Senate Standing Committee on Appropriations
- Anna Caballero
The Senate Committee on Appropriations will now come to order. We are holding our final Senate bill hearing today in Room 2200 of the O Street Building. Members have been really responsive today, so it looks like we're going to have a quorum right away.
- Anna Caballero
But we have 97 measures on today's agenda, only one of which is eligible for a do pass motion. The rest of our bills are suspense candidates. As usual, we will extend a courtesy to anyone that has a do pass item before us and allow them to present their bill out of agenda order as they show up.
- Anna Caballero
All Members with suspense items before the Committee this morning have previously waived presentation. We will be taking testimony from the public on each and every item, even if the author has waived presentation. The Department of Finance has indicated that they are very busy with the budget, as you can imagine, and they don't have any comments on any of the measures before this Committee, so they will not be present to testify today.
- Anna Caballero
Before we begin, I want to remind any witnesses to limit their testimony to the fiscal aspects of the bill. Please refrain from lengthy policy discussions and repeating prior testimony in your comments. So before we begin our hearing testimony on the measures before us today, let's establish a quorum. Madam Assistant, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
We have a quorum. Now we can move on to the business of the day. Our first witness will be Senator Durazo, who is here on SB 1488.
- Anna Caballero
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you. Thank you, Madam Chair and Members. Senate Bill 1488 does two things. It directs Caltrans to support arena advertising displays in their current negotiations with the Federal Highway Administration. The second is that this bill would also reduce the length of time for a marketing contract from one year to 120 days, which more accurately reflects outdoor advertising opportunities. This provides stadiums and arenas revenue streams that do not rely on public funding.
- María Elena Durazo
The arena exemption was first established by the Legislature years ago to help fund the construction and the operations of the stadiums and arenas, which are important economic and cultural regional centers. Stadiums create thousands of permanent, local, good construction jobs and generate millions in state and local taxes.
- María Elena Durazo
The update in marketing agreements reflects the ever changing models of advertising and enables stadiums to continue to provide civic engagement, jobs, and an economic positive economic impact. With Los Angeles hosting the Olympics and World Cup, our stadium and arena infrastructure will need updating. Bringing marketing agreements closer to industry standards will keep stadiums modernized and ready to meet the needs of these world events. She's not here. I did have another speaker, but she's not here yet. Anyway.
- Anna Caballero
Well, we'll see if she shows up by the time we're finishing up. That's the problem with being right on time and ready to go. What we're going to do is see if there is anybody here that would like to testify in support of this bill, in support of file item number 95, SB 1488.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here to testify in opposition? Seeing none. As I said, the Department of Finance is not with us today, so we'll move on to Committee Members in support. Yes. We'll go back. We will go back to testimony in support, and welcome.
- Angela Manetti
Hi, good morning. Angie Manetti here on behalf of the Dodgers. Catching my breath. Very supportive of 14...
- Anna Caballero
It might have been better if you'd not said the Dodgers, but just know that I'm a Dodger fan, and so I'll let you proceed.
- Angela Manetti
Thank you. Supportive of SB 1488, as we support outdoor advertisements. This helps us diversify revenue streams and reduces our reliance on public subsidies. Supportive of the amendments coming out of Senate Transportation, as they direct the state to prioritize outdoor advertising in the future federal state agreement conversations. Thank you for your support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Is there anyone else in support? Anyone else? Anyone in opposition? Bring it back to the Committee. Are there any questions of the Committee? Yes, Senator Seyarto.
- Kelly Seyarto
This bill only covers these larger people that have the exemption that will have the exemptions. It doesn't cover the mom and pop shops that are along the side of the freeways.
- María Elena Durazo
- Kelly Seyarto
Those exemptions won't extend to the smaller companies?
- María Elena Durazo
Right. The current exemptions are for arenas and stadiums. Yes. Not smaller properties.
- Kelly Seyarto
- María Elena Durazo
We're just dealing with what already is an exemption. We're not creating the exemptions. It's what already exists.
- Kelly Seyarto
Right. Okay. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Any other questions? Seeing none, we'll allow you to conclude.
- María Elena Durazo
Ask for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
There is a motion by Senator Wahab. The motion is do pass to the Senate Floor. Please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Anna Caballero
That bill is out, five to one. Thank you.
- María Elena Durazo
Thank you, Members.
- Anna Caballero
We have all seven Members, so that bill is finished. I thank you for being here early in order to take that one up. So we're gonna go back to the beginning of the agenda. We'll start with SB 895 by Senator Roth.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Roth has waived presentation, so we're going to move on to public testimony. Is there anybody here that would like to testify in support of SB 895? Is there anybody here that would like to testify in opposition to SB 895? Seeing none, this is eligible. This bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 895 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 902. Is there anyone here that would like to testify? Senator Roth has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 902? Is there anyone here that would like to testify in opposition to SB 902? Welcome.
- Elizabeth May
Good morning. I'm Elizabeth Rosemay, and I'm here in opposition to this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you so much. Anyone else in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 902 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 899 by Senator Skinner. Senator Skinner has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 899? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition to SB 899?
- Elizabeth May
I'm Elizabeth Rosemay. I think it's important for you to know that I'm a two time violent crime survivor, and I am opposed to this bill.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Is there anyone else that would like to speak in opposition? Again, this bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 899 will move to suspense. SB 941 by Senator Skinner, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 941?
- Anna Caballero
Anyone who would like to testify in support... I mean, I'm sorry, in opposition to 941? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 941 will move to suspense. SB 976 by Senator Skinner, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 976?
- Anna Caballero
Anyone in the room that would like to testify in opposition to SB 976? As this is a suspense file candidate, without objection, SB 976 will move to suspense. SB 1077 by Senator Skinner. She has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of 1073?
- Anna Caballero
Anyone here like to testify in opposition to SB 1073? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1073 will move to suspense. SB 1306 by Senator Skinner, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 1306? How about anyone in opposition to SB 1306?
- Anna Caballero
This, again, is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1306 will move to suspense. SB 913 by Senator Umberg. Senator Umberg has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of 913? Anyone in the room that would like to testify in opposition to 913? Again, this is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 913 will move to suspense. SB 914 by Senator Umberg. Senator Umberg has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 914? Anyone in the room that would like to testify in opposition to 914? This bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 914 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 930 by Senator Laird, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 930? How about anyone in the room that would like to testify in opposition to SB 930? This bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, SB 930 will, without objection, will move to suspense. SB 1285 by Senator Laird, who has waived presentation. Anyone in the room who would like to testify in support of SB 1285? Anyone in the room that would like to testify in opposition to SB 1285? This bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 1285 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 938 by Senator Seyarto. 936 by Senator Seyarto. I was checking to see if he was awake. He was awake. Just barely.
- Kelly Seyarto
I got energy drink going.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Seyarto has also waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 936? How about anyone in opposition to SB 936? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 936 will move to suspense. SB 964 by Senator Seyarto, who has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 964? Anyone in the room that would like to testify in opposition to SB 964? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 964 will move to suspense. SB 946 by Senator McGuire. Senator McGuire has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone in the room that would like to testify in support of SB 946? Anyone that would like to testify in opposition to SB 946? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 946 will move to suspense. SB 952 by Senator Dahle. Senator Dahle has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 952? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition of SB 952? This bill is a suspense file candidate. Without objection, SB 952 will move to suspense. SB 1062 by Senator Dahle. Senator Dahle has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 1062?
- Chris Micheli
Madam Chair, good morning. Chris Micheli on behalf of Humboldt Redwood Company in support of the bill. And thank Senator Wahab for sharing her cookies this morning.
- Anna Caballero
Absolutely, keeps us all happy. Is there anyone else who would like to testify in support that maybe didn't get a cookie but wants to testify in support? Is there anybody that would like to testify in opposition to SB 1062? This bill is a suspense file candidate. Without objection, SB 1062 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
Moving on to SB 954 by Senator Menjivar. Senator Menjivar has waived presentation. Is there anyone that would like to testify in support of SB 954? Is there anyone that would like to testify in opposition to SB 954? This bill is a suspense file candidate. Without objection, SB 954 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
Moving on to SB 1057 by Senator Menjivar, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 1057? Anyone here who would like to testify in opposition to SB 1057?
- Ryan Morimune
Thank you, Chair, Committee, and staff. Ryan Morimune with the California State Association of Counties. Also on behalf of the Urban Counties of California, as well as the Rural County Representatives of California, here in respectful opposition to SB 1057. In the interest of time, we've detailed in our analysis the fiscal impact to counties, and we'd also like to highlight included in the Committee analysis the potential significant costs to the state. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Danielle Sanchez
Good morning, Chair and Members. Danielle Sanchez on behalf of the Chief Probation Officers of California, also in opposition to SB 1057 and would reiterate the fiscal analysis noted. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in opposition? SB 1057 is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1057 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1124 by Senator Menjivar. Senator Menjivar has waived presentation. Is there anyone in the room that would like to testify in support of SB 1124? Anyone to speak in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1124 will move to suspense. SB 1142 by Senator Menjivar. Senator Menjivar has waived presentation. Is there anyone in the room who would like to testify in support of 1142? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition to 1142? This bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So without objection, SB 1142 will move to suspense. SB 1323 by Senator Menjivar. Senator Menjivar has waived presentation. Is there anyone in the room that would like to testify in support of 1323? Anyone to testify in opposition to SB 1323? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1323 will move to suspense. SB 1497 by Senator Menjivar. Senator Menjivar has waived presentation. So we'll move on to witnesses in support of SB 1497.
- Christina Scaringe
Good morning, Chair. Christina Scaringe with the Center for Biological Diversity, proud sponsor in strong support. I'd also like to note support for the following organizations: Climate Hawks Vote, the Center on Race, Poverty, and the Environment, California Environmental Justice Alliance, the Climate Reality Project, California Coalition, Greenpeace USA, and Climate Action California.
- Christina Scaringe
In the interest of time, I'll just reference the thorough Committee analysis and thank the staff for that, and also reference the extensive documentation we filed from top economists, top legal scholars, and scientists in favor of the bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much.
- Savannah Jorgensen
Good morning. Savannah Jorgensen with the Lutheran Office of Public Policy California in strong support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Is there anyone else that would like to testify in support? Is there anyone that would like to testify in opposition to SB 1497? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1497 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 966 by Senator Wiener. Senator Wiener has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 966? Anyone in opposition to 966? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 966 will move to the suspense file. SB 1012 by Senator Wiener, who has waived presentation. Anyone in the room that would like to testify in support of SB 1012?
- Anna Caballero
Anyone in the room that would like to testify in opposition to SB 1012? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1012 will move to the suspense file. SB 1031 by Senator Wiener, who has waived presentation. Anyone in the room that would like to testify in support? Welcome.
- Scott Wetch
Madam Chair and Members, Scott Wetch on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco, the California Coalition of Utility Employees, and the State Association of Electrical Workers in support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? How about anyone in opposition to SB 1031? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1031 will move to suspense. SB 972 by Senator Min, who has waived presentation. Anyone in the room that would like to testify in support of SB 972?
- Melissa Sparks-Kranz
Melissa Sparks-Kranz with the League of California Cities, the sponsors of and in support of SB 972. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition to 972? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 972 will move to suspense. SB 1221 by Senator Min, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 1221? Anyone in the room to support? In opposition?
- Scott Wetch
Madam Chair and Members, Scott Wetch on behalf of the California Coalition of Utility Employees, the State Association of Electrical Workers, and the California State Pipe Trades Council, in opposition. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in opposition? SB 1221 is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, it will move to suspense. SB 1242 by Senator Min, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone in the room that would like to testify in support of SB 1242? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1242 will move to suspense. Without objection. SB 989 by Senator Ashby. Senator Ashby has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support of 989?
- Patricia Hunter
Good morning. Patricia Hunter, volunteer with Sacramento Family Justice Center and mother of Joanna Hunter, and I strongly support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Is there anyone else who would like to testify in support? Is there anyone that would like to testify in opposition of SB 989? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 989 will move to suspense. SB 1000 by Senator Ashby. Senator Ashby has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone in the room that would like to testify in support of SB 1000? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1000 will move to suspense. SB 1035 by Senator Ashby, who has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone in the room that would like to testify in support of SB 1035? How about anybody that would like to testify in opposition to SB 1035? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1035 will move to suspense. SB 1477 by Senator Ashby, who has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone in the room that would like to testify in support of SB 1477? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition to SB 1477? This bill is a suspense file candidate. Without objection, SB 1477 will move to suspense. SB 1498 by Senator Ashby. Senator Ashby has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 1498? Opposition to 1498? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1498 will move to suspense. SB 990 by Senator Padilla, who has waived presentation. Anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 990 will move to suspense. SB 1070 by Senator Padilla, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 1070? Opposition to 1070? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1070 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
SB 1165 by Senator Padilla, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1165 will move to suspense. SB 1178 by Senator Padilla, who has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Anyone who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1178 will move to suspense. SB 1208 by Senator Padilla. Senator Padilla has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 1208?
- Anna Caballero
How about anybody in opposition to SB 1208? This as well as a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1208 will move to suspense. SB 1228 by Senator Padilla, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 1228 will move to the suspense file. SB 1351 by Senator Padilla. Senator Padilla, again, has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1351? How about testify in opposition to 1351? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1351 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1002 by Senator Blakespear, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of 1002? How about anyone in opposition? Welcome.
- Elizabeth May
Good morning. I'm Elizabeth Rosemay. This bill is disturbing, and I'm here in opposition to it.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Is there anyone else in opposition to SB 1002? This bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1002 will move to suspense. SB 1038 by Senator Blakespear, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support of SB 1038? How about in opposition to 1038?
- Elizabeth Rosemay
Good morning. I'm Elizabeth Rosemay, and I have my CCW, and I also hunt. And this Bill just puts a real heavy requirement on to responsible gun owners. So I'm here in opposition.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Is there anyone else who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1038. We'll move to suspense. SB 1045 by Senator Blakespear, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone that would like to testify in support of 1045? Anyone in opposition to 1045?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1045 will move to suspense. SB 1236 by Senator Blakespear, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of this Bill? Is there anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 1236 will move to suspense. SB 1302 by Senator Blakespear, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about anybody in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1302 will move to suspense. SB 1013 by Senator Bradford.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Bradford has waived presentation, and I thank you. So, it looks like Senator Bradford wants to present, but he's not moving, so I'm going to take advantage of that situation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 1013? Welcome. He's just joking.
- Darlene Crumminy
Yes. Good morning. My name is Darlene Crumminy, a Member of the Coalition for Jest in Equitable California CJEC, as well as the American Redress Coalition, California Arc Bay Area. I am in strong support of SB 1013. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support?
- Kim Mims
Good morning, Appropriations Committee. I'm Kim Mims, here with Coalition for Jest in Equitable California, CJEC, American Redress, Coalition of California, ARC, Sacramento, and amend the mass media in strong support of 1013. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition? SB 1013 is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1013 will move to suspense. How about SB 1050 by Senator Bradford again, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support?
- Darlene Crumminy
Yes. Good morning again, Darlene Crumminy, a Member of CJEC as well as Arc Bay Area and strong support.
- Darlene Crumminy
Thank you. Thank you very much. Anyone else in support?
- Kim Mims
Hello again. I'm Kim Mims with CJEC, Arc Sacramento, and amend the mass media and strong support of SB 1050. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? How about anyone in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1050 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1109 by Senator Bradford, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Darlene Crumminy
Yes, Darlene Crumminy. I am in full support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Anyone else in support?
- Kim Mims
Yes. Kim Mims in full support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Anyone else in support? Is there anybody who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection 1109, we'll move to suspense. SB 1292 by Senator Bradford, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to tell in support?
- Darlene Crumminy
Yes. Darlene Crumminy, in for support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Anyone else? Yes.
- Kim Mims
Kim Mims also in full support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else? Is there anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1292, we'll move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1331 by Senator Bradford, who has waived presentation. Is there anybody that would like to testify in support of 1331?
- Darlene Crumminy
Yes. Good morning, Darlene Crumminy, a Member of CJEC and Arc Bay Area. I am in full support of SB 1331. Thank you.
- Kim Mims
Thank you. Hello. Kim Mims with CJEC, Arc Sacramento, and amend the mass media in full support of 1331. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition? SB 1331 is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1331 will move to suspense. SB 1054 by Senator Rubio, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to take testify in support of the Bill? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1054 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1060 by Senator Becker, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? SB 1060 is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 1060 will move to suspense. SB 1206 by Senator Becker. Senator Becker has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Without anybody in opposition, this Bill is. A suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1206 will move to suspense. SB 1071 by Senator Dodd, who has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1071 will move to suspense. SB 1159 by Senator Dodd. Anyone in support?
- Chris Micheli
Yes, Madam Chair. Chris Mchaley, on behalf of Humboldt Redwood Company and Mendocino Redwood Company, both in strong support of the Bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. I neglected to say that he waived presentation. Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1159 will move to suspense. SB 1074 by Senator Jones. Senator Jones has waived presentation. Thank him for that. And he was moving fast, too.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anybody that would like to testify in support? Anybody who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1074 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB 1087 by Senator Grove. Senator Grove has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Anna Caballero
How about anybody in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1087 will move to suspense. SB 1239 by Senator Grove, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about anyone in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1239.
- Anna Caballero
We'll move to suspense. SB 1264 by Senator Grove. Is there anyone who would like Senator Grove has waived presentation. Is there anybody who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense fox. Zero, I'm sorry. It was moving too fast. Welcome.
- Tally D'Amato
Hi. Chair and Members Tally D'Amato, on behalf of California normal original sponsors of AB 2188 quirk in opposition. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else that would like to speak in opposition to SB 1264? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1264 will move to suspense. SB 1414 by Senator Grove, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB 1414?
- Helen Taylor
My name is Helen Taylor, and I'm the Vice President of the national anti trafficking organization Exodus crier, in full support of the Bill. Thank you.
- Mike Murray
Mike Murray with the American Council in support of the Bill. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition? SB 1414 is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1414 will move to suspense. SB 1100 by Senator Portantino. Senator Portantino has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support? Anyone in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 1100 will move to suspense. SB 1128 by Senator Portantino, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone that would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1128 will move to suspense. SB 1147 by Senator Portantino, who has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in sport? Testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1147 will move to suspense. SB 1114 by Senator Niello. Senator Niello has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, 1114 will move to suspense. SB 1176 by Senator Niello, who has waived presentation. Anyone here that would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, 1176 will move to suspense. SB 1135 by Senator Limon.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Senator Limon obviously has waived presentation. How about anybody in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1135 will move to suspense. 1152 by Senator Limon, who has waived presentation. Anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1152?
- Amanda Gualderama
Good morning. Amanda Gualderama with Cal broadband in support.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you. Anyone else in support? How about in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB 1152 will move to suspense 11. I'm sorry. 1304 by Senator Limon. Senator Limon has waived presentation. Is there anyone in the room that would like to testify in support? Anyone in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1304 will move to suspense. SB 1433 by Senator Limon, who has waived presentation. Anyone in the room that would like to testify in support? Anyone that would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1433 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
SB 1202 by Senator Newman. Senator Newman has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1202 will move to suspense. SB 1387 by Senator Newman, who has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone who would like to testify in support? Anyone in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1387, we'll move to suspense. SB 1416 by Senator Newman, who has waived presentation. Anyone like to testify in sport? Anyone in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB 1416 will move to suspense. SB 1256 by Senator Glazer. Senator Glazer has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1256 will move to suspense. SB 1287 by Senator Glazer.
- Anna Caballero
He has waived presentation. Is there anyone that would like to testify in support?
- Cliff Berg
Cliff Berg, representing the Jewish Public Affairs Committee, JPAC, representing over 33 statewide and regional Jewish organizations in California, strongly supports this Bill, which is important to fighting anti semitism in higher education campuses in our state. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition?
- David Mandel
Yes. Thank you and good morning. My name is David Mandel. I'm long-time active chapter leader with Jewish Voice for Peace and active on the national level as well. I'm strongly in opposition to this very dangerous Bill and potentially wasteful of immense amounts of state funding.
- David Mandel
It purports to further regulate speech on higher education campuses in a way that, for the most part, only restates what is already existing law and is limited, of course, by the First Amendment and the California Constitution.
- David Mandel
It talks about violence, intimidation, and harassment, which are already long-litigated carve-outs from the law regarding free speech, but they can't be further enhanced. It also. It adds one very dangerous twist, which says that it prohibits calling for genocide. That crosses the line to viewpoint discrimination.
- David Mandel
As odious as any call for genocide is to all of us, I'm sure that it's a very subjective determination as to what constitutes the call for genocide. Very much in debate as we speak these days. And this would be. Anyone who tries, any University that tries to enforce this law would probably be subject to litigation.
- David Mandel
The state would have to defend it. Potentially very expensive, and it contradicts the prohibition on viewpoint discrimination in the First Amendment. And finally, the real agenda behind this Bill is to conflate criticism of Israel with antisemitism. This Bill will not protect Jews or anybody else.
- David Mandel
It serves as a bully to try to suppress speech in support of Palestinian human rights, which I very much am. And I speak not only as an American Jew but also as an Israeli who lived there for 10 years. And I, therefore, would urge you to. Well, you'd probably move to suspense, but I would urge you to defeat this Bill as soon as possible. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB 1282. I mean, 1287, without objection, will move to suspense. SB 1327 by Senator Glazer. He has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support of 1327? How about opposition to 1327?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB-1327 will move to suspense. SB-1365 by Senator Glazer. He has waived presentation. Is there anyone in the room that would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB-1365 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
SB-1424 by Senator Glazer. Senator Glazer has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of SB-1424? How about opposition to 1424? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB-1424 will move to suspense. SB-1430 by Senator Glazer. Senator Glazer has waived presentation.
- Anna Caballero
Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of the Bill? How about in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB-1430 will move to suspense. SB-1462 by Senator Glazer. Senator Glazer has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Anna Caballero
Anyone here who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB-1462 will move to suspense. SB-1282 by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1282? How about anyone in opposition to SB-1282?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB-1282 will move to suspense. SB-1338 by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone that would like to testify in support? How about anyone that would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB-1338 will move to suspense. SB-1340 by Senator Smallwood-Cuevas, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about anybody in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB-1340 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB-1293 by Senator Ochoa Bogh.
- Anna Caballero
Senator Ochoa Bogh has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support? Anyone in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB-1293 will move to suspense. SB-1303 by Senator Caballero. I have waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about anyone in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB-1303 will move to suspense. SB-1390 by Senator Caballero, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So, without objection, SB-1390 will move to suspense. SB-1420 by Senator Caballero. Senator Caballero has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support?
- Chris McCauly
Madam Chair. Chris McCauly, on behalf of the California Renewable Transportation Alliance. In strong support, and hopeful that the Chair will release this Bill off the suspense file on Thursday. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? Is there anybody who would like to testify in opposition?
- Jonathan Cole
Jonathan Cole. Climate Action California. In opposition. This Bill promotes the development of hydrogen from high-carbon feedstocks that would continue our dependence on fossil fuels and is not consistent with California's climate goals. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB-1420 will move to suspense. SB-1321 by Senator Wahab, who has waived presentation, but brought cookies, which is always a good thing.
- Anna Caballero
So is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB-1321 will move to suspense. SB-1330 by Senator Archuleta. Senator Archuleta has waived presentation. Anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So, without objection, SB-1330 will move to suspense. SB-1421 by Senator Stern, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support?
- Cliff Berg
Thank you, Madam Chair. Cliff Berg, on behalf of the Jewish Public Affairs Committee, which represents over 33 different statewide and regional Jewish organizations in California, including the LA Federation, Anti-Defamation League, Sacramento Federation, Sacramento JCRC, Silicon Valley American Jewish Committee, all in support of this Bill, which is an important measure in fighting anti-semitism, but also an important measure, like Senator Glazer's, in fighting hatred in educational campuses.
- Cliff Berg
Whatever kind of hatred we are talking about anti-semitism, anti-gay, anti-Latino, anti-African American. Unfortunately, we've seen a rise in hate speech, hate activity, hate crimes across California. This legislation is urgently needed and urge your support. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Is there anyone else that would like to testify in support? How about testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. Without objection, SB-1421 will move to suspense. SB-1444 by Senator Stern, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here that would like to testify in support? How about in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB-1444 will move to suspense. SB-1504 by Senator Stern. Senator Stern has waived presentation. Anyone who would like to testify in support?
- Cliff Berg
Cliff Berg, on behalf of the Jewish Public Affairs Committee and 33 Jewish organizations in California, for the reasons I articulated in Senator Glazer and Senator Stern's other Bill, we strongly support this measure. Thank you.
- Anna Caballero
Thank you very much. Anyone else in support? Anyone in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB-1504 will move to suspense. SB-1508 by Senator Stern. Senator Stern has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So without objection, SB-1508 will move to suspense. Moving on to SB-1460 by Senator Durazo. Senator Durazo has waived presentation on this Bill. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? Anyone who would like to testify in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate.
- Anna Caballero
So without objection, SB-1460 will move to the suspense file. We've already dispensed with SB-1488. So we'll move on to SB-1500 by Senator Durazo. Senator Durazo has waived presentation on this Bill. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support? How about anyone who would like to testify in opposition?
- Anna Caballero
This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB-1500 will move to suspense. SB-1461 by Senator Allen. Senator Allen has waived presentation. Is there anyone who would like to testify in support? How about anybody in opposition? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB-1461 will move to suspense.
- Anna Caballero
And last but not least, SB-1474 by Senator Allen, who has waived presentation. Is there anyone here who would like to testify in support of 1474? How about anyone in opposition to 1474? This Bill is a suspense file candidate. So without objection, SB-1474 will move to suspense. So that concludes our hearing for today.
- Anna Caballero
Let me thank everybody for participating in today's hearing. We have concluded the agenda, and the meeting of the Senate Committee on Appropriations is adjourned.
Committee Action:Passed
Next bill discussion: May 20, 2024
Previous bill discussion: April 23, 2024