Senate Floor
- Mike McGuire
Pursuant to the provisions of the proclamation of Governor Newsom, the 2023-2024 2nd extraordinary session will come to order. Pursuant to Section 9150 of the Government Code, Erica Contreras, Secretary of the Senate, Katrina Rodriguez, sergeant of arms, and Matthew Burns, minute Clerk, are in their respective places. Would the Members and our guests please rise.
- Mike McGuire
We'll be led in the prayer by Senator Stern, after which we're going to ask each and every one of you to please remain standing for the pledge of allegiance. Senator Stern.
- Henry Stern
Thank you, Mister President. Psalm 34:18. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed. In spirit, gracious and merciful God, we pray for all those whose lives have been touched by the tragedy of wars. For those who mourn, immerse them in your love and lead them through their suffering in your consoling arms.
- Henry Stern
For those who bring comfort, be present in both the words they use and in all that's left unspoken. Fill each heart with trust and love. Help each of us to contribute to the peace that we so greatly desire.
- Henry Stern
Inspire politicians, peacemakers, soldiers, hostages, relief workers, with the energy and the determination to repair the world so that all can experience compassion, sustenance, repentance, forgiveness, healing, security, and your universal love. May a durable peace emerge out of great suffering and great love. Amen.
- Mike McGuire
Please join me in the pledge of allegiance. The pledge of allegiance to the flag. Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, we're now going to observe a moment of silence. A moment of silence and remembrance of all those who lost their lives, including the victims of Hamas attack on Israel on October 7. The Palestinian and Israeli victims of the ongoing conflict of.
- Mike McGuire
To all those affected by the violence and suffering throughout the broader region, let us pray for peace. Recommit ourselves to bringing every hostage home and work towards the end of war. And a just resolution for all. If I could ask all to please rise for a moment of silence. Thank you, Mister secretary. Can you please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Mike McGuire
Thank you so much, Mister Secretary. Members of the Senate, a quorum is now present. Senators, the Secretary will read the Proclamation of the Governor.
- Committee Secretary
Governor's proclamation. I, Gavin Newsom, Governor of the State of California. In accordance with section three B of Article four of the California Constitution hereby convene the Legislature of the State of California to assemble an extraordinary session in Sacramento, California, on the 31st day of August, 2024, at a time to be determined for the following purposes.
- Committee Secretary
To consider and act upon legislation necessary to authorize the California Energy Commission to adopt regulations that would require California refiners of transportation fields to demonstrate resupply plans and arrangements that are adequate to address losses in production for refinery maintenance before planned maintenance may be scheduled and permitted, while also accounting for protecting the health and safety of refinery employees and the public.
- Committee Secretary
B. Authorize the California Energy Commission to impose minimum inventory requirements on refiners to keep transportation fuel supply stable. C. Make other necessary changes to affirm and strengthen the authority of the California Energy Commission and the Division of Petroleum Market Oversight to implement the provisions of SBA, including by notifying the Advisory Committee that informs those agencies action. D, Make conforming changes to existing law consistent with paragraphs a, B, and C. Gavin Newsom, Governor of California.
- Mike McGuire
Thank you so much, Mister secretary, for reading the proclamation of the Governor. Members, our next order of business is motions and resolutions. Madam Majority leader, you are recognized.
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you, Mister Presiding officer. Mister President, I move the Officers, the Committee on Rules, the Special Committee on Fuel Supply and Price Spikes, the Appropriations Committee, and the standing rules of the Senate, except Senate rule 12 for the 2023 to 2024 regular session to be adopted for the 2023-24 2nd extraordinary session.
- Mike McGuire
Thank you, Madam Majority leader. Senators, we're going to do this vote differently than we typically do. This will be by voice vote. We're first going to ask for those who are in favor by stating aye. Then we're going to ask for those who are opposed with a no.
- Mike McGuire
This motion will be adopted once again by a voice vote. All those in favor, please state aye. Thank you. All those opposed, please state no. No. Well, the ayes have it, and the motion carries. The oaths of office will be deemed complete for the elected officials. The next order of business under motions and resolutions is SCR 1. Senator Gonzalez, you are recognized.
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you. I request unanimous consent to take up SCR 1 without reference to Committee and/or file.
- Mike McGuire
Thank you so much, Madam Senator. Without objection. Such will be the order. Secretary, can you please read the resolution?
- Committee Secretary
Senate Constitutional Resolution 1 by, Concurrent Resolution 1 by Senator Gonzalez, relative to joint rules for the 2023-24 2nd extraordinary session. Madam Majority Leader, you may proceed.
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you. This resolution presents the joint rules for the second extraordinary session. I ask for an aye vote.
- Mike McGuire
Members of the Senate, any discussion or debate on this matter. Looking for discussion or debate on this matter? Hearing, Seeing none. Mister Secretary, can you please call the roll?
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Mike McGuire
Can we please call the absent Members once? Call the absent Members once.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Mike McGuire
Ayes 24 no eight. The resolution is adopted. Senators, the next order of business under motions and resolutions is suspension of the Senate rules. Senator Gonzalez, you may proceed.
- Lena Gonzalez
Thank you, Mister President. I move to suspend the Senate rules as they relate to Assembly Bill 1, allowing the Bill to be read a second time upon being reported from fiscal.
- Mike McGuire
We see. Senator Seyarto, for what reason do you rise?
- Kelly Seyarto
In spite of our time off to reflect on our aversion to suspending the rules. We still wish to suspend or to oppose suspending the rules. Ask for a no vote.
- Mike McGuire
Thank you so much. We'd like to look to see if there's any objection to using the previous roll call. Seeing no objection. Ayes 24, Noes. Eight. The Senate rules are suspended. Thank you so much. The next order of business is Committee announcements. Senator Bradford, the Chair of the Special Committee. You are recognized. Come on down.
- Steven Bradford
Yes. Upon adjournment, we will be meeting in room 2100. The special Committee on Fuels.
- Mike McGuire
Thank you so much. Thank you, Mister chair. Ladies and gentlemen, as we said in the beginning of this session, we'd like to be able to move quickly and efficiently. And we have done that here with this session. If there is no further business, the second extraordinary session will stand in recess and we're going to convene. Reconvene Friday, October 11 at 10:30 a.m. Members, thank you so much for your time today.
No Bills Identified