Assembly Standing Committee on Arts, Entertainment, Sports, and Tourism
- Mike Gipson
Want to call. I want to say good morning and welcome to the hearing on the Committee on Arts, entertainment, sports and tourism. While we're still waiting for Members to, to join us, we ask any Members to please, if you're assigned to the arts, entertainment, sports, tourism, would you please come to room 444 and so we can begin an establishment quorum. Before we begin, we want to start a few housekeeping items.
- Mike Gipson
We have one Bill being taken up today, Senator Ashby, SB 1456, the State Athletic Commission. We will allow up to two primary witnesses in support, and we will allow two in opposition. Each will have two minutes each.
- Mike Gipson
Afterwards, Members of the public will have an opportunity to state their name, their position in any organizations in which they represent at that particular time. Any additional comments may be submitted through the position portal or letter portal on the Committee's website. So you have an opportunity. If you're not here physically, you can certainly register your support or opposition to this Senate Bill. We will begin quickly, as soon as the author gets here, and also establish a quorum.
- Mike Gipson
Madam Secretary, please call the row to establish a quorum.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Mike Gipson
A quorum has been established. We're just now waiting for the Senator to arrive and then we'll be dealing with item number one, Senate Bill 1456.
- Mike Gipson
Senator Ashby, we thank you very much, you're here. File item number one, Senate Bill 1456, when you're ready. We also understand you'll be accepting the amendments.
- Angelique Ashby
Yes, accepting the technical amendments.
- Mike Gipson
Great. You can proceed when ready.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you, Chair Gipson, appreciate you and all of your Members here. Thank you so much for waiting for us. I'd like to first start by thanking your staff for going above and beyond to get this Bill in fighting form. What are we, now we're making jokes? Okay, got it. All right. Thank you very much.
- Angelique Ashby
Really do appreciate you guys. SB 1456 is the sunset Bill for the California State Athletic Commission. The Commission expires on January 1, 2025 and this Bill is necessary to ensure that the Commission can continue to operate and do its mission-critical work of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of California's boxers and mixed martial arts athletes.
- Angelique Ashby
You probably know we had a large Committee hearing about this item in Senate and Assembly, BPED. And this is the work, the Sunset Bill is the work from that Committee. Joining me today in support is Andy Foster, which is the Commission's Executive Officer, and Scott Wetch, a Member of their board. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Mike Gipson
Thank you very much. Both witnesses have two minutes each. You can proceed when ready.
- Andy Foster
Thank you, Chair Gipson. I'd like to thank your staff, Mr. Anderson, for being so kind and helping us. And we are very pleased with the amendments that have been added. These are what the Commission feels like can do its work better, and we appreciate your support.
- Scott Wetch
Mister Chairman and Members, Scott Wetch. I sit at the pleasure of the State Senate on the Athletic Commission. The Senate Committee staff who put together this Bill has done their typical exemplary work, and we appreciate all the work of your staff. I'm just here to answer any technical questions. Thank you.
- Mike Gipson
Thank you very much. Any witnesses in support of this Bill, please step to the microphone. Name, organization? Seeing none, we'll move to opposition. Any opposition primary? None. Seeing none. Any opposition in the room that one wish want to establish or say something in opposition? Seeing none, bring it back to the Committee.
- Mike Gipson
Been properly moved by Mr. Fong and seconded by Mr. Lackey. This item enjoys a do pass. Thank the author for bringing this before us. Madam Chair, please call, Madam Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
The action is do pass as amended to the Committee on Business and Profession. [Roll Call]
- Mike Gipson
That Bill is out. Thank you very much.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you, Chairman. Appreciate you guys.
- Mike Gipson
This Committee on Arts, Entertainment, Sports, and Tourism is adjourned. Thank you.