Senate Standing Committee on Appropriations
- Anthony Portantino
The Committee on appropriations will come to order. We do not have a quorum, so we are going to proceed as a subcommitee, and so I'm going to do all the announcements. Good morning. We welcome the public in person and also via teleconference service line. For individuals wishing to provide public comment through the teleconference line. The participant number is 877-226-8163 and the access code is 694930 again, the phone number is 877-226-8163 and the access code number 694930.
- Anthony Portantino
We're holding our Committee hearing in the O Street building this morning, and I ask all Members of the Committee to come on down to 2200 so we can establish our quorum to begin our hearing. I believe there are several Members coming in from the airport, so obviously we will proceed without them. We have 26 bills on the agenda, one of which is eligible for a do pass motion. The remaining items are suspense candidates. All authors have waived presentation other than the do pass.
- Anthony Portantino
Before we begin, we're not going to establish a quorum because we don't have one right now. And so we're going to begin as a subcommitee, and we will take. Before we begin, let me remind all witnesses to keep your testimony confined to the fiscal aspects of the Bill. We're not going to relitigate the policy because the policy committee did that. So please confine all of your testimony as best you can to the fiscal matters.
- Anthony Portantino
Also, the Department of Finance has notified the Committee that they do not have files on the bills before us today, so their representative will not be participating this morning. So I will not be able to ask the Department of Finance any trivia questions, which is a disappointment. But we will say hello to them anyway. So our first Bill, we are going to go out of order. Mr. Min, I'm in a good mood, so we're going to take you out of order because you're here.
- Anthony Portantino
We're going to hear testimony on SB 381. We will not be able to vote on this until we have a quorum, but this is SB 381 on electric bicycles. It is a do pass recommendation. So, Mr. Min, if you could tell us about SB 381 fiscal impact to the State of California.
- Dave Min
Thank you, Mr. Chair, and I appreciate your good mood. I know you had a good first quarter of 2023. SB 381 would require the Mineta Transportation Institute of San Jose State University to conduct a study on electric bicycles, which obviously are being adopted en masse and we believe needs a patch, a framework to try to think about first steps on regulation. Under SB one the CSU system already receives $2 million annually to conduct transportation related research, training and workforce development.
- Dave Min
This Bill contemplates and requires that the Mineta Transportation Institute would lead this study. So should SB 381 be enacted, the E-bike research in the Bill would be one of the projects supported by SB one funds that have already been allocated. So today with me, I have Andres Ramirez, on behalf of the City of Laguna Beach, and James Lombardo, on behalf of the California Association of Bicycling Organizations, to testify and support.
- Anthony Portantino
Awesome. If your witnesses could be two minutes each, that would be great.
- Raul Ramirez
Absolutely. Good morning, Mr. Chair and Members. Andres Ramirez here, on behalf of the City of Laguna Beach, sponsor of SB 381. A little bit of context. City of Laguna Beach, as many of you know, is a small coastal community in Southern California, 23,000 in population, but it does receive an influx of over 6 million visitors per year, concentrated in nine square mile community. Obviously a very huge stress on the city's public infrastructure, including methods of active transportation.
- Raul Ramirez
So, like many other cities, Laguna Beach has seen a drastic increase in the number of e-mobility devices on its streets, particularly e-bikes, including class one, class two, class three, and then e-bikes that are modified to exceed 28 miles per hour speed limit that is listed in statute. So the city supports the proper use of e-bikes.
- Raul Ramirez
And again, one of the reasons why they are supportive of and a sponsor of this Bill is because we feel that SB 381 will provide the Legislature and other interested stakeholders and parties with the relevant information at an appropriate fiscal cost in order to make further decisions on how e-bikes should be utilized throughout the State of California. So with e-bikes having grown in popularity tremendously, we do feel there's been limited oversight as to how and where these vehicles are being used.
- Raul Ramirez
But we do believe this Bill, as simple as it is, is an important first step on the right direction. So we thank you for your consideration and urge your aye vote.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you.
- James Lombardo Jr.
Chair Members, James Lombardo Jr. On behalf of the California Association of Bicycling Organizations. We thank the Senator for putting forth the legislation. We align our comments with the city. And for us, our bicyclists are vehicles on the road, and this will further get safety onto our active transportation network.
- Anthony Portantino
So thank you. Thank you. Any other witnesses in support? The time to come up. Nobody here. Any primary witnesses in opposition? Seeing none. Any witnesses in opposition at all? Seeing none. Let's go to the teleconference line. Moderator is there anyone on the phone line in support or opposition to SB 380.
- Committee Moderator
If anyone is in support or opposition, please press 10 on your telephone keypad. And no lines, sir. You may continue.
- Anthony Portantino
All Right, no one on the conference line. Come back to my colleagues. As I said, Department of Finance has no file on this, and so, colleagues seeing. No questions. Obviously, Mr. Min, we cannot take a vote because we don't have a quorum. Is there anything you would like to close?
- Dave Min
SB 381 would provide the Legislature with the necessary data to enact safe, bike friendly policies while also addressing some of the challenges that these pose. Thank you, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Anthony Portantino
All right. Now, since you're an erudite college Professor, I'll give you the first trivia question of the day. Which President warned against political parties, long term foreign alliances, and strict geographical divides in his farewell address?
- Dave Min
Which ones didn't? But I think Theodore Roosevelt would be one.
- Anthony Portantino
Actually, George Washington.
- Dave Min
Okay, that was another guess, actually.
- Anthony Portantino
All right, thank you. So I do trivia questions during our hearings.
- Dave Min
I appreciate you.
- Anthony Portantino
Oh, wait, we do have a quorum, so we'll take a vote. So, Madam Secretary, if you could call the roll. We'll establish a quorum and then take a vote.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anthony Portantino
We have four Members present. And we do need a motion on 381.
- Unidentified Speaker
I'm happy to move it.
- Anthony Portantino
We have a motion to move it to the Assembly floor. We will call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
SB 381, the motion is do passed to the Senate Floor. Senator Portantino?
- Anthony Portantino
- Committee Secretary
Portantino. Aye. Senator Jones?
- Brian Jones
- Committee Secretary
Jones. Aye. Senator Ashby?
- Angelique Ashby
- Committee Secretary
Ashby. Aye. Senator Bradford? Senator Seyarto?
- Kelly Seyarto
- Committee Secretary
Seyarto. Aye. Senator Wahab? Senator Wiener?
- Anthony Portantino
We have four votes. We will place that on call. Thank you very much. Thank you Dr. Jones, for joining us. All right, quick question. Which President organized the Citizen's Concert band to play at political rallies for both parties? Do you know which President created that band?
- Brian Jones
Citizen's concert band?
- Anthony Portantino
Yeah, to play at rallies.
- Brian Jones
That's got to be Thomas Jefferson.
- Anthony Portantino
It was Warren G. Harding. I knew that was on the tip of your tongue, Warren G. Harding.
- Anthony Portantino
All right, we're going to go right to our general order of business. Exactly. SB three by Senator Dodd is our first Bill up today. The author has waived presentation. The Bill is a suspense candidate. And so we will open up the public hearing on SB 3, which is decontinuation of residential water services and if there's anyone in this room wishing to support SB 3 by Senator Dodd, now is your time to come forward. There is no rush to the microphone. Imagine that.
- Anthony Portantino
Is there any opposition to SB 3? Seeing no rush to the microphone. Moderator, please open the public comment on SB 3, Senator Dodd.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentleman, press 10 if you have comment.
- Anthony Portantino
The moderator changed.
- Committee Moderator
And we have no comment.
- Anthony Portantino
We have no comment. Coming back, Dr. Jones? We have no Department of Finance today, so we will come back to the Committee. I see no hands go up. No comments. So without objection, SB three. When we move to the suspense file. Moving on to SB 353, also by Senator Dodd, on beverage containers and recycling. It's a suspense candidate. The author's waive presentation. We will open up the public hearing right here in this room 2200. With nobody at the microphone in support.
- Anthony Portantino
Is there anyone rushing to oppose? No. Moderator, please open the phone line for support or opposition to SB 353.
- Committee Moderator
Very good. Again, ladies and gentlemen, press 10 to comment. And we have no one.
- Anthony Portantino
We have no comments in support or opposition. SB 53. I have no questions or comments from my colleagues. So without objection, SB 353 will be moved to the suspense file. Moving on to SB 361, also by Senator Dodd on water resource stream gauges. We'll open up the public comment here in room 2200. And there's nobody in support. Anybody in opposition to Bill 361? Seeing no opposition either. Moderator, please open the phone line for SB 361.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you. If you wish to comment, press one, then zero. And we have no comments.
- Anthony Portantino
We have no comments. We have no comments or questions from my colleagues. So, without objection, SB 361 will go to suspense. Senator Ashby, do you know which President on election morning held up a front page newspaper article that said that his opponent had actually won the presidential election?
- Angelique Ashby
Oh, gosh, I don't know, but they do.
- Unidentified Speaker
Is featured prominently on the television show cheers.
- Anthony Portantino
Harry Truman. Truman. There you go, Harry Truman. Now I remember. There you go. It was Harry Truman. It said Dewey won. So he had the newspaper printed that Dewey won, but Truman actually won, so the papers were wrong. Imagine that. All right, moving on SB 16. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas on Civil Rights discrimination enforcement. The author is waived, presentation. And it's a suspense candidate. We'll open up the public comment on SB 16. Anyone in support? There's no one here. Any opposition?
- Anthony Portantino
There's no one here. Moderator, please open up the phone lines on SB 16. Support or opposition?
- Committee Moderator
Certainly. Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to comment, please press one, then zero. And we have no one.
- Anthony Portantino
We have no one. And we have no questions or comments from my colleagues? So, without objection, SB 16 will go to suspense. SB 46 by General Roth and controlled substance treatments. It is a suspense candidate. The author's waive presentation. We will take public testimony now to see if there's anyone in support of SB 46. Seeing no one come to the microphone in support, we'll go to opposition. Do we have any opposition to SB 46? We have none.
- Anthony Portantino
Moderator will go to the phone line for support or opposition for SB 46.
- Committee Moderator
We do have one. Just one moment, please. And they have removed themselves from the queue. One moment, please.
- Anthony Portantino
They're coming back.
- Committee Moderator
They're coming back. One moment.
- Committee Moderator
- Committee Moderator
And we go to line 16. One moment here, and you may go ahead.
- Unidentified Speaker
Good morning, Chair and Members. I am Eileen Deset, calling on behalf of San Diego County District Attorney, Summer Stephan. We are in support of SB 46.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And we have no one else. You may continue.
- Anthony Portantino
All right. We've taken support and opposition opportunities. I see no questions or comments from my colleagues. So, without objection, SB 46 will go to suspense. SB 349. Also by General Roth, on criminal procedure competence, to stand trial. It's a suspense candidate. The author's way presentation. We will open up the public comment right here in room 2200 with nobody elbowing themselves to get to the microphone. We'll go to opposition. So there's no support? There's no opposition. Moderator, please open up the phone line for support or opposition, SB 349.
- Committee Moderator
Sir, one moment, please.
- Committee Moderator
And we will go to line 14. You may go ahead.
- Coby Pizzotti
Mr. Chair. And Senators, this is Kobe Pissati from the California Association of Psychiatric Technicians in support of SB 349. Thank you.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you, Kobe.
- Committee Moderator
And we have no other questions or comments.
- Anthony Portantino
No other questions or comments on the phone line. No questions or comments from the deus. So without objection, SB 349 will go to suspense. Moving on to SB 50 by Senator Bradford. Vehicle enforcement. It is a suspense candidate. The good Senator has waived presentation. We'll open up the public comment in room 2200. There's nobody in support. Anybody in opposition of SB 50? Seeing no opposition. Moderator, please open up the phone line for support or opposition of SB 50.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you. One moment. If you have a question or comments, please press 10. And we do have a couple of lines here. One moment please. My apologies for the delay. First, we go to line 15. You may go ahead.
- Randy Perry
Mr. Chair and Members Randy Perry with Aaron Green and associates, on behalf of Porak and the California Association of Highway Patrolmen in opposition.
- Leena Sabagh
Hi, this is Leena Sabagh with the Council on American Islamic Relations, California, calling in strong support of SB 50. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we will go to. We'll go to line 17. Go ahead please.
- Committee Moderator
And just one moment. We do have another line. And next we go to line number nine. You may go ahead. One moment, please. My apologies for the delay here. One moment, please. Next we go to line nine. Please go ahead.
- Dennis Seaton
My name is Dennis Seaton, the Government Relations Director for the Church State Council, and we're in strong support of the Bill.
- Committee Moderator
And we have no other lines for comment. You may continue.
- Anthony Portantino
All right, we've taken support and opposition testimony on SB 50. I see no questions or comments from my colleagues. So without objection, SB 50 will go to suspense. Moving on SB 441 by Senator Bradford on criminal procedure discovery. It's a suspense candidate. The Senator's wave presentation. We will open up the public testimony in support. We do have someone here. Come on up.
- Ignacio Hernandez
Thank you. Good morning, Mr. Chair, Members. Ignacio Hernandez, on behalf of the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice Statewide Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, we are the sponsors of the Bill. This will actually save money in the court process and eliminate a number of court hearings, as well as provide information early in the process, as opposed to late in the process to help settle cases much earlier and identify innocent individuals. So we actually think there's a cost saving and we don't think that there would be a local mandate.
- Ignacio Hernandez
Since this is information that already has to be provided in the same form, it just has to be provided a little bit earlier. So we hope that that is considered going forward, be a lot of cost savings in helping individuals as well. So ask for support at the proper time.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you. Anyone else in support? Seeing none. Any opposition to SB 441? Seeing none. Moderator please open up the phone line for support or opposition of SB 441.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. If you have a comment, you may press one zero. And we have no one in queue. And you may go ahead.
- Anthony Portantino
All right, we'll take comments from the Deus. And seeing none, without objection, SB 441 will go to suspense. Mr. Seyarto?
- Kelly Seyarto
Yes, sir.
- Anthony Portantino
That's actually close. Which President purchased the land? Pretty much owned all of southern Arizona and southern New Mexico before those states became states.
- Kelly Seyarto
I don't know. Theodore?
- Anthony Portantino
Franklin Pierce.
- Kelly Seyarto
Okay, well, I didn't even know he was a President.
- Anthony Portantino
I would not brag on that if I were you. Anyway, that is our next trivia question. Moving on to Senator Skinner, SB 59 menstrual Product Accessibility act.
- Anthony Portantino
It is a suspense candidate. The author's waive presentation. We will open up the public hearing on SB 59, we see no one at the microphone in support. Any opposition to SB 59? Seeing none here. Moderator, please open up the phone line on SB 59 for support or opposition.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen, press one zero if you have comment. And we do have multiple lines. One moment, please.
- Anthony Portantino
Multiple lines. Look at that.
- Committee Moderator
My apologies for the delay here. One moment please.
- Anthony Portantino
No Problem.
- Committee Moderator
And we will go to line number 19. Please go ahead.
- Angela Hagobian
Hello. My name is Angela Hagobian, and I am a Member of UCLA's chapter of Universities Allied for Essential Medicine and I strongly support this Bill.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next we go to line 20. You may go ahead.
- Allison Lee
Hi, my name is Allison Lee, and I am a Member of UCLA's chapter of Universities Allied for Essential Medicines, and I'm in strong support of this Bill.
- Committee Moderator
Next we go to line 21. You may go ahead.
- Daniel Ayubi
Hello. My name is Daniel Ayubi, and I am a Member of UCLA's chapter of Universities Allied for Essential Medicines and I strongly support this Bill.
- Committee Moderator
And we have no other lines for comments. You may continue.
- Anthony Portantino
That was it. All right, we've taken support and opposition. We've heard from the phone lines, and I see no hands from my colleagues. Go up. So without objection, SB 59 will go to the suspense file. Moving on, SB 254. Senator Skinner, correctional facilities media access. It's a suspense candidate. The author has waived presentation. We'll open up the public hearing. And there is no one in this room at the microphone wishing to support, and there's no one in this room wishing to oppose, so.
- Anthony Portantino
Moderator, please open up the phone line on SB 254.
- Committee Moderator
Very good, ladies and gentlemen. Press one zero if you wish to comment. We have no comments. You may continue.
- Anthony Portantino
I see no comments from the podium from the Deus. So without objection, SB 254 will go to suspense. Moving on to SB 60 by Senator or excuse me, Colonel Umberg. Social media platforms controlled substance order to remove. It's a suspense candidate. The authors waive presentation, and we will open up the public hearing in room 2200 with nobody at the microphone supporting, anybody opposing, no one coming forward. Moderator, open up the phone line for SB 60.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen. Press 10 if you have comment. And there are no lines in queue. You may continue.
- Anthony Portantino
All right, we will take comments from the Deus, and there is none. So, without objection, SB 60 will go to suspense. We'll move on to SB 63 by Senator Ochoa Bogh on homeless and mental health court and transitioning home grant programs. It is a suspense candidate. The authors waive presentation. We will open up the public comment in this room with nobody at the microphone for support. Any opposition? There's no opposition. Moderator will open up the phone line for SB 63.
- Committee Moderator
For the phone lines, once again, press one zero if you have a comment. And we have no comment.
- Anthony Portantino
We have no comments from the deus, either. No question. So, without objection, SB 63 will go to suspense. We have been given a trivia question from staff and who was President Pierce's secretary of war? Who was the secretary of defense at the time? Who was that? Anybody know?
- Angelique Ashby
Secretary of defense for Pierce
- Anthony Portantino
For Pierce, who went on to be the future President of the confederacy? Jefferson Davis, was the secretary before he was the President of the secretary. Thank you, Robert, for that suggestion. All right.
- Anthony Portantino
SB 368 by Portantino, somebody I know fairly well. It is on firearm requirements for licensed dealers. It's a suspense candidate. I've waived presentation. We will open up the public comment. There's nobody here in support, and there's nobody here in opposition. We'll go to the phone lines for supporter or opposition, SB 368. Moderator.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen press one zero if you have a comment. And no comments.
- Anthony Portantino
No comments from the Deus as well. Without objection, SB 368 will go to suspense. We've already taken care of SB 381 by Mr. Min. So we'll move on to SB 434. Also by Senator Min on transit Operators street harassment survey. It's a suspense candidate. The authors waive presentation we'll open up public comment in this room. And we have a participant, Mr. McKaley.
- Chris Micheli
Good morning, Mr. Chair. Chris McKaley, on behalf of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, in support of the Bill.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you, sir. No others in support. Any opposition to SB 434? Seeing none, we will go to the phone line for support or opposition of SB 434.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen, press one zero if you have comment. And no one in queue.
- Anthony Portantino
All right. Seeing no questions from the Deus. Without objection, SB 434 will go to suspense. SB 401 by Senator Limon on digital financial assistance transaction kiosks is the suspense candidate. The Senator's waive presentation. We'll open up the public hearing in room 2200. There's nobody in support. There's nobody in opposition. Moderator, please queue the phone line on SB 401.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen, press one, then zero if you have comment. And we have no comments.
- Anthony Portantino
We have no comments on SB 401. And we have no questions or comments from the deus. So without objection, SB 401 will go to suspense. SB 416 by Senator Laird on state agencies building and renovation projects. Lead certification. It's a suspense candidate. Senator Laird has waived presentation. We'll open up the public comment here in room 2200 with no supporters or opposers. Please come forward. No one has come forward. Moderator, open up the phone line for SB 416.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you, once again, if you have a comment, press one zero. And no one in comments.
- Anthony Portantino
No one in comments. No questions or comments from the Deus. So, without objection, SB 416 will go to suspense. Who wants this one? Which President served two non consecutive terms?
- Angelique Ashby
Which President served?
- Anthony Portantino
Which President served a term, then was out, and then served again. Non consecutive terms. Grover Cleveland. Roosevelt served him consecutive. Grover Cleveland. All right.
- Angelique Ashby
I thought there were two that did that?
- Anthony Portantino
I thought there were two too, but this just says Grover Cleveland. Moving on to Senator Becker. SB 474 on canteens. It's a suspense candidate. The authors waive presentation. We will open up the public comment in room 2200 with nobody to speak in favor. Anybody in opposed position? Nobody coming forward. Moderator, please open the phone line for SB 474.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen, press one zero if you have a comment. And no comments.
- Anthony Portantino
No comments on 474. No comments from the Deus. So, without objection, 474 by Senator Becker goes to suspense. SB 570 on prenatal screening programs. Also by Senator Becker, the suspense candidate. The authors waive presentation. We'll open up the public comment right here in room 2200 with nobody coming to the microphone in support. Any opposition of SB 570? No opposition. Moderator, please open the phone line.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen, if you have a comment, press one zero. And we have no comments.
- Anthony Portantino
We have no comments on SB 570. And we have no questions or comments from the Deus. So, without objection, that will go to suspense. Believe it or not, there was one President who was born on July 4. Do we know which President was born on July 4?
- Angelique Ashby
I did know that at one point in my life, because that's familiar, but I don't remember. There's one that died on July 4 too.
- Kelly Seyarto
One of the things I made go out of my head so I could fit more stuff in.
- Anthony Portantino
Right. It was Calvin Coolidge, in case you all care. All right, let's open the roll. While Mr. Bradford joined us on SB 381, Senator Min can call the absent Member.
- Committee Secretary
SB 381, the motion is do passed to the Senate Floor chair and Vice Chair voting aye, Senator Bradford?
- Steven Bradford
- Committee Secretary
Bradford, aye.
- Anthony Portantino
All right, and it's still on call, right? We still are missing one. Okay, so we got. That's still on call. We'll move on to SB 484 by Senator Newman on escrow agents customer contact centers. It's a suspense candidate. The author's waive presentation. And we will go to public comment here in room 2200 with nobody coming to the microphone in support. Do we have any opposition? There's no opposition. Moderator if you could open up the phone line of an SB 484, that would be awesome.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen. Press one zero if you have a comment.
- Anthony Portantino
God bless you.
- Committee Moderator
And no comments.
- Anthony Portantino
No comments from the public. No questions or comments from the Deus. So without objection, SB 484 will go to suspense. So we actually had a President who once served as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court before coming President. Who was that? Anybody know? William Howard Taft was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court before President. All right, moving on to SB 539 Senator Stern, Sepulveda to basin planning process, nature based solutions. It's a suspense candidate. The authors waive presentation.
- Anthony Portantino
We'll open up the public comment here in room 2200 with no support and no opposition. Moderator. Open up the phone line for SB 539.
- Committee Moderator
Press, ladies and gentlemen. Press one zero if you have comment. We do have a line, and it will be just one moment.
- Anthony Portantino
Did she say we had somebody?
- Committee Moderator
My apologies for the delay. Yes, we do have one line. One moment, please.
- Committee Moderator
And we go to line 11. Please go ahead.
- Mary Buxton
Hello, this is Mary Buxton for Climate Action California, in support. And I love the trivia.
- Anthony Portantino
- Committee Moderator
And no other comments. You may continue.
- Anthony Portantino
All right, we've heard from support and opposition. Obviously, again, to repeat for folks, the Department of Finance does not have a file for us today, so seeing no objections or questions, SB 539 will go to suspense. Moving on to SB 542 by Senator Dahle on personal income tax law, corporate tax law, wildfires, exclusions. It's an urgency Bill. The authors waive presentation will open up the public comment. There's no one here in support. Is there anyone in opposition? Seeing no opposition. Moderator, please open up the phone line for SB 542.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen. Press one zero if you have comment. And we have no comments.
- Anthony Portantino
We have no comments. And we have no questions from the deus. So without objection, SB 542 will go to suspense. Does anybody know which President won reelection with the largest margin of victory in the popular vote?
- Angelique Ashby
I know which one lost with the largest popular vote.
- Anthony Portantino
President won reelection with the widest popular vote margin was actually Lyndon Johnson. How about that? And do you know which President actually had the first rescue dog in the White House? First President to have a rescue dog was Joe Biden. All right, moving on to SB 665 by Senator Allen, plastic waste, single use plastic alternative working group. It is a suspense candidate. The authors waive presentation.
- Anthony Portantino
We'll open up the public comment right here in room 2200 with no comments for or against. Nobody's testifying. Moderator queue up for SB 665.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen, press one zero if you have comment. We have no comments.
- Anthony Portantino
We have no comments from the Deus either. Questions without objection. SB 665 will go to suspense. SB 777 by Senator Allen. Solid waste, reusable grocery bags, and recycled paper. It is a suspense candidate. The authors waive presentation will open up the public comment. With nobody here in 2200 on SB 777 in support. No one in opposition. Moderator, open up the phone line for support or opposition to 777.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen. Press one zero if you have comment. And we have no one.
- Anthony Portantino
We have no public comments and we have no deus comments or questions without objection, SB 777 will go to suspense. Which President began his second inaugural address with the words, "with malice towards none, with charity for all". Anybody know? Abraham Lincoln. All right, moving on. Did you? Did he say it? He said it under his breath. Seyarto gets an "A" for that. All right. SB 695 by Senator Gonzalez. Department of Transportation State highway system public data portal.
- Anthony Portantino
It is a suspense candidate and the authors waive presentation will open up the public comment on 695. Seeing no one come to the microphone in support. Any opposition for 695? There's no opposition. Moderator, open up the phone line for SB 695.
- Committee Moderator
Ladies and gentlemen, press one zero if you have comment. And there are no lines, you may continue.
- Anthony Portantino
All right, no lines and no questions from the Deus. Without objection, SB 695 will go to suspense. All right, here's an easy one. Who created Social Security?
- Unidentified Speaker
- Anthony Portantino
Roosevelt. Yes.
- Angelique Ashby
Senator Portantino, I have one for you.
- Anthony Portantino
- Angelique Ashby
Who are the two presidents that died on the 4th of July?
- Unidentified Speaker
Wasn't the one. It wasn't Coolidge.
- Angelique Ashby
No. He was born on the fourth.
- Anthony Portantino
It was, God. He died in Long Branch, New Jersey. No, it's Garfield?
- Angelique Ashby
- Anthony Portantino
Wasn't Garfield?
- Angelique Ashby
Adams and Monroe.
- Anthony Portantino
Adams and Monroe.
- Kelly Seyarto
We have streets in Murietta named Adams, Monroe, Jefferson, Washington.
- Anthony Portantino
There you go.
- Steven Bradford
- Angelique Ashby
- Kelly Seyarto
Not yet.
- Anthony Portantino
We have a freeway in my district named after Obama. I made that sign. All right, we'll go on to our final question. SB 797 by Senator Padilla, on lithium extraction tax. Citizens Oversight Committee. It's a suspense candidate. The authors waive presentation. We will open up public comment in room 2200. With nobody here to enlighten us. We'll go to for or against. We'll go to the phone line moderator, tell us if there's anyone with a pressing comment on SB 797.
- Committee Moderator
If you have a comment, press one zero. And no lines on this one.
- Anthony Portantino
No lines on this. One, no questions or comments from the Deus. So without objection, SB 797, will go to suspense. That is our final Bill on the file. We have one Bill open. We'll give some time. I think we have one Member still in transit. Two, Hob and Wiener. We'll stay here till 11:00. And the rest of you, thank you for your service today. And you're indulging me with the trivia. I'm going to thank everybody for participating.
- Anthony Portantino
- Anthony Portantino
And we will come back and we will sit here and we will wait. We'll take a short recess.
- Steven Bradford
Am I up on everything?
- Anthony Portantino
The Senate Appropriations Committee. So we will go back into session. Do you have us? Are we up? We are up. And we will lift the call on our only Bill on call, which is Senate Bill 381.
- Committee Secretary
SB 381. The motion is do passed to the Senate Floor chair and Vice Chair. Voting aye. Senator Wahab?
- Aisha Wahab
- Committee Secretary
Wahab, aye. Senator Wiener?
- Anthony Portantino
We've got that. I will wait another five minutes. We will recess for five minutes.
- Anthony Portantino
Here we go. We have concluded our business of the day. We have to announce the vote. We're going to close the roll on SB 381. Was it?
- Committee Secretary
- Anthony Portantino
SB 381, please.
- Committee Secretary
What do I do?
- Anthony Portantino
Just announce it.
- Unidentified Speaker
You can just open it up.
- Anthony Portantino
All right, so we'll open the roll on SB 381. One last time.
- Committee Secretary
Okay. Just call the absent members right? Okay. SB 381, the motion is do passed to the Senate Floor. Chair, Vice Chair, voting aye. Senator Wiener? Six to zero.
- Anthony Portantino
That Bill passes to the Senate Floor. Six to zero. We'll close the roll. This concludes our business of the day, the meeting. If you have any questions, you can still send your public comments through the portal or through the Committee. And I want to thank everybody for participating. And we've concluded our agenda and we are adjourned.
No Bills Identified