Senate Floor
- Steven Bradford
Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen. Alvarado-Gil, Archuleta, Ashby, Atkins, Becker, Blakespear, Bradford, Caballero, Cortese, Dahke, Dodd, Durazo, Eggman, Glazer, Gonzalez, Grove, Hurtado, Jones, Laird, Limon, McGuire, Menjivar, Min. Newman, Nguyen, Niello, Ochoa Bogh, Padilla, Portantino, Roth, Rubio, Seyarto, Skinner, Smallwood-Cuevas, Stern, Umberg, Wahab, Wiener, Wilk.
- Steven Bradford
Members, a quorum is present. Would our Members and our guests beyond the rail and in the gallery please rise. We'll be led in prayer today by our chaplain, Sister Michelle Gorman. After which we're going to ask you to remain standing. For the pledge allegiance to the flag. Sister Gorman.
- Michelle Gorman
Let us center ourselves in God's presence. If you wish to draw near to God, the Sufi poet Abu Sa'id tells us how. If you wish to draw near to God, seek God in the hearts around you, speak well of all, present or absent. If you would be a light for others. Be like the sun.
- Michelle Gorman
Show the same face to all. To bring joy to a single heart is better than building countless shrines for worship. To capture one heart through kindness is better than setting a thousand free. This is the true lover of God. Who lives with others. Rises and eats and sleeps like others. Gives and takes in the bazaar.
- Michelle Gorman
Yet never forgets God, even for a moment. And on this 80th anniversary of D Day, Gracious God, fill us with your joy. As we continue to grow closer to you. And work for peace in our world. Amen.
- Steven Bradford
Members, please join me in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Members, today marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day. So I'm going to ask that all Members for a moment of silence. In remembrance of the brave individuals who lost their life. On that historic, impactful day. Here in America and across the world. Thank you, Members.
- Steven Bradford
Now we're moving to privileges of the floor. I want to recognize both Senator Skinner and Senator Atkins. Senator Skinner, are you prepared?
- Nancy Skinner
Mister President, I am. Members, thank you. The Senator from San Diego and I rise today to introduce and present Senate resolutions to five individuals who have been instrumental in supporting policies to address the extreme disparities in the allocation of venture capital. Now, why is that relevant? Because, as we know.
- Nancy Skinner
We're the fifth largest economy in the world. We are the innovation economy. And venture funds are much what fuel that. And so, if you are one of the entrepreneurs or innovators. Who want to add to this innovation economy. And yet you are excluded from such sources of capital.
- Nancy Skinner
Then, often that excellent economic activity that we could all benefit from is excluded additionally. So, first up, I want to introduce Tracey Warren, who is the founder of the F5 Collective. The F5 Collective is a pioneering woman led investment firm that is committed to catalyzing generational change for 1 billion women worldwide.
- Nancy Skinner
Miss Warren is passionate about elevating the investment opportunities that exist from backing exceptional women founded ventures with an ambition, excuse me, with an ambitious mission to fund 1000 female funders by 2030, Miss Warren and her colleagues at the F5 Collective are dedicated to closing the gender funding gap and paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable future.
- Steven Bradford
- Nancy Skinner
Next up is Marquesa Finch. Some of you have heard Marquesa testify. She came to a number of committees last year and she is an entrepreneur and impact investor who is focused on alternative finance and equitable access to venture capital and entrepreneurship.
- Nancy Skinner
She is the founder and CEO of Pyrium, a marketplace for angel investing that is designed to create greater access to generational wealth for BIPOC and other communities who have historically been excluded from investing opportunities. Marquesa Finch is also a founding Member of the F5 Collective.
- Steven Bradford
- Nancy Skinner
Now let me turn it over to my colleague from San Diego.
- Toni Atkins
Thank you to my colleague from Berkeley. I want to introduce our next honoree. This is Divya Reddy. Miss Reddy is an entrepreneur and impact investor. She is also a founding partner of the F5 Collective as well as the product lead and chief compliance officer at Pyrium.
- Toni Atkins
Miss Reddy leverages her extensive background in banking and capital markets to mentor emerging companies on growth and fundraising. She also mentors tech innovators through Harvard's D-Cubed foundry. Next, I'd like to introduce Allison Byers.
- Toni Atkins
She is the founder of Scroobious, a tech company working to change the startup landscape by fostering diversity through widespread connections among founders, investors and service providers via scalable online education, community and data driven curation. Miss Byers is a champion for equitable capital distribution.
- Toni Atkins
With over 20 years of experience in startups and the tech industry, she uses her extensive knowledge to be a catalyst for change, especially in regards to gender bias in empowering marginalized communities. Let's welcome her. And now I'm going to pass it back over to my colleague from Berkeley.
- Nancy Skinner
Last but not least, Derek "MixedByAli" Ali, a four time Grammy winning recording and mixing engineer who has turned tech entrepreneur. He hasn't abandoned his music, but he is also a tech entrepreneur. And he is the founder of EngineEars, a vertical software platform for artists, audio engineers, recording studios, producers and record labels.
- Nancy Skinner
He provides innovative solutions for music production professionals that reflect his dedication to mentorship and community empowerment. He runs workshops that share his expertise and train people in his skills all across the country and the world.
- Nancy Skinner
Colleagues startups run by women and people of color are often overlooked by traditional venture capitalist firms, and they have much more trouble, as I mentioned in the beginning, from getting off the ground. Fortunately, those we've introduced you today were able to defy those obstacles, but they are rare.
- Nancy Skinner
These individuals that stand before us today are committed to helping level the playing field and change the biased, male dominated culture in the entrepreneurial and tech sectors.
- Nancy Skinner
They have been fierce advocates for last year's SB 54, which we all passed, and the Governor signed into law, which mandated accurate data collection on venture capital allocation in the hopes of fostering accountability and and promoting progress.
- Nancy Skinner
The innovative companies that they all represent are elevating startups founded by people of color and women and creating partnerships that promote growth and mutual benefits. But let us first give Derek Ali his resolution, and then I will close and then we can do other photos.
- Nancy Skinner
All of those who we've given resolutions to today are joined by their proud families and colleagues on the floor and in the gallery. Please join me in welcoming and honoring these incredible individuals.
- Steven Bradford
On behalf of the California State Senate, we say welcome and congratulations to our five amazing honorees. Now is the time if other Members want to join in on the photo again. On behalf of the California State Senate, we say congratulations to our five honorees. Members, without objection, we will be taking up file item, resolution out of order.
- Steven Bradford
The following I should say resolution out of order. File item 31, SJR 12. Senator Min, are you prepared? He is. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Joint resolution 12 by Senator Min. Relative to oil and gas leases.
- Chris Holden
Senator Min.
- Dave Min
Thank you, Mister President. SJR 12 requests the Federal Government revised current bankruptcy rules to ensure that the oil industry cannot use existing rules to push the cost of decommissioning oil and gas wells onto state taxpayers. As you all know, in 2021 we had a major oil spill off the coast of Huntington Beach, which I represent.
- Dave Min
Those responsible for that spill are being held to account financially. Unfortunately, further up the coast, other operators have found it in their best interest to declare bankruptcy and walk away from dozens of unplugged oil wells and associated equipment and infrastructure with a $200 million hit to the General Fund resulting.
- Dave Min
This is unfortunately part of an established industry model where major oil well producers or owners sell their wells to an independent producer, who then sells to a smaller one, and so on until the last company declares bankruptcy. Walking away with and leaving state taxpayers on the hook for what can be multimillion dollar well cleanups.
- Dave Min
This resolution asks the Federal Government to make sure that an oil well bankruptcy will not adversely affect California State taxpayers. I respectfully ask for your Aye vote.
- Chris Holden
Any further discussion or debate on this item. Any further discussion or debate. Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, please call the role.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Chris Holden
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Chris Holden
Ayes. 29. No. The measurement passes now, Members, we're moving on. Messages from the Governor will be deemed read. Messages from the Assembly will be deemed read, reports of committees will be deemed read, and amendments adopted. Now we're moving on to motions, resolutions, and notices. I want to recognize Senator Wiener for motions under motions, resolutions.
- Scott Wiener
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, I move adoption of authors amendments for budget bills and budget trailer bills that cross the desk on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, June 7 to 9th, 2024. These amendments will be adopted, published, and the bills returned to the Committee.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Senator Neal, for what purpose?
- Roger Niello
To object and recommend a no vote.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Senator Caballero.
- Anna Caballero
I'm just waiting to. I'm not getting in the middle of this fight, but I just have a bill I'd like to pull off it when it time's appropriate.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
All right, Senator. Members, we're trying to call the row Senator Weiner is asking for aye vote. Senator Niello is asking for no vote. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Ayes 27, nos seven. Motion to amend is adopted. All right now Members, it's time if any Member wants to remove item from the consent count, now would be the time. Senator Minn.
- Dave Min
Thank you, Mr. President. On behalf of Assemblymember Low, I'd like to request to remove AB 996 from the inactive file.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Desk will note. Senator Nguyen.
- Janet Nguyen
Thank you, Mr. President. I would like to request to remove item A-6 SCR 103 from the act of file. Thank you.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Thank you. The desk will note. Senator Caballero.
- Anna Caballero
Mr. President, I rise to remove file item A-2 SR 44 from the inactive file.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Thank you. The desk will note. Senator Newman.
- Josh Newman
Thank you, Mr. President. I'd like to request to pull AB 1953 from the consent file at the request of the author.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
The desk will note. Senator Skinner.
- Nancy Skinner
Thank you, Mr. President. On behalf of Assemblymember Bonta, please move item A-22 AB 1186 from the inactive file. Thank you.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Thank you. The desk will note. Any other Members wishing to move an item from active to inactive file? Seeing none now, we'll move on to. All right Members, pursuant to Senate Rule 29.10 C, the following bills are referred to the Committee on Rules File item 20 AB 347.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Pursuant to Senate Rule 29-10 B, the following bills are referred to the committees on rules file item 21 AB 1768. Now Members, we're moving on to consideration of the daily file. Second reading file items one to 23. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Second reading is deemed read now. Members were moving to governor's appointments, Senator Grove. She's prepared. We have two items. File item 25 and 26. Senator Grove, the floor is yours.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, file item number 25 is a confirmation of Lou Paulson to the reappointment of the Public Employee Relations Board. Prior hit his initial appointment in the board of 2019. Mr. Paulson served for 14 years as the President of the California Professional Firefighters and the Chair of the California Fire Foundation.
- Shannon Grove
He was approved at the Rules Committee on May 29 on a 50 vote. Respectfully ask for your I vote.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Any further discussion or debate on this appointment hearing. Cena and secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Allen Albraudegil. Aye. Archuleta I. Ashby I. Atkins I. Becker Blakespear I Bradford. I Caballero. I Cortese dali I Dodd tharazo. I Eggman. I Glazer Gonzalez Grove I otado. I Jones. I Laird. I Limon Mcguire. I minjabar I Min I Newman. I wing I Niello. I ochobo Padilla.
- Committee Secretary
I Portantino I Roth I Rubio I say arto I Skinner I smalled cuevas. I Stern I umber I Wahab. I Wiener.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
I wilt. I Ayes 33, noes zero. The appointment is confirmed. Now we're moving on to file item 26. Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Mr. President. Colleagues, file item number 26 is the confirmation of Chief Daniel Berlant as a state fire marshal for the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Chief Berlant has over 20 years of service with CAL FIRE. Prior to his appointment, he was the Deputy Director of the department's Community Wildfire Mitigation and Preparedness Division.
- Shannon Grove
Chief Berlant took a lot of serious and pretty tough questions from the Rules Committee. Regarding the overlay of our fire prone areas and the mitigation standards that need to be done in order to make sure that our communities in the rural mountain areas, where we're fire prone areas have the ability to get insurance.
- Shannon Grove
And he is working directly with the Insurance Commissioner to make sure that those constituents in California that live in rural areas have an opportunity to get insurance for their homes. And not at a huge price, but they can do things that will mitigate some of that cost.
- Shannon Grove
He also is very much informed on the second chancellors working with the CCC. So that those individuals that are exiting the prison system have an opportunity to get a job that will teach them soft skills, allow them to develop the skill and a talent.
- Shannon Grove
And be able to be elevated to the next position of a full firefighter position. So he has got a great perspective. He is widely, widely respected. Respectfully asked for an aye vote.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Any further discussion or debate on this appointment. Hearing and seeing none. Secretary, you may call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Roger Niello
Allen Becker, Dodd, Glazer Gonzalez, Limon.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Ayes, 33. No, zero. The appointment is confirmed. Now we're moving on to Senate Third Reading. We have file item 41. Senator Ashby is prepared. Secretary, you may read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Concurrent Resolution 154 by Senator Ashby relative to California Aerospace Day.
- Chris Holden
Senator Ashby, the floor is yours.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you, Mister President. I rise to present SCR 154, which designates June 5 as aerospace day and recognizes the contributions of California's air aerospace industries. Our aerospace industry supports more than 500,000 high paying jobs, generates more than $100 billion in annual economic activity, and generates 7 billion in state and local taxes.
- Angelique Ashby
California is home to three NASA research and engineering centers, one in Mountain View, one in Edwards, and one in Pasadena. Many other key sites of aerospace activity call California home, including right here in Senate district eight. The Aerospace Museum of California sits on the grounds of the former McClellan Air Force Base, now known as McClellan Business park.
- Angelique Ashby
The museum focuses on delivering educational programs in science, technology, engineering, and math to over 30,000 students each year, inspiring our future leaders to pursue a career in STEM.
- Angelique Ashby
California sets the standard for progressive our scientists, engineers, and innovators lead the nation in developing new technologies, including unmanned, battery powered aircraft, spacecraft design, commercial satellite advancements, navigation systems, and, of course, advanced robotics. Together, we can ensure that our state continues to lead in the innovation by increasing awareness of California's aerospace contributions.
- Angelique Ashby
Please join me in designating June 5 is California Aerospace Day, by voting aye on SCR 154.
- Chris Holden
Any further discussion or debate on this item?
- Shannon Grove
Senator Grove, I, too, rise in support of SCR 154. Having the Mojave air and spaceport in my district. You know, think about that. In the middle of a desert. We have a spaceport where Virgin Atlantic operates, where the spaceship one is operated, where many things have been tested and proven to be a value to the United States of America. Regarding the space program, in my district, it does employ quite a bit of people.
- Shannon Grove
It is an incredible sight to see when you go out there and you see some of the technology and the things that are going on, and we're producing that right here in California. So respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Chris Holden
Thank you, Senator Portantino.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you, Mister President. Members, I rise to strongly support SCR 154 as the district that has jet propulsion laboratory proudly in the center of it with spirit, Opportunity, all of those wonderful Mars rovers, Voyager, and many, many exciting cutting edge projects, and a longtime earth sciences division that has been mapping global warming and providing wonderful technical advice to the great State of California.
- Anthony Portantino
I strongly support this, but I do want to make one notation that my constituents would chastise me if I did not. Correct. Jet Propulsion Laboratory is physically located in the City of La Canada Flintridge, though it has a Pasadena post office and address.
- Anthony Portantino
So I do want to make sure that the proud folks of La Canada get their due. Thanks.
- Chris Holden
Thank you. Any further discussion or debate on this item, Senator Ahsby, would you like to close?
- Angelique Ashby
I urge an aye vote. Thank you.
- Chris Holden
Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using a unanimous roll call on this item? Hearing and seeing None. Ayes 32 no, zero. The measure passes. Now, Members, it's. We're moving to the consent calendar. Now is the time for any Member wishing to remove an item from the consent calendar to do so now.
- Chris Holden
Hearing seeing none. Secretary, please read all items on the consent calendar and special consent.
- Committee Secretary
- Chris Holden
All right, Members, please call the roll on the consent calendar.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Chris Holden
Secretary, please call the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Chris Holden
Ayes 32, noes zero on the consent calendar. Ayes 32, nos. Zero on the special consent calendar. Now, Members, we're returning to motions and resolutions. Now is the time for adjournment. Memories. We have Senator Cortese. First up. Is he prepared? Senator Cortese, the floor is yours.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Mister President. I rise to adjourn in memory of Tim Quigley Junior, who passed away on March 15 at the age of 78. Today with us in the gallery, we have Tim's son, Aaron Quigley, daughter in law Jenny Quigley, and two of his grandchildren, Mara and Bridget.
- Dave Cortese
I want to thank them all for traveling from Santa Clara County to join us today. And of course, I and so many others are sorry for your tremendous loss. It's our loss as well. Known affectionately as Tim, he was a cherished father, grandfather, brother, uncle and friend.
- Dave Cortese
His life was defined by his commitment to his family, community, and his country. He was very, very committed to his form of public service. He was born in Wabasha, Minnesota in 1945. He graduated from the US Naval Academy, US Naval Academy in 1967 and embarked on a nearly 30 year career in the Navy.
- Dave Cortese
Hoping I can have attention, Mr. President, this is a distinguished veteran and a great leader, not just for my area, but for the entire country. After his 30 year career in the Navy, he served as a P3 pilot, undertook three combat tours during the Vietnam War, and held several senior leadership positions in the military.
- Dave Cortese
He found his way to San Jose during his naval career, a city that would become his home for nearly 50 years. In addition to attending the US Naval Academy, he also graduated from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and he was a former course President at the NATO Defense College from 1991 to 1992.
- Dave Cortese
After retiring from the Navy as a captain in 1994, he returned to San Jose to pursue a career as a corporate nonprofit Executive.
- Dave Cortese
He held positions such as CEO of the Silicon Valley Defense and Space Consortium, the CEO of the Silicon Valley Global Trading Center, the Program Director of Green Change California, which is the place I first met Tim.
- Dave Cortese
He was highly engaged in the community, serving as a Board Member for both the San Jose Symphony and also the San Jose Police Foundation. His regular presence at local government meetings and community events earned the reputation of a respected civic leader known for his tireless commitment and boundless energy.
- Dave Cortese
Tim's real claim to fame as I got to know him in the place, I think he was most comfortable was Sister Cities International. On March 14 of this year, Sister Cities International mourned his loss as a remarkable member of our community.
- Dave Cortese
He had been Chairman of the honorary board of directors, Chairman emeritus, global envoy, and first Chairman of the Sister Cities International Foundation. He left an incredible mark on that organization.
- Dave Cortese
He served as country representative to Australia, Ireland, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, and Ukraine, as well as regional representative to North Africa and the Middle East and international organization representative to NATO. His contributions were invaluable.
- Dave Cortese
In tribute to Tim's legacy, Michael Hyatt, the Chair emeritus of Sister Cities International, and Kevin O'Donnell, the country representative liaison, spoke very, very eloquently about Tim's enduring legacy, his long term legacy in terms of international relations and peace during that memorial on March 14.
- Dave Cortese
I got to know him there as a member of the Sister Cities International board myself and to see Tim in action. He was truly a global leader, not just in words, but in deeds. He was a very, very close friend of former, the late former Secretary Norman Y. Mineta, who was one of the founders of sister cities in the San Jose area.
- Dave Cortese
Tim is going to be sorely missed. He already is. His son Aaron again, who's in the gallery, and I talk about him frequently. I receive more text messages and email messages after his passing than anyone in my lifetime, after their passing, including my own family members.
- Dave Cortese
His legacy of service lives on. His son Aaron, who I've mentioned a couple times, is one of our leaders at the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority. Tim's service was an inspiration to many.
- Dave Cortese
I know it'll continue to be an inspiration to his son, to the family members who are here, who are here, and to the extended family as well. He has survived. Tim is survived by his partner, Siyoshi has five siblings, four children, seven grandchildren and a great grandchild.
- Dave Cortese
And again, he's already been dearly missed and he will continue to be. Thank you, Mr. President.
- Chris Holden
Thank you on behalf of the California State Senate, we extend our deepest condolences to the Quigley family and ask that you bring his name forward so he can be properly memorialized. Next up is Senator Portantino.
- Anthony Portantino
Members, I rise today sadly to adjourn in the memory of Raul Porto. After immigrating from Manzanilla, Cuba, in search of a better life, he settled in Los Angeles. Raoul and his late wife, Rosa, who was also a baker and co-founder of their wonderful bakery, which they started their chain in 1976.
- Anthony Portantino
Together, they helped generations of Cuban immigrants find a taste of home and popularize regional specialties such as stuffed and fried potato balls and pressed Cuban sandwiches. Later on, the Porto's expanded their business beyond Cuban pastries to serve treats that appealed to a number of cultures, including Danishes, fruit tarts, muffins and many, many more.
- Anthony Portantino
In 1982, Porto's relocated to Glendale and eventually further expanded to Burbank, Buena Park, West Covina and Northridge. Known for his humble nature, Raul balanced his roles as a devoted husband, father and businessman, inspiring all who knew him with his passion and his commitment.
- Anthony Portantino
In his later years, Raul found immense joy in spending time with his grandchildren and watching the next generation of his family grow and excel. Raul and Rosa are survived by generations of Porto's, including many grandchildren. Their three children, Beatrice, Raul, Junior, and Margarita, all grew up helping their parents in the bakery and went on to run the businesses themselves.
- Anthony Portantino
He had a tremendous love for family and truly an American success story at American Dream.
- Anthony Portantino
He came here to pursue a better life for his family, and through his hard work and perseverance, he created that work, passed it on to his children. Beatrice is a fixture in Glendale. I just was at an event the other day in Burbank, and there was the Porto family, donating food to support the community.
- Anthony Portantino
This is a family that came here to do good things, succeed, and turn that success into community service. And I proudly stand to ask this body to adjourn in his memory.
- Toni Atkins
Please send our condolences to the family and bring his name forward to the desk. Senator Durazzo. I'm sorry. I didn't see you were going to speak.
- María Elena Durazo
I just want to add a couple of words to what my colleague said. The first location of the Porto's bakeries was an echo park, my district, which is home to thousands of Cuban refugees.
- María Elena Durazo
And I just want to thank the Porto family because of their civic and their business contributions to Los Angeles, and end by telling you that the lines at the Porto bakery are long, all day into the evening, and leave you with this thought. Guava cheese, strudels, potato balls, res leches, Plato De lechon, Ropa, Viejas, Empanadas. And, of course, the cortex coffee. Thank you.
- Toni Atkins
Please bring his name forward to the desk so he can be appropriately memorialized. Senator Bradford.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Madam President. Today I rise in the memory of a great Californian, a great Texan, and a great American, that in the person of James Johnson, who is an amazing son, brother, husband, father and grandfather.
- Chris Holden
Mr. Johnson was born in Texas, in Clarksville, Texas, and he was the fifth of seven children born to his late parents, George and Willie Mae Johnson. And as even as a young child, he was known as being a masterful storyteller, engaging folks in all kind of stories and accolades, and just amazing person to know.
- Chris Holden
Mr. Johnson was also a veteran. He served in the navy, and he did two tours of duty, and he was stationed in Japan. And while stationed in Japan, Mr. Johnson opted not to stay on base and live in the community so he could get emerged in the culture, both he and his family.
- Chris Holden
Mr. Johnson, during his life, visited over 32 countries, and he encouraged his family to explore and experience the world as well. What makes Mr. Johnson so special to me as a young kid, his family was the second African American family to move on my street as a young kid.
- Chris Holden
And he moved there with his late wife, Mildred, and his four daughters, Francine, Annette, Yolanda, and Carla. Mr. Johnson was the original girl dad.
- Chris Holden
And even though there was not a single boy for me to play with as a young kid, we welcomed him nonetheless, because Mr. Johnson was always there, encouraging all of us, regardless if we were boys or girls, to be the best that we could be. As stated, they were the second black family on our street.
- Chris Holden
We have lived across the street from each other for 55 years. Mr. Johnson always shared his wisdom and encouraged many young people and adults to be the best that they could be in our community. He was well respected and always eager to help people become the best of themselves with integrity and purpose.
- Chris Holden
I stand here today because of the many discussions and encouragement that he gave me during my challenges of becoming an elected official, being involved in the community. And he was always quick to say, put a sign in my yard. I never had to ask him. He would just say many times, where is my sign?
- Chris Holden
And that's who Mr. Johnson was. Again, he served in the military, but after retiring from the military, he worked for the US Postal Service, Norris Industries, and he retired from Reynolds Metals. Again, he was a calm and quiet, but commanding and respected individual whenever he entered a room or any discussion.
- Chris Holden
I'm blessed to have known him for the last 55 years. And though his presence will be greatly missed, his legacy will live on through the many lives he's touched. His four amazing daughters, his grandkids, and now great grandkids. Members, I ask you to join in memory a journey in memory of James Johnson. Thank you.
- Toni Atkins
Senator, please accept the Senate condolences to the family and the friends. And please bring his name forward to the desk so he can can be appropriately memorialized. There is no other business. Senator Mcguire, the desk is clear.
- Mike McGuire
Thank you so much, Madam President and colleagues. I just want to take a moment before we adjourn today to be able to acknowledge what we did in the beginning. It's the 80th anniversary of D-Day in Normandy, France. 150,000 Members of our brave allied troops joined together in the largest seaborne invasion in military history.
- Mike McGuire
4000 died on that first day defending our democracy and our freedoms. And all those who continue to serve this nation and our veterans, including those who serve the people of California, the great Senators from Pico Rivera, Stockton, Bakersfield, San Fernando Valley, Fullerton, Riverside, and Santa Ana. We thank you.
- Mike McGuire
Members, enjoy your friends, your families, all the district events this week and the next floor session is scheduled for Monday, June 10, at 02:00 p.m.
- Toni Atkins
The Senate will be in recess until 03:30 p.m. at which time the adjournment motion will be made. We will reconvene Monday, June 10 at 02:00 p.m.
No Bills Identified