SB 267: Credit history of persons receiving government rent subsidies.
- Session Year: 2023-2024
- House: Senate
Current Status:
(2023-10-11: Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 776, Statutes of 2023.)
First Committee Review
First Chamber
Second Committee Review
Second Chamber
Existing law, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), prohibits, in instances in which there is a government rent subsidy, the use of a financial or income standard in assessing eligibility for the rental of housing that is not based on the portion of the rent to be paid by the tenant. FEHA requires the Civil Rights Department to enforce specific provisions of the act, including the provision described above.
This bill would additionally prohibit the use of a persons credit history as part of the application process for a rental housing accommodation without offering the applicant the option of providing lawful, verifiable alternative evidence of the applicants reasonable ability to pay the portion of the rent to be paid by the tenant, including, but not limited to, government benefit payments, pay records, and bank statements, in instances in which there is a government rent subsidy. The bill would, if the applicant elects to provide lawful, verifiable alternative evidence of the applicants reasonable ability to pay, require the housing provider to provide the applicant reasonable time to respond with that alternative evidence and reasonably consider that alternative evidence in lieu of the persons credit history in determining whether to offer the rental accommodation to the applicant.
Discussed in Hearing

Senate Floor

Assembly Floor

Assembly Standing Committee on Judiciary

Assembly Standing Committee on Housing and Community Development

Senate Floor