. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
The motion is do pass to the Senate Floor. Chair voting aye. [Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
That bill is out. Six to zero. And then SB 1270 by Senator Grove.
- Committee Secretary
The motion is do pass to the Senate Floor. Chair voting aye. [Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
That bill is out. Six to zero. That concludes our agenda for today. I want to thank everybody for participating in today's hearing. The Senate Committee on Appropriations is adjourned. Thank you all.
Committee Action:Passed
Next bill discussion: May 21, 2024
Previous bill discussion: April 17, 2024