Senate Standing Committee on Environmental Quality
- Benjamin Allen
All right, we're going to start as a Subcommitee. Subcommitee here. And we'd like. We appreciate you being here, Senator and Mister Albiani. And you're here to present SB 551. And we will establish a quorum for us. Yeah, yeah, let's do it. Republican friend, please establish a quorum.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Benjamin Allen
Okay, thank you. So we have a quorum. Appreciate it. The chair. Yeah, we have a quorum and you may proceed.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you, Mister chair. SB 551 would clarify approve reporting practices across plastic beverage manufacturing company product lines. Regulation of plastic manufacturers has been a complex issue. In 2016, AB 2530 passed, which required manufacturers report information about the amounts of virgin plastic and post consumer recycled plastic in their bottles sold during the previous calendar year.
- Anthony Portantino
The latter passage of 793 in 2020 created more issues, and so SB 551 would address some of the issues authorizing special beverage manufacturers to comply with post consumer recycling content. It's a cleanup and necessary, time sensitive Bill. And with me I have Dennis Albiani, who will say a few words.
- Benjamin Allen
Mister Albiani, you may proceed.
- Dennis Albiani
Dennis Albiani on behalf of the American Beverage Association and Consumer Brand Association, both in support, this Bill cleans up a provision that was in 793 by Ting and Erwin from a few years ago about reporting how much recycled content you have in your bottles.
- Dennis Albiani
And so all it does is allow reporting across the entire company's portfolio. Not every single bottling plant, which is how Cal recycle has interpreted the current Bill. And so this was actually discussed while 793 was going through the process, just never got referenced properly. And that's what we're cleaning up with this Bill.
- Dennis Albiani
Appreciate your time and glad to answer any questions.
- Benjamin Allen
Great. Any witnesses? In addition, anyone who wants to come to the mic to express their support for the Bill, come on up. Yeah.
- Bruce Magnani
Chairman Members Bruce Magnani, on behalf of the Association of Plastic Recyclers and the recycling partnership, in support of the measure and happy to answer questions.
- Benjamin Allen
Great. Any other further witnesses? Anyone? Opposition raise concerns about the Bill? All right, we'll bring it back to Committee. Questions moved by Senator Dahle. Other additional questions, we'll let you close.
- Dennis Albiani
Thank you. Mister chair, respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Benjamin Allen
Okay, let's call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Benjamin Allen
Okay, that has the votes. We may just gavel down because I don't, given the everyone running around. Yeah, we'll just wait a few minutes and then.
- Benjamin Allen
Yeah. Secretary, please call the roll on the Portantino Bill.
- Committee Secretary
Okay, the current vote is four to zero, with the chair and the Vice Chair voting aye. [Roll Call]
- Benjamin Allen
Okay, can we gather down? Well, Lena is in a meeting.
- Benjamin Allen
All right. I'm going to adjourn the hearing. We have the votes. The votes. We'll report it out. Five to zero. Five to zero. It's on its way. Don't worry, Chris.
Committee Action:Passed
Previous bill discussion: August 26, 2024