Senate Standing Committee on Education
- Josh Newman
Okay. The Senate Education Committee will come to order. Good morning. We have one bill on today's agenda. That is AB 1205 from Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan. It has been pulled back for hearing because it was substantially amended just yesterday. It is now related to education.
- Josh Newman
And our colleague, Senator Glazer, is going to be good enough to present on behalf of the Assembly Member. Hopefully he's familiar with the bill. While this is the first time this Committee is hearing this bill, we've actually heard its contents before in the form of SB 1200 from no other than Senator Glazer. See no quorum. We're going to begin as a Senate subcommittee. Senator Glazer, good morning. Welcome. Please proceed.
- Steven Glazer
Thank you, Chair Newman. Thank you, Members, for being here. Thank you for my witness. There's some calling in right now. You don't do that anymore.
- Josh Newman
First time caller. Love the show.
- Steven Glazer
Members, this is a familiar bill, I know, to many of you. I want to thank Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan for picking up the mantle to bring this across the finish line, I hope. Let me just in brief share with you what I think many of you know. That this bill extends the California Promise Program, which I established through legislation in 2016. That program quite simply gives the option to students.
- Steven Glazer
It's an option that if they want to try to get on a four year or a two year track for graduation, that they make a commitment to take the appropriate units that are required. In exchange for that, they are given priority registration and some academic advisement help, and they have to complete the unit requirement, as I mentioned.
- Steven Glazer
Since the program was enacted, along with so many other important reforms that the CSU has instituted, there's been real improvement in the four year graduation rate. In 2015, that rate was 19% graduating in four years. Today it's 38%. So system wide, through a variety of programs, including the California Promise or Finish in Four, we've seen really great progress. And let me just mention, because the Chair and I were in his district this spring at Fullerton meeting with campus leadership about the program there.
- Steven Glazer
And I thought that one of the most extraordinary facts that was presented to us was that those who were in the four year program at Fullerton had a 93% graduation rate. 93%, which is two and a half times higher than the university average. So it's an indication that if students know that there's a pathway for them to get through less debt and achieve their objectives more quickly, that they are excited about being a part of that effort. So this bill extends that program. There was a sunset ending in January 1 of 2026.
- Steven Glazer
And in addition to that, it does require some reporting requirements so that the Legislature can be more informed about how the program is being used. It changes its name to Finish in Four or Through in Two because the California Promise name has now become or universally used in a variety of different programs. And so that's the short summary of what this bill would do. And with that, happy to answer any questions.
- Josh Newman
You do not have a priority witness. We also... Are there any other Members of the public would like to testify in support of the measure? Seeing none. Is there anyone here who'd like to testify in opposition? Also seeing none. Coming back to me here at the dais. So I actually do appreciate this.
- Josh Newman
Supported your original measure when it came through. I want to give you credit for your perspicacity in staying on top of this and actually seeing it through. And so I'm glad to support AB 1205. And we do not yet have a quorum. So if you'd like to close or ask yourself questions as a Member of the Committee, please do so now.
- Steven Glazer
Just to say this, that there are a few programs in state government with very little additional resources. You've doubled productivity, and that's really what has happened in the last eight years. The Legislature has provided some enhanced funds to the university, but a very, very small amount.
- Steven Glazer
And in the course of that, with the dedicated work of the university leadership and the faculty and staff, you have now a double, doubling up of an outcome. And it's pretty extraordinary in state government to find any place where you've ever seen that before.
- Steven Glazer
So I know that it does force a bureaucracy to adjust to student needs, and so that doesn't always make people happy. The focus of the program is on underrepresented students. I didn't mention that earlier. That's the focus on who was provided the priority to be in the program.
- Steven Glazer
And finally, let me just mention a blemish in this program. It's worth noting because I think everyone realizes it but doesn't like necessarily to talk about it, that the gap between underrepresented and the student body as a whole continues to be persistent. I talk about how we double the graduation rate, but that gap still exists, and it's a part of why this program is important and why I hope you'll advance it today at the appropriate time on behalf of Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan.
- Josh Newman
Thank you. Let me just add, I'm sorry, I should have earlier, but I do think your point is well taken. That for underrepresented students especially, it is overwhelming making that transition into college. The more they know, the better they have access to resources, the more likely they are going to make decisions and access resources to get to graduation.
- Josh Newman
The absence of those resources explains in many ways why they have so many challenges. So again, the return on investment here is meaningful. Glad to support the bill. And we will take this up when we have a quorum, and we will vote on it from there.
- Josh Newman
We're going to recess for now until we get two more Members here.
- Josh Newman
Let us now reconvene. The Senate Education Committee. Senator Cortese, good morning. Madame Consultant, we do now appear to have a quorum. If you could please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
[Roll Call]
- Josh Newman
A quorum is indeed present. We do need a motion on AB 1205, which Senator Glazer presented on behalf of Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan. You're going to make the motion? Senator Glazer makes the motion. All right, so we have a motion. Madam Consultant, please call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
File item one, AB 1205, Bauer-Kahan. Motion is do pass but first be re-referred to the Committee on Appropriations. [Roll Call]
- Josh Newman
That measure passes by resounding five votes to zero. Thank you all. I do have 30 minutes of prepared remarks thanking Senators Glazer and Wilk for their participation on this Committee. But we could do this at some other point. So with that, this hearing is adjourned. Thank you.
Bill AB 1205
California State University students: California Promise: Finish in Four and Through in Two.
View Bill DetailCommittee Action:Passed
Next bill discussion: August 30, 2024
Previous bill discussion: August 21, 2023