
AB 724: Intercountry adoption finalized in a foreign country.

  • Session Year: 2017-2018
  • House: Assembly

Existing law generally provides for the adoption of a child native to a foreign country by a prospective adoptive parent or parents who are California residents that is either finalized in another country or this state. A licensed adoption agency facilitating an intercountry adoption that will be finalized in a foreign country is required to provide specific services that include certification to the federal government whether this states intercountry adoption requirements have been met. Existing law requires each resident of the state who adopts a child through an intercountry adoption that is finalized in a foreign country to readopt the child in this state if it is required by the United States Department of Homeland Security, and requires this readoption to include at least one postplacement in-home visit, a home study report, and final adoption order. Existing law also authorizes a resident of the state who adopts a child through an intercountry adoption that is finalized in a foreign country to readopt the child in this state.

This bill would repeal these readoption provisions and would instead require an adoptive parent, or if an adoptive parent fails to do so, then the adoption agency that facilitated the adoption, to file a petition to readopt within specified deadlines to establish a record by which an adoptee can prove the facts of the foreign adoption. The bill would require the petition to include, among other things, a report from at least one postplacement home visit by an intercountry adoption agency or a contractor of that agency licensed to provide intercountry adoption services in the state. The bill would require the clerk of the court to submit an order granting the petition to the State Registrar, and would require the State Registrar to issue a delayed registration of birth, as specified.

This bill would require a court that finds a child may be the subject of human trafficking or specified types of abuse to notify all appropriate authorities.

This bill would, if a licensed adoption agency has a written agreement for which postadoption services have been paid, require the licensed adoption agency to provide those services, and would also make technical, nonsubstantive changes to the other services a licensed adoption agency facilitating an intercountry adoption is required to provide.

Discussed in Hearing

Senate Floor5MIN
Aug 31, 2018

Senate Floor

Assembly Floor1MIN
Aug 31, 2018

Assembly Floor

Senate Floor3MIN
Aug 22, 2018

Senate Floor

Senate Standing Committee on Judiciary4MIN
Jul 11, 2017

Senate Standing Committee on Judiciary

Assembly Standing Committee on Judiciary11MIN
Apr 25, 2017

Assembly Standing Committee on Judiciary

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