Senate Standing Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development
- Angelique Ashby
If you're on the business, professions and economic development, just like speak it into existence. We do have enough Senators here for a quorum. We'll go ahead and call the meeting to order. We only have one quick Bill to hear today, and we are so lucky as to have Senator General Roth who will present that Bill today on behalf of the Committee. But first, let's call roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you. Oh, boy. Who let them wear sports gear? Everybody knows this is light the beamtown. Okay. Senator Roth.
- Richard Roth
Madam Chair, it's a pleasure to. Actually, it's a privilege to present this Bill on behalf of you. The Bill is back before us to consider Senate Assembly amendments.
- Richard Roth
Rather, the measure now includes additional provisions that stem from our discussions earlier this year and throughout the past many months as part of the California State Athletic Commission sunset review oversight ensures fighter safety by requiring on site ambulances to transport injured athletes at the direction of the supervising physician and conforms the boxers pension Fund contributions to the pathway created last year.
- Richard Roth
You may remember, for mixed martial arts athletes, the work is truly mission critical. This work of the Commission. And without this Bill, the Commission will expire on January 1. Respectfully ask your aye vote at the appropriate time. We have one witness and I believe Andy Foster, State Athletic Commission Executive Officer.
- Angelique Ashby
Andy, you can just do it from over there today. Less formal, go ahead. Thank you. Thanks for being here. Did you bring a special guest with you?
- Andy Foster
Yes, Senator. My son, who had an eye appointment later this morning in Sacramento, he decided to come with me.
- Angelique Ashby
Very good. Welcome. Welcome to the Senate. All right. oh, boy. Ignore him. There's one in every crowd. Mister Foster. Thank you. Go ahead.
- Andy Foster
Senator Ashby. The amendments were part of the sunset review as we all met and we discussed in the ambulance requirement that Senator Roth had mentioned. And the increase in the minimum pay for boxers from $100 to $200 per round was put in the provision that allows the Commission, through regulation, in consultation with the Medical Advisory Committee, to allow a pathway for people that have previously tested for hepatitis C but has now been cured of that disease.
- Andy Foster
Per CDC guidelines, it provides a pathway for them to now be licensed in the future, once the regulations are in place, it increases the cap on the boxer's pension Fund from $4600 to $10,000. And it increases the assessment on the tickets from 88 cents to a dollar to match the mixed martial arts that was done last year.
- Angelique Ashby
Great. Anything else you want to add?
- Andy Foster
No. I respectfully request your vote.
- Angelique Ashby
Okay, thank you so much. Is there anyone else in the room here who'd like to testify in support of SB 1456? How about any opposition? All right, seeing now we'll come back to the dyess colleagues. Anybody have any comments? I'll move the Bill. Great. Moved by Senator Eggman. Senator Roth, did you want to close?
- Richard Roth
Just appreciate your aye vote Members.
- Angelique Ashby
All right, then we're good to go. Let's take the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Angelique Ashby
All right, we're gonna leave the roll open for just a minute and see if there are some stragglers. But before you, General, walk away from that podium, I'm not sure if this is gonna be our last hearing. We got a couple B&P items floating around. Think we have two more. Sarah, you think? We'll be back?
- Angelique Ashby
Just in case we're not, though, I do want to just thank this B&P team. The staff, the sergeants. They work so hard, all of our crew. And, you know, I inherited this just a few months ago. This is a really important Committee, and I will share this on the record. The day that I was told I got to be chair of this Committee, the first words that came out of my mouth were, behind General Roth. Are you crazy? I don't know that I can live up to that standard. So I will try.
- Angelique Ashby
I'll spend the rest of my time in this seat trying to achieve, sir, what you have done for this Committee. On behalf of people of State of California, and I thank you so much for your commitment. All right, those of you that voted can go. That is our only item.
- Angelique Ashby
I will hang out and see if we have any colleagues. I'll give them about two minutes, and then we'll close the roll. All right, we're going to open the roll here, and we're going to go through it one time, and then we're going to close it out.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Angelique Ashby
All right, thank you, Madam Chair. Thank you. All right, we're going to go ahead and close this out. We got plenty of votes that's going to move on. Eight to zero. That item is out. Thank you.
Next bill discussion: August 31, 2024
Previous bill discussion: August 26, 2024