Senate Standing Committee on Labor, Public Employment and Retirement
- Scott Wilk
That's the guest. Yeah. There we go. Good morning. The Senate. We're not in church. Good morning. There you go. Very good. Okay. The Senate Committee on Labor, Public Employment and Retirement will come to order. The Senate continues to welcome the public in person and via the teleconference service for individuals wishing to provide public comment. Today's participant number is 8772261863 and the access code is 718778. Each side will be permitted an equal amount of time.
- Scott Wilk
Lead witnesses will have two minutes each, and there is no reserving time for other witnesses. All others wishing to testify must limit their comments to their name, affiliation and position on the measure. Testimony taken via the teleconference service will be limited to a total of 20 minutes. We are holding our Committee hearing at 1020 N Street, room 100. I ask all Members of the Committee to be present in room 100 so we can establish a quorum and begin our hearing.
- Scott Wilk
Okay, we have 16 bills on today's agenda. For those following along at home, file item number 12. SB 685 has been pulled from today's agenda. Before we hear presentation of bills, let's establish a quorum. Emma, please call the role.
- Committee Secretary
Senator Cortese. Senator Wilk. Present. Wilk. Present. Senator Durazo. Here. Senator Laird, Senator Smallwood-Cuevas here. We have a quorum.
- Scott Wilk
Great. We have a quorum. Yeah, let's go ahead and move at this point. Let's take up the consent calendar, which is SB 327 SB 422 and SB 432. Do I have a motion? The chair recognizes Senator Durazo.
- Committee Secretary
Please call the roll file items number 815 and 17. Senator Cortese. Senator Wilk aye. Senator Durazo aye. Senator Laird. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas aye. Those bills are on call and currently have three aye votes.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you very much. Now let's move to our first author. So welcome, Senator Durazo. And I believe you have two bills up before us today. Are you going to begin with SB 686. Yes. All right, the floor is yours.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mr. Chair.
- María Elena Durazo
And Members, for too long, the workers we entrust care for our loved ones in our homes have been marginalized and dehumanized by intentional exclusion from our health and safety law. Yet these workers are regularly exposed to health and safety threats like toxic cleaning products, extreme heat, wildfires, home, and lifting injuries in the home workplace. In 2021, the Governor signed my Bill. Oh, sorry.
- María Elena Durazo
In 2021, the Governor signed my SB 321 Bill. Which created an Advisory Committee composed of domestic workers, employers, and occupational health and safety experts to develop voluntary, industry specific health and safety guidelines and make policy recommendations to the Legislature to strengthen the health and safety of household domestic service employees in the home work setting. The Advisory Committee met throughout 2022 and earlier this year released their report with voluntary guidance for household domestic service employers and the Advisory Committee's policy recommendations.
- María Elena Durazo
Their top recommendation was to remove the household domestic services exclusions from CALOSHA. So SB 686 does just that. And additionally, the Bill establishes a financial assistance program to help low-income employers make their homes safer workplaces, and it expands the existing outreach and education program. Employers played a critical role in developing the Advisory Committee recommendations, and this Bill takes the next step to provide resources and tools to support them as employers, ensuring health and safety protections for the people that they hire.
- María Elena Durazo
With me here today to testify are Evelyn Alfaro Mujeres Unidas y Activas and Doug Boshen, hand in hand, the Domestic Employers Network.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Senator Durazo. Each lead witness has two minutes.
- Evelyn Alfaro
Hola. Mi nombre es Evelyn Alfaro y hola y gracias a los miembros del Comité por esta oportunidad de presentar hoy. Durante los últimos 13 años he sido trabajadora doméstica limpiando casas y cuidando niños. Ahora soy organizadora de Mujeres y Activas Unidas y mujeres activas en el Área de la Bahía y líder de la Coalición de Trabajadoras Domésticas de California.
- Evelyn Alfaro
Hello. My name is Evelyn Alfaro and hello and thank you to the Members of the Committee for this opportunity to present today. For the last 13 years I have been a domestic worker cleaning homes and taking care of children. Now I'm an organizer with Mujeres y Activas United and active women in the Bay Area and a leader of the California Domestic Workers Coalition.
- Evelyn Alfaro
Durante cuatro años trabajé en casas de otras familias usando productos de limpieza tóxicos. Cada vez que los usaba, experimentaba efectos agudos en mi salud, ardor en los ojos, el sabor a lejía en el fondo de mi garganta y un olor tan fuerte que no podía respirar. Estuve expuesto a estos químicos diariamente, de ocho a 10 horas al día. Cuando llegué a casa me dolía la cabeza y me sentía mareado.
- Evelyn Alfaro
For four years, I worked in the homes of other families using toxic cleaning products. Every time I used them, I experienced acute health effects, burning eyes, the taste of bleach in the back of my throat and the smell so strong that I couldn't breathe. I was exposed to these chemicals on a daily basis, eight to 10 hours a day. When I got home, my head ached and I felt dizzy.
- Evelyn Alfaro
Sólo después de involucrarme en una organización comunitaria aprendí cómo protegerme contra estos peligros en el trabajo. Estas condiciones no son humanas y, desde 2020, las trabajadoras domésticas de todo el estado se han estado organizando para ser reconocidas como trabajadoras y ganar finalmente los derechos a la salud y la seguridad.
- Evelyn Alfaro
It was only after becoming involved in a community organization that I learned how to protect myself against these hazards on the job. These conditions are not humane, and since 2020, domestic workers across the state have been organizing to be recognized as workers and to finally win the rights to health and safety.
- Evelyn Alfaro
Este año, después de un largo proceso con el Comité Asesor SB 321, Cal OSHA y el Departamento de Relaciones Industriales publicaron las primeras pautas de seguridad y salud ocupacional para la industria del trabajo doméstico. Fue un momento histórico y un primer paso hacia el reconocimiento de nuestra industria. Gracias por dejarme hablar hoy.
- Evelyn Alfaro
This year, after a long process with the SB 321 Advisory Committee, CalOSHA and the Department of Industrial Relations published the first occupational safety and health guidelines for the domestic work industry. It was a historic moment and a first step to the recognition of our industry.
- Evelyn Alfaro
Sin embargo, esto no es suficiente. Hoy en día, hay cientos de miles de trabajadoras domésticas, en su mayoría mujeres de color, mujeres inmigrantes como yo, que todavía sufren las mismas condiciones todos los días porque estamos excluidas de las protecciones básicas en este estado.
- Evelyn Alfaro
However, this is not enough. Today, there are hundreds of thousands of domestic workers, mostly women of color, immigrant women just like me, who are still suffering from these same conditions every day because we are excluded from basic protections in this state.
- Evelyn Alfaro
Ha llegado el momento de que estas exclusiones, arraigadas en tantos años de racismo y devaluación del trabajo de las mujeres, lleguen finalmente a su fin. Todo el mundo merece un lugar de trabajo seguro.
- Evelyn Alfaro
The time has come for these exclusions, rooted in so many years of racism and the devaluation of women's work, to finally come to an end. Everyone deserves a safe workplace.
- Evelyn Alfaro
Les pido que voten a favor de la SB 686 y que continúen planteando este tema y concientizando al Gobernador hasta que termine esta exclusión. Gracias.
- Evelyn Alfaro
I ask that you vote in favor of SB 686, and that you continue to raise this issue and raise the awareness to the Governor until this exclusion is ended. Thank you.
- Doug Boshen
Members of the Committee, my name is. I live and work in Napa Valley. I'm a member of vineyard and a winery and my wife and also a domestic employer. I'm speaking today because I would like. To see the safety protections and resources thank you.
- Doug Boshen
I would like to see the safety protections and resources that exist for the employees at my business extend to the domestic workers in our home. At my business, I manage four full time employees and dozens of part time workers. I have worked with some of my employees for more than 20 years. I repeatedly say that safety is our top priority, and despite the dynamic and physical nature of our vineyard and winery work, OSHA regulations have helped provide a framework to keep us safe in our home.
- Doug Boshen
Marta worked for us as a nanny, while Sylvia and Shelly have both worked for us as house cleaners for several years. It is easy for me to obtain safety guidelines and resources at the winery, but that contrasts starkly with the situation with our domestic employment situation, where I have to rely solely on the experience that comes from managing my business.
- Doug Boshen
For example, our winery work emphasizes how different cleaning agents come with varying health risks, and proper PPE, such as masks and gloves, are necessary to protect against those potential risks. I'm glad to see that through SB 686, we are implementing the recommendations of the SB 321 Advisory Committee that Governor Newsom move forward back in 2021.
- Doug Boshen
The voluntary health and safety guidelines are a good start toward offering domestic employers information we need to keep our employees safe, and Senate Bill 686 would take the next crucial step by providing employers like me with the necessary education and support to be able to carry out those guidelines. I believe it is self evident that Marta, Sylvia, and Shelly should receive every possible protection.
- Doug Boshen
Having clear rules and the appropriate tools and resources facilitates our ability as employers to keep our homes safe, not only for us, but also for the domestic workers we employ. Thank you for supporting SB 686.
- Scott Wilk
Great. Thank you so much. So because we're in this venue, we're going to change the format a little bit. So instead of going to opponents, what we're going to do now is if you are. Me, too. In support of the Bill, if you could cooperate with the sergeants, and we line everybody up. So, looking for your name, any organization that you're affiliated with, and your position on the Bill, which should be support.
- Peter Camacho
Hello, I'm Peter Camacho with the Filipino Association of Workers and Immigrants, South Bay and I support SB 686. Thank you.
- Juan -
Hello. My name is Juan, with carrying cross generations in hand, in hand and strong support of SB 686. Thank you.
- Rita Medina
Rita Medina with Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights LA. Strong support of SB 686. Thank you.
- Ellen San Felipe
Hi, I'm Ellen San Felipe. I'm a member, Filipino Association of Workers and Immigrants, South Bay, San Jose. I'm a home care worker. Thank you.
- Anita Brown
Hi, I'm Anita Brown. I support SB 686. Thank you.
- Amanda Trinidad
Hi. Amanda Trinidad. I'm a part of the Filipino advocates for. Sorry. Filipino Advocates for Justice. I'm a part of the domestic worker Committee. I support SB 686.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Sweat Lao
Hi. Good morning. My name is Sweet Lao. I live in Oakland, California. I'm a worker organizer with the Filipino Advocates for Justice, and I support SB 686.
- Christina -
Hi, good morning, everyone. My name is Christina. I live in Fremont. I work as a home care worker, and I strongly support SB 686.
- Noor Alim
Noor Janaka Alim from Union City, California. I'm with Filipino Advocates for Justice, and I support SB 686.
- Maria Riola
Hello, good morning. My name is Maria Riola. I'm from San Francisco. I am a leader and a member from Women's Collective, and I'm here to support six, SB 686. Thank you.
- Lourdes -
Good morning. My name is Lourdes. I come from San Francisco and domestic workers. We need to support SB 686.
- Adriana Sanchez
Hola buenos dias, mi nombre es Adriana Sanchez soy trabajadora de lugar en San Francisco Colectiva de la Mujeres support SB 686. Gracias
- Agun -
My name is Agun. I am a Member of the Chinese Progressive Association. I am a domestic worker, and I support SB 686 in support of workers health and safety and our futures.
- Winnie Fong
My name is Winnie. I am a staff Member of the Chinese Progressive Association in San Francisco. I'm a domestic worker and I support SB 686, and I hope all of you will support as well.
- Aki Versoza
Hi, I'm Aki Soriana Versosa. I'm the Executive Director of the Filipino Workers Center of Southern California Organization of Home Care Workers, and I'm in support of SB 686.
- Amara Eger
Amara Eger, on behalf of Breast Cancer Prevention Partners in strong support of SB 686.
- Mirna Rana
Hola mi nombre es, Mirna Rana yo vivo en Oakland. Soy de mujeres unidas y activas yo estoy SB 686. Gracias.
- Alyce Desrosiers
Hello, my name is Alyce Desrosiers. I am the founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Families and Nannies in San Francisco. I'm a very strong supporter of SB 686. Thank you.
- Sara Flocks
Mr. Chair Members. Sarah Flocks, California Labor Federation, in strong support Thank you.
- Victor Kiros
Victor Kiros, Assistant Director, Region Six Western States, in strong support of SB 686.
- Marquise Gold
Hello, my name is Marquise Gold. I am a nanny employer, and I'm also the owner of a nanny and staffing agency. I'm from here in Sacramento, California. I am a proud member of hand in hand, and I strongly support SB 686. Thank you.
- Eli Conley
Good morning. My name is Eli Conley. I live here in Sacramento. I'm a Member of Hand in Hand, the Domestic Employers Network, and my family employs house cleaners, and I'm strongly in support of 686.
- Ishel Chavez
Good morning. My name is Ishel Chavez. I live in Berkeley. I used to be a nanny, and now I am an organizer for the National Domestic Workers Alliance, and I am supportive of SB 686.
- Tom Manley
I'm Thomas Manley. I live in Oakland. I'm with hand in hand, the Domestic Employers Network. I utilize service workers in my home. I'm a strong supporter of SB 686.
- Jeanie Emai
My name is Jeannie Emai. I came from Marin this morning to support SB 686. I'm an employer of a house cleaner as well as, in the past, home health care workers. Thank you.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- John Burens
John Burens, San Francisco. I'm a minister, religious leader, and an employer of domestic workers, and I strongly. Support SB 686.
- Megan Ortiz
Good morning. My name is Megan Ortiz. I'm the Executive Director of the Instituto de Educacion Popular del Sur de California in Los Angeles, representing hundreds of domestic workers and day laborers in strong support of SB 686. Thank you.
- Francisca Cortez
Buenos diaz. Mi nombre es Francisca Cortez. Vivo en Hayward. Supportivo SB 686.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Maria Seja
Bueno Diaz presentes yo soy Maria Seja vengo de la cuidad de Gilroy e vengo trabajadoras de lugar con y yo apoyo SB 686. Gracias.
- Mariko Yoshihara
Mariko Yoshihara. On behalf of the California Employment Lawyers Association, a proud co-sponsor SB 686. Strongly urge your support.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Lorena Molina
Good morning. My name is Lorena Molina. I live in Hayward. I am a domestic worker and member of Mujeres Unidas y. Activas, and I'm here to support SB 686. Thank you, thank you.
- Maria Beatrice
Hola, mi nombre es Maria Beatrice vengo en San Francisco. Apoyo SB 686.
- Addison -
Hello, my name is Addison, and apoyanto SB 686.
- Cynthia Montenegro
Buenos dias, mi nombre es Cynthia Montenegro. Soy miembre Unidas y Activa vivo en San Francisco. apoyo SB 686.
- Margie Guggenheim
Good morning. My name is Margie Guggenheim. I'm from Marin County, and I employ a couple of domestic workers, and I strongly urge you to support 686. Thank you.
- Beatrice Hernandez
Hi, good morning. My name is Beatrice Hernandez and on behalf of the California Immigrant Policy Center, a pros co-sponsor of the Bill in support of SB 686. Thank you.
- Malcom Harris
Morning. My name is Malcolm Harris. I'm based in Los Angeles. I'm with caring across generations. I'm a caregiver for my 93 year old grandmother and here in strong support of SB 686.
- Kayla Shore
Hello, my name is Kayla Shore. I'm from Los Angeles with hand in hand the domestic employers network. I'm an employee of a house cleaner and home care worker, and I'm strongly in support of SB 686.
- David Valencia
Thank you. Hello. My name is David Valencia, an organizer with La Collectiva de Mujeres in Dolores street community services, where we strongly support SB 686. Thank you.
- Karen Munoz
Hola mi nombre es Karen Muñoz, La Colective de Mujeres soy de San Francisco yo apoyando SB 686.
- Hicela -
Hola mi nombre es Hicela y La Colectiva de Mujeres vengo a San Francisco, California yo apoyando SB 686.
- Marlene Sanchez
Hola, buenos días mi nombre es Marlene Sanchez. Vivo en San Francisco California. Soy a La Collective de Mujeres yo a trabajo a lugar. Apoyo SB 686.
- Libia Fernandez
Hola, mi nombre es Libia Fernandez. Soy de San Francisco. Soy de la Colectiva de Mujeres y apoyar SB 686.
- Margarita -
Hola, buenos dias, mi nombre es Margarita vivo en San Francisco. Soy De La Colectiva de Mujeres. Soy una trabajadora domestica y apoyo SB 686. Gracias.
- Jenny Avila
Hola, buenos dias mi nombre es Jenny Avila y soy trabajadora de lugar. Y soy apoyando la SB 686. Gracias.
- Thomasa Ramirez
Hola buenos dias mi nombre es Thomasa Ramirez. Soy de La Colectiva de Mujeres. Vengo a San Francisco soy trabajadora de lugar estoy apoyado la SB 686. Gracias.
- Meyer Malimban
Hello, my name is Meyer Khan Malimban. I live in Santa Clara, and I'm a part of Filipino Association of Workers and immigrants, and I support SB 686.
- Miriam Kadim
Hello, my name is Mariam Kadim. I'm from Union City, and I work with Filipino Advocates for Justice, and I support SB 686.
- Kay -
Hi, this is Kay from Chinese Progressive Association. We are from San Francisco. Strong, strong support in SB 686.
- Karin Umfrey
Good morning, I'm Karin Umfrey . I'm a Senior Staff Attorney at Worksafe, and we support SB 686. Thank you.
- Karin Umfrey
Good morning my name is Ariel Hernandez I'm from Berkeley I'm a volunteer with Filipino Advocates for Justice and I'm in support of SB 686.
- Maria Vastias
Good morning, my name is Maria Jose Vastias. I am an English teacher at Mujeres Unidas y Activas, and I'm here to support SB 686.
- Philly Medina
Hello my name is Philly Medina From the Filipino Association of Workers and Immigrants. I'm here to strongly support SB 686.
- Tina Bahar
Good morning, my name is Tina Shaf Bahar, Oakland, California. California Domestic Workers Coalition. I'm the proud family member and community member of many domestic workers in strong support of SB 686.
- Natalie Bautista
Hello, my name is Natalie Bautista, I'm from San Bernardino, California. I'm the daughter of a domestic work. My mom. My mom is a domestic worker, and I am in strong support of her health and safety protections and passing SB 686.
- Alexandra Early
Hi, my name is Alexandra Early I'm an organizer with the California Domestic Workers Coalition. I live in Oakland, and I also employ a house cleaner, and I'm in strong support of SB 686.
- Scott Wilk
Anyone else out wanting to testify as me too/in support? Okay. Seeing none, we will move to the opposition. We can have up to two primary witnesses that each get two minutes. Seeing no primary opposition witnesses, is there anybody in the room that wants to lend their voices a. Me, too, in opposition? Seeing none. Let's go to the phones. I guess I should read that's. Moderator, would you please. Yeah, my fault. I'm a half step behind this morning.
- Scott Wilk
Moderator, if you would, please prompt individuals waiting to testify in support or opposition of SB 868, we will begin. Just to remind people on the phone name, affiliation of any organization, if applicable, and yay or nay. Thank you, Mr. Moderator.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you, Mr. Chair. For those who wish to speak in support or opposition to this Bill, please press one, then zero. Press one, then zero. We're going to go to line 24. Your line is now open. Line 24, your line is open.
- Lucy -
Oh hi. Sorry, I didn't hear. Hi. My name is Lucy. I'm Saddlegate. We are proud to sponsor SB 686, and we all share support. Thank you.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 48, your line is now open.
- Susan Freidman
My name is Susan Friedman. I live in Santa Rosa, California. I'm a registered nurse, a member of Hand in Hand. I am an employer have been an employer of home care, house care and domestic workers. I am fully in support of SB 686. Thank you very much.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 71, your line is now open. And pardon me once again. Line 71, please respond. Your line is now open. We're going to move on to line. We're going to move on to line 70. Your line is now open. Yes, sir. Line 74, your line is open. Line 33, your line is now open.
- Unidentified Speaker
My name is Ruth.
- Scott Wilk
Please go, Ruth.
- Unidentified Speaker
My name is.
- Committee Moderator
Go ahead, Ruth. I'm sorry. We're going to move on to line 69.
- Kenya -
Hi, my name is Kenya, and I work for the Moxita Nexion, and I am an ally of the California Domestic Workers Coalition, and I support SB 686.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 47, your line is now open.
- Michael David
Hello, my name is Michael David. I live in Los Angeles, California. I'm a Member of Hand in Hand and I employ a nanny. And I'm calling in support of SB 686.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 75.
- Claire Miranda
Hi, my name is Claire Anne Miranda. I live in San Francisco, and I am an ally and member of GABRIELA Oakland, and I support SB 686.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 52.
- Vanessa Barba
Hello, my name is Vanessa Barba. I work the California Domestic Workers Coalition, and I'm in support of SB 686.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 29. 29, your line is now open. We're going to move on to line 55.
- Sophie Woodley
Hi, good morning. My name is Rabbi Dr. Sophie Catherine Woodley Von-Rothschild. I'm an employer and I'm a member of hand in hand, and I arise in strong support of SB 686. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 65.
- Ian Camos
Hi, this is Ian Camos with the Filipino Workers Center of Southern California. I'm an ally and in strong support of SB 686.
- Committee Moderator
We're now going to move on to line 37.
- Fonis Fontanaris
Hi, this is Fonis Fontanaris from Filipino Workers Center in Orange County. We strongly support SB 686. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And Mr. Chair, just another moment. We have more people who've signaled that they wish to speak. We're just processing them throughout. Line 62, your line is now open.
- Mariana Angeles
Buenos dias. Mi nombre es Mariana Angeles vivo en de Orange y soy estoy aqui para apoyar SB 686.
- Committee Moderator
Line 35.
- Sybil Boutilier
Hello, this is Sybil with the California Green New Deal coalition. We're in strong support of SB 686. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And, Mr. Chair, we do have additional people who signal they wish to speak. We're having trouble processing some people through as they're not responding. Just a moment, please. Mr. Chair, if there's somebody in the room who can provide instruction in Spanish as to how to queue up to ask a question by pressing one, then zero. Give us a second. Thank you. We're going to move on to line 76. Your line is now open.
- Jasmine -
Hello. Hi.
- Committee Moderator
Please go ahead.
- Jasmine -
Hello, my name is Jasmine. I lived in Los Angeles. I'm with the Filipino Workers center, and I'm full support of SB 686.
- Committee Moderator
Line 80.
- Irene Maligi
Hi, my name is Irene Maligi. I am a Member of Filipino Workers Center, South Bay Area. I am a caregiver and I support SB 686, the Health and Safety for all Workers act. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 92. Line 92, your line is open.
- Guadalupe Garcia
Hi, my name is Guadalupe Garcia. I live in Los Angeles. I work at Mujeres en Accion, and my cousins are domestic workers. I support the SB 688, the Health and Safety act for all workers.
- Committee Moderator
Line 93.
- Ruth Silverthorpe
Ruth Silvertope, Santa Clara County Wage Theft Coalition in strong support of the Bill.
- Committee Moderator
Line 63.
- Marie Diaz
My name is Marie Grace Diaz. I'm from Orange County. A home care worker and a member of Filipino Workers Center strongly support SB 686. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 29. Line 29, your line is now open.
- Committee Secretary
We're going to move on to line 88.
- Ivana Castellanos
Hi, my name is Ivana Castellanos, toxics and plastics campaigner with Physicians for Social Responsibility, Los Angeles. And on behalf of our organization, PSRLA and the Californians for a healthy and green economy coalition, I express our support for SB 686.
- Committee Secretary
Line 101, your line is now open.
- Crystal Santiago
My name is Crystal Santiago. I live in San Diego. I am a caregiver and a Member of PwC, and I need health and safety protection. So I strongly support CB 686.
- Committee Secretary
Line 42, your line is open.
- Unidentified Speaker
- Committee Secretary
Line 96.
- Dorothy Unknown
My name is Dorothy. I live in San Diego. I am a caregiver and Member of California Domestic Worker Coalition. I support SB 686 Health and safety protection Bill.
- Committee Secretary
Line 83.
- Teresita Unknown
Hi, good morning. My name is Teresita. I live in Los Angeles. I am home care worker and a Member of the Philippine Workers Center. I strongly support SB 686. Thank you.
- Committee Secretary
Line 94.
- Elisa Jimenez
Hi, my name is Elisa Jimenez, and I'm from Domestic Worker Coalition. And then I support the SB 686.
- Committee Secretary
And just in a moment, Mr. Chair, thank you again for your patience as we are attempting to try and process people into the queue.
- Dave Cortese
Mr. Moderator, is that concluded the teleconference line?
- Committee Secretary
We have one more.
- Dave Cortese
Okay, thank you.
- Committee Secretary
I heard you say, go to line 111.
- Shalise Haas
Hi, my name is Shalise Haas. I live in Los Angeles. I employ a house cleaner. I'm a Member of hand in hand, and I am in strong support of SB 686.
- Committee Secretary
Mr. Chair, we have one additional person. We're going to go to line 113.
- Josefine Viclar
Hi, good morning. This is Josefine Viclar from San Fernando Valley, and I am a Member of the Filipino Workers center, and I support SB 686.
- Committee Secretary
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Please continue.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, moderator. Appreciate your effort. We'll bring it back to the Committee now for discussion and comment. Why don't I go ahead and kick it off and try to keep things moving? Now, we have a lot of sidebars going on up here, but we'll give the Committee Members a chance to comment or get a motion on the table here momentarily. Back to the author. Senator Durazo, I want to thank you for bringing this Bill forward today.
- Dave Cortese
As usual, you're taking on something that's been a festering issue for a long time and trying to get it solved, and I think everyone here, including me, is very grateful for that. Obviously, it's a little more complex. We think in terms of implementation than a lot of other areas that we go in and try to do OSHA type work in, just because of the nature of the business and households and so many other things that are not fixed in the environment itself.
- Dave Cortese
I completely agree with you as the author that these workers do deserve those same protections, though, when they go to work. We just have to be very careful how we enforce labor law specific to these circumstances. And I think probably that this industry, the specific area of workforce, needs its own set of standards, regulations and penalty schemes because on the one hand, we have very vulnerable workers. On the other hand, we have essentially private residences as private homes.
- Dave Cortese
And as we've seen in other areas of work that this Legislature has tried to do, when we get into neighborhood environments, we start getting pushback. That causes us one step forward, two steps back, and I think we're all concerned to make sure that doesn't happen. But putting the stake in the ground or the water, take your metaphor as you will, and moving forward is important. So I'm supporting your Bill today.
- Dave Cortese
I do hope that we can continue to work on these sensitive issues and continue to explore the best route for directing dir to issue standards that are, again, more tailored to this particular set of circumstances that we face. Again, that is really more of a concern about unintended consequences than anything else. Obviously, the intent and the vision behind the Bill is solid. So, Senator, I don't know if you want to respond to any of that.
- Dave Cortese
We did not have an opportunity or feel we had an opportunity to really get more specific than that as a Committee and as a Committee staff. Sometimes, as you know, that give and take can lead to a slightly better Bill or slightly better product, but at least wanted to flag had we had an opportunity to do more work, that's the direction we would have gone in as a Committee staff. Any response or reassurance from you would certainly be welcome.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Obviously, these people have been working on this for many years, passive domestic workers Bill of rights several years ago, and steps, good steps have been taken over and over. The household domestic workers are covered by workers comp, they're covered by minimum wage. There are all these laws that already cover them. This is just one more may be the last big area of their rights as employees. So they already are classified. They are formal employees of an employer when they do this work.
- María Elena Durazo
I'm really grateful to all of the employers who were here today. Thank you, Mr. Boshen. Everybody from hand in hand who are working side by side with their domestic worker their domestic employees, they have provided valuable insight which have led to the voluntary industry guidelines right here, very specific as to what is recommended to be implemented, and then take that out and do a real campaign. This is not meant to be a I got you type of situation. I got you violating the law.
- María Elena Durazo
This is where both the employers, the domestic employers as well as the employees really want to have a safer home workplace for everybody. And so I'm really grateful to all of the work that's gone into doing this. Now we just need to take that final formal step of eliminating their exclusion from calocia and providing some. We'll have to deal with that as a different subject, but to establish a Fund for Low income household employers so that they could have the most safe and healthy conditions.
- María Elena Durazo
But everybody's been very sensitive to the issues and worked really hard around it, and I'm very confident that they've either already been addressed or we have the mechanism to keep addressing them. So thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, other Members of the Committee.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Yes, I just want to thank the author for this Bill and for the movement behind it. It's been a long time coming. My great grandmother was a domestic worker. My grandmother was a domestic worker.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
And because of racism, because of the exclusion of the freed slave, because of the exclusion of the black, largely black women by the new deal, folks who have left out of that great plan are now making sure we're rebuilding it and making it work for all workers and for our community. So I am very grateful to see this Bill, and I appreciate what you talked about in terms of the employer partnerships.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
We need this kind of partnership in other industries where we want to make sure everyone is safe. This is a model, and so it's important for us to take this step. So we have something to point to, not just in domestic work, but in other industries where employers and workers truly come to the table in a model of care. So thank you so much, and I'm happy to move this motion toward vote.
- Dave Cortese
Okay, well, thank you. There's no other discussion at this time. We do have a motion, and I'll give Senator Durazo an opportunity to close.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you all for your comments. This is a women's caucus priority, and we're finally going to take, California is going to lead the way and take the step and provide dignity and safety to hundreds of thousands of California's workers. So thank everyone who came, who traveled from far away for taking the time to do. We really appreciate all of this. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you again, Senator. And thank you to everyone who showed up to testify. In case you're wondering, there's many of us who are on multiple committees literally at the same time today. So when you see people coming and going, and I'll say this for the future attendees of the meeting who might be listening, please know that we want to be here 100% of the time, but we literally have to be in three or four places at the same time to continue voting in other committees.
- Dave Cortese
And that's the only reason you see that happening. But we do appreciate you all being here to a person. And with that, I'm going to ask the assistant to call the role on a motion which she will restate. That was made by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas.
- Committee Secretary
File item number one, SB 686. The motion is do pass, but first we refer to the Committee on Appropriations. Senator Cortese aye. Senator Wilk. Senator Durazo aye. Senator Laird aye. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas aye. This Bill is on call and currently has four aye votes.
- Dave Cortese
All right. The Bill is on call with four eye votes, which, as this audience seems to know, is enough to get the Bill out. But we need to allow the absent Member, in this case, to vote later on. So thank you again for being here. Before everyone recesses, if you could stay put for just 1 second, I need to make an announcement that has to do with another Bill later on. I just want to do it while it's still quiet. File item number 12.
- Dave Cortese
SB 685, which is authored by Senator Hurtado, has been added back to today's agenda. It was taken off previously. It's added back SB 685. We will hear that Bill towards the end of today's agenda. That's just a public announcement for people who are interested in attending the hearing on that Bill later on. With that, we're going to take a five minute recess so the sergeants can help everyone get in and out, and we will resume the Committee hearing after five minutes. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
All right, if we can have order in the Committee hearing room, please. We're going to move on to file item two, which is Bill number SB 723. Also, Senator Durazo, I see her reentering the hearing room. Senator Durazo, whenever you get situated and are prepared to proceed, please do so. Yes, whenever you're ready. Thank you.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mr. Chair and Members, I am proud to present SB 723, which will remove the sunset to the existing rehiring rights enacted for hospitality workers at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Low income workers in the hospitality industry, primarily immigrants and women of color, were laid off and anxiously waited to see if they could get the jobs back. Most of the job losses were among hotel housekeepers, mostly women of color, and over the age of 50.
- María Elena Durazo
Research has shown that following economic recessions, women over 50 are affected the most in their experience of long term unemployment. At 62 or older, they are 50% less likely to be rehired. According to the Urban Institute, these workers had no source of income or security, and after many decades on the job, many older workers feared that employers would only rehire younger, newer workers at lower pay rates.
- María Elena Durazo
That is why the Legislature worked to pass SB 93 in 2021, which provided rehiring rights to employees working in the hospitality hotels, event centers and airport service and hospitality providers who were laid off due to a nondisciplinary reason related to the Covid-19 pandemic, including lack of business, a government shutdown order or public health directive. SB 93 was clearly needed as the tourist industry reopened for business.
- María Elena Durazo
In fact, the labor Commissioner cited the terraneo resort for violating the law in not offering 53 workers their jobs back when the resort reopened. The workers included housekeepers, banquet servers, bartenders, junior sous chefs, and massage therapists who are essential to the running of a high end resort. Overall, the hospitality industry is now among the country's fastest growing employers. The hospitalities industry industry's rapid rebound is in part thanks to the rehab hiring rights established in SB 93 that provides a skilled and experienced workforce.
- María Elena Durazo
As the industry reopens, however, these hiring rights are set to end. SB 723 seeks to make these rights permanent. The Bill removes the sunset and the reference to Covid related reasons for layoffs from the existing hospitality rehiring rights. Making this law permanent will allow employees working in the hospitality industry to return to their jobs after temporary layoffs through no fault of their own and provides job security to those workers.
- María Elena Durazo
What's really important to take note of is that the industry has not completely gone back to normal or to the highest level. The economic reverberations of the pandemic are far from over, and no one could have predicted how long the pandemic was going to last and have an impact on our economy. So today I have with me two witnesses to speak in support of this Bill. Sara Flocks, the California State Labor Federation, and Sandra Fallister, a hospitality worker.
- Sandra Fallister
Good morning. My name is Sandra Fallister. I worked for the standard West Hollywood Hotel for 16 years. I worked as a dishwasher. Food prepare, kitchen, shipping and receiving. I did everything I was asked to do. On March twelveth, human resources told us that the hotel will close because of the pandemic. She told us we're all fired. I was depressed.
- Sandra Fallister
My work covers all my living costs, my housing, food, shelter, basic needs. Everything is covered. The expenses of my four children. My labor covers all those expenses. As of today, I have not been recalled. My hotel has not recovered completely. I spent 16 years of my life working for that company. Not to be called. I'm afraid they won't call me because of my age. I have looked for other jobs, and unfortunately, I haven't found one.
- Sandra Fallister
I am afraid it's because of my age. I'm afraid it's because they will prefer to hire younger employees. It is difficult for me to start in a new company. I'm 51 years old. I ask you to vote in support of the extension to recall rights for workers. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you for your testimony. Is there another lead witness? Please proceed.
- Sara Flocks
Thank you, Mr. Chair Members. Sara Flocks, California Labor Federation, one of the sponsors of this Bill and supporters of SB 93 that put this law into place. And we are sponsors of this Bill because recall rights have proven to be good in protecting workers, expediting, hiring and supporting economic recovery for workers. Sandra's story is one of many, many workers spend decades working their way up in the hospitality industry, in jobs where they can support their families. And so mass layoffs are devastating.
- Sara Flocks
They're devastating to the workers, and they're devastating to entire communities. What recall rights do is relieve the anxiety and keep workers connected to that job with the hope that they will be able to go back. It also prevents age discrimination and salary discrimination, as we've heard, and discrimination against people who might have been advocates who have spoke up for their rights on the job or were stewards. We also think that it's good for employers.
- Sara Flocks
Recruitment, hiring, training, this is all really expensive, and employers are struggling to find workers, especially in the hospitality industry. We know that there's huge vacancies, especially in LA and San Francisco, and they can't find enough workers. This is also good for the economy in General. Economists have found that keeping workers connected to their jobs reduces long term unemployment and helps the economy bounce back faster. It's especially important in hospitality because that's the industry's hardest hit during economic downturns.
- Sara Flocks
People stop traveling, they stop going to restaurants, and so those workers are impacted first. It also has a proven track record. Santa Monica has had a similar law since 2001. It's been 22 years. The city and County of LA made their recall law permanent. Long beach has also followed suit. So there is a track record of saying, hey, this is a law that works. It makes sense. It's good for workers and employers. It gives an orderly way to have rehire when the economy comes back.
- Sara Flocks
And so we would urge your support. Thank you.
- Shane Gusman
Good morning, Mr. Chair Member. Shane Gusman, on behalf of Unite here international Union and the Teamsters in support.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you for your testimony. We can move now to anyone who wishes to express the support position in the Committee room. Name, affiliation and support.
- Kimberly Rosenberger
Kimberly Rosenberger, with SEIU in strong support.
- Lorena Lopez-Masumi
Lorena Lopez-Masumi, Director of the hotel and restaurant employees throughout Southern California. In support.
- Victor Quiroz
Victor Quiroz, UAW region six Assistant Director, UAW supports SB 723 Durazo.
- Dave Cortese
All right, thank you. I see no one else come forward on the support side. We will now ask. There is a lead opposition witness. You may come forward and you'll have a couple of minutes.
- Julie Ball
Thank you, Mr. Chair, Members of the Committee, I'm Julie Melanowski Ball here on behalf of the California Hotel and Lodging Association. We have an opposed position on this. Understand you know the purpose of it during the COVID restrictions and the potential for unemployment. And then of course it happened. But that's just not the case today. In today's market, we have the lowest unemployment rate and are struggling to find employees to fill hotel positions. In many areas today, there's actually a 20% vacancy rate in hotels.
- Julie Ball
So it is clear that there's positions to be had. And we are focused, of course, on those who have experience, first and foremost. So we're looking at those who, former employees and new employees. To fill these positions, we think this needs to sunset as originally planned. We believe also that it's complicated, it's costly. It is opening up hotels to simple paperwork violations because of the steps that you need to go through.
- Julie Ball
And we've surveyed our Members and found out it's actually slowing down employment because of how much contact you have to make and the steps that you need to go through. So we say that today in this current market, because of how complicated it is, how it's slowing down the process, this needs to sunset along with all the other Covid restrictions. And we ask for your no vote. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Appreciate your testimony. Is there anyone else in the hearing room who wishes to express an opposed position?
- Ashley Hoffman
Good morning. Ashley Hoffman on behalf of the California Chamber of Commerce. In opposition to this job killer Bill. Thank you.
- Sabrina Lockhart
Good morning. Sabrina Lockhart on behalf of the California Attractions and Parks Association, in opposition.
- Amelia Zamani
Thank you. Amelia Zamani, California Travel Association, in opposition.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Seeing no one else come forward moderator if we may, we would like to ask you to queue up both support and opposition on teleconference line. If there is any.
- Committee Secretary
Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to speak in support or opposition of this Bill, please press one, then zero. Press one, then zero. We're going to go. Line 77, your line is now open.
- Joe Summers
Hi, this is Joe Summers with the Contra Costa Labor Council. We support this Bill.
- Committee Secretary
And, Mr. Chair, we have several more people who've signaled that they wish to speak. One moment, please. Thank you. We're going to go next to line 121. Your line is now open.
- Lauren Arnett
Hi, my name is Lauren Arnes, and I'm with the North Valley Labor Federation in support of this Bill. Thank you.
- Committee Secretary
Line 119, your line is now open.
- Glenn Loveall
Good morning. This is Glenn Loveall with Napa Solano Central Labor Council in strong support of SB 723.
- Committee Secretary
Line 44.
- Ryan Allain
Hi, this is Ryan Allain with the California Retailers Association in opposition. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
All right, thank you. Moderator we will come back to the Committee itself, ask if there's any comments, concerns or a motion on the Bill. All right, there's a motion by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. We'll ask the assistant to state the formal motion right after we give. Senator draws an opportunity to close and call the role. Senator, please close.
- Committee Secretary
Mr. Chair. There is no one else who signaled that they wish to speak.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mr. Chair. And Members. No. I spent decades in the hospitality industry as a union leader organizer. And there was a tendency after every economic downturn, when the industry came back up, there was either an attempt to do away with and not recall the employees that they had, even though they were highly more experienced and skilled, because they wanted to take advantage of that moment to hire newer people, they could pay less with no benefits, whatever they wanted.
- María Elena Durazo
So we're used to this cycling, the comments about how this is going to hurt the industry. There's no proof, there's no evidence, there's no examples of that. All of the hotels, there are hundreds of hotels and event centers that have followed this. There's no issue. And so I really urge us, the sky is falling type of argument just doesn't work here. And for the sake of those employees who are loyal, it's not for disciplinary reasons that they've lost their job.
- María Elena Durazo
They should be allowed, and they should be given the protection to be able to get their jobs back. With that, I respectfully ask for your vote.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you again, Senator. And back to the assistant.
- Committee Secretary
File item number two, SB 723. The motion is do pass, but first, re refer to the Committee on Appropriations. Senator Cortese aye. Senator Wilk. Senator Durazo aye. Senator Laird aye. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas aye. This Bill is on call and currently has four aye votes.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Bill has four aye votes, which is enough to get it out, but it's on call for the absent Member. And while the room is adjusting here, we are going to lift the call on the consent calendar. Please. Assistant, would you please call the role on that file?
- Committee Secretary
Items number 815 and 17, all on consent. Senator Cortese aye. Senator Laird aye. These items are out five to zero.
- Dave Cortese
All right. The consent calendar is out on a unanimous vote. Thank you. We are now going to continue in file order. If Senator Seyarto is here. He is not yet, so we will pass and we'll go to the next in file order, which is Senator Becker, who has two bills to present, starting with SB 322. We'll announce the second bill when the time comes. Senator Becker, you may proceed whenever you're ready.
- Josh Becker
Good afternoon, Chair Cortese and Members. Thanks for opportunity to present SB 322, a bill that will support business development and workers in underserved communities with high paying, stable jobs as California leads the transition to a green economy. To meet the clean energy goals outlined in SB 100, 1020, as well as electric vehicle adoption targets, California will need to manufacture and purchase large amounts of lithium batteries.
- Josh Becker
Additionally, as California increases its use and manufacturing of zero-emission vehicles, it is imperative that state incentives supporting this industry also support high quality, equitable jobs. Historically underserved communities and workers in the manufacturing industry are most impacted by the transition towards a non-fossil fuel future and would thus most benefit from additional high road job transition support. Battery manufacturing plants can establish equitable, good paying jobs for Californians again if they have these high road workforce and job quality standards.
- Josh Becker
So this bill will establish a ranking system to prioritize businesses who establish a workforce plan to employ individuals with employment barriers when applying for the zero-emission vehicle battery manufacturing grants. By doing so, SB 322 will prioritize quality jobs for Californians as we lead the transition to a green economy. And I have two witnesses here with me today.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you, and we'll go ahead and ask the lead support witnesses to come forward. You have a couple of minutes each. Please self-identify.
- Thomas Hintze
Good morning, Mr. Chair and Members. Tom Hintze, on behalf of UAW. I am an international rep with United Auto Workers and UAW proudly supports SB 322 to ensure that public funding for electric battery manufacturers creates high quality, sustainable jobs for workers in the battery manufacturing industry in California. California has budgeted substantial funding to transition the state to EVs, including 25 million dollars in grants related to battery manufacturing.
- Thomas Hintze
The state has the responsibility to ensure such financial support offered to business also creates high quality jobs, labor standards, workers' rights, career pathways, and community benefits. SB 322 will link climate goals with high road jobs by conditioning eligibility for funding on complying with labor, workplace safety, anti-discrimination and leave laws and proper classification of workers. To ensure that the development of the battery industry also protects the air, water, and soil our communities rely on, the bill also requires applicants to submit an environmental safety plan.
- Thomas Hintze
SB 322 amplifies the impact of public funds used to meet California's climate goals by requiring applicants to complete a workforce application. This competitive scoring system evaluates applicants based on their payment of living wages, investments in training programs, compliance with health and safety and labor laws, and adoption of labor peace agreements. By attaching high road standards to public subsidies and prioritizing job quality, SB 322 reduces emissions while also reducing income equality. So we respectfully ask for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. Mr. Wetch.
- Scott Wetch
Mr. Chairman and Members, Scott Wetch, on behalf of the State Association of Electrical Workers, the IBW. Represent workers throughout America that manufacture batteries. We support the bill. Look forward to continuing to work with the author on fleshing out some of the issues. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. Others who wish to express the support position? We've had two lead witnesses already.
- Josh Becker
No, you only had one.
- Dave Cortese
Actually. I'm sorry. Please proceed.
- Victor Quiroz
Thank you. I appreciate it. Sorry about that confusion. I should have been standing behind. My name is Victor Quiroz. I am the Regional Director for Region Six UAW. I'm a proud member. Yesterday, I had good news. UAW sent me a pen that says I've been a member for 35 years. Very proud and very grateful. Because of those issues, such as battery manufacturer, I've been part of this.
- Victor Quiroz
So with that, we employ about 20,000 people in the State of California, including manufacturing power suppliers. But with that, UAW members are fighting for a just transition to ensure that changes in the U.S. automotive industry result in quality, safe jobs that benefit workers and communities. California's investments in EV and battery manufacturing offer a critical opportunity to revitalize U.S. industry and transition workers to build AYES vehicles or whose jobs are the AYES supply chain to quality jobs in the EV supply chains to promote economic and racial justice.
- Victor Quiroz
UAW and members know that transition to zero-emission vehicles presents an opportunity to preserve and grow high quality jobs in the EV supply chain, including in battery manufacturing. SB 322: Becker capitalizes on this opportunity by ensuring that battery manufacturers receiving public funds follow our laws, protect the safety of workers, and provide family-sustaining jobs for workers that serve as engines of economic development for the communities.
- Victor Quiroz
These policies will encourage high road employment practices in highly strategic sectors of California's economy, as well as strong financial investments to every local city and county within the state, thus ensuring strong financial support for services, including public safety, education, and the ongoing need to repair or expand infrastructure for decades to come. With this, for these reasons, we respectfully ask for your aye vote for this and support. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Yeah, thank you again. We will now go to anyone in the room who wishes to come forward and express the support position. You'd be limited to your name, affiliation, and support.
- Sara Flocks
Sara Flocks, California Labor Federation, in support.
- JB Tengco
Hi. JB Tengco, Vice President of the BlueGreen Alliance. We bring labor environmental groups together in support.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Seeing no one else come forward on the support side, is there a lead opposition witness who wishes to come forward? There was none identified; it's my understanding. That said, anyone who wishes to express opposition may do so at this time. Name, affiliation. All right, we are going to move to the moderator's line now, having heard from everyone in the hearing room. Moderator, would you please queue up any support or opposition on the teleconference line? Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you, Mr. Chair. For those who wish to speak in support or opposition to this bill on the phone line, please press one then zero now.
- Committee Moderator
And, Mr. Chair, there is no one who signaled that they wish to speak.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you. We'll bring it back to the Committee for any comments or concerns. Yeah. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Well, first I want to thank the author for bringing this bill. It's always exciting to see high road opportunities and making sure that businesses are prioritizing that and particularly underrepresented workforce. I fully intend to support this bill. I have a question about how your thoughts in terms of individuals who have been historically left out of these kinds of sectors. I'm thinking about women. I'm thinking about formerly incarcerated workers.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
When you say employ individuals with barriers, is the intention to make sure that that is a very clear and specified--we say individuals, right, that that's being clearly spelled out and bringing those groups into the conversation?
- Josh Becker
Yeah. Thank you, and I want to appreciate this Committee as well as the last Committee. We spent a lot of time on that definition, and I don't--I apologize--I don't have it exactly right here, but I think it's quite expansive in ways that you would appreciate, and we can get that to you. But we did work to make sure that we did have a good definition, that we really did focus on a broad definition of folks with barriers to employment and to these industries.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Yeah. I was glad to see some of that language and just really calling in women and really calling in those communities, being in the community and working with union partners in particular, where we had a shared vision about what that workforce could look like, but also clarity on the barriers and the challenges. Sometimes you have to get almost razor-sharp on those definitions, so I'm glad to hear that you are continuing to work through that process. Really happy to move this vote forward, and I'd like to make the motion when the time is right.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. Senator Laird.
- John Laird
Thank you very much. There we go. I'm glad the analysis mentioned Senator Durazo's high road labor standards bill from last year. I'm sorry she's presenting a bill and can't be here right now. And just to add, last year in the Climate Working Group, we had an animated discussion about this and we wanted to have it be a filter for all the projects that were dealing with green energy in some way.
- John Laird
And it resulted in a high road labor standards bill in the Assembly, in a Durazo bill that was more global and really addressed these issues through different kinds of projects and try to do it. And we were unsuccessful in the Assembly and moving that bill. So what has happened this year is that there are many bills that sort of take pieces of it and move it ahead. And that's what this is.
- John Laird
And so I just wanted to salute you for doing that because it's sort of a determination that we're not going to take that one bill going down over there last year as the final answer. And it was exactly the concerns that were raised by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas that led to sort of what the agreement was between people throughout.
- John Laird
And I should say on the more global level, it gave some people who had the high level of concern about workforce and labor standards comfort in supporting some of the green energy projects that were other parts of the package. And I felt let down by the fact that we couldn't get that through the Assembly because it was part of the overall direction that we all had.
- John Laird
So I just appreciate your answers to Senator Smallwood-Cuevas's questions, and appreciate for you taking the piece of this and look forward to supporting her motion when she makes it.
- Josh Becker
Well, thank you. And I just want to say for a moment, I just really appreciate your leadership of that working group, and as you said, it was a big topic of conversation, and excited to be able to kind of keep that moving. And again, building on recognizing her previous legislation and building on that.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. I just add my own comments here which are coming from a supportive but slightly different place. This is important. It's going to be important beyond, of course, this Block Grant Program getting working standards in this space. This is, of course, one program, and we've got this massive emerging battery area that needs to be covered.
- Dave Cortese
There's not a prevailing wage established yet, which if there was, we would have asked you to add that into the bill as probably in a sense, the minimum standard that the Legislature would ordinarily put in. But what I really want is, but you did as much as you can in this bill with this Block Grant Program at this time, given what we have available to work with.
- Dave Cortese
To my colleagues' comments, this is really a good icebreaker into an area where we need absolutely comprehensive workforce standards that are the equivalent to the best standards that we have. I just want to say, the labor piece component here, as we all know, is sort of the very first building block in terms of any kind of labor management situation other than maybe card check neutrality, and those are just things that we almost take for granted in California to create labor peace.
- Dave Cortese
We often hear people concerned, and so far, I'm taking these as justifiable concerns. This is not you, Senator Becker, as the author, but we hear in the larger debate, 'don't slow down, don't bad labor standards, don't do that,' and then end up slowing down either the implementation or the rollout of these investments.
- Dave Cortese
The fact of the matter is, and I'd be willing to debate anybody on the subject having been now an elected official for 30 years, the best thing you can do to avoid slowing things down is put your labor standards in upfront like this, put your labor peace standards in, and get that done ahead of time because the thing that will slow things down, and I absolutely hope we don't ever get to that point on the climate investments because we're in a hurry, but the thing that will slow it down is labor strife.
- Dave Cortese
When people start shutting down plants and shutting down deliveries because of the fact that labor standards haven't been established, that's going to exacerbate the crisis. So kudos to you for saying what I can do now is get these labor peace standards set up and let's do more later on. So I'm very happy to support the bill. Anyone else? If not, I'll--Senator Becker for his closing.
- Josh Becker
I appreciate all those comments and respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Dave Cortese
All right, thank you. We'll have the assistant state the actual motion here and the roll call.
- Committee Secretary
File Item Number Five: SB 322. The motion is 'do pass, but first re-refer to the Committee on Appropriations.' [Roll call]. This bill is on call and currently has three aye votes.
- Dave Cortese
But enough votes to get out of Committee, but of course, we'll get the absent Members. Thank you, Senator Becker, and you can move on to your SB 382 if you wish at this time.
- Josh Becker
Thank you. 382 is also called the California Pay for Success Act, and what this bill does is it creates a process for a workgroup of stakeholders under the California Workforce Development Board, which I was proud to serve on for about seven years, and Labor Agency to develop a pay for performance workforce program tool that will target people with barriers to employment. The pay for performance model conditions public funding of training services on the placement of program participants in high-quality jobs.
- Josh Becker
This bill would require the grant program include contractual and enforceable commitments to high road outcomes, and will contractually obligate training providers to achieve high road outcomes for training program participants using the same employer and job quality standards found in high road training partnerships. In the event that the grantee does not achieve the goals for workers that they set out in their contract, the state would be able to only pay for the results that the grantee achieved.
- Josh Becker
The bill will create another workforce development tool by creating an enforceable commitment to high road outcomes without the workforce board accepting risk. This pay for performance policy is already in use in a few other states and other areas of state government, and this bill will allow us to use that same model to help train workers in emerging industries. And with that, I have one witness here today, Helen Dowden from the San Francisco Jewish Vocational Services.
- Dave Cortese
All right. We will welcome to the podium the lead support witness from the San Francisco Jewish Vocational Service at this time.
- Hellen Roth-Dowden
Thank you very much.
- Dave Cortese
If you could state your name for the record, we'd appreciate it. Thank you.
- Hellen Roth-Dowden
I'm Hellen Roth-Dowden from San Francisco Jewish Vocational Services, who's been serving underserved workers in the Bay Area for the last 50 years. SB 382 takes high road training partnership standards. Those are living wages, upward mobility, and outcomes, and these are in the April 18th amendments. And it puts the risk for obtaining high road outcomes not on the state as in current law, but on nonprofit training providers, including unions who serve those with barriers to employment. And this is also in the bill.
- Hellen Roth-Dowden
It defines these in statute, and these are women, former incarcerated, homeless, minorities, those with barriers of employment. It sets up a workgroup using volunteers to shape the program under the Labor Agency Workforce Board with an evaluation back to the Legislature. And the original bill had a separate board, but now this is just a working group under the existing workforce group. By putting the risk on the provider, the hope is that this will streamline the process and reduce the time it takes to implement contracts.
- Hellen Roth-Dowden
It's based upon a successful pay for performance model that was implemented in Boston by Boston JVS, our sister organization, and it's received numerous awards, including from the Federal Reserve Board in the eastern area. It isn't mandated, but it's another tool. It incorporates social-innovated funding models that are also used by ETP currently in corrections under an Atkins bill from a couple years ago, into programs under the Workforce Board.
- Hellen Roth-Dowden
You know, there's a looming economic crisis in California, and this would provide a nimble response that conditions public funding on outcomes with the risk taken by the private sector. And for that, we ask for your support. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you for your testimony. We will now move to anyone in the Committee room who wishes to express a support position. I'm assuming there's not another lead support witness, but you can come forward and say you support the bill. All right, we'll now move to opposition. I do see an opposition witness coming forward. You'll have a couple of minutes. Please self-identify. Thank you.
- Amy Hines-Shaikh
Thank you so much. Amy Hines-Shaikh. I'm speaking in respectful opposition to SB 382: Becker on behalf of the Hospitality Training Academy, otherwise known as HTA. The HTA is a 501c3 nonprofit labor management partnership and a Taft-Hartley fund that serves as the training arm of UNITE HERE Local 11 and its contributing employers.
- Amy Hines-Shaikh
Local 11 is a labor union with 150 plus affiliated employers in the hospitality, food service, tourism, and leisure industry and represents 32,000 members employed in Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino counties, as well as in the State of Arizona. The HTA is dedicated to creating pathways into the hospitality and food service industry for low income adults aged 18 and older, including individuals who are housing insecure, justice-involved, transition age, foster youth, veterans, immigrants, or transgender people, along with others from vulnerable and marginalized communities.
- Amy Hines-Shaikh
HTA now offers a prep cook pre-apprenticeship program and four U.S. Department of Labor and California Division of Apprenticeship Standards registered apprenticeship programs. HTA reviewed SB 382: Becker to determine its impact on the workforce ecosystem in Southern California, and it is an unnecessary bill that negatively impacts marginalized and vulnerable communities by only funding organizations with a proven track record, which many of the small CBOs in low income neighborhoods do not possess.
- Amy Hines-Shaikh
Small startup grassroots organizations are desperate for government dollars to do community outreach, organizing, and training, and this bill does nothing to infuse those programs with much-needed funding. It takes focus away from the high road training partnerships in high road construction careers programs, which include all the pieces of good quality jobs, not just in three or more classifications that are certainly not at the level of that classification, thereby diluting the strong impact of those programs.
- Amy Hines-Shaikh
In particular, they include good wages and benefits, career pathways, and worker voice and agency and efforts to mitigate climate change. This bill creates an unnecessary program that is duplicative of the other programs and its pay for success funding. SB 382 gives the California Workforce Development Board additional work without any additional funding. It forces the Labor and Workforce Development Agency and the California Workforce Development Board to convene and staff a workgroup for this new program, and we respectfully oppose. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you for your testimony. Is there anyone else in the hearing room who wishes to express an opposed position? If so, please come forward at this time. All right, seeing no one, Moderator, if you would please give us a teleconference support and opposition on this bill, we would appreciate it.
- Committee Moderator
For those of you who wish to speak in support or opposition to this bill, please press one then zero. Press one than zero at this time. Okay. We're going to go first to line 44. Line 44, your line is now open.
- Ryan Allain
Hi. This is Ryan Allain with the California Retailers Association in support. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Next, we're going to go to line 11.
- Jake Segal
Morning. This is Jake Segal from Albany, California, and I serve as the vice president and head of the California office for Social Finance. We are in support of SB 382.
- Committee Moderator
Line 12.
- Mark Edwards
Good morning. My name is Mark R. Edwards. I'm with JVS SoCal. We are one of the bill cosponsors. We've been in business for 92 years, and we speak strongly in support of this bill. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 127.
- Rochelle Qued
This is Rochelle Qued, on behalf of JPAC, Jewish Public Affairs Committee of California. Has a coalition of over 30 Jewish community organizations; is strong support of SB 382.
- Committee Moderator
And, Mr. Chair, there is no one else.
- Dave Cortese
All right, Moderator. Thank you for continuing your excellent job, and we will bring it back to the Committee at this time for any remaining discussion or debate, comment or emotion. We have a motion by Senator Laird, and before we formally take that up, we'll give you an opportunity to close, Senator Becker.
- Josh Becker
Thank you. I appreciate the concerns raised, and our last minutes are limited, but the board concerns--we're happy to continue discussions. Certainly, the Labor Agency has been receptive to this bill. And again, this is just one tool the Labor Agency can use. So we do not think it will distract from other programs, but just highlight this exciting one and respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Senator. We appreciate your usual diligence in working with opposition to try to try to remove it. Thank you, and we'll move to the assistant to state the formal motion and call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
File Item Number Six: SB 382. The motion is 'do pass, but first re-refer to the Committee on Appropriations.' [Roll Call]. This bill is on call and currently has three aye votes and one no.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Again, three votes. Enough to get out, but we'll keep it on call for the remaining votes. Thank you, Senator Becker. And we will now move to Senator Seyarto, who's got a couple of bills. And everyone can leave as quietly as possible to help us keep moving here. Keep people as on time as possible. And I know, Senator Seyarto, we've been trying to stick to the file order and we're in a different room. Thank you for your patience.
- Kelly Seyarto
Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
You can begin whenever you're ready.
- Kelly Seyarto
So fortunately, I'm a minimalist. So we're going to try to get through these bills quickly. Thank you, honorable Chair. And I'm here to present SB 276. SB 276 would uphold basic labor equality by ensuring the same overtime protections that are currently enjoyed by private sector employees pursuant to Labor Code Section 510 are also extended to legislative staff employees. The Legislature has had a well-documented history of inequitable and sometimes unhealthy work environments for legislative staff.
- Kelly Seyarto
Many of these experience have been brought to light in recent years, which prompted reforms to the way Legislature, the Legislature addresses harassment, discrimination and abuse. In 2019, the Legislature took a significant step in addressing internal abuse by establishing the workplace conduct unit. However, there still exists statutory inequities that the workplace conduct unit does not have the authority to address. Campbell vs. Regents of the University of California established judicial precedents that most labor laws do not apply to public sector employees unless explicitly clarified in statute.
- Kelly Seyarto
Consequently, certain abuses relating to working hours and compensation are still permissible under statute and may be used for implicitly discriminatory or retaliatory purposes. SB 276 would continue to bridge the gap between the workplace reforms we aspire to as a Legislature and the inequities current statute continues to enable. We have the opportunity right now with this Bill to propose--or to promise--a better workplace and improve our lackluster retention of legislative staff by holding ourselves to the same standard that we hold the private sector to. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Senator. Any support witnesses?
- Kelly Seyarto
No, that's the minimalist part. I did not bring support witnesses.
- Dave Cortese
You're not a minimalist. We just have a minimalist program today.
- Kelly Seyarto
Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Got it. And we will ask if there's anyone who wishes to step forward, express a support position in the hearing room in terms of public comment. Seeing none. Is there anyone who wishes to be the lead opposition witness? Seeing no one. Anyone who wishes to simply express an opposed position, please come forward at this time. Not seeing anyone coming forward.
- Dave Cortese
So we will go to the Moderator and ask Moderator if anybody got on the teleconference line that wishes to express a position on this Bill. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
For those who wish to speak in support or opposition to this Bill, please press one, then zero at this time. Press one, then zero. In a final call, please press one, then zero. If you wish to speak with regard to this Bill. Mr. Chair, there is no one.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you very much, Moderator. we're going to bring it back to the Committee. I'm going to just go ahead and express my opinion on the Bill first, if the Committee will indulge me in that. And that is from a pure workforce or labor standpoint, I support the Bill.
- Dave Cortese
I have no idea what the appropriations consequences are, nor is that our jurisdiction here, although I suspect that they would be pretty significant, as significant as perhaps any Bill we're hearing today, so I don't know how to deal with that. Of course, Committee staff can only observe those kinds of traits in a Bill. But again, I, for one, without getting into excess detail, have a tremendous amount of empathy and sympathy for some of the wage and workforce issues that are out there with our own group.
- Dave Cortese
And I think it's important in this Committee for me to say we're not going to take a different approach to advancing our workforce here than we would elsewhere. Again, how much of a tough road do you have on this one in terms of figuring out where that money comes from, et cetera, is a whole nother issue that could cause anyone, including me, to be less supportive down the road. That said, I'll turn to my colleagues and see if anybody wants to add anything. Senator Laird?
- Dave Cortese
Senator Laird moves the Bill. Senator Wilk?
- Scott Wilk
Yeah. Just one quick comment. So he talked about not necessarily related to this Bill, but how we've addressed sexual harassment and those type issues. And I want to give the Pro Tem and the Rules Committee a lot of credit in cleaning that up when the Me Too movement struck. Different leadership at that time, and nothing was in place. And I think we've come a long way on that. But on your proposal, I think it's really only the right thing to do.
- Scott Wilk
We impose these on other industries, but we don't impose them on ourself. I know me and my staff last night, we were here till after 11:40 in Judiciary Committee, which started at 09:00 a.m. And we were in before 08:00 to prepare for this Committee and another Committee. So they work really hard and for not fair compensation. So with that, be happy to support your Bill today.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. And let me say, I know the author knows this and my colleagues know this, but for others listening, including staff, I mean, when I say appropriations, it's not just somebody's judgment or another Committee. There's constraints, I think, as we know, on what this Legislature is statutorily allowed to invest in. So we'll see how that all plays out if the Bill passes. And we do have a motion by Senator Wilk.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
I just want to add one. I agree with you, Mr. Chair, in supporting this Bill. I have some other worker classifications, I hope we'll have support on it. I think raising standards is important across the board. As well as we know there's an effort, and I think this Committee will hear that later about raising standards in terms of voice at work for legislative staff. So I'm hoping this is the beginning of raising standards for workers who are here doing the business of democracy.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
So I just wanted to say welcome to the fight for raising standards for workers.
- Dave Cortese
All right. And it was actually Senator Laird who was prepared to make the motion. But I do want to give you an opportunity to close.
- Kelly Seyarto
Well, thank you. I appreciate that. And I'll be brief. Thank you for the support. I super appreciate it. But more than that, I think our employees appreciate it. They do put in long hours. And also with respect to the costs, when that gets costed out, there is an exemption. If an employee makes two times the minimum wage, they are exempt from overtime requirements. So this winds up being the employees that don't make that. That will be a limiter on how much this item costs. And so with that, I would appreciate an aye vote, and thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Okay, so again, Senator Laird is formally making the motion, and we'll have the assistant state that and call the role, please. Thank you.
- Committee Secretary
File Item number 3, SB 276. The motion is do pass, but first rerefer to the Committee on Appropriations. Senator Cortese? Cortese aye. Senator Wilk? Wilk aye. Senator Durazo? Senator Laird? Laird aye. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas? Smallwood-Cuevas aye. This Bill is on call and currently has four aye votes.
- Dave Cortese
All right. You have enough to get out of Committee, and we'll pick up the other vote one way or the other later on, we hope. And you can now move into SB 300, your other bill presented today--to be presented today whenever you're ready. Thank you.
- Kelly Seyarto
Yes, I'm ready. And thank you again to the Chair and the Committee for hearing this bill. And first, I'd also like to thank the Committee for working so hard with us on this, and we are going to be accepting the Committee recommendations and the amendments.
- Dave Cortese
If you could pause there, Senator, and I just want to sort of state those because its been so late in the process, not in literal terms, but we know that Committee staff has put those amendments in writing, and I guess what we're trying to do is--we've tried to do is narrow the focus on the bill a little bit. I think probably quite a bit.
- Dave Cortese
I won't again try to state anything in exact terms here, but the sentiment was that given the conflicting and complex information we get when some of those bills come through this very Committee, that the judgment here is that it might be helpful to have the LAO involved, but on a much narrower framework. So again, those amendments have been accepted by the author. Please proceed.
- Kelly Seyarto
Yeah, thank you. So, Members, the economic impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic has revealed problems in many sectors of the state government's finances that have long been ignored, and one of them is the California's largest pension system. And that's our Public Employees Retirement System. CalPERS and related pension systems, the retirement system for California state and public agency workers, suffered investment losses of almost 30 billion dollars in 2022, while ever rising obligations showed a 70 percent shortage of what is needed to meet the undeniable obligations of the system.
- Kelly Seyarto
CalPERS lost billions of dollars more than was previously reported in the volatile markets of 2022. The system announced that its investment losses were -7.5 percent for the fiscal year, which was a further downgrade from the initial 6.1 percent returns reported in 2022.
- Kelly Seyarto
Widening the already large gap between CalPERS's assets and its potential liabilities, the 2022 annual loss was the first since the Great Recession and actively eviscerated the fund that provides benefits to California state employees and nearly 3,000 counties, cities, and special districts, and other employees. Through the years, CalPERS's failure to meet its assumed rate of return has been the main driver of the system's unfunded liability, and with the latest investment losses applied to an estimated CalPERS's debt is now 164,000,000,000 dollars, translating to over 4,000 dollars of debt for every California.
- Kelly Seyarto
After the fiscal losses of 2022, CalPERS has reported that its funded ratio plummeted from 81 percent in 2021 to 72 percent as of June 2022, which means the pension system now has just 72 cents of each dollar needed to provide the pension benefits that have already been promised to current workers and retirees. And that's higher than it's been in the past. So that's a good thing, but it's still not what it needs to be.
- Kelly Seyarto
California has guaranteed public sector workers pensions that are guaranteed by the state, meaning the state and local taxpayers will ultimately be on the hook for CalPERS's debt. The state must compensate for the debts through increased contributions, likely causing state and local governments' contribution rates to rise as taxpayers on the hook to make up for the difference between the assumed rate of return of 6.8 percent and the MICE 7.5 percent loss that they have suffered.
- Kelly Seyarto
In both the Senate and Assembly, Committees have already implemented rules for legislation submitted to the Committee in order for it to be taken up for consideration to steer policy, although not always a Fiscal Committee, from impact of timetable analysis in the Senate Health Committee to data analysis of past and purported tax revenue in the Assembly Revenue and Tax Committees. During this time of economic uncertainty, many CalPERS stakeholders recognize the lack of uncertainty, oversight, and planning that has kept so many public pension systems underfunded for the last few decades that exist.
- Kelly Seyarto
My bill, SB 300, seeks to remedy this by requiring any bill to be heard in the Senate Labor, Public Employment and Retirement Committee as it specifically relates to CalPERS, must produce a fiscal analysis provided by the nonpartisan body that is the LAO, Legislative Analyst Office, public pension plans, and thus taxpayers especially vulnerable to financial shocks they may have in the past.
- Kelly Seyarto
California must prioritize solutions to minimize these risks in the future by making CalPERS more resilient and prepared to deal with the ups and downs of the certain economic future--uncertain economic future. Members, I respectfully ask for an aye vote on this so we can address some of these ongoing issues.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Senator. Any support witnesses?
- Kelly Seyarto
No, I did not bring any support witnesses with me. As a minimalist, I'm trying to limit the time it takes to get through these.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. Is there anyone here who wishes to speak in support? Name, affiliation, and support. Here meaning in the hearing room. All right, we will ask if there's anyone who wishes to be lead opposition witness on this bill. Please come forward.
- Cassandra Mancini
Good morning, Mr. Chair and Members. Cassie Mancini, on behalf of the California School Employees Association, respectfully with a concerns position on this bill. CSEA was founded based on the belief that all public employees, especially those dedicating their careers to public education, should have access to a stable and secure retirement. Classified employees and all public sector employees generally often earn less than their counterparts in the private sector, with the promise of a secure pension waiting for them in retirement.
- Cassandra Mancini
School employees and other public employees elect CalPERS board members to protect their retirement, and the CalPERS Board, with guidance from their expert staff, analyzes and takes positions on bills before the Legislature based on how those bills will impact the fund as a whole. CalPERS itself is the best institution equipped to analyze how bills considered by the Legislature will affect our public pension system, and they frequently do so.
- Cassandra Mancini
Put simply, we believe this bill is an unnecessary extra step when CalPERS itself will often be consulted by the LAO with respect to how bills affecting CalPERS impact the fund. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you for expressing your concerns.
- Annie Chou
Annie Chou with the California Teachers Association, also in opposition.
- Dave Cortese
Anyone else here who wishes to express opposition along with their name and affiliation? I'm seeing none. Moderator, can you please check the teleconference line for any support or opposition testimony at this time. SB 300.
- Committee Moderator
For anyone who wishes to speak in support or opposition to this bill, please press one then zero. Press one then zero if you wish to speak to this bill. Mr. Chair, we have one person who signaled that they wish to speak. Just a moment.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
We're going to go to line 122. Your line is now open.
- Unidentified Speaker
Good morning, Mr. Chair and Members. California Chamber of Commerce in support over concerns over fund solvency. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And Mr. Chair, there is no one else who signaled that they wish to speak.
- Dave Cortese
All right, thank you. We'll come back to the Committee. And I made some comments earlier with regard to the amends. The only thing I really want to say in addition to that in this case is this narrowed focus of the bill is simply a call for information. There's some sentiment within the Committee that that information isn't unnecessary, but would actually be useful in helping Committee staff do analysis going forward.
- Dave Cortese
That's my opinion as a Chair. It's not just other people's opinions, and with that, I'm willing to support it with the amendments accepted. I understand the concerns and certainly respect the sentiments of my colleagues in whatever they want to do here. So that's not a hard recommendation of any sort on my part. Again, just a willingness to support the bill and see what happens going forward with appropriations and all the other issues that we have to deal with. That said, I'll turn to other colleagues now. Senator Laird.
- John Laird
Thank you, Mr. Chair. I was prepared to oppose this bill before the amendments, and I still have concerns, in particular in relation to divestment and requiring an additional report there. And divestment actually has worked and a lot--I spearheaded as a mayor 35 years ago a divestment related to apartheid in South Africa. And the criticisms were always, this will really bounce our pension system. This is going to force them to sell things at different times. And it didn't happen. It just didn't happen.
- John Laird
And it's the same debate now with regard to divestment in fossil fuel. And the author of the bill that's moving through the Senate has taken amendments, including from this Committee, that allow 12 years to deal with the fiduciary responsibilities and that, I believe, addresses the issue of whether or not there's going to be a financial impact because it can be dealt with over time in a way that there is not a loss to the system.
- John Laird
And the statement that was made was overall about the entire system. And then this bill isn't necessarily tied to some of those other issues that are leading what's going on in the system. And so I'm willing to go along with the Chair and give you a chance to continue to work on this, but I just thought I should give voice to those concerns. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Thank you, Mr. Chair, and I agree with what's been said by my colleagues and the Chair, but the amendments are being accepted? I wasn't sure. I was unclear. Okay. That's what--I wasn't clear. So we are accepting the amendments that came out of Committee?
- Kelly Seyarto
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Got it. With that, I just want to add, divestment is an important tool. I remember growing up and my mother being a part of pushing for divestment from apartheid South Africa. And we saw, as you, Senator Laird pointed out, that that divestment changed the world. And at the end of the day, the workers were still made whole and the program remained solvent and growing far after that. So I'm glad to hear that the amendments are being accepted and I look forward to supporting this bill.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Anything else? If not, we are at that point where we can let you close and then entertain a motion.
- Kelly Seyarto
Great. Thank you so much. I just wanted to answer to the opposition to this. What this bill does is protect exactly what they're talking about, and it helps us if we are going to insert the Legislature into the process of determining what is a good investment and what isn't, that we at least have the information available to us so we understand what we're doing, what the potential repercussions of that are, and that comes from the LAO, because the LAO is an independent body.
- Kelly Seyarto
So they can give us their best estimate, so that when we are making these decisions regarding pension plans, which are extremely important to the people that are retired--I have a family full of teachers, and many of them have put into their pension for years and years.
- Kelly Seyarto
And I want to ensure that there can still be a political say in what's going on, but however, that we don't do actions that actually force us to invest in things that are not going to help make sure that we have the amount of money that we need to make the pension system whole. So with that, I appreciate the discussion and the dialogue, and I ask for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you, Senator. And just for nothing, since we're already past the close, no more interaction with the author, but I just wanted to say, to make sure with the utmost respect that we acknowledge that this Committee staff, that we have tremendous confidence in their analysis without any other analysis, and the same for the other House.
- Dave Cortese
So this isn't any kind of an indication of concern about deficiency there. As I said, this falls into that 'information might be useful' category. So with that, we are going to ask Senator Wilk if he wants to make a motion.
- Scott Wilk
I'd be happy to move the bill. Sorry.
- Dave Cortese
Senator Wilk makes the motion and the assistant will state the exact motion and then call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
File Item Number Four: SB 300. The motion is 'do pass, but first amend and re-refer to the Committee on Appropriations.' [Roll Call]. This bill is on call and currently has four aye votes.
- Kelly Seyarto
And thank you, and my apologies if the Committee thinks I was slighting them. Not in the least. Okay. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
We understand. Thank you, and congratulations, and we'll keep it on call for the other--for the other voting Member. One moment please.
- Dave Cortese
We are going to call the next bill in file order, which is SB 375: Senator Alvarado-Gil. Just a caveat--please go ahead and make your way to the podium--there are three of us, as I understand it, that are going to have to go vote in Education Committee, which happens to be a majority of the Committee.
- Dave Cortese
That doesn't mean that the Committee can't continue, and that's probably what we'll do, but I reserve the right to call recess if it starts to get, to use Senator Seyarto's word, too minimalist in terms of attendance here, especially if we're only going to be gone for five or ten minutes. So just a heads up about that. That's all. We'll make a decision sometime soon while we watch our text messages. Thank you, Senator. You may proceed. Thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Thank you. I will say this is the first time I'm presenting from a left-sided dais, so I'm a little bit mispositioned, but thank you so much, Mr. Chair. Thank you. I'm on your right. Okay. Thank you, Mr. Chair and Members of Committee. I'm here to present Senate Bill 375, the Covid-19 Employer Regulatory Compliance and Tax Credits.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
For three years, we know California employers have complied with stringent emergency workplace safety requirements relative to Covid-19 and during that time, more than 61,000 California businesses permanently closed their doors and roughly 2.5 million Californians have lost their jobs.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Senate Bill 375 creates a tax credit to reimburse employers for the cost of complying with nonemergency Covid-19 workplace safety regulations that will be in effect for all of 2023 and 2024. I want to make clear that Senate Bill 375 is not saying that the regulations are unnecessary. This bill does not weigh in on the merits of the regulation.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Simply keep in mind that where there are increased risk of contracting Covid-19 at work, such as in health care settings, there is already a regulation in place to protect health care workers. But this new regulation applies to all workplaces, and in dealing with protecting people from a community spread virus, this regulation places incredible costs on employers and makes employers the social safety net for a global health challenge.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
If these regulations are needed to protect against the spread of Covid-19, the primary, public policy purpose is relative to public health and not in dealing with the risk that is inherent to workplace safety, and recognizing that SB 375 proposes to shift the cost of achieving that public policy purpose from individual employers back to the state. In short, the state should be at the backstop for public health, not our small mom and pop employers who are barely hanging on.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Senate Bill 375 provides this reimbursement by making a credit available to employers while paying their payroll taxes to EDD in their final report at the end of the year. When an employer files their last report, the employer will have an opportunity to claim a credit for the quote, unquote, 'variable costs of complying with Covid-19 regulations.' That credit would be capped at 100 dollars per employee for small employers, an employer with less than 100 employees, and 50 dollars per employee for large employers.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
With me to speak in favor of this bill are Michael Miller with the California Association of Wine Grape Growers and Sabrina Debayo Lockhart from the California Attraction and Parks Association.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Senator. Please self-identify and you'll have a couple of minutes each to speak in support. Thank you.
- Michael Miiller
Thank you, Chair and Members, and thank you, author. My name is Michael Miller with the California Association of Wine Grape Growers. We are the sponsor of this legislation. I thank the author for her courage and leadership in taking on this issue.
- Michael Miiller
To her point in her district, this is a big issue, and it's actually a big issue for small growers all over California who are facing--still recovering from the 2020 Pandemic where direct sales were shut down, wine prices took a substantial dip, and they're still in recovery. In 2020, we faced an unprecedented global pandemic. We were all faced with a shutdown.
- Michael Miiller
So in 2020 and in 2021, the state and federal government created policies that told employers to pay employees to stay away from work if they have Covid or if they have Covid symptoms. Recognizing that this is incredibly costly, the Federal Government backfilled behind all those costs. In 2022, we were coming out of the pandemic, but the state wanted to make sure that all Californians faced no impediment to getting tested or vaccinated.
- Michael Miiller
So the Legislature passed legislation requiring employers to pay every employee for up to 80 hours of leave in 2022 for anything related to Covid. But that was only for one year. Then in December, a new nonemergency Covid-19 regulation was adopted for all of 2023 and 2024. Those are regulations of a two billion dollar annual cost with no reimbursement to cover those costs. I want to be clear. We're not saying that Covid is over.
- Michael Miiller
We're not saying that Covid is behind us, but it is no longer what it was in 2020, 2021 or 2022. The new regulation is primarily focused on stopping the spread of a virus in the community. This is not a unique workplace exposure issue where there is an inherent risk in doing the work. Therefore, it only makes sense that, like any other public health program, this should be paid for by the state or federal government, not by each individual employer.
- Michael Miiller
The initial statement of reasons for this regulation, prepared by the Occupational Safety Health Standards Board gets into more details on the cost and benefits of this regulation, which are highlighted in the opposition letter. On page 49, the document specifically states all benefits attributed to the proposed regulation traced back to avoided Covid-19 illnesses. The document then goes on to explain how the state relied on community-based data, not on worker transmittal data to make its calculation of benefits.
- Michael Miiller
If there's any confusion about this, on page four of that same document, the document states the following: 'data for the number of Covid cases, the number of cases of Covid-19 infection, and number of hospitalizations and deaths attributable to workplace exposure to Covid is not currently available.' We've asked for this data for three years.
- Michael Miiller
There is no data on workplace transmittal of Covid. Therefore, if there's no data on workplace transmittal of Covid, the estimation of tens of billions of dollars of benefits to employers is based on community-spread data, not worker data. And to be clear, if there were really tens of billions of dollars in benefits to California's employer community, why would every industry organization in the state oppose those regulations? That assertion is not substantially real.
- Michael Miiller
When looking at all of this, common sense dictates that this regulation is primarily about a community-spread public health issue. It's not about health and safety concern in the workplace. And that is why we believe employers recovering from the pandemic should not be burdened with these costs. That's why we're sponsors of the bill. Again, we thank the author, and we ask for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you, Mr. Miller. Next speaker, I will remind you two minutes.
- Sabrina Lockhart
Yes. I'll keep it in the minimalist tradition that we've established this morning. Good afternoon. Thank you for the opportunity. My name is Sabrina Demayo Lockhart. I am the Executive Director of the California Attractions and Parks Association. We represent permanent amusement parks, water parks, attractions, and family entertainment centers. Our members are publicly traded companies, multigenerational, family-owned small businesses, and nonprofits, and our industry was among the hardest hit during the pandemic. Some of our members were closed for 14 months.
- Sabrina Lockhart
During that time, our members still helped their communities. We opened up our parking lots for mass testing, vaccination clinics, and even food bank giveaways for our neighbors in needs. We pushed for a responsible reopening because safety is at the core of everything we do. Keep in mind the regulations in place today are substantially similar to when they were introduced--first passed in December 2020. To put that in context, that's before we had vaccines, regularly available testing, and boosters that were available to everyone, or even antivirals.
- Sabrina Lockhart
And that was a time when the federal government offered a tax credit as well. Fast forward today, the costs of compliance are still there, and they're in place until 2025. And the federal tax credit is long gone. Committee staff handed you a substantial packet of papers. One are the regulations. They're very detailed. They're 11 pages long. And then there's a separate document that helps employers understand those regulations that is almost two dozen pages long.
- Sabrina Lockhart
You've also been handed the model Covid prevention plan that employers must fill out once they put their details into that. It's almost 20 pages long. So you just want to underscore how detailed these regulations are. Our members have at least one person tasked with ensuring that we're in compliance with these regulations, in addition to the myriad of other workplace safety rules that we gladly follow. In some parks, complying with Covid-19 regulations can nearly become an entire full time job.
- Sabrina Lockhart
Keep in mind, its close contact isn't just six feet within 15 minutes--or 15 minutes within six feet like it had been for most of the pandemic. Now employers have to take in cubic footage of their workplace, so there's different rules if you're over 400,000 cubic feet and under 400,000 cubic feet. At this point, efforts to protect the public from Covid-19 are clearly a public health issue and should be funded like any other public health protection effort. We support SB 75 and ask for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Scott Wilk
Excellent effort trying to keep it under two minutes. Since I know you, I'd cut you a little slack. Okay. I'm sorry. We were in session till 11:40 last, and I'm so burned out. So do we do need to support and then we do opposite? Anybody here need to support? Love to hear from you. Again, name, affiliation if you have one, and support position.
- Christopher Walker
Mr. Chair and Members of Committee, Chris Walker, on behalf of the California Craft Brewers Association as well as the California Sheet Metal Air Conditioning Contractors Association. Thank you.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Emellia Zamani
Emellia Zamani with the California Travel Association in support.
- Matthew Allen
Good afternoon. Matthew Allen with Western Growers, also in support.
- Lawrence Gayden
Lawrence Gayden, on behalf of the California Manufacturing Technology Association, in support. Thank you.
- Margie Lee
Margie Lee, on behalf of the California New Car Dealers Association and the California League of Food Producers, in support.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you. Okay, now we will go to opponents. Do we have any lead witnesses? I will give you some leeway if you need it.
- Sara Flocks
Thank you, Mr. Chair and Members. Sara Flocks, California Labor Federation, here in respectful opposition, and we thank the author and her staff for meeting with us in hearing our concerns throughout this process. I want to start by talking about the Cal/OSHA Covid-19 prevention standard that is in place now. This is a transition from the temporary standard that was put in place as an emergency precaution when the pandemic hit.
- Sara Flocks
The federal government and the state government--now that the emergency declarations are over--have moved from that emergency standard into a standard that reflects the new normal. The fact that though the pandemic has abated, it's still present, and we are facing the threat of new pandemics that could shut down the economy as well at any time. The new standard, the nonemergency standard, is very similar to the temporary one, with a couple and one very important distinction. The temporary standard included exclusion pay.
- Sara Flocks
That meant that employers had to pay workers when they were sent home so that they could recover from Covid. In this standard, there is no exclusion pay. So employers are still required to send workers home when they have Covid during the infection period, but they're not required to pay them. So workers have to rely on the three paid sick days they have under the law, if they still have them, or employer paid sick days. But there is no exclusion pay under this standard.
- Sara Flocks
That is a huge loss to workers who do not have this benefit, and employers don't have to pay for that leave. So that is one big difference and one of the reasons now that there's not the emergency standards, that there aren't these subsidies. This is the new normal. In addition, there have been benefits to employers with the standards that have been put in place to reduce infections, to keep workers healthy, to keep customers healthy, so that business and the economy should thrive.
- Sara Flocks
This is not the Department of Public Health that are putting out these regulations. This is Cal/OSHA. They're in charge of worker health and safety in the workplace. And in addition, we in California expect when laws and regulations are passed that business, individuals, workers comply with those and don't have to be paid to comply with laws that are passed by the legislation or regulations that are passed by rulemaking bodies. And so for those reasons, we would oppose and urge your no vote. Thank you.
- Scott Wilk
We have another primary witness in opposition? Seeing none, any #MeToo testimony? Seeing none, let's go to the phone. Moderator. This is that same moderator that worked with me last night. Moderator?
- Committee Moderator
Pardon me, Mr. Chair, your audio changed a bit there.
- Scott Wilk
That was on me. So thank you so much. Again, so this is going to be SB 375. We're taking #MeToo testimony both in support and in opposition. Name, affiliation if they have one, and their position on the bill. And it's all yours, Mr. Moderator.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you. For those of you who wish to speak in support or opposition to this bill, please press one then zero at this time. And we're going to go now to line 125. Line 125, your line is now open.
- Ashley Hoffman
Good afternoon. Ashley Hoffman, on behalf of the California Chamber of Commerce, as well as my colleague at the California Restaurant Association, in strong support.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 130.
- Dean Chalios
Dean Chalios with the California Association for Health Services at Home, in support. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 17.
- Nick Chiappe
Nick Champi, on behalf of the California Trucking Association, in support. Thank you.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 131.
- Ryan Allain
Ryan Allain, on behalf of the California Retailers Association, in support. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Line 73.
- C. Little
Bryan Little, California Farm Bureau Federation, in support. Thank you.
- Scott Wilk
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And, Mr. Chair, there is no one else who signaled that they wish to speak.
- Scott Wilk
Excellent job, Mr. Moderator. Thank you. All right, we'll pull it back to the Committee. Questions, comments, concerns? Anyone willing to make a motion? I'm willing to make a motion, but I can't make a motion because I'm the Chair. Yeah. Well, okay. Then I guess we're going to wait on this and we'll entertain a motion when Senator Cortese comes back.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Okay. Thank you.
- John Laird
Well, I'd just make a brief comment, Mr. Chair, that I know we're hampered by the fact that Senator Cortese wanted to talk on this and express sort of a general direction, and I think a lot of us are anxious to hear that and follow the general direction. We want to give the author a chance to work on this, even though there are some concerns that have been represented. So I don't know if our format will allow for him to do that when he comes.
- Scott Wilk
No, he told us that he would like to do that when he comes back.
- John Laird
Okay. I just looked at a bunch of blank faces. I was like, why is nobody saying anything?
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
We're waiting for direction from our Chair, right?
- John Laird
Okay. Thank you very much.
- Scott Wilk
I guess you can close.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Reserve the privilege of closing after the comments, just in case there's some things to amend. Is that okay? Okay. All right. So I will recuse from the dais to allow for my colleague to continue under your discretion, and then I will be wait to be called back? Great. Thank you so much.
- Anthony Portantino
All right, don't kill me like that.
- Scott Wilk
Senator Laird, I've just been called to Education, so--
- Anthony Portantino
And I'll be very quick.
- John Laird
When Senator Umberg handed me the gavel yesterday during the cast hearing before the 300 witnesses, he said he'd be quick too.
- Anthony Portantino
Well, I'm no Senator Umberg so--
- John Laird
Will move to item number nine, Senate Bill 765. Senator Portantino, welcome to the Committee. Thank you, Mr. Chair.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you, Mr. Chair and members, we have a huge teacher shortage in California. This Bill creates an incentive to bring retired teachers back into teaching. And I respectfully ask for an aye vote we're carrying this Bill. On behalf of Superintendent Thurman, we have Blake Johnson from the Department of Education, and Joey Sumberg, principal from Valley View, who will also testify.
- Anthony Portantino
Let's get teachers back in the classroom and help them do it, and not appropriately will express, oh, I have to say I'm going to accept the technical amendments outlined, but not the substantive amendments. And I am committing to continue to work with stakeholders to try to get to consensus, though I'm not guaranteeing we're getting to a consensus. And I know the chair shares some concerns and we'll be working with the chair as well. I got a thumbs up from staff. All right, witnesses, let's go.
- Anthony Portantino
Where are you? I got six minutes.
- John Laird
Six minutes? How did he get six minutes?
- Anthony Portantino
No, I'm just me. I have six minutes.
- John Laird
Oh, he's got to get out of here in six minutes. I thought, zero, no, he doesn't get to extend our time frame. Welcome to the Committee.
- Blake Johnson
Thank you. Good afternoon, chair. Committee Members. Blake Johnson, on behalf of the city litter of public Instruction, who's a proud co-sponsor of SB 765, like to thank Senator Portantino for leadership. Important Bill. SB 765 is a critical piece of legislation that will enable our schools to meet the immediate needs of students with qualified educators and offer long term solutions to combat the California teacher shortage.
- Blake Johnson
I also want to stress that this Bill is consistent with previous efforts that provided great effectibility for Calstar's retired Members to assist with pressing staffing shortages and has been proven to be an effective tool in addressing these shortages in the past. I also understand that it is going to take a multifaceted approach to address our teacher shortage. That is one part of the approach.
- Blake Johnson
The other parts include doubling the teacher Regency grant and providing Cal grants to prospective teachers, which will be critical to building out our robust teacher pipeline. This three pronged approach will be integral to ensuring our les have a robust teacher workforce to ensure our children receive the best possible education. For these reasons, the Superintendent is proud to sponsor SD 765 and urges an I vote, try to be as succinct as possible.
- John Laird
Thank you very much. Do you have a second lead witness, Mr. Morton? Well, somebody's waving and self identifying so, yes, let's do that. I identified welcome to the Committee.
- Joey Sundberg
Thank you. Luckily, all the people who heard me in the education Committee have left, so you're all first timers on my speech. Thank you for having me here today. I'm here to give you a little bit of the view of what it looks like in the classroom. As you know, we have a teacher shortage, and there's also a lack of qualified substitutes.
- Joey Sundberg
My mission as a principal that I'm pretty passionate about is to drive the instructional program, and when there's an absence or vacancy, make sure that my students have instructional continuity and ensure that my students are in a safe space. During my 20 years in schools, I haven't seen the high level of vacancies or absences that I have in recent years, and more than 25% of my positions at my school this year were vacant.
- Joey Sundberg
I sought to fill those vacancies with retired teachers who were willing to work only to be told that they were still in the 180 day wait period or they had reached their earnings cap and therefore unable to step in. That meant that instead of having an experienced and credentialed educator with the knowledge to create a safe space where students could still experience academic success, instead of having an experienced educator who could teach to the standards with or without a lesson plan, classes were split up.
- Joey Sundberg
Or when we could get them, they had substitutes. And in the latter case, just so that you know, this is what some of my students experienced. Subs who were on their phones all day, subs who had students playing games all day, watch movies all day, do push-ups in order to be able to use the restroom, which I believe is corporal punishment.
- Joey Sundberg
To be fair, this isn't always the case, but try as we might, principals cannot always provide support to those brave enough to come into the classrooms as substitute teachers. SB 765 will go a long way to removing the barriers to those who want to continue to serve our students and support those who want to enter the profession, thus ensuring our students receive quality instruction. Despite a high number of vacancies or absences, retired teachers have a wealth of knowledge and experience.
- John Laird
If you could begin to wrap.
- Joey Sundberg
I can and I will. They bring a lot of good stuff to the classroom. I'm just going to say that they can teach, they can mentor, they fill in and do really good stuff for kids. That's really the gist of what I have to say. Safe, continued learning. That's really what I'm after.
- John Laird
Thank you very much. Appreciate your comments. This would be the opportunity for me, too, in support name, affiliation, whether you support, and I know since you're a former staffer of mine, you couldn't be brief if your life depended on it. So let's make an effort.
- Chris Reefe
Chris Reefe, on behalf of the California School Boards Association, strong co-sponsor and strong support.
- John Laird
Thank you very much.
- Anthony Portantino
Go ahead.
- Andrea Ball
Hi, Andrea Ball here on behalf of four organizations in support, the California Association of Suburban School Districts, the Central Valley Education Coalition, the Orange County Department of Education and the twenty-eight district superintendents, and the Long Beach Unified School District. Thank you. Thank you, Senator.
- John Laird
Thank you very much.
- Anthony Portantino
Carson Aids, on behalf of the California Charter Schools Association in support of the Bill. Thank you.
- John Laird
Thank you.
- Unidentified Speaker
Anna Ivy, with Los Angeles Unified School District in support.
- John Laird
Thank you very much.
- Unidentified Speaker
Elizabeth Escovell, California Association of School Business Officials, also on behalf of the Association of California School Administrators in support. Thank you.
- John Laird
Thank you very much.
- Annie Chou
Annie Chou with the California Teachers Association. Could you indulge me in a tweener, a couple points on that?
- John Laird
A Tweener, yes, a very brief tweener.
- Annie Chou
Very brief, two points. So we appreciate the Senator bringing this Bill. We recognize that the teacher shortage is severe and appreciate all the creative ideas that this has been introduced. We're working with the Superintendent and the author to strengthen protections against abuse that this provision may bring when bringing back retirees. So thank you guys so much for your great work.
- John Laird
Thank you very much. Seeing no one else for me to support, this is the opportunity for anybody to speak in opposition. Seeing no one moderator we will go to the teleconference line. And this is the opportunity for anybody to just briefly state their name, their affiliation, and whether they support or oppose the Bill.
- Committee Secretary
Ladies and gentlemen, for those who wish to speak in support or opposition to this Bill, please press one, then zero. At this time. Press one, then zero. Mr. Chair, we have at least one person who signaled they wish to speak. Just a momentum. And we're now going to go to line 137. Your line is now open.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you. Sierra Cook with San Diego Unified in support.
- John Laird
Thank you very much.
- Committee Secretary
Line 136.
- Unidentified Speaker
Hi. Leticia Garcia, on behalf of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools and the 23 school district superintendents of Riverside County in support, thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
- Committee Secretary
There is no one else.
- John Laird
I appreciate that last night in judiciary, we got the line 3200. So, I'm very happy that we're still low in this hearing today. I don't have a comment or question, and I know that I was prepared to support the Bill. I know that the chair wanted to make some comments and deal with this. And he's presenting his Bill at the education Committee.
- Anthony Portantino
And I spoke to staff about those comments.
- John Laird
And so I think what I'd like to do is, and I can't make a motion, the presiding officer can't. So there's no ability to have a motion now. So what I would ask is if you would like to close and if you would like to speak to what his comments were, if you choose to, even though we don't have them yet.
- Anthony Portantino
So again, I'm taking the technical amendments. I'm not taking the substantive amendments. We're going to continue to talk. I'm not guaranteeing that we'll get to consensus, but we'll try to get to consensus and we'll try to address the chair's concerns. And I think he was going to make a comment to that, if you want to. And just to clarify, we're also taking the Senate policy, the Senate Education amendments, correct. We have to adopt the Senate Education amendments that we couldn't get in education Committee.
- Anthony Portantino
So we're taking those sets of amendments and when appropriate, would respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- John Laird
Thank you very much.
- Anthony Portantino
Thank you.
- John Laird
And I'm sorry that everybody's off in the universe, but when the Chair is back, we will deal with that. Thank you very much, Mr. Portantino. We're going to move to File Item Ten: Senator Limon: Senate Bill 526. Welcome to the Committee.
- Monique Limón
Thank you, Acting Chair. I'd like to start by accepting the Committee's amendments. SB 526 will require the Department of Industrial Labor Relations to create a domestic violence awareness poster with important information like the phone number for the National Domestic Violence Hotline. These posters will be available for businesses to post in break rooms and common areas, but will not be required. The workplace can be one of a few places where a person can be away from their abuser.
- Monique Limón
This can be an ideal space for a person to receive information about domestic violence hotline and offer other assistance and resources. Several other states, like Oregon, Washington, and Ohio have created similar posters for the workplace as a tool to help survivors reduce workplace violence. With me today, we have Ken Oplinger, Executive Director of Domestic Violence Solutions, to speak in support of the bill. Hi, Ken.
- John Laird
Right. Welcome.
- Ken Oplinger
Ken Oplinger from Domestic Violence Solutions for Santa Barbara County. We provide a 24-hour hotline for domestic violence survivors in the county, 75 emergency shelter beds across two shelters, and we also run a number of programs to help folks who are experiencing domestic violence. On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States, and in fact, intimate partner violence accounts for 15 percent of all violent crime in this country.
- Ken Oplinger
The prevalence of domestic violence has negative impacts on all parts of our society, including in the workplace. Survivors can be distracted at work, miss work, arrive late, or leave early, and be more likely to leave their job. 54 percent of employers have reported that domestic abuse caused the quality of the employee's work to suffer, and 56 percent said that it led to absenteeism.
- Ken Oplinger
SB 526 will ensure that employees have information readily available to them about how they can address the impacts an abusive relationship is having on their lives. By using the workplace poster system already in place, we can easily provide national and local contact information for domestic violence services directly to employees.
- Ken Oplinger
This information will provide access to programs like ours at DVS all across California, getting survivors the help that they need. Once in our programs and addressing their trauma, survivors can more quickly build new lives away from their abuser or get back to their lives and their work, thereby limiting productivity impacts for California's employers. California will also be joining a number of other states, as the Senator said, that have already created domestic violence posters to be placed in the workplace, including Washington State.
- Ken Oplinger
These states have already seen the benefit of this easy solution, and it's time that California joined them. On behalf of DVS's survivors all across California, thank you for considering 526, and we stand ready to help you get this passed this year. Thank you.
- John Laird
Thank you very much. We have no other primary witnesses in support, so this would be the opportunity for anybody in the room that wishes to do a #MeToo support for this bill to come to the microphone and do it. Seeing none, then this would be the opportunity for anybody that wishes to be a lead witness in opposition to come to the microphone. Seeing none, this would be the opportunity for anybody to just say they're against the bill.
- John Laird
Is there anybody there? Then seeing none, we would go to the teleconference center, and this is the opportunity for anybody to express their name, their affiliation, and whether they support or oppose the bill. Moderator, do we have anybody waiting to do that?
- Committee Moderator
For anyone who wishes to speak in support or opposition to this bill, please press one then zero. Press one then zero to speak in support or opposition to this bill. And Mr. Chair, no one has signaled that they wish to speak.
- John Laird
Thank you very much, Moderator. We'll see you in a little bit. And let me just say to the author that as one person, I cannot make a motion here. It is clear from both the room and the analysis that there's no opposition, and I thank you for bringing this bill forward and looking forward to making the motion or having a motion made. And we will get to it whenever the Education Committee finally adjourns and people can come back.
- Monique Limón
Thank you.
- John Laird
Thank you very much.
- John Laird
Yes, they're lifting calls in Education, and we have a feeling that they'll be back here. Then I think--I think we're going to take a recess for five minutes and hope we get a real Committee back here. And if we don't, I'll call it back to order and we'll start rolling through the bills again.
- Dave Cortese
All right, we're calling the Labor, Public Employment and Retirement Committee back to order. And if we can have order in the Committee hearing room, that would be appreciated. All right. All right, we're just going to pick up--we're going to post recess here, pick up on some unfinished business while we had so few Members here and only a Chair.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you very much for presiding, Senator Laird, that we need to go back and entertain motions on two or three bills. The first one we're going to take up is File Item Nine, and again, this bill has been heard. Anything that needs to be on the record has been put on the record. It's File Item Nine: SB 765: Portantino. So the only question is, do we have a motion?
- John Laird
I would move that bill.
- Dave Cortese
Senator Laird moves that bill. Any further comment on the bill? Senator Wilk, we're on File Item Nine: Portantino. We're just about to state the motion and call the roll. Everything has been heard on that bill, and everything's on the record on that bill. So assistant, please go ahead.
- Committee Secretary
File Item Number Nine: SB 765. The motion is 'do pass but first amend and re-refer to the Committee on Appropriations.' [Roll Call]. This bill is out on a five to zero vote.
- Dave Cortese
All right, thank you. We're going to numerically back up to the bill that was heard prior to File Item Nine, that's File Item Seven: SB 375. That was Senator Alvarado-Gil's bill. So it's been heard. Everything's been put on the record that anyone wanted or needed to be put on the record.
- Scott Wilk
She wanted to come and do a close. Have we reached out to her?
- Dave Cortese
She did not--
- John Laird
I asked her for close in the hearing.
- Scott Wilk
Oh. Because she had said she wanted to wait for you to do the close.
- John Laird
Yes, so, I would say that if--I suggested you might be making comments, and so if you don't make comments, I don't think there's a requirement for a close.
- Dave Cortese
I appreciate the diligence on everyone's part. There was just a discussion about whether or not there'd be enough said prior or on the motion that would be necessary to have the Member here either to rebut or answer questions.
- Dave Cortese
I don't think that's necessary because I think I'm the only one that perhaps has any kind of a comment at all, and it's really just that I intend to give our colleague my courtesy vote. I have reservations on the bill, and those reservations will stay intact going forward, but I made a decision that I want to see her with the opportunity to work through remaining issues, of which there are several. So, just putting on the record my justification for my vote, that's all.
- Scott Wilk
I'm happy to move the bill at the appropriate time.
- Dave Cortese
All right. We can come back to Senator Wilk for the formal motion if anybody else wants to comment on the bill. All right. That said, Senator Wilk--it's moved. Essentially, the author has dispensed with the close, even though based on the comments I just made, and with that, we'll ask the assistant to state the motion and call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
File Item Number Seven: SB 375. The motion is 'do pass, but first re-refer to the Committee on Appropriations.' [Roll Call]. This bill is out with three aye votes and one no vote.
- Dave Cortese
All right, the bill is out on a three-one vote with one abstention. Now we will move on to file item number 10. This is Senator Limon's bill, SB 526. This was also heard with only one member present, which was when Senator Laird was presiding without any of the rest of us. So we have been informed that everything's been heard and on the record. But I'm going to turn to Senator Laird.
- John Laird
I'm going to say everything was heard and on the record and there was no opposition with a lead witness in the room or on the teleconference center. And I would move the bill.
- Dave Cortese
Great. All right. And Senator Limon has moved on, so no close on this one. Senator Laird moves SB 526, file item 10. Assistant?
- Committee Secretary
Assistant file item number 10, SB 526. The motion is do pass, but first amend and re-refer to the Committee on Appropriations. Senator Cortese. Aye. Cortese, aye. Senator Wilk. Aye. Wilk, aye. Senator Durazo. Durazo, aye. Senator Laird. Aye. Laird, aye. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. Smallwood-Cuevas, aye. This bill is out on a five to zero vote.
- Dave Cortese
The bill is out on a five to zero vote. We now, in file order, move to item 11. However, we aren't going to do that. Everyone has a boss, okay? My boss tells me that we need to move to file item 16, and we're happy to do so. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas, whenever you're ready you may present. Thank you.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
You all hear me okay? There we go. Traditionally, fabrication of custom sheet metal ducts for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems took place at a job site. Advances in prefabrication tools and practices now allow the fabrication of custom sheet metal ducts either on-site or off-site. Offsite fabrication increases safety, productivity, and efficiency by using permanently installed computer-guided plasma cutters and by allowing project planners to schedule the needed fabrication at each stage of construction.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Unfortunately, offsite custom fabrication has also been used to increase developer and contractor profits by evading prevailing wage requirements. A 2014 appellate court decision upheld a determination that offsite custom fabrication of metal is not subject to prevailing wage, even though the same work would be if it were performed at a job site. This creates an incentive for contractors to evade prevailing wage by constructing significant portions of their projects outside the local area using low-wage workers that don't have the same protections of a prevailing wage. Allowing this to continue undermines state prevailing wage policy and denies workers their rightful wages. SB 830 would follow the lead of other states that have specified offsite custom fabrication of sheet metal for HVAC systems is itself a public work.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
This will ensure off-site fabrication is used to benefit the efficiency and safety of public projects, not to dodge prevailing wage. I have with me today from the Western States Council of Sheet Metal Workers, Scott Wetch to testify in support and Rob Stoker to answer any technical questions you might have on this issue.
- Dave Cortese
Mr. Wetch, please proceed.
- Scott Wetch
- Scott Wetch
Excuse me. As the analysis points out, the purpose of prevailing wage is to ensure that local wage rates are not devalued by a race to the bottom and that we provide a level playing field for all contractors. Unfortunately, a very poor appellate court decision from a number of years ago creates a situation where sheet metal, duct, and other sheet metal systems that are engineered and designed specifically for specific projects. Not ductwork that you can go buy at Home Depot or off the shelf from a wholesaler. But ducts that have been designed and engineered specifically for a project are exempt from prevailing wage if they're fabricated off-site. This bill attempts to close what we believe is an unfortunate loophole, very narrowly crafted.
- Scott Wetch
I'd like to point out that the opposition, my very dear friend Scott Govenar, who will be coming up here shortly, is going to argue that if we do this, the prevailing wage enforcement will be very difficult to do in prevailing wages. This committee is well aware if you do work on a project site, on a public works job, you have to provide a certified payroll every pay period. This would be no different.
- Scott Wetch
To comply with this, a contractor could choose just to fabricate the ductwork on site, in which they would then obviously comply and pay prevailing wage. If they choose to continue to do it off-site at a prefabrication shop, they would still just submit the same payroll so that then the DIR and other enforcement entities could make sure that there's compliance. I have with me today Rob Stoker, the political director for Sheet Metal Local 104, to testify. And for technical issues, I have Tom Enzo, our legal counsel. Thank you.
- Rob Stoker
Good afternoon, Chair and committee. Rob Stoker, Sheet Metal Workers. I'll just quickly add that everything that Scott just mentioned is true and what the author said, but also we're seeing now that workers are actually being displaced. So just over the course of the last, just say, 20 years, and I've been in this almost 40 years and have gone through every level from pre-apprentice, apprentice, journeyman, general foreman.
- Rob Stoker
And finally, before I came over and was able to represent Sheet Metal Workers, I ran the sheet metal division and one of the largest mechanical contractors in the East Bay. I know this industry. Part of what my job was is to how do we bring jobs in quicker on time, safer. Part of that was whatever we could do in a shop where we could control the environment, the safety, all of those things, the coordination.
- Rob Stoker
Let's do that, and then we'll bring it out to the field and we'll install it quicker, more efficiently, all those things. Well, for a union contractor, that's fine, but it goes back to kind of closing this loophole where some may choose to do things on-site, some may choose to do things off-site. Technology is moving some of these jobs off-site.
- Rob Stoker
We're not in these projects when the steel is going up and figuring out where the duct run is going to go, it's all done off-site on a computer, prefabrication. We used to bring the pieces out one by one, assemble it here at the building. That doesn't happen. It's pre-manufactured, prefabricated in large components, then are brought out to the project. So again, that's part of what it is. Technology is changing jobs, and these workers deserve these prevailing wage protections. So I'll just leave it at that unless you had any questions.
- Dave Cortese
No, but as a committee that got moved off-site today, we can understand the concept.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
Not at all.
- Unidentified Speaker
I hope they're still getting paid.
- Chris Walker
Mr. Chair, members committee, Chris Walker on behalf of the California Sheet Metal Air Conditioning Contractors Association. We are signatory with the smart union. They are brothers and sisters. We work together. We support prevailing wage. We do have.
- Dave Cortese
This is a me too section only. So we've had two supporters.
- Chris Walker
I'm a tweener.
- Dave Cortese
Pardon me?
- Chris Walker
- Dave Cortese
There's no extra time for that. But if you want to speak under opposition, you can. If we have something available in the four minutes, but we're beyond that. I apologize. It's a committee rule. I got to be the same with everybody or I'm going to have a First Amendment lawsuit on my hands. Yes.
- Sara Flocks
Sara Flocks, California Labor Federation, in support.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. Thank you. All right, anyone else who wishes to express support, name, and affiliation on this particular bill? Seeing no one's come forward, now we'll move to opposition. Is there an opposition lead witness?
- Scott Govenar
Mr. Chair and members, Scott Govenar, on behalf of the Construction Employers Association, our members are signatory to the carpenters and laborers. We have a vested interest in ensuring the long-term longevity of the union construction industry. We don't believe this measure is the right approach, nor do we believe that we are evading anything because this is not the law of the land. This is how we operate today. This measure is very simple. And in being so simple, there are a whole host of questions that remain unanswered.
- Scott Govenar
My dear friend Scott Wetch is right. We just have to do certified payroll records. However, when a worker is on-site, we know the amount of time they are there on that project. Here in a fabrication shop, that worker can perform work on a public works project, a private works project, or a different public works project in the same day.
- Scott Govenar
Therefore, there is an issue for liability for us in tracking those hours and what wage rates, because that wage rate will change depending upon the work they are performing. It's unclear how this would work. We don't know which prevailing wage is applicable. Proponents spoke about ensuring kind of a local workforce. Is the worker fabricating a project in Fresno entitled to the same wages where the project is being built in San Francisco? Which prevailing wage applies? We don't know the answer to that.
- Scott Govenar
That's not in the bill. We don't know what wage rate is due. Is DIR going to have to do a wage survey because this is manufacturing? Are they going to do wage survey for manufacturing in San Francisco, for example, or where the product is made in Fresno? Again, we don't have an answer to that. What is non-standard if you buy duct at Home Depot and cut an inch per specifications that constitute a non-standard fabricated item? We don't know. Bill doesn't say that.
- Scott Govenar
And then what happens if products are produced in other states or countries where the state has no jurisdiction? California can't simply say products from Arizona can't come in because you're not being paid California wages. There's a commerce clause problem there. We don't know what happens. And then lastly, given the state's interest in housing, which many of projects are sub prevailing wages, we are talking about a fairly steep increase in pricing from the non-union rate to prevailing wage rates.
- Scott Govenar
For example, in San Francisco, that could triple the wages. Again, we have a vested interest in ensuring the longevity of the union construction market. We are concerned that measures like this push the union sector exclusively to public works, which over the long run is not healthy for the market. So we are opposed.
- Dave Cortese
Mr. Govenar, if I can ask a question.
- Scott Govenar
Of course.
- Dave Cortese
Are you suggesting on the prevailing wage that it should be the higher of the two geographical locations? Because I'm pretty sure the author would consider that amendment.
- Scott Govenar
No, I'm suggesting it should be where the product is actually fabricated as opposed to where it's installed.
- Dave Cortese
We'll both suggest that the author continue to work on that issue. Thank you. Is there anyone else that was designated to be a lead opposition witness on this bill? Anyone who wishes to express opposition on this bill? Name, affiliation, and opposition. Now we'll go to the teleconference line as a moderator to bring forward anyone who wishes to express by teleconference opposition or support.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you, Mr. Chair. For those who wish to speak in support or opposition to this bill, please press one, then zero. And, Mr. Chair, we have one person who signaled they wish to speak. We're going to go to line 132. Your line is now open.
- Richard Markuson
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and Members Richard Markuson for the Western Electrical Contractors Association. WECA is very concerned about this bill's impact on other materials, and we are opposed. Thank you very much.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. Anyone else, Mr. Moderator?
- Committee Moderator
Mr. Chair, there is no one else who signaled that they wish to speak.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you. Should have given you a chance to say that. Appreciate your effort and we will at this point, come back to the committee for comments. Senator Durazo, anything?
- María Elena Durazo
Yes, if I could ask one of the witnesses to comment.
- Dave Cortese
You may.
- María Elena Durazo
Okay. Yes. Mr. Wetch, could you respond to the issues raised by the opposition?
- Scott Wetch
Yes. Thank you, Senator. I consider those arguments to be complete canards. Today, it's very common on construction job sites, prevailing wage job sites, for one of our members to be at the school job site for three or four hours, and then get called by the contractor to go to a private job, and the contractor just keeps a record of how many hours worked. The certified payroll is the total amount of hours you worked on the prevailing wage job.
- Scott Wetch
It's very common in construction for workers to move on and off, private to public, all of the time. On the geographical issue, the prevailing wage rate which would apply would be, of course, at the site where the job, the public works, is actually located. And a contractor could avoid any of those concerns by simply fabricating the material on-site. And then the assertion that this could lead to a 300% increase in labor wages in San Francisco is laughable.
- Scott Wetch
We all know that labor is 17% of a construction job. I don't know. I didn't major in math. But even if this was, if labor costs were 300% higher, which, of course, they wouldn't be, that would not increase the total cost of the project by 300%. Labor is only 1700%. We would argue that this is a prevailing wage avoidance, and actually, that they're avoiding paying what the original intended intent was. So thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. Senator Durazo, anything else? You have the floor. All right. Let me just ask the author. Well, first of all, let me just say I appreciate you bringing forward the bill and the hard work of working through the bill. I know Mr. Stoker and others have been concerned about this for some time, and it really is one of those things that I think comes directly out of lived experience in the industry, and also very much evidence of this era that we're in, where we're starting to see more and more of our labor and employment code incapable of addressing the actual practice, customs, and practice that are developing, especially with technology the way it is.
- Dave Cortese
So to delve into that, as some of our other authors have in coming to this committee this year, is admirable and laudable, and appreciate you doing that. And I'm sure you'll keep trying to work through the nuanced issues around concerns as you wade into this area further during the course of the year. With that, you're welcome to close.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
No, thank you so much, Mr. Chair, and I really appreciate the technical support on this. We have to stay ahead of the technology. We have to make sure that we don't lose the gains that we fought for in terms of prevailing wage. And as we see prefabrication becoming more and more part of the construction sector, it is upon us to make sure that the supply chain, so to speak, has a higher standard.
- Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
So I also want to note that coming out of the nonprofit, it is very common to have to adjust your accounting and your payroll to support whatever type of funding stream you have and to meet the requirements of that funding stream. And certainly, if we can do it in the nonprofit sector, I'm certain that the construction sector can figure this out. I want to say I will certainly consider continuing to work with this between the folks who spoke today and our team to make sure that we come out with the highest standard possible for workers and for our community. So with that, I call and ask for your aye vote.
- Dave Cortese
Great. Thank you for that. And Senator Durazo has made the motion, and we'll have assistant state the motion and call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
File item number 16, SB 830. The motion is do pass, but first re-refer to the Committee on Appropriations. Senator Cortese. Aye. Cortese, aye. Senator Wilk. No. Wilk, no. Senator Durazo. Durazo, aye. Senator Laird. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. Aye. Smallwood-Cuevas, aye. This bill is on call and currently has three aye votes and one no vote.
- Dave Cortese
All right, the bill has three votes. It'll get out of committee and it will stay on call. And we do appreciate all the testimony, both sides, on this. I want to make that clear. Obviously, there'll be continuing discussion on that issue. Now, Senator Padilla, who has been waiting patiently. We appreciate your patience, since earlier today, I might add. The clock move from morning to afternoon, or at least the one on my wrist. I think the one here doesn't work now that I look at it.
- Dave Cortese
Welcome, and you may proceed to present File Item 11, SB 534, whenever you're ready.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, Members, colleagues. I'm pleased to present SB 534. I'd like to start by thanking the Committee for collaborating with my office. We'll be accepting Committee amendments modeled and inspired by the GI Bill. SB 35, excuse me, 34 would create a pilot project program focused on providing access to workforce development training and education with the goal of helping them gain employment in industries that serve as a critical part of California's economic future and economy.
- Steve Padilla
California, Mr. Chairman and colleagues, is rapidly--as I've said on many of my bills this session--becoming a tale of two economies: frankly, one that is distinguished between entry level and low-wage workers--despite the fact that we have some of the most generous social safety net programs and minimum wage standards--that also experience and suffer from one of the highest working poverty rates in the nation. The distinction between those workers and some of the greatest wealth in the state, in the nation, and indeed, around the world. And also the distinction and the disparity between often rural poor areas and wealthy coastal regions.
- Steve Padilla
A growing percentage of these historically disadvantaged communities across California find themselves economically stranded. Rural and inland communities tend to have higher unemployment rates, lower levels of education, which is completed, and more families struggling to put food on the table. According to the Little Hoover Commission, inland and rural regions are the most impacted by climate change and environmental pollution, and the most vulnerable to potential job losses from measures designed to address climate change that produce unintended consequences.
- Steve Padilla
Ironically, many of the resources and workforces in these areas of the state are areas that California looks to for the future economy of our state. Addressing the gap between the two California economies is reiterated by the state's future workforce compensation, who state that, quote: "Just five large California counties make up more than two thirds of California's economy in terms of economic output and employment." That means that in all of our jobs, economic growth is driven in five of the 59 counties across the State of California.
- Steve Padilla
Put simply, California's current approach to meeting these ambitious goals are unsustainable. Funding for workforce development programs remains largely inaccessible for rural, low-income, and underinvested communities across the state. These are the communities hit hardest by this reality. We can't allow jobs to disappear as industries change and allow entire sections of our state without the economic drivers that were present for many prior generations. We cannot leave these Californians stranded.
- Steve Padilla
We'll need significant additions to a trained and skilled workforce as we grow our clean energy industries and our future economy. These training projects must be made available to all of California, not just concentrated in a few regions. And this is why I introduced this bill.
- Steve Padilla
It would establish the equitable access to job opportunity pilot program to provide individuals from rural or low-income communities with financial aid for workforce development, training, and education in exchange for their commitment of service to the state and helping us actually achieve these goals. It would identify emerging industries and focused training programs on these sectors, creating a workforce which would be specialized in modernizing California's economy. We cannot afford to continue to push forward by only bringing certain communities with us.
- Steve Padilla
With me today, I have Marco Cesar Lizarraga, Executive Director of La Cooperativa Campesina. And following his testimony, Mr. Chairman and colleagues, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Senator, and welcome to the podium. You may proceed.
- Marco Lizarraga
Thank you, Mr. Chair.
- Dave Cortese
I think the button is off.
- Marco Lizarraga
Green light. Okay.
- Dave Cortese
If you want to repeat anything, you can.
- Marco Lizarraga
No, it's fine. I just said that my name is Marco Cesar Lizarraga, and of course, I'm the Executive Director of La Cooperativa Campesina. I'm here to testify on support of SB 534 to create a pilot program focused on providing access to workforce development and wraparound services in exchange for helping the state meet our ambitious goals and driving local economy--economic development.
- Marco Lizarraga
La Cooperativa Campesina is in support of SB 534 because of its focus on ensuring access to the green economy for all of California, and most importantly, even rural communities. La Cooperativa Campesina has been around for over 50 years and primarily providing services to the farm workers throughout the State of California, especially focusing on employment and training.
- Marco Lizarraga
Unfortunately, given the underinvestment of workforce dollars in rural communities, and we know that because we continue to struggle to try and get funding for our farm workers to be trained, California's farm workers are being continually left out of workforce development opportunities geared at providing entry into the green economy. California's ambitious goals and the economic benefits that will come with it should be accessible to everyone, especially the people who work hard to put food on our tables.
- Marco Lizarraga
Rural and inland communities tend to have higher unemployment, lower educational attainment, and more families struggling to put food on the table, while at the same time being the most impacted by climate change. Rural communities face many challenges to access workforce development training, and many of the interests are dying or rapidly changing. That is why SB 534 is so important. It will help identify critical industries related to the state's ambitious goals, while at the same time providing the training needed to gain a job in those industries.
- Marco Lizarraga
By focusing on creating jobs and providing the training needed for those jobs in rural communities, SB 534 will help California meet our ambitious goals to focus in on communities that have long been forgotten. There's one huge impact that is occurring in the ag industry. The automation in the fields is also displacing farm workers that need training, not only because they're being displaced, but also to work in the industry that they work in because it's becoming heavily automated. For these reasons and more, La Cooperativa is in support of this bill and respectfully asks for an aye vote.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you for your testimony. Anyone else here who wants to express the support position on this bill, please come forward.
- Jonathan Clay
Good afternoon, Mr. Chair and Committee Members. Jonathan Clay, on behalf of the City of Imperial, in support.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. Not seeing anyone else come forward in support, we'll move to opposition. Is there an opposition lead witness on this bill, SB 534? Seeing none. Anyone who wishes to express an opposed position in the hearing room? Seeing none. Moderator, please check to see if there's anyone who wishes to express support or opposition on the teleconference line. Thank you. SB 534.
- Committee Moderator
For anyone who wishes to express their support or opposition to this bill, please press one, then zero. Press one, then zero if you wish to express your support or opposition to this bill. And Mr. Chair, we have at least one person who signaled that they wish to speak. Just a moment please. Thank you again for your patience. It'd be just another moment.
- Committee Moderator
And we're going to go to Line 144. The line is open.
- Camilo Garcia
Yes, good afternoon. This is Camilo Garcia from Imperial County, and I'm in support of SB 534. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Mr. Chair, there is no one else.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Moderator. Come back to the Committee for action or comment.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank the author and the organizations that you're working with to bring this forward. It seems like if we don't, on a more consistent basis, push for these kinds of programs to reach our low-income and rural areas, it's just not going to get there. It's such a sad thing to say in this day and age we're still having to do that, especially our farm workers. So I appreciate all very much. Just a quick question I was trying to see here. There was an issue of when it would be implemented in '24 or '25. There was a question of would you be ready to implement for that one year pilot area?
- Steve Padilla
Yeah, Mr. Chairman, Senator, the Committee staff recommended we broaden and push back the time frame, first to provide an opportunity for program development and modeling to be able to then, in turn, go operational. The original draft, I think, was a little more constrained. So we worked that through. We accepted those amendments.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you. And with that I move to--
- Dave Cortese
Opportunity to close senator purview.
- Steve Padilla
Just respectfully request an aye vote.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. We appreciate very much you bringing another good bill to us.
- Steve Padilla
Thank you, Mr. Chair.
- Dave Cortese
To the assistant: please state the motion and call the roll. Thank you.
- Committee Secretary
File Item number 11, SD 534. The motion is do pass, but first amend and re-refer to the Committee on Appropriations. [Roll Call]
- Dave Cortese
All right, two aye votes on call, and we'll restate again that that was Senator Durazo's motion.
- Alex Padilla
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. We're now going to move to File Item 14, SB 703. Senator Niello, thank you for your patience and welcome to the podium. You may proceed when ready.
- Roger Niello
Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. And Members, I appreciate the opportunity to present Senate Bill 703, which seeks to provide flexibility for employees in the workforce. When in 2020, our lives were upended by the Covid-19 pandemic--I suspect everybody remembers that--both workers and employers had to adapt their lifestyles and the way that we work.
- Roger Niello
As the world and the economy returns to a sense of normalcy, we've received input that employees are wanting more work schedule flexibility, and SB 703 does just that. The bill will provide hourly wage earners with the flexibility of working a 4-10 shift, that is working four 10 hours days instead of five 8 hour days, with the extra 2 hours in the four-day cycle not being paid at overtime.
- Roger Niello
SB 703 allows choice. The choice of working four 10s could give workers a desired three-day weekend, every weekend, an additional day to take care of a loved one, more time to spend with their kids or allow parents the opportunity to volunteer in their classroom. While current law allows an alternative work week schedule, it has to be initiated by the employer and has to be approved by an entire work unit. SB 703 is an improvement over existing law because it focuses on the workers.
- Roger Niello
SB 703 allows an employee to initiate the request for a four 10 work week and it does not require the employee to ask their peers to have an election process just so the employer can accommodate an employee's request for the four 10 schedule. California is presently the only state in the union that requires daily overtime after 8 hours, but presently provides no mechanism for individual employees to request or private employees to provide such flexibility.
- Roger Niello
In support of SB 703, I'd like to introduce Pam Garcia, an hourly employee who would like this schedule and is Business Development Manager for the Rancho Cordova area of Commerce, and Jennifer Green, managing Principal Consultant of Green Global Resources in Los Altos.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. Thank you, Senator.
- Pam Garcia
Hello. Hi, my name is Pam Garcia. Thank you so much for allowing me to come speak with you guys today. Like Senator Niello said, I am an hourly employee for the Rancho Cordova Chamber of Commerce. Love the job. Sometimes it allows me to work overtime and also have to work on weekends. During COVID, it was really nice to be able to work from home, just to have that flexibility. Love to have it again. I have a new puppy.
- Pam Garcia
For those of you who have ever had a new dog, there's lots of training that has to go on with that dog. I would also like to save my couch, for my dog eating that. So it'll allow me to have that extra day, the extra hours to be able to spend home with that dog to make sure everything's okay. Also, it'll allow me to work with my Members of the Chamber of Commerce when they have to work on the weekends or when they're not as busy, to have those flexible hours and be able to work in the evening when it's easier for me to communicate with them.
- Pam Garcia
I love the ability of having the flexible time just because, one, if I wanted to have the three-day weekend, I can be able to do so, but also be able to work with my supervisor and be able to schedule something that we can make sure that I'm not doing a lot of overtime. So that's the reason why I am support of the SB 703. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you for your testimony. And we have Ms. Green. Please come on up. Welcome.
- Jennifer Green
Thank you very much. It's a pleasure and honor to have the opportunity to speak to you today, Vice Chair Wilk and Chairman Cortese. I am Jennifer Green. I'm Managing Principal of Green Global Resources. I'm based in Los Altos and Northern California, Sacramento, here, as well. As the voice of all things work, SHRM, which is society for HR management, is the foremost expert and thought leader on issues impacting today's evolving workplaces. I speak on behalf of over 30,000 SHRM California members. Employees value flexibility.
- Jennifer Green
In a recent trend survey, workforce trend survey, SHRM found that flexibility was the third most engaging factor in the workplace polled by employees. And this SB 703, this bill, will provide much needed flexibility to what is really an out-of-date and inflexible wage and hour law requiring employees to be paid over time, over 8 hours in one day. So this bill will help many working Californians by offering private employees greater choice over their work schedules.
- Jennifer Green
Importantly, it will preserve the general rule of daily overtime, even for those who elect to have this type of a schedule, over 10 hours, of course. And then for those who don't elect, of course, to have this individualized schedule. As a management and a member of corporate America, I have worked in corporate workplace myself, and I work with teams of non-exempt employees.
- Jennifer Green
This is a need that they would actually make the difference between staying with the employer or moving to another employer. It is even more important than a pay increase. And so I think that HR professionals who know firsthand how important this is, who are involved in designing, like myself, and implementing workplace policies that work for their employees, we can attest to the fact that this flexible work engagement would be a compelling engagement, retention, and attraction factor in the workplace.
- Jennifer Green
So to that, SHRM and the California SHRM State Council stand ready to provide any data or insights you need as you consider this important legislation. Thank you for your time, and I welcome any opportunity to answer any questions that you might have.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you for your testimony.
- Jennifer Green
Okay. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Is there anyone else in the room who wishes to come forward and express the support position at this time? Seeing none. Is there an opposition witness prepared? You may present.
- Sara Flocks
Mr. Chair, Members. Sarah Locke, California Labor Federation in respectful opposition. We feel like this bill erodes the fundamental worker's right to an eight hour day, a right that was established in 1868 in the State of California and that we have fought for over the years. We also feel like there is no conflict between the sanctity of the eight hour day and flexibility for workers. The current law strikes that balance. Employers can schedule alternative work week elections, and they control every aspect of it.
- Sara Flocks
They decide who the work unit is. They decide the number of shifts offered, every aspect of what is involved in an alternative work week election to go to what the Senator is proposing. In addition, there are also makeup shifts that can be done and other aspects of flexibility. And so there is that flexibility that is built in. In addition, the labor code very much disfavors individual waivers of rights.
- Sara Flocks
Because of the power imbalance in the workplace, workers can be easily intimidated, coerced, influenced to do that individual waiver of their rights. And that's why the labor code does not preference that in the code, which this bill would do. I would also say that if there is an interest in employers and SHRM promoting the exceptions to the eight hour day, that could be something that they could go out and educate employers on, about how to use existing law on the alternative work week election. So for those reasons, we oppose.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you for your testimony. Anyone else wishing to express opposition at this time?
- Mariko Yoshihara
Mr. Chair, Members. Mariko Yoshihara, on behalf of the California Employment Lawyers Association, share the same concerns. Respectfully opposed.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. I've seen no one else come forward. We will go to the moderator. Ask the moderator if there's anyone there on the teleconference line who wishes to express support or opposition.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you, Mr. Chair. There are several people who've signaled that they wish to speak. For anyone else who wishes to speak in support or opposition, please press one, then zero. We're going to go first to Line 124.
- Faith Borges
Good afternoon, Chair and Members. Faith board, just on behalf of the Family Business Association of California, in support.
- Committee Moderator
Line 123.
- Ben Ebbing
Ben Ebing, come on behalf of the California League of Food Producers, in support. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And we're going to move on now to Line 147. Your line is open.
- C. Little
Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee. Bryan Little, California Farm Bureau Federation, in support. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And finally, Line 143.
- Chris Myers
Chris Myers with the California School Employees Association, speaking on behalf of more than 250,000 classified school employees across the state opposed to the bill. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Mr. Chair, there is no one else.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Moderator. And I inadvertently cut somebody off who was walking up. So you'll have opportunity to express your position.
- Chris Micheli
Sorry, Mr. Chair. Chris McKayley, on behalf of the Hollywood Chamber in support. Also, Katie Davey from California Restaurant Association and Ashley Hoffman from the California Chamber of Commerce asked me to submit their support on behalf of their organizations. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you. That concludes all testimony on this item. I bring it back to the Committee to recognize Members who wish to be recognized. Seeing no requests at this time. Senator Wilk, did you want to make a motion?
- Scott Wilk
Well, I wanted to talk, and then--
- Dave Cortese
You're welcome to.
- Scott Wilk
I was trying to be polite and let other people go first because sometimes I like to jump the gun, as you know.
- Dave Cortese
I have no complaints with your demeanor.
- Scott Wilk
All right, first of all, this is a great bill. It's a common sense bill. And one of the biggest problems with how government runs, it's one size fits all. And so this allows individual choice, which I think is a good thing. I think most people say that. The opponents talked about how this is available to employers, and it's very easy to do. According to the EDD, only 1% of all companies actually use the four-day schedule. And I think it's more than just not being educated.
- Scott Wilk
So I think this works for employees because they're only going to have to do it if they want to. It works for employers. It's a win-win. I know for me this last year, both parents dying and my surgeries, really opened my eyes to what's important in life. And for me, I'd love to work just four 10 hour days and spend more time with my wife, kids, dogs, grandchildren. So great bill. Support it. And whenever is appropriate to make the motion, I will do that. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you. Senator, I'm not able to support the bill at this time. I think this is an area of the law, and again, in terms of changing conditions out there, that is going to need some continued development. But I don't think it's in a place right now where we've reconciled, in my mind, how to go forward with something like this. Be consistent with the intent of current law, and be consistent, frankly, with collective bargaining principles that may wish to go in a slightly different direction.
- Dave Cortese
I just think those are examples of areas that haven't been worked out in my mind today going forward. But I appreciate you bringing the bill forward. I call it playing offense to try to come in and attack in an area like this that you feel needs work, needs legislative work. That I respect very much. But I'm not going to be able to be an aye vote today. Senator Durazo.
- María Elena Durazo
I'll just add, I do really understand where you're coming from in terms of some of the reasons and some of the testimony. The problem is, out in the real world where there's industries, entire industries, that really, unfortunately, their model relies on how much they exploit workers, how little they pay, how much wage theft there is out there.
- María Elena Durazo
So I think this just gives for those unscrupulous employers another tool to pay less than what they should be paying by not paying the overtime over the day. So while I appreciate the effort, I think the real world out there is far more treacherous. So I won't be able to support. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
All right, Senator, you have an opportunity to close at this time.
- Roger Niello
Thank you very much. I could use Senator Wilk's comments as my close, but I am compelled to say a little bit more. First of all, today you've heard from an employee who would like to have this option and an HR professional who has had to explain the complexity and risk of the current overtime laws that employees and employers must go through to implement it under the current law. Also, you've heard from some groups, numerous groups, representing employers who would be willing to provide this benefit.
- Roger Niello
What you have not heard from is any employees who oppose this, because by and large, it's a pretty popular option. The opposition has described the bill as eroding the right to an eight hour workday. Yet four 10s is one of the numerous alternative work schedules that state agencies offer and some union shops as part of their collective bargaining agreement. This could be implemented in a more simple fashion in nonunion organizations.
- Roger Niello
Now, Senator Durazo, to your point, there is nothing in this bill that would change wages. The 40 hours would be paid in four days as it would otherwise be paid in five days. Nothing changes the wage. The presumption that all businesses are out to take advantage of their employees, I have to say, as a business person, is kind of offensive.
- Roger Niello
And relative to the power balance in the workplace that the opposition stated, I can tell you from personal perspective, having run car dealerships for 25 years before I entered this profession, there is no future for an employer to blatantly take advantage of their employees. You will lose them, you will get a bad reputation, and you won't be able to hire quality employees. Now, are there some bad actors in every walk of life? Yes, there is, but that's the exception.
- Roger Niello
We ought not to be legislating to the exception. We ought to be legislating to the opportunities in the marketplace. And the opposition also said that the employer already has the ability to provide the flexibility and also went on to say they've got all control over it. Well, this bill doesn't give the employer control. This offers the employee a choice. The employee, in order for this to work, the employee has to request it, and then the employer can grant it. It is a pretty simple proposal, does not fly in the face completely of wage and hour practices. It just changes them so employees have a choice and businesses can provide it. I ask for your aye vote.
- Dave Cortese
All right, thank you, Senator. We will come back to the Committee for a motion.
- Scott Wilk
Wilk moves.
- Dave Cortese
All right, Senator Wilk has moved the bill, which is again, File Item 14, Senate Bill 703. And we'll ask the assistant to state the motion and call the roll please.
- Committee Secretary
File Item number 14, SB 703. The motion is do pass. But first re-refer to the Committee on Appropriations. [Roll Call]
- Dave Cortese
Bill's on call. It has one aye vote, two no votes. So we'll keep it on call for the remaining Members. Thank you, Senator. And I saw Senator Bradford come in. We can lift the call right now, Senator Durazo, if you can just pause for just a moment. Senator Bradford, you're welcome to remain at the podium, but before you start, we're going to take a couple of votes here to the assistant on file items that need to be called again. Please proceed.
- Committee Secretary
We are going to start with file item number one, SB 686. The motion is do passed. But first we refer to the Committee on Appropriations, [Roll Call]
- Dave Cortese
Bills out on a four to one vote.
- Committee Secretary
Moving on to file item number two, SB 723. The motion is do pass. But first re referred to the Committee on Appropriations, [Roll Call]
- Dave Cortese
All right. The Bill is out on a four to one vote.
- Committee Secretary
Moving on to file item number three, SB 276. The motion is do passed. But first, we referred to the Committee on appropriations. The chair is voting I, and the Vice Chair is voting aye. [Roll Call]
- Dave Cortese
File item three is out on a five to zero vote.
- Committee Secretary
Moving on to file item number four at SB 300. Real good. The motion is do pass. But first amend and re refer to the Committee on Appropriations. The chair is voting aye. The Vice Chair is voting aye.[Roll Call]
- Dave Cortese
File item four is out on a five to zero vote.
- Committee Secretary
File item number five, SB 322. The motion is do pass. But first re refer to the Committee on Appropriations. The chair is voting aye. The Vice Chair is voting no. [Roll Call]
- Dave Cortese
File item five is out on a four to one vote.
- Committee Secretary
File item number six, SB 382. The motion is do pass. But first we refer to the Committee on Appropriations. The chair is voting aye. The Vice Chair is voting no. [Roll Call]
- Dave Cortese
All right, file item six is out on a three to two vote.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you for bearing with us, Senator Bradford. I know you're here on File Item 13, your bill, SB 700, and you're welcome to present at this time if you're ready.
- Steven Bradford
Thank you, Mr. Chair and Members. SB 700 just strengthens the law--existing law, I should say--that protects employees and prospective applicants from employment discrimination based on legal cannabis use. Last year, the Legislature made it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against a person in hiring, termination, or conditions of employment because of a person's off the job cannabis usage. Despite declared prohibition on this type of discrimination, employers have continued to ask about applicants past cannabis use.
- Steven Bradford
Some employers throughout the state employ zero-tolerance policies on cannabis use and continue to ask questions--applicants, I should say--questions whether they've used cannabis recreationally prior to their employment. This practice not only dissuades otherwise suitable candidates from applying for these positions, but also leads to situations in which individuals respond dishonestly to get the job or they just are prevented from moving further in the application process simply by using cannabis in illegal and irresponsible capacity according to the laws of this state.
- Steven Bradford
This measure explicitly makes it unlawful for employers to request information from an applicant relating to their prior use of cannabis. This bill preserves the provisions of AB 2188 such as exemptions for employers subject to the federal regulations or in construction industry. It does nothing to change existing law pertaining to testing of cannabis--for cannabis, I should say--and cannabis use on the job, ensuring employers can maintain a drug-free workplace. I respectfully ask for your vote.
- Dave Cortese
Thank you, Senator Bradford. Any witnesses to call today? Support witness, please come forward.
- Pamela Lopez
Very briefly, Pamela Lopez, on behalf of California NORML. Thank the Senator for his work on this issue. California NORML sponsored landmark legislation last year to protect the rights of employees not to be discriminated against for their off the job cannabis use. This bill further clarifies that that includes asking job applicants about their previous cannabis use when they apply for a job. We thank the Senator for his work and are happy to support.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thanks for your testimony. Anyone else here to express the support position?
- Mariko Yoshihara
Mariko Yoshihara, on behalf of the California Employment Lawyers Association, in support. Thanks.
- Dave Cortese
Anyone here as a lead opposition witness? Here being in the Committee room. Anyone here to express opposition? We will now move to the moderator and ask if there's anyone on the teleconference line that wishes to express support or opposition.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you, Mr. Chair. For those who wish to speak in support or opposition to this bill, please press one then zero. Press one than zero to speak in opposition to this bill. Mr. Chair, no one has signaled that they wish to speak.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thanks for checking, Moderator, and sticking with us all day long here. We'll come back to the Committee, see if there are any comments on the bill. That would be me, and I don't have any questions, so it's all pretty straightforward. Thank you for your presentation, Senator, and if you'd like to close, you may.
- Steven Bradford
I respectfully ask for your aye vote, Mr. Chair. I appreciate it.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you. And we have a little problem getting a motion on the floor here. If I had the power to appoint you, I would right now. Right. Okay. And we, I just want to say to the moderator that we will take an informal recess here for the next few minutes until our next presenter comes in, Senator Hurtado. And if you can just stand by, of course, we'll be right back on. Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
Thank you.
- Melissa Hurtado
I really miss the Capitol Building and just how it all used I feel like we're all everywhere. It's sad.
- Unidentified Speaker
There's a lot of, you know, this beginning of the year--normally, our basic time of June, and this beginning of the year has just been a mess.
- Melissa Hurtado
- Unidentified Speaker
So everything is...
- Unidentified Speaker
We would have been probably here for like hours.
- Dave Cortese
Senator, thank you for being here and the moderators listening. We're going to come back to live, full hearing now. We just kind of took an informal recess. And with that, Senator Hurtado, you may proceed to present your bill, which is our file, item 12 in committee. And it's SB 685. Happy to have you here.
- Melissa Hurtado
Thank you, Mr. Chair. And thank you both members of the committee are not here, but thank you to them for being here earlier, but also thank you to the committee staff for working with me and my office on this bill. SB 685 looks to establish a pilot program within California's apprenticeship innovation funding, specifically targeting farm workers that have been impacted by the floods, by the drought.
- Melissa Hurtado
And I have to say that I know that the Chair has been just an amazing ally in really bringing about and highlighting the issues and concerns when it comes to farm workers. And I know how much of a supporter you are for our farm workers. And I think this is a moment that they need the most support. And I'll say that what's going on with the Tulare Lake situation and the expected flooding, that's even more so yet to come.
- Melissa Hurtado
I'm hearing from, I know throughout my Senate district that from farm workers, from farmers, and from community organizations that farm workers are calling to try to get as much support as they can because they're not making ends meet. And many of them are out of work. Some are getting some hours. Some are unable to apply for unemployment insurance.
- Melissa Hurtado
So there's just a lot of challenges that they're facing at the moment when we talk about climate change, when we talk about a just transition, there hasn't been a just transition for farm workers at all, because for them, for those that are at the forefront of climate change, because it's here, they're behind.
- Melissa Hurtado
And so I know our office myself, we've been working on trying to get support from farm workers from the moment I got elected in 2018, knowing that they were already being impacted by the drought. Now with the floods, more land is going to be followed. So they're struggling and they're suffering badly. And I really appreciate the opportunity to be able to present this bill today.
- Melissa Hurtado
I'm hoping that with your support and help, that I can get the additional support to make this bill better so that it works to get the help and as much of a just transition as we can for the farm workers that serve the State of California. And with that, I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you, Senator. Any support witnesses here today?
- Melissa Hurtado
- Dave Cortese
Okay. And is there anyone in the room who wishes to express support? Seeing none here in the hearing room. We'll ask if there's an opposition lead witness or anyone in the room who wishes to express opposition at this time. I'm seeing none. Moderator, could you please check and see if there's any witnesses on the teleconference line at this time?
- Committee Moderator
Mr. Chair, we have line 145. Your line is now open.
- Michael Miiller
Thank you, Chair and members. This is Michael Miiller with the California Association of Winegrape Growers. Thank the author for her leadership on this issue, and we are in support. Thank you.
- Melissa Hurtado
Thank you.
- Committee Moderator
And, Mr. Chair, there is no one else.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Thank you very much. Well, Senator Hurtado, appreciate all your efforts in this area. You and I have worked together, of course, in similar space, really, as recently as the past month or so, doing essentially distance hearings, and we've had this support of this committee staff and your own committee staff over on the AG side to try to delve into these issues. I like where you're going with the bill.
- Dave Cortese
I think the committee here in a more perfect world, would have some very positive and constructive suggestions in terms of how to better define the pilot, perhaps some of the parameters around that, getting down to a little more definition on the funding source, just to make sure that we're not conflicting with anybody on that. All positive things. Clearly, you have access to our committee support as you go forward.
- Dave Cortese
If there's anything we can do to help from both the technical side and the policy side, to help make sure that you don't take on any unnecessary opposition going forward just because of things that need to be technically tightened up and so forth. You certainly would have my support in that regard if, assuming the bill gets out of committee today, and again, appreciate you taking on these kinds of leadership roles. So with that, I'm going to ask. I know we just had members come rushing back in from Rules Committee. If anyone has anything they want to question or comment on this bill, Senator Hurtado's bill, SB 685.
- John Laird
I don't have a question. I will move the bill.
- Dave Cortese
Great. That is welcome. And you may close.
- Melissa Hurtado
Thank you, Mr. Chair. Thank you, committee members. I want to again thank the Chair and the consultants and the committee team for really providing the offer to help with mean, I would say, year after year trying to help farm workers of the Central Valley and beyond. I really want to help, and I feel like I've personally been failing them, and I want to make this bill work for them. And I know that you'll help me get there. So I really appreciate the offer to help me make sure that it's solid and it gets through, because he desperately needs the help and support at the moment.
- Dave Cortese
All right, well, thank you. Senator Laird has made a motion, and we'll ask the assistant to state that and call the roll, please.
- Committee Secretary
File item number 12, SB 685. The motion is do pass, but first re-refer to the Committee on Appropriation. Senator Cortese. Aye. Cortese, aye. Senator Wilk. Senator Durazo. Senator Laird. Aye. Laird, aye. Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. Not voting.
- John Laird
But I can tell you which four bills I need to call.
- Dave Cortese
We're going to leave the Bill on call. Thank you, Senator Hertato. And that concludes all of our Bill presentations today. I want to come back to the assistant and let me just pause for a moment and just check in on Members returning and Members not returning. All that good stuff.
- Dave Cortese
I would move Senate Bill 700. Senator Bradford, I think we need the motion for reconsideration, don't we? Immediately. You have to close it down.
- Dave Cortese
You have to close it down. All right, if you're fair enough. Fair enough. So we're going to move for the moment to file item 13, SB 700. I was the only one present, so we couldn't get a motion on the floor, but there's now a motion by Senator Laird on SB 700. The author is gone, so we'll proceed with the roll call vote.
- Committee Secretary
File item number 13, SB 700. The motion is do pass. But first re refer to the Committee on Appropriations. Senator Cortese, aye. Wilk. Durazo. Laird, aye. Smallwood-Cuevas, aye. This bill is out 3-0
- Dave Cortese
All right, let's go ahead and lift the call in file order. Thank you. Okay, great.
- Committee Secretary
We're going to start with file item number 11, SB 534. The motion is do pass. But first amend and re refer to the Committee on Appropriations. The chair is voting aye. Senator Wilk. Senator Laird, aye. Smallwood-Cuevas, aye. This Bill is out on a 4-0 vote
- Dave Cortese
Bill is out on a four to zero vote.
- Committee Secretary
We're going to move on to file item number 12, SB 685. Senator Hurtado. The motion is do pass. But first we refer to the Committee on Appropriations. Senator Wilk, Senator Durazo, Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. This Bill fails with two aye votes.
- Dave Cortese
Without objection. Reconsideration is granted as the Bill failed with only two high votes.
- John Laird
I would note reconsideration.
- Committee Secretary
Moving on to file item number 14, SB 703. The motion is do pass. But first we refer to the Committee on Appropriations. The chair is voting no. The Vice Chair is voting aye. Laird, no. Smallwood Quavas, no. This Bill fails with 1 aye and 4 no votes.
- Dave Cortese
The Bill fails with one aye vote for no votes.
- Committee Secretary
Moving on to file item number 16, SB 830. The motion is do pass. But first we refer to the Committee on Appropriations. The chair is voting aye. The Vice Chair is voting no. Senator Laird, aye. This Bill is out on a 4-1 vote.
- Dave Cortese
All right. Bill is out on a four to one vote. Yes. All right, so that concludes all measures heard today. Thank you, all Members. I know it's a little bit, a little stressful today with everyone having to dash back and forth. Thank you to the Committee staff for helping us keep it all together today and helping the various presiders do their job today. We appreciate it. And all of the analysis, of course, on a very diverse file order today. Thank you.
- Dave Cortese
And with that, the Committee on Senate, Committee on Labor, public employment and retirement is adjourned.
Bill SB 375
Employment: employer contributions: employee withholdings: COVID-19 regulatory compliance credit.
View Bill DetailCommittee Action:Passed