Senate Standing Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development
- Angelique Ashby
Okay, we're going to go ahead and get started. Welcome to Business, Professions, and Economic Development. We need an author, so we're going to hang out here until we how we get an Assembly Member who'd like their Bill moved through Business, Professions, and Economic Development.
- Angelique Ashby
While we do not have an Assembly Member, we do have a quorum of Senators. So I'm going to go ahead and take the role so we can get going with setting our quorum in place. And if you're an Assembly Member in the swing space with a bill in Business, Professions, and Economic Development Committee, come on down.
- Bob Archuleta
In the meantime, Madam.
- Unidentified Speaker
Do you want me to call?
- Bob Archuleta
President. Madam Chair, we have a stowaway.
- Angelique Ashby
I know.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Angelique Ashby
Okay. All right. No one noticed my daughter sneak in and out of the chamber. That's great. We do have a quorum. Still lacking an Assembly Member, though. We do have a measure on consent. We can take up the consent calendar. Let's do it. Moved.
- Committee Secretary
AB 1988 Muratschi, the motion is do pass to appropriations. [Roll call]
- Angelique Ashby
Can you call the absent Members one more time? This is consent.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll call]
- Angelique Ashby
All right, we'll put that on call. And we do have an Assembly Member. Welcome, Assembly Member Maienschein. Would you like to come forward and present your AB 2248 to us?
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you very much, Madam Chair and Members. California has been a national leader in eliminating the use of puppy mills, which are designed to maximize profits at the expense of the animals in their possession. Animals are generally kept in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions without adequate care, food, water, or socialization.
- Brian Maienschein
After California banned the sale of puppy mill animals in pet stores, the business largely shifted online to continue selling pets to California consumers. These sites display photos and provide only minimal information about a puppy, such as their age and breed.
- Brian Maienschein
A visitor to the site is promoted to pay in full or reserve the puppy by placing a deposit. This nonrefundable payment is required before the company will provide anything other than generic information to the consumer. In short, these businesses collect hundreds of dollars for consumers for just the opportunity to ask questions.
- Brian Maienschein
If a consumer learns the name of the breeder and has concerns, they must move forward with the contract or lose their deposit. Consumer complaints describe bait and switch tactics, which include receiving pets that are sick or different than what was pictured at the point of sale.
- Brian Maienschein
The non-refundable deposits are predatory and used purely as a sales tactic. To address this. AB 2248 states, a contract for the sale of a dog or cat is void if it requires a non-refundable deposit and does not disclose the source of the pet.
- Brian Maienschein
The Bill also requires sellers to refund the deposit within 30 days if the contract is vetoed. Voided, I should say. Or vetoed, I guess. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote. The representative from ASPCA is stuck in traffic, but they would strongly agree with what I just said.
- Angelique Ashby
We believe you. Okay, so. And there. Let's see. So your lead witness is stuck in traffic. We'll give them a pass. Assume they would say glowing things about your Bill. Is there a lead witness in opposition? Seeing none. If there's anyone in the room who'd like to come forward with me to testimony, now would be the time.
- Angelique Ashby
All right. Anybody who doesn't want to be the lead witness in opposition, but would like to me too not supporting AB 2248 now would be the time. See. They're all stuck in traffic. See? No, it's just a wildly popular Bill.
- Brian Maienschein
I think that's what it is.
- Angelique Ashby
All right, so moved. You have a motion. Would you like to close Assembly Member?
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you very much.
- Scott Wilk
Hold it. Don't we get to ask questions?
- Angelique Ashby
Would you like to ask a question?
- Scott Wilk
I'd like to make a comment.
- Angelique Ashby
Okay, make a comment. You are more than welcome.
- Scott Wilk
This might be our last time doing this. I really want to thank you for all your leadership that you have shown in this space. And I think you've made a big difference to animals in California. So I just want to thank you for that.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you, Mister Wilk.
- Angelique Ashby
Any other questions, comments from the dais? Alright. You have a motion.
- Brian Maienschein
Respectfully request an aye vote.
- Angelique Ashby
Ask for the aye vote. Then we will call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
AB 2248, Maienschein, do pass to Judiciary Committee. [Roll call]
- Angelique Ashby
9-0. We'll put that on call. Hold on to it for our colleagues who aren't quite here yet. All right, Mister Maienschein. Assembly Member Maienschein, would you like to present 2270?
- Brian Maienschein
Yes, thank you very much, Madam Chair and Members. According to the National Library of Medicine, understanding menopause is crucial for both the individuals experiencing it and for healthcare professionals alike. However, despite its significance, there exists a widespread misconception surrounding menopause. This leads to a lack of understanding for those experiencing it and delays in receiving appropriate care.
- Brian Maienschein
AB 2270 aims to address this by allowing medical and behavioral health professionals to satisfy continuing ed requirements by taking a course in menopausal mental or physical health. By increasing awareness and understanding of the issues surrounding menopause, we can ensure that individuals receive the care and support they need. Thank you. And I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Angelique Ashby
Do you have a lead witness?
- Brian Maienschein
I mean, you're welcome to testify, sir. Absolutely.
- David Bolog
David Bolog, San Fernando Valley Alliance Serving Family Values. We're very happy to support this legislation. Menopause is something that will affect all of us if we live long enough. It has more severe effects on some than others. It usually is more harsh on our female friends and family.
- David Bolog
I personally witnessed my mother's menopause compound other detrimental health issues she was going through, escalating to an early death for her. I'm currently watching a close friend having this affect her life in a not-so-pleasant way. One study reports menopause being misdiagnosed as a mental health issue 85% of the time, with unnecessary pharmaceuticals being prescribed.
- David Bolog
Although antidepressants may mask one or more symptoms, this treatment does not address the hormonal imbalance at the root of this problem, which may be causing additional symptoms as well. The more that could be understood by medical professionals, the better off California will be in helping people who suffer during this stage of maturation.
- David Bolog
That understanding should result in better quality of life for people going through menopause. Legislation is many times incremental, meaning it builds on itself.
- David Bolog
I hope this is something that will blossom in legislation sessions and years ahead to where we start having more encouragement of study of this subject and the healing arts and more public recognition of this subject. We humbly request your aye vote on this today.
- Angelique Ashby
Okay, thank you very much. Is there anyone else wishing to testify in favor of AB 2270? You can take me too testimony now too, if you'd like. Welcome.
- Symphoni Barbee
Good morning. Symphoni Barbee on behalf of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California in support. Thank you.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you. All right, do we have any lead opposition opposing AB 2270 or folks who would just like to chime in and say they oppose AB 2270? Seeing no one, I'll bring it back to the dais. Colleagues, do you have any questions? So moved. Mister Maienschein, would you? Assembly Member, would you like to close?
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you very much and respectfully request an aye vote.
- Angelique Ashby
All right, we will call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
AB 2270, Maienschein, motion is do pass to Appropriations Committee. [Roll call] 10. 10 to zero.
- Angelique Ashby
Okay, 10 to zero. We'll put that item on call as well and move on to Assembly Member Maienschein's last bill in front of us today. AB 2581.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you, Madam Chair. Maternal mental health conditions are the most common complication of pregnancy and birth, impacting one in five. 75 percent of people impacted by maternal mental health conditions remain untreated, increasing the risk of long-term negative impacts on mothers, babies, and families. Giving all healthcare and health providers training in maternal mental health is essential.
- Brian Maienschein
This will provide them with the tools to support patients effectively both during and after pregnancy. AB 2581 expands on my Bill AB 845 from 2019 and extends the continuing education requirements for maternal mental health from physicians and surgeons to all medical and behavioral health professionals.
- Brian Maienschein
AB 2581 would allow continuing education requirements for healthcare and health professionals to be satisfied with a course in maternal mental health. By doing so, we empower our healthcare professionals, enabling them to understand maternal mental health and treat their patients effectively. Thank you. And I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Angelique Ashby
All right, and I see your lead witness is ready.
- Ryan Spencer
Thank you, Madam Chair. Ryan Spencer, on behalf of the American College of OB/GYNs District Nine in support of AB 2581. Maternal health conditions, including depression, anxiety and perinatal mood disorders, affect a significant number of women during the pregnancy and the postpartum period.
- Ryan Spencer
These conditions not only impact the well-being of the mother, but also have profound effects on the health and development of the newborn.
- Ryan Spencer
By providing an option for providers to be educated on maternal mental health, they can be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize the signs and symptoms of maternal mental health conditions, conduct appropriate screenings, and provide or refer for necessary treatment.
- Ryan Spencer
Evidence suggests that early identification and intervention for maternal mental health conditions can significantly improve outcomes for both their mother and child. Training, therefore, should. Training should therefore, not only focus on diagnosis but also create an environment where women feel supported and empowered to seek help without fear of judgment.
- Ryan Spencer
Furthermore, ACOG advocates for a multidisciplinary approach in the management of maternal mental health involving collaboration between obstetricians, mental health professionals, pediatricians, and other relevant healthcare providers. This comprehensive strategy ensures that women receive holistic care they need during this vulnerable period.
- Ryan Spencer
Helping an array of healthcare providers to better identify and manage mental health conditions is a direct investment in the health and well-being of their mothers and their children. AB 2581 provides this pathway and respectfully asks for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Angelique Ashby
Okay. Thank you. Do you have any other lead witnesses in support? Okay, sure. Briefly.
- David Bolog
David Bolog, SFV Alliance. Maternal depression is real. Unfortunately, healthcare professionals, family and friends tend to focus on the physical health of the mother and child and tend to forget about the hormonal change in pregnant and postnatal women. Those of you who have birthed a child will already understand this.
- David Bolog
This bill will aid California mothers during and after their pregnancy to a betterment for overall health of the mother. This will be a beneficial not only for the mother and her family, but her coworkers and friends. Thank you.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you very much. Is there any me too testimony in the room for AB 2581?
- Symphoni Barbee
Hello, Symphoni Barbee on behalf of Planned Parenthood affiliates of California in support. Thank you.
- Angelique Ashby
Great. Anyone opposed to AB 2581? All right, bring it back to the dias. Anybody have any questions for the author? Seeing none, the bill is moved. Would you like to close?
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you very much. Madam Chair, respectfully request an aye vote.
- Angelique Ashby
All right, we will call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
AB 2581, Maienschein, do pass to Appropriations. [Roll call]
- Angelique Ashby
All right, that's 12-0. We'll put it on call. Thank you so much for being here. All right, we are waiting for Assembly Member Zbur, but in the meantime, I have a couple of things we can do here. Colleagues, I am very sorry. I know you prepared for these items to be on the agenda today.
- Angelique Ashby
Our staff received a last-minute notice request from the author to pull file items number 6 and 7, which is AB 2860 and AB 2864. Thank you for being prepared for those items. We're going to pull them for now at the author's request. All right. And then, yes.
- Scott Wilk
I have a little house cleaning.
- Angelique Ashby
You have to clean your house?
- Scott Wilk
- Angelique Ashby
Thanks for sharing.
- Scott Wilk
No, but I'd like to wish Senator Niello a happy belated birthday. It was his birthday on Saturday.
- Angelique Ashby
Happy birthday, Senator Niello.
- Roger Niello
Well, thank you for that, but mine was on Sunday. Senator Archuleta's was on Saturday.
- Angelique Ashby
Okay. Also, happy birthday, Senator Archuleta. And today is Senator Cortese's birthday.
- Committee Secretary
Oh, my goodness.
- Angelique Ashby
It's a busy, busy birthday season. Okay, we're going to open the roll and let some of you get on these items. Let's go back to consent. If you wouldn't mind calling the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Consent calendar. Current vote 8-0. Chair and Vice Chair voting aye. [Roll call]
- Angelique Ashby
Great. If you could call file item two, AB 2248 by Assembly Member Maienschein. This is contracts for sale of dogs and cats online. If you could call that for the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
Current vote. Excuse me. Current vote 9-0. Chair, Vice Chair voting aye. [Roll call]
- Angelique Ashby
Okay, that's 12-0. We'll put that back on call as well and move to file item three, AB 2270 by Maienschein. This is his healing arts menopause Bill.
- Committee Secretary
Current vote 10-0. Chair, Vice Chair voting aye. [Roll call]
- Angelique Ashby
That's 12 nothing. We'll put that back on call as well. And I believe we had everyone here for item four. So, we will await the arrival of Assembly Member Zbur. Nick of time, Assembly Member. Happy to see you. Feel free to come forward and present AB 2442. Your Senate colleagues await. Podium is great.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
It's been a year.
- Angelique Ashby
Welcome back.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Thank you. Thank you, Madam Chair, Members, I'm proud to present AB 2442 which is sponsored by Planned Parent Affiliates of California and Equality California. This Bill seeks to improve access to gender-affirming care in anticipation of a surge of out-of-state patients seeking such care in California.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
In recent years, the number of states with laws or policies restricting access to gender-affirming care has increased dramatically, climbing from just four states in June 2022 to 23 states in 2024.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
These laws and policies often impose severe professional or criminal penalties on medical providers and other professionals offering gender-affirming care, making it harder for people to access gender-affirming care in those states.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Gender-affirming care is highly specialized, and these bars in other states are requiring patients to travel to states like California to obtain the healthcare that they need. AB 2024 2442 seeks to improve access to this care in anticipation of the surge in out-of-state patients.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
This bill specifically requires the expedited processing of licensure applications for providers demonstrating a commitment to gender-affirming healthcare or mental health care services within their licensed scope of practice. California has long served as a safe haven for reproductive health care and gender-affirming care.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
AB 2442 reflects our state's commitment to upholding these values and ensuring equitable access to essential services. With me today are Craig Pulsipher, representing Equality California, and Symphoni Barbee with Planned Parent Affiliates of California to provide additional information and assist with questions.
- Angelique Ashby
Great. We'll hear from your lead witnesses.
- Craig Pulsipher
Good morning, Chair and Members. Craig Pulsipher on behalf of Equality California. Proud to co-sponsor this Bill to ensure that transgender people in California and across the country have access to essential healthcare. As the assembly member noted, over the last several years we've witnessed growing efforts to restrict access to gender-affirming care.
- Craig Pulsipher
Care that is informed by decades of research and supported by every major medical association in the country. Currently, 24 states have enacted laws that ban access to gender-affirming care for trans youth. 19 of these bans were enacted in the last year alone.
- Craig Pulsipher
According to the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law, more than a third of trans youth in the U.S. now live in states that have enacted bans on access to gender-affirming care, and many families in these states are now facing agonizing decisions about whether to relocate or travel out of state to access the healthcare they need.
- Craig Pulsipher
Over the last several years, California has enacted numerous protections to ensure that the state is a safe haven for those who may need to come here to access care for themselves or a loved one.
- Craig Pulsipher
And AB 2442 builds on those efforts by expediting licensure for providers of gender-affirming care to ensure that the state has a robust network of providers to meet the potential influx of new patients.
- Craig Pulsipher
At the same time, the bill will help to improve access for transgender Californians, who must often wait months to access care given the limited number of providers available.
- Craig Pulsipher
Importantly, the bill has a sunset clause so that we can reevaluate the ongoing need for this bill in four years and would just flag some of the concerns from the opposition that were raised in the analysis that this is somehow rushing approval in a way that would somehow negatively impact the quality of care provided and would just highlight the fact the bill does not change licensing requirements or undermine existing standards in any way.
- Craig Pulsipher
It merely prioritizes applications to get providers working in California as quickly as possible and respectfully urge your aye vote.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you for your testimony. Next lead witness in support
- Symphoni Barbee
Good morning, Chair and Members of the Committee. My name is Symphoni Barbee with Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California. On behalf of the seven affiliates who provide care through over 100 health centers in the state, here as a proud co-sponsor of AB 2442 to improve access to gender-affirming care.
- Symphoni Barbee
Gender-affirming care is lifesaving care that has positive impacts on TGI patients, including reduced rates of depression and anxiety. Despite the positive impact gender-affirming care has on patients, as noted, 23 to 24 states have enacted restrictions on this essential care.
- Symphoni Barbee
Attacks on gender-affirming care threaten the ability for people to access care that they need in order to live full and healthy lives. The attack on gender-affirming care also closely mirrors the attacks on abortion. And care, placing barriers on this care to gender-affirming care, which can already be difficult to navigate and access in California only further exacerbates healthcare disparities.
- Symphoni Barbee
AB 2442 seeks to ensure that licensure applications for providers of gender-affirming care are prioritized to ensure a robust network of trained providers and a timely access to care for patients in California. I respectfully urge your aye vote on AB 2442 today. Thank you.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you for your testimony. We'll take me too testimony in support. Your name, affiliation and position on the Bill.
- Ryan Spencer
Ryan Spencer, behalf of the American College of OB/GYNs District Nine in support.
- Becca Cramer Mowder
Becca Kramer-Madder, on behalf of ACLU California Action in support.
- Ryan Souza
Ryan Souza, on behalf of Essential Health Access and APLA Health in support.
- Genesis Gonzalez
Good morning. Genesis Gonzalez, on behalf of Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis, in support. Thank you.
- Angelique Ashby
Okay, now we will take lead witnesses in opposition. You'll each have two minutes. Two of you can speak and then we'll take me too testimony and opposition.
- Greg Burt
Chair and Members, my name is Greg Burt, Vice President of the California Family Council, and we strongly oppose AB 2442 because it grants special privileges to medical personnel who are using treatments for gender dysphoria which other countries are rejecting for the harm they cause to minors.
- Greg Burt
You should have received a copy of a study published in the National Library of Medicine showing an increased risk of suicide of those who received gender-affirming surgery. We've also sent you articles regarding the Cass Review.
- Greg Burt
It's an independent review commissioned by the English government which highlights the significant risk and adverse outcomes associated with gender-affirming treatments such as puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Just last week, the United Kingdom banned private doctors from prescribing and supplying puberty blockers for minors.
- Greg Burt
This emergency order, likely to become permanent, follows the National Health Services decision to cease prescribing these treatments outside of research settings. These actions are grounded in the findings of the Cass Review, which raise critical concerns about social transitioning of minors, emphasizing that such transitions are profound psychological interventions with potentially irreversible consequences.
- Greg Burt
The Cass Review also found the evidence supporting these treatments to be disappointingly poor and highlighted the frequent co-occurrence of gender dysphoria with other acute mental health issues that must be addressed first.
- Greg Burt
Finland, Sweden, Norway, France, Denmark, Scotland and Italy have all recently reversed course and placed restrictions on medicalizing children with gender dysphoria that favor psychological treatment without automatic affirmation. With all this evidence, why then is this Legislature and the Committee analysis?
- Angelique Ashby
Okay sir. That's two minutes. Going to need you to give us your final thought there and let the other lead witness speak.
- Greg Burt
Sure. Giving all this witness, why is this the analysis and this Legislature, continuing to support these treatments without bringing up what's happening in other countries?
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you for your testimony. Next lead witness in opposition. Two minutes.
- Erin Friday
Good morning. My name is Erin Friday, Our Duty Democrat. This bill gives preferential treatment for providers willing to be like Mengele. Removal of women's ovaries to treat mental health issues to be the rage. Lobotomies too. Today we are removing body parts, adding fake ones to cure a mental health issue, gender dysphoria, or worse, support a sexual fetish.
- Erin Friday
CAs Chloe Cole was affirmed at age 12. She went on puberty blockers, testosterone, and had her breasts amputated at age 15, she de-transitioned at 17. She is autistic. CA's Abel Garcia was affirmed despite being autistic. When he de-transitioned, he couldn't get insurance to remove his fake breasts. Guess you can't be affirmed for your biological sex.
- Erin Friday
His body shakes uncontrollably and his genitals have atrophied. CA's Layla Jane was affirmed and had her breast sliced off a couple weeks after she turned 13, despite having a long history of acute mental health issues. She de-transitioned. California's Carol F. was affirmed and her female voice, her hair, and her breasts were taken.
- Erin Friday
She got over the shame of being a butch lesbian and de-transitioned. California's Richard Anunnime was raped by his Nigerian brother, abused by his parents, has bipolar and schizophrenia. This was known to his doctors, but he was affirmed and he no longer has a penis.
- Erin Friday
My daughter was 13 when she was affirmed, but I pulled her out of her self-loathing before the scalpels could reach her, and she re-identified as the beautiful girl that she always was. CA's David Bacon was affirmed. He got a pair of breasts and estrogen that resulted in severe heart issues. He de-transitioned.
- Erin Friday
CA's Maddy was affirmed, and she had her healthy breasts.
- Angelique Ashby
Okay, ma'am, that's two minutes. We thank you for your testimony. Give us a final thought.
- Erin Friday
Okay/ Affirming that one's body is wrong and that must be fixed is not just malpractice, but it's cruel. Vote no on AB 2442.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you for your testimony. We'll take me too testimony in opposition now. Just your name, organization, and position on the Bill.
- David Bolog
Good morning, Senators. My name is David Bolog. I'm representing the SFV Alliance, the LA County Chapter for Moms for Liberty, the Truth Exchange, Taxpayer Oversights for Parents and Children, the Facts, Law, Truth, Justice Law Firm. And take a stand, Stanislaus. Thank you.
- Angelique Ashby
Thank you. Anyone else? All right, back to the dais. Anybody have any questions for the author? Would you like to close, Assembly Member Zbur?
- Rick Chavez Zbur
The one thing I'll say is that this doesn't create any special privileges. It doesn't change any of the standards that our mental health and our healthcare providers hold themselves to. All it does is it basically prioritizes the processing of the medical licensing in this area. And with that, I ask for an aye vote.
- Angelique Ashby
All right, the item has been moved. We will take a roll call vote.
- Committee Secretary
AB 2442.
- Angelique Ashby
Oh, I did ask for comments. Questions. Would you like to make a comment or a question? Go ahead.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
Assembly Member Zbur I want to thank you for being here today and bringing up this issue. It's rare that I sit here and read through the opposition support letters and get a visceral response. I do read everything that comes to us, but I could not get through the letters and the opposition.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
And so, I just want to commend you for your bravery in this. It is courageous and necessary to come forward for what is right and to push back on ideologies. This is about healthcare access, and this is about dignity and respect for all Californians. So, thank you.
- Marie Alvarado-Gil
And I don't feel I need to apologize for the opposition, but I do feel I need to recognize for me that visceral response of reading the letters. So, thank you.
- Rick Chavez Zbur
Thank you for saying that.
- Angelique Ashby
All right. You have a motion. We will call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
AB 2442, do pass to Appropriations. [Roll call]
- Angelique Ashby
All right, that's nine to three. We'll put that item on call. Thank you for being here, Assembly Member Zabur. Colleagues, if you have already voted on all the bills, you have fulfilled your duties for Business, Professions, and Economic Development. Thank you for being here.
- Angelique Ashby
We will hold the roll open for another moment for Senator Smallwood-Cuevas, who is on her way down. All right, we're going to open the roll and call the absent Members here. Let's start with the consent calendar.
- Committee Secretary
Consent calendar. Current vote 12-0. [Roll call]
- Angelique Ashby
Great. Consent is 13 to nothing and on its way. And then file item two. Maienschein, AB 2248 which sits at 12 to nothing right now. Chair and Vice Chair voting aye.
- Committee Secretary
Do pass to Judiciary Committee, Smallwood-Cuevas? Smallwood-Cuevas, aye.
- Angelique Ashby
Great. 13 to nothing. That Bill is out. File item three, AB 2270. Maienschein, this is healing arts on menopause. It sits at 12-0 with the chair and Vice Chair voting no. I mean, sorry, voting aye.
- Committee Secretary
Do pass to appropriations. Smallwood-Cuevas? Smallwood-Cuevas, aye.
- Angelique Ashby
Great. 13 to nothing. That bill is out. And file item four, also Maienschein, AB 2581. This is healing arts on maternal mental health. It sits at 12 nothing.
- Committee Secretary
Do pass to appropriation, Smallwood-Cuevas? Smallwood-Cuevas aye.
- Angelique Ashby
Great. 13 to nothing, that bill is out. And finally, file item five. Assemblymember Zbur's AB 2442 healing arts expedited licensure process for gender affirming healthcare. It sits at nine ayes and three noes. Chair voting aye. Vice Chair voting no.
- Committee Secretary
Do pass to appropriation. Smallwood-Cuevas? Smallwood-Cuevas, aye.
- Angelique Ashby
Great. 10 to three. That item is out as well, Senator Smallwood-Cuevas. Items 6 and 7 were both pulled by the author. So that is the totality of our agenda today. Thanks for coming down. All right, and that's it for business, professions and economic development today. We're adjurned.
Committee Action:Passed
Next bill discussion: August 21, 2024
Previous bill discussion: April 9, 2024