Senate Floor
- Anna Caballero
Mr. Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
Will the Members and our guests beyond the rail and in the gallery please rise. We. We will be led in prayer this morning by our chaplain, Sister Michelle Gorman, after which, please remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance to the floor.
- Michelle Gorman
We pray in God's presence. Gracious and merciful God. As Muslims prepare to observe Ramadan, we pray in gratitude for their dedication to the five pillars of Islam, profession of faith, prayer, almsgiving, fasting and pilgrimage. May each one of us, from our own perspective, imitate their perseverance and dedication by acting on our deepest beliefs.
- Michelle Gorman
May the fruits of our sincere prayer result in just and generous laws that raise up the downtrodden and the needy. May our empathy for the sufferings of the poor remind us that we can live simply, so that others may simply live.
- Michelle Gorman
And when we travel abroad, may we approach each place with the reverence of a pilgrim, knowing that we are on holy ground, treating each other as brothers and sisters of one Creator. We ask this in your name. Amen.
- Anna Caballero
Please join us as we salute the flag. I pledge allegiance to the flag. Members, as a point of personal privilege, I'd like to recognize Senator Blakespear, who is celebrating her birthday this weekend. Help me to recognize Senator Blakespear. She missed the happy birthday, but it's heartfelt. Members, without objection, we will move to Senate. Third reading to take up File item number 18, SCR 20, by Senator Ochoa Bogh, who is at the Majority Leader's desk. Mr. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Concurrent Resolution 20 by Senator Ochoa Bogh. Relative to Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Awareness Month.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Thank you, Madam President. Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, I rise to present SCR 20, which proclaims February 2025 is peripartum cardiomyopathy Awareness Month. I had been practicing that. I can't believe I just messed that up. Say it quickly. 3 times. Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Awareness Month.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
On your desk, you'll find a red ribbon pin which symbolizes Heart Month, also known as PPCM. This is a form of heart failure that most often develops late in pregnancy, but can occur up to five months after birth, PPCM is diagnosed in mothers with no prior history of heart disease and when no other cause of heart failure is found.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
PPCM is difficult to diagnose because symptoms mimic those of normal pregnancy, such as shortness of breath or swelling in the feet and legs. If caught early enough, most women with PPCM will recover completely within six months after treatment starts.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
However, if left untreated, PPCM can lead to advanced lifelong heart failure which could require a heart transplant or even result in death. Several factors increase the risk of developing PPCM including having high blood pressure, carrying twins or being 35 years or older.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
According to the American Heart Association, pregnant mothers can minimize their PPCM risk by not drinking or smoking, eating a well balanced diet, exercising and monitoring their blood pressure. Healthcare professionals can reduce their patients risk of long term consequences of PPCM by listening to their patients concerns, monitoring BNP levels through blood chest and monitoring rapid weight gain.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
According to the Centers for Disease control and prevention, 9% of all pregnancy related deaths were due to cardiomyopathy of all origins. SCR20 recognizes that the Legislature's ongoing commitment to addressing the maternal mortality crisis through bringing awareness to conditions both rare and routine. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Anna Caballero
Is there any discussion or debate on this resolution? Any discussion or debate saying none. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
Ayes 35 no 0. The resolution is adopted. Senator Ochoa Bogh, you have what we're going to do is move to privileges of the floor so you can do some introductions.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Thank you. Madam President, Members of the of the Senate, I would like to. I would like the Senate to extend a warm welcome to the PPCM survivors joining us today on the Senate Floor.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
PPCM is not widely known about and can be difficult to diagnose, but my guests today have been the tireless advocates to promote awareness by sharing their testimony. These amazing women have amplified the voices and stories of women who have suffered from PPC and its complications.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
When I heard the powerful stories about their personal experiences, I was moved to introduce this resolution and recognize this important issue on the Senate Floor with SCR 20.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
I admire the resilience, passion and dedication to promoting awareness and I'm honored to introduce Carolyn Wood, survivor of 16 years, and Robin Matsumoto Kobashi survivor for for five and a half years. Please help me welcome them this morning.
- Anna Caballero
Members, without objection, we will take up another Senate third reading. Item file item number 17 Sr 15 also by Senator Ochoa Bogh Mr. Secretary, please read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Resolution 15 by Senator Ochoa Bogh relative to the 211 Information and Referral Service.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Ochoa Bogh, the floor is yours.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Madam President, Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, I rise to present Senate Resolution 15, which proclaims February 2025, 211 month and February 11 2025 as 211 day.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Every day, thousands of Californians call 211 a critical information and referral service that connects people of all incomes, income levels, languages and cultural backgrounds to health and human services in their community. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 211 providers do more just patch people through to agencies.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
211 specialists are trained to identify the root causes of a client's problem so they can connect them to a wide range of resources that meet all their underlying needs, not just the ones prompted the call or text.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Since 2006, 211 call specialists have assisted with more than 2 million requests to locate community health and disaster related services. Since 2006. During many difficult times, including COVID 19, pandemic, 211 providers took on the challenge of providing resources and have answered more than 2 million phone calls.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
In 2022 alone, call specialists made more than 2.1 million referrals, averaging well over 11,000 inquiries a day from Californians in need. During the recent devastating wildfires in Los Angeles area211 call specialists displayed professionalism and dedication as they handled an influx of calls from Californians seeking information about evacuation routes, recovery aid, housing resources and disaster recovery.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
211 also gives public officials real time feedback from callers about evolving community needs.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
I authored SCR 15 to shine a spotlight on 211 because I believe that as California's grow more reliant in 211 services, it's imperative we become more familiar with those services and the organizations and staff needed to provide information and referrals to the thousands of people who contact 211 each day. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Anna Caballero
Members, is there any discussion or debate? Any discussion or debate saying none. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
Ayes. 36. No 0. The resolution is adopted. Now we're going to move again to privileges of the floor for introductions by Senator Ochoa Bogh.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Thank you, Madam President. I want to extend a warm welcome to representatives from United Way and California 211. Kimberly Stars, President and CEO and Dr. Danielle Kilchenstein, Executive Director of Government Relations of Inland SoCal, United Way and 211 and Lindsey Gordon, Board Member for 211 California.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
These women are among the many individuals who work hard to educate communities and their elected officials about the importance of 211 services for all Californians. 211 services are provided by local nonprofits with financial support from public and private funders, city and county agencies, businesses and individual donors.
- Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh
Please join me in recognizing Kim, Danielle and Lindsay, as well as 211, California and United Way for their commitment to providing 211 services to all Californians.
- Anna Caballero
For anybody that would like to take a picture with a 211 resolution and Senator Ochobo, now would be the appropriate time.
- Anna Caballero
Members are going to move on with the agenda. Messages from the Governor will be deemed read. Messages from the Assembly will be deemed read. Reports of Committee will be deemed read and amendments adopted. Members are going to move on to motions, resolutions and notices. Any motions, resolutions or notices.
- Anna Caballero
Seeing none, we'll move on to consideration of the Daily file. First item up is governor's appointment. File item number six, Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Madam President. Colleagues, file. Item number six is a confirmation of Matt Baker for the appointment to the California Public Utilities Commission. Mr. Baker previously served as the Director of Public in the Public Advocates Office and a Deputy Secretary for Energy in the National. California National Resources Agency. He was approved unanimously by the Rules Committee on February 19. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Anna Caballero
Members, is there any discussion or debate on this item? Discussion or debate? Seeing none, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
Ayes. 36. No, zero. The appointment is confirmed. Moving on to file item number eight, Senator Grove.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Madam President. I do need to make a correction on file item number seven. That was brought to me by the former Secretary of Natural Resources, our Senator from the Bay Area. He mentioned that I stumbled over the California Natural Resources Agency and didn't say it correctly. I want to make sure that Everybody understands that Mr.
- Shannon Grove
Baker is being appointed to a position and has had previous experience with the California Natural Resources Agency. Now on to file item number eight.
- Anna Caballero
So noted, now we'll all have to say it wrong just so we can make a point.
- Shannon Grove
So on to File item number 8. Dr. Irving Ayala Rodriguez and Annie Chung to the Medical Board of California. And Eric Holst and Fred Chung to the State Mining, Geological or Geology Board. They were approved on the Rules Committee on February 19th on a 50 vote. Respectfully asked for an I vote.
- Anna Caballero
Members, is there any discussion or debate on this item? Discussion or debate? Seeing none, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
Ayes 36 no 0. The appointment is is confirmed. Members, we're going to move on to Senate. Third reading. We're going to take up file item number 16 SCR 19 by Senator Wahab. She is ready. Please read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Concurrent Resolution 19 by Senator Wahab relative to Ramadan.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Colleagues. I rise to present SCR 19 Ramadan. I would first like to thank the 22 legislators across both both houses who co authored this year's resolution.
- Aisha Wahab
I remember the very first time I introduced this and some people were a little bit more hesitant and I really want to continue the fact that we do have to learn about each other, do have to celebrate all communities and Ramadan is the holy month of fasting and spiritual renewal for Muslims worldwide.
- Aisha Wahab
It's a time to reflect spiritually, build communally, aid those in need, and a chance to celebrate and express gratitude. This year, the month of Ramadan begins on Saturday, March 1, and continues for one lunar month during this time. Fasting is meant to be a shared community experience.
- Aisha Wahab
No one is required to fast, and especially young children, the elderly, the disabled, community Members, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and travelers are supported in their decision to not fast. The hunger encourages us to consider our values and necessities and how our lives do or do not align with what is important to us.
- Aisha Wahab
This year, I want to encourage all of us, whether you celebrate Ramadan or not, to consider how our values as policymakers align with the needs of our communities. Homelessness continues to rise in California. Our immigrant communities live in fear. We have so much power in this building and yet we need to do more day after day.
- Aisha Wahab
If we value diversity of perspective, we need to listen more. We must do more to support our immigrant communities so they stay engaged rather than retreat out of fear. If we value ensuring people are housed, we must do more to keep people housed in the first place and ensure that people can stay housed.
- Aisha Wahab
We must do more across the board in the State of California to protect those communities that we care about. During the month of Ramadan, let us all reflect on our values and our ability to change the policies that we hold near and dear and make a change in people's lives for the better. I would like for us to put our values into practice through our legislative work this session. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Jones.
- Brian Jones
Thank you, Madam President and Members. I rise in support of SCR 19 and thank our Senator colleague for bringing this forward to the floor today. In my district, Senate District 40, we have a large and vibrant Muslim population that really add to the fabric of our community.
- Brian Jones
In San Diego, County, Muslim Americans have made significant contributions to our state in medicine, technology, education and public service. My constituents engage with our office on community events, legislation, other policy, and really, my staff and I have really enjoyed working with this entire community within our district.
- Brian Jones
Recognizing Ramadan and the State Senate reaffirms our commitment to religious freedom and diversity and asks for an aye vote on SCR 19.
- Jesse Arreguin
Thank you, Madam President. On behalf of the Latino Legislative Caucus, it's my pleasure to rise in support of SCR 19 and thank the Senator from Hayward for introducing this resolution which celebrates the Muslim holy month of Ramadan across our great and diverse state.
- Jesse Arreguin
Nearly half a million Californians will celebrate this important time of fasting, prayer, spiritual reflection and community. And fasting during Ramadan is a profound act of worship that goes beyond the physical act and the sacrifice, but also helps one's spiritual growth and a renewed devotion to faith.
- Jesse Arreguin
Additionally, this act helps cultivate sympathy for the less fortunate, encourages community bonds and the strengthening of family, fosters unity and togetherness, especially during the breaking of the day's fast.
- Jesse Arreguin
As we acknowledge and celebrate Ramadan, let us all work towards building community, supporting the underprivileged, as the Senator had spoken to, focusing on self improvement and practicing empathy in all we do.
- Jesse Arreguin
And I want to just take this opportunity to acknowledge the great many contributions of our Muslim community here in California, but also acknowledge the rise of Islamophobia, which threatened the safety of our Muslim Californians. That's why it's so important that we celebrate and acknowledge Ramadan to raise awareness and celebrate the rich diversity of our state.
- Jesse Arreguin
I encourage Members to join the interfaith iftars in your local communities to help foster a greater understanding of Ramadan, to show all Californians, especially during these divisive and commercial times, that we are more similar than we are different. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Melissa Hurtado
Thank you Madam President, I rise today in proud support of SCR 19, recognizing Ramadan, a month that reminds us of sacrifice, love and reflection.
- Melissa Hurtado
A state Senator during Ramadan, I am reminded of deeper sacrifices, like the ones made by my parents, who spent their lives working in agriculture, their own, so families can across the country would never go hungry.
- Melissa Hurtado
And I think of the men and women in my district of all faiths, who continue that work today, growing and harvesting food that is sent around the world. Ramadan also reminds me to love, to treat others with kindness, even when it is hard.
- Melissa Hurtado
I think of my in laws who are practicing Muslims, my husband who is preparing for the sacred month and the joy it brings, not just to them, but to my Mexican family as well, as we come together in appreciation of faith, generosity and togetherness.
- Melissa Hurtado
And I also think of the words of Rumi, my favorite poet, whose poetry transcends time and faith. Be like your river in generosity and help like the sun in tenderness and mercy. That is what Ramadan calls us to do, to give, to love, and to serve.
- Melissa Hurtado
So today, as we recognize Ramadan, I hope we all take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices of those who feed us, that the love that sustains us and the power of community that unites us. I have learned that Ramadan is a call to be better, to give, to forgive, and to uplift. I thank my colleague from Hayward for bringing forward this resolution. And I urge an aye vote.
- Josh Becker
Thank you. Rise in support of this resolution from my friend from Hayward. And a couple years ago, Zai built. Two years ago, I was able to host a iftar dinner at my house. And it was a time when Ramadan overlapped with both Passover and Easter. And it was just a really incredible evening of all those faiths coming together.
- Josh Becker
And I learned what a really special time this is. I did the fast just for one day. That itself was difficult. So I can't imagine the whole 30 days, but it just really reinforced this, the spirit of renewal and reflection and philanthropy. That's part of the celebration. And just really proud to be able to stand up in support of this resolution today. Thanks.
- Anna Caballero
Seeing no further comments or discussion, Senator Wahab, you may conclude.
- Aisha Wahab
Thank you. Again, I respectfully ask for an aye vote. Appreciate it.
- Anna Caballero
Members, this item is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using the unanimous roll call saying none. I's 36, no, zero. The resolution is adopted. Members, we're going to move on to the next file item, which is File item number 24 by Senator Rubio. She is prepared. Please read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Resolution 17 by Senator Rubio relative to Teen Dating, Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.
- Susan Rubio
Thank you, Madam President. Ladies and gentlemen, at the Senate today I rise as a Member of the Legislative Women's Caucus to present Senate Resolution 17 in honor of Teen Dating, Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. I rise not just as a Legislator, but also a victim's advocate and victim of domestic violence myself.
- Susan Rubio
For too many young people, what should be their first experience with love, relationship, kindness, tenderness becomes a nightmare. For too many young people, what should be something beautiful becomes fearful, manipulative, and it turns into abuse. One in three teens today will experience some form of dating abuse this year alone. That could be physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional.
- Susan Rubio
That means in any given high school classroom, there are young people who are suffering in silence right now as we're talking here today. They're unsure of what's happening, and they're also unsure on who to turn to for help. The numbers are really staggering.
- Susan Rubio
1 in 11 female teens and 1 in 15 male teens reported experiencing physical dating violence last year. 14% of native teens reported experiencing physical dating violence, the highest percentage in a group. But also transgender youth have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, almost at 50%, a really high number.
- Susan Rubio
It is unfortunate that LGBTQ youth also are impacted in their in their classrooms, with 43% reporting physical dating violence and nearly 60% reporting emotional abuse. These numbers aren't just statistics.
- Susan Rubio
These are lives of our young individuals who really need us to step up, pass policies, and ensure that they're safe, not only in their classrooms, but outside with their families and. And with their friends. Teen dating violence is also a pattern that repeats itself when someone experiences violence.
- Susan Rubio
They go on to sometimes do the same as adults, and we need to stop it. The reality is that so many engage in that kind of behavior because they don't know any better. And as legislators, we need to make sure that we bring awareness, that we bring the education that they need.
- Susan Rubio
It really does start to making a difference when we talk about it and we call it what it is, abuse and an unhealthy relationship. And they also need to know what that looks like. I don't think parents ever sit down and go through the process of explaining what a healthy relationship looks like.
- Susan Rubio
And I wouldn't be doing my job as an advocate if I didn't remind parents that coercive control is abuse based on a Bill that I passed. Parents often like to ask their family Members, are you being assaulted? But the reality is that that's not only abuse.
- Susan Rubio
You have to also ask things like are you being asked to do something against your will? Is there abuse, verbal, physical or otherwise? If you try to see your parents, your family, your friends, that is how they isolate a victim and that is coercive control. A pattern of coercive control is abuse and it is a crime.
- Susan Rubio
Please make sure that we're having these conversations because oftentimes it we only ask, are you being assaulted? So this is something that's very important. I always try to remind people that it is important to note when you stop seeing your family Member in a relationship, something might be wrong.
- Susan Rubio
So we have to be vigilant as well and ask the questions that they want us to ask today. I really want us to send a clear message that we're here to stand with, with our teens victims and that we will not tolerate domestic violence, teen violence and and if it hurts, it is not love. And so I encourage us today to respectfully ask, I mean vote yes on SR 17.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Madam President. I rise too as a proud co author of SR 17 and thank the author for bringing it forward. As my colleague from Baldwin park said and highlighted a California teen dating violence has become an epidemic among among our young youth.
- Shannon Grove
Many teenagers are vulnerable when they experience violence while dating and it could cause long term negative impacts such as depression, anxiety and long term trauma. We also know that one of the common ways that human traffickers capture their victims is through dating.
- Shannon Grove
A lot of our young women when we were working on human trafficking legislation last year, the last two years, they didn't even realize that they were being trafficked because it was their boyfriend or their partner that was trafficking them. And so that also can lead to a life of despair and trauma.
- Shannon Grove
The same cycle of manipulation and control that can happen between these two teens while dating can also lead to unhealthy patterns in future relationships. If you believe that that's the way you're supposed to be treated at a young age, you may carry those things forward in adulthood.
- Shannon Grove
I've learned from my survivors in the work in combating human trafficking that these patterns of behavior can impact the rest of their lives, especially in their relationships.
- Shannon Grove
And it's important to educate our youth on how to be treated in relationships and how to have decency and respect between each other in relationships and provide the resources that they need if they get stuck in an abusive situation.
- Shannon Grove
By being aware of teen dating violence, we can highlight what makes healthy relationships to protect our youth from abuse. And I'm honored to be a co author for SR 17, respectfully asked for an aye vote.
- Anna Caballero
See no further discussion or debate. Senator Rubio, you may conclude.
- Susan Rubio
Just want to thank my colleague for always being such a good partner on this issue and respectfully ask for an aye vote. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Members, this is also eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using the unanimous roll call? Any Objection saying none? Ayes. 36. No. 0. The resolution is adopted. Moving on to File item number 25. Senator Richardson, she is ready. Wait. If you could just hold on for just a second.
- Anna Caballero
We're catching up here. Do apologize. Technology is a wonderful thing. Just has to work. File item number 25. Mr. Secretary, please read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Resolution 18 by Senator Richardson relative to National Caregivers Day.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Richardson, the floor is yours.
- Laura Richardson
Well, good morning again, colleagues. I stand this morning rising as a Member of the Women's Caucus, and I rise to celebrate the celebrate and recognize National Caregivers day by introducing SR 18. National Caregivers Day is a day to honor those who provide care to others, particularly our elderly and individuals with disabilities.
- Laura Richardson
Celebrated on the third Friday of February each year, it is a time to acknowledge the vital role caregivers play in our society. I asked my staff to help me, and they looked up that we have an estimated 6.7 million caregivers in California. I'm a caregiver.
- Laura Richardson
When I leave here today, I will become and continue to be a caregiver. My mom is 86 years old. Young. She'll be 87 next month. She's a recent survivor of esophagus cancer, of which only 30% survive over 18 months. I help with a shower, comb her hair.
- Laura Richardson
I wash clothes, I go to the market, I cook meals, I take her to Doctor's appointments. And I get cussed out every day when I make her walk. We walk about half a mile a day, and I make her walk to keep balance. Because if you don't keep your balance, you lose it.
- Laura Richardson
This day highlights sacrifices and achievements of caregivers while shining a light of this often overlooked workforce and its challenges. This observance honors family caregivers, daughters, sons, wives, husbands, professional caregivers, too, and independent caregivers who provide this vital service to those that we love. Caregivers are often underappreciated and underpaid and get dirty looks every now and then.
- Laura Richardson
Here are a few thoughts that I'd like for you to take about our entrusted caregivers and their responsibilities and their powerful words. I request permission to read Granted from Jerry Brown, a 2021 Care Fellow.
- Laura Richardson
Family caregiving is so common in the community with intergenerational living and multifamily housing that the thought of asking for resources or support was unfamiliar from the generations before me. However, for me, I'm both grateful and honored to carry on the legacy of family caregiving in addition to practicing self preservation for my own health and wellness.
- Laura Richardson
From Aisha Atkins, a CAG Constituency Organizer Being a caregiver means that I draw on ancestral strength and community care as I fight this uphill battle against health disparities, a systematic oppression and generational trauma. I understand the assignment to take care of those who once took such phenomenal care of me.
- Laura Richardson
I'm proud to stand alongside my colleagues, all of you, to extend special thanks in kindness and patience shown by those who care and love for others. I strongly urge a unanimous vote.
- Monique Limón
Thank you Members. I rise as the Vice Chair of the Legislative Women's Caucus in support of SR 18. Today we honor more than 500,000 caregivers in 58 counties in our state who take care of our elderly and disabled so that they can live at home.
- Monique Limón
Home care workers care for more than 600,000 Californians, enabling family Members to go to work, to go to school and otherwise who would otherwise look for other family Members. Like childcare workers, these workers are fundamental to our economy and to our communities and like childcare workers, they are essential workers.
- Monique Limón
Overwhelmingly women of color and their work is not always valued. According to the ppic the Silver Tsunami, the aging Californians population over the next 15 years is expected to grow by more than 40% by 2040?
- Monique Limón
Who will be there to provide care when we grow from 6 million 65 and over to 9 million with 75 to 84 year olds being the largest subgroup. Care is work and this workforce provides services that save the state millions of dollars and serve our community.
- Monique Limón
California recipients of in home supportive services deserve to live safely and in dignity. The providers deserve no less. While we see some cuts coming down to care workers at all levels, we know that this is the time to ensure that we also show our value and our belief in the work that they do for our communities. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Angelique Ashby
I'd like to thank very much the Senator from San Pedro for bringing this forward and for her comments. Often we do these resolutions from a place of personal experience and as you witnessed today on the floor, her space of personal experience is still very real and she's living it every day.
- Angelique Ashby
It is one of the most difficult things I know there are other Senators here on this floor right now who are taking care of loved ones. And most of us have been in that role at one point or another.
- Angelique Ashby
It was one of the most difficult things of my life to help my dad at the end of his life. And it is incredibly important, as the Senator from Santa Barbara has laid out, that we honor and support the people who stand in that gap with us.
- Angelique Ashby
The home health care workers, primarily other women who come in and we stand on their shoulders each day as we try to take care of these really special people in our lives. So I want to support the resolution.
- Angelique Ashby
I also want to take the moment to thank everybody who has risen to the occasion as the Senator from San Pedro is doing now, for her own sweet mom who I met, who's so, so proud of you. It's an amazing relationship that you have, beautiful to behold, makes me miss my dad very much.
- Angelique Ashby
But also to say, as we go forward in tough budget times, let's make sure that we take care of the people who come alongside of us so that we can take care of the people that we love.
- Suzette Martinez Valladares
Members, I rise in support of SR 18 and I am so grateful for the opportunity to recognize the incredible work of some of our true heroes in society. And these heroes don't get nearly enough recognition that they deserve. Caregivers are in the category of people who so often can't fully appreciate.
- Suzette Martinez Valladares
We are faced with the need for one when we or a loved one falls ill, or even when we just need a little help caring for a child or a parent, a siblings or others who are near and dear to us.
- Suzette Martinez Valladares
From managing health needs to providing companionship and emotional support, Caregivers are often unsung heroes, quietly dedicating themselves to the well being of those around them and in need. And it's important that we acknowledge the immense responsibility they bear and their essential role they play in our communities.
- Suzette Martinez Valladares
I too know how just how challenging it can be to take on the role of a caregiver. When my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer, I became her primary caregiver.
- Suzette Martinez Valladares
Like so many, I served in a role that I didn't plan for or anticipate, but one that was an honor and a privilege to care for my mom who spent her life caring for me. What a gift to be able to take on that responsibility in her end of life journey. But so many know it's also challenging.
- Suzette Martinez Valladares
The emotional toll of watching a loved one battle such a devastating illness, combined with the constant physical demands of caregiving was overwhelming. But those days also taught me how much strength and love caregivers have to give, even when it seems like there's nothing left to give.
- Suzette Martinez Valladares
I was so grateful when we eventually got some support from some truly wonderful professional caregivers. It takes a special person to be a caregiver. Patience, compassion, and resilience are just a few of the qualities that define these saints among us. They sacrifice their time, energy, often putting the needs of others before their own.
- Suzette Martinez Valladares
Their work is not only physical, but emotional, and they provide comfort and stability to those facing difficult circumstances. And the reality is that caregiving should not fall solely on the shoulders of family Members. We must address the affordability of caregiving, ensuring that everyone who needs help has access to it.
- Suzette Martinez Valladares
The financial burden of providing proper care can be overwhelming for families, and we need to work towards solutions that make caregiving accessible to all, regardless of their income. As we come to value the work of caregivers, let's remember that their contributions go beyond just care. They are essential to the fabric of our society.
- Suzette Martinez Valladares
It's time we give them the recognition and support they truly deserve. This resolution is just one small token of our appreciation. I urge an aye vote
- Caroline Menjivar
Thank you, Madam President. Like the rest of my colleagues, I also stand in strong support. And I thank the Senator from San Pedro for bringing this up.
- Caroline Menjivar
I'd like to also bring up that on the federal side, they're looking to cut $880 million of Medicaid and Medi Cal here in California supports and pays for majority of these care workers. In our state, we don't do enough to pay the IHSS workers who are caregivers for our family Members.
- Caroline Menjivar
And that is at risk right now as we speak here. I also want to bring up, the Senator from Santa Barbara talked about the severe tsunami of people who will need help. But there's also a severe tsunami of individuals who are 60-70 caring for their child, who is 30-40 with developmental disabilities as well.
- Caroline Menjivar
So the silver tsunami goes both ways. Well, that individual is going to need care and their grown child is also going to need care. And in the State of California, we're not investing enough in our caregivers.
- Caroline Menjivar
And what we do do is invest in SNF skilled nursing facilities and then acute hospitals because we invest at the end instead of preventative measures.
- Caroline Menjivar
So I ask my colleagues, when we're looking at the budget and we're all talking about how we care about our caregivers, that we really put our money where our mouth is and invest on the preventative side. And really bring value to our caregivers. Respectfully asking for an aye vote.
- Benjamin Allen
Well, I just wanted to join the chorus of support for this important measure. I just marked the two year anniversary of the passing of my father this last week and it's made me reflect a bit on just the difficult journey, the last four years of his life and how incredibly taxing and difficult the process of caregiving is on a family.
- Benjamin Allen
I want to give a special shout out to two very special people who played a really important role in making sure that my father's last few years were comfortable and full of joy. And that's my mother, Elena Allen and Fernand Rosales.
- Benjamin Allen
Fernando was just a beacon of patience and caring and just built such a wonderful relationship with my dad. And it's just one little glimpse into the hundreds of thousands of hardworking and quite frankly underappreciated care workers, caregivers throughout our state that take on these burdens. Not expecting it. It's not always the right time, especially within the family.
- Benjamin Allen
And yet we have to be with our family Members in their, their time of need. And so I just want to thank the Senator for raising this awareness. Your own personal experience brings a lot of meaning to all of us.
- Benjamin Allen
I think so many of us have gone through this ourselves and I hope that we all take this discussion to heart and think about ways that we can provide more support for all those hard working caregivers around our state who step up for family and friends and clients in their time of need.
- Shannon Grove
Thank you, Madam President. I, I wasn't intending to speak on this, but as I was listening to my colleagues speak, I thought, gosh, there are so many things that divide us on this floor on a constant basis. But this is something that unites us.
- Shannon Grove
To hear my colleague from San Pedro's comments about taking care of her loved one and thinking about everybody else's comments, My mom got dementia and she had a long baby battle with it for 10 years.
- Shannon Grove
And I think the caregiver piece of it between me and my sister and a six bed facility that we ended up moving her into for the last three months of her life was, was some of the hardest things I think on us because she was always happy and she was thrilled.
- Shannon Grove
And you know, we'd walk in and she'd go, ma'am, that's a lovely outfit. And when your mom doesn't recognize you, that hits your heart like a ton of bricks. But, but she didn't know. Like she didn't know. She didn't Have. She didn't know she had dementia. She loved, you know, braiding people's hair. That was her big thing.
- Shannon Grove
And we had her in a six bed facility, and this was like the last two and a half months of her life. And because my sister and I, we couldn't lift her anymore. And it was really hard on my sister who was older.
- Shannon Grove
But I remember Rosie would sit down all day with my mom because when we were little kids, my mom hated our hair being all scraggly and she would line us all up and braid our hair right, so it didn't get in our eyes. And so Rosie would sit down and my mom would French braid her hair.
- Shannon Grove
And then my mom would go, who's next? And Rosie would go, me. And then this went on eight to nine hours a day. The only time Rosie ever really left that position on the floor in front of my mom to braid her hair was to make sure that people in the six bed facility had had food and were ready and. But it gave my mom a quality of life till the day she died.
- Shannon Grove
And some people go, wow, all she did was bray hair all day. And I go, but that's what she loved to do. And so when you think about caregiving and just like my colleague from San Pedro, it really is an honor. It's one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life, and I suppose yours too.
- Shannon Grove
But when you can hand your mom's hand off to Jesus on the steps of eternity, it's probably one of the hardest things that any of us as daughters will ever do. But it is really, truly an honor. And so thank you for bringing this resolution forward. And family caregiving does not get enough attention in this state or in the world. So thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Seeing no further discussion or debate. No further discussion or debate. Senator Richardson, you may conclude. Members, this is eligible for unanimous roll call. Is there any objection to using the unanimous roll call saying none? Ayes, 36, no, zero. The resolution is adopted. Adopted. Members we're going to move on to Committee announcements.
- Anna Caballero
There's Committee chairs that have some announcements. Senator Laird.
- John Laird
Thank you, Madam President. Budget Subcommitee number one on education will meet upon adjournment in the swing space, room 2100.
- Benjamin Allen
I dedicate this announcement to Senator Ashby. Senator, we will be holding sub two in room 2200 15 minutes.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Weber Pierson.
- Akilah Weber Pierson
Thank you. Thank you, Madam President. Budget sub 3 will be having their Committee hearing immediately upon adjournment in room 1200 in the swing space.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you, Senator Cabaldin.
- Christopher Cabaldon
Thank you, Madam President. Budget Subcommitee four on state Administration and General Government will meet 15 minutes upon adjournment downstairs in room 113.
- Anna Caballero
So noted, Senator Richardson.
- Laura Richardson
Budget sub five will be meeting immediately after adjournment in the capitol downstairs, room 112. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
So noted. If there is no other business, Senator Mcguire, the desk is clear.
- Mike McGuire
Thank you so much. Madam President. Madam President. It's the season. It is the season of budget. In the coming weeks and months there will literally be dozens of Committee hearings providing the opportunity for hundreds upon hundreds of folks from across the state to be able to participate in our budget process.
- Mike McGuire
I want to take a moment to say thank you to our budget sub chairs, to all of the Committee Members on each of the budget subs, of course our budget chair and to the those Committee Members as well. The next floor session is scheduled for Monday, March 3rd at 2pm Have a wonderful weekend.
- Anna Caballero
Members of Senate will will be in recess until 3:30 at which time the adjournment motion will be made. We will reconvene Monday, March 3rd, 2025 at 2pm so for those of you that have budget committees need to get them moving.