Assembly Standing Committee on Utilities and Energy
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Good afternoon and welcome. I would like to convene today's hearing of the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy. Before we move to the agenda, I have a few housekeeping announcements to make. Today we have one measure on regular order of business, AB 1999.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Following that bill's hearing, we will briefly adjourn for five minutes, and then we will move on to our oversight hearing on the petroleum industry. Assembly Member Marc Berman will be substituting for Assembly Member Rebecca Bauer-Lahan in today's hearing. Thank you, Mister Berman, for joining us when you arrive.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
I will maintain decorum during the hearing as is customary. In order to hear as much from the public within the limits of our time, we will not permit conduct that disrupts or otherwise impedes the orderly conduct of legislative proceedings. Any individual who is disruptive may be removed from the room.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
As is customary, testimony will be limited to two witnesses in support, two witnesses in opposition. Each witness will receive two minutes to make your comments. For any additional witnesses on a measure, please only state your name, position, and affiliation, if any. All right, we do not have a quorum present, so we will go ahead and commence as a Subcommittee.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Assembly Member Irwin Good afternoon. We have one item on today's agenda, Assembly Bill 1999. Assembly Member Irwin, as you are ready. Just one second. We're having some technical difficulties. All right. Success. Thank you.
- Jacqui Irwin
All right. Two years ago, tucked away in a budget trailer bill, AB 205 made a significant change to our state's utility policy, an income-graduated fixed charge fee.
- Jacqui Irwin
Since 2015, the PUC has had the authority to establish a fixed charge fee, but they declined to do it until it was mandated in AB 205 without a single policy committee hearing or debate how this controversial policy passed. Meanwhile, we've watched the PUC allow our utility rates to skyrocket.
- Jacqui Irwin
In 10 years, PG&E rates have gone up 127%, rates in Edison's territory, 91%, and 72% in SDG&E's. In February 2024, PG&E announced that its profits, its 2023 profits, had soared 24.6% higher than its 2022 profits, allowing its shareholders to pocket $2.24 billion.
- Jacqui Irwin
That's money from hardworking Californians being sent to Wall Street. It's time to exercise our legislative authority over the PUC. Instead of granting them a blank check, we need to ask for accountability and look for other ways to achieve savings. That is the only way to actually help low-income residents and to move the bar forward on electrification. Just last week, the PUC rushed to pass the fixed charge fee of 20415 which is 2.2 times the national average.
- Jacqui Irwin
And if you read the proposed decision, it is clear that this is just the beginning, an incremental step to a higher fee without instituting guardrails and checks and balances, the PUC will remain rubber stamp for the IOUS. 1999 will do three things. First, it will limit future increases to the fixed charge fee to the rate of inflation.
- Jacqui Irwin
Second, it will require the PUC to report on a number of metrics, including whether or not it adversely impacts care program ratepayers, if the fee increases electrification rates, how it impacts energy conservation programs, and other possible outcomes of the PUC decision.
- Jacqui Irwin
Finally, 1999 will enable the Legislature to extend authorization for the fixed charge fee and make adjustments if necessary based on the data provided to the PUC. And now I have are you going. To be speaking first? Yes, I will. Thank you.
- Josh Plaisted
Thank you for allowing me to speak here today. My name is Josh Plaisted. I'm founder and principal at Flagstaff Research. I have 25 years experience in building energy modeling and evaluating technologies for a range of clients, including national home builders, multifamily property developers, and commercial property owners.
- Josh Plaisted
I've been deeply involved in building decarbonization since 2006, when I was a principal investigator for the US Department of Energy on Zero Energy Homes. As someone trained in building energy modeling and utility rate structures, I can tell you that a revenue neutral fixed charge inherently creates a pivot point on the average household consumption, where the fixed charge is perfectly offset by the variable rate discount, meaning there's no net Bill impact.
- Josh Plaisted
However, as homes use less energy, the fixed charge dominates and bills increase. As home consumption goes above that average, the fixed charge is not dominant and the discounted rate schedule takes over to create additional Bill savings.
- Josh Plaisted
Our modeling using CEC data from the CEC ras shows that the dollar 24 a month fixed charge will cost 3.9 million households, an additional $65 to $225 per year as they use less than the average. Additionally, these are typically smaller apartments and more efficient homes.
- Josh Plaisted
In contrast, households there are 1.4 million households at higher usage that will save between 328 and dollar 474 per year. There's a balance of about 2.2 million households closer to that pivot point that see more marginal impacts.
- Josh Plaisted
This is not as much a difference between coastal and inland climates as it is between small, efficient households and larger, less conserving ones. An analysis by Ava Energy, which covers Oakland, Livermore, and Tracy, shows that 77% of their customers will pay more under the dollar 24 a month fixed charge.
- Josh Plaisted
This does not improve for hot inland climates like Stockton, where their analysis showed negative impacts on the fixed charge that are even more pronounced regarding care households in the Aver territory, they found that just over half their care customers would end up paying more, not less, under the fixed charge.
- Josh Plaisted
Not surprisingly, lower-income households tend to live in smaller homes and conserve more. Is that time okay, last point. In summary, by giving the CPUC uncapped authority on fixed charges, you are effectively asking low energy users to subsidize high-energy users without any guarantees that those same users will invest those savings in decarbonization. Thank you.
- Bill Allayaud
Hi, I'm Bill Allayaud with the Environmental Working Group. Good afternoon Chair and Members. We've been involved with consumer and environmental protection for 30 years.
- Bill Allayaud
We understand the need to electrify the grid in order to meet the goals of climate change, and it's that very context that we speak to in strong support of AB 1999 as California electrifies it even more important than ever that we do so efficiently and cost effectively.
- Bill Allayaud
The cheapest electron is the electron not used, and the next cheapest electron that required no infrastructure delivered to the end user. Energy efficiency conservation distributed energy resources are a critical part of how we are going to solve climate change, keep the lights on, and reduce costs for everyone.
- Bill Allayaud
A high fixed charge that is uncapped and unlimited runs counter to those goals. But prior to the prior per the prior witnesses testimony, the calculus regarding the impact a monthly fixed charge will have on some ratepayers is not clear. As clear as some would like to assert, we're worried about some Low income, middle income and apartment users.
- Bill Allayaud
Rates will actually not be helped and could even be higher. Meanwhile, turning to the proposed Bill, first is to not set or reset a fixed charge. That issue was decided last week by the Puccini, but it's currently composed. There's no cap on that fixed charge.
- Bill Allayaud
The utilities could come back in a few short years and ask for $5, $10 15% and pretty soon we're at 60, 70. Remember, they allegedly asked for 90 to 125 per month as a fixed charge. Importantly, the Bill adds very important side rails to the new scheme that the PUC has decided to implement.
- Bill Allayaud
There are some of the most. These are some of the most important. I won't hit them all. One is that modifications to the fixed charge must be done in a standalone proceeding, thus ensuring transparency to any changes in what will be a new world for both ratepayers and regulators.
- Bill Allayaud
Secondly, modifications must not unreasonably impair incentives for conservation, energy efficiency and beneficial electrification in greenhouse gas emissions reduction, an important principle to help us keep track with climate change efforts. 4th third, the modifications the amount of. You can wrap up. Okay.
- Bill Allayaud
Two sentences pursuant this vision will not exceed the change of inflation during the intervening period as measured by the CPI. Last but not least, it has a near term sunset. It makes sense for the PUC to reevaluate the sit and your Legislature to re evaluate the situation after a few, implement years of implementation to see what adjustments, if any, are needed. Thank you.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
All right, thank you. And before we continue, we're going to pause so that we can establish quorum. Madam Secretary, can you please call the roll?
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
All right, we'll go ahead and move to additional support testimony. If you would like to testify in support of AB 1999, you can please approach the microphone as a reminder. Name, affiliation and position. Thank you.
- Allison Hilliard
Thank you. Chair and Members, my name is Allison Hilliard with Reimagine Power here today on behalf of Santa Cruz County Democratic Central Committee, 350 Bay Area Action, Solar Technologies, the Energy Coalition, Amy's Roofing and Solar, San Francisco League of Conservation Voters, Hamed Climate Solution Foundations, Willard Neighborhood associations, Climate Action of Santa Cruz, Bay Area Clean Energy, Clean Air Coalition, Consumer Watchdog, Napa Climate Now, Hayward City Council Member.
- Daniel Goldstein
Daniel Goldstein, Albany Climate Action Coalition, Santa Cruz Climate Action Network, Recall Energy, Glendale Environmental Coalition, Solarworks Climate Hawks Vote, Sunflower Alliance, Long Beach Grey Panthers and Alameda County Democratic Party, all in support as well as six other individuals. Thank you.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you.
- McKinley Thompson-Morley
Hi there. McKinley Thompson, Morley. On behalf of the Solar Energy Industries Association, in support.
- Kimberly Stone
Good afternoon. Kim Stone. Stone Advocacy. On behalf of the California Solar and Storage Association, in enthusiastic support.
- Priscilla Quiroz
Priscilla Kudos. Here. On behalf of Advanced Energy United in support.
- Cassandra Marr
Good afternoon. Cassandra Marr. On behalf of the California Efficiency Demand Management Council in strong support. Thank you.
- Margrete Snyder
Meg Snyder, Axiom Advisors. On behalf of SunPower and Prolex, in support.
- Stephen King
Hi. Stephen King. On behalf of Environment California, in support.
- Jeff Niell
Jeff Neill, representing Contra Costa County, which wasn't able to get a letter in on time, but in support.
- Charlene Woodcock
Charlene Woodcock from Alameda County, Berkeley, speaking for myself, retired person.
- Lee Miller
Hi, my name is Lee Miller. I'm not sure if this is the time to make a public comment or not, but I reside here in Sacramento and I strongly urge you to vote in favor of AB 1999. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.
- Yvette DiCarlo
Hello. Yvette DiCarlo, public advocate in support of AB 1999. Thank you.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Okay, moving on to. Oh, sorry.
- Cherry Robinson
Hi, my name is Doctor Cherry Robinson. I'm with the Climate Reality Project in San Diego. We feel very strongly about passing AB 1999. We're in this for equity. We're in this for justice.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. And at this point, we can only accept name, affiliation and position. Thank you.
- Charlene Woodcock
I neglected to say I'm for.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. All right, moving on to witnesses in opposition. Approach the dais, the podium.
- Mike Campbell
Good morning. My name is Mike Campbell. I'm the assistant Deputy Director for Energy at the Public Advocates Office. I appreciate the opportunity to offer my testimony in respectful opposition of AB 1999 this afternoon. Our organization has a unique role in California energy policy and specifically on matters related to rate design.
- Mike Campbell
Statute requires us to take particular focus on representing the interests of residential and small business customers of the investor owned utilities. We constantly are working to find lower cost alternative to utility requests and we. Despite that, we do note that bills have significantly increased due to unprecedented investments over the last decade.
- Mike Campbell
We welcome efforts of this body to address the affordability crisis on the need to lower bills. However, AB 1999 is not a step in the right direction. It does not change utility profits and it does not change the amount of revenue the utility will collect. The Bill will limit the state's ability to further reduce electric rates.
- Mike Campbell
In line with recommendations for ratepayer advocates, we support income-based fixed charge as an important tool to make residential bills more fair, to make rates less punishing for households, particularly low-income households, and to make electric cars and appliances more economic compared to gasoline and other fossil alternatives.
- Mike Campbell
We were gratified to see the CPUC approve a reasonable fixed charge last week. That decision was similar to proposals that we made, as well as those of other organizations like Tern or NRDC. That rate structure was modeled after a program currently in place here in Sacramento from the Sacramento Municipal Utility District.
- Mike Campbell
Notably, the decision, and we appreciate it, was significantly lower than what the utilities proposed. We opposed the utility proposal because it would create Bill shocks for lower usage customers. The CPUC's decision took a more balanced approach and also did not entirely adopt our proposal.
- Mike Campbell
But the result will lower rates and help remove inequities in the current rate design. This is a step in the right direction. Although the program was just adopted last week, we are concerned that, and that it won't be incorporated into rates until around 2026. AB 1999 would effectively repeal it.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. That is two minutes, if you can.
- Mike Campbell
I'm sorry, I'll just note that the other issue is limiting the role to just non general rate. Case proceedings will make it more challenging for my rate design team to effectively make rates appropriate.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Okay, thank you.
- Merrian Borgeson
Good afternoon, Chair Petrie-Norris and Members of the Committee. My name is Merrian Borgeson. I'm with NRDC here in opposition to AB 1999. I think we can all agree that rates in California are not working. Roughly a quarter of Californians report being unable to pay their energy bills.
- Merrian Borgeson
We have loaded so many costs into rates that the price of consuming electricity in this state are some of the highest in the nation. We need to do a lot of things to fix this problem. We need to better scrutinize utility expenses. We need to pay for more costs through the state budget instead of regressively on energy bills. We need to consider new ways to fund the infrastructure investments we need.
- Merrian Borgeson
But none of these can actually as rapidly reduce the price of consuming electricity and relieve the burden of low income customers as an income graduated fixed charge. We're happy to share our analysis with you on this topic. I have heard people claim that because it will lower rates, a fixed charge will discourage conservation.
- Merrian Borgeson
I have worked on energy efficiency for about 20 years. I can tell you that that is not a salient argument. In a state with sky high prices. Who do you know that's currently wasting energy given our prices? That statement implies that our prices are not high enough, that people are just willy nilly wasting energy.
- Merrian Borgeson
If you look at who the big residential users are in California, they are people in hot climates and people with many people in their household. Those people are not just wasting energy. We currently force Californians who need to use air conditioning in the summer to pay a disproportionate share of things like wildfire expenses, nuclear decommissioning costs, and public purpose programs. That makes absolutely no sense. And it's directly harmful to our progress on climate to have electric rates that are three to four times the cost of providing clean power to new uses such as electric vehicles and heat pumps.
- Merrian Borgeson
We have to ensure that electrification is cheaper than fossil fuels. An income based fixed charge is a vital tool to better manage how we pay for shared costs. This bill hampers that progress and then reverses it in 2028. While this bill clearly aspires to contribute to solutions, and we appreciate that, it would in fact harm low income customers, create rate instability, and work against the imperative to electrify. We urge your no vote on this bill. Thank you.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. With that, we'll go ahead and move to additional testimony in the room. If you would like to testify in opposition to AB 1999, please approach the microphone and name, affiliation, and position.
- Unidentified Speaker
Hi, I'm actually speaking in support, but I was stuck in the line outside. So I just wanted to be here to say I came from San Diego with the nonprofit Activist San Diego. Can I give the the minute?
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
No, at this point we're just doing name, position, and affiliation.
- Unidentified Speaker
Okay. Activist San Diego, and I support.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you.
- Unidentified Speaker
Thank you.
- Michele Canales
Good afternoon. Michele Canales, Union of Concerned Scientists, in respectful opposition.
- Nico Molina
Good afternoon. Nico Molina on behalf of the Greenlining Institute, Carbon Zero Buildings, and the Central Valley Air Quality Coalition, all in respectful opposition. Thank you.
- Kent Kauss
Kent Kauss on behalf of SDG&E in opposition.
- Sara Fitzsimon
Good afternoon. Sara Fitzsimon for the Independent Energy Producers Association, respectfully in opposition. Thank you.
- Valerie Turella
Valerie Turella Vlahos, Pacific Gas and Electric Company, in opposition.
- Laura Parra
Laura Parra with Southern California Edison in opposition.
- Elizabeth Martinez
Elizabeth Martinez with Meruelo Enterprises, Herman Weissker, Doty Brothers, Tidwell, Select Electric, and Neal Electric. Thank you. In opposition. Thank you.
- Ralph Caban
Afternoon, Chair and Members of the Committee. My name is Ralph Caban, representing Meruelo Group and Meruelo Media, Power 106, 93.5 KDAY, Cali 93.9, 95.5 KLOS, TV Channel 22, and FujiSan Sushi, all California based companies. We urge you to vote no. Thank you.
- Cynthia Shallit
Cynthia Shallit, and I'm sorry. I'm here in support. I was standing out line in the really hot sun. I'm in support of this bill. I'm with California StateStrong and our 60 chapters statewide. Thank you.
- Steven King
My apologies. Forgot to mention earlier. Steven King on behalf of CALPIRG, also in support.
- Scott Wetch
Madam Chair and Members, Scott Wetch, on behalf of the California Coalition of Utility Employees and the California State Association of Electrical Workers, in strong opposition. Thank you.
- Julee Malinowski-Ball
Julee Malinowski on behalf of the California Electric Transportation Coalition. We don't have an official position yet. We're still assessing and concerned about the negative implications on electric vehicle deployment in California. Thank you.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. All right. We'll bring it back to the committee for questions or comments. Assembly Member Friedman.
- Laura Friedman
Thank you. Thanks to everybody for coming in. And I do have a question. First, it does seem that there is a shared value on the dais in terms of recognizing that we have unreasonably high electric rates and the need to reduce them both for the sake of our public, who's struggling to pay their utility bills, but also about the goals of electrification and the need to transition away from fossil fuels and to electrify more within people's homes, particularly, and to make room for the EV charging.
- Laura Friedman
So I am glad to see that there is that shared value. I, you know, take a small... I do think that while people aren't necessarily trying to waste energy, we do have people who are very inefficient in their energy use. We do have people who still build McMansions that are very expensive to heat and to cool.
- Laura Friedman
And so we sometimes do see people making decisions that are wasteful in terms of just energy use in general. We have people who are extremely thrifty in terms of their energy use, and we have to make sure that we encourage the latter and discourage the former.
- Laura Friedman
But I also, you know, think it's really important to always keep in mind that, because we want people to switch to induction stoves, to switch to EVs, that the biggest imperative has got to be making sure that the rates are encouraging that electrification and that electric switch.
- Laura Friedman
My question is actually from Mr. Plaisted, which is that I'm a little confused about a little bit of this because we have a lot of us on the dais who have the same goal, and yet we're coming to a different place as to what the policy is. It gets to be confusing for policymakers.
- Laura Friedman
So we all want to make sure that we do something that's equitable and that we help low income people. And at the same time we have the opponents of the bill who are, you know, concerned that that, with this bill, there's going to be higher rates instead of lower for that, that's more sensitive, price sensitive population. So how would you explain, since you've been done a lot of research in this area, how can you help us understand that confusion?
- Josh Plaisted
Yeah, I think the original proposal was good in the effect that it said $24 fixed charge for the general rate case and $6. Gave a steep discount. And we're on the record, our materials say that there should be a disparity between the $24 and the CARE and FERA cost. So that's going in the right direction.
- Josh Plaisted
We would definitely agree with that. The issue in regards to electrification. So I think everybody agrees to support the CARE and FERA customers, that we need to support that rate base. In regards to electrification, we need more significant rate reform to get there. So the 5 to 7 cents you're hearing aren't enough.
- Josh Plaisted
We need multiples of that to cost effectively decarbonize the built environment. So our position would be, yes, electrification, yes, decarbonization, but the fixed charge is not an accurate or surgical tool to do. It's not the most effective tool to enable electrification and decarbonization.
- Laura Friedman
Thank you. And I'll just say that I think it's really important that we do provide, that we focus our policies, too, on incentives to make people make that switch to those electrified appliances, to heat pumps, to induction stoves, to EVs.
- Laura Friedman
So I just want to throw that out to my colleagues, that to me, bringing the rates down is important on its own to protect people, but also to bring them down to where people don't find them a barrier to decarbonize. And so, you know, that's, that's the lens that I'm looking at a lot of this through. Thank you.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. Assembly Member Zbur.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
So I have, and I've spoken to the author a number of times. I've had concerns about this bill, and it's because, as I see it, it shifts costs from higher income single family homeowners that consume a lot of electricity to lower income households.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And I think a fixed charge that is income based is one of the ways in which you reduce the volumetric charge, which is in a important part of making sure that we, you know, that we actually have the right incentives to move to the electrification that we need for our transportation systems, for our vehicles and for our households.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
So if I sort of take a step back, you know, the thing that guides me is, you know, is what we're doing making it harder or easier for the PUC to establish a rate structure that is, one, equitable for our more vulnerable communities, for our lower income households, for our middle income households.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And it's also equitable when we think about the fact that you've got folks in sort of hotter climates, in rural climates that are being punished by higher volumetric rates. And so I think that what the PUC did recently was actually a pretty good outcome. I know that there was a lot of fear, and I know you were very nervous about where that would come out, but I think it came out in a pretty good place.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And what it will do, I think, is for most people and for most people that are on the lower income level, it will result in lower fees. And what I've, you know, what I've had, you know, what has made this a difficult issue is we have many folks that are supporting the bill that are rightly concerned about overall rates. I think, and I know that's what's motivating the bill.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
I know that that is a genuine and authentic concern that the author has and the bill supporters have. But when I look at the letters that come in, the focus is only on the fixed rate and not really on the combination. When we're talking about the electric bill, it's a combination of the fixed rate and the volumetric rate and what does that total look like? And so I have a lot of concerns about the bill hamstringing the PUC to make the right decisions in the long run.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
As this moves forward, I want the PUC to have the ability to basically make equitable decisions between folks that are in cooler climates that don't need as much electricity and hotter climates, to make decisions to protect lower income and middle income rate payers.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And so, and, you know, I'm very nervous about the fact that this undoes what I think was a good decision in a very short amount of time and then at the same time places limitations on what can happen going forward that I think limit the ability to have equitable outcomes.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
When I look at, I have great respect for a lot of the people that are supporting this. I mean, I've gotten literally hundreds of calls from people supporting this. And I understand what is behind that and its authentic concerns about electric rates.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And what I would say is that I also look at all the folks that are on the opposition side and the folks that are on the opposition side, including the union of Concerned Scientists, NRDC, the Greenlining Institute, the Public Advocate, TURN. They're the folks that actually have that have really significant expertise in this area. And I give a lot of weight to that, to those folks. Not that I don't have a lot of, you know, I've worked with all of you on the support side as well.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
But I think that, you know, I think when we look at all of these things, when I sort of take a step back, I just have great, great nervousness about both the undoing of the rates automatically happening and then the ability, the lack of ability to have flexibility in what we're doing for the fixed rate.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
I don't, you know, I don't criticize the Governor for coming forward with a fixed charge proposal. I think, I don't think that there was anything underhanded or devious about that. I think he was listening to experts that were trying to advocate for sort of equitable outcomes on this.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And frankly, a fixed charge that is at the right level, that is also income based is the way that we actually achieve our climate goals and create equity in our rates. And I think the last thing I'll say is I have a really a lot of concern about... We need to make sure that the incentives are in the right place to assure that rooftop solar continues to move forward in the right way and that we don't squelch it.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
But on the other hand, we have to think about the equities of basically wealthier homeowners who have the credit ratings to finance this stuff, and leaving a lot of people out where they basically have very low bills, where they're not paying their fair share for the things that we all should be sharing, everyone.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And so that's the other reason why I think a fixed charge done in the right way is a good thing. And we need low electric rates. It's not only about conserving. It is about conserving in terms of turning off the lights. It's about choosing the most energy efficient electric appliances, all of those things.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
But we also, our climate strategy is also about increasing electrification, and that means that our variable or volumetric rates have to be below the cost of natural gas. And so I hear that we may not be there close enough yet, but I don't want us to move in the wrong direction.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
We need to figure out how to get those volumetric rates down, not moving them up. So I'm wondering if the author is willing to consider taking out the undoing of this in 2026 and moving this to a pure study bill, because that's what was represented, that that's where we were. And then when I read it carefully, realized that that's not really what the bill was doing.
- Jacqui Irwin
All right, well you got a lot to say there, Mr. Zbur. So I want to be really clear that we are not fighting, we are not fighting the PUC decision. This is capping the PUC decision to CPI. And that is because right now it is uncapped and the IOUs can keep coming back and increasing the rate of the fixed charge. So what we are talking about is legislative accountability.
- Jacqui Irwin
I understand that you are fine with what the Governor did, but it was, we talked about that as legislative direction when we had no discussion in the Legislature about a decision that is affecting 80% of the population. So whether this is the right fixed fee or not, we don't know. But the Legislature has the responsibility of oversight. And so I think it's really important that we don't give that up.
- Jacqui Irwin
And we have heard, you know, there are many people that do not trust the PUC and would like to see some additional legislative oversight. To talk about this as something that allows the flat rate for a couple of years and then sunsets it right away is completely wrong.
- Jacqui Irwin
You get the data, how it's affecting low income households, how it's affecting electrification, how the utilities are lowering costs in other ways, and then the Legislature decides through a sunset process whether or not they want to continue with that bill.
- Jacqui Irwin
And I will tell you, if it turns out that the groups in support are correct, nothing is going to happen. It will be shown to have worked. It will be the right fee. But I will say this fee, even though we're not talking about the fee, is again to two times higher than the national average.
- Jacqui Irwin
So it is, I think it is imperative that we look at how this affects low income people and whether we are meeting our climate goals. And that's exactly what would happen in 2028. And I'd say it's very similar to any other sunset hearing. We have sunset hearings for all sorts of boards and bureaus.
- Jacqui Irwin
We don't cancel those boards and bureaus, but it's a time where they come back to the Legislature and prove, it's a time where we can make adjustments. In the Rev. And Tax realm, most of the bills that come through that committee have sunsets and people have to come back, for instance, with the film tax credit and show that it's working.
- Jacqui Irwin
So this is to have a report at the end of it and not have any ability to have legislative action, I think is... It doesn't have the type of interest and attention from all sides. And I do, you know, we absolutely agree with Public Advocates and NRDC. I mean, it is crazy what we are shoving into rates and that is affecting everybody across the board. And the final thing I'll say is the CARE people in, and I just want to restate that.
- Jacqui Irwin
We asked Ava, one of the CCAs, to look at Stockton, and I'm reemphasizing this, with the $24 fee, and half of the CARE folks had higher bills. Half. This was not, this is, this is not a, this is not a definitely, it helps lower income folks. Two thirds of the ratepayers overall had higher rates.
- Jacqui Irwin
And the people that had the biggest discount, which is the 10% discount, are the very high energy utilizers. And so this is just us with our legislative authority making sure that this is the right decision. And if it is shown to be the right decision, we are taking the PUC and all their experts, were taking their rate that they came up with.
- Jacqui Irwin
And we are making sure that it was the right decision to combat climate change and make sure that we protect our most vulnerable Californians and to make sure that we still encourage conservation and look at what's going overall with the rates. But for middle income working class people, this is all completely unsustainable. So this is just one of the moving the chairs around on the deck of the Titanic. We have to look at other cost saving measures.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
I guess one of the things is that when you undo the rate structure automatically, what it does do is it creates instability in terms of the rate structure and people making the investments to electrify now because they don't know what the volumetric rate is going to look like.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And you don't have the regulatory body which actually has the... I mean, as much as people don't trust the PUC at times, and obviously I've been critical of the PUC many times, the reality is that we have a regulatory process there that is one that takes into account the best evidence.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
We actually have advocates that appear before them. And so I would rather see something that results in a study. We have the ability for the three years coming up to look at what happens, and we can take action at that time if it looks like a change is being made in a way that we don't like.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
The other part of the proposal, which is the CPI proposal, it would prevent, for example, the PUC from changing a fixed charge at upper income levels because it's fixed to that level, when in fact, that's something we may need to keep the volumetric rates down and the rates down for lower income people. With the Chair's permission, I'd just like to ask the Public Advocate or NRDC to respond to the issue of whether or not this in fact helps or hurts lower income people.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Because the data that I've seen is that the folks under the most people under the Fair Act and under FERA would, if you actually had a higher fixed rate, if this was undone right at the end of that time, that most of those folks at the lower income levels, their overall rate would go up. And is that a wrong view based on what I've seen?
- Mike Campbell
Yeah. Some of the analysis, unfortunately, that has been presented here today, doesn't look at actual customer data, whereas what the Commission looked at and what advocates like ourselves use was actual customer data to predict what the outcomes would be.
- Mike Campbell
So, you know, statistic of saying half the low income customers will see an increase, that's far outweighed by the small size of that potential increase versus the upside benefit on the other side of the decrease for those low income customers who may be high usage.
- Mike Campbell
I just want to make clear for the Members that income and usage are not correlated. There are a lot of reasons why you can be a high usage, high income customer, as well as a very high usage, low income customers. I'm sure we can all think of what those scenarios might be. You know, we see that as being problematic. I don't know if you have more you want to add.
- Merrian Borgeson
Yeah, I mean, we know... I mean, at the very highest level, on average, low income customers will save six to $8 a month. Higher income customers will lose two to $3 a month. That's the sort of level of impact. That would be reversed if it suddenly changed.
- Merrian Borgeson
And I just also like to address this question of the CPI. It sounds like a great thing, right, limited to inflation. But what you do then is you're capping the fixed charge and all, any increases that are approved for the PUC then go into the volumetric rate.
- Merrian Borgeson
The other thing that that does, which I think is probably the most important issue, is then the PUC... The PUC basically chose the income categories they had available to them. CARE, FERA, everyone else. We had a proposal that had a middle income category.
- Merrian Borgeson
So essentially our proposal was to have a middle income category that was basically net neutral, like no impact, and then a higher income category that was a bit higher than the $24. You need that flexibility if you want to be able to have some of those adjustments that are going to increase the equity and who pays based on their ability to pay.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
This last thing. And I don't want to take more time, but if this was just a report that focused and added that into it, a middle income category, and what would happen, it would make that much easier for me. So anyway, I won't take any more time. And I also want to say, I respect the author, I respect the sponsors, I know that you all are motivated by the same things all of us are motivated for. And so I want to thank you for the attention you're paying.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Paying to making sure that ratepayers are treated fairly and are treated in an equitable way. I just have real concerns that this bill, you know, isn't doing what you're intending it to do. So thank you.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. Assemblymember Holden.
- Chris Holden
Thank you, Madam Chair. I, first of all, I thank you, Assemblymember, for bringing the bill forward, because I think that, as always, you're along with the rest of us, very concerned about rates and how to get a better handle on them.
- Chris Holden
I know you and I had an opportunity to chat about this bill, and I think, as it was described by our colleague, that the report part makes a lot of sense.
- Chris Holden
The predetermining an outcome in the report doesn't make as much sense, especially when I hear the testimony from your witnesses that say that this is an opportunity to reevaluate, to see if any adjustments are necessary.
- Chris Holden
Well, that makes sense because then we as a legislative body would be able to come together and through your Bill as a report, look at the information that is presented and make a determination on whether or not times have changed. What direction, is there necessary for rollback? What does that look like?
- Chris Holden
If so, do we hold at what the PUC had established? And describing it as a sunset hearing would further suggest that you gather the information and then you come together and you make a determination on what next looks like given the changes over that period of time. It can also include the PUC.
- Chris Holden
It doesn't have to be absent. This Committee does hearings, joint hearings, and also provides opportunities for the PUC to be a part of that.
- Chris Holden
So it can still be handled in a way that if we see that there's a need to do something different than what the PUC has currently ruled on and how we move forward in evaluating that, we can consider, I say we, I won't be here, but the Legislature can determine whether or not some form of a rollback makes sense.
- Chris Holden
But to have it established as a trigger in the bill, it goes into effect at the same time you're gathering the information. The conclusion has already been drawn, seems to be the cart before the horse. I want to support the concept that you're trying to get at. I can't support it with the rollback provision.
- Chris Holden
And there is real concern, and it stated in the analysis that volumetric uses is more regressive than fixed charge applied to all customers. And fairness and equity across the customer spectrum is our concern. And certainly something I think we need to make sure that we don't undermine.
- Chris Holden
We've taken a position now that would suggest that rolling back and putting pressure on other ratepayers is a good idea, which I don't think that it is. But I do support what you're trying to get at.
- Chris Holden
Like to try to figure out, as my colleague, what can be amended out of this Bill so that it's not so heavy weighted and predetermining outcomes. And then I would be more open to that.
- Jacqui Irwin
Flat fees are considered more if flat freeze care program is obviously those rates are much lower, but for lower middle all the way up, a flat rate is considered regressive. But I appreciate your comments.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Assemblymember Schiavo.
- Pilar Schiavo
So this is a complicated one. And, you know, it's hard because I have people that I respect and trust all have the best interests of consumers in mind on both sides of this issue today. And we have in our office gotten more calls on this Bill than any other Bill this year.
- Pilar Schiavo
And it's because people in our communities are fed up. They are stretched and stressed, and they are paying so much for their utility bills and really struggling. And I know, and I appreciate that you are really trying to do something about that and trying to make sure.
- Pilar Schiavo
What I appreciate about this Bill is that you're trying to make sure that what has been put forward by the CPUC, we have an opportunity to review and make sure it's actually working. It has the intended consequences. We talk about doing things here that have unintended consequences a lot.
- Pilar Schiavo
And so we all have had some frustrations with the CPUC and having some legislative trigger I think is really important for us to have an opportunity to see. I am completely open to the idea that the fixed charge is going to be better, and I hope that that is true, I do. 100% hope that it is true.
- Pilar Schiavo
Anything that is bringing down the cost of energy for people in our community, I want to see that happening. So if this is the thing that does that, great.
- Pilar Schiavo
I think that it's important for us to be able to see that that is true or not and have an opportunity to make adjustments if they're needed or change direction or give legislative direction to the CPUC that we didn't have an opportunity to do last time, unfortunately.
- Pilar Schiavo
And so, you know, I do have concerns around people who are stuck in the middle, and I appreciate that you all proposed something for folks who are in the middle, because I think there's a lot of people who are right up against, you know, the FERA income rates.
- Pilar Schiavo
But they don't qualify, and they are really stretched when it comes to utility costs and so figuring out something where they're not ending up paying more. And hopefully that doesn't happen with this. But we don't know. We just don't know.
- Pilar Schiavo
I hear lots of my staff love their SMUD bills and you don't hear that very often about utility bills, and that is a fixed rate. And so I'm hoping that this love can be transferred to other areas, but we truly do not know. It is brand new. It was last week that the CPUC did this right
- Pilar Schiavo
It's brand new. So that's really why I'm inclined to support it today. And I do, but I do hear concerns from my colleagues. I do hear valid concerns from colleagues.
- Pilar Schiavo
And I feel like there is still, you know, there's no such thing as a perfect bill, but there may be some movement that can bring more unity around the bill and the issue.
- Pilar Schiavo
And I would like to see that conversation continue because I hope that there can be some, you know, finding a sweet spot in the bill where people are a lot more comfortable with.
- Pilar Schiavo
And I think it gets to the goals that we all want to get to, which is lower rates for people and accountability to make sure that what is being implemented is working and working in the intended way and that we're preventing unintended consequences. And I think that's what we could all probably agree on.
- Pilar Schiavo
So I want to thank you for that. And I just, I'm curious if you are kind of open to continuing a conversation and making some tweaks as needed to hear from folks.
- Jacqui Irwin
This is, I know, a very late bill hearing, but it is the first hearing and certainly we have a long way to go, and we're happy to work with everybody until they feel comfortable with this bill.
- Jacqui Irwin
We definitely want accountability because we didn't have it the first time and we did not have the type of discussion that, that we're having right now the first time. So it has a long way to go, and I would certainly, like I said, continue to work with everybody.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you, Assemblymember Hart.
- Gregg Hart
I just want to appreciate the author, too, for taking on this issue. There's a lot of concern. I've gotten more correspondence from constituents about this bill than any other bill this session, and it does speak directly to concern that consumers have about utility rates. And the proposal that initially went in front of the CPUC was excessive.
- Gregg Hart
And I think that it's where we have landed with the $24 fixed rate fee is an appropriate place. And I think that this is extremely complicated. We have folks here at the dais telling us diametrically opposed things about the impact of that fixed rate charge.
- Gregg Hart
It's very difficult for us to parse through that, to know ultimately what the impact is going to be. But I think that my view is that the Public Advocates Office is the place to look for unbiased information.
- Eduardo Garcia
They're here explicitly saying that they think this is going to work and that it needs time to work and it needs the flexibility to be adaptable over time. And I recognize what you're trying to do with the CPI constraints, but I think we do need to give it that time.
- Gregg Hart
We need to let this have an opportunity to see the impact. A study bill that would look at that and pull that information apart, present that to the Legislature with the full understanding that we have the opportunity to make changes in the future would be, in my view, a better course than this bill as it's currently constructed.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. Assemblymember Santiago.
- Miguel Santiago
Thank you, Madam Chair. And I want to thank the author because she's taking the time to go back and forth. I'm really appreciative, and I go back and forth on this because I'm genuinely discerning what it actually might do. And I took a look at the bill over and over.
- Miguel Santiago
I've gone back and take a look at what the CPUC has done, and I'm not sure what the right answer necessarily is because if I was the PUC, I'd probably do something a little bit different. Maybe not what everybody would agree here on, but, you know, the idea of somebody who makes $100,000 paying $24 a fee, it's tough for me to reconcile with somebody making $5 million and paying the same $24.
- Miguel Santiago
I mean, that's what we're really talking about, the PUC. On the other hand, the thought of the increased cost of electricity does burden folks who are on the lower income scale. There's no other way to slice that. And in some cases, I guess I say all cases.
- Miguel Santiago
I would say people aspire to have a better energy efficient home, but if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. People aspire to have electrification, but you can't afford, you can't afford it. And so I recognize that the increase in then kilowatt cost is going to burden low income folks.
- Miguel Santiago
Now, I've got a number of calls, too, and I've talked to a number of advocates on all sides, and for those who don't think that, very few, that the increased amount per kilowatt isn't going to burden low income folks. Yes, it will, 100%. And the CPUC proposal is not perfect. I started with saying that.
- Miguel Santiago
And I've gone back and forth over and over, and I think this is a little bit of comment, but also some questions in there because, and I struggle with it genuinely, because if we're saying, you know, buy an increased cost of CPI, if there is a cost shift, I do agree, and maybe I don't share the agreement with the advocates for the Bill that there shouldn't be an increased cost to those who can afford it, because I think reasonable people would agree that Mark Zuckerberg can pay more than $24, but that's what he would pay under the CPUC proposal.
- Miguel Santiago
But the Bill said that in a few years, we sunset this and revert back to $5 and $10. At least that's the way I read it. When we take a look at the analysis on item two, it says, revokes electric IOU, residential income, graduated fixed charge on July 1, 2028 and repeals the authorizing statute.
- Miguel Santiago
Well, the authorized statute says the CPUC can take into account income when it bases its fees, which is what it's doing. Not perfect. And I agree, you know, I think reasonable people would agree that a person who's making $1.0 billion should be able to pay a lot more.
- Miguel Santiago
But if it reverts back to $5 and $10, then that person making $1 billion, that person making $1 million, is paying the same as that person making $100,000, which is $10.
- Miguel Santiago
But likewise, that person who is struggling to pay for their bills at $30,000 for a family of four or 50, whatever you want to peg it at, is paying $10, sorry, $5, only half that amount. So I get challenged with the equity piece of that.
- Miguel Santiago
While I share the goals, I mean, I completely share the goals to have solar paneling, to make sure that we move towards a cleaner environment, to make sure that we use less electricity when necessary. And if it does that, then I just got to wonder whether the cost of kilowatts goes up at that point in time.
- Miguel Santiago
Because the current proposal today, it's the CPUC. Even though I've been a critic of this CPUC, for those who have seen me chair a past committee or worked on different legislation, in fact, I've asked the CPUC to stop doing certain things the same way.
- Miguel Santiago
But if the kilowatts cost is driven down today based on their proposal, then we have to make an assumption that those folks on the lower economic scale who are using more electricity are decreasing cost.
- Miguel Santiago
Conversely, you can see the reverse if we go to 10 and $5 and it has to be a revenue adjustment to pay for maintenance grid and other things that we looked towards in reliability, that if the kilowatt goes up, then you are going to burden low income folks.
- Miguel Santiago
And that's where I struggle tremendously in making a decision on this because the easy thing to do is just say, hey, let's go forward and not ask these tough questions or take a look at these tough things.
- Miguel Santiago
But it's clear in the analysis of number three that it would remove the statutory authorization to make the fixed charge income graduated. And so I struggle with that. If this Bill said, okay, for income graduated decisions, or income would be used to set the fees in 2029, that would make me change my opinion very quickly.
- Miguel Santiago
But also, and I know it can't, it can't be done, what I'm about to say potentially, but if the kilowatts would cost more for those who could afford it versus those who can't afford it, that would be another income graduated.
- Miguel Santiago
So I guess I'm just really struggling with what the impact will be for those who are earning less. And that's where I really, really struggle. I know I've heard the argument before. Yeah, it's regressive to charge $25 to somebody, but that $25 ranges from somebody who may make 100,000 to somebody who makes 5 million.
- Miguel Santiago
So I think there is a big difference there on that dollar 25 charge. And I would agree with you, some people shouldn't pay it. Maybe the scale should be a lot different.
- Miguel Santiago
But I would aim and almost hope that this Bill would say something to the effect of the income based decisions on fees and the charge of electricity should be very important. Meeting all the environmental goals that we all have in mind.
- Miguel Santiago
It's just a very difficult issue because I understand we're trying to get to, and I want to get there too, reduce the cost of electricity, reduce what every consumer does, move towards electrification.
- Miguel Santiago
And I just want to maybe hear from one of the advocates in the back, like, how do you reconcile what I said, what the analysis looks at the caution, I would say, I don't want to put words in the person who wrote the analysis, the Chair, but how do you reconcile that with the fact that it actually might go up? And the Bill is not just a steady Bill.
- Miguel Santiago
Because it actually is very determinant on setting a timeline when this ends, which is the middle of 2028, and setting a new fee structure in 2029 that reverts to 5 and 10. And that's kind of where I struggle with. Thank you very much.
- Jacqui Irwin
I appreciate your struggles. And in some ways, you are actually making the case for the Bill that we need to see what the effect of this is. I just want to say with the 5 and 10 dollars, that's just reverting back to 2015 law. And in the Bill, it says the Commission may.
- Jacqui Irwin
So it's not set in stone that they would actually go to 5 and 10 dollars. And the other thing is, and I'm sure that the advocates would mention it, that right now there are three different income brackets, FERA, CARE, and everybody else.
- Jacqui Irwin
And as I've mentioned before, for working class folks, they're not included in the FERA and CARE plan. So that's the answer about the 5 and 10 dollars. I think you wanted to address some.
- Josh Plaisted
I think I can probably go there. It is a little confusing because you heard before, Miss Irwin just said this proposal is regressive by usage. The less you pay, the less you use, the more you pay. Right. If you're under the average usage, your Bill starts going up. But it's progressive by income bracket, where CARE and FERA are.
- Josh Plaisted
So one of the questions is, okay, for households that are low income but don't meet the CARE FERA threshold, like CARE is about 45,000, I believe, for a family of three here in California, there are plenty of working class families who will not meet that and end up paying the $24.
- Josh Plaisted
So they're kicking into this right there, clearly. And then the question becomes, okay, well, that money is going to CARE and FERA customers. And you said we need a study on this. So the Ava study, just to understand what Ava did, this is not modeling. They took their rate base of 500,000 households.
- Josh Plaisted
This is real data that they have that they're sitting on. And they said, if this proposed decision goes into effect, what is the impact on CARE and FERA?
- Josh Plaisted
When I say there's no impact on CARE and FERA, as a matter of fact, a little over half are going to have their bills go up, meaning the money did not go to CARE and FERA in Ava territory, over 500,000 households, it went to higher energy users.
- Josh Plaisted
So in that case, it is not progressive in Ava territory, according to their own analysis. And the reason is because these CARE households are using a fraction of the average. If you back the number out, those CARE households are not using 6200 kilowatt hours a year within California.
- Josh Plaisted
They're using closer to 2500 kilowatt hours a year in that territory, and that includes Stockton.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
All right. Thank you. Assemblymember Reyes.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank you, Madam Chair. I want to begin by appreciating the author. We've had a number of conversations over the period of time, and while it was going through amendments, and I think my colleague best described what I thought it was going to be was a study, a study Bill. And I think that is most appropriate.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I think trying to figure out whether, what the PUC has adopted, whether it works or it doesn't work. If it works, then we continue it. If it doesn't work, then we've got to do something different.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
There was one comment earlier that July 1 of 28 does not mean that on that date the fixed rate is not removed or, but in fact, the summary specifically states that it revokes that income, graduated fixed charge adopted by the CPUC. I want to be sure first. That's my first question. Is that correct that it does revoke it on July 1 of 2028?
- Jacqui Irwin
I mean, the date could certainly be changed to make sure that the Legislature has had ample time to look at the report that the PUC puts out.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
But specifically, the purpose is to revoke it. It's not on a particular date.
- Jacqui Irwin
And the purpose is to go through an effort to see whether this works or not. As I mentioned, we have hundreds of other items where we have sunset reviews and we do some slight tweaking, and I don't see any boards or bureaus or tax credits disappearing.
- Jacqui Irwin
This is really an effort to make sure that there are no big unintended consequences on Low income voters. And again, using real data in Stockton, half of the care folks had higher bills. And so Stockton is not indicative of necessarily the area you represent. But we just don't know. There is a lot of confusion on this issue.
- Jacqui Irwin
And so I think that it is really important to see what is the net result of the $24 fixed charge and the dates can be moved.
- Jacqui Irwin
Again, this is the first hearing in the first Committee and whether it can turn into a study Bill or whether the sunset, everybody can be convinced that the sunset is something that really has us all focused right at that time and make sure that the Legislature takes some accountability, I mean, takes accountability over the PUC.
- Jacqui Irwin
I think that those are questions as this Bill moves through the process.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I think that we would all agree that whatever action is taken by the PUC is action that we should review. I don't think you'll have anybody disagree with that.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
We've all had our opinions, as was stated earlier, regarding the actions of the PUC, it's clear that when we're talking about rates and rate design, those are two of the most complicated issues that have come through this Committee. I've been on the Committee since 2016, when I was first elected.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
And those issues and the question of affordability are the issues that we've been trying to tackle since we were here. My colleague is clear in her statement that our constituents are calling us all the time, telling us that they are paying too much in the utility bills. And they are absolutely correct in my community.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
And I know every community is different. And that's the beauty of California, that we are so diverse. And I think it's clear that we have to listen to our constituents. I will tell you that on this particular Bill, as I shared with you, I've received more calls from both sides.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I've received calls from people that I absolutely trust telling me, you've got to be for this Bill. And these are people I love and trust. And then I have others who are saying, you absolutely cannot be for this Bill.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I think that the voice of my constituents is the voice that has to be the loudest in the analysis. I always appreciate the analysis that is prepared. The last paragraph on page seven helps us to look at just, we can't have an action without a reaction somewhere else.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
And it says, electric costs may be likened to an inflated balloon. One can squeeze one side of it to make it smaller, but the result will be expansion in another area. The truth is, we can agree, disagree on how much the fixed charge is going to be or how much it ought to be.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
But whatever the amount is, the rest has to be covered through volumetric rates. There's no other way around this. And so who's going to use it the most? It's those people who don't have solar, whether it's because they can't afford it or because they're renters. My district has more than 50% renting as opposed to owning their home.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
The other is, we talk about energy efficiency. That's wonderful. If you own your own home, then you can have the studies done, you can do whatever you need to do in that home. But if you're renting, you do not have control over that.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
The other, and I think it was mentioned in the analysis, is there are some areas where people are going to use the air conditioning more than other places. That's my area. That's the Coachella area. There's so many areas where they. Absolutely, they have no choice.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
That's my community. I have also so many concerns about wanting to undo the CPUC's decision, because without a doubt, at least from what I have seen, that would mean that whether it's July 1 of 28 or 29, should the new Legislature decide to change the sunset, my community, without a doubt, will pay increased rates. With the $24 rate as a fixed charge in my CARE & FERA for my CARE & FERA, and even for my non-care customers in my area, they would all save between cents and up to $20 if it's $20.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
$20 may not seem like a whole lot for one community, but in another community, $20 a month when you're on fixed income, that means a lot. My colleague has also talked about the fact that talking about a study Bill, I do hope that that is something that you will absolutely consider in this.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
That is what I had hoped it was. I thought that is what it was. But there is so much more to this Bill than just a study Bill.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I think a study Bill is appropriate to see whether or not what has been adopted by these PUC really is saving money for those that it intended to save money on.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you, Assemblymember. Assemblymember Joe Patterson.
- Joe Patterson
Great. Thank you. I, too, have received more correspondence on this legislation than any other Bill since I've been a Legislator, which is only 18 months now. So take that for what you will. But just a couple things I want to mention is that I do think this is generally an issue with the budget trailer process.
- Joe Patterson
I think these are major changes that were made on policy areas that we didn't really have an opportunity to discuss in depth because of the trailer process. And I'm sure that's not the first time you'll hear it from my side of the aisle on various issues. But I just happen to be looking at.
- Joe Patterson
I happen to represent not only a large territory with an investor-owned utility, but I also have Muni in my district, Roseville Electric, which is. And in some areas in my district, people can see literally right across the street, they have Roseville Electricity, and here they have a different utility. And, you know, does.
- Joe Patterson
Is being a member of the Rockland City Council did create, honestly, somewhat of a competitive disadvantage for us, being able to track businesses versus going across the street to a different jurisdiction. And so, you know, people in my district are very passionate about that and also being a major new area.
- Joe Patterson
I mean, Placer County has been one of the fastest-growing counties in basically America, but definitely California over the last 10 years. And because of that, and because of the building codes, at least half the stock has some kind of solar on it. Housing stock has solar on it.
- Joe Patterson
And so when I look at, so I understand how a fixed charge can actually decrease the prices. In fact, Roseville has a $30 fixed charge, but also their rates for under 500 kilowatt hours are nine cents a kilowatt hour. Mine are 42 cents.
- Joe Patterson
Now my understanding is going up to $24 that I might save $1.50 on average in my district, $1.50 or a couple dollars. And so I think we have definitely a systemic issue with our electric prices here in California. And a lot of it is pain that maybe has been inflicted in this building itself.
- Joe Patterson
So, so I'm definitely cognizant of the things that are going to pass out of this Committee or not pass. And I did have, if you wouldn't mind, just for clarification, Chair, if I could ask a question of the opposition. Okay, great. Question for the NRDC.
- Joe Patterson
You had mentioned some things added to the Bill or added to utility costs and things like that. I was just wondering if maybe you could name a couple that particularly draw your ire.
- Unidentified Speaker
I wouldn't say it's necessarily ire. There's lots of things in the Bill that are shared costs that shouldn't be paid just by people based on usage. But, so the items that I would say are definitely not based on usage are things like the public purpose programs, like CARE & FERA, energy efficiency programs.
- Unidentified Speaker
There's the wildfire fund, there's nuclear decommissioning charges, and then there's a whole bunch of wildfire-related costs that are built into either the operating or capital expenses that I think could reasonably be paid by all folks, and not just folks based on energy usage.
- Joe Patterson
When you say all folks, you mean like the state's general fund?
- Unidentified Speaker
It could be state general's fund, yep. Or it could be as a fixed charge based on income.
- Joe Patterson
Well, I would definitely encourage the opponents of the measure to, and anybody to engage in identifying specific things that we can take out because I think we might find a lot of agreement on those sorts of things.
- Joe Patterson
But I mean, that's going to be, the difficulty in this building is coming to an agreement at the end of the day on what those things, because all of those things have value, but all of those things also drive up the cost of electricity. And that's something that I talk a lot in my district about.
- Joe Patterson
And just recently there was some legislation in a different Committee, actually it came through this Committee, too, I think, to expedite transmission. And I saw NRDC, along with others, oppose that and maybe for good reason. But, you know, if we don't cut some of this red tape, you know, these things cost money, time and money.
- Joe Patterson
So I think, you know, I think it's something we have to look at and has to be considered as part of the issue. And I also understand Roseville doesn't, which does an amazing job.
- Joe Patterson
I mean, they have like 100% approval rating and people always poke me in the eye at it, but they also don't have the same challenges, I think, in terms of, they're very obviously consolidated in a one close area. So that also has to be recognized with the responsibilities that they have versus others.
- Joe Patterson
But, well, you're welcome to my office anytime to talk about some things. You'd be willing to cut off the Bill? Cause I'm in favor of those automatically. And seeing if we can get some of those things put in the budget, like wildfire mitigation. I mean, that's a statewide issue, honestly.
- Joe Patterson
And if that's built into the rates and everybody's paying for it, including low-income customers, you know, I think that that's problematic, so.
- Joe Patterson
Lastly, I want to say that one thing I like about this Bill is, well, the one thing I don't like about it, I have to go back to my constituents and tell them, hey, we're locking in the $24.
- Joe Patterson
Out of the 400 emails, I've gotten, like 390 of them were in response to supporting the $10, the original language in this Bill. And so if I support this, I have to go back and say, hey, well, we're capping it at $24. And I don't think they're necessarily going to be happy with that, per se.
- Joe Patterson
But that's why I think the study is really important because we have to know if it actually is lowering rates, is it raising $1.50 or when it gets closer to the 9 cent kilowatt hour rate there? So I'm definitely interested in the discussion here. I'm leaning towards supporting this measure. I will say I don't think it has.
- Joe Patterson
At the end of the day, we're just taking buckets and we're moving it around. And I think that that's, and in my district, where I have tens of thousands of new builds and everybody has solar, my customers benefit with a lower fixed rate charge, or not my customers, my constituents, they're all my boss, bosses.
- Joe Patterson
And so I want to do what's best for them at the end of the day, but we're just mixing around who pays for what and we really need global change on this to lower and I'm always open to all conversations on that. So thank you very much.
- Jacqui Irwin
Thank you. Just quick comment on that. That's exactly the way I describe it, is moving chairs around on the Titanic. The bigger thing is we have to look at lowering costs for everybody.
- Jacqui Irwin
And I know that the Chair would like to do an affordability committee and look at all those added-on costs and programs and see how effective they are. I also am a big proponent of let's do some more time of use savings. I am very annoyed that the middle of the day for my IOU.
- Jacqui Irwin
It's not cheaper to charge car or charge batteries. That would certainly add to resiliency. We produce excess electricity at that time. Undergrounding, I think that often we are taking the most expensive approach by undergrounding. We should look at how do we build a resilient infrastructure in the safest, cheapest, and fastest way.
- Jacqui Irwin
And coding the lines is one study that I read is marginally, is just marginally right around just as safe. And we could be getting this, creating a much safer infrastructure much faster and cheaper.
- Jacqui Irwin
So I think it's just incumbent on us to look at all those things to lower costs because it's, we need to, as Assemblymember Reyes talks about the balloon, we're just squeezing the balloon in different areas.
- Jacqui Irwin
We really need to deflate the balloon and we need to look at seriously over the next few years how we do that with all the pressures that are on that utility Bill.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. Assemblymember Berman.
- Marc Berman
Thank you very much and thanks for the opportunity to sit in today. And I really want to thank the author for bringing this Bill forward and initiating this entire conversation that we're having, which was a conversation that was long overdue. It was a conversation we should have had in a hearing like this two years ago.
- Marc Berman
And I don't know about other folks, but as soon as the public became aware of what we had authorized the PUC to move forward on, my constituents lost their minds.
- Marc Berman
And this was, I remember the community coffees that I had at the end of last year where this was the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th thing that people brought up in very different diverse communities in my district, from Pacifica in the very Northwest to Saratoga in the very far South, very different socioeconomic communities, very different geographic communities.
- Marc Berman
Everybody was worried about what was being proposed at that point at the PUC. And I clearly and obviously and definitely think that we are more important than we are.
- Marc Berman
But I think your Bill that you proposed had a direct causation on the PUC's adoption of a $24 limit as opposed to a lot of the proposals that had been submitted that were three or four or five times higher than that. So thank you for introducing this Bill. Thank you for the work that you've done on it.
- Marc Berman
This is such a complicated issue that a lot of my colleagues have mentioned, and that's highlighted to me as I was looking through the couple hundred groups in support and the 20 groups who are opposed, and one group in support is the Climate Reality Project, San Diego, and one group that's opposed is the Climate Reality Project, Silicon Valley.
- Marc Berman
So two different groups of the same organization on opposite sides of this issue. And I think that shows that there are a ton of unknowns. We really don't know the impact that this policy is going to have on the different communities and like a lot of my colleagues have mentioned on the diverse communities across California.
- Marc Berman
And so I think that's why it's so important that we get good data back. I think it's so important that we get a good report back.
- Marc Berman
And then I think it's so important that we come back and we have a conversation just like this four or five years from now to determine whether or not this is the right policy in California and to determine whether or not there are small tweaks that we should make to the policy to make it better so that it's actually accomplishing the goals that we, the Legislature have set for the state, as opposed to handing that off to a different organization and just hoping that they do what we want them to do.
- Marc Berman
And so this is what you have in your Bill, is the ability to bring that back to the Legislature and for us as elected representatives of our communities to have those conversations and figure out what the right balance is for the policy.
- Marc Berman
And so I have no doubt that once this Bill passes out of this Committee that you will continue to work with the opposition, you will continue to work with all the stakeholders to make tweaks.
- Marc Berman
I'm sure that the final policy won't look like it does today, but I trust you to continue working on those, having those conversations and making those improvements if they're necessary. Maybe it's not CPI, maybe it's something else, maybe it's not four years, maybe it's five. That can all get worked out.
- Marc Berman
But I think that your effort has been incredibly important in making sure that the policy first, that we have the public transparency and conversations that the Legislature has that about the policy, and then we make sure that we retain that right to bring it back and have more conversations about it in the future. So I'm happy to support the Bill today. Thanks.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you, Assemblymember Berman. Seeing no further questions. Assemblymember Ting.
- Philip Ting
Thank you, Madam Chair. I just wanted to echo my colleague from Silicon Valley's points. I think that really having a Bill that takes another look at what we passed in our budget trailer process and really now that we're seeing it being implemented and we're going through a deliberative process, that my colleague from Thousand Oaks bringing forward this Bill, really allowing one to study, allowing all that data to be collected and then allowing the Legislature to again, take that data and then go through a review process.
- Philip Ting
It's very similar to what we do in business and professions and what we do in revenue tax. It's very common that we revisit a number of things that we pass, see how in fact they've worked, and we decide whether or not we want to continue along that path. I think that's a much more thoughtful approach than just passing it, ignoring it, and trusting that our regulators will just be fine with it.
- Philip Ting
Because as we all know, none of our constituents, none of the customers actually know any of the regulators, but they seem to know me when I'm in the grocery store and they seem to find me when I'm in the farmer's market and they seem to give me plenty, plenty of earful.
- Philip Ting
I'm going to have a budget town hall on Thursday. So I'm sure I'm going to hear about this item there. But again, I think it is absolutely critical. I think you had reiterated this earlier. I'm sorry, I was over another Committee, but you had reiterated, but that this is in fact, that the $10, the $5 that is permissive. It's not that you are mandating that it be lowered to that. Is that correct?
- Jacqui Irwin
It's permissive and it's just what current law is from 2015.
- Philip Ting
Right. And so again, so would the permissive language in fact impact the current PUC ruling, whatever that ruling may or may not be? I'm asking the author the question.
- Jacqui Irwin
You mean the number from last week?
- Philip Ting
Yes. Should that be passed?
- Jacqui Irwin
As you, and again, this is permissive here, but as you go through a, let's say, sunset review process, oversight by the Legislature, that rate can be put at any amount or at zero.
- Philip Ting
Absolutely. Right. But I'm saying that this Bill as it's written now, doesn't dictate that.
- Jacqui Irwin
It does not.
- Philip Ting
Correct. I'm just getting confirmation, just so we understand. Right? Because I think that there were a number of questions regarding the $5 and the $10 and whether, in fact, that was dictating that amount plus inflation.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
I will note, we've had a very robust discussion, and a number of Members, and I think you've heard loud and clear, that a number of Members really appreciate your focus on oversight, appreciate your focus on accountability, appreciate your focus on ensuring that this proposal is working the way that its architects intended.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
However, people have concerns about the way in which the language of this Bill handles the automatic sunset, the automatic reversion. I think you've heard that. And to be clear, the language of the Bill that is currently in print would revoke the current $24 a month fixed charge and go back to a $10 maximum.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
So it is permissive only in that it could be then a, you know, it could be 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. But the Bill is in print would automatically trigger that shift, which is what a number of Members have expressed concern about.
- Philip Ting
Got it. Meaning you could go lower than $10 but not higher than $10.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Correct. The Bill as in print.
- Jacqui Irwin
And it's just going back to what the current law is. The presumption is that you wouldn't have to go to that because you're going through a sunset hearing and having a much more robust discussion based on the data that you've collected over the last few years.
- Philip Ting
Understood. Thank you for that clarification. And again, I think this going through this process, whether it stays at this number as you go through the legislative process, my hope is that we can actually find what that potentially appropriate number may be.
- Philip Ting
I know that we're going through a very robust regulatory process, but I also think that we should also go through an equally robust legislative process, as this is really, you know, now that we're seeing exactly how the previous budget trailer Bill is actually being implemented.
- Philip Ting
So again, at this point, I am happy to continue to support the Bill as is written and appreciate you for, again, raising this issue and again, shepherding this issue through our process.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Okay. Thank you. Assemblymember Zbur, do you have a follow-up?
- Rick Chavez Zbur
So, you know, as I read the Bill, I read it. I think the way the Chair has described it, which is that it would sort of roll back and put in place something that doesn't go through the PUC.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
I'm just wondering if you're willing to consider making this sort of a true study Bill that something happens, but it isn't a rollback potentially, because for me it's, you know, I want the PUC to be able to evaluate all the equities that I think we all share.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And so something that is sort of this automatic rollback, even if it's what it is today, is not something I think is in the best interest of our ratepayers and the public and our climate change goals.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
And so I'm wondering if you're willing to continue working on the Bill to make it more of a steady Bill and also look at the CPI issue or not.
- Jacqui Irwin
I am definitely, I will definitely continue to work on the Bill.
- Jacqui Irwin
The concern is that we have so many study bills and the Legislature is much more focused if you are going through a sunset review, and again, I don't think any of you could name a Bill that has gone through a sunset review process in the last two years that has ended a program.
- Jacqui Irwin
There is robust discussion at that point. There's BMP hearings, there's analysis. There's other suggestions on how to fix things. I just want to make sure that we retain our oversight.
- Jacqui Irwin
But certainly, if the Bill gets out today, like I said, if there's a better way to do it that makes sure that the Legislature continues to focus on this issue, then I am definitely happy to look at that.
- Jacqui Irwin
And so I would just hope that you trust that I will get to a place that hopefully everybody's comfortable with.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Yeah, I think the concern I still have is the automatic rollback and the effect that that actually has on electrification investments. Knowing that something that doesn't go through a regulatory process with the time that that takes will happen automatically in a very short amount of time.
- Jacqui Irwin
Well, there's, there's been, there have been a number of hearings. I think it was PG&E that had a hearing just plopped in the middle because they needed a rate increase.
- Jacqui Irwin
So I don't think that, you know, we can look to make sure the timing works out, that there is time that we don't want to have uncertainty in the market. We want to just make sure that this flat rate does what it is supposed to do.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Assemblymember Holden.
- Chris Holden
Not to beat a dead horse, but for me, and I accept the commitment that you have as an author to continue to work on the Bill.
- Chris Holden
But at least I think in this particular instance, there's a highlighting of a very important component of the Bill that very clearly states that this is going to revoke, and this is, has nothing to do with Sunset Review.
- Chris Holden
Sunset Review can take on a variety of ways of looking at issues I've observed on business and profession for four or five years. So I understand that process.
- Chris Holden
But this specifically says revokes on July 1, 2028, the income graduated fixed charge for electric investor-owned utility residential customer recently adopted by the California Public Utilities Commission and replaces it with prior statutory language, capping the fixed charge at $5 for California, alternate rates for energy care discounted customers and $10 for everyone else. That's pretty clear.
- Chris Holden
So it would seem to me that if there's a commitment to pull that out, I guess I will support you moving forward. I will support the concept of studying and looking at how we can position this down the road to have additional information and then make further decisions at that time.
- Chris Holden
If this language is going to be left in the Bill, I will not be able to support it. I will vote to allow you to go forward today with the understanding, next Committee or at some point along the way or on the floor, this will be addressed.
- Chris Holden
But if it's not, then I'm not going to be able to support it.
- Jacqui Irwin
And again, the language, the idea is not to revoke, it's to go through a review.
- Chris Holden
And why does it say revoke?
- Jacqui Irwin
Well, this Bill was pulled, remember, it was pulled back, and we put the language together as quickly as we could to do what we thought we wanted to do. And so if some of the language is not precise, we'll certainly fix that. But the idea is to do the study and to do a review.
- Jacqui Irwin
Legislative review or legislative oversight. I'm not sure what I can commit to right now, but we can move the word revoke out, because that's certainly not the intention.
- Chris Holden
Look, Assemblymember Irwin. I value your leadership. I trust you. You've heard how I feel.
- Chris Holden
And so if you're saying that by the time this Bill shows up on the floor, there will be language that makes it clear that this is not predetermined in an outcome based on language that suggests that when the report comes forward, whatever it says that the outcome is going to be, that we will roll back to the earlier, as you said, statutory language that currently exists.
- Chris Holden
If you're talking about adjusting that, then that's what I would vote for on the floor. I will vote for, with the intention that you're going to move forward understanding that concern. It's not just mine. I've heard it from others. So if that's the case, I trust you. And you'll make that change? I'll be supportive.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Assemblymember Santiago.
- Miguel Santiago
Just so that I'm clear, I was going to ask a different question. Just so that I am clear. I'm asking the Chair because that's who normally, unless I can ask the author.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
You can ask the author whatever you want.
- Miguel Santiago
Yeah. And I always hate to ask this question from authors from the dais. Right? Because I didn't ask before, but. So has the Bill then changed, just so I understood correctly, to revoke the language of falling? Has the Bill changed then, if there is a current agreement, that it will not go to $5 or $10 under.
- Miguel Santiago
If there is an agreement. I don't want to put words in anybody's mouth, for sure. But is that what we're voting on today then? That it's not going to go back to $5 or $10? That it is in fact only going to stay at the current 24, 12, 6 with CPI?
- Miguel Santiago
Is that the understanding of what we're gonna be voting on? I don't wanna, I just wanna make sure that I'm clear.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
I think, I mean, I think you can ask the author what commitment she, if you want her to rearticulate what she just committed.
- Miguel Santiago
Yeah. Just to be clear, I'd rather be clear about what we're doing.
- Jacqui Irwin
We can again look at the language for. So, I mean, the main thing is we want to have a review by the Legislature. And so that goes beyond a study. It's a, it's a Sunset Review by the Legislature. And, but we can, if your concern is the 5 or 10, we can definitely work to fix that language. If your concern is the revoke.
- Miguel Santiago
I just want to be clear on, I want to be clear on what you agreed on so that I know what I'm voting on. Sorry that I jumped in.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
That is fine.
- Chris Holden
No, I'm just, I'm not trying to architect language today. I'm just reading what's in the analysis as I read all of the analysis. And I trust what's in the analysis. And what's in the analysis says revoke. Now you're indicating that you're flexible to try to adjust that language based on the concerns you've heard. And I'm trusting you to do that.
- Jacqui Irwin
I am. The presumption is that the understanding is it's a Sunset Review where the Legislature is able to have a discussion on it. But we could change. Yeah.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
And Assemblymember Santiago, if I can answer the question that perhaps you're asking, we are not going to come up with specific amendment today right now that we're going to vote on.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
My understanding, and, you know, the basis for my vote, based on what I hear the author saying, is that it is not her goal to revoke the fixed charge or undo the PUC decision.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
She is working to evaluate whether or not the fixed charge is working as intended and that she is open to modifying the mechanism by which that happens in order to address some of the concerns that Committee Members have surfaced in that the timing of the study with a revocation does not make sense. So that's what I heard the author commit to.
- Miguel Santiago
I heard something different. Just to be clear, what I heard, just to be clear on, I heard, yes, I'm gonna take out the revoking piece. That's why I wanted to be clear with you, Madam Chair, what it is that there's an agreement on.
- Miguel Santiago
And what my original question was gonna actually really be was on the graduated income, the way you put it, like, could there be consideration for graduated income as well? Because I think where my concern was coming from was making sure that low-income communities aren't burdened with a higher cost as an unintended consequence.
- Miguel Santiago
That's where I started, and that's where I'm going to end. And that's a question I would ask. But in between there, there was a question to ask, and I want to be very clear, because working on it is very different than committing to change that language so it doesn't read the way I understand it.
- Miguel Santiago
And I also trust the analysis that says, and number three, remove statutory authorization to make fixed charge economic graduated. And right before that, it says, you know, reinstates July 1, 2028, previous language capping the fixed at 5 or 10. Those are working towards and committing to do are two different things.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Yes. Understood. And to be clear, you should hear from the author in terms of what her intention is.
- Miguel Santiago
Yeah. And just maybe my question is on some consideration for graduated income, as is stated there, for those who are at the lower economic level, that they're not overburdened with higher cost of energy costs altogether.
- Jacqui Irwin
Like I have said before, this Bill has a very long and arduous trip through appropriations and then the floor. It has a long way to go. My intention is to have a report and to have a review oversight by the Legislature to make sure that it's working.
- Jacqui Irwin
And so we're calling that a Sunset Review just like with ENP, if there's, we are happy to change the language, if the concern is the revoked language. But that is my intention.
- Miguel Santiago
Just on the graduated income, because that's what they're calling it there. I mean, that's where my concern's at.
- Jacqui Irwin
And the PUC and all the advocacy groups did look at graduated income and came up with these three different the CARE & FERA and the third plan.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
All right. Thank you, Assemblymember. Assemblymember, Jim Patterson.
- Jim Patterson
Thank you. I think the value of having these kinds of discussions and having the robust interaction is very important. Initially, I thought I might be able to support this. I cannot support it now. The kinds of issues that have been raised, the uncertainty that's also been raised, the complexity, sometimes I wonder.
- Jim Patterson
I think the other Patterson here made the point about the buckets. The buckets are the problem. And until we dig down and fix the problems that are driving these rates sky high, we're going to have these kinds of discussions.
- Jim Patterson
And so I'm going to lay off, and I hope that the next time I see it, there are the kinds of changes necessary to win support of someone like me.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you, Vice Chair Patterson. All right, seeing no comments or questions. Oh, I'm sorry, Assemblymember Reyes.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I know the question was asked a number of ways. I just want to ask very directly, are you willing to amend this Bill to make it a study Bill that would be in line with how the Bill was characterized to me?
- Jacqui Irwin
When we talked about the Bill, I said there was a sunset, and I know you had interpreted that differently. I certainly was not, I was not trying to mislead. Again, this Bill has been in print for just a few days, and there is a lot of work still that we can do on it, but to turn it into a pure study Bill at this point, I am concerned that it will not have the same focus from the Legislature.
- Jacqui Irwin
So the idea of that at a certain date, it goes off the cliff and goes to 5 and $10. The concerns that Assemblymember Santiago has, we certainly, we will certainly continue to work on the language. All of you have another opportunity to look at it on the floor.
- Jacqui Irwin
It still has to go through appropriations, but at this point, to make it a pure study Bill, we have many, many, many study bills that end up in drawers. And with the Legislature not having a full discussion, and I don't think that that is fair to the people that are potentially negatively affected by this $24.
- Jacqui Irwin
I hope that the PUC study shows that this is very good for that. This moves things in the right direction. For lower income folks, that it also moves us to dealing with climate change as quickly as possible.
- Jacqui Irwin
But as we need to have this discussion again to really talk about who was positively affected, who was negatively affected, did we continue to move toward our goals? Did we continue to move toward electrification? Was the grid robust enough to actually handle the additional electrification? And what are the steps that we're doing to reduce overall costs?
- Jacqui Irwin
And that is a discussion that really needs to be had again. And there's no, you know, there's no guarantee of it if there's, if it's just turned into a study Bill. But certainly something I would consider. I would consider if, you know, we can't get there.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Well, the Bill has no language that requires a hearing on what you're going to find.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
So instead of a sunset date, perhaps there should be language that requires that there be a hearing in 2028 to review what has been studied, to review these charges, then have this Committee look at it then to see if something should be changed.
- Jacqui Irwin
I think we could definitely look at that. I think that's a, you know, anything that has that effect of the discussion happens in the Legislature?
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Well, I think that the language has to be in the Bill. I think as we have it now, it is a cliff and it is a revocation, even though I hear your commitment, it still will be revoked and we're going back to something else that does not take equity into consideration.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I'm very concerned about that. I think that the Bill can be salvaged, having it a study Bill, putting language into the Bill. And I'm not trying to dictate the language of your Bill. This is your Bill.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
I want to be able to study what the actions of the CPUC, but I don't want to revert to something that is not tenable for the majority of Californians, especially not in my district.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
And so that is the reason that I ask the question is if it can be a study Bill and instead of a sunset, that there be language in the Bill that says that it comes back to this Committee. We received the results of the study and the Committee, I won't be on it anymore.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Neither will you and many of my other colleagues. But our chair will still be here and some of the others will still be here. They can then look at what the study shows and determine what the next step is rather than saying it'll be revoked. Here's a sunset. Here's a deadline.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Instead, we have a study that will be reviewed by this very body to determine what the next step is without taking the power away from the PUC in as much as we have complaints about them. But to be able to study and bring it back here.
- Jacqui Irwin
We will work on language. And again, I do not want to make this a study Bill. So if there is, at this point, I would not like to make this a study Bill because I think this, we've really been thinking what the most effective way is for the Legislature to pay attention. If there is some other language.
- Jacqui Irwin
I do not know what it would be right now, but it is obvious that we need to work with everybody on the Committee because otherwise the Bill is never going to pass the floor.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
We don't have anything to work with right now until the study is done, and then I think this body should review it. But thank you so much. Thank you, Madam Chair.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. And Thank you, Members, for the robust discussion and debate. I think, as Assemblymember Berman noted. Oh, I'm so sorry. We have a couple of other folks who want to continue the robust discussion and debate. Assemblymember Wood.
- Jim Wood
I'm sorry I missed most of the robust discussion and debate. We were robustly discussing insurance in another Committee. So this, as written, this Bill would go and first of all, you know, I have reservations. So we've had some discussions. So this Bill would go into effect January 2026. If passed, when would this Bill go into effect?
- Jacqui Irwin
I assume that it goes, yeah, if the Bill passes, it would go into effect. I mean, it doesn't do anything because it wouldn't do anything right away because the flat fee that was already determined by the PUC is not going to go into effect till 2025 or 2026, depending on which IOU you're talking about.
- Jacqui Irwin
And then at that point the fee can increase by CPI. And so then at 2028. And what I've already said is we are happy to look at the dates this Bill came together, really, because it was, the Bill to overturn 205 was pulled away.
- Jacqui Irwin
And we put this Bill together to talk about, how do we evaluate what happened? What the flat fee will do to low-income households, to electrification, to our climate change goals? How many people end up with higher bills? We want to evaluate.
- Jacqui Irwin
We would like to have a report that evaluates all that and have a discussion, which generally in the Legislature is a sunset review. And right now the date is 2028 to do that. But we're happy to move that out further. The main thing is that we want to make sure that there is continued oversight by the Legislature.
- Jim Wood
Well, I guess part of my concern is you start looking at the dates, if this doesn't go into place until 2026, you're asking for a report by July of 2027. That's not very much time to collect any data. And unless I missed something if I did. But that's what I'm reading from the analysis here.
- Jim Wood
And then that revoke language that has spurred a lot of discussion here, happens on July 1, 2028, the ability for the Legislature to adjust and do something during our legislative process. It's pretty rare that you get any sort of legislative proposals through the Legislature by July of any year unless it's some urgency process.
- Jacqui Irwin
The idea is really to have two or three years of data and then the dates again can be adjusted. This is a Bill that we just turned into leg counsel because we were trying to meet the requests of the speaker, and so some of the dates could certainly be changed.
- Jacqui Irwin
Two or three years, we think, is enough time to be able to evaluate the data and to make sure, because if you have, if you, if you wait too long for this review and it ends up hurting low-income taxpayers in the CARE & FERA plan, we don't necessarily want to keep this plan in place. We would like to see an adjustment.
- Jim Wood
Well, hasn't SMUD been doing this for years? They have a fixed charge. They've had it for years. I mean.
- Jacqui Irwin
But SMUD's bills are also 55% lower.
- Jim Wood
But that's not the point. The point is they've had one for years. And so there's certainly data there to suggest what it might, what the impacts might be. Obviously, populations are different, but there is data.
- Jacqui Irwin
Well, and what. Maybe you can talk about the.
- Unidentified Speaker
Oh, to the. I mean, an analysis that was done by Ava Energy, formerly known as East Bay Community Energy, serves Oakland, Livermore, Tracy, and moving into Stockton in 2025. They did do an impact analysis across their 500,000 households to see what the impact of the proposed decision would be and with regards to CARE & FERA programs are showing.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Can you pull your microphone a little closer?
- Unidentified Speaker
Oh, sorry. I'm too far back. They did not show significant savings for CARE & FERA customers. As a matter of fact, in their existing territory, they saw a marginal increase for the CARE & FERA customers and then approximately a median increase of $75 for the general rate base. So there is some analysis by a CCA, Ava energy.
- Jim Wood
Okay, well, like I said, I apologize that I missed a lot of the debate here, but I have concerns. I will.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
I'm going to be laying off on this today.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. Assembly Member. Assembly Member Holden. zero, did you, did you want to. Sorry. No, I'll just repeat myself. Okay. All right. Well, once again, I guess I'm struck by a couple of things.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
So first, and I think others have, have pointed this out, I really do appreciate the shared focus on affordability and equity that we've heard from both the proponents of this measure as well as the opponents of the measure.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
I'm also struck by the fact that the proponents and the opponents have very different analysis and have drawn very different conclusions about what impact the fixed rate charge is going to have on Californians.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
And I know, I think it's that uncertainty that, in my mind does make it appropriate for us to ensure that we do evaluate whether or not the fixed rate decision that's been taken by the PUC is working in the ways in which the architects believe that it will and is.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Assembly Member Chava said, we all hope that it will. And so I know that that is very much in the spirit with which the author has brought forward this accountability, this oversight.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
I do believe you've heard loud and clear that there are very widespread concerns from Committee Members about the way in which the sunset review and evaluation has been structured.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
I trust that you will continue to work both with the opposition as well as with Committee Members, to thread that needle and ensure that there's neither a cliff nor something that is entirely toothless and ignored. I also want to echo points that others have raised.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
And I think that the firestorm that this Bill really has set off on both sides, the amount of attention that this measure has received, I think really is a testament, and I think we all need to be listening.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
It's a testament to just how frustrated and angry our constituents are about their electricity bills and how much they feel like rates are out of control. Well, this Bill, and I think we all have our own analogies. I mean, this is a Bill that's essentially about, we're fighting over how do we divvy up the pie. Right?
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
How do we slice the pie? And certainly we want to all, and I know I speak on my behalf of the author, we really want to dig into a fight around how do we start to shrink that pie so that when constituents are opening their bills, they've got a pleasant surprise on the other side.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
So look forward to continuing that work with you, with the other Members of the Committee, and. Okay with that. Would you like to close?
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
All right. Well, I would like to thank this Committee for holding the hearing. And as we saw today, this subject really needed debate a number of years ago. It should not have been passed as a budget trailer Bill.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Legislative oversight is the crux of AB 1999, and this Bill will, as we have talked about many times, will require the PUC to report on the results of the fixed charge and make sure that we are moving in the direction that we want to move. I hope that we can have further discussion. I am certainly open to.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
I am open to discussing your concerns if we move forward. And we really need to think about our constituents and doing everything we can, as the chair said, to deal with these runaway utility rates. So with that, I respectfully ask for your. I vote.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. We need a motion and a second. All right. Motion from assemblymember shiabo second from assemblymember Ting. zero, sorry. Assembly Member Friedman. Second, Assembly Member Ting. Madam Secretary, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Okay, 80. That measure is on call, and we will leave the roll open for absent Members to add on. We're going to leave the roll open for five minutes. We're going to then conclude this portion of today's hearing at 340. We're going to take a brief recess and. zero, there we go. Okay.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Madam Secretary, if you can, please.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
All right, 90. That measure is out. What we're going to do now is briefly recess and then transition to the second part of today's proceedings. We are going to begin our oversight hearing at 340. Thank you. First time here at 50.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Good afternoon, and thank you, everyone, for your patience. This is a two parter for the Assembly, utilities, and energy Committee today would like to call this hearing to order.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
We are here for an oversight hearing focusing on the activities of the Energy Commission and their new division of Petroleum market oversight in monitoring and reporting on the oil and gasoline industry. The Committee is welcoming the participation of a number of our colleagues who helped negotiate Senate Bill SBX 1.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Two Assembly Members, Irwin, Lee and Garcia, may be joining us at some point to participate. Just a couple of housekeeping measures before we jump into the hearing. As is customary, I will maintain decorum throughout the hearing. Any conduct that disrupts our proceedings will not be permitted. Any individual who is disrupted may be removed.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
We will be having public comment at the end of the panelist discussion. For decades, Californians have seen gas prices rise and fluctuate wildly, prices that are much higher than the rest of the nation. These high prices hurt hard working California families, and our constituents are, with reason, frustrated and upset. They want answers. They want solutions.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
We're here today for the newly established Division of Petroleum Market Oversight to provide an update on their efforts to monitor the oil and gasoline industry.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Last year's special session provided a number of tools to not only the division, but the Energy Commission, as well as the Department of Tax and Fee Administration to collect data, crunch numbers and come back to the Legislature to share what problems, if any, may be present in the market.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
I want to note that we had emphasized at that time our expectation that actions be data driven and examine both the supply and demand that is impacting market behavior. Welcome insights today from the panelists on these points and really look forward to hearing today's discussion.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
With that, I will turn it over to any of my colleagues who might wish to make opening remarks. All right, hearing and seeing none. Thank you so much. We've invited the agencies to join us as our first panel and provide us an update on the work that they've been doing. Let's see. I'm going to ask all of the panelists to come on up to the dais, provide opening statements, and then we'll open it up to Committee Members for questions.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
We are hearing today from Siva Gunda, the Vice Chair of the California Energy Commission, Tai Milder, the Director of the Division of Petroleum market oversight within the California Energy Commission, and Nicolas Maduros, the Director of the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for your patience. And Vice Chair Gunda, I believe we're going to begin with you.
- Siva Gunda
Yes, now it's working. Thank you. Good afternoon, chair and the Members of the Committee, thank you so much for having us here today to provide a brief update on the implementation of SPX 1.2, some initial observations that we are able to deduce, and some preliminary options on the table that we are beginning to explore.
- Siva Gunda
I'm Siva Gunda, currently serving as the Vice Chair of the California Energy Commission. For the record, and I imagine you have the printed decks with you, so I'm going to keep moving to the next slide, please, before we go into the observations that the agencies are able to pull together just at a high level.
- Siva Gunda
Chair Yu summarized it really well at the start of this. So we have been seeing a number of price spikes, especially we had three over the last five years, leaving out the COVID years. So you have 320192022 and 2023.
- Siva Gunda
We had those spikes that really triggered the conversation around how to make sure we have options and opportunities to reduce those spikes and eliminate them.
- Siva Gunda
One of the core issues that we were able to kind of premise this conversation last year was when the Legislature asked us last year about this time if we could explain what was going on in the market during the price spikes.
- Siva Gunda
We had little to no visibility except some broad strokes that we could observe from the data we had. So we would really like to extend our thanks to the Legislature for giving us the tools, especially on the transparency, which really drives some of the insights we have that we're able to share with you today.
- Siva Gunda
The third element that the Legislature has pointed out last year during the discussions was little to no incentive for the industry to necessarily manage the market, the spikes in the market that we were seeing, and it was essential to understand what is causing those spikes and what can be done.
- Siva Gunda
And there was also an understanding in the SPX 12 that these price spikes, given the overall demand destruction that's happening in the petroleum industry because of our growth in the electric vehicles and other climate measures that the state has been taking, that this is going to be a long road that we have to really think about the transition thoughtfully and ensure the consumers are protected at the end of the day.
- Siva Gunda
And the spirit of SPX 12 is really giving the state agencies some new tools to really kind of point to how do we protect the consumers at the end of the day. With that, the next slide, please.
- Siva Gunda
So this chart just revises the information we've shown you in the past with additional information that we collected in 2023. As you see there, there are two fundamental trends that I want to allude to. But let's just set the chart here.
- Siva Gunda
The top chart in the chart, the top line, the green line, is the California average retail prices. Then you see in red the US average. And finally the difference between them. Two things to observe there. As chair, as you mentioned, it's really time to think through the data driven approach here. Two things to observe.
- Siva Gunda
One, there is a slight divergence between California and the US averages. That was a problem that was noted last year. But more so, these extraordinary spikes that we saw. And what was happening in those spikes, specifically to call out in 2022, that difference between California and the rest of the US was almost $2.59.
- Siva Gunda
And in 2023, that was $2.25. And those were extraordinary highs that needed answers from the agencies. And thank you again for the tools you provided us. Go to the next slide, please. So then, kind of contextualizing the price spikes.
- Siva Gunda
Given that much of the discussion here was to ensure that we have a transparent conversation around the price spikes, it's important to just down the overall price that is seen at the pump into the key components.
- Siva Gunda
So what you see here, this is a dashboard that the Energy Commission has developed since the passage of the Bill last year, where all the data we are gathering is now put publicly, respecting the confidentiality rules.
- Siva Gunda
So what you see there at the bottom four, the flat lines or the flat area curves, is the taxes and fees in California. So it's important to note that that does contribute to the overall price in California. But it's also important to note that it is pretty stable. The price spikes do not come from them.
- Siva Gunda
It is a portion of the overall price, but the price spikes don't come from them. The second element on the top of that is directing your attention to the green portion there. That is the crude oil prices. The crude oil prices that we have in California and the US and the globe broadly, are indexed globally.
- Siva Gunda
So any price spikes that you see on the crude oil front is seen by the rest of the US and California. So those price spikes in the crude oil absolutely contribute to the price of the pump, but that is something we all see across the country.
- Siva Gunda
So now comes the unique portions of what sets California apart in this pricing. So the light blue and the dark blue portions are of interest for us because the rest of the pieces are either stable or are not within the California jurisdiction as it pertains to the crude oil prices.
- Siva Gunda
So the other two are the refinery margins and the retail margins. And it's important to, again, just define them. This is when we talk about refinery margin, we're talking about the acquisition of the crude oil costs. And when they process that and sell it out of the refinery gate at the wholesale, what is that margin?
- Siva Gunda
And that margin fluctuates a lot. And so that is what we are focusing on one part, and the second part is on the top of that. When the retail outlets, they buy that, the wholesale price in a product, the commodity, and then sell it at the retail outlets, and there is a margin on the top of that.
- Siva Gunda
So now, given the focus of those two, we just want to remind again that much of the SPX was looking at the refinery margin, but there is a secondary effect on the retail margin, which I would like to just emphasize, and some of the speakers today are going to emphasize that further. So next slide, please.
- Siva Gunda
So what you're seeing here in blue now is the summation of the taxes, the crude oil and the refinery. So now all we're doing in this one, in the green is isolating the retail portion or the retail margins that contribute to the overall price at the pump.
- Siva Gunda
The importance here that we want to draw your attention to is when there is a spike in the wholesale price of gasoline, refined gasoline, that obviously comes along with the refinery margin. But what it does is it induces a secondary spike in the retail margin.
- Siva Gunda
And this is what we talk about, up like a rocket, down like a feather on the retail side. So when you see a wholesale refined gasoline gallon going up, spiking the retail prices, catch up with that. But when the wholesale spot prices are coming down on the refinery wholesale part, the retail does not come down immediately.
- Siva Gunda
It slowly comes down. So that secondary kind of induction of these refinery spikes, or the margin spikes, really does affect the consumers at the end of the day for a much longer period of time. Next slide, please, and the next slide. So I want to now touch upon just quickly some of the implementation.
- Siva Gunda
The slide deck that we used for the Senate hearing last week is broadly the same deck, but we did, given the timing here, we pared down a little bit, and some of those slides are put in the extra slides for you.
- Siva Gunda
But I will try to summarize a number of our slides, implementation update slides on this one slide here. So when we think about the SPX 1.2, there are broadly six categories of work that the Legislature has asked us to work on.
- Siva Gunda
And the first one, obviously one of the most important ones that we spent the last nine months on is data collection and monitoring and improving our visibility of the industry just at a very high level for those of us who work in data.
- Siva Gunda
It takes a lot of time to, one, get the right data, two, to process it, and then to be able to ask what the missing data is. So it's an iterative process that I want to just highlight for the Legislature here.
- Siva Gunda
That's a work that we do in a very iterative process to ensure that we have the right data.
- Siva Gunda
So up to now, conservatively, we estimate about 15,000 hours, staff hours have been put into developing those data forms, collecting the data that we have as of today, and being able to summarize that in addition to the support that we have from DPML, CDTFA, who are represented here, and some of the consultants we have, obviously, I want to note it here before we jump into the questions.
- Siva Gunda
It's a collective expertise and an all government approach here. All three agencies are working here closely, and to the extent that we need expertise from outside, we have been able to bring in two industry consultants on board to help all of us. Second, I would like to go into the refinery maintenance and monitoring.
- Siva Gunda
This was an important element of the legislation. It expands the CEC's data collection in this area. So we are able to now look up front and say, when are the planned outages happening in a planned maintenance happening? And it's first of all, having a visibility on what those planned maintenance events does to the prices.
- Siva Gunda
I want to note it here that this is a very deliberative process. We have not made any decisions on this particular area other than making sure we fully gather that information. We are closely working with Dir.
- Siva Gunda
Department of Industry Relations to ensure that any data that we are gathering and subsequent action we may take takes into account the safety of the workers and ensure that we are doing that in a very deliberative and careful manner. Third, we were asked to look at the refinery margin.
- Siva Gunda
I'm going to go down and up the refinery margin. We have had two workshops to date where we both gathered some initial framing. What does even putting a gross margin means and what does a cap really do to the overall prices?
- Siva Gunda
We've done two workshops and happy to go into questions on that, but at this point we have multiple testimonies on what that can do, and that's the data that the staff are looking through to provide a recommendation to the Commission later this year.
- Siva Gunda
Another important element on the margin penalty is we have put out what is called an information request from stakeholders. We've requested options on what the Commission should consider in developing the penalty framework, and that has just closed and we're reviewing that information as well.
- Siva Gunda
I will let Director Milder to talk about the market oversight analysis in a little bit and just to kind of touch at the top, given that this problem of the gas price lines and the price spikes and the overall transition of our petroleum products in California is not going to go away, thank the Legislature on asking us to do two policy documents.
- Siva Gunda
One is transportation fuels assessment. This is really the first assessment that the Energy Commission has conducted.
- Siva Gunda
The draft is out, and we are reviewing the comments right now as one laid out the overall ecosystem of the industry, but then put out a bunch of options on the table that could be and can be considered as we move forward into the transition.
- Siva Gunda
The CARB, California Resources Board and us are jointly required to do the transition plan, and the transmission plan is currently being kicked off. And then we have some meetings coming up.
- Siva Gunda
We did one workshop where we presented how the transition plan is going to take the analysis and options from the assessment and going to run through that next slide to provide just a quick summary. Again, this is a chart. We can refer back to this. A number of actions have been taken.
- Siva Gunda
It's been nine months, about 10 months now, since the Bill became a law.
- Siva Gunda
Much of our work early on was to ensure that we provide administrative support in standing up the DPMO, which Director Milder is going to talk about, and that's what CEC is doing as it pertains to DPMO, is one, provide administrative support, but also provide analysis of some of our early data as they were building their team.
- Siva Gunda
So Director Malder and his team can look into some of the data and make some initial observations. As I mentioned, we have now gone through a number of data related proceedings. We have two data related rulemakings that were started, and I will come back to that in question and answers.
- Siva Gunda
And finally, the transition plan has been also kicked off. Again, I'm putting this slightly quickly, so in interest of time, and we'll circle back in q and a with that. I'll pass it to Director Milder to discuss his division, but also some initial observations.
- Tai Milder
Great. Thank you to the Vice Chair. Thank you to Members of the Committee. My name is Tai Milder. I'm the Director of the new division of Petroleum market Oversight. As we go to the next slide, and actually the one past that as well. We are the independent consumer protection entity within the CEC.
- Tai Milder
Our mandate is to protect consumers, and that mandate comes directly from the California gas price gouging and transparency law itself. We look for market design flaws, market power abuses, and any other anti competitive conduct. Our mission is broad because the challenge is large. As you know, we've had price spikes in three of the last five years.
- Tai Milder
The two years without price spikes were during the pandemic when demand fell off of a cliff. On the next chart you'll see how we are building the new division. Our focus is on investigations and economics. We have four investigative council and three professional economists in our chart.
- Tai Milder
Of the 10 total positions we've already hired, nine, although not all have started work yet. We hope to be fully staffed by the end of June. My own background is in law enforcement and that's the perspective that DPMO will approach our mandate with. We will follow the facts wherever they lead.
- Tai Milder
We are independent in our decision making and we promote transparency and seek accountability as we move to the next slide. In a moment, we're gonna talk about some of our early observations from our oversight role.
- Tai Milder
Before doing that, I wanna reiterate this is a data driven approach and we want to thank the CEC for their work and collaboration. Overall, a lot of that data, the lion's share of that data is going through CEC and much of it is new from the transparency tools in the new law.
- Tai Milder
My comments today are going to focus mostly on the refining sector of the industry. These are large industrial scale operations processing crude oil into transportation fuels, gasoline, diesel, jet fuel among them. In California, four companies control over 90% of our refining capacity, which means it's a highly concentrated market from an economics or an antitrust perspective.
- Tai Milder
We're going to share three charts with you today and then talk briefly about DPMO's policy recommendations. The first chart here is going to reference the work, which you probably know from Professor Bornstein at UC Berkeley, who's on the panel later, and he'll explain the methodology that he uses.
- Tai Milder
His work, which is independent from DPMO, has shown that retail gasoline prices in California are inflated even after you account for taxes and fees. That trend, as you see by the vertical red line, started in 2015 following the explosion at a refinery in Torrance, California.
- Tai Milder
In the years that followed that explosion, the higher retail prices have persisted even between years where we have these price spikes. So we try to demonstrate that those inflated prices with the red arrows there. DPMO is working on identifying the potential causes for these inflated prices from the refinery level to the retail level.
- Tai Milder
Looking at this chart, the peak, the highest part of the mystery gas surcharge, was also during the gasoline price spikes in 2022, which preceded the passage of the Bill. Some of our early work has been to look at the price spikes to try to understand why they happen and where the profits go during the price spikes.
- Tai Milder
Turning to our next slide, when we see price spikes, one question that I think a lot of consumers have is where is that money going for those higher prices? We all know that taxes and fees, as the Vice Chair mentioned, are stable from month to month, so the price spikes are not related to taxes and fees.
- Tai Milder
We're at the early stages of digging into the data, but I asked our economics team to look at the last two price spikes, September 2023 and September 2022. That's what's displayed on this chart. Looking at the data, one trend is immediately clear. Price spikes are profit spikes for the oil industry.
- Tai Milder
In 2022, the refinery margin went up over 250%. In 2023, it went up almost 220% for the months of September. This refinery margin is where the refinery profits are. It's the difference between the cost of the crude oil and the sales price at what is basically the wholesale level.
- Tai Milder
Any retail margin is on top of this refinery margin. Some of our refineries in California sell largely at the wholesale level, but some of our biggest refiners do sell at retail. So this chart likely understates their profitability during price spikes.
- Tai Milder
In our final slide, I'll explain how our team did these calculations and how refiner margins are correlated with retail prices. So I'm going to try and explain what's on this chart, and with apologies, it is sort of small. The bottom chart compares the refinery margin over time.
- Tai Milder
Our economics team did this by looking back at the refinery margin before 2015, before the first big price spike, and then adjusting for inflation. And the question is, how do refinery profits compare now to when they did in this benchmark period? Again, the orange charts demonstrate that the refinery margin is often up over 200% during price spikes.
- Tai Milder
We then look to see what was happening at the retail margin when that refinery margin was spiking. That's the top chart with the orange arrows. When those arrows go up, you see prices moving above $5 a gallon, and in 2022, even above $6 a gallon, we are seeing a clear pattern.
- Tai Milder
Price spikes at the pump coincide with profit spikes at the refinery level. I want to focus your attention in particular on the red box that's highlighted there. These months line up with the Legislature's finding that the extreme price spikes were consistent with opportunistic price gouging in 2022.
- Tai Milder
If you compare the red box and look down at the refinery margins, you see that's the highest spike in the refinery margin, which was up 257% in September of 2022. These sudden and large increases in price, they're not based on increases in cost because the margin is where the profit comes from.
- Tai Milder
So I'm going to finish and hand it over to Director Maduros, but I want to highlight some of DPMO's policy recommendations that we've made related to price spikes. In September 2023, we provided an interim update on the gasoline market to the governor's office and to the Legislature.
- Tai Milder
I'm not going to try and summarize all the details here, but we saw that a single trade on the spot market could spike the market up, the price up by almost 50 cents. And that spot market price quickly translated to the wholesale and then the retail level, meaning prices went up statewide because of one trade.
- Tai Milder
The underlying core problems that we identified was that there was inadequate inventories of gasoline and blend stocks, which were a result of our refineries creating conditions of undersupply during maintenance. After we issued that public letter, the Governor directed the division to provide policy options for reforming the market, and we did that in January with two central recommendations.
- Tai Milder
First, we should democratize the data and publish a public spot market report to increase transparency so consumers can see why prices at the pump are going up. Second, there should be minimum inventory and resupply requirements for refiners to help buffer the state against the impact of maintenance. I want to underscore this last point.
- Tai Milder
Thanks to the new law, refineries are required to report how much substitute supply they are getting from out of state when they are planning to do repairs. That data shed new light on the fact that the refiners were causing conditions of undersupply by not securing adequate replacement supply in 2023 during maintenance.
- Tai Milder
We saw a similar pattern this spring, and prices rose as well. To reiterate, these policy recommendations are aimed at the refiner level and at addressing price spikes. We are also seeing the persistently high margins at the retail level as Professor Borenstein has focused on, which are not an issue of taxes and fees.
- Tai Milder
EPMO's analysis at the retail level is ongoing and it's already been the focus of some important work by our colleagues at CDTFA, so I'm happy to turn it over to Director Maduros.
- Nicolas Maduros
Thank you so much, and thank you Members of the Committee for Having me. I'd also like to give a big thanks to the team at CDTFA and to the Energy Commission for their work in putting out this first gas price report. Also, thank you to industry, many in the industry who cooperated with us in gathering the data.
- Nicolas Maduros
The report is long. I hope some of you will take the time to look through it, but today I will try to be brief and just hit a few highlights.
- Nicolas Maduros
This first slide here takes a look at the state's taxes on gasoline, which last fiscal year generated about $8.7 billion, plus an additional 866 million in district sales and use taxes, which were applied in benefit all of our cities and counties around the state.
- Nicolas Maduros
The structure of these taxes was changed in 2010 with the gas tax swap, which was designed to be revenue neutral. The swap eliminated the state portion of the sales tax on gas. So we have a very Low statewide sales tax on gasoline.
- Nicolas Maduros
It's just two and a quarter percent, as opposed to the seven and a quarter percent that we pay for other tangible personal property here in the state. At the same time, it increased the excise tax and had it adjusted annually for inflation.
- Nicolas Maduros
One thing that Lao has noted is that they've projected a 65% drop in the excise tax revenue over the next 10 years as Californians purchase more zero emission vehicles.
- Nicolas Maduros
So the transition that CEC is working on for the gasoline market is also implicates the transition that the state will have to find in revenue sources to support our transportation transportation infrastructure if we can move on to the next slide. As has been mentioned, our research primarily focused on the retail market. And you can see here the.
- Nicolas Maduros
Well, you can't see because the print is very small. You can see if you have bionic vision, the range of retail margins, which is the difference between the wholesale price paid by gas stations and the retail price that motorists pay at the pump. A couple of interesting points here.
- Nicolas Maduros
If you look at the retail margins, they have increased substantially, outpacing the rate of inflation here in the state. And for some of the retail brands, they are now averaging a margin of about a dollar per gallon, which is used to be seen only in price spikes. And now these are annual average retail margins.
- Nicolas Maduros
You can also see that the price spread between the highest priced gasoline and the lowest priced gasoline has almost tripled over the last 10 years or so. So this is a very good time to be a gasoline station operator in the State of California.
- Nicolas Maduros
The important thing to notice or to note that I think is, is really important for Californians is that all of this gas is basically the same. It's stored in the same tanks, it's swapped between refiners. It all meets the CARB spec.
- Nicolas Maduros
If you look online, you'll see consumers worrying about watery gasoline and refusing to buy from certain stations. There's clearly a lot of misunderstanding, and that confusion is costing Californians a lot of money. The only difference is what cleaning additive is mixed in.
- Nicolas Maduros
Generally at the rack when the truck is loading up with the fuel, all California gas must have an additive approved by the Air Resources Board. Some brands have their own proprietary blends. The data show that these additives may add less than a penny to the wholesale cost of the gasoline.
- Nicolas Maduros
And yet, if you could see this chart, you could see that, zero, you have it good. It's $0.60 more per gallon.
- Siva Gunda
All of these materials in your packets as well. Thank you.
- Nicolas Maduros
So, less than a penny and it shows up, as, you know, as much as a 60 cent difference in price. The next slide, just very briefly, we identified a number of additional issues that we will be looking at, just to highlight a few of them. One is the interplay between volatility and high retail margins.
- Nicolas Maduros
As was mentioned earlier, there's this expression in gas pricing. Up like a rocket, down like a feather. That is certainly what we've seen in the data. Looking at 10 years of price data for every gas station in the State of California every day. When prices increase rapidly, it takes about five days for retail prices to catch up.
- Nicolas Maduros
When prices drop rapidly, it takes 34 days for the retail prices to come back in line. So given that lingering impact of price spikes, it's really important that the state figure out some way to mitigate these price fluctuations.
- Nicolas Maduros
Two shift in pricing strategies I mentioned the growing gap, price between, or price gap between highest priced brands and lowest priced brands. We're looking at the data to see how price moves by a single market participant, even at the Low end of the market, can impact pricing throughout the change.
- Nicolas Maduros
Because if you look at the pricing strategies of the various brands in particular, they all appear to, they're all different, but they all move, sort.
- Nicolas Maduros
In unison. Three, the impact of local competition. Our preliminary analysis indicates that, on average, having a competing station within a half mile can impact prices by 2.6 cents per gallon to 4.6 cents per gallon, with a greater impact if the nearby station is unbranded, which typically sells at a lower price. Each additional station within that radius decreases prices about 0.7 cents per gallon. So we're continuing to look into that to provide you with more data as the state figures out what to do about the transportation infrastructure here. For the use of new pricing software, gas prices are increasingly driven by commercial pricing software, with algorithms telling sellers what to charge to maximize profits.
- Nicolas Maduros
It appears that many in the market at all levels are using such software, and concerningly, it appears that many are using the exact same software. So we'll be doing more investigation to that and we'll provide data as we have it. And fifth, retail ownership concentration. Some companies are taking ownership interest in large numbers of California gas stations. The traditional data collection that CEC was doing didn't capture all of this information. So it is one of the areas that we will now have access to. So our teams are assessing the extent and impact of these market shifts. With that, I'll turn it back to Vice Chair Gunda.
- Siva Gunda
Thank you. Director Maduros. So going to the next slide, I would like to now bring the overall insights into one cohesive framing here again. So I again thank Director Maduros and Director Milder for providing insights that they have observed both on the refinery margins, but also the retail margins and how that constitutes into the totality of the prices at the pump.
- Siva Gunda
So I want to go back to one of the slides we started the build discussion with last year and just updated for 2023. What we see here are about five colors or stack of different values, but I would like to direct the Members to just looking at the bottom three and top two differently. So one, just kind of going back to our original framing. The bottom three, whether it's taxes and fees or environmental programs, are pretty stable. So it does not mean that they don't contribute to the prices at the pump, but they don't cause price spikes. That's the key takeaway from that.
- Siva Gunda
And so that is within the context of what we do in California. Two, the crude oil prices. While that contributes to the spikes, we can't mitigate that given that it's globally indexed and anchored. Now then, the two points of focus for us over the conversation the last year and a half has been really looking at the refinery margins and the retail margins. So now I would like to introduce the spot market again into the conversation.
- Siva Gunda
As Director Milder mentioned. Given that the wholesale prices of refined gasoline is indexed to the spot market prices, and as Director Milder mentioned, a single spot market price could move the entirety of the wholesale price up or down. So that is the importance of the spot market. And then because of the refinery margins introducing the retail margin spikes, you have the secondary impact. So it's really important for us to just look at the spot market prices and the importance of that as it pertains to the rest of the discussion. So I'm going to go to the next slide.
- Siva Gunda
So now, bringing that together, sorry, there's a lot of charts here, and we thought this is the best way to kind of provide some of the visual insights here. What you're seeing here are three lines across January 19, sorry, January 2019. And we talked about three spikes over the last five years. The top line, again, is the California retail price. The second one there is the spot market price. So the spot market price could be thought about as the proxy for the wholesale prices of refined gasoline in California. And then at the bottom is the defined margin. So those are the three lines that you're seeing.
- Siva Gunda
And I think visually, beyond the statistics that we are conducting behind the scenes of this data, it is really important to note the clear correlation between those three movements. And the spot market prices moves the refinery margins, and that moves the overall prices at the pump. That's just data. That's what we are seeing. They are statistically correlated.
- Siva Gunda
And the importance of that is, what do the spot market prices, how are the spot market prices themselves moving up, and what are the conditions taking that? And so that moves us to the next slide. And this, I think, is really, again, thanks to the Legislature for giving all the tools we have today to improve the transparency. And again, as we were asked a question like this 14-15 months ago, we really didn't have an answer as to why these were moving. And if there is one chart that I am proud of between the three of us working together is this, and this is data driven.
- Siva Gunda
And there is no ambiguity of this, which what you're seeing here is mass balance. So basically, you're saying, okay, spot market prices are really important for setting the wholesale prices of the defined products. And it's really important then, in terms of secondary effects on the retail margins. So then why is the spot market moving? So what you see here is the data of all the spot market rates, and that those spot market rates could be extremely small. For example, we in California use about a gallon per day per person. About 38 million gallons of refined fuel moves, and about 100,000 gallons could entirely move this up or down.
- Siva Gunda
And so it's important to understand how those spot market prices are set up. And every single entity, whether it's a trader, whether it's a refiner, all the market players are doing this math in their own way, but generally they're seeing the same trend. And what you're seeing here is when the fuel on the horizon between what we have in terms of refining capacity, you remove all the planned outages, you remove all the unplanned outages. You're just looking at what can be refined in California. You're taking that and you're adding to that, how much storage inventory do we have in California?
- Siva Gunda
That's two. And three. How many ships of refined fuel and blend stock are in the ocean near the ports? Those three gives you the idea of how much fuel availability do we have? And then I understand on a weekly level, the demand, the potential demand. And when you normalize that, basically what you're seeing here is when the fuel inventory falls below 16 days, the spot markets prices just spike through the roof. So that's what you're seeing here. So everything contributes to this math.
- Siva Gunda
So how much storage we have, how many ships are circling the coast of California with refined fuel, and how many planned outages do we have? All of that computes into how much fuel liquidity do I have out there? And as the number of days drops down, you see a hockey stick effect. And if there is one thing we want to take away is how do we as a state, with all the tools we have, maintain liquidity of more than 15-16 days worth of fuel in California going into a summer? So that's the takeaway from this chart. Next slide, please. So what are we doing going into the summer?
- Siva Gunda
Given that Director Milder talked about the importance of spot market and the wholesale prices we are now talking about, how do we ensure we protect the consumers this summer? As we've seen between the 2022 and 2023, the 2023 price spikes were a little lower. And we would attribute partly that to transparency and being able for everybody observing this. And I want to take a minute here to talk about some of the good faith discussions we are hoping and we hope we are having with the industry.
- Siva Gunda
The industry has been open in providing some of the data, and they are right now trying to work with us on thinking through how to make sure that there is liquidity in the market. And what can they do to create certain, meet certain targets for the summer. So between transparency and those targets, I think those are the best tools we have today, based on the Bill and based on all the tools you've given us to go into the summer to mitigate those price spikes that are driven by spot market spikes. Next slide.
- Siva Gunda
So now, going into the transportation fuel assessment, I want to close with a couple of slides here. So the fuel assessment then is looking at, okay, we have this problem both in the short term and in the long term. And given that this problem is not going to go away, especially because you have the overall demand is going to continue to reduce in California. We now know from the data that 2017 has been our maximum consumption, and today we have an EV penetration of one in four of new sales, and it's going to continue to go forward.
- Siva Gunda
We expect that as the vehicle miles traveled catches up with that coming to kind of penetration, you could see a pretty significant decline in gasoline usage in California. And market will do what market will do, and the market players will begin to think about whether they want to keep a refinery open in California or not. And that is going to change the overall refining product we have in California. And so that is really what the fuels assessment is trying to do. As you move forward, what are the options, both in the near term and in the long term, to ensure that we are ultimately protecting the consumers of California?
- Siva Gunda
Storage seems to be a very good answer to think about. How do we create more storage of the fuel that will allow us to absorb these spikes and volatility. Fuel blends has been put out by some of the stakeholders on. Given that most of the states in the west have their own unique blends, would a regional blend allow for more liquidity in the market? So that has been put on the table. There are some highly complex ones, whether there is a way to regulate the market in a way, in a cost of service or utility model, those have been presented, and I probably expect you'll hear that from your next panel. How do we ensure imports are actually coming in at a certain rate to allow for the liquidity?
- Siva Gunda
And finally, the demand side strategies. I think demand side strategies are extremely important in terms of ensuring that we have a clear line of sight to what the demand is going to be. Some of the stakeholders have put on some ideas about potential free ridership on transit during the summer months to mitigate directly impact on their household incomes. Especially the low income communities have put that as an important element. So that's what you will see in the transportation fuel assessment and happy to discuss some of those ideas further.
- Siva Gunda
And finally closing off with next steps and timing, we're going to continue our data collection efforts. Market oversight analysis is continuing. As we mentioned, we have some initial thoughts and framing on what a penalty framework could look like. The Commission has not made a decision. We are going to continue to do a couple more workshops, really review all the stakeholder comments and the staff will present some recommendation to the Commission at a future date. The refinery maintenance and monitoring, that's something we talked about.
- Siva Gunda
One of the most important parts is understanding the visibility of the planned outages or the planned maintenance closures. It's important to note that in good faith, if we take the industry's input on good faith, none of the industry players know what the other industry player is doing. So if they do not know, there is no real way to think about if there is any way to optimize, any way to shift those timings without making sure that safety is of our highest priority. If there is wiggle room, the industry would not know that today.
- Siva Gunda
And having the agency have some line of communication and what those outages are and having the ability to discuss with them about the room they have in those planned maintenance is a valuable tool and obviously the penalty will be continued to work on. And we kick started the fuels transition plan.
- Siva Gunda
And as my closing, it's important to kind of note that over the last three years, when we had the price spikes, there was no regulatory paradigm and the price spikes happened. And moving forward, without any regulatory paradigm, we don't have the confidence that those price spikes won't happen. I'm not advocating for any single regulatory paradigm, but it's important to note that the tools that you've given us have at least helped us establish the problem and help us put some solutions on the table for discussion. And we look forward to the engagement with the Legislature and your guidance to think about how best to protect Californians. Thank you.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. Thank you so much for those comments and for the work that you're doing. Let's go ahead, we'll go ahead and open it up for questions or comments from Committee Members before we move to our next panel. Assemblymember Schiavo.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you so much for this information. We have been waiting with bated breath for this, and I have to apologize. I was out for part of it, but watching on my phone while I was walking over here. And so I just want to make sure what I heard in transit is correct. So I was looking at this one, which is particularly interesting to me and what you said is what the Legislator, what the Legislature believed to be true was true, is that oil companies were greatly profiting off these price spikes that we saw in 2022. Is that correct?
- Tai Milder
- Pilar Schiavo
Yeah. So and so. And can you explain, again, margins or profits? Is that what you're saying?
- Tai Milder
So margins already account for the cost of crude oil. That's the biggest input cost on refining. There are other costs associated with refining, but that margin, you can compare it to margins in other parts of the country, for example, is high by any standard. And I think the way to measure it, like apples to apples in California, is to look before the price spikes started in 2015, at least the biggest price spike, and compare the margin and to see it go up by over 200%, I think, only yields that conclusion.
- Pilar Schiavo
Absolutely. I hearken back to our hearings in this Committee on the Bill last year, and one of the things that the industry kept saying is it was supply and demand, supply and demand, but they control supply. And so then if you can charge as much as you want to by controlling supply, then you can artificially increase the price to wherever you want it to go, basically. Right?
- Tai Milder
Yeah. I think it's really important also to understand that demand is inelastic, which is an economics term. But what it really means is a low income worker who has to drive to get to their job, may not live near mass transit, doesn't have any choice but to buy gasoline. And so I think it's important to recognize that price spikes hit disproportionately the lower income households the hardest.
- Pilar Schiavo
Yes, absolutely. And I heard people in my district talking about, you know, not being able to afford to go to work. I have someone who was so grateful that they could work from home because they couldn't afford to drive to work if they had to. The other thing, Mister Gunda, that you raised is around the regulation piece of this. And that until there's regulation, that this will be, that there will be this kind of volatility and these huge spikes in gas prices. And we saw them even this weekend, I feel like there was a big spike. I was driving to an event. And so I was in the Inglewood area, and I saw gas. I got off the highway. It was $6.89 a gallon on Saturday, and the next, and that was at a name brand gas station.
- Pilar Schiavo
And then the next morning, I drove by the gas station that I used to go to when I had a car that used gas. And I always track where that gas station is because it's usually the lowest. And it was $5.29. So it's over a dollar difference in less than 24 hours. And so I think it speaks to also the concern around retailers really taking advantage of being able to charge exorbitant prices as well. And that's certainly impacting people in our community. I don't know if you have any more comments on that.
- Siva Gunda
Yes, ma'am. Thank you for that. I think. Absolutely. From where we are looking, just starting off with the data and as we present it to you today, and I think it's important to note in good faith discussions with the refining industry. So we at the CEC has a slightly different job. We are trying to look at what can we do to mitigate the price spikes. And if there is market power, market manipulation, we look to DPMO for guidance on those issues. But even in our good faith discussions, I don't think the industry would say they're not making money during the time. Right. It's about then, as you pointed out, it's really around the supply. And I would like to make sure that we kind of have the data driven factual observations. When the market is tight, today the industry does not have incentive to bring in more fuel.
- Siva Gunda
They don't have to do anything illegal. And I would not accuse of that. It's just that they have their contractual agreements that they have to honor. And so when the overall refining capacity goes down, most of the industry meet their contractual obligations. But what we are seeing here is if the overall liquidity in the market goes below just those contractual obligations, we see the spikes. So the question then becomes, just on a fact based process, how do we increase the liquidity in the market? And if there is no market incentive for a market player to increase that liquidity, what can we do within the tools that you've given us and maybe more to help induce that.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you. And it's encouraging to hear that the industry has been speaking and coordinating in good faith or cooperating in good faith. And I think that there, if you were to ask constituents in my community if some regulations, if they would support regulations that would bring the cost of gas down, then they would be all for it. And I feel like that's kind of where people are, at least in my district, is that whatever we can do to bring down the cost of gas, that's what people want to see happen.
- Pilar Schiavo
And so this data obviously is really critical for us to figure out now what, what policy steps that we can take to make sure that we address, you know, these breaks basically in supply that lead to these huge spikes that really make people suffer trying to figure out how they're going to get gas in their car.
- Siva Gunda
Just on the closure on that one. I just want to reiterate this, the hard stuff for us has been the magnitude of the work and how do we do this quickly but thoughtfully with the industry? We recognize that there is a lot of expertise with the industry on thinking through how to navigate these price spikes. And so what, we will always have different perspectives. Industry, I still feel like there isn't enough time to go through some of these actions that the Commission is considering right now. But we are trying our hardest to ensure that there is public process, there is conversation to ensure at the same time to come to some fact based observations as quickly as we can so we can provide you with the tools that we can support the consumers at the end of the day.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you, Assemblymember Irwin.
- Jacqui Irwin
Thank you very much. This is, well, at least for Alex and I, very, very exciting, because the way the Legislature has responded in general to these price spikes is a Select Committee, and then we talk a lot and then nothing happens and then the prices go down. And when we were working on this Bill, it was really about data. And then to actually now have the data collected and you're able to do an analysis based on the data, I think is really moving the state in the, in the right direction. So, and I don't know, did you get appointed today? I didn't approve. Did the Senate?
- Tai Milder
Not unless it happened while we were in here.
- Jacqui Irwin
Oh, okay. All right. Well, so how large is, how large is DPMO? How many people do you think that you're gonna be having there eventually?
- Tai Milder
Yeah. But a total of 10 positions, and glad to report that we've filled nine, although not everyone has started, and that's largely professional economists and investigative council with the idea that we're going to follow the data, use the data from the statute to understand what's happening in the market.
- Jacqui Irwin
Okay. And so, you know, this was really about the excess profits penalty. And, but one of the, one of the things that we, that was in the Bill is to make sure that anything you do does not adversely affect supply or consumer prices. And there's a list of things that you have to be wary of. So I presume that as you're thinking through whether you're going to actually apply this penalty, that you are looking at the effect on consumers. And have we come close to actually triggering the penalty based on the data?
- Tai Milder
Yeah. So on the penalty, the CEC has the authority to enact the penalty. And so DPMO is giving input on that process. And I think one of the really critical things that the Vice Chair mentioned is incentives. So, usually in a market that's functioning where there's not some type of market failure, often where the market's not as concentrated as the one that we see, is high prices attract more supply.
- Tai Milder
And so if high prices, though, attracted supply, we wouldn't have seen the problems that we've seen, because the price spikes would get mitigated very quickly by the market itself. So something's not working in the market so that high prices aren't bringing supply in quickly enough. And that's, as the Vice Chair indicated, because the incentives may not be aligned for the refiners to bring in more product because they benefit from the high prices.
- Tai Milder
So I think, as we look at the margin, the penalty, obviously, just giving input, I think critical to understand, would a potential penalty change those incentives to make refiners actually bring in more product? Because if you can't make astronomical profits on a smaller set of transactions, you have to take a reasonable amount of profit on more transactions. The hope would be that it incentivizes refiners to produce more and to import more. But those are questions that the Energy Commission is going to be addressing with the use of data and experts, and that process is ongoing.
- Siva Gunda
Yeah, I'll just add to it. I think Director Milder really summarized that well. Assemblymember Irwin, again, thank you for your leadership on this. I think the way we are thinking about the penalty, again, ultimately, is what Director Milder mentioned. If the problem statement is more liquidity in the market, will the penalty help increase the slack in the market with more fuel? So we've had two workshops. As we mentioned, we got a number of different comments. We had industry experts weighing in. We had some of the environmental justice community's labor weigh in. Who you'll hear from next.
- Siva Gunda
I think what we have summarized now is there are three ways to think about this, at a minimum and to the point on timing. Later this year, there'll be a recommendation from the staff on this. I think the first point is to Director Milder's point. If there is a cap, by economic theory, it should maximize the refining capacity in California. So the question is, how much more refining capacity do we have, if any, and will it be maximized? So that's the first point. So by maximizing that refining capacity, you'll increase the liquidity.
- Siva Gunda
Two, even if you maximize the refining capacity, if you're not starting with enough inventory to begin with, in a crunch summertime, are we bringing enough imports? Would a penalty increase the imports and increase the overall storage inventory ahead of summer in the planning. So then the question becomes, so if those things are not materializing, and there is diverse opinion on that, and that is what the staff are now continuing to dig into with economists and experts that we have as consultants, the second thing becomes, if a penalty is there, the refinery is not exceeding the penalty, would at least blunt the price spike.
- Siva Gunda
And three, if you decide to go past that penalty, the framework will allow that money to come back to the consumers of California. So those are the three frameworks we are working on. We have good data. There is some divergence of opinion, which we are really - thank again, Director Milder's staff, we have economists on his team, economists on our team, economists that we have under consulting relationships right now really weighing in. And we look forward to briefing you as soon as we have the data.
- Jacqui Irwin
All right, thank you on that. And Vice Chair, I think we have dumped so much over at the CEC. I hope that you guys are able to handle it all. But certainly so far in this area, it sounds great. And also, of course, with EV charging reliability. But really the most exciting part for me on this was, or one of the very exciting parts was the Transportation Fuels Transition Plan. And I think as we know what happens with the market, the oil companies are continuing to reduce refining capacity as demand decreases.
- Jacqui Irwin
And then the big concern for us was that if you have low income folks that are not in EV's that they're going to be ending, they're going to be paying higher and higher prices for their fuel. And I didn't think it was really thought through. So I feel that all the answers are going to be coming out of this report. How do we make sure that as we transition that we don't adversely affect our low income communities? Communities. So I don't know if you've had any insight. I know the report is supposed to be completed by the end of the year, but do you think you can find a solution there?
- Siva Gunda
Yeah, absolutely. I think as the assessment kind of lays out, there are a number of options for us to think through. And I don't think that it's going to be one specific silver bullet, but a measure of things that we need to do. And Assemblymember to your point, at the end of the day, we might be in a situation where the state might have to do extraordinary actions as we move forward in protecting the consumers. I would draw parallel to the electricity reliability stuff we have. As the reliability is being challenged to those extreme spikes in demand and winter or summer conditions.
- Siva Gunda
One of the things that the state and the Legislature provided tools as to how do we create that buffer. So I think moving forward, most of our assessment policies, all are triggered towards how do we continue to have that slack in the market, even under uncertain retirements and refining reductions in California. And again, those discussions are happening very well at CARB and CEC. Staff are working together, and we will look forward to providing the transition plan. And I feel optimistic. I think the solutions will be there. It's about how do we implement those solutions?
- Jacqui Irwin
And I assume, I mean, the industry has to be part of the solution.
- Siva Gunda
Absolutely. And I would again reiterate, much of the work we are doing here under SPX12 is ensure that we are able to answer this body questions when you ask us. And that is about data gathering. And the best we can do is when we work with all the data sources, including the industry, and providing the data to you. And I would reiterate what Director Maduro said, we have had good coordination with the industry on the data gathering, and I understand their concerns and their perspectives. But I think we as a state agency are charged with a single job. How do we protect the consumers? And that's our incentive.
- Jacqui Irwin
All right. Well, thank you very much. Like I said, I'm kind of a data nerd, so this is really exciting for me.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Assemblymember Lee.
- Alex Lee
Well, thank you so much to, thank you so much to our panel for being here today. I want to second a lot of the excitement that Assemblymember Irwin has. You know, when we were working on this Bill just slightly over a year ago, we wouldn't have imagined that where we are today. And you have so much data and so much to show for it, and acknowledging that it's been less than a year when everything is really up and running, I think the data and the arguments given today give us a lot of confidence.
- Alex Lee
And, oh, of course, I want to thank the Chair for inviting me here today to be part of this oversight hearing today, because it's very rare in which we actually get a very quick live status check about legislation that we pass. It's quite rare we often do this, but it's good to be able to do this even early in the process. And some of the questions I was about to ask you are already covered under Assemblymember Irwin's questions, but I thought it was important to reemphasize some of the points you made to the public and to our Committee.
- Alex Lee
Is that like we had tried to talk about last year, is that the taxes and fees in California are constant. They're a constant flat line. And it's those other factors you saw with the refineries that were up and down correlated with those price spikes. So, especially one of the last graphs you showed. And then, of course, the spot market too, is quite illustrative of the kind of price changes. And I think profitability that we see that a lot of consumers instinctively understood, is that, yes, gasoline, unfortunately, is an inelastic good.
- Alex Lee
And I think the industry understands by and large, what a California consumer is willing to tolerate, even when it's so intolerable. And I want to commend you for that, because it's really important in that sense that a lot of opponents to the measures that we're trying to do to protect consumers spread a lot of misinformation out there. To say that because of our tax and fees and all these things, suddenly your gas will change from one day to be $7, 6 days to the next is ludicrous.
- Alex Lee
And I think part of the Bill in which we worked on last year, when envisioned, was to have this data, to tell the truth, and then secondly, to have the watchdog. And I'm really glad to see that while we've had the watchdog and see, even though you're 90% full right now, not 100% full, we haven't seen any extreme spikes like we saw in the last two years, even one single year, we saw two outrageous spikes.
- Alex Lee
Of course, gas is always going to be subjectively too high for most people because it's an inelastic good. But I think it's important to have that perspective. And one of my own data points and visual aids I wanted to bring too, is to point out for the public, is that our gas companies still made record profits in 2022 especially. And in 2023. In 2023 alone, ExxonMobil profited $36 billion, billion dollars.
- Alex Lee
And I think Exxon will bring up that up is quite timely because the Federal Trade Commission just last week stop the former Pioneer CEO from sitting on their board because that CEO was found to have been trying to attempting to collude with OPEC to cut production. So this is the kind of behavior that, while I know our esteemed panel are going to be very diplomatic and polite about it, I can say as much more so is that this is the kind of profiting behavior we see, is that if they can constrain deliberately production, whether it's internationally or domestically, they will do so.
- Alex Lee
Because the fact that the reality isn't the industry knows this, is that the fossil fuel era is going to die out within our own lifetimes. It will be phased out. It will be replaced by lots of different things, and we will have lots of great alternatives. And that transition will be more painful or less painful, depending on the choices we make today. But that is going to be the reality. So I just wanted to reiterate that is, that's the kind of behavior we see into some of the comments made from my colleague, because at the end of the day, these fossil corporations are out to make money. And I'm really glad that we have the watchdog out here.
- Alex Lee
It's really right now to recommend different behaviors, and I know some of the behaviors you're going to study also about some of the automated price setting software that other retailers use. So there's a lot of courses of investigation that I think will be very useful for us to look at. And hopefully we'll not come to it to have to hit that pricing, that price cap one day.
- Alex Lee
But I think we are on a really good path to avert that situation one day. But we have a lot of tools and instruments to regulate because without it, like you said, without a regulatory - regulatory framework, we would be completely grappling in the dark and perhaps subject to much more higher price spikes. So I thank you for presenting so much robust data today, and thank you for answering all the questions I already had.
- Tai Milder
Thank you.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Assembly Member Friedman.
- Laura Friedman
Well, first, I want to thank all of you for your very comprehensive report. Comprehensive for the amount of time that we gave you to lay out the material. I understand there's a lot of data behind all of this. I want to also commend Assembly Members Irwin and Lee for their leadership in helping bring all of this forward.
- Laura Friedman
You know, for those who haven't been playing along over the last several years, it was really hard for the Legislature to get a lot of this information. It took the Governor, being very brave to go out on a limb and really start to lean into this, to get information to the public and to the Legislature.
- Laura Friedman
It took acts of the Legislature to compel this information. The fact that we have had a fee tacked onto the price of oil and gas, that's called a mystery fee, shows how little transparency there's been about what's gone into gas prices and into the spikes of spikes in the gas prices.
- Laura Friedman
When I chaired Natural Resources and when I chaired Transportation, we often talked about what was happening with the price of gas. And, you know, we couldn't figure it out in our committee, our committee consultants, when we would talk to experts and stakeholders, we weren't getting, you know, really comprehensive answers.
- Laura Friedman
What we are told a lot from the media, often, unfortunately, as partisan talking points, is that this is all about taxes and fees, taxes and fees. And what this shows is that that's not at all what's been happening. And that even if those taxes and fees were reduced, we could still very easily see the exact same types of price spikes and the exact same types of overinflated prices because those are the result of a lot of inflated costs, a lot of profit being taken in, and maybe a lack of resource management as well.
- Laura Friedman
So I wanted to, before I ask a question, which I'm just curious about, I wanted to just reread what you had in your first slide, which is that you see no market incentives to mitigate price spikes. The industry agrees that future spikes are inevitable. I mean, I find that, I think that with bad planning they're inevitable, but I do think that with a lot more focus from industry and from the state, they're not inevitable. Industry does not disagree that price spikes yield large profits, and industry has no strategy to protect consumers.
- Laura Friedman
And we know that consumers, and as you said, the people that are least able to absorb these sorts of spikes, the people who are least able to transition to EVs that aren't as susceptible to the volatile gasoline market are really being hurt. And, you know, in other times when consumers are hurt when it came to the purchase of milk, for instance, the government acted. They protected consumers. They prevented spiking. They flattened the cost of necessary commodities. And I don't think that it's outrageous for the Legislature to act to also protect its most vulnerable constituents.
- Laura Friedman
And that's something that I think this Legislature really needs to contemplate going forward. And we need to hold industry accountable to act more responsibly to protect consumers, to never have anything that's called a mystery fee that's passed on to consumers. This is a, according to industry, a necessary commodity, and there's real harm being done to real people.
- Laura Friedman
And for the first time, we're seeing the curtain pulled back a bit on this. And I don't want to hear anymore that this is all about taxes and fees when we have the evidence that it's not. You know, and it's been a, it's been a misdirection on purpose from industry to shield themselves from having accountability, from really being held accountable to what they are doing to the people in our community that are least able to absorb paying for these profits.
- Laura Friedman
So I know that you have a lot more work to do, and we haven't gotten to the point where you talk about how we're going to fix all this, which I know will be coming up next. But I do have a question for you, which is something that I am curious about is the gas station structure a bit and whether there's anything that is structural in the way that California gas stations operate that makes them different from other states. Because other states do have a lot more independent gas stations.
- Laura Friedman
And that it does seem that you have explored that there is a nexus between those independent stations and the price of gas. I have a gas station near me that's independent. I'm not going to tell anybody where it is because I want to keep it a secret. But their gas is significantly lower than any name brand gas, including some of the lower priced name brand gas stations in the neighborhood. And when I go to other states, I see there's a lot more of those independent stations.
- Laura Friedman
They seem to be able to, there is a nexus between having more of those stations and being able to keep maybe monopolistic pricing from some of the larger chains. So is there something systemic that's preventing more competition between gas stations in California? And if so, do you have recommendations and how we can counter that?
- Nicolas Maduros
Well, thank you for that question. California does appear to have some unique attributes in the retail sector, including a much higher proportion of stations that are under what are called Dealer Tank Wagon contracts, which are long term contracts. Typically they're 10 or 15 years, and the station agrees to buy generally from the refiner, the gas exclusively from that refiner, at a delivered price, at whatever price is charged.
- Nicolas Maduros
The Dealer Tank Wagon percentage in the. California market is, what, 15-20 times higher than the national average. So that is one area that I know both CDTFA and the Energy Commission and DPMO are all focused on trying to understand the impact of that on the market more. As I mentioned in the remarks, we're also seeing increasing ownership concentration in California stations across brands. We've got some private equity funds, for instance, that are buying up large numbers of stations around the state.
- Nicolas Maduros
And so we're trying to see the, and even beyond ownership, the pricing control, to see whether there is an increase in concentration in the number of stations that are priced by a very small number of entities, to see if that has what impact that has on the retail situation in the state.
- Laura Friedman
So as you start, as you continue to look at all of this and make recommendations, it would be good for us to have some specific analysis of why it is different between us and other states. That really gives us guidance as policymakers of what we can do to help encourage the type of ownership structure of these gas stations that will help to reduce consolidation and monopolistic behavior. Whether there's antitrust laws on the books that can help with some of these issues.
- Laura Friedman
It would be really good for the Legislature to have not just the sort of oil industry perspective on pricing, but to also look at that retail level, which I know you're doing, but, you know, at some point, we have to turn all of this into action items that will help with the spiking, help with the prices. So thanks again for all of your work and look forward to hearing more in the future.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. Assembly Member Patterson.
- Joe Patterson
Great. Thank you very much. My comments have changed a little bit, but prior to this hearing, we just got done with, I don't know, 2 hours of talking about electric prices here in California, and I missed a committee hearing, informational hearing on insurance prices in California. Both industries which are extremely regulated by the State of California, and it's doing such a great job at it that people can't afford to pay their electricity and can't get access to insurance.
- Joe Patterson
So I'm very concerned about what the state is going to do when it comes to gasoline prices. We have not shown, as a state, to be effective at doing those things on commodities that all Californians depend on. And I'm very concerned about some of the statements that were made that seem to color the direction that this is going to go before we even have all the data. Admittedly here that the data isn't all collected yet, it's only start coming in. But we've already made statements that we know what the end result's going to be.
- Joe Patterson
So I do have a couple questions regarding that and one of them is, and I'm sorry if I say your name wrong, but Mr. Maduros, is that correct? You made a statement that if I was a retailer I might consider to be inflammatory. In my district, most retailers are mom and pop shops. Maybe they own a name brand, but they're businesses within my district. And so I was curious, what is a margin? How do you define margin? Is that the profit or is that the margin?
- Nicolas Maduros
So we don't have access to the profits of every station. And as you know from business tax returns, which, you know, there are a lot of business expenses that vary. And in our report we also do point out that certainly business costs and wages are higher in California than in other states. So we recognize that.
- Nicolas Maduros
Even taking that into account though, if you look at one of the slides there that had the retail margins, you can see a very healthy growth in margins in dollar terms over the past decade that I think, and we've had very candid discussions with retailers and with others throughout the California industry.
- Nicolas Maduros
I think everybody, well, I don't want to say everybody, it's widely recognized that these are very profitable times and that's why you're seeing also some new players come into the market and buy up a lot of stations. Because you know, if you talk to folks, they would say, well it's, you know, we used to see 20 cents a gallon sort of profit or margin. I mean it's, seeing a dollar as an annual average is unusual. It's high.
- Joe Patterson
Have you compared that to other states? The margins in other states. What do you base that it's unusually high. What do you base?
- Nicolas Maduros
Well, even if you discuss discussions with industry over the past, past six months, looking at the data here. I mean if you look for instance, and these are average numbers, but if you look at, we'll take Chevron, which has the highest margins. You know, 10 years ago the retail margin was 30 cents per gallon. 2023 it's 96 cents per gallon. 2022 it was, when we had the price spikes, that were even higher, it was $1.07 per gallon.
- Joe Patterson
My latte was $3. Now it's $7.
- Nicolas Maduros
- Joe Patterson
But I guess, I guess so you're telling me your agency, your department, the Tax and Fee Administration, right?
- Nicolas Maduros
- Joe Patterson
You can tell me what the margin is, but you cannot tell me what the profit is of those companies. Because that's really, those are two completely different numbers.
- Nicolas Maduros
They are for sure, although they also... Everybody had wages that they were paying in 2013 and they have wages that they're paying now. We can look, and in fact, our report outlines this. We can look that California does have, you've seen a growth in costs, and California does have a higher cost structure than other states, for sure, which applies at the refiner level and at the retail level.
- Nicolas Maduros
It does not account, if you look at the statistics that we cite in the report, and I don't have it here. It does not account for the difference that you see when you see California is paying $2.50 more per gallon than consumers are paying enough.
- Unidentified Speaker
Other states. So that's, you know, but we're looking at the data and just providing you the facts. Again, we're. Our goal here is not to provide you solutions. It's to provide you with just the data and the facts and so that you can all can make decisions that.
- Joe Patterson
I don't think that's a bad thing. I guess I'm just saying that I think the margin isn't really valid number, you know, I'll give you one example.
- Joe Patterson
I used to actually be a staffer here, and a long time ago, the Air Resources Board adopted a new policy, enhanced vapor recovery phase two, which charged service station owners another $150,000 or so to upgrade their pumps. Now, their margin still might.
- Joe Patterson
Maybe they had to have a higher margin so they can cover it, but their profit, you know, decrease or maybe didn't go up.
- Joe Patterson
So I think without the profit numbers and a comparison of maybe what's happening in other states, which we may not ever be able to obtain, I don't think the margin in and of itself really means a lot. I mean, the corporations themselves, when they report their earnings and things like that.
- Joe Patterson
And I have a lot to debate on that, on what other global companies are making, too. I mean, because remember, we are like not even 1% of the global market. But when you consider the profit margins, they report how much profit they made, maybe in their quarterly earnings or whatnot.
- Joe Patterson
The service stations, they might say what their margins are. You might be able to obtain that data. But if they, for all I know, they could be losing money in their profit. I have no idea, based on their investments, based on their loans, based on the capital that they put in.
- Joe Patterson
So maybe they have to make whatever you're alleging. The margins are their dollar per gallon or whatnot. But maybe they actually are using that dollar to put into their business, to pay for the capital. And so I'm just. I think a more valid number would be the profit that they're making.
- Joe Patterson
And even that, unless you know what's happening in other states, I'm not sure it's really a good metric to base that on, because I'm very concerned. Service stations, I understand that there's some buyups, acquisitions occurring, but a lot of them are owned by individual business owners.
- Unidentified Speaker
Yes, that is true. And even though at those individual levels, and again, I point the Committee to the entire report, because it does have a lot more nuance than we're able to give you in just a few minutes. All of that is true, and we will continue this scenario where we highlight we'll be looking for additional information.
- Unidentified Speaker
It is difficult to figure out even from tax returns. And not that we want to look at everyone's tax return to identify profit, but because of costs, you know, you have, you can have a very profitable business and show losses on returns. And so there's no perfect answer to figuring out exactly what profits are.
- Unidentified Speaker
And that's why, given the data we have both at the refinery level and at the distributor level and at the retail level, we're focusing. I think the best proxy we have is looking at the margin, recognizing though that it does include costs.
- Unidentified Speaker
But where you see the margin increasing 300%, I don't know that we've seen a 300% increase in costs.
- Unidentified Speaker
Even if you look at that 30 cents per gallon, if you throw in a decade's worth of inflation, including this past decade, which has had the highest inflation since what, the seventies, you don't get anywhere near the dollar from $0.30.
- Joe Patterson
Just one more question for you, and then I would like to ask a couple questions. If I share have you ever been to a service station and talked with an independent owner at their gas station?
- Unidentified Speaker
I have talked with station owners as part of this, not at their stations, but yes, I've talked.
- Joe Patterson
Mister Vice Chair, thank you for being here. I think in our report here we have a couple models, those come from the Energy Commission, a couple potential models for us to consider.
- Joe Patterson
I guess one of the models was the cost of service model, and I just will comment on that and then I have a question on the next model. But that sort of goes into my insurance and electricity. I mean our electric market and our, you know, insurance market are disaster in the State of California.
- Joe Patterson
And they use a very similar, you know, that's kind of what we do here is we are, I don't like it, but we're controlling the price and you know, it's impossible for anybody to get, and those are the only comparisons that I can have for regulated market on a commodity, and those are two big ones.
- Joe Patterson
But the other one was purchasing refineries, and that was kind of interesting to me because first of all, the state is, you know, I mean, pretty much makes it clear I sit in committees where don't want to have any more refineries.
- Joe Patterson
If they're so profitable, why A., would they go out of business and then B., would the state experience success that they don't have?
- Siva Gunda
Thank you for that question, Assembly Member. So just kind of want to make sure that I set the context and provide answers to your pointed questions there. So the different options laid out in the assessment were solicited through stakeholder process.
- Siva Gunda
So what we're reporting here are the various things that were submitted through public process, either in hearings or in written comments about various ideas that the states should consider, think about considering as we move forward. So that's the context of those.
- Siva Gunda
Those are not necessarily coming from staff at the CEC, but really compilation of the different stakeholder input. Now going into kind of like your contrast of the state's ability to potentially intervene in a market like this, either through a cost of service model or direct purchase.
- Siva Gunda
I think I would respectfully submit to you one of my comments earlier, what we've heard from the industry. Again, I do not want to elicit any sort of points that I, not fact based, right. Suggest observations and I just want to provide observations.
- Siva Gunda
Where we are, when we talk in good faith with the industry is given the current trajectory that the demand is going to decline. And to your point, if they are profitable, why would they convert, right. So when we talk about losing refined capacity in California, it is because of conversions, conversions to product that might be more profitable.
- Siva Gunda
That is future proofing businesses to make sure that they are a part of a future fuels market and not a dying fuels market. So I just want to offer that as one of the observations that we heard from the industry.
- Siva Gunda
Two different refineries make different profit levels and some of the players might not be, make enough profit that it might not be valuable enough to work to put their capital in California versus somewhere else where it is more profitable. That's another thing that directly came from the industry to us.
- Siva Gunda
So when we put those two points, it does not have to be necessarily unprofitable to reduce refining capacity in California. But there are better markets to put the capital in or move to different products in California that are more profitable.
- Siva Gunda
So I just want to offer that. Second observation as we think about the industry and how to move forward here, most of our discussions with the industry, again, I want to be respectful and mindful of the confidentiality. When industry think about the profit margins in California, they are looking at the overall revenue requirement.
- Siva Gunda
They don't necessarily think about when I want to make it through the spike or something else. So what a cost of service model. Again, we could do it good, do it bad, and we can incorporate the lessons learned from previous models. That gives you an opportunity to stabilize.
- Siva Gunda
Again, as CEC, we would not advocate for a single model at this time, but put those options on the table. The third, specifically in terms of refineries being bought out the state.
- Siva Gunda
The Legislature has acted similarly on the reliability side, electric reliability side, where given the volatility on summer months, the state has created a strategic reserve and the strategic reserve is funded through the state. We are not operating them, we are letting the owners operate them, but we are ensuring their revenue to support the volatility in the market.
- Siva Gunda
So such an option could be viable here. So I think when we talk about state facilitated solutions, it does not have to be state run, and we can definitely incorporate the lessons learned from electric markets. Insurance, as you mentioned, which I'm not aware of, or knowledgeable and really kind of put that into practice into a better model.
- Siva Gunda
But I want to close with, given our observations, good faith observations and discussions, there is no incentive for the industry to help solve the price spikes. Even in the best case scenario, they are just doing what the market does from their point of view.
- Siva Gunda
And what would we, if you ask us as state agencies, what can we do to mitigate the price spikes? Some sort of intervention seems to be needed.
- Joe Patterson
Well, I just have one more thing that I like to say, and first of all, I wish you were less likable individual because you make my job a lot harder.
- Joe Patterson
But you did mention about how I think there's a concern with, if you're just a company, and I mean, the state has shown every indication to not be on gasoline anymore. I think it's been very clear policies and everything else.
- Joe Patterson
I mean, it makes a lot of sense that you wouldn't be investing into the infrastructure and it would make even less sense. Is the state going into using taxpayer dollars to go into that same industry? But I know my, would you mind if, if I show my thing here? Okay. .
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Yes In the interest of time, let's keep it brief.
- Joe Patterson
So my colleagues all disagree with this. They've already. Well, I don't say all, but some have made it clear, but the one thing that I just can't wrap my head around is, and we keep talking about California.
- Joe Patterson
I mean, at the end of the day, gasoline is more expensive in California and we're such a small percentage of the global market. And so are we just ripping off California customers here or are the oil companies, I don't understand, what's their motive to just have gas prices expensive here in California?
- Joe Patterson
Because as you can see, it went from $1.38 more just one year ago in California to now $1.65.
- Siva Gunda
Yeah. Thank you. Assembly Member, just on kind of 30,000 foot level again, just kind of clawing back the kind of cover here. So I think one element of ensuring that the prices are stabilized. Right. I mean, we talked about taxes and fees and that is something that are stable and we reinvest them in California.
- Siva Gunda
And those are not necessarily going to profit margins in any industry. It's just helping. And I think that's the legislative priority that the Legislature has determined through your processes, that's the best thing to do for California.
- Siva Gunda
So I think that part of it is, I just wanted to make sure that I observe that that does not spike crude oil prices. We can't do much.
- Siva Gunda
And I think the totality of what you've pointed out is what the assessments tries to do, which is how do we be factual about this, which is the transition is happening based on our climate policies. The climate agenda for California is electrification and ensuring that it's supported by a clean grid.
- Siva Gunda
Having said that, as we go through the transition, there will be lumpiness in the transition. And I think our job, as we understand from the Legislature, is to ensure we provide you the insights on what the risks and uncertainties are and what could be some of the options.
- Siva Gunda
And I will see if my colleague want to add anything here.
- Tai Milder
Yeah, and I think on behalf of DPMO, I think we track gasoline prices. The CC does as well, but in anticipation of a hearing recently, we look to see, gosh, prices went up between April and March. End of March. End of April, prices went up $0.44. You can go on the CEC's website to, to see this.
- Tai Milder
You can sort of select a time period. But as I was testifying, I wanted to be ready to address this kind of question. I don't have a graph like the one that you just showed, but I'll try and explain. So the price goes up $0.44 in about a month at the pump.
- Tai Milder
You can look at that and say, what's the industry margin? That was $0.41. That's just the change in time. That's not the total industry margin. Between March and April, the industry margin went up $0.41. So if a consumer's paying $0.44 more one month from the month before, $0.41 is going to industry.
- Tai Milder
Two cent was the cost of the increase in crude oil that was being processed by the refinery, and 1% was that sort of proportional increase in the sales tax when prices go up, and it's a 2% sales tax. So you can see when those prices change, it's not taxes and fees, it's the industry margin that's going up.
- Tai Milder
And I think Professor Bornstein will explain. He controls for taxes and fees, and so the mystery gasoline surcharge is agnostic as to those points, but does compare as to the significance of California in the market. As of 2021, we were the third largest global market in the world, behind the United States and China.
- Tai Milder
So California is a very lucrative market. And while the demand decrease that we're hoping will reduce our reliance on fossil fuels is real, California will need gasoline to supply that market even as demand decreases. And one last point about independent operators. I think CDTFAs work. Looking at the difference between branded and unbranded.
- Tai Milder
I just want to say an early observation from DPMO as well. Those independent station owners are behaving a lot more competitively when you look at the prices and how much money you can save by going to an unbranded station. I want to echo those comments.
- Tai Milder
And I have spoken to an unbranded gasoline station owner to understand, you know, how that happens.
- Tai Milder
And so I think it's important to understand that these price increases, you know, and the profits that result to them from some of the big brand names of corporations, we all know those profits might not be going so much to those unbranded independent stations who are behaving competitively.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you Mister Milder.
- Joe Patterson
Just one last comment? Yes, that's all I got. I get. Okay, we're the third biggest market, but we are still only 12% of the United States and probably 0.5% of whatever China is. I can't even do the math. So I mean it's not even the same scale.
- Joe Patterson
We just happen to be a very large state with 40 million people in it. But I still am just really unclear. I mean, it just happens to be, the difference in prices between here and other states, by the way, happens to be somewhat around where the taxes are.
- Joe Patterson
And so I don't think it just boggles my mind that there's some theory that we just in California are going to charge more profit here. We don't even know what the profit is, we only know what margin is. That's a whole separate discussion. But anyways, thank you,
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you Mister Patterson, and before we move on to our other panel, just a couple of questions. Make sure I think I've got sort of the key takeaways and understand where we're going next. So I mean, I think I'm taking away like three big things.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
And I guess the biggest one actually is we should all be buying our gasoline at the unbranded station. So that's number one. Number two is that your analysis has shown that margin spikes are coinciding with price spikes, and this accounts for taxes, fees, etcetera.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
You think something fishy is going on, but you don't quite know what it is. Is that an accurate summary?
- Tai Milder
We are absolutely following the data, so we don't yet have firm conclusions on that. Okay. But the incentives, as the Vice Chair said, to mitigate price spikes, may not align with the refiner's profit incentives.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Yes. Yeah. Okay. And then this is showing that as liquidity goes down, prices go up. So you have graphed the immutable law of supply and demand right here. Okay. And then on that front, it feels, it sounds like that's largely the area of focus of your work going forward.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
If I understand correctly, Mister Milder, you said that you are evaluating, or you had kind of the two options that you're exploring, potentially imposing a minimum inventory and resupply requirement for refineries. Understand what that means and why that is productive to explore, at least publishing a California spot market price report. Why is that potentially a helpful thing?
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
I think you called it democratizing the data.
- Tai Milder
Yeah. So in the current mechanism, there's a private for profit company that publishes a spot market price, but you have to pay a hefty subscription, and if you're not in the industry, you're not going to pay that subscription price.
- Tai Milder
And so it's largely invisible to the public why the spot market price is moving up and down, or even how much it's moving. And the way it shows up is prices at the pump, and folks see it going up and they don't know why.
- Tai Milder
And so, one of the new transparency measures in the Bill actually requires the market participants to report those spot market trades to the CEC. So we now have the tools, potentially, to show the public why that spot market price is moving. And as the Vice Chair explained so eloquently, how that moves the whole market.
- Tai Milder
Do you have anything to add?
- Siva Gunda
Thank you, Chair. I think one of the pieces behind that is one, obviously, we have the existing spot market publications today, as Director Milder mentioned, we really don't understand how and what makes up that price. That's 1 and 2.
- Siva Gunda
One of the minimum viable things that we want to be able to do is compare what they are publishing. What we hear from the publication is not all spot rates are actually published. It's only voluntary. Spot trades are purchased and so put out date and publication.
- Siva Gunda
So, meaning if I made in a trade that's way lower and I don't report it, we don't even know how that goes into the spot market validation that they publish.
- Siva Gunda
So at a minimum, what we would be able to do is compare notes on whether the totality of what we are observing is meaningfully translating to public data today because that has such an outsized impact on the prices we pay.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Okay, thank you. And then in your closing of your opening comments, Vice Chair Gunda, you had said that there's something, as you're thinking about next steps, that there's a divergence of opinion regarding.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Is that regarding the best way to introduce additional liquidity into the market, is that regarding whether there should be a margin cap or is that both?
- Siva Gunda
It's about what the margin cap could do. So I think the divergence of opinion is there is economic theory.
- Siva Gunda
I think that's the unified agreement, which is, to the extent there is additional capacity in California for refining a market cap, should maximize that because it's a different demand and supply curve that will be instigated based on the cap. Two, if once that is maximized, the question becomes, would that increase the imports and continue to increase behavior?
- Siva Gunda
On what Director Milder mentioned that the inventory levels will be set up in a way that the liquidity still is there. So just by maximizing the production might not solve the entirety of your problem. So then comes the question on if it is not solving the problem, what is the cap doing?
- Siva Gunda
Is the cap blunting the price spike or actually taking the money back to provide it to the consumers?
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
And I would just say, and I know that you are doing this, I think we need to be very mindful of unintended consequences. And it gives, have you asked the refiners how they would respond and how they think market liquidity would respond were you to impose a margin cap?
- Siva Gunda
Yeah. So I think, again, protecting the confidentiality. I think that the broad strokes, I think there is, again, if I'm just narrating the industry's position to you, it would be that the industry would not want to cross or kind of go beyond any cap that we might consider because they would think of it as an illegal action.
- Siva Gunda
And again, that's for us. We have to consider those as industry input, and we are testing them with other perspectives. And what the industry mentioned to us is if there is a price cap and if they don't exceed that price cap, one of the potential actions could be reduction in production that's not tested.
- Siva Gunda
Again, we take into account their perspective, but we are really working through the economists and the experts on getting their perspective as well. And we look forward to briefing you again.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Okay. Thank you. And I will just say I really appreciate the data driven approach that all of you have taken.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
I think that oftentimes this topic area can get very politicized, and I really appreciate that that is not your orientation and that you are looking at the data and doing everything that you can to ensure that we are protecting Californians to the best of our ability. So thank you so much for being here.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
We do have our second panel. We've got a range of perspectives from market participants, observers and analysts. I know it's very late. If you are available to stick around in case there's some follow up questions, that would be wonderful. But understand if you've got to get back to your many other responsibilities.
- Siva Gunda
Thank you, Chair, for the opportunity to be here.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. All right, moving into our second panel, and thank you again to everyone joining us for a second panel for your patience. This is such an important conversation, and I know members had a lot of questions and comments. For our first panel, we're gonna start with Professor Severin Borenstein, who is, if he's on the line, participating.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Remember, today. Wonderful, and other panelists. Our second panel can go ahead and come up to the dais if you would like. Thank you so much. All right.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Following Professor Borenstein, we are going to be joined by Kathryn Reese Boyd from the Western States Petroleum Association, Connie Cho from the Asian Pacific Environmental Network, and Timothy Jeffries from the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers. So we'll go ahead and kick it off, Professor, with you.
- Severin Borenstein
Thank you. And I apologize for not being there. I had foot surgery last week, and I'm still on a knee walker, and it was my right foot, so I can't even drive.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
And, Professor, I am so sorry, but if there's any way, I don't want to interrupt you, but if I can ask our panelists to keep your opening comments till around five minutes so that in the interest of time, and then we can spend some time digging into questions. All right, over to you for real this time.
- Severin Borenstein
Okay. Next slide, please. So this, everyone knows now California has very expensive gasoline. This actually compares to the US taking California out. And you can see that the margin has widened over time. Next slide, please. So this, this is the mystery gasoline surcharge slide. I think you saw a version of it earlier. This goes through April 2024.
- Severin Borenstein
The really noticeable thing is, prior to 2015, California, we had a cleaner burning gasoline. But when you adjusted and higher taxes, but when you adjusted for the taxes and the cleaner burning gasoline, California's prices were pretty much where they should be. On average, the differential was around zero.
- Severin Borenstein
Once you took out the higher taxes and fees and a small amount for the extra cost of producing our gasoline, there were price spikes.
- Severin Borenstein
However, as you can see, in the month to month, the blue data after 2015, and I should mention that I was chair of the Petroleum Market Advisory Committee during almost all of its life from 2014 to 2017. We saw this spike.
- Severin Borenstein
And frankly, I even wrote a blog in early 2015 saying, yeah, this happens, but the prices go down again. And I did not expect this. What actually occurred to happen, which is that the price didn't go down.
- Severin Borenstein
And we have seen the margin between California and the rest of the country go up and stay up every year, year after year. In the first year, we understood that that was a high spot market price due to the disruption in supply. But we've never gotten back into the normal relationship to the rest of the country.
- Severin Borenstein
When you adjust for the higher taxes and fees and the cost of our cleaner burning gasoline, we have had some major price spikes during that time, but we also had some pretty big price spikes before.
- Severin Borenstein
If you look back before 2015, there was, for instance, the Chevron fire in 2012 when we had a huge price spike, and we have had some much lower prices now. Almost all the focus of what we've done and talked about so far today has been on the supply and demand relationship.
- Severin Borenstein
And I want to argue that that's really not going to get us where we need to go.
- Severin Borenstein
Because if you look at the next slide, please, what you are going to see is that if we look at the spot market and the spot market is what reflects the actual supply and demand of physical product, and you look at the differential between California spot market and the spot market in New York and the Gulf Coast, which are the other two major spot markets, we have not seen any.
- Severin Borenstein
You can see that 2015 spike when the Torrance refinery went out. But other than that, on a long run trend basis, you just are not seeing a widening gap of our spot market relative to the rest of the country.
- Severin Borenstein
What that tells me is that although we are seeing higher prices in California than we are in the rest of the country by more than the taxes and fees, it is not being driven by some change in the spot market. It is not being driven by a change in the supply and demand of physical gasoline.
- Severin Borenstein
And that makes me very concerned that if we focus on solutions like holding more inventory, we're going to end up with solutions that don't really address the problem. Overall, if we look at California's differential to the rest of the country. Only about a quarter of the mystery gasoline surcharge.
- Severin Borenstein
Only about a quarter of that is explained in the spot market. Three quarters of it is downstream in the retail sector. Next slide, please. We've talked a lot about the fall of 2022.
- Severin Borenstein
This is just a screen grab from OPIS, and it just highlights that when Governor Newsom put in, move forward the winter blend gasoline, we saw a sudden drop in the spot price. That's L.A CARBOB and then the rack price.
- Severin Borenstein
But that retail price took a couple of months to come back down again, and that is longer than the normal rockets and feathers relationship. And I think that is another indication that there is something going on that we really need to understand the downstream part of the market. And then next slide, and I will wrap up.
- Severin Borenstein
This is Washington state, and what's really interesting is Washington state also has a mystery gasoline surcharge. The whole country can't because we're comparing to the rest of the country. But Washington state, and anecdotally Oregon does too, also has seen in the last 10 years an increase of their price relative to the rest of the country.
- Severin Borenstein
After you take out taxes and fees, they don't use a cleaner burning gasoline. They are part of the gasoline network in a way California isn't. And yet they still have a problem. What they do have is a lot of the same brands that California has.
- Severin Borenstein
So I think, again, the real focus that we need to focus on to solve California's gasoline problem is downstream. And let me say one thing, and I will stop California. The mystery gasoline surcharge in total since 2015 has been over $50 billion. That's 5-0 billion dollars. And that is a problem that is primarily at the retail end.
- Severin Borenstein
And so I think we need to think through what can we do to solve this problem at the retail end. One last comment. I'm happy to chat about the margin penalty. The margin penalty is very much a wholesale and upstream solution and doesn't really address the downstream. And I am worried about unforeseen consequences.
- Severin Borenstein
And I would like to make sure we stress test this and think about all the ways it could go wrong and all of the ways that oil companies will game it.
- Severin Borenstein
And I can tell you if you're interested in some of the obvious ways that they will game this, as it's written, as most people have suggested it now, but I think it's really hard to regulate gasoline prices. Much harder than electricity, for instance. Thank you.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you so much. Professor. I've got a couple questions, but we'll do that after we hear from all of our panelists. Miss Reheis-Boyd, thank you for being here.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
Is it on now? There it goes. Okay. Thank you. Well, good afternoon, Madam Chair and Members of the Committee. Catherine Reheis-Boyd, President and CEO of the Western States Petroleum Association. I also just wanted to take a minute to note we've got a lot of energy workers in the room from the refiners and producers.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
This is actually Energy Worker Day. So they're here visiting the Capitol and sharing their stories with you. So I really appreciate them being here.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you and welcome. Appreciate you being here.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
And I just want to start by thanking the Committee also for providing this much needed oversight of the invitation of SBX-12 from the special session last year. Last week, there was an oversight hearing in the Senate Energy Committee, and I wanted to address an issue that came up in that hearing by Senator Stern.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
He referred to a campaign that we are running called Facts per Gallon, and we are communicating to the public regularly about what they pay for a gallon of gas and why California is more expensive than other states. Now, the assertion was made that we are not sharing the margins of the refineries, and this is simply not true.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
We have absolutely been sharing with the public about the margins. You can look through all of our mailer materials, which I think you all have a copy of, that have been sent to the public. And we have provided also our website in
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
And I just encourage you to look at those pieces because every fact is cited and sourced and largely from the Energy Commission and the Aero Resources Board.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
I think what people are beginning to be shocked about is that the data that we're seeing from the Energy Commission's reporting of the information we provided does not fit the narrative of price gouging.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
This was confirmed at the Senate hearing when the CEC stated they do not have and did not present evidence of price gouging, even though the Director of TPMO in the Senate confirmation hearing did assert this to be true. And of course, we haven't done all the homework yet to make that conclusion.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
So there were a couple key takeaways that I think are really critical for the foundation of this hearing. And in our opinion, putting a margin cap in penalty is not the answer. We have a gasoline supply and infrastructure investment problem in California, and we collectively would be in trouble if another refinery left the state.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
We put together this laminated placemat, which I think you guys all have. It's laminated so you can draw on it. And we didn't give you pens, but you can draw on it and start over if you mess up. But basically, why did we do that?
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
We did that because it's a complicated transportation system, and we wanted to try to make it as simple as one possibly could, as we have the most important conversation that Commissioner Siva Gunda alluded to, which is the Fuels Assessment Plan and the Energy Transition Plan. So we're going to be using this.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
We've submitted it last week at the Senate. We also submitted it to the Energy Commission. And what it begins to show is not only from the traditional oil and gas, liquid fuels, molecules, as we call them, but it also shows the electron side, electron generation.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
Because you have two types of issues that are colliding with one another, right? We have traditional and gas transportation. We have a move to an energy evolution of a lower carbon economy. And how we do that really matters so that we don't miss, because those two have to, they have to align. They have to align.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
So, just wanted to share this with you. And we all know that all of us, hopefully everybody wakes up every day. And when we do, we want to turn our lights on heat and cool our homes, and drive from A to B reliably and cleanly. And that's all of our collective jobs.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
And this placemat, I think, will serve as a good tool. As we talk about how one goes about doing that, there's just too much at stake. So let's just make sure, I mean, the Energy Commission has called the transition lumpy.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
We just want to make sure it's a transition and an evolution that does not have cliffs and hard landings.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
And I think that's the important part of what I see in SBX-12 is the conversations we are going to engage and the options on the table on how we are going to deal with market volatility in the State of California, and how we're going to deal with every way we can to reduce the impact on the consumer.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
So that's where the real work begins. I did participate in the first panel in the fuel assessment, as also one of my other colleagues here has, and I think it's really good, is that the options are being put on the table. There are pros and cons to every one of them.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
And I don't care if you're talking E15, vehicle miles traveled, demand scenarios, fuel specification, storage, marine vessels, port constraints, all those issues that were brought up by Commissioner Siva Gunda are really, really important. So we're going to be diving in deep on these.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
We're going to have those conversations and we're going to be part of it because this is just too much at stake. We've got to get this right. The other thing I did want to note is that these supply challenges affect all Californians, but they are not a surprise.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
State policies have had an impact on reduced supply of gasoline and they have had an impact on the high gas prices in California. I mean, that's a fact when you look at the reduced supply, CARB scoping plan calls for an 85% reduction in refining capacity to meet these goals. That's a reduction in refining capacity.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
And in addition, we've got an at birth regulation which is on marine vessels at the port right now going through the Air Resources Board, which significantly restricts marine tanker vessels starting in 2025. That's going to be very important conversation as we get into the fuels assessment and the fuels transition study.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
And relative to high prices, we are going through two rulemakings right now at the Air Resources Board, the low carbon fuel standard and the cap and trade programs. The proposals are to make them more stringent, which according to CARB, the low carbon fuel standard alone could cost consumers as much as 47 cents a gallon.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
This today is 11 cents a gallon, and we're not saying these are not meritorious programs, we're just saying they have cost and we should just be transparent about that. And then the cap and trade regulation will likely be a significant increase to consumers. And right now it's $0.30 for consumers today.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
So to say that the policies do not impact price, they do, as meritorious as they may be. So let's just be transparent about what goes in to the price at the pump. And it could get a lot worse, in our opinion, with a margin cap and penalty. And I'll wrap up here.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
As you all recall, the Governor led with that margin cap and penalty, but the Legislature wisely rejected that proposal. That's why we're here now, right? We're instead giving it an option only to the Energy Commission. If they could prove it would not make things worse.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
So by law, we've got to evaluate, the Energy Commission has to evaluate this evidence, and they have to assess whether a margin cap will lead to even a greater imbalance between supply and demand in the State and whether or not it would have an increased price at the pump.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
And in our opinion, if the CEC chooses to penalize refiners for making revenue over a certain number, it is not an unlikely outcome that will actually not incentivize in state gasoline supply. It will actually do the opposite.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
Refiners investment decisions are, are made on their national portfolio and capital flows where it currently will generate a rate of return. And we all know it's at least two times more expensive to run a refinery in California than the rest of the world.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
So, refiners, I think stated earlier by Siva Gunda in his conversations, they will not, they will not knowingly violate a margin cap imposed by the State of California. They won't violate a margin cap.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
So as a result, some refiners may be forced to ramp down refining in order to prevent revenues from reaching a penalty triggered by a cap. Understood?
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
Again, this would have the exact opposite of what we're trying to do here. So I appreciate the Committee's willingness to hear our concerns about opposing a margin cap and penalty.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
And we are very much committed to the other parts of SBX-12, which is actually doing the work, the hard work on a fuels assessment, on everything you see on that placemat, doing the work we need to do to figure out how we are going to make sure this energy transition, if it's just lumpy, I probably will be happy.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
I wish it was smooth, but it's certainly going to be lumpy. But I really want to avoid cliffs and hard landings.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. Thank you, Miss Cho.
- Connie Cho
Hello, and good evening now. My name is Connie Cho, and I'm a Policy Strategist for the Asian Pacific Environmental Network, APEN, where I support the vision and power of Asian immigrant and refugee communities for environmental justice. I'll start by providing some background about our community's experiences and then address the progress of the SBX 12 rulemaking so far. So APEN's members are deeply rooted in Richmond and South LA, right on the fence line of oil refineries.
- Connie Cho
Our members have been working in multiracial, multi-faith community to build a more sustainable and resilient world and look forward to the end of the oil era. But we are in an unregulated transition period. Highly unregulated. Our communities are paying for the greed of the fossil fuel industry three times over now. First with their health at the fenceline, second on the front lines of climate impacts, and now at the gas pump for a well documented mystery gasoline surcharge and profit spikes.
- Connie Cho
Now, I could recite a litany of health statistics to you, twice the cancer rates, three times the asthma rates as other Californians. But I really would just want to tell you about Sandy, who is a member and now APEN's Contra Costa County Political Director. She grew up in the housing projects of North Richmond from her element, housing projects from North Richmond. And if you go to the second slide here, she's in the center. She was a member and now APEN's Contra Costa County Political Director.
- Connie Cho
And when she was growing up, from her elementary school, she could see the state's third largest refinery in Richmond, the Chevron Richmond Refinery. In the first grade, when Sandy was playing outside at school, she was suddenly covered in a cloud of white smoke that was burning her eyes and then her noes.
- Connie Cho
A fossil gas hydrogen pipe had just burst at the Chevron refinery, engulfing four workers in flames. And over the years, she buried relatives in their thirties and forties who died from terminal cancer. When her firstborn was just over a year old, he developed cancer twice. As she tended to him, hospital bills racked up. Next slide. In 2012, a fire at the Chevron refinery sent 15,000 people to hospital emergency rooms in the area. And afterward, the Chemical Safety Board investigation made a significant finding that this was avoidable.
- Connie Cho
The fire happened in part because refinery management had continuously deferred maintenance against the warnings of the steelworkers who were inside the refineries, the Local 5 USW steelworkers. But this practice of deferred maintenance is an industry wide problem, and we need to bring oversight to refinery business management decisions that may interfere with and delay planned maintenance schedules. And to be very, very clear, regulators have never questioned the authority or need for unplanned emergency stop work orders that refinery workers should call. That keeps the workers safe and that also keeps our communities safe.
- Connie Cho
Next slide. Refineries are the largest source of industrial greenhouse gas emissions in the state, and often the largest or one of the largest sources of pollution in the region. They have been able to evade state level command and control emission limits because under SB 398, the cap and trade program is now considered the operative rule for refineries, which is unlike power plants, which have RPS targets.
- Connie Cho
And from the state zone analysis, this table here is from February 2002 OEHHA report, we've seen that greenhouse gases and particulate matter emissions are increasing in communities with refineries and of course, where the co-located dirty fossil hydrogen plants are located. These communities are disproportionately communities of color and lower income.
- Connie Cho
And of course, health impacts have cascading economic effects on their families and in their community. So the stakes are high here. It's important to remember that this overall energy tradition is on a multi-decade trajectory, so they're not in the room now.
- Connie Cho
But I did want to commend the CEC staff and the DPMO and the CDTFA leadership and staff for really taking the time to be thoughtful about making sure they were getting a good foundation of data. Someone from environmental justice lawyering, it is extremely hard to get data and good data from the oil industry.
- Connie Cho
I also want to zoom out, and the transition plan was discussed earlier. In the context of that larger transition plan, we really do think that we need to grapple with a suite of policies that can address the complexity of this industry. So we support the CEC DPMO proposals. We'll go to the next slide. So quickly.
- Connie Cho
We do support the CCM and DPMO proposals for a minimum reserve, storage requirements, minimum inventory designed based on additional data and information, spot market reporting and transparency, and would continue to support a well considered price gouging penalty.
- Connie Cho
Given all of the debate and discussion here today, and also the additional analysis that we think the CEC staff should conduct, as well as exploring some of the policy options set forth in the assessment, such as the cost of service model, gas price stabilization fund, and retail margin management, and in particular, expansion of that retailer refiner relationship and those long term contracts, as well as of course, exploring other policy options and an additional evaluation of the role of foreign exports.
- Connie Cho
Next slide. So while we are very grateful for the intrepid work that it took to put together the fuels assessment, and it wasn't presented all here today. But there truly has been a huge volume of data that has been, I know, challenging to get and seems like quite challenging to analyze and make clear to the public.
- Connie Cho
But they have, and this is data that we've been asking for, actually, for quite some time to understand refineries and oil markets and how they impact our communities. So we do have additional policy proposals, though, because we think that when the state engages on supply side management strategies, we still need to...
- Connie Cho
We especially need to not only protect consumers, but because of the complexity of how this impacts EJ frontline communities, they must also safeguard community safety. So we propose, the primary recommendation that we'll make is to add a policy option that can be coupled with others as in state demand declines and refineries will seek to make their own business decisions.
- Connie Cho
They're not going to keep communities in mind. So we want a need the state to step in to do so. This option would ask policymakers to consider requiring milestone reductions in total emission reductions tied to total production that meets in state demand. The language here is, I think, flipped around. I apologize for sending an older slide deck. And then second, we simply suggest that the state directly pay or cut costs in areas like public transit, as was mentioned earlier, for low income and high need consumers to stabilize their purchasing power for important goods like fuel mobility options, as we do expect this price volatility to continue during this mid-transition period.
- Connie Cho
I also want to add, based on the comments here today, I would ask that the Legislature consider that business as usual for refineries in the world of environmental regulation has meant having hundreds of unresolved air district violations at any given time and paying a fine for it years later. So we hope the state continues to support what has been a very inclusive and thoughtful, methodical leadership of the CEC and DPMO and CDTFA to establish strong regulatory frameworks moving forward. Thank you for your time.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you. Mr. Jefferies.
- Timothy Jefferies
Good evening, Madam Chair and Council Members, Committee Members. My name is Timothy Jefferies. I am a Marine Corps veteran, German boilermaker, and representative of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers. I've been specifically focused on the regulatory aspect of this legislation that affects refinery scheduled maintenance.
- Timothy Jefferies
I come here today to strongly urge you not to allow refinery turnarounds to become politicized. This could have disastrous results in our community, our community safety. I wonder how many people are here today that were actually working in a refinery that are in front of me and not behind me. I have here.
- Timothy Jefferies
I have and I am. I'm here to tell you that it's sensitive working that requires expertise and years of training. This is why we, working with the State Building Trades, worked with Senator Loni Hancock to amend the safety code and move through SB 54. Move SB 54 through the Legislature in 2013.
- Timothy Jefferies
This important bill made it the law that State of California it made it the law that State of California only used skilled and trained trades people, graduates of state accredited apprenticeship programs, which I am of one, very proud to say I am of one, and can work at refineries doing contracted out maintenance. In other words, to turnarounds. SB 54 came out of the safety code because of Legislature and then Governor Jerry Brown recognized that for California's communities to be safe, these sensitive turnarounds need to be done by a trained workforce.
- Timothy Jefferies
Similarity for the California communities that holds refineries to be safe, that require maintenance, but can't be politicized. Maintenance needs to be happened. Maintenance needs to happen when it's required. We try to do it as scheduled, but scheduled maintenance often goes longer than expected, and we shouldn't be rushing to meet an arbitrary deadline.
- Timothy Jefferies
Sometimes maintenance is needed outside of the schedule. The one thing that should be determining when maintenance occurs is public safety. And the one thing that definitely shouldn't be determined when maintenance occurs is politics. Confusing these two will potentially cause safety risk, rushed work, and pressures that should not be not be affected by this important work.
- Timothy Jefferies
Our members have been doing this maintenance throughout the state since SB 54, which makes us the experts in the room. We've been in contact with the CEC about this rulemaking process and have participated in the public conversations previously. We appreciate the interest in this issue, and we are greatly, we are grateful to the Chair that we are invited to be a part of this conversation.
- Timothy Jefferies
As California grapples with the deficit and an ever escalating cost of living, it's really important that we keep our eyes trained on keeping communities safe, protecting good jobs in the energy sector, and ensuring that we can keep our lights on in California while we endeavor this transition to a cleaner source of energy.
- Timothy Jefferies
This will require a steady hand and urgent policymakers to make sure that we don't continue to entertain policies that are designed to shutter a needed industry, an industry that employs tens of thousands of building trades members. We are all, we are all for making the communities that host industrial facilities safer. That is where we live too.
- Timothy Jefferies
And we are all for keeping the cost down, especially the cost to commute to and from work for our members, who also tend to be those super commuters mostly spoken about. But we want to make sure that the policies are actually intended to do just that and not try and chase yet more industrial jobs out of the state. In Sacramento here, we are all well versed in unintended consequences.
- Timothy Jefferies
We understand the frustration that high fuel costs have created and the great political pressure that has been caused and the great political pressure that has caused. But this is an issue that requires complex analysis and not simply to take over scheduled maintenance and blame the energy companies.
- Timothy Jefferies
If anything, these policies should have the opposite effect in operating California's operations even more expensive in California, which would have the ripple effect in closed refineries, massive industrial job losses, and higher costs at the pump for all working Californians. Three things we need to work together to prevent.
- Timothy Jefferies
Our concern around turnaround regulations that will potentially affect how and when refineries can perform necessary maintenance is the safety of California's communities. Politics should come far from that. We are very concerned with any efforts that could undermine our ability to make communities and our workers safe because of a perceived need to try and satisfy political activists.
- Timothy Jefferies
Activists whose agenda is to shut down this industry that will be needed to keep the lights on in California for decades to come. I appreciate your time today and the invitation to participate in the willingness of the CEC to hear from us about our potential regulations and could affect, could affect our ability to maintain refineries.
- Timothy Jefferies
And if anyone has any questions about how scheduled maintenance actually work in the field, or the years or years it takes to become a boilermaker doing this work, please not hesitate to contact me. Feel free to contact me, Timothy Jefferies. Thank you, madam.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you, Mr. Jefferies. And thank you for joining us on Energy Worker Day. And thank you, Ms. Reheis-Boyd, for highlighting that for us. All right with that, let's go ahead and open it up for any questions from our, the last man standing in our five hour hearing. You get an extra gold star today, Mr. Patterson.
- Joe Patterson
Well, I didn't want to leave you alone, so, you know, I thought I'd hang out. Well, thank you very much. And thanks to my babysitter for last minute. Can I stay a couple more hours? Well, Mr. Jefferies, you know, I'm new to this Committee, so.
- Joe Patterson
Newer to this Committee, so looking forward to working on these issues in the future. I think, you know, I'd love to meet with you when next time you're up here. I think, sounds like, you know, from Napa, by the way. And so a lot of my neighbors and friends and family, you know, worked at refineries.
- Joe Patterson
And, you know, I understand how important it is to the community. You are correct. I didn't work at one, so I depend on the expertise of the people who did. So thank you for that. And also thanks for your service as well in the military. Ms. Cho, couple questions.
- Joe Patterson
You know, I think a lot of us on this committee have been concerned about, obviously, the price of gasoline and electricity. And, you know, I've mentioned a few times, insurance as well, but that's not this committee. You mentioned some policy proposals, which I think it's good to come with proposals to consider. How exactly does a price cap help the environmental justice community?
- Connie Cho
I believe my comments supported the continued... So we've expressed support for the concept in the past and wanted to continue to see, I believe, as the legislation was written, it's about setting forth the evidence base and weighing costs and benefits and then making a decision. And this legislation provides both the ability to have data to make decisions about maybe other policies that would need to be proposed and then also pursuing a decision on the price cap or profit.
- Joe Patterson
Profit cap.
- Connie Cho
Sorry, the penalty for penalty. I don't believe I proposed a price cap.
- Joe Patterson
Okay. Yeah. Well, you know this. Yeah. We're receiving an update just what's going on with the market oversight, and I think it is out of legislation pertaining to know the... I don't know. It's not a price cap, but profit cap, whatever it's called.
- Connie Cho
And it's also... It's not a cap. Right. Because it's a penalty.
- Joe Patterson
Penalty, yeah, it's going to be a cap. It's going to end up being a cap real quick because you're not going to want to go over the profit area. So margin cap. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm not even sure what margin is at this point. Apparently, our tax people kind of don't really know either.
- Joe Patterson
But so I'm just curious if profit or price, if there's some kind of cap on the amount of money and then there's a penalty issue, are you suggesting the penalty should be paid to the environmental justice community. Or I'm just curious, like, how a cap is going to benefit the environmental justice community. It seems like if there's more money available to do the things that they're talking about, that that would be more beneficial to some of the things you're talking, that you want to see accomplished.
- Connie Cho
Well, if there were a sound determination after conducting a risk assessment about what it would do to prices overall. Right. If there was anti-competitive behavior that made... One of the economic theories posed was that there would be anti competitive behavior where all of the refineries would just float to that cap. Right.
- Connie Cho
And one of the debates is whether, you know, which between Borenstein and Jamie Court at Consumer Watchdog is whether that floating to the top and everybody just meeting and being at the cap would actually constitute anti-competitive behavior, which in and of itself is illegal. And therefore they couldn't do that. I don't pose to be an antitrust lawyer. I'm an environmental attorney. So I would defer to Tai Milder on that question.
- Joe Patterson
Okay. I wish Consumer Watchdog was here testifying so I could ask some questions because they were created over insurance initiative. I'm curious how they make money or get funded involved in this process too. It's all kind of convoluted to me.
- Connie Cho
Yeah. On the point of how that money, if there were margin penalties, penalty dollars I don't believe are necessarily, there's not a plan for them right now. And so that would be a subject of discussion. I think that in talking with our communities because they are so many, I think the point of my testimony was to highlight there are so many different costs that are resulting as a result of the climate crisis overall, of the energy transition, and that this is actually but one of those costs, and the dynamics between them are complex and sometimes contradictory.
- Connie Cho
So that we should have a holistic picture of costs and cost benefit analysis. Right. And so when it comes to, when it comes to simply something that resulted from something you might have paid at the pump to pay it directly back to consumers or to figure out a way to get that back to consumers would be our, you know, conceptually one idea that we would put at the forefront. I can't say that that's what we're committed to now because that's not what's up for debate right now.
- Joe Patterson
Okay. Just want to say, just one more statement, is that when I'm, I mean, I'm personally selfish on my own money, and when I do my taxes, you know, I'm thinking about, okay, what tax bracket I'm going to go over, try to make my own personal financial decisions to not pay more taxes.
- Joe Patterson
I mean, that's like human nature. And I just think with a price cap, margin, cap, profit cap, whatever kind of cap is going to be capped, there are going to be a lot of things going on in the market that are very complex. But I was just very intrigued by your testimony because I'm very interested in how that fits into the puzzle on how if there is a cap or a penalty at some point paid. And really what I'm hearing is you want to see the investments made into the environmental justice community or communities around the refinery. But it just didn't seem, I didn't see a clear nexus there, I guess, is what I'm saying.
- Connie Cho
I don't think I proposed that. That's probably why I just, I propose that we simply have the state directly pay low income, high need consumers to stabilize their purchasing power. So some of this discussion has been about supply constraints. Right. And how that affects price and different incentives for the refiners.
- Connie Cho
And so this was just simply actually the most straightforward way to get, if we're concerned about prices and their impact on low income communities, low income consumers, of which environmental justice communities are disproportionately, because of the history of redlining in this country, are disproportionately communities of color and disproportionately low income.
- Connie Cho
Those communities would be a part of this low income bracket that would need additional financial assistance to have greater purchasing power when there are price spikes. Right. So simply returning funds to them would increase their purchasing power.
- Joe Patterson
Yes. So, in short, the price spikes, the cap or money generated from the penalty would go to the goals of the environmental justice community.
- Connie Cho
One of them, potentially.
- Joe Patterson
Thank you very much.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Okay. Thank you. So in interest of time, I'm going to try my best to be brief, but I do have a couple of follow up questions. So, Professor Borenstein, I have to say I was somewhat dismayed when you said that you disagreed with the conclusion that we should focus on liquidity, the market, and supply and demand, simply because then we're sort of back where we started from.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
And so you emphasized, you continue to emphasize the need to, in your view, understand the downstream part of the market. I literally cannot imagine how many times you have had to show this slide and present this slide over the course of the last, whatever, 20 years.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
I know this is something that you've been trying to understand, trying to get at. Policymakers have been trying to get at for I think, literally decades. What additional information, data do we need to then understand that downstream part of the market that we don't have today?
- Severin Borenstein
Well, I think CDTFA is actually collecting a lot of the needed data. I think that they have reached out to the refiners and retailers and are getting information on how those prices and margins get set between the rack and retail. And that seems to be where most of the action is and where most of the mystery gasoline surcharge is coming from. So I think we actually are doing it. It didn't get much emphasis at this hearing.
- Severin Borenstein
And I think it's important to recognize, with all the focus on what can we do about supply and demand and how can we limit these wholesale price shocks, that's just not where most of the money that's draining out of consumers pockets is coming from. If you look at the entire spot market part of the mystery gasoline surcharge, it's only about a quarter. And most of that even is not occurring during those rare price shocks.
- Severin Borenstein
If we really could do something, if there was really a problem during those price shocks that we could address, and I'm skeptical that we're going to be effective in addressing it, I would still be supportive of that because even a small slice of $50 billion is a lot of money.
- Severin Borenstein
But I just want to keep emphasizing that's not where most of the money is. If we ask why are California drivers paying so much for gasoline month in and month out above the differential caused by taxes and fees and the cleaner burning gasoline, most of that's happening downstream.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Understood. And then the other thing I took away from your brief but effective testimony was on the kind of concept of the margin penalty. It sounds like you are also concerned and think we need to be mindful of potential unintended consequences. Did you want to elaborate on that?
- Severin Borenstein
Actually, we wrote a paper in the mid 1990s about what could go on wrong with electricity deregulation that basically scoped out how would firms behave, and we talked about exercising market power and restricting output. And then the ARB brought us in in 2010 to stress test the cap and trade market, and we found some issues there as well. And I just want, and I've said this to folks at the CEC, I think it is incredibly important before we move forward to think through how are firms going to react to this.
- Severin Borenstein
How are they going to potentially do things to undermine it or to simply evade it? And I'll just give you one example that is that I'm not sure, I'm not giving away any secrets. The oil companies have thought of this. The margin penalty is a penalty between some measure of the inputs, whether it's crude oil or blending stocks, and the downstream price. Well, a refinery can change their mix of blend stocks and crude oil and buy more blend stocks, which cost a lot more than crude oil do.
- Severin Borenstein
And so if you set a margin penalty at x cents per gallon, I can already see how they're going to get around that by changing their mix in order to open up some headroom, in order to charge higher prices. That's just one example that just talking among us at the Energy Institute took half an hour to come up with. And the oil companies are going to have a lot of people spending a lot of time thinking about all the ways they can suss this out.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
All right. Understood. Thank you to you. Turn to you, Ms. Reheis-Boyd. And I know you talked about the facts that supply challenges in California are reality. There's been a reduction in refining capacity. We are therefore even more sensitive to when there's unplanned maintenance and shocks of the system. And I understand all of that.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
One of the key takeaways, and I know you were here for the initial panel that the Administration shared in their analysis is this, was this chart the, can you see that the margin spikes coincide with price spikes? I don't know if you saw that one. Do you want me to give this to you?
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
Yeah, we did. We didn't, we didn't have a copy of that in advance, so I apologize.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
And the Administration's not here to explain their thinking, but that was, that really is, there seems to be kind of the data that is leading them to draw the conclusion that profits or margins are spiking during these price spikes. So they are trying to figure out what's going on with that. What do you think is going on with that?
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
I really think I need some time to look at this and analyze it. But what I would say is you've already had two companies write down their assets in the State of California. That was before any of this conversation about a refinery margin cap and penalty. So California is not a great place to do business.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
Running refinery here is twice as expensive. We right now are blessed with the resources of crude oil in this state to be able to produce crude oil in the most environmentally sensitive manner of the world. Yet we cannot get a permit to drill for oil in California, and we haven't gotten one since January.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
And so why is that important? Less crude oil, less supply, less ability for refiners to make gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. Higher cost. So all of this conversation, less investment, less supply, higher cost. It is as simple of that in any place we talk about this. So we already have.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
We're looking at the data from the Energy Commission that was posted on margins, and I'm looking at the net margins since August, since June. And the postings of net margins at 19 cents, 24, 17. And then the last month's losing 10 cents, 16, 31 cents, 38. If you took the average of all what's been ported by the Energy Commission, on average, we're at $0.02 so I've already, you know, I've been doing this 40 years, so I've already been through multiple investigations on this point.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
So we want to get back to the issues at hand, which is how do we look at the system and how do we improve getting more supply in a constrained environment all over the place. I am very worried about where we are. And we are at a pivot point of trying to figure this out.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
So that's why I commend the Energy Commission on the fuels assessment. That is where the work is. That is where the work we have to do, and we're committed to do it, to figure out what needs to be done. And we're looking at all those options on the table. And I also just wanted to clear the record.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
To even assert that the energy workers here and our companies do not have safety, the environment, and the communities top of mind is irresponsible. And so I just want to clear the air of that. I think they would take quite issue with those statements. So.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
With whose statements?
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
With the statements about. Not yours.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Oh, okay.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
Not your statements, but the panel. Maybe in the previous, the previous maybe panel, that we had more people here. But that is, you know, that is just not, that is not correct. It's not true. So I just wanted to clear that record as well.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
So we have policies right now that don't let us produce crude oil, which would decrease cost. We have policies that make us import it from foreign sources that put it on a ship for 30 to 40 days, increase costs, increase greenhouse gas emissions. So I am excited about a holistic conversation.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
I agree with the concept of a holistic view of everything that's going on. And I also want to make sure we do not miss that when we are switching the transportation fuel from where we are now to more of a, you know, electricity driven.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
That we do not miss the space, the pace, and scale and timing of that. Because we had 39 refineries when I started. That was in 1980s, we had 39 refineries. We got nine now. We cannot lose another because that will have a definite impact on the consumer and price.
- Catherine Reheis-Boyd
So I just hope we're focused on the right things and that this energy fuel assessment, energy transition study will hopefully allow us to get from a to b with balancing the economy and the environment. Because frankly, I think they go hand in glove. Always have.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
And thank you. And I too look forward to a holistic conversation and hope that that is where we continue to go. I was very grateful to hear Vice Chair Gunda talk about the ways in which his team is working collaboratively with the industry.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
I think picking up, Mr. Jefferies, I think on a point that you made, which is don't allow refinery maintenance to become politicized. I think as much as possible, if we can have this conversation and try to make it less politicized, I really do think that we are going to arrive at solutions that are best for all Californians. So with that, and recognizing the late hour, I want to thank all of our panel participants for joining us today, for your input, for your insights.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
We certainly will be following up with you as this conversation and as the work of the CEC continues and as you said, as the important work of the transportation fuels assessment starts to come together. As many folks have noted, we are in a period of transition.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
And transitions can be rocky, they can be expensive, they can be painful. And it really is incumbent upon all of us to work together to develop strategies to ensure that this transition occurs as affordably, reliably, and smoothly as possible. So with that, we've concluded our agenda for today, and this hearing is adjourned.
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