Assembly Floor
- Jim Wood
The Assembly is now in session. Assemblymember Ting notices the absence of a quorum. The sergeant at arms will prepare the chamber and bring in the absent Members.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Jim Wood
Members, a quorum is present. We ask our visitors and guests in the chamber, in the rear of the gallery, rear of the gallery and in the chamber or the other way around to please stand for the prayer and the flag salute. Today's prayer will be offered by Assembly Chaplain Imam Yasir Khan.
- Mohammad Khan
In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful, Almighty God. In this moment of gathering, we turn to you, source of all wisdom and compassion. Grant us clarity of thought as we deliberate empathy in our interactions and courage to act with integrity. Guide our hearts and minds to decisions that reflect your divine will.
- Mohammad Khan
Decisions that uphold justice, promote peace and foster unity among all people. May our efforts in this Assembly be a testament to your grace, bringing forth positive change and blessings to our communities and beyond. In your holy name, we humbly pray to. I mean.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. We ask you to join Assemblymember Bennett as he leads us in the pledge.
- Steve Bennett
Hand over heart. Ready? Begin. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, invisible liberty and justice. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Reading of the previous day's journal
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Chamber Sacramento Wednesday, June 19, 2024 the Assembly met at 07:00 a.m. ...
- Jim Wood
... Curry moves and Mister Flores seconds at the reading of the previous day's journal. Be dispensed with. Presentations and petitions there are none. Introduction and reference of bills will be deferred. Reports of committees will be deemed read and amendments deemed adopted. Messages from the Governor there are none. Messages from the Senate there are none.
- Jim Wood
Moving to motions and resolutions. The absences for the day for medical leave. Assemblymember Mathis and Assemblymember Joan Sawyer for illness. Assemblymember Gibson moving to procedural motions. Majority Leader Aguiar Curry, you are recognized for your procedural motions.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Good evening Mister Wood. Speaker Wood. I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly rule 118 to allow Assembly Members Boerner and Bauer Kahan to have a guest seated at their desk and to allow Assembly Member Soria to have guests in the rear of the chamber today.
- Jim Wood
Without objection. Such shall be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I request unanimous consent to re-refer item 94, SB 168 Committee on the Budget and Fiscal Review to the Budget Committee.
- Jim Wood
Mister Flora
- Heath Flora
Withhold consent asks for roll call vote thank you.
- Jim Wood
Mister Flora is asking for a roll call vote. Majority leader moves Assemblymember Ortega seconds to suspend the rules Members, this is a procedural vote on the suspension of the rules and is not debatable. The Clerk will open the rule. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. This is a procedural motion.
- Jim Wood
The majority leader asking for an aye. Mister fluor asking for a no. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Procedural motion. Members, procedural motion. Miss Aguirre Curry asking for an aye vote. Clerk will close the roll. Tally the votes. Ayes 41, no 7. rules are suspended. Madam.
- Jim Wood
Members moving to introductions and announcements. Been told by a Member that today is National Barcode Day. I don't know that for sure, but that's what I've been told, so look up your barcodes. Assembly Member Soria, you are recognized for your guest introductions. Your attentions to Assembly Members Soria, please.
- Esmeralda Soria
Thank you Mister speaker and Members, good afternoon. I just want to introduce two of my kids, my bonus kids. So I have Alyssa Frazier here and also Jacob Frazier. So they're visiting. They're spending a day with me, seeing what we do every day.
- Esmeralda Soria
They didn't know that we were going to be out this late, so they get a little taste of what we do here in the capital. So I want to welcome them to Sacramento.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assemblymember Soria. Welcome to your children and welcome to bonus time here in the Assembly today. Moving to business on the daily file. Second reading file items one through 23.
- Committee Secretary
[Second Reading]
- Jim Wood
All bills will be deemed read and all amendments will be deemed adopted. Under reconsideration, all items shall be continued. Moving to Senate third reading moving to file item 82. Senate Bill 108 Senator Wiener by Assemblymember Gabriel.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 108 by Senator Wiener and act relating to the state budget, making an appropriation therefore to take effect immediately. Budget Bill
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Gabriel, you are recognized Members, your attention to Assembly Member Gabriel.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I rise to present SB 108 which amends AB 107, our legislative budget plan, to reflect our final three party agreement with the Governor. Members, I want to remind you of the challenges we faced when we began the process of crafting this budget in January.
- Jesse Gabriel
Faced with a historic budget deficit, we knew that this process would require many difficult choices. But we decided to face those challenges head on and with the resolve to do right by the hard working Californians we are privileged to represent. This budget agreement is proof that we can be both compassionate and fiscally responsible.
- Jesse Gabriel
I am proud that this budget continues to protect classroom funding, critical safety net programs, and carefully target investments in key housing and homelessness programs. At the same time, we recognize that the people of California expect government to tighten its belt and balance the budget just like families do every month.
- Jesse Gabriel
That is why we maintain over $22 billion in reserves and have demanded smarter spending and real accountability. We're also proud that this agreement sets us on a path to balance the state budget in both 2024 and 2025.
- Jesse Gabriel
I'm grateful to Speaker Rivas, our talented budget Subcommitee chairs, my Assembly colleagues, Governor Newsom, and our partners in the Senate for their hard work and thoughtful leadership in crafting this budget. I also want to thank our incredibly hardworking Assembly Budget Committee staff on both sides of the aisle. Thank you. And I respectfully request an aye vote on SB 108.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assemblymember Gabriel. Assemblymember Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Mister speaker. Sadly, colleagues, I rise in opposition to SB 108 doubles down on the homeless programs that the state auditors found are lacking. This Bill restores $260 million of HHAPP bonus funds and 250 million for encampment resolution grants. Additionally, funding should come from evidence that homelessness is actually being reduced.
- Heath Flora
Decreased funding for the middle class scholarship programs. MCS funding reduced by 110 million, leaving the middle class students with little or no support from for college aspirations. Provides no additional funding for wildfire prevention and surface water storage. I respectfully ask for no vote.
- Jim Wood
Excuse me, Doctor Arambula, you are recognized.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you Mister speaker and Members. Two weeks ago we passed a budget with the serious and clear purpose that our government must address spending in a year of fiscal challenges. It was a moment to remind us of the many families in our state who struggle themselves with their household budgets.
- Joaquin Arambula
They are dealing with the rising cost of living and inflation, and they are worried and anxious about having enough money to put food on their table and to keep a roof open over their heads. Many of them are our most vulnerable. Today, I rise to talk about their needs and our responsibility as a government, and about the crucial importance of safety net programs for people to recover from hardship or needing a basic standard of living as they strive to improve the quality of life for themselves and their families.
- Joaquin Arambula
We know that these programs have been cut in the past because of budget uncertainties, most recently that happened during the great recession of 2008 and the years that followed. But in the past seven years, we, as an institution have taken steps to shore up and to strengthen our safety net programs.
- Joaquin Arambula
At the same time, we have been responsible and built up the largest state budget reserve in our history. Our responsible decisions will enable us to weather this latest fiscal storm and to protect our poor and disadvantaged. It will allow us to keep our commitment to providing safety net programs to anyone who needs them.
- Joaquin Arambula
And I am reminded that this is is the people's house and that we are entrusted with the public's money. We must ground ourselves in doing the work that helps all Californians. The budget presented today represents our values and continues this institution's commitment to serve the people. Because of this, I am in support of this budget Bill.
- Joaquin Arambula
I am grateful that our leadership, Governor, budget chair, Subcommitee chairs and staff were able to reach an agreement, and I encourage all my colleagues to support it.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Doctor Arambula. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote to desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll until the votes. Eyes 44, nos. 11. The Bill passes without objection, immediate transmittal to the Senate.
- Jim Wood
Moving now to file item 83, SB 109. Mister Wiener, by Assemblymember Gabriel. Mister Gabriel, you are recognized. Clerk will read, excuse me,
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 109 by Senator Wiener and accolade into the state budget, making an appropriation therefore, to take effect immediately. Budget Bill
- Jim Wood
Now, Mister Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you very much, Mister Speaker. I rise to present SB 109. This Bill amends the 2023 Budget act to make adjustments in the current year necessary to fully implement the budget agreement. This includes Fund shifts, reductions, and technical changes needed to achieve over $660 million in savings.
- Jesse Gabriel
It also includes $175 million for unexpected Medi Cal caseload costs and 16,000 to compensate a county for homicide trial costs. Colleagues, I respectfully ask for your aye vote on SB 109.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Gabriel. Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Mister speaker. Colleagues, I rise in opposition to SB 109. It cuts funding for connecting broadband to small rural communities. Cuts the broadband loan loss Reserve Fund, which helps small communities connect to middle mile broadband networks under construction. I respectfully ask for no vote.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 48, nos 12. Measure passes without objection. Immediate transmittal to the Senate. Moving to file item 84.
- Jim Wood
SB 153. Mister Wiener By Assemblymember Gabriel, the Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 153 by the Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review when according to Education Finance and making it appropriation, therefore to take effect immediately, Bill related to the budget.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you very much, Mister Speaker. I am pleased to present SB 153, our TK through grade 12 education trailer Bill which invests in our schools a record amount of $24,626 per pupil. This Bill also includes historic Proposition 98 funding of over $115 billion.
- Jesse Gabriel
Importantly, SB 153 protects our ongoing commitment to public education despite our budget shortfall. To do this, SB 153 leverages our Proposition 98 rainy day Fund and authorizes certain deferrals to fulfill our commitment to school spending through 2024-2025. Consistent with this increased funding, SB 153 limits districts ability to utilize the August 2024 layoff window.
- Jesse Gabriel
This Bill also eliminates statutory intent language for General Fund spending for school facilities in anticipation of a potential school bond on the November 2024 ballot. SB 153 also protects the Golden State Teachers program, updates the uniform complaint process, and requires instructional continuity plans to be added to existing school safety plans by July 1, 2025.
- Jesse Gabriel
Colleagues, since the beginning of this year, we have been committed to a budget that protects classroom funding and invests in our greatest resource, our children. This Bill honors that commitment to our children and that their schools. For that reason, I respectfully request your aye vote on SB 153.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel, Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you Mister Speaker. I rise in respectful opposition to SB 153. This measure suspends Prop 98. All the funding and future funding intended in this Bill is predicted on plan to suspend is precedent on a plan to suspend Prop 98 creates an unstable funding maneuver to address over appropriation in 2022 and 23.
- Heath Flora
This budget includes $6.2 billion of funding maneuvering to attempt to rectify an overapproach rate of funds that that are overly ambitious and a Prop 90 minimums guarantee. I respectfully ask for a no vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Flora. Mister Alvarez, you are recognized.
- David Alvarez
Thank you Mister Speaker. I rise in support of SB 153 and I first want to start by thanking the staff who worked on all education finance issues this year and we could not have reached where we are today, this moment, without the leadership of our chair of our Budget Committee.
- David Alvarez
I want to thank him for his leadership and certainly our speaker who has been committed to transparency in ensuring that we Fund schools appropriately. I think that is a pledge that many of us make when we tell people in our communities that we want to come to Sacramento and do the right thing.
- David Alvarez
Education funding, I know is a priority for so many of you. I want to acknowledge that this Bill recognizes that we all made that commitment. This budget is a huge upgrade from what was initially proposed in the governor's proposal. And it's, again, really due to the savvy negotiating skills of our chair and of our speaker.
- David Alvarez
While the budget has improved through this negotiation, I think that it's fair to say for those of us, especially, who were sub chairs and who had, I think, everybody, more than a dozen Subcommitee hearings, it wasn't really fun or enjoyable. It was difficult. There were some difficult choices that needed to be made, but we had the support of our leadership in order to accomplish that. It is really clear.
- David Alvarez
One thing to me, though, being chair of the Subcommitee and seeing what the volatility of our revenue projections does to us every single year, that the State of California needs to have fiscal reform to prevent these wild swings in revenue, that causes us to make really difficult decisions.
- David Alvarez
So I look forward to being part of that as we go forward. I know, and I'm confident that in our leadership, both from our chair of our Budget Committee, but also from our speaker, we will take on those hard conversations and actually make the change that we need to do. This budget, again, was difficult.
- David Alvarez
There were some decisions that, unfortunately, had to be made that weren't ideal for any of us. But it does keep our commitment to make sure that public education is our number one priority and that we fully Fund our classrooms and provide our students with the resources that they need to be successful. For that reason, I respectfully ask for your aye vote on SB 153. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Mister Alvarez, would you like to close, Mister Gabriel?
- Jesse Gabriel
Yes. I just want to thank our colleague from San Diego for his extraordinary leadership on education, both at the k through 12 level and also higher education. It's just, you know, so much of the.
- Jesse Gabriel
Of our ability to honor our commitment to our classrooms, to our teachers, to our next generation, to our students, is due to his steadfast leadership. So I want to thank you and the staff that worked so hard on this. And again, colleagues, a reminder, this will be record funding for students, record funding for our schools. So on behalf of them, I respectfully request your aye vote on SB 153.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Gabriel. And with that, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 52, noes. 11. Measure passes without objection, immediate transmittal to the Senate.
- Jim Wood
Moving to file item 85, SB 155, by Senator Wiener, by Assemblymember Gabriel. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 155 by the Senate Committee on Budgets and Fiscal Review when operating the post secondary education and making an appropriation, therefore, to take effect immediately. Bill related to the budget.
- Jim Wood
Mister Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you Mister speaker. I am pleased to present SB 155 which is our higher education trailer Bill. This Bill includes statutory changes to implement higher education actions in the budget Bill, which include authorizing a statewide lease revenue bond that will support community college student housing.
- Jesse Gabriel
This implements a financing structure that was agreed to last year and will support the construction of 13 facilities that will provide affordable housing to more than 4300 community college students every year. SB 155 also creates a new program using existing funding to expand nursing degree programs at community colleges.
- Jesse Gabriel
This five year program will support the expansion of nursing programs and partnerships and help address the nursing shortages across our state. This Bill also authorizes deferrals consistent with the Prop 98 funding structure for districts to receive a 1.07% COLA and support system wide enrollment growth of about 5,400 full time community college students. For those reasons, I respectfully request your aye vote on SB 155.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel, Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you Mister speaker. And I feel this next part is very important. I rise in support of SB 155. Listen. Yeah, I know, it's amazing. Provides alternative financing opportunities for student housing established nursing programs at CC campuses nursing shortage situation allows more nurses to work in hospitals sooner lease revenue bonds may provide housing opportunities for students while furthering their education. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Flora. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 67 noes one measure passes without objection, immediate transmittal to the Senate.
- Jim Wood
Moving now to file item 86, SB 156. Assemblymember Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 156 by the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review when activating the public resources and making an appropriation therefore, to take effect immediately. Bill related to the budget
- Jim Wood
Senator Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you Mister Speaker. I knew we'd get them eventually. I don't know about this one. We'll see. I'm pleased to present SB 156, our resources trailer Bill, which makes statutory changes necessary to implement the budget as it relates to environmental protection, natural resources, agriculture and air pollution.
- Jesse Gabriel
Major components of the Bill include requiring CAL FIRE to provide robust reporting on its wildfire prevention and resiliency work, ensuring the Department of Toxic Substances Control has the necessary funding to protect Californians from hazardous waste by clarifying fee exemptions creating a fee exemption review process and right sizing penalties on late payment of fees.
- Jesse Gabriel
This Bill also conforms to the multi year reductions proposed in the May revision and GGRF spending plan and supports the state's circular economy by temporarily freezing handling fees that ensure recycling centers have the financial support to operate in convenience zones throughout the state. This Bill also includes non substantive technical changes.
- Jesse Gabriel
Members, despite this year's tough budget, our commitment to protecting our environment and the communities hit hardest by the impact of climate change remains strong. For that reason, I respectfully request your aye vote on SB 156.
- Jim Wood
Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you Mister Speaker. I rise in opposition to SB 156 makes numerous and substantial policy changes to a variety of aspects of the public resource programs, penalizing domestic energy sectors and leading to record high gas prices. Continues the funding for clean car programs for all that has not demonstrated a significant impact, and for those reasons, I respectfully ask for a no vote.
- Jim Wood
Darn. Miss Davies, you are recognized.
- Laurie Davies
Thank you Mister speaker. Members, today I rise in unfortunate opposition to this trailer Bill. I want to acknowledge that there are some good provisions in this Bill. However, lacking in this trailer Bill is dedicated funding for coastal erosion mitigation and sand replenishment. Members, this is one environmental issue, mainly the main one facing my district.
- Laurie Davies
But it's an issue that is plaguing every Member who has a slice of the coast in our district. According to 2022 LAO climate Change report, by 2050, 75% of California beaches will be partially eroded or fully eroded. While that seems far off Members, that's only 26 years away, the clock is ticking to save them.
- Laurie Davies
Now, you might be asking how this relates to our budget. Woese beaches play a paramount part in our local tourism. The revenue generated from tourism helps pay for the local infrastructure projects or increasing our public safety personnel. Without them, cities will begin to. Sorry. We will begin coming to us and asking us financially for city and county projects, therefore straining an already tight budget and diverting funds away from our crucial services.
- Laurie Davies
I understand tough choices need to be made, but if you want to prioritize our state's environmental goals, any trailer Bill dealing with public resources needs to have funding for our coastal issues. For those reasons, I urge you, no vote on this measure.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assemblymember Davies. Assemblymember Bennett, you are recognized.
- Steve Bennett
Thank you Mister chair Members. This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend a conference where we discussed high speed rail and we compared ourselves with other countries in the world that have high speed rail.
- Steve Bennett
One of the endeavors that people engage in to try to decrease their carbon footprint and sadly, at this conference, they pointed out that of all the countries in the world that have high speed rail, China and many European countries, Japan, the United States, on a per capita basis, is last in terms of our carbon footprint. And that is a telling and a damning indictment for us. And I'm still trying to get the statistics. It's harder to break it down for California.
- Steve Bennett
But the point I would like to make is that we have done a great job of trying to protect the most vulnerable, and in the long run, it's the most vulnerable that will suffer the most from climate change. And we have to make sure we keep our eye on the ball in terms of California doing its share.
- Steve Bennett
It will be hard for this country to be able to improve that rank if California doesn't take leadership and this budget continues our efforts, and hopefully we will be able to expand those efforts as we go forward and this crisis gets worse and worse. Thank you very much. I respectfully ask for an aye vote on SB 156.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Bennett. Hearing no further debate. Would you like to close, Mister Gabriel?
- Jesse Gabriel
Yeah. Thank you, Mister Speaker. I just want to take a moment to acknowledge our colleague from Ventura, who so ably led the efforts in this area. We put a lot of tough work on his shoulders and the shoulders of his Subcommitee to make a lot of tough choices.
- Jesse Gabriel
And we know, though, in this moment of budget challenges, that what the people of California expect of us is that we're going to tighten our belt and make those tough choices and live within our means. And so I know that we weren't able to Fund everything that we wanted to do in this area.
- Jesse Gabriel
But I just want to compliment and extend my gratitude to our colleague for Ventura for doing this work so thoughtfully, so carefully, really trying to measure the impact of the various programs that we Fund to make sure that we are doing the best job we can in these challenging circumstances. And because he did such a good job, I respectfully request your aye vote on SB 156.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Gabriel. The Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the vote's eyes. 50 knows. 11 measure passes without objection, immediate transmittal to the Senate.
- Jim Wood
Moving now to file item 91, SB 163. The Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 163 by the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review. An act relating to early learning in childcare and making an appropriation, therefore, to take effect immediately. Bill related to the budget.
- Jim Wood
Mister Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I am pleased to present SB 163, our child care and early learning trailer Bill. Importantly, this Bill protects our ongoing commitments to childcare and universal preschool. Despite our budget shortfall, this Bill codifies the hard fought agreement to grow the state subsidized childcare system by over 200,000 new children served. And so doing, this Bill fully funds childcare for 11,000 new infants and toddlers from existing child care appropriations.
- Jesse Gabriel
This Bill also requires reporting from the Department of Social Services on the implementation of the alternative methodology, rate reform, and commits the state to a hold harmless policy for child care and preschool funding rates when we adopt rate reform in 20252026. Colleagues, this measure protects the Assembly's hard fought commitment to child care. For that reason, I respectfully request your aye vote on SB 163.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Gabriel, Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Mister speaker. Colleagues, I rise in opposition to SB 163. At least seven and a half percent of the funded enrollment slots must be reserved for students with disabilities.
- Heath Flora
The special needs population has continued to be underrepresented, continues to push for new, unsustainable reimbursement methodology to reimburse child care providers, and creates confusing, temporary expansions for child care eligibility. For those reasons, I respectfully ask for no vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Flora. Doctor Jackson, you are recognized.
- Corey Jackson
Thank you very much, Mister speaker. You know, during the pandemic, we realized just how important our child care infrastructure is, and that simply our society, our economy, cannot function without a robust childcare system. And one of the key pillars that we decided to make sure that we held ourselves to is not just make a commitment based upon what needs to be solved today for budgetary reasons, but continue to be, continue to look in the future in terms of what we need our system to look like.
- Corey Jackson
And that's why we have made sure that our child care commitments are now a commitment of us as a Legislature, not just the Governor, and to make sure that the people who are in need of childcare will be able to contribute to the economy, contribute to their households, unlock their own passions and their own skills, their own talents to contribute to California.
- Corey Jackson
And we also have to remember and thank, as always, the women's caucus, who continues to be a champion for this issue and continues to remind us to make sure that we're making the long term commitments to our families so that our economy, and so that our society can truly work the way it needs to.
- Corey Jackson
I want to thank the speaker and chair and our budget chair for continuing their leadership and to making sure that we are being wise in the long term, respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Doctor Jackson. Assembly Member Joe Patterson, you are recognized.
- Joe Patterson
Thank you Mister speaker. Members, in a prior budget Bill, we cut reimbursement rates for Regional Centers or the pay increases for the workers of people who, when I say we, I mean not me. For people who are working at Regional Centers helping people with disabilities.
- Joe Patterson
And this legislation here removes the agreement and the commitment that was made by this Legislature to offer some of those slots to kids with disabilities. I don't know why we, this body is so focused on cutting programs and funding for individuals with disabilities. I think it's a small amount of money at the grand scheme of things.
- Joe Patterson
There's so much crap. Sorry, excuse me, there's so much stuff funded in this budget and it's offensive to me that we continue to cut kids with disabilities. And so with that, I respectfully ask, I disrespectfully ask for a no vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Patterson. The other Mister Patterson. Mister Jim Patterson. Now you are recognized.
- Jim Patterson
Thank you Mister speaker Member. I rise to oppose what is happening in this trailer built on this piece of legislation I have in my district. Loretta's little miracles. It is an absolutely wonderful PDHC, which is an effort to have daycare for the children that are disabled. And to see that what we are essentially doing is saying, well, look what we've done. We're supporting it, but the reality is that we are seeing cuts.
- Jim Patterson
One of the things that has troubled me the most has been in so many instances, we are seeing what I can only characterize as heartless cuts for those that are hurting the most. We can do a whole lot better than this, and I hope we will try, as we continue to try to work on this.
- Jim Patterson
Please remember that these children have disabilities. And if you were to join me at Loretta's little miracles, as I have in toured, you would find children in wheelchairs, you would find children with difficulty in breathing. You would find children of parents who, quite frankly, if we continue to cut what is happening with these PDHCs, these parents don't know what they're going to do. It is the respite that these PDHCs give to these families.
- Jim Patterson
And if they lose a PDHC daycare center that takes care of their children, some with the most difficult disabilities you can imagine. If that goes away, and I have been at Loretta's little miracle and talked to these parents, they're heartbroken, they're scared. They don't know what to do.
- Jim Patterson
If we lose these services and we're on the cusp of doing it, these parents may very well have to quit their jobs. And they also don't know how in the world they're going to care for their children. I can't support this. We can do a whole lot better. We ought to rise to the challenge that the PDHCs have, because nobody else will advocate for them, nobody else will provide them the resources if we don't do it. So I'm going to respectfully vote no on this.
- Jim Patterson
But I hope our hearts will be touched and that our hearts will be broken by what happens to these families and these children. Lets not be heartless. Lets do better and lets start over. And im hoping that we will see that the most vulnerable amongst us need our help now more than ever before. So I'm going to vote no. But I hope that this sends a signal that I would love to vote yes on something that cares for these disabled children and continues pediatric daycare centers without seconds. These children suffer without it. The parents don't know what to do.
- Jim Patterson
I do want to say thank you to Director Bass, who has confirmed that she will come to Fresno soon and will take the tour of Loretta's little miracles. And I am hoping with her position of authority and her voice of compassion will be touched and that she will do whatever she can to try and help us Fund something that is so important. Thank you Mister President. Not only to the children, but to the families. Thank you. My vote no, hopefully, is a signal.
- Jim Patterson
I really want to vote yes on something that cares for these PDHCs and gives them the funding they need. We cannot have them close across the state of California.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Mister Patterson, . Thank you. Seeing and hearing no further debate. Would you like to close, Mister Gabriel?
- Jesse Gabriel
Yes, Mister speaker. Thank you. And let me just start by saying I am very encouraged to hear so much support among conservative Republicans for funding safety net programs for our most vulnerable. I think that's an area where you will find a lot of agreement with us.
- Jesse Gabriel
As you heard when we debated our legislative budget plan from many of our Members, the foundation of this budget is working hard to protect those programs that protect our most vulnerable. And that is the hard work that our budget Subcommitee chair has done to shift through all of this and the Members of that Subcommitee have done.
- Jesse Gabriel
I talked about how these are decisions that kept many of us awake at night as we grappled with the moral weight of how do we make those choices, understanding the tough budgetary environment that we live in. So I would just say we look forward to working with you to do everything we can to fully Fund these programs, because we agree that government programs and services for our most vulnerable are a priority and are something that will desperately need it.
- Jesse Gabriel
I do want to remind, just for the record here, we debated last week a trailer Bill, excuse me, a budget Bill that one of the provisions in it was to roll back a special tax treatment for large multinational corporations, out of state corporations. And many of you put up your microphones and oppose that revenue.
- Jesse Gabriel
And that is the kind of additional revenue that can support more of these safety net programs that will help those who are struggling with disabilities, that can help those who are hungry, help those who are struggling with mental illness and trauma and all of these things. So I think I'm encouraged to hear that agreement.
- Jesse Gabriel
I hope that you appreciate and understand that the foundation of this budget is that we would not balance it on the backs of the poor, we would not balance it on the backs of our most vulnerable. But we had a commitment to protect those core safety net services to protect funding for housing and homelessness, to protect education funding, but to do it in a way that was fiscally responsible. And with that, I ask for your aye vote on SB 163.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Gabriel. With that, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 51 nos. 11 measure passes without objection, immediate transmittal to the Senate.
- Jim Wood
Moving now to file item 92, SB 164 by Senator Wiener by Assemblymember Gabriel. The Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 164 by the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review when applicating the state government and making an appropriation, therefore to take effect immediately.
- Jesse Gabriel
Bill related to the budget Mister Gabriel, you are recognized. Thank you, Mister speaker. I am pleased to present SB 164, our General Government trailer Bill, which implements budget provisions for multiple government agencies and departments.
- Jesse Gabriel
Major components of this Bill include reorganizing the Office of Planning and Research, redistributing some of the responsibilities of GoBiz and the Health and Human Service Agencies, establishing a new governor's office of service and community engagement, and implementing various other changes related to state government at the California Arts Council, the Department of Real Estate, and the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation.
- Jesse Gabriel
This Bill also follows through on our commitment to expand access to broadband Internet across California by requiring the Department of Technology to deliver on middle mile network segments that prioritize underserved communities in both rural and urban areas. For these reasons, I respectfully request your aye vote on SB 164.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Gabriel. Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Mister speaker. Colleagues, I rise in opposition to SB 164. It restructures government with absolutely no oversight or efficiencies. The Administration has an unvetted reorganization plan that will offload programs to various different departments. California is in a budget deficit and this Bill promotes unsustainable goals amid a deficit and I respectfully ask for a no vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Flora. So may Member Boerner, you are recognized.
- Tasha Boerner
Good evening, Mister speaker. Members. I rise in support of SB 164 and I'd like to thank the speaker, our budget chair, the budget sub chair, and budget staff for all the hard work they did to negotiate a budget that we can be proud of. Our huge despite our huge deficit. In particular, SB 164 includes a deferral for last mile broadband programs which will prioritize spinning down available federal funding while preserving General Fund Dollars for out years.
- Tasha Boerner
This provision is crucial during bad budget years so that we can focus our attention on spending down the federal dollars that have time limits while saving our precious and limited General Fund Dollars. We have to be creative during these tough years and the provision in this budget will save California hundreds of millions of dollars while keeping our commitment to ensure that we reach our policy goal of broadband for all. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assembly Member Boerner. Would you like to close, Mister Gabriel?
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I just want to thank our colleague from Encinitas for her tremendous work and leadership on broadband. I think it's something that is recognized and appreciated by our entire caucus, and with that, I would respectfully request an aye vote on SB 164.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Gabriel. With that, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 52, nos. 13 measure passes without objection, immediate transmittal to the Senate. Moving now to file item 99, SB 194 by Senator Wiener, presented by Assemblymember Gabriel.
- Committee Secretary
The Clerk will read Senate Bill 174 by the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review and operating the public resources and making an appropriation therefore, to take effect immediately. Bill related to the budget.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member. Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you Mister Speaker. SB 174 is a budget trailer Bill related to the state capital annex and CEQA. This Bill reschedules existing resources over three years to continue the reconstruction of our state capital annex.
- Jesse Gabriel
This Bill also reduces taxpayer costs for the annex project by rejecting a previous proposal to Fund it with costly revenue bonds and avoids higher costs and work stoppages by exempting the project from CEQA, this Bill also extends an existing sunset for a CEQA exemption for biodiversity and restoration project for five years, thereby extending a key element of the state's cutting the green tape initiative. Colleagues, I respectfully request your aye vote on SB 174.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel. Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Mister speaker. Colleagues, I'm in a unique position to rise with a kind of a neutral position on SB 174. Seek wasn't enacted in 1970 and signed into law by Governor Reagan in order to protect natural resources that we are blessed within the state.
- Heath Flora
However, we continue to exempt and remove CEQA requirements on a project whenever it impedes the desires of the Legislator. The need for SB 174 shines a light on a larger issue with CEQA, and I look forward to working with all of you in future legislation to address this issue. I respectfully ask you to vote your districts.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Flora. As a kind of a tweener there, Mister Joe Patterson you are recognized.
- Joe Patterson
Thank you, Mister speaker, can I ask a question to the floor manager?
- Jim Wood
Absolutely, yes. And he may address it in his close, so.
- Joe Patterson
All right, Mister floor manager, I'd like to know if there's going to be a doghouse in the Capitol annex, and I'll decide my vote based on the closing speech. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Are you auditioning for that? We'll let Mister Gallagher, and then we'll let Mister Gabriel decide if he wants to address that in his close or not. Mister Gallagher, you are recognized.
- James Gallagher
Yes. Thank you. Mister Speaker, I feel compelled to rise on this Bill because for many years, we in the Republican caucus have been advocating that we do CEQA reform across the board because we see far too many of projects needed, projects, infrastructure projects, housing projects that get stopped because of the abuse of this system.
- James Gallagher
But what we're voting on today is to completely exempt from CEQA, the Capitol annex project that we've all been dealing with this session. We've been hearing the construction outside, and there were lawsuits that were brought against this project, and unfortunately, we lost those lawsuits. The state lost those lawsuits, and it was found that, hey, they did not properly go through CEQA. And there's a current appellate court case that has held that.
- James Gallagher
And we're going and using the power of the state to say, never mind that we're going to completely exempt and this project gets to move forward for new offices for ourselves. Right. And I think that that's problematic. I think it's a bit hypocritical because we all have this. I have this in my district.
- James Gallagher
I have housing projects right now in Chico that have been challenged under CEQA, and they're still not being built. They're battling in the court system the same way that the state has had to do, and they don't get to move forward, and they got to keep paying attorneys fees. Yeah, and you're right. It's terrible. It's wrong.
- James Gallagher
NIMBY lawsuits have nothing to do. You. Know, with actually moving those projects forward that are stopping them right now. But we as the state are just going to exempt ourselves. That's wrong.
- James Gallagher
And when we're talking about tough budget years and budgets are priorities, and we're cutting students, we're cutting kids with disabilities, we're spending money on electric buses to make sure kids get to school, but they're not reading a grade level, are our priorities a little bit wrong when we're setting aside money to build a new office building for ourselves, completely exempting from CEQA, that new office building?
- James Gallagher
I mean, seriously, think about that. I don't think that that's right. Is it going to save us money? Sure it's going to save us money. But what about all the developers who are building housing that our constituents need? They're not getting to save money. They don't get a CEQA exemption. And I know it's not just me.
- James Gallagher
You have it in your districts, too. I think we have a duty to act better when we're talking about these things. Or, look, let's do CEQA exemptions across the board instead of just one offs for state office buildings for ourselves. It's not the right. Look, I urge a no vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Gallagher. All debate having ceased, Mister Gabriel, would you like to close?
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you. Thank you, Mister speaker. I will take your comments as the response to my. To the question from our colleague from Rockland. And I will just note, because I think it's important that people understand the millions of dollars that are going to be saved by this Bill are millions of dollars of taxpayer money.
- Jesse Gabriel
Millions of dollars that we can put into all of the priorities that everybody has talked about are so important. So it's really tens of millions of dollars that will be saved from. So with that, and because I believe we should protect taxpayer resources, respectfully request your aye vote on SB 174.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Gabriel. With that, the Clerk will open the door. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the vote's eyes. 56 no. Seven measure passes without objection, immediate transmittal to the Senate.
- Jim Wood
Moving to file item 100, SB 175 by Senator Wiener. Presented by Assemblymember Gabriel, the Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 175 by the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review when applied to taxation and making an appropriation, therefore to take effect immediately. Bill related to the budget.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I am pleased to present SB 175, our revenue trailer Bill, which includes the refundability provisions for business tax credits outlined in SB 167, which this body passed earlier this month.
- Jesse Gabriel
This trailer Bill honors the promise to the business community to provide for such refundability and will help support businesses across the Golden State. SB 175 also includes technical changes to the tire recycling language included in SB 167. Colleagues, respectfully request your aye vote on SB 175.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Gabriel. Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I rise in support of SB 175. It attempts to mitigate some harm done by some of the tax increases in the 2024 budget. Gives business the opportunity to recover from those tax increases solidifies the tax increases from 2024, but subjects 2025 and 2026 to a trigger.
- Heath Flora
Department of Finance is required in each subsequent year to determine if the tax increases from net operating loss, suspension or the tax credit limit are necessary and respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Flora. Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes.
- Jim Wood
Ayes 74 Nos one, measure passes without objection, immediate transmittal to the Senate Members hang with me for a second. We've been so efficient. Members, don't get too excited here, but because we're not going to leave, but let's take this opportunity to move to the second day consent calendar.
- Jim Wood
Before we vote, we will take up resolutions on the consent calendar for the purpose of adding co authors. The Clerk will read the resolutions on the consent calendar.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Concurrent Resolution 216 by Assembly Member Kalra and others relative to California Hindu American Awareness and Appreciation Month and House Resolution 106 by Assembly Member Calderon relative to Rett Syndrome Awareness Month.
- Jim Wood
Clerk will now open the roll to allow any Member to add on as a co author to the resolutions. All those vote who desire to vote Members this is for co authors. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote there are 70 the Clerk will close the roll.
- Jim Wood
There are 70 co authors added moving to a vote on the consent calendar. Does any Member wish to remove an item? Seeing and hearing none, the Clerk will read the second day consent calendar.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Concurrent Resolution 216 by Assembly Member Kalra and others relative to California Hindu American Awareness and Appreciation Month, Clerk will.
- Jim Wood
Open the roll on the consent calendar. All those vote who desire to vote all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close, roll and tally the votes. Aye 71, 72 no zero consent calendar is adopted. Clerk will read the remaining items on the consent calendar.
- Committee Secretary
[Consent Calendar]
- Jim Wood
Members while we wait for the Senate to transmit budget bills to us, we can take up any concurrence items you may have listed on today's file. Is there any Member who wishes to take up a concurrence item? Hearing? No request to take up bills.
- Jim Wood
We will take a brief recess under call while we wait for bills to arrive from the Senate. Members may go to the lounge, but Members may not leave the gated area. The House is in a brief recess under call.
- Jim Wood
Members, if you could make your way back to the chamber, we do have some bills that have been transmitted from the Senate, so please make your way back to the chamber for us to continue our business. Members, please return to the Assembly floor so that we can take up Senate bills.
- Jim Wood
Members, please wake your way back to the Assembly floor so that we can continue our business.
- Jim Wood
Madam Majority leader, you are recognized for your procedural motions.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Mister Speaker, I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 63 and 77 to allow Assemblymember Gabriel to take up the following bills without reference to file for the purpose of concurrence and Senate amendments. AB 160, AB 161, AB 162, AB 166.
- Jim Wood
Without objection, such shall be the order. Members, without reference to file, we will move to AB 160 by Mister Gabriel.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 160. By the Committee on Budget and appreciating the medi Cal, making it appropriation therefore to take effect immediately. Bill related to the budget
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you Mister speaker. I'm pleased to present AB 160 which expands the managed care organization tax for health plans that serve Medi Cal patients. This Bill generates General Fund savings of approximately 690 million in 2024-2025 in 2025-2026 and 1.3 billion in 2026-2027.
- Jesse Gabriel
The MCO tax allows the state to draw down federal funds to offset healthcare costs and enables rate plans to recover the additional tax through their Medi Cal rates. The additional revenue generated from this Bill is critical to Fund the provider rate increases authorized in the health trailer Bill. For that reason, I respectfully request your aye vote on AB 160.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel. Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you Mister speaker. Colleagues, I rise in opposition to AB 160. It is an unsustainable, sustainable and unstable revenue source. When the MCO tax expires, the General Fund is responsible for the costs. It does not improve health care and its purpose is to relieve the General Fund. I respectfully ask for no vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Flora. Doctor Weber, you are recognized.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you Mister Speaker. I rise in support of AB 161st. I want to thank the budget staff, the sub one budget staff, Speaker Rivas and our budget chair Gabriel for all of the work to get us to this point. This MCO agreement is reflective of the conversations that were had this year in budget sub one.
- Akilah Weber
While I recognize that this is not the original MCO agreement that we voted on last year, this is much better than what was in the May revise which swept all of the MCO funds back into the General Fund.
- Akilah Weber
This body fought long and hard to maintain the main purpose of the MCO tax, which is to increase Medi Cal provider reimbursement rate, keep our hospitals and clinics open, retain and recruit providers. I have mentioned many times in hearings on this floor, increasing reimbursement rates will give California's most vulnerable and underserved people access to healthcare. For these reasons, I respectfully ask for an aye vote on AB 160. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Doctor Weber. All debate having ceased, would you like to close Mister Gabriel?
- Jesse Gabriel
Yes, Mister speaker. I just want to take a moment to acknowledge and thank our incredible colleague from San Diego for her tremendous leadership in this area for fighting so, so hard. We are really, really grateful for your leadership and I know there's a lot of healthcare providers and patients here in the State of California that are lucky that you're up here doing this work with that would respectfully ask for an aye vote on AB 160.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Assembly Member Gabriel. With that, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote all those vote who desire to vote this is a 54 vote Bill. Members all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll and tally the vote's Ayes 54.
- Jim Wood
Nos nine measure passes Senate amendments are concurred in without objection. Immediate transmittal to the Governor. Moving now to file item without reference to file to AB 161, the Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 161 by the. Committee on Budget and appreciating the Human Services and making an appropriation therefore to take effect immediately. Bill related to the budget.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you Mister Speaker. I am pleased to present AB 161, our human Services trailer Bill. Thanks to the wonderful work of our Subcommitee chair and the Members of this Committee and our staff, this Bill strengthens our critical safety net programs. Among many notable provisions, AB 161 includes a first in the nation change to our foster care rate system, basing rate on the child's assessed level of needs and strengths, not on the placement type.
- Jesse Gabriel
The Bill also requires California to apply for a federal pilot intended to create improved outcomes for families and children's, and also provides for a 0.3% increase in the CalWORKS grant to start October 12024. This Bill also provides for better data collection in our CalWORKS subsidized employment program and facilitates an assessment of housing and homelessness in connection with safety net programs.
- Jesse Gabriel
This Bill also provides for benefit replacement when Calfresh benefits have been stolen due to EBT theft, as well as a state emergency Food Bank Reserve to assist with food distribution during a disaster. Colleagues, this measure underscores that we can protect our most vulnerable communities even in challenging budget times. For that reason, I respectfully request your aye vote on AB 161.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel. Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I rise in support of AB 161. It removes the requirements that prohibits foster youth from building personal savings. This Bill removes a $10,000 cap on personal property that foster youth is able to retain and leads to more potential to save money for future endeavors.
- Heath Flora
Enforces a permanent foster care rate structure and individual receiving public benefits can be reversed, reimbursed promptly and respectfully ask for an aye vote .
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Flora. Doctor Jackson, you are recognized.
- Corey Jackson
Thank you very much, Mister speaker. This year the Subcommitee on Human Services faced very difficult cuts across all parts of the safety net, posing great threats and risks to vulnerable Californians. But we knew that the greatest responsibility of the State of California during times of fiscal and biopsychosocial instability is to keep the population stable and continue to bring as many Californians out of a State of crisis.
- Corey Jackson
The decision wasn't about who it was for, but it was about the level of harm it could cause because we knew that it cost more to bring people out of crisis than to keep people stable. This was our North Star, and I want to thank budget staff, our chair and the speaker to ensure that we were able to reach that star. This year we held eight hearings that range from four to 7 hours each.
- Corey Jackson
And I want to thank my colleagues on the Committee and the many Members of the democratic caucus who came to the final hearing to advocate for the least of these. Thankfully, our plan was a response to what we heard from the many hours of testimony and public comment over the spring.
- Corey Jackson
This plan protects and doubles down on our most vulnerable populations because decisions were made not because they had the most lobbyists or because they gave the most contributions, but because their dignity and humanity was enough. There could be no doubt that this budget was rooted in justice, and that is something that we should be proud of now.
- Corey Jackson
There's certainly more work to be done in the coming years to reform a system that no longer works for too many of our communities and future generations. And that is the task that lies ahead of us in the coming years.
- Corey Jackson
So we want to thank the LAO, the Department of Finance, my staff, the budget staff, and of course also our great chair, who created a great process to making sure that voices were heard and priorities were established to making sure that we set up our population for success in the future. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Doctor Jackson. All debate having ceased, would you like to close. Mister Gabriel.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you Mister chair. I just want to thank our colleague from Reno Valley for leading with a moral north star that has been the centerpiece of our work on human services and protecting our most vulnerable. And there are countless children and families and individuals in the State of California who will be better off because you followed that moral north star with that respectfully request your aye vote on AB 161.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel. And with that, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Eyes 66 Nos. One. Senate amendments are concurred in without objection, immediate transmittal to the Governor.
- Jim Wood
Moving without reference to file to AB 162. Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 162 by. The Committee on Budget an act relating to Developmental Services and making an appropriation therefore, to take effect immediately, be related to the budget.
- Jesse Gabriel
Mister Gabriel, you are recognized. Thank you Mister Speaker. I am pleased to present AB 162, our Developmental Services trailer Bill, which will create better access for individuals served by our Developmental Services system. The budget agreement implements the final step in provider rate reform on January 1, 2025 a six month delay from current law.
- Jesse Gabriel
This final step represents the last 50% of the difference in rates between what was provided prior to rate reform and what rate models call for in each service category. AB 162 includes a compromise regarding the extension of remote meetings for people served by Regional Centers and makes clear there will be no adverse consequences for a family or individual if an in person meeting is not possible.
- Jesse Gabriel
The Bill also clarifies that access to social, recreation, camp, and non medical therapies are critical and that Regional Centers are not allowed to adopt policies that infringe on or generally disfavor this access. Finally, this Bill codifies key provisions of the master plan for Developmental Services. Thank you and I respectfully request your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
I guess your time was up. I don't know. Yes, we got that. Thank you, sir. Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Do I need to yield my time? Colleagues, I respectfully rise in support of this measure. Implements a rate increase six months early, resulting in a starting of January 1, 2025. Develops the implementation of a master plan for Developmental Services to improve the experience of individuals and families receiving Developmental Services. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Flora. Mister Lackey, you are recognized.
- Tom Lackey
Yeah, I hesitate to rise because I am thankful for the compromise. But it's still regrettable that we're denying the increase that this population vulnerable needs we're talking about. We. This budget is something to be proud of. That we're actually taking care of the most vulnerable.
- Tom Lackey
I would challenge that statement when we're waiting six months before we actually give the most vulnerable. I would argue that they are as vulnerable as anybody in our culture. And we're delaying that. Which I am disappointed. But I am thankful that at least there getting it six months. But I think it is something to give you a pause that we need to do better than this. And that's all I have to say. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Lackey. Doctor Jackson, you are recognized.
- Corey Jackson
Thank you very much, Mister speaker. I'm actually proud of this item, because when we worked directly with the advocates of this community, this was the item that the Committee Subcommitee was the. This was the item that the Subcommitee opposed and rejected first out of any other proposal of the Governor.
- Corey Jackson
And what's also important is that we made sure that they understood that we were not only committed to this, but we wanted to let them know that you're no longer in the back of the line, but we're moving you up. Our two House legislative agreement had a full implementation that we voted on.
- Corey Jackson
And not only that, we were committed to it. And this was actually the agreement that I personally sat down with advocates to come up with this, because we said that we agree with you, a delay is not acceptable for an entire year. We will continue to make progress.
- Corey Jackson
And then we also came into an agreement with them on the IPP plan when it comes to virtual convenings. And we worked with them for months to make sure that the Department respected their concerns, but then also make sure that it was done in a thoughtful way, and in a way that makes sure that everyone felt respected. Protected. This was done hand in hand with the community. And something that we just should all be very proud of. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Doctor Jackson. Seeing and hearing no further debate. Would you like to close, Mister Gabriel? Yeah.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you Mister speaker. And I do, just to bring us up one level here. I think it is notable and actually something beautiful and worth celebrating, that people from different parts of the state, from different political parties, that we do agree that protecting this community, protecting those who are vulnerable and in need of these services, is a priority for all of us.
- Jesse Gabriel
And I think that that is something that we should be proud of. I think it demonstrates our values as Californians, our values as human beings, and it's certainly something that I'm proud of. So with that, would respectfully request your aye vote on AB 162.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Mister Gabriel. The Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 68, Noes one. Senate amendments are concurred in without objection, immediate transmittal to the Governor.
- Jim Wood
Moving now without reference to file, to file item number or actually to AB 166, the Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 166 by the Committee on Budget enact relating to housing and making an appropriation, therefore to take effect immediately. Bill related to the budget.
- Jim Wood
Mister Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I am pleased to present AB 166, our housing and homelessness trailer Bill. I think most notably here, this Bill includes new oversight and accountability provisions for the homeless housing assistance and prevention, or HHAP grant program.
- Jesse Gabriel
And I do want to take a moment to emphasize this and to thank our sub chair from Orange County for her extraordinary work on this and for others. We have said from the beginning of the year that protecting funding for key housing and homelessness programs was a very important priority for us.
- Jesse Gabriel
We do not want to see more Californians end up in homelessness. We need to make better progress on this issue. But we also said that accountability would be foundational to that effort. And I want to make sure people understand that there are multiple accountability provisions that are built into this.
- Jesse Gabriel
First is some very frank conversations we had with our partners and local government to make it clear that they could not reduce their local funding for homelessness as a condition of receiving the state funding. That they also had to have skin in the game, a requirement that they act with urgency.
- Jesse Gabriel
As we looked at the data that we do have, we saw that some of our local governments were tackling this issue with a lot of speed and urgency in the way that our constituents demand and others were not doing that.
- Jesse Gabriel
And so we believe that they need to do that work with the urgency that our constituents expect and that we expect as well. The third were stronger data and accountability provisions. And as you look at the Bill, there are real metrics and real data required of those that are recipients of state homelessness funding.
- Jesse Gabriel
And finally, a requirement for the second round, for the second half of the 6th round of HHAP, that local governments have a compliant housing element as a condition to receive homelessness funding. So you cannot be part of creating our homelessness crisis and then come to the state and ask for money to solve that problem.
- Jesse Gabriel
We need our local governments to also be part of the solution and to work in partnership with us. I'm also proud that this Bill includes funding for tribal HHAP recipients and makes tribal applicants eligible for supplemental home key funding.
- Jesse Gabriel
And additionally, this Bill includes accountability provisions for the Encampment grant resolution funding program and requires both annual and final reports that will provide us with better transparency and accountability relative to the deployment of those funds.
- Jesse Gabriel
And finally, this Bill includes restored funding for the REAP 2.0 program as well as additional reporting on the California Dream for all program. Because of these strong accountability provisions, something that I believe that we should share irrespective of party or ideology or geography. I respectfully request your I vote on AB 166.
- Jim Wood
Thank you assemblymember Gabriel. Assemblymember Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you Mister Speaker. I rise in support of AB 166. The HHAP reforms may strengthen local and state collaboration and hold locals accountable, includes additional and more frequent reporting requirements for all homeless funding recipients, creating more accountability. The Bill requires metrics to enhance oversight and transparency on state spending, ensure taxpayer dollars are going to fix homelessness, and respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Flora. Assemblymember Quirk Silva, you are recognized.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
Thank you Mister speaker. I rise as the budget sub chair five, which our purview, in fact worked diligently to restore funds. I want to thank our Member from Lodi for their support, but I do ask for permission to read. Members.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
I'm just pulling up from our computer here the language, because so often we use acronyms here and we hhap does everybody know exactly what HHAP is? We all might, but the public doesn't. And what does HHAP do? HHAP actually is the existing law establishes the homeless housing Assistance and prevention program. Thus HHAP.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
And what this particularly funding does is it asks for coordination, coordination with our local governments, coordination with our cities, counties and states. And this funding has often been described by our local municipalities as the funding that they prefer because there's flexibility in it, there's options to work together between the county, between the city, there's options for individuals and cities to be creative.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
An example in North Orange County is many of the cities put their funding together to put two shelters up in North Orange County, one in Buena Park, one in Placentia, and 10 to 12 cities put their funding together to sustain those shelters, while also using funds like age help to help sustain them over time.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
This funding is important. And yet we know, and we heard through our accountability hearing with Sub Chair Assemblymember Valencia, the strong questions that were asked about this money that has been brought down over the last handful of years is, are we making a difference? Are we seeing results? And if not, why not?
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
That type of language has been put in for guardrails to make sure there's reporting, to make sure the information that we didn't get, that we will receive. But I assure you that we are still in a homeless crisis. I assure you that these funds are going to make a difference, to push back that tide, and yet we have more work to do. But with that, I ask for your support on Assembly Bill 166.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assemblymember Quirk Silva. Assemblymember Hoover, you are recognized.
- Josh Hoover
Thank you Mister speaker. I rise in support of this Bill, but I did want to reiterate some of what my colleague from Fullerton just said, that spending money is not the solution to homelessness. We have to make sure that we are tracking where those dollars are going.
- Josh Hoover
I think this is a good first step, but we have more work to do in this body to implement the State Auditor's recommendations on making sure these funds are spent with accountability. Passing our colleagues Bill to increase flexibility of dollars to allow them to be spent on sobriety programs. I think there's a lot of work we still need to do, but I appreciate the direction we're going. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Hoover. All debate having ceased, would you like to close, Mister Gabriel?
- Jesse Gabriel
Yeah, I just want to say thank you to our two colleagues from Orange County, the one who leads our budget Subcommitee dealing with this work, who has been so deeply invested in housing and homelessness, and who has led with a focus on accountability, and the sub chair of our new budget Subcommitee on accountability.
- Jesse Gabriel
Because this accountability is foundational to good government, it is foundational to progressive government, it is foundational to delivering results. And this is something that will be a big part of our efforts going forward. And because of that, and want to acknowledge and thank everybody for the bipartisan spirit, would respectfully request an aye vote on AB 166.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel. With that, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 67 Nos one. Senate amendments are concurred in without objection, immediate transmittal to the Governor. Madam Majority Leader, you are recognized.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Mister Speaker, I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 63 and 77 to allow Assemblymember Gabriel to take up the following bills without reference to file for the purpose of concurrence and Senate amendments. AB 169 AB 170 AB 171 AB 173.
- Jim Wood
Without objection.
- Jim Wood
Such shall be the order without reference to file AB 169, the Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 169 by the Committee on Budget and act relating to juveniles and making an appropriation, therefore to take effect immediately, bill related to the budget.
- Jim Wood
Mister Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you, Mister speaker. I'm pleased to present AB 169, our juvenile justice trailer Bill which includes oversight and accountability provisions related to the recent realignment of the division of juvenile justice.
- Jesse Gabriel
These provisions transfer all of the juvenile justice grant Administration duties from the Board of State and Community Corrections to the Office of Youth and Community Restoration, the five year extension of reporting requirements for county juvenile probation departments, and a one year extension of the Juvenile Justice Realignment grant program. With that, I respectfully ask for your aye vote on AB 169.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel. Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I rise in support of AB 169. It requires county probation departments to report specified information about realignment youth holds counties harmless for additional year, providing appropriate rehabilitation, housing and supervised service for the population. Appropriate transfer of funding and oversight to OICR. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Aye 66 Nos one Senate amendments are concurred in without objection, immediate transmittal to the Governor without reference to file AB 170.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 170 by the Committee on Budget and act relating to courts making an appropriation therefore to take effect immediately, bill related to the budget.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you, Mister Speaker. I am pleased to present AB 170, our courts trailer Bill which includes technical provisions to effectuate the Budget Act. These provisions extend the sunset for remote proceedings until January 12027 address the trial Court Emergency Fund and allow the habeas Corpus Resource center to represent individuals sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. With that, I respectfully request your aye vote on AB 170.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel. Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you Mister Speaker. I rise in support of AB 170 reduces a Reserve amount of trial court trust Fund from $10 million to $5 million. Remote increases remote hearing access to the courts and respectfully ask your aye vote.
- Jim Wood
Seening, hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 67 Nos one Senate amendments are concurred in without objection, immediate transmittal to the budget to the Governor. Wow, that was a slip. Let's see. Moving on to AB 171.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 171 by the Committee on Budget and act relating to employment, making an appropriation therefore to take effect immediately. Bill related to the budget.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you, Mister Speaker. AB 171 is a budget trailer Bill implementing provisions related to labor, workforce development and employment. These provisions include making temporary changes to expedite hiring and address staff vacancies at the Labor Commissioner's office in Cal OSHA.
- Jesse Gabriel
This will ensure that we have the necessary staff to continue safeguarding employee rights and maintaining worker safety across California. SB 171 also defers the state's payroll costs by one month without impacting state employee pay. This tool was similarly used to balance the budget in 2009 under Governor Schwarzenegger.
- Jesse Gabriel
This Bill also provides an appropriation for supplemental payments to reduce unfunded state retirement liabilities, ensuring that the state meets its constitutional obligations. Thank you and respectfully request your aye vote on AB 171.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel, Mister Flora, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Colleagues, I rise in opposition to AB 171. It imposes more administrative requirements on affordable housing projects. It extends the sunset data burdensome requirements on public agencies for an additional two years. It enacts budget gimmicks for future costs that WCAB can unilaterally establish its own jurisdictional time limits and exempt fee increases from administrative procedure acts limits public transparency respectfully ask for no vote.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Ayes 56 nos. 10 Senate amendments are concurred in without objection, immediate transmittal to the Governor without reference to file.
- Committee Secretary
Moving to AB 173, the Clerk will read Assembly Bill 173 by the Committee on Budget and appreciate to transportation and making it appropriation, therefore to take effect immediately. Bear with a to the budget.
- Jim Wood
Mister Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you, Mister speaker. My understanding is that this is our last trailer Bill of the evening and with that, I wanted to just take one moment of purpose, personal privilege, to thank everybody who has helped us to arrive at this moment.
- Jesse Gabriel
As many of you know, we began this journey some months ago facing a very daunting challenge, and we would not have arrived at this moment without the very capable and able leadership of our speaker, the extraordinary hard work of our staff, Jason Sisney, the speaker's budget consultant, Christian Griffith, our Assembly Budget Committee chief consultant, and the extraordinary team of consultants that work with the Assembly Budget Committee.
- Jesse Gabriel
And I had the privileged to see how hard these folks work, how dedicated they are to public service, often at the end of this process, getting really 2 hours of sleep a night and getting up again in the morning to come in to work through the extraordinary volume of information.
- Jesse Gabriel
And so I just as you exit the chamber tonight, if you see any of these folks, they're all color coordinating green. I'd respectfully request that you extend some thank you, a thank you to them and also to our Republican staff who work so hard as well.
- Jesse Gabriel
We know that this is a long and difficult, challenging process to craft a budget for the state, for the world's fifth largest economy, for a State of 40 million people. And it would not be possible without the hard work of these public servants. So that is my comments for them.
- Jesse Gabriel
And now you've all I know you've all been waiting for. AB 173, our transportation trailer Bill. This Bill appropriates 100 million from the General Fund for the active transportation program.
- Jesse Gabriel
It also contains several statutory provisions necessary to implement the Budget act, including aligning the high Speed Rail Authority administrative cross with Proposition one a, and strengthening the authority of the new Inspector General for high speed rail.
- Jesse Gabriel
This Bill also addresses concerns about cuts to grade separations program by prioritizing previously awarded projects for future funding with the greatest priority for projects that risk losing federal or local dollars or face costly project delays. It also requires reporting to the Legislature on the status of awarding these funds. Thank you. And with that, I respectfully request your aye vote on AB 173.
- Jim Wood
Thank you. Mister Gabriel, Mister Flore, you are recognized.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Mister Speaker. And I too would like to just take a moment of personal privilege, if that's all right. And when our colleague from Bakersfield got shipped off to Congress, I got thrown into being Vice Chair of budget. I just want to say thank you to all the budget staff on the democratic side for being patient with us. And I had no idea how complicated budget actually was until a few months ago. I was like, holy crap, here we go.
- Heath Flora
And then that first hearing, though, we were on the floor, our dear colleague who's the chair of budget, I went back there and talked to him and he was like, you know, you did good, but you kind of looked like a hostage holding a ransom note in front of his captors.
- Heath Flora
And so I just want to thank the Republican budget staff for making me look as good as you possibly can. And you guys work your tails off and you spent all weekend putting these analysis together. And I just really do appreciate all of the hard work.
- Heath Flora
And I was hoping to in tonight on a good note, but I do rise in opposition to AB 173. It makes numerous substantial policy changes to a variety of aspects of state transportation programs, diverting funding from green infrastructure that does not align with the state's most urgent transportation priorities. The overeliance on the various alerts leads to public dissensitation. And I respectfully ask for your no vote.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Flora, Mister Bennett, you are recognized.
- Steve Bennett
Thank you Mister chair Members. During the break, some of my colleagues pointed out to me that when I was making my comments about high speed rail, I seemed to be appearing to be advocating for high speed rail. What I was really trying to emphasize was that the United States has the worst carbon footprint per capita of all of the countries in the world that have high speed rail. And that should concern all of us in terms of where we're going to go in terms of leadership.
- Steve Bennett
So I thought I'd take advantage of this transportation Bill to point out it was not a high speed rail comment, it was a per capita carbon footprint. But if I could have a moment of personal privilege, I think on behalf of all of the sub chairs who have worked with the budget chair and the speaker, you outlined a new approach to doing our budget.
- Steve Bennett
And it, I sincerely mean it when I say it was a real honor to be part of a process that was so transparent and so inclusive and so open, and you should be justifiably very proud. Really appreciate it. Thank you very much.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Bennett. Some may Member. Davies, you are recognized.
- Laurie Davies
Thank you Mister speaker. Members, I rise in opposition to our transportation trailer Bill. Again, I want to say that I appreciate the new accountability measures placed in this Bill for the high speed rail. Those are long overdue.
- Laurie Davies
However, the main provision in here that hurts my district the most is a dedicated $100 million for new green modes of transportation funding. While some areas of our state could benefit from the new bike lanes and walking paths, majority of our urban and rural districts need road repairs, not just walking pass.
- Laurie Davies
I have highway 78 in my district and it's literally crumbling and flooding every storm. We have the constituents in my district who rely on this road to go to work or drop off kids to school don't benefit from new bike paths. In Assembly District 74, there's only one way to connect.
- Laurie Davies
The two counties I represent is the I-15. On one side of the road is the ocean and the other side is a military base and further down is a new nuclear energy facility. Where are we supposed to put walking paths and bike lanes in that stretch of my district? I urge a no vote on this measure because if we are going to dedicate funding for transportation needs, let's make sure they are needs that benefit the entire state.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Assembly Member Davies. While debate having ceased, would you like to close Mister Gabriel?
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you Mister speaker. And let me also acknowledge our Vice Chair from Lodi, who was thrown in under difficult circumstances, fights really hard for his district, fights really hard for the Republican Party, for the values that he believes in. But like our former Vice Chair who is now in Congress, has found a way to disagree without being disagreeable. And I appreciate that. I've always appreciated the conversation and the debate. And with that would respectfully request your I vote on AB 173.
- Jim Wood
Thank you Mister Gabriel. Just a note. We'll give Mister Flora a chance to end on a little bit of a positive note. We will do one additional item after this vote, a concurrence item. And with that the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Jim Wood
All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll, tally the votes. Eyes 60. noes 13 Senate amendments are concurred in without objection. Immediate transmittal to this Governor. Yeah, that guy. So we are going to do one concurrence item. We're going to move to file item 28. AB 1900 by Doctor Weber.
- Committee Secretary
Clerk will read Assembly Bill 1900 by Assemblymember Weber an act relating to consumer refunds.
- Jim Wood
Assembly Member Weber, Doctor Weber, you are recognized.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you Mister Speaker. I rise to seek concurrence in the Senate amendments for my Bill AB 1900. The amendments were technical and clarifying. Amendments from the Department of Justice respectfully ask for an aye vote on concurrence of AB 1900. Thank you.
- Jim Wood
Seeing and hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll and tally the votes. Eyes 70. No, zero. Senate amendments are concurred in moving to announcements, session schedule is as follows.
- Jim Wood
We'll be back here tomorrow morning at 09:00 a.m. all other items remaining will be passed and retained. All motions shall be continued. Seeing and hearing no further business, I'm ready to entertain a motion to adjourn. Miss Aguiar Curry moves. Oh, Mister. Mister Patterson. Move. Seconds. Let this house stand adjourn until tomorrow, Thursday, June 27, at 09:00 a.m. qorum call is lifted and the house is adjourned.
- Committee Secretary
[Vote Change]
Bill SB 174
Public resources: California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions: native fish and wildlife: Capitol Annex.
View Bill DetailCommittee Action:Passed
Previous bill discussion: June 26, 2024