Assembly Floor
- Jim Wood
The Assembly is now in session. Assemblymember Wicks notices the absence of a quorum. The sergeant at arms will prepare the chamber. Bring in the absent Members. The Clerk will call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Jim Wood
Members, a quorum is present. We ask our guests and visitors in the rear of the chamber and in the gallery to please stand for the prayer and the flag salute. The day's prayer will be offered by Assemblymember Alvarez.
- David Alvarez
Good morning. This is a prayer I'd like to share from Mother Teresa of Calcutta. I refer to it often myself. I ask you to join me in prayer. People are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of being selfish or have ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
- David Alvarez
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway if you find serenity and happiness. Some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. May our actions during these days of intense work reflect our relationship with God.
- David Alvarez
And may the presence of the good spirit be in this chamber, in our Committee rooms, in our legislative offices, in our relationships with others, in ourselves, so that we can forgive. Be kind. Help others succeed. Be honest and sincere. Be happy. Do good deeds and always give our best. Amen.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assemblymember Alvarez. Assemblymember Lowenthal will lead us in the pledge.
- Josh Lowenthal
Members and esteemed guests, please join me in reciting our nation's pledge. I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
- Jim Wood
You may be seated just a quick announcement. Today is national pet day for all of you who have pets, so give them a hug, whatever they are, let them know they're appreciated. Reading of the previous day's journal. Miss Aguiar. Curry moves. Mister Gallagher seconds that the reading the previous day's journal be dispensed with. Presentations and petitions there are none. Introduction of bills will be referred and reference of bills will be deferred. Reports of committees will be deemed read and amendments deemed adopted.
- Jim Wood
Messages from the Governor, there are none. Messages from the Senate, there are none. Moving to motions and resolutions, the absence for the day will be deemed read and printed in the journal. Moving to procedural motions. Majority Leader Aguiar Curry, you are recognized for your procedural motions.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Good morning. I request unanimous consent to to suspend Assembly Rule 45.5 to allow Assemblymember Vince Fong to speak on an adjournment in memory today.
- Jim Wood
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 118 to allow Assembly Members Alanis and Ward to have guests in the rear of the chamber today.
- Jim Wood
Without Objection, such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Pursuant to Assembly Rule 96, I request unanimous consent to re refer the following bills to Committee. AB 1943 Weber from the Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee to the Appropriations Committee AB 2020 Bonta from the Transportation Committee to the Public Safety Committee, AB 2081. Davies from the Judiciary Committee to the Appropriations Committee, AB 2289 Lowe from the Military and Veteran Affairs Committee Committee to the Appropriations Committee AB 2385 Alanis from the Public Safety Committee to the Transportation Committee, AB 3125.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Garcia from the Environmental, Safety and Toxic Materials Committee to the labor and Employment Committee and AB 3182. Lackey from the Public Safety Committee to the Water Parks and Wildlife Committee.
- Jim Wood
Without objection, such shall be the order. Moving to guest introductions and announcements please Members, please join me in wishing Assemblymember Hoover a happy birthday today. Assemblymember Alanis, you are recognized for your guest introductions.
- Juan Alanis
Thank you Mister speaker. Good morning Members. Today I have the privilege of introducing Yesenia Baragas who's making her way over to the middle in the back. She is a Maddy Institute intern and a wonderful addition to my district office in Modesto. Yesenia is studying political science at CSU Stanstlaw and is a Member of the Tri Alpha Honor Society for her impressive academics. She has interned for various offices across Northern California and even in Washington DC, demonstrating a passion for government and public service.
- Juan Alanis
I'm excited to welcome Yesenia to the Capitol today and show her a glimpse into the important work we do here in Sacramento. Thank you Yesenia, for being here and thank you for being part of my team. It's right in the room.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assemblymember Alanis and welcome to your guest. We're going to jump around a little bit here this morning. Members moving to business on the daily file second reading file item one through 78.
- Committee Secretary
[Bill Reading]
- Jim Wood
All bills will be deemed read and all amendments deemed adopted. Moving back to guest introductions Assemblymember Wilson, you are recognized for your guest introductions.
- Lori Wilson
Thank you Mister speaker. Good morning Members. It is my honor and privilege to introduce to you the bright and promising students from Vacaville high schools. Apart us government and politics from program, these students are empowered to become agents of change in their communities and beyond. Among these students are the future leaders, policymakers and changemakers of our great state. The future is indeed bright with leaders like you. May your time here at the Capitol be both educational and inspiring as you embark on your future endeavors. Thank you for coming out in full force. Welcome to the State Assembly.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assemblymember Wilson. Welcome to your guests. Have a wonderful day here in the Capitol.
- Jim Wood
Members moving now to concurrence and send amendments. File items 7979 pass and retain File Item 80 AJR eight by Assemblymember Essayli the Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly joint resolution eight by Assemblymember Essayli and others relative to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance act.
- Bill Essayli
Thank you Mister Speaker. AJR 8 is back for concurrence and Senate amendments. The resolution calls on the Federal Government to refrain from reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance act unless there are fundamental reforms to the program, including ending the practice of mass warrantless surveillance of United States citizens. Section 702 is set to expire on April 19, and as we speak, Congress is currently debating whether or not to reauthorize the program. Senate amendments were technical and clarifying in nature. This Bill passed both houses unanimously with bipartisan co authorship. I respectfully request your aye vote. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll all those vote who desire to vote all those vote who desires all those vote who desire to vote all those vote who desire to vote or not. \ Moving the Bill on call moving now to reconsideration file items 81 through 82. All items shall be continued. Moving to Assembly third reading file items 83 through 104.
- Jim Wood
Moving to file item 97 AB 20215 by Assemblymember Bryan the Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2215 by Assemblymember Bryan and others an act relating to criminal procedure. Mister Bryan, you are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
Thank you Mister speaker and colleagues. I rise to present 2215 a Bill that will add language to the penal code clarifying the allowment for law enforcement to use pre booking diversion tools to connect individuals to supportive services for community safety.
- Isaac Bryan
Since 2017, jurisdictions with lead programs allowed law enforcement to take folks who were suffering from behavioral health issues or poverty related issues and connect them to community based alternatives rooted in care if they felt through their discretion that booking them in the county jail was not in the interest of justice.
- Isaac Bryan
Through the years in practice, we found out that many law enforcement agencies that do not have lead programs are afraid to use these of same tools because the penal code doesn't speak very clearly to their authority to do so. In a perfect world, I believe that people administering behavioral health care and poverty related care should also be frontline workers connecting with folks. But that's not what happens often.
- Isaac Bryan
The frontline person who touches people is often law enforcement, and some of those officers are afraid to take them to community based alternatives because the penal code doesn't clearly allow them to do so explicitly clarifying the penal code will alter how law enforcement sees taking people to these programs. And I respectfully ask for aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Bryan. Seeing in hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. oh I'm sorry, ohI'm sorry, sorry. That was, I was being blocked by the Clerk. So anyway Mister Lackey, you are recognized.
- Tom Lackey
Thank you Mister speaker. You know recently we had an event called the eclipse and that's when the sun and the moon aligned. Well I feel that this is similar to that because my colleague from Los Angeles and I actually agree on a public safety issue and I'm proud to support this measure. It's very, very commendable. Thank you very much.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Lackey. We moved into the age of Aquarius here, I'm not sure sure. Mister Alanis, you are recognized.
- Juan Alanis
Thank you Mister speaker. As a deputy sheriff and as a sergeant at the Sansas County Sheriff's office, I spent many days arresting and booking criminals, some having committed the most horrible crimes imaginable. But there are also moments some would call opportunities to learn and grow. Myself and those I was detaining. What was clear to me early on was that not everyone needs to go to jail.
- Juan Alanis
As we talk about and we practice here as well, up here in Sacramento, often outcomes other than arrest would even have better options for those that I was investigating. I'm a believer in a supportive diversion and have seen proof, positive proof and results from individuals placed in supportive services.
- Juan Alanis
Giving law enforcement officers the authority to divert arrest to these other services is the right to move others further, in my opinion, to helping them out and helping move them in a different direction that would help them in their lives. I stand as a proud co author of this measure authored by my colleague the assemblymember from Los Angeles, and I want to thank him for his leadership on this issue. Law enforcement sometimes doesn't always have the option. Unfortunately we have this word called liability.
- Juan Alanis
You know, if this person doesn't go to jail or I let them go somewhere else and something happens after that, ultimately law enforcement officers are held accountable. And that's. And we've already seen too many names of law enforcement officers in the paper and it's unfortunate that because of those reasons they can't help our communities any further. So with this Bill, that definitely helps. Thank you again my friend over from Los Angeles, and I strongly encourage your. I vote. Thank you Mister Alanis.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing no further debate, Mister Bryan, would you like to close?
- Isaac Bryan
Absolutely. We talk all the time on this floor about the tools law enforcement should have. Shouldn't have. When to use them, how to use them. One of those tools has to be connecting people with the services that they know will improve their outcomes and improve the safety for all of us. That's what this measure is about. I'm grateful for my co authors and colleagues from the Antelope Valley and from Modesto, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Bryan. The Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 56 no. Zero. Measure passes. Moving back to guest introductions, Mister Patterson, you are recognized.
- Joe Patterson
Members in the gallery up here, I have John Adams Academy from Roseville. These are seniors from Mister Fernandes government and econ class. They're right up here. And my kids actually went to John Adams Academy in Lincoln and it's a great experience. They focus on a classical education, and a lot of focus is putting about learning our founding documents and things like that. But most importantly, what they're seeing today are efforts to create a more perfect union. And so, I'd like to welcome John Adams Academy here to the Assembly gallery. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Patterson, and welcome to your guests. Enjoy your day here in the Capitol. Moving back to Assembly third reading file item 101. Assembly Bill 2268 by Assemblymember Muratsuchi. The Clerk will read Mister Muratsuchi, you are recognized.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you very much, Mister Speaker. I rise to present Assembly Bill 2216 which would exempt children in transitional kindergarten from taking the LPAC, the English language proficiency assessment. This was an unintended consequence of our efforts to expand universal transitional kindergarten. This LPAC test is not developmentally appropriate for four year olds. Please. This measure received unanimous bipartisan support in the education Committee with no opposite. Respectfully ask for a aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Muratsuchi. Assembly Member Carrillo, you are recognized.
- Wendy Carrillo
Thank you. Good morning, Mister speaker and Members. I'd like to thank my colleague from Torrance for introducing this Bill. EB 2268 ensures our English learners are better served in transitional kindergarten by exempting them from assessments that do not fully serve them. As a lifelong English learner, I know firsthand the significance of classification. I know the weight of learning as second language while working hard to achieve my educational goals. This straightforward measure rectifies an important policy to better help our students and reduce the harm of misclassification. When we can appropriate track English proficiency in our students, we ensure they are not excluded. We open up the door for opportunities that set them up for success. Thank you. And ask for an aye vote. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Miss Carillo. Hearing no further debate. Would you like to close, Mister Muratsuchi? Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Tally the votes. I 62 no zero. Measure passes. Moving to Senate. Third reading file item 105, SB 586. Senator Eggman. By Assembly Member Aguiar. Curry.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Good after. Good morning. Thank you, Mister speaker and Members. Today I rise to present.
- Jim Wood
Pause for a second. Clerk will read my apologies. My apologies.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Mister speaker. Members, today I rise to present amendments to SB 586 on behalf of Senator Eggman. SB 586 would extend the adequate progress deadline for flood control projects in the central valley to 2040.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
This Bill is essential to my district and others because it gives way West Sacramento and the Mossdale track, the ability to leverage billions of federal dollars to complete critically needed flood protection infrastructure projects. This Bill has received bipartisan support with no opposition or votes against it. I respectfully ask for your aye vote on SB 586.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. ayes 62, no, zero on the urgency ayes 62 knows. Zero on the measure. Measure passes. Moving to. Moving to Assemblymember Aguirre Curry, you are recognized.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 56 to allow the labor and Employment Committee to notice AB 2568 Pacheco for their hearing on Wednesday, April 17, pending re referral from the Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee.
- Jim Wood
Without objection. Such shall be the order.
- Jim Wood
I think we've already passed, Mister Gallagher, so thank you, Mister Gallagher. Moving on to file item 106, SB 427. Mister Zbur, Mister Portantino. Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 427 by Senator Portantino an act related to healthcare coverage.
- Jim Wood
Mister Zaburi, you are recognized.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise to present SB 427 on behalf of our Senate colleague, Senator Portantino. SB 427 will eliminate cost sharing and reduce access barriers to pre exposure prophylaxis and post exposure prophylaxis and healthcare coverage. The HIV epidemic continues to disproportionately impact historically disadvantaged communities in California. Black Americans are the most disproportionately affected by HIV, making up 17% of California's HIV positive population, but only around 6% of California's total population.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Latinx people make up the largest racial and ethnic group among new HIV diagnoses, accounting for 50% of all new HIV diagnoses, but only around 40% of California's population. SB 427 would eliminate cost sharing for PREP in grandfathered health plans, eliminate cost sharing for PEP in both grandfathered and non grandfathered health plans, and require health plans and insurers to supply injectable PREP and PEP directly to providers who administer the drug to patients.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
The Bill will also address unnecessary, burdensome utilization management methods used by insurers and allow people access to non formulary or non generic drugs when a provider determines that an alternative drug would be safer or more effective for the patient. For these reasons, I respectfully ask for your I vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Zbur. Assembly Member Waldron, you are recognized.
- Marie Waldron
Thank you. I rise in support of this Bill. I voted for it in Health Committee a number of times. In fact, through the years I've run bills to try to streamline prior authorization specifically for AIDS, HIV and antiretroviral drugs. And the reason is AIDS is still a critical issue for our state and for our world. Actually, with new infections all the time, our goal is to get to zero on AIDS HIV, and this is one step that we can take in order to do it.
- Marie Waldron
If we can make access to those drugs easier and more efficient, we need to do it. We find that when people are on an antiretroviral, if it's working and they're stabilized, we want to keep them on it. We want to be able to get them, able to get to access those drugs and those treatments.
- Marie Waldron
If anything changes and we find that there's a problem with a drug that they're taking, we need to get them quickly onto the next tier of treatment so that we can get them stabilized, because we can make HIV a chronic illness instead of a deadly one. But we need to take those steps. This is one easy solution. In order to do that, urge that I vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Assembly Member Waldron, seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 50. Two's noes zero. Excuse me. Ayes 54. No, zero. Measure passes. Members, we will now move to the second day consent calendar. Before we vote, we will take up a resolution on consent calendar for the purpose of adding co authors. Clerk will read the resolution on the consent calendar.
- Committee Secretary
House Resolution 86 by Assemblymember Lowenthal relative to Lunar New Year.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will now read. Now open the roll to allow any Member to add on as a result to the resolution as a co author. Remember as this vote is for co authors. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. There are 63 co authors moving to a vote on the Madam majority leader, you are recognized.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
We have received AB 106 from the Senate. I move to suspend the rules to allow Assemblymember Gabriel to take up his Bill AB 106 without reference to file for the purpose of concurrence in Senate amendments.
- Jim Wood
Mister Flora, for what reason do you rise?
- Heath Flora
We withhold consent. Ask for roll call vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
We will move to a roll call vote. Majority leader asking for an aye vote. Mister Flora asking for a no vote. This is a procedural motion. Members all those vote who desire to vote, open the roll please. I'm sorry. All those Members who desire to vote. All Members vote who desire to vote and the measure was seconded by Assemblymember Santiago. Clerk will close the roll ayes. 52 nos. 15 we will now move to Assembly Bill 106. Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 106 by Assemblymember Gabriel and act relating the state budget, making an appropriation therefore to take effect immediately. Budget Bill
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I rise today to present AB 106, which implements the early action budget agreement announced last week by the Assembly, the Senate, and the Governor. The early action package includes a collection of budget solutions that collectively will reduce our expected shortfall by approximately $17 billion. To be clear, this is not the final word on the June budget. To the contrary, we still have much work to do and many difficult decisions to make over the next 65 days.
- Jesse Gabriel
But this early action is a thoughtful and important first step, and one that will make a real difference in addressing our budget challenges to give us additional flexibility as we craft the June budget. This agreement includes a provision to freeze certain discretionary one time spending. We have also expressly reserved the right to revisit decisions included within the early action package, especially if we need to make further adjustments if revenues are lower than expected.
- Jesse Gabriel
I want to extend my gratitude particularly to our hard working budget Subcommitee chairs, who spent countless hours facilitating conversations with Members and digging into the details of the items included within the early action package. I'm also grateful to our hard working Budget Committee staff and to our speaker for helping to facilitate a thoughtful and inclusive process so that we could get this right. We know that many challenges lie ahead as we look to tackle the remaining shortfall.
- Jesse Gabriel
Members and stakeholders should be prepared for tough conversations and difficult decisions. But I'm hopeful that this early action package will provide us with momentum and allow us to focus on the most important issues as we continue the critical work of crafting the June budget. Thank you and respectfully request your aye vote on AB 106.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assemblymember Gabriel. Assemblymember Vince Fong, you are recognized.
- Vince Fong
Thank you Mister speaker. Members, I rise in opposition to AB 106. The math still doesn't add up in the face of a $73 billion deficit projected by the independent Legislative Analyst Office, who has historically been more accurate when it comes to deficit projections. The $3.2 billion of reductions delays, funds shifts and borrowing only pushes this crisis into the future. We need structural reforms to rein in spending. Even with this deficit, it's not like this state is out of money. There is still over $200 billion to spend.
- Vince Fong
Our budget crisis is being driven by overspending, which has put California's finances on an unsustainable path, a fact that I've highlighted in every single floor speech I have given on the budget. Nearly all of these adjustments are unspent one time funds from last year and less than 1% are ongoing reductions that are needed to reduce deficits in future years. Clearly, more needs to be done to get our fiscal house in order. In fact, this Bill will even increase the state's debt.
- Vince Fong
Approximately $1.4 billion is borrowed from special funds that will cost the state even more. This $1.4 billion is on top of the $3 billion the state already borrows from special funds. Eventually, the state has to repay this debt with interest. The biggest accounting gimmick in this plan is the punting of one month's salary for state workers from the fiscal year to the next. From June to July. State costs remain the same, but this deferral artificially reduces the budget by $1.6 billion.
- Vince Fong
It should come as no surprise that in the private sector, businesses are not allowed to do this on their taxes. Papering over the massive budget hole and declaring victory does not make the financial problems go away. Instead of acting in the world of fiscal reality, the Governor relies on gimmicks to delay the inevitable at the expense of future budgets. Members, I urge a no vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Fong. Doctor Weber, you are recognized.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you, Mister speaker. Members, I rise in support of AB 106, which amends the 2022 and 2023 budget acts to implement the early action package. This Bill signifies an early action agreement with with the Senate and the Governor, which includes approximately 17 billion in cuts to the state budget.
- Akilah Weber
This action will not only address a large portion of the estimated budget deficit this year, it sends a signal to our constituents that we can begin to close our deficit without initially eliminating core services that our community needs. Our medi Cal program remains fully funded so that we can protect our most vulnerable and underserved residents. We have kept our commitment to increase the Medi Cal reimbursement rates to some of our healthcare providers.
- Akilah Weber
We also secured agreement from the Administration that the AIDS drug assistance program will be better managed so that patients can receive the treatments they need in a timely fashion. And while we know that this is just the first round of cuts, the freezing of one time spending allows us the flexibility to go back and revisit these cuts later in the budget process. There will continue to be tough conversations and oversight of funds and programs as we continue to work to balance our state budget.
- Akilah Weber
I want to thank Speaker Rivas and our budget chair Gabriel for leading us through this very challenging process, but in an open and transparent way. And at this time, I respectfully ask for your aye vote on AB 106. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Doctor Weber. Assemblymember Reyes, you are recognized.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank you Mister speaker. Members, I too rise today in support of AB 106 and would like to thank Speaker Rivas, our budget chair Jesse Gabriel, our budget sub chairs and staff for all of the work in all of their efforts in bringing this early action forward. There's no way to put this. We are in a very difficult budget year, which means tough decisions need to be made.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I want to be clear, I'm not happy about many of the reductions and delays, including programs that Fund zero emission technologies critical to fighting climate change and addressing public health in many of our communities. However, I absolutely understand our circumstances and that sacrifices must be made in order to preserve the financial health of California. One investment I do want to acknowledge is the 22.1 million in emergency funding in response to the pest infestation that is affecting our agriculture industry.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
What we are doing today is only one step in a challenging year. But I am confident in the ability and our ability to weather this storm. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assembly Member Reyes. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Assembly Member Gabriel, you may close.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you Mister Speaker. I want to thank our colleagues for their thoughtful commentary. Again, I really want to acknowledge our budget Subcommitee chairs who did the difficult work of convening people of having conversations of working through this to allow us to reach this early action agreement. There is no disagreement between the Vice Chair and I that how far lies ahead. I think nobody is sugarcoating that.
- Jesse Gabriel
And we understand that we are not yet in the month of June. We have not yet seen the May revision. So this is not the final word on our state budget. Far from it. This is the first step. And I think with the question before us today is, in the face of these challenges, do we want to be decisive and take action? Do we want to preserve flexibility so that we have a broader range of choices to make as we confront this in May?
- Jesse Gabriel
And I would argue that in the face of those choices, we should take action again. This will provide us with $17 billion in solutions, take those items off the table and allow us to focus on the more challenging conversations ahead, and also provide us with flexibility as we craft that June budget. So on behalf of our budget Subcommitee chairs, respectfully request your aye vote on AB 106.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Gabriel. The Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 53s. Nos. 15. The measure passes. We are going to lift the call on file item 80. Ajr eight. Clerk will lift the call. Okay, we're now going to move to a vote on the consent calendar. Members we will be passing and retaining on file items 121 and 23 on consent. Today. Does any Member wish to remove an item from the consent calendar?
- Jim Wood
Mister Essayli, you are recognised, for what reason do you rise
- Bill Essayli
To withhold consent for the second day calendar?
- Jim Wood
For the entire consent calendar? Pass and retain on the consent calendar.
- Bill Essayli
Well, actually, if you'd like to lift the call on my Bill, first ...
- Jim Wood
We will pass and retain on the consent calendar. And now we will lift the call on your Bill. Per Mister Essayli, request, all items have been removed from the consent calendar. We will now. We are moving to pass and retain those items. We are moving to lift the call now. This is not debatable. Clerk will post all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. What would you like to do, Mister Essayli? Close the roll. Tally the votes Ayes 29. No, zero. Measure fails. Mister Saley requests reconsideration. Reconsideration is grant. He notices reconsideration. Thank you. Thank you. Members. The quorum call is lifted.
- Jim Wood
Please give your respectful attention to those who were granted prior permission to speak on an adjournment in memory. Please take your conversations off the floor or remain in the chambers. Members, please take your conversations off the floor. Floor. Once again, Members, please take your conversations off the floor. Assemblymember Vince Fong you are recognized for your adjournment and memory.
- Vince Fong
Thank you Mister speaker. Members, today I ask the Assembly to adjourn in the memory of Ray Mish, who sadly passed away just a few weeks before our community was going to join him to celebrate his 100th birthday. Raised in Oklahoma, Ray enlisted in the army during World War Two. At just 17 years old, he served until he was injured, was honorably discharged, and came back to California where he earned degrees in business and mortuary sciences.
- Vince Fong
He worked for two local mortuaries and began a family of his own with his high school sweetheart and her name was Betty. In 1960, they bought a building in oil Dell and opened their own funeral home where he took care of countless people mourning the loss of a loved one. He helped form an honor guard through the American Legion, helped more than a dozen other legion. Helped by more than a dozen other legion Members.
- Vince Fong
They were the first volunteer veterans to organize an ongoing honor guard for veteran burials in Kern. county. Always a patriot, he befriended and mentored countless veterans in our community, and he was a constant presence at local veterans events and activities throughout Kern. County. Ray continued to serve grieving Kern county residents, opening the Shafter and Wasco Funeral Homes, Centurion Memorial Society, and mish Funeral Home Southwest, as well as many more organizations. Ray was a pillar of Bakersfield, a true legend, respected by all.
- Vince Fong
His patriotism was steadfast and his love for his community and country were known to all. He was a beloved community leader, and I loved every single conversation I was blessed to have with him. He'll be sorely missed, and I ask the Assembly to adjourn in his memory today.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Fong. Members, please bring the names to the desk to be printed in the journal. All requests to adjourn in memory will be deemed read and printed in the journal. Moving to announcements. Session schedule is as follows. Friday, April 12, no floor session, no check in session. Monday, April 8 April 15, floor session at 01:00 p.m. All items remaining will be passed and retained. All motions shall be continued. Seeing and hearing no further business, I'm ready to entertain a motion to adjourn. Miss Aguiar Curry moves Mister Fong seconds that the house stands adjourned until Monday, April 15, at 01:00 p.m. The house is adjourned.
Committee Action:Passed
Next bill discussion: April 11, 2024
Previous bill discussion: April 10, 2024