Assembly Floor
- Jim Wood
The Assembly is now in session. Assemblymember aguiar Currie notices the absence of a quorum. The sergeant at arms will prepare the chamber, bring in the absent Members. The Clerk will call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Jim Wood
Members, a quorum is present. We ask our guests and visitors in the rear of the chamber and in the gallery to please stand for the prayer and the flag salute. Assemblymember Wilson will offer today's prayer.
- Lori Wilson
Lord, we come before you as leaders in this great state. We will not be anxious for anything but in everything through prayer and supplication. With Thanksgiving, we will let our requests be made known to you. For in you all things were created. Things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. Whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities, you have created all things through you. And for you. And you hold all things together.
- Lori Wilson
We pray for all people, and especially those who are in high positions, so we may lead a peaceful and quiet life worthy of you and dignified in every way. Give each of us a wise and discerning heart. Although the decisions before us may not be clear, we know you are not an author of confusion. So we trust you to guide us on the right path that will benefit the people of California. May your blessings pour out without hindrance.
- Lori Wilson
May your love shine bright in our hearts and mine. May your joy overflow to every corner of this state. May our prayers be according to your will and acceptable in your sight. In your power we pray. Amen.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assemblymember Wilson. Dr. Weber will lead us in the pledge.
- Akilah Weber
Members, please join me in the pledge. I pledge allegiance. To the flag of the United States of America. To the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. You may be seated. Just a reminder, today is April 15.
- Jim Wood
Today is tax day. Isn't that exciting? It's also World Art Day and National Rubber Eraser Day. So mark that down for you. Or just take it off your calendar. Reading of the previous day's journal.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Chamber of Sacramento Wednesday, April 10, 2024.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Curry moves, Mr. Flores seconds that the reading of the previous day's journal be dispensed with. Presentations and petitions, there are none. Introduction and references of bills will be deferred. Reports of committees will be deemed read and amendments deemed adopted. Messages from the Governor, there are none. Messages from the Senate, there are none. Moving to motions and resolutions. The absences for the day will be deemed read and printed in the journal. Moving to procedural motions, Majority Leader Aguiar-Curry.
- Jim Wood
Members, please, your attention to the majority leader for her procedural motions. Madam Majority Leader, you are recognized.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Good afternoon. I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 45.5 to allow Assemblymember Dixon to speak in an adjournment of memory today.
- Jim Wood
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule Order 118A to allow Assemblymembers Pellerin and Schiavo to have guests in the rear of the chamber today.
- Jim Wood
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I request unanimous consent to suspend joint Rule 62 A and the file notice requirement to allow the labor and employment committee to notice AB 2961 Addis, for their hearing on Wednesday, April 17.
- Jim Wood
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 56 to allow the following committees to notice bills pending re-referral from other committees to allow the Housing and Community Development Committee to notice AB 3057 Wilson for their hearing on Wednesday, April 24, pending re-referral from the Natural Resources Committee. To allow the Housing and Community Development Committee to notice AB 24818, AB 2533 Juan Carrillo, AB 2593 McCarty, AB 2712 Friedman, AB 2909 Santiago, AB 2945 Alvarez, AB 3012 Grayson and AB 3276 Ramos for their hearing on Wednesday, April 24, pending re-referral from the local government Committee. To allow the Natural Resources Committee to notice.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
AB 2085 Bauer-Kahan, pending re-referral from the Local Government Committee. To notice AB 2204 Bennett, AB 2495 Muratsuchi and AB 2661 Soria, pending re-referral from Utilities Energy Committee. To notice AB 3155 Friedman pending re-referral from the Judiciary Committee and to notice AB 3238 Garcia, pending a re-referral from the Water Parks and Wildlife Committee.
- Jim Wood
Without objection such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I request unanimous consent to re-refer item 84, SB 106 Wiener, to the Budget Committee.
- Jim Wood
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Pursuant to a Assembly Rule 96, I request unanimous consent to re refer the following bills to Committee. AB 2237 Aguiar-Curry, from the Human Services Committee to the Appropriations Committee. AB 2549 Gallagher from the Human Services Committee to the Appropriations Committee. AB 2579 Quirk-Silva, from the Local Government Committee to the Housing and Community Development Committee, Committee.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
AB 2829 happened from the Revenue and Taxation Committee to the Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee and then back to the Revenue and Taxation Committee. And AB 3268 Low from the Local Government Committee to the Revenue and Taxation Committee.
- Jim Wood
Without objection. Such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
There is a list at the desk. Non controversial Bill.
- Jim Wood
Please listen up. This is is important here.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
There is a list at the desk of noncontroversial bills on the third reading that are supported by both caucuses that were removed from the consent calendar. I request unanimous consent to have the reading clerk read the bills and then we take one roll call vote which shall be substituted and applied to all bills on that list.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will read the items.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2536 by Assembly Member Hoover and acclaimed to vehicles.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will open the roll on zero I'm sorry.
- Committee Secretary
Item 69 Assembly Bill 2397 Maienschein, Item 70 Assembly Joint resolution 10 Irwin, Item 71 Assembly Bill 1900 Weber, Item 72 Assembly Bill 1941 Quirk-Silva, Item 73 Assembly Bill 2301 Stephanie Nguyen with urgency, Item 74 Assembly Bill 2730 Lackey, Item 75 Assembly Bill 2974 Megan Dahle, Item 76 Assembly Bill 3014 Irwin, Item 77 Assembly Bill 1946 Alanis, Item 78 Assembly Bill 3179 Blanca Rubio, Item 79 Assembly Bill 1971 Addis, Item 80 Assembly Concurrent Resolution 164 Garcia, Item 81 House Resolution 86 Low, Item 82 Assembly Bill 3262 Maienschein, Item 85 Senate Concurrent Resolution 98 Umberg, Item 86 Senate Concurrent resolution 112 Umberg, Item 87 Senate Concurrent resolution 117 Wiener, Item 88 Senate Concurrent resolution 120 Becker, Item 89 Senate Concurrent resolution 122 Rubio and Item 90 Senate Concurrent Resolution 123 Allen.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will open the roll on item number 68. All those vote who desire to vote all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll and tally the vote. Aye 65 no zero. Clerk will read. The measure passes Clerk will read the remaining items.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Bill 2397. Aye, 65 no zero. Assembly Joint resolution 10. Aye, 65 no zero. Assembly Bill 1900. Aye 65 no zero. Assembly Bill 1941 I 65 no zero Assembly Bill 2301 I 65 no zero Assembly Bill 2730 I 65 no zero Assembly Bill 2974 I 65 no zero Assembly Bill 3014 I 65 no zero Assembly Bill 1946 I 65 no zero Assembly Bill 3179 I 65 no zero. Assembly Bill 1971 I 65 no zero.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Concurrent resolution 164 I 65 no zero House Resolution 86 I 65 no zero Assembly Bill 3262 I 65 no zero assented Concurrent resolution 98 I 65 no zero Senate Concurrent resolution 112 I 65 no zero Senate Concurrent resolution 117 I 65 no zero Senate Concurrent resolution 120 I 65 no zero Senate Concurrent resolution 122 I 65 no zero and Senate Concurrent resolution 123 I 65 no.
- Jim Wood
Zero on item AB 2301 I 65 no zero r on the urgency Members, guests under guest introduction and announcements. Members, let's wish a happy early birthday to Assembly Members Haney, Nguyen and Pacheco who all celebrate a birthday on Wednesday. And Doctor Weber, you are recognized for your guest introductions. Members, your respectful attention to Doctor Weber for her guest introductions.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you Mister Speaker. I rise to recognize the phenomenal women in the back of the floor and in the gallery today, Members of the illustrious organization Delta Sigma Theta sorority Incorporated. Delta Sigma Theta was founded on Howard University's campus by 22 exceptional collegiate women on January 131913 and it is an organization of college educated women committed to public service with a primary focus of the black community.
- Akilah Weber
Delta Sigma Theta is currently led by our international President, Soar Elise Cook Holmes, and has over 1000 collegiate and alumni chapters and boasts more than 350,000 Members worldwide. I am proud to be a Member of this organization, having joined it over 26 years ago on the College of Xavier University through the Gamma Alpha chapter. To our regional Director, Soar Kimberly Usher. Our regional representative, Sora Joy Moore, our social action coordinators. Thank you for your leadership on behalf of our fabulous Far West region.
- Akilah Weber
It is great to see you in Sacramento. They, along with several Members of chapters up and down this state, are here for our annual Delta days at the state capitol to talk with offices about pressing legislative issues. Sors, thank you for standing on our sorority's thrust of political awareness and involvement and for being the wonderful embodiment of sisterhood, scholarship, service and social action. Welcome to the state Capitol. I hope your visit has been engaging and informative. And Members, please welcome.
- Akilah Weber
Mysore's from the far west region of Delta Sigma Theta sorority Incorporated. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Jones Sawyer. You are recognized.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Thank you. And I would be remiss if I did join my divine nine sister Delta Sigma Theta Aquila Weber, as I'm a proud Member of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. I am so glad to see you here. But most important, if I had not recognized you, my ex mother in law, my ex sister in law and my daughter would have gotten on it because they're proud Members of Delta Sigma Theta. Congratulations ladies. Welcome here to the Capitol.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Doctor Webber and welcome to your guests. And we're thankful that Mister Jones Sawyer won't be in trouble at home. Now Assemblymember Pellerin, you are recognized for your guest introductions.
- Gail Pellerin
I don't know where they are.
- Jim Wood
Not the one you're thinking of.
- Gail Pellerin
Yes, no. It's my great honor to introduce my coworkers from the district. Today I have Lizette Jones here in the state capitol along with Nina Chuang and two of our amazing interns, Estevan Guzman and Alex Tingle. And together they are an amazing team that makes sure AD 28 is great. So welcome to Sacramento.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assembly Member Pellerin. And welcome to your guests. Doctor Bains, you are recognized for your announcement.
- Jasmeet Bains
Members, I just wanted to wish everybody a very, very happy Vasakhi that happened this weekend. Visakhi is a very important tradition and in our religion. Being the first and only Sikh American elected to state office in California. Super honor for me to celebrate with all Sikhs across the world on Visakhi, which recognizes the establishment of the Khalsa bant and 161999 Sara Nu BoD bodh vadanya. Vasakhidiya. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Doctor Bains. Assembly Member Soria, you are recognized for your guest, for introductions.
- Esmeralda Soria
Thank you Mister speaker and Members. Good afternoon. I have today in the gallery leaders from the Jakara movement, folks that have been part of this organization and doing work in my district. For those of you that don't know who the Jakar movement is, they're an organization, grassroots community building organization working to empower, educate and organize Punjabi Sikhs and other marginalized communities to advance their health, education and arts, cultural, economic, social and political power. There are a number of young leaders today here.
- Esmeralda Soria
They're in Sacramento for their Sikh leadership program. Seek voices at the Capitol to learn about civic engagement and the legislative process today. Joining us in the gallery, we have the Executive Director Nandeep Singh. We have Jaske Carr from the Greater Fresno area, the community organizer, Mandeep Singh, also from Greater Sacramento area, community organizer, Suni Kar, Greater Sacramento Community Outreach specialist, Nanaki Kar, who is the parast youth center Director in Aashvir Singh, Navi Kar, Nobi Jot Singh Prim, participating in sick voices here at the Capitol today.
- Esmeralda Soria
I want to thank the Jakara movement for being great partners with us in our district and advocating and elevating, just as assemblywoman mentioned right now, the Sikh community's voice not only back home, but throughout the Central Valley and the State of California. So I want to congratulate them for their work and welcome them to the state capitol.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assembly Member Soria, and welcome to your guests. Mister Patterson, you are recognized Members.
- Jim Patterson
I too want to rise and, and welcome our Sikh friends who are here. I have the privilege of representing Central California and the Sikhs are in leadership positions. They're in agriculture, they're in medicine. They have come to us for freedom, liberty and opportunity. We have welcomed them, just like we have welcomed so many others from across the globe. So I too want to rise and say welcome. We're glad you're here and I'm delighted to call seeks my friend. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Patterson. Assembly Member Patterson. Members, it's parliamentary law month and accordingly we have several parliamentarians, professional parliamentarians, observing session today from the American Institute of Parliamentarians and National Association of Parliamentarians. And I'm sure they've found several mistakes I've already made. These experts work with nonprofits, government agencies, political parties and civic groups to ensure fairness, etiquette and order and deliberative bodies. Excuse me. And so we would like to please welcome Tim to our house. They're in the rear of the chamber. Welcome.
- Jim Wood
Thank you for joining us here today. Moving to business on the daily file, file item 40 AB 1850 by Assemblymember Pelron, the Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1850 by Assemblymember Pellerin and others an act relating to state government.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Pellerin, you are recognized.
- Gail Pellerin
Thank you, Mister speaker. Members, get ready to roll out the slime carpet. Did you know that currently there is no state slime slug? With your support, I hope to change that. AB 1850 recognizes the historical, scientific and cultural appreciation of the banana slug by designating it as the California's official state slug. It was intentionally numbered after the year California became a state.
- Gail Pellerin
The banana slug is an iconic symbol of California's famed temperate rainforest and an example of the rapid evolution that has made California extremely biologically diverse. Due to its quirky appearance and name, the banana slug is highly popular among both children and adults in California. Banana slugs are largely endemic to the state and can be found in ecosystems throughout California, but you most certainly can find them at Big Basin and Henry Cowell state parks in the 28th Assembly District.
- Gail Pellerin
I'm grateful to the co authors of this Bill, who also represent areas of the state where banana slugs live. Some of you are proudly wearing your banana slug socks today, so thank you. Currently, there are at least six species of banana slugs found and recorded within California, of which only one species, the Pacific banana slug, is found outside the city state.
- Gail Pellerin
In 1986, the University of Santa Cruz adopted the banana slug as its official mascot, which has had cultural ripples since then, including a showcasing of the mascot in the 1994 movie Pulp Fiction. We recently sponsored an art contest in my Assembly District and received some gorgeous artistic renderings of our beloved slug. Mister speaker, with your permission, I'd like to show some of the incredible works of art submitted by youth in my district. We have this beautiful one here with the dragon. We have lovely ones here.
- Gail Pellerin
This is a digitally created slug that we got. This one also showcases our state poppy. This one really pulls up that banana theme. We've got another one using that theme as a yummy so cool. And then we have our award winner banana slug on the beautiful leaf. So the banana slug is not only the subject of great art, but it is also highlighted in songs. I won't sing it for you today. In fact, there is even a banana slug string band.
- Gail Pellerin
And as a special treat for my colleagues today, you will find milk and dark chocolate molded into banana slugs in our Members lounge. These chocolates are made by a local chocolatier in Santa Cruz, Mackenzie's chocolates. While there are many great symbols out there to represent California, I think the banana slug will be especially iconic. And for these reasons and more, I respectfully ask for your I vote in support of AB 1850 and then I'll have an introduction.
- Jim Wood
Now, seeing and hearing no further debate, crawling or slithering to a microphone, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. I 68 noes one measure passes.
- Gail Pellerin
Assemblymember Pellerin thank you Mister speaker. Members, I am honored. Today I want to introduce the iconic Sammy the slug, the official mascot of UC Santa Cruz who may soon get a job promotion as a future ambassador for our state. Everyone please join. Join me welcoming Sammy the slug.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assembly Member Pellerin in solidarity, representing the North coast where we have a lot of banana slugs. I am wearing my banana slug socks, so thank you. Moving back second reading file item one through 33. Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
[Second Reading]
- Jim Wood
Be deemed read on. All amendments will be deemed adopted. Concurrence in Senate amendments file item 32 pass and retain reconsiderations file items 35 through 37. All items shall be retained. Moving back to business on the Third Assembly. Third reading file item 44. AB 2157 by Assemblymember Bonta, the Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 2157 by Assembly Member Bonta and accolade in the local finance and the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Bonta. You are recognized.
- Mia Bonta
Good afternoon speaker and Members. AB 2157 is an important Bill for my district. This Bill will help the City of Alameda Healthcare District secure financing for required seismic safety construction work. Here we are listening to it at Alameda Hospital. However, it will cost Alameda Hospital over $50 million to meet the 2030 standards and these updates will likely result in disruption to hospital services for several years.
- Mia Bonta
Alameda Hospital is the only hospital on the island of Alameda and has served the over 75,000 residents of Alameda and adjoining communities for over 100 years. Any temporary closure would be devastating to the residents of the island. AB 2157 will provide the hospital with the financing it needs, allowing it to comply with the seismic retrofitting that it needs to confirm its doing while limiting the disruption to hospital services and workers. Thank you and I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 63 noes zero on the measure. I 63 noes measure no zero on the urgency. Moving on to file item 47, AB 2908 by Assemblymember Chen.
- Committee Secretary
Clerk will read Assembly Bill 2908 by Assembly Member Chen and act relating to Corporations.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Chen, you are recognized.
- Phillip Chen
Thank you. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
That was short and sweet. Seeing and hearing no further debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 63 noes zero measure passes. Moving on to file item 55, ACR 165 by Assemblymember Schiavo.
- Committee Secretary
Clerk will read Assembly Concurrent Resolution 165 by Assemblymember Schiavo relative to Family Physician Week.
- Jim Wood
Assemblymember Schiavo, you are recognized.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you Mister Speaker and Members. I rise to present ACR 165 to designate April 14 through 20th of 2024 as Family Physician Week. Family physicians provide high quality care to everyone from our youngest to our eldest. They receive extensive training in behavioral health, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, and geriatric care. They are also instrumental in ensuring access to care and leading vaccination efforts through the health during healthcare crisis, especially throughout the COVID pandemic.
- Pilar Schiavo
With nearly one half of all visits to physicians offices in rural areas being to family physicians, and with one in five children seeing a family physician as their usual source of care, family physicians are integral to our health, our healthcare workforce, and the health of our communities. Members, please join me in supporting this measure to designate this week family physician Week in recognition of their unwavering dedication to the health and well being for our communities across California. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Seeing in hearing no further debate, would you like co-authors for your resolution? Yes, please Clerk will open the roll for co authors. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote for co authors for the resolution, Clerk will close a roll and tally the votes. aye 64. No, zero. Without objection. We'll take a vote. Voice vote on the resolution. All in favor say aye. Aye.
- Jim Wood
Opposed say no. Resolution is adopted. Assemblymember Schiavo, you are recognized for your guest introductions.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you Mister speaker. Joining us today in the gallery and the rear of the chambers are members of the Executive Committee of the California Academy of Family Physicians. Please join me in welcoming them to the assembly.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assemblymember Schiavo. And welcome to your guests who can be easily recognized by their white coats. Moving on to file item 61. AB 1986 by Assemblymember Bryan. The clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1986 by Assemblymember Bryan inoculating the prisons.
- Jim Wood
Mister Bryan, you are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
Thank you Mister speaker and colleagues, I rise to present AB 1986. I'm curious if anybody knows what the Merriam Webster Visual Dictionary, Frida Kahlo 's the paintings, the kite runner, Lady Gaga is born to be free, and Nelson Mandela's prisoner in the garden all have in common. I'll jump to the end for you. You can't read them in a California State prison.
- Isaac Bryan
Contrastingly, Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, the Klansmen, historical romance of the Ku Klux Klan, and every white nationalist literature novel celebrating the Ku Klux Klan is not found on CDCR's prison book ban. Even worse than that is, we all didn't know that and neither do the people of California because the prison book ban is not publicly produced. There is no transparency and therefore there is no accountability.
- Isaac Bryan
What AB 1986 does, it creates a process by which this list of banned literature is put online and creates a mechanism with the office of the attorney or the inspector general that would allow for books to be removed from this list if they do not serve the penological interest, or if they seem to only appear on this list because they were written by black authors or other authors of color. This bill has no opposition and I respectfully ask for your. I vote for.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assemblymember Bryan. Seeing and hearing no further debate. zero, excuse. Assemblymember Wilson, you are recognized.
- Lori Wilson
Thank you Mister speaker. Members, I rise in support of AB 1986, co authored, I mean, authored by a member of the Black Caucus and co authored by all members of the Black Caucus. I stand as chair noting that this bill is extremely important as it relates to reparations. This is one of the reparations priority package bills.
- Lori Wilson
We know that this is a multi year effort to move the needle in this space and to make up for years of discriminate generations of discrimination and racism and start to remove the legacy of slavery in California. And with that, I, on behalf of the entire black caucus, ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assemblymember Wilson. Would you like to close Mr. Bryan?
- Isaac Bryan
Yes, Mister speaker. Knowledge is power in California. We don't ban books. We don't do it in our systems of higher education, and we shouldn't do it in our criminal legal system. Knowledge is transformation. Knowledge is healing. The fact that we've deprived folks who are incarcerated of the ability to transform their lives through thoughtful literature that helps them understand the world around them and even the conditions that led to their confinement is appalling.
- Isaac Bryan
What's even worse, as we do this process in the dark with AB 1986, we will finally bring both transparency to this process and accountability. I respectfully ask for aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assemblymember Bryan the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close a roll and tally the votes. Aye 67, no zero, measure passes Senate third reading file items 83 through 90 pass and retain on those items. Members, a quorum call is still in place. We are moving to adjournments in memory.
- Jim Wood
I ask that you please give your respectful attention to permission to those, those who were granted special permission to speak on an adjournment in memory. Assemblymember Dixon, you are recognized for your adjournment in memory.
- Diane Dixon
Thank you Mister speaker and Members. I to rise today in the memory of Allan Beek, a distinguished, distinguished California resident and respected Newport Beach community activist. For nearly six decades, Allan served his community in many ways, serving as an early founding member in the 1970s of Stop Polluting Our Newport, now known as still Protecting Our Newport, devoting decades to ensuring the preservation of a clean harbor and a healthy environment.
- Diane Dixon
He was also involved in many other efforts that he believed had an adverse effect on increased traffic and environmental concerns. His family has a long line of activist citizens noted for their role in California history. His namesake, grandfather, Joseph Allan Beek, served as the longest serving secretary of the California State Senate from 1919 to 1968. Joseph Beek authored the Historical Guide to the California Legislature in 1942, which was reprinted 40 times until his death in 1968.
- Diane Dixon
Allan's grandfather, the same Joe Beek, was perhaps best known for his role in developing Balboa island in Newport Beach, where he established many roads and bridges where none existed at the time, and later the Balboa Island ferry in 1919, which continues to operate to this day. And you'll be operating with zero emission battery powered engines before too long. Allan passed away in December 1 month before his 97th birthday.
- Diane Dixon
In accordance with his wishes, Allan's brain and body were donated to the University of California, Irvine's 90 plus study. This project researches researches individuals over the age of 90 years to uncover factors that promote the quality and quantity of life. Allen is survived by his wife, Jean Cohen Beek his daughters, Elizabeth Beek Blackford and Katherine Beek, and his brother, Seymour Beek of Newport Beach. Allan Beek will be dearly missed by all and please join me to adjourn in the memory of Alan. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Same. Thank you, Assemblymember Dixon. Members, please bring the names to the desk to be printed in the journal. All requests to adjourn in memory will be deemed read and printed in the journal. Moving to announcements. Members, as a reminder, next Monday's session will begin at 11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m, next Monday. Committee hearings budget Subcommitee one on health meets at 02:30 p.m. In Capitol Room 127. Budget Subcommitee number six on public safety meets at 02:30 p.m. In Capitol Room 437.
- Jim Wood
Natural Resources meets at 02:30 p.m. In Capital room 447. Revenue and Taxation meets at 02:30 p.m. In Capital room 126. Transportation meets at 02:30 p.m. In the swing space, room 1100. Banking and finance meets at 03:30 p.m. In Capital Room 444. The session schedule is as follows. Tuesday, April 16 check in session. Wednesday, April 17, check in session. Thursday, April 18 floor session at 09:00 a.m. All other items will be passed and retained. No motion shall be continued. Seeing and hearing no further business.
- Jim Wood
I'm ready to entertain a motion to adjourn. Miss Aguiar-Curry moves, Mister Patterson. Mister Joe Patterson seconds that this house stands adjourned until Thursday, April 8, at 09:00 a.m. The quorum call is lifted and the house is adjourned.
Bill AB 2157
City of Alameda Health Care District: certificates of participation: lien.
View Bill DetailCommittee Action:Passed
Next bill discussion: May 29, 2024
Previous bill discussion: March 20, 2024