Assembly Floor
- Celeste Rodriguez
The Assembly is now in session. Assembly Member Schultz notices the absence of a quorum. The sergeant at arms will prepare the Chamber and bring in absent members. The clerk will call the roll.
- Reading Clerk
[Roll Call].
- Celeste Rodriguez
Members, if you could please take your seats with your guests? A quorum is now present.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Members, please take your seats with your guests. We are all very excited to get started. Guests and visitors in the rear of the Chamber, we ask you to stand for the prayer. Assembly Member Wilson will offer today's prayer. Assembly Member Wilson.
- Lori Wilson
Creator of the heavens and earth, we come before You today with hearts full of gratitude, celebrating and lifting up the women in our lives: mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, and all who reflect Your love and strength. You have created them in your image, full of dignity and purpose, called to shine as lights in this world.
- Lori Wilson
We thank You for the women who nurture with tenderness, lead with wisdom, and serve with compassion. We thank You for the women who fight with courage and assert with care and love with ferocity. Bless the women who care for their families, for those who work tirelessly in their homes, and for those who slay with exceptionalism in their workplaces.
- Lori Wilson
Those who teach and encourage, those who uplift the brokenhearted, and those who walk in hope even through trials, strengthen them in moments of challenges, renew their spirits when they grow weary, and remind them that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. Lord, we pray for every woman who is serving this great state, every leader, whether elected, appointed, or designated. May they rise with courage, speak with kindness, and operate with the spirit of boldness.
- Lori Wilson
May they continue to walk in Your grace, knowing they are deeply loved, cherished, and empowered by You. As we, as legislators, gather today to make decisions for our state, we ask for wisdom and discernment for each one of us.
- Lori Wilson
Although the choices before us may not always be clear, we know that You are not the author of confusion. We rely on Your guidance to lead us on the right path, benefiting the people of California as we strive to build a California for everyone. In your power we pray, amen.
- Celeste Rodriguez
We ask our guests and visitors to remain standing and join us in the flag salute. Assembly Member Dixon will lead us in the pledge.
- Diane Dixon
Please place your hand over your heart and repeat after me. I pledge allegiance to the flag. [Pledge of Allegiance].
- Celeste Rodriguez
You may be seated. To our guests and visitors today, state law prohibits persons in the Gallery from interfering with legislative proceedings or disrupting the orderly conduct of official business. Personally disrupting legislative proceedings are subject to removal, arrests, or other appropriate legal remedies. Reading of the previous day's journal.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Chamber Sacramento. Tuesday, February 11, 2025. The Assembly met at 7:00 a.m. The Honorable Tri Ta, Assembly Member 70th District presiding, Chief Clerk Sue Parker at the desk, Reading Clerk David A. Bowman reading.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Mr. Garcia moves and Mr. Gallagher seconds that the reading of the previous day's journal be dispensed with. Presentations and Petitions, there are none. Introduction and reference of bills will be deferred. Reports of Committees will be deemed read and amendments deemed adopted. Messages from the Governor, there are none. Messages from the Senate, there are none.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Moving to Motions and Resolutions. Absences for the day for personal business: Assembly Member Ward for illness, Assembly Member Lowenthal. Assistant Majority Leader Garcia, you are recognized for your procedural motions.
- Robert Garcia
Madam Speaker, I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 45.5 to allow Assembly Member Schultz to speak on an adjournment in memory today.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Robert Garcia
I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 118A to allow Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry to have guests seated at members' desk today for the Woman of the Year Ceremony and for Assembly Members Hoover and Nguyen to have guests in the rear of the Chamber.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Without objections, that shall be the order.
- Robert Garcia
Pursuant to Assembly Rule 96, I request unanimous consent to re-refer the following bills to committee: AB 432: Bauer-Kahan from the Health Committee to the Business and Professions Committee and then back to the Health Committee, and AB 564: Haney from the Revenue and Taxation Committee to the Business and Professions Committee and then back to the Revenue and Taxation Committee.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Without objections, that shall be the order. Business on the Daily File. Members, we will now move to the Assembly's observance of Women's History Month. We will take up File Number One: House Resolution 14: Aguiar-Curry.
- Celeste Rodriguez
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
House Resolution 14 by Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry, relative to Women's History Month.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Majority Leader Aguiar-Curry. You may open on the measure.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Madam Speaker. On behalf of the Legislative Women's Caucus, I rise today to present House Resolution 14, proclaiming March 2025 Women's History Month. This month is an opportunity to reflect on the often overlooked contributions of women throughout history, to acknowledge the barriers to our accomplishments, and how women persist to rise above to make society and our daily lives better.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Even though we haven't always received credit where credit is due, women have always been part of leading social movements that make our world a better place. From suffrage to civil rights to Me Too and so many more, we get shit done.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
It's only been a little over 100 years since women have had the right to vote and to serve in office. In 1918, the first four women were elected to the California State Assembly. Elizabeth Hughes, Anna Saylor, Esto Broughton, and Grace Dorris.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
But it took another half century to elect the first Black and API women, Yvonne Burke and March Fong Eu. And just 40 years ago, the first Latina, Gloria Molina. Today, our state Legislature more closely reflects California's diversity.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
We now have 58 women serving in the Legislature, with 37 here in the Assembly, the closest we've been to achieving gender parity. Look out, guys. We're on you. We're after you. But as one of my colleagues said during a speech last week, half of the population, and we give birth to 100% of the population.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
So when you think of it, when you think of it that way, gender parity is just common sense. I'm incredibly proud of the work we've done to reach this point. In just over 100 years, since the first women were elected to the Legislature, the Members of the Legislative Women's Caucus continue to break glass ceilings.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
But we don't do it alone. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for supporting women in this Assembly, for the hammer to break those glass ceilings, for recognizing our contributions and our value, and appointing a historic number of women to Assembly and committee leadership positions because of them. And as we move forward to get the work done, we're united.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
We're united in our mission to end physical and sexual violence against women, discrimination and harassment in employment and education, and the economic disparities that still affect women and girls, which affect our society as a whole. We advocate for the full participation of women, for the same access and opportunities as men in every part of society.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Politics, government, business, science, technology, sports, and academia. And, you know, while it's important to recognize how women have shaped the economic, cultural, and social fabric of our world, we still have work to do here in the Legislature, across California, and definitely nationally.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
This is vitally important today as we seek to protect people's rights, privacy, and opportunities for a safe and affordable country. We owe it. We owe it to our predecessors who fought for every inch of progress and to ourselves and to our children, who will inherit what we leave behind. So, colleagues, I respectfully ask for the first roll call to be open for co-authors. And I proudly, I proudly ask you for your aye vote on HR 14.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Thank you, Majority Leader Aguiar-Curry. Assembly Member Gonzalez, you are recognized.
- Mark Gonzalez
All right. Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members. I rise today on behalf of the California Legislative LGBTQ Caucus in support of HR 14, commemorating Women's History Month. Today, we honor the lives, contributions, and voices of the women in our nation's past, present, and future, many of whom are the reason the LGBT plus community have the rights that we enjoy today.
- Mark Gonzalez
Our sisters and siblings have been at the forefront of social justice movements since the inception of our country, including the LGBTQ community's fight for civil rights. It was a woman who threw the first bricks during the Stonewall Uprising. It was a woman who pioneered gender affirming care in the United States.
- Mark Gonzalez
It was a woman who cared for members of our community at the height of the AIDS crisis. And it was four women who founded our LGBTQ plus caucus. If it was not for them, our LGBT caucus would not be here today. They are, we are stronger than ever.
- Mark Gonzalez
We are 14 proud Members under the leadership of the Member from San Diego. However, I would be remiss not to mention that, while our caucus was founded by four lesbians in 2002, our floor does not have any lesbian representation. A huge voice lost for our community, but we will fix that.
- Mark Gonzalez
It has been my sisters and brothers in the LGBT community on whose shoulders I stand to fight and deliver for my constituents and all the great people of California. It is on the shoulders of so many women, like my mom, who is a single parent of five, playing both mother and father to me.
- Mark Gonzalez
We in the LGBTQ plus community are eternally grateful for all of our sisters on the front lines to the finish line, fighting to lead the way for a better tomorrow. Trailblazers who have shaped history and continue to inspire for the future. Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members. I respectfully request an aye vote all on HR 14, supporting and uplifting all women, not just today, but every day and all year long. Thank you.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Thank you, Assembly Member Gonzalez. Assembly Member Ramos, you're recognized.
- James Ramos
Well, thank you, Madam Speaker. And today I rise on behalf of the Native American Legislative Caucus to support HR 14, recognizing Women's History Month. Native culture honors our women as leaders and cultural bearers. Leaders that paved the way.
- James Ramos
For example, my grandmother, Martha Manuel Chacon, led the way for our Indian reservation to have clean drinking water and electricity on our reservation. Leaders that also paved the way for desegregation in the State of California.
- James Ramos
As Alice Piper, in 1924, a Paiute Indian woman from Big Pine Indian Reservation challenged the system and sued Inyo County Court System to allow Indian children to go to the same schools and won that court case in 1924 that then was used to make sure that Brown versus the Board of Education was successful in bringing segregation down once and for all.
- James Ramos
Our leaders continue to move forward, leaders that continue to pave the way to bring attention to the homeless youth crisis in the State of California. We continue to move forward and acknowledge the commitment and resiliency of all, all women in the State of California who continue to pave the way, to pave the way for policies in the State of California. To you, we stand in honor, side by side with you in support of HR 14 and ask for your aye vote.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Thank you, Assembly Member Ramos. Assembly Member Nguyen, you are recognized.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members, on behalf of the Asian American Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus, I am proud to rise in support of HR 14, which recognizes March 2025 as Women's History Month. This month we celebrate women for the remarkable accomplishments they have contributed to our state, our nation, and our world's continued progress.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Members and guests, women make up 19 million, 19 million here in the State of California. Let that sit for a second, 19 million. And if we talk about industry alone, women account for more than half of all workers. Half of all workers.
- Stephanie Nguyen
But as my colleague said earlier, we gave birth to all workers within, including 74.6% in education and health services, 51.9% in financial activities, and 50.4% in hospitality. As the Vice Chair of the Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus, I could say this, this year we made history.
- Stephanie Nguyen
We made history in bringing five women to the Legislator for the first time ever here in California. We have five women who now sit here in the Legislature. As an Asian American woman, I can also tell you this. Women, we're taught as a young girl, we were taught that we stayed home, we took care of the babies, we took care of the husband, we cleaned the house. And I can tell you this as a mother of two young girls that I'm going to teach my daughter, as my colleague said, women get shit done.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Not just today, but every single day. And that we need to stand up and make sure that we fight for every single little girl and let her know that she too can be here on the floor to make things happen here for California. She, too, can be a leader.
- Stephanie Nguyen
She too can stand here and demand and ask for things and make changes like she probably never thought she could. Because we gave birth to every single person that's sitting on this floor right now. And had it not been for us, had it not been for us, California wouldn't be the state that it is. The world wouldn't be the world that it is for the women that are here today. For that, I ask for your support in HR 14. Thank you very much.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Thank you, Assembly Member Nguyen. Assembly Member Ransom, you are recognized.
- Rhodesia Ransom
Thank you, Mr. Speaker and colleagues. Today, I rise on behalf of the Black Caucus in support of HR 14 in recognition of Women's History's Month. This month, we honor the countless achievements, sacrifices, and contributions of women who have shaped our future and our history.
- Rhodesia Ransom
Women who work in our communities, support our families, and build a better world for those who come behind them. Women who are role models to allow young girls to see themselves and envision themselves, so that one day they too can break barriers and defy stereotypes. Women who do it all despite challenges set in our way.
- Rhodesia Ransom
We know that while women make up more than half of our population, we have historically been underrepresented in key leadership positions, included, elected office, including. And so I'm proud and inspired by the work of the Women's Caucus to create parity in our Legislature. Parity is not about numbers.
- Rhodesia Ransom
It's about progress that transforms policies, communities, and lives. Women hold office, and we bring diverse perspectives that better reflect the needs of our constituents. History has shown that women in leadership prioritize policies that support families, education, health care, economic equity, and ensure a brighter future for all. So we are grateful for today in this Assembly that we are one step closer to parity, and that's because a few good women and a few good men tapped a few good women. So thank you.
- Rhodesia Ransom
As we acknowledge Women's History Month and recognize women's achievement, we affirm that we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. We also acknowledge the ongoing struggles we face. The wage gap, reproductive rights, the fight for equal representation, and sometimes just the fight to be seen.
- Rhodesia Ransom
And we must not forget the achievements of black women who have always been on the front lines in the fight for justice and equality. It was Fannie Lou Hamer who was arrested and beaten for trying to register to vote and dedicated her life to voting rights. Her words still echo today.
- Rhodesia Ransom
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. It was Rosa Parks and one other black woman who refused to give up their seat that started a movement. It was Shirley Chisholm, the first African American elected to Congress, that reminded us, if you don't get a seat at the table, they don't give you one.
- Rhodesia Ransom
Bring a folding chair. I got my folding chair. And let's not forget the brilliant mathematicians behind NASA's success. Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, whose groundbreaking calculations helped launch America into space through their scientific innovation. Nor should we forget the black women in our community. They are mothers, they are educators, they are entrepreneurs, and they are activists.
- Rhodesia Ransom
In the California Assembly, we recognize Yvonne Burke, the first black woman elected to the Assembly. We had Barbara Lee, Karen Bass, and Maxine Waters, who went on to serve from the Assembly to Congress. And Dr. Shirley Weber, a former Assembly Member who now serves as our Secretary of State.
- Rhodesia Ransom
Today, I am honored to stand with eight other phenomenal black women who serve across both houses in our state Legislature. And I'm equally proud to stand with the other 49 women who serve across the State Assembly. So thank you. Today, let us honor the resilience, brilliance, and strength of women throughout history.
- Rhodesia Ransom
Let us celebrate the pioneers and the leaders who paved the way. And let us commit to ensuring that every young girl growing up today knows there are no limits to what she can achieve. With that, I humbly ask for your aye vote.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Thank you, Assembly Member Ransom. Assembly Member Elhawary. You're recognized.
- Sade Elhawary
I'm still getting the hang of the mic. Thank you. Thank you so much, Madam Speaker. On behalf of the Latino Caucus, I rise in support of HR 14, recognizing Women's History Month and the contributions of women across California. As someone who is the daughter of a Chingona from Guatemala, Audy Vasquez-Ramirez. I love you, Mommy.
- Sade Elhawary
I want to highlight the resilience, leadership, and impact of Latinas in our communities. Here in the Golden State, we have so many Latinas who have broken barriers and paved the way for future generations, including labor leader and civil rights activist Dolores Huerta and State Supreme Court Chief Justice Patricia Guerrero.
- Sade Elhawary
Latinas are entrepreneurs, educators, health care workers, and community advocates driving our state forward despite persistent barriers. However, according to the Institute for Women's Policy Research, Latinas continue to face the largest wage gap in the nation, earning just 57 cents for every dollar a white man makes. Latinas have long led the fight for workers' rights, gender equity, and social justice, but we remain underrepresented in leadership and decision making roles.
- Sade Elhawary
I am proud to serve alongside our Senate Majority Leader and Latino Caucus Chair Lena Gonzalez, Vice Chair Assembly Member Liz Ortega, my fellow Afro Latina Mia Bonta, and part of our freshman class, Assistant Speaker Pro Tem Celeste Rodriguez, to name a few, as we stood together to protect immigrant communities.
- Sade Elhawary
HR 14 recognizes Women's History Month, but it must also serve as a reminder that equity for Latinas is long overdue. Women's History Month is not just about recognition, it's about action. When the American Dream is out of reach for so many of us, let's ensure that every Latina in California has the resources and opportunities to succeed.
- Sade Elhawary
Because Latinas are not just contributors to this state, we are its foundation, its future, and its leaders. And I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I have an amazing honoree today, Rachel Brasier. And so I respectfully ask for your aye vote on HR 14. Thank you.
- Committee Secretary
Assemblymember Dimaio, you're recognized.
- Carl DeMaio
I rise in strong support of HR14. It's one of those no brainer resolutions. We hear a lot of impassioned speeches on this floor and hopefully again, our sentiments are expressed not just on honorary resolutions, but in legislation that might have a more concrete impact on the trajectory of women and our girls.
- Carl DeMaio
It was not long ago that there weren't a whole lot of girls sports in this country. Sports were for boys. But the importance of girls being allowed to. To compete in sports cannot be overstated because it's there where they build their self confidence. It's there where they can learn to compete.
- Carl DeMaio
It's there where they can learn the rules of competition. They can set goals, they can practice, they can strive, they can fail. They can pick themselves back up and recommit.
- Carl DeMaio
And that is why, as we do mention all of the important issues that we still have to work on, I encourage my colleagues to defend the integrity of girls sports.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
Assemblymember Bauer-Kahan, you are recognized. Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members. I rise in strong support of HR14 on behalf of the Legislative Jewish Caucus. And it's fun to stand right now because we are in the midst of one of my favorite holidays of the year, which is Purim.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And it's not just because it's our best party of the year, but it's because it's about a story where a woman is her own hero. For those that don't know the story of Purim, there is a woman who becomes queen.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And she finds herself in a moment in history, in a place to use her power to save the Jewish people. And she. At first, when she's told by her uncle that there's a Bergrand plant, that the Jews are going to be destroyed, she's just afraid and she doesn't know what to do.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
But then like every great woman, she realizes, wait a minute, I'm in a position where I can influence the outcome of the story, where I can change the trajectory of our history. And she creates a beautiful scheme where she brings people together in celebration. And in the end, she. She's able to save the Jewish people.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And I love that story so much because it is the power of each and every one of us at this moment in history.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
We each sit, whether it's a Member of this legislative body or one of our honorees, we are each in a position to influence our communities and to influence the trajectory that our state and our country is on. And finding that power in us, finding our own. Esther, my brother is one of my favorite rabbis.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
When I'm having a bad day, he says to me, find your Esther inside of you. And each of us can do that. And each of us can make this world a better place in whatever way we can, small or big.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
Although the fact that you're on this floor means you've found a powerful way to influence your own community. And so it's an honor to rise. When I joined the Legislature six years ago, we were less than a quarter women. Now we're at almost a half in just six years.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And to look around this floor and see how it has changed and how having women sit at these desks changes the conversations for every child, for every woman, for every person in the state is powerful. And it is that work that we need to continue to do.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
And it is such an honor to rise and to honor the power that women have, the power we harness and the power to bring good to the world. With that, I respectfully ask for your. I vote.
- Committee Secretary
Thank you, Assemblywoman. Assemblywoman Avila Farias, you are recognized.
- Anamarie Farias
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I, too, rise in support of HR14, which recognizes March 25 as women's history Month. This month is not just to recognize the past. It is also a call to action for a representation of the future.
- Anamarie Farias
Let us honor the incredible contributions that women, and in particular women of color, have made and will continue to make through history as every aspect of our lives that we influence. Members, let us celebrate the strength, the achievement and the limitless potential that women have everywhere. I respectfully ask. And I vote for HR14. Thank you.
- Committee Secretary
Seeing and hearing no further debate, Majority Leader Aguiar Curry, you may close.
- Committee Secretary
I respectfully ask for your. I vote for HR14.
- Committee Secretary
Would you like the first roll to be open for co authors? All debate having ceased, the Clerk will open the roll for co authors. All Members vote who desire to vote. All Members vote who desire to vote. This is for co authors. All Members vote who desire to vote.
- Unidentified Speaker
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
The Clerk will close the roll. There are 78 CO authors added without objection. We will now take a voice vote on the resolution. All those in favor say aye. All those opposed say no. The ayes have it. The resolution is adopted. Madam Majority Leader, you are recognized.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Today we take a break from our usual business to celebrate some remarkable Californians in recognition of Women's History Month, as chair of the Legislative Women's Caucus, it's a pleasure and an honor to welcome our distinguished honorees today and their guests at the California State Capitol For California Women of the Year.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Today, we recognize and Celebrate accomplished, amazing women from each Assembly District who work day and day out to make their communities and the Golden State better. To our honorees, thank you for your work. Thank you for your leadership. Thank you for your heart and soul. In ways big and small, noticed and unnoticed, you inspire our communities.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
It fills our hearts that you're all here today. Each of you are wonderful examples of what makes California great. In a State of over 39 million people, you are one of the most 120 exceptional women being recognized for this year's honor.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
You join a sorority of honorees who've received this recognition since the Legislature started doing this in one day in March. Over three decades as honorees, each of you have made unique contributions to the lives of your fellow Californians. Not for recognition, but for the good of others. You've blazed trails. You've worked tirelessly to improve your community.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
You've been on the front lines for equal rights. And you've broken barriers and served as an inspiration for generations to come. Girls. With this honor comes responsibility. We have to mentor the next generation of women leaders. Make and take time for supporting and guiding them.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Give them the mentorship that maybe you didn't have, but that you wished you had. Encourage more women to run for elected office and support them through it. The more women seated at the table, the more women leading on all issues, the more policies and the politics of California will truly represent all people, including all women.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
In solidarity, we must make sure that the contributions of the women who came before us and from those in the room won't be in vain. Congratulations on being a Woman of the Year. And on behalf of the Legislative Women's Caucus, we want to ring the bell for all of you and everyone in the chambers today.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you very much.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members and guests. We will now begin our ceremony to recognize our Women of the Year honorees. In keeping with previous tradition, Members will be escorting their honoree in district order. At this time, the Members representing Assembly districts 1 through 10 should retire to the rear of the chamber.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Our sergeants will notify the next group of Members when it is time to line up. I ask that Speaker Robert Rivas and Republican Floor leader Heath Flora move to the front center aisle to receive our honorees. The Clerk will read the names of our first group of honorees.
- Committee Secretary
From Assembly District 4 is Gloria Partita, escorted by Assemblymember Aguiar-Curry. Gloria Partita is a mother, grandmother, retired neuroscientist, small business owner and founder of the Davis Phoenix Coalition, a nonprofit focused on inclusion and the prevention of hate crimes. Gloria is the first Latinx person elected to the Davis City Council.
- Committee Secretary
She prioritizes equity and policymaking and is dedicated to advocating for the underserved. From Assembly District 29 is Superintendent Crystal Lamonto, escorted by Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas. Superintendent Crystal Lamonto is a champion for equity and access and education across San Benito County. In 2015 she was the first woman elected County Superintendent of Education with 35 years of experience.
- Committee Secretary
She leads with a strong commitment to meeting the needs of students across the county. From Assembly District 9 is Susan Peterson, escorted by Assemblymember Flora. Susan Peterson has been an educator for 27 years in the Loni Unified School District. Currently she is the Director of education for Area 1 in the USD.
- Committee Secretary
Peterson is married to Andy Peterson and has two children, Katie and Luke. From Assembly District 1 is Jade Tyner, escorted by Assembly Member Hadwick.
- Committee Secretary
Jade, a Yurok tribal Member and mother, is an education leader for rural and Native communities which with over 14 years of experience as a youth psychologist, she writes and manages grants for rural schools and leads Rise Community School. She also advocates for culturally responsive education, equitable access and students well being across Northern California.
- Committee Secretary
From Assembly District 2 is Eileen Mitro, escorted by Assemblymember Rogers. Eileen Mitro is a climate advocate and former public educator. She worked as a public school teacher and administrator in Santa Rosa before relocating to Ukiah in 2017. She co founded Climate Action Mendocino and is also a Member of the Climate Crisis Working Group of the Grassroots Institute.
- Committee Secretary
From Assembly District 3 is Shelly Gallagher, escorted by Assemblymember Gallagher. Shelly Gallagher is most proud of the life she built with her husband Dennis Gallagher and the four boys they raised after discovering their first son and later youngest son was deaf. This led to a lifetime of advocacy for the deaf community.
- Committee Secretary
Shelley learned ASL and began a became a founding Sutter County Parent Network Member, a sign language interpreter and a Trustee to the Browns Elementary School Board. She was also an employee of the State of California General Services Department. From Assembly District 6 is Saiwan Vidan, escorted by Assembly Member Quell Seywan.
- Committee Secretary
Vaidan is the Executive Director of the Community Against Sexual Harm in Sacramento dedicated to supporting sexually exploited women. She has expanded services through successful funding initiatives, established a medical safe haven at Cash and actively engages in outreach and training programs while being a devoted mother of three.
- Committee Secretary
From Assembly District 7 is Rosie Buck, escorted by Assembly Member Hoover. Rosie Buck is a distinguished entrepreneur and philanthropist dedicated to community growth. Based in Carmichael, she owns a small business and holds leadership positions on multiple nonprofit boards championing economic success, Community Vitality and public spaces.
- Committee Secretary
Through strategic guidance and volunteerism, she empowers others and creates a lasting regional impact. From Assembly District 49 is Jeanette Chao, escorted by Assembly Member Fong. Jeanette Chao is the powerhouse behind Evolution Design Lab, a leader in the footwear industry where innovation meets purpose.
- Committee Secretary
Breaking the Guinness World Record as an ANK recognized trailblazer, she is reshaping the fashion world from leading groundbreaking philanthropy, fostering community impact and empowering women and youth. Jeannette's legacy is nothing short of extraordinary. From Assembly District 10 is Anne Fong, escorted by a slumber Member, Nguyen.
- Committee Secretary
Born and raised in San Jose, Ann moved to Sacramento and now calls it her home. Her pursuit of excellence led her to Sacramento State University, graduating with honors in Criminal Justice Justice. Ann's unique approach to personal injury law caters to the district needs of the community.
- Committee Secretary
Over the last several years she settled hundreds of cases resulting in millions of dollars in verdicts for her clients. Ann's community service goes beyond the courtroom, donating $10,000 annually to Baby Annie's. From Assembly District 11 is Shawna Menina, escorted by Assembly Member Wilson.
- Committee Secretary
Shawna Manina is the President and CEO of the Dickson Chamber of Commerce, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position. Born in Japan, she grew up in 40 different states and traveled to Europe as a young adult. She has worked in retail management, restaurant management, the entertainment industry and the counseling field.
- Committee Secretary
From Assembly District 12 is Samantha Rodriguez, escorted by Assemblymember Connolly. Samantha Rodriguez, a lifelong Roanoke park resident, was appointed to the City Council in May 2022. In December 2022, her council colleagues selected her to serve a one term as mayor, making her the first Latina and the youngest individual to hold this position in the city's history.
- Committee Secretary
It From Assembly District 13 is Alexis Wilbur, escorted by Assembly Member Ransom. Alexis Wilbur is the Program Manager for the San Joaquin County District Attorney's Office Led Family Justice Center, a collaborative model offering centralized support for victims of domestic violence, trafficking, sexual assault and abuse.
- Committee Secretary
She ensures survivors and their families receive comprehensive support to support them to help them rebuild their lives in a supportive environment. From Assembly District 14 is Jane Garcia, escorted by Assemblymember Wicks.
- Committee Secretary
Jane Garcia has served as the CEO of La Clinica De La Raza for 40 plus years, providing culturally appropriate and accessible care for over 83,000 patients across three counties. She is a community advocate passionate about preserving community health care for all regardless of income or immigration status.
- Committee Secretary
From Assembly District 15 is Gigi Crowder, escorted by Assemblymember Avila Fadias. Gigi Crowder is the Executive Director of the Contra Costa Chapter of the national alliance on Mental Illness, the largest advocacy organization in the US for people with mental illness.
- Committee Secretary
GG is committed to uplifting those impacted by mental illness and ensuring they support receive the support they need. From Assembly District 17 is Honey Mahogany, escorted by Asumbi Mabrahini. Honey Mahogany is a San Francisco born performer, activist and small business owner.
- Committee Secretary
A UC Berkeley MSW graduate, she co founded the Transgender District, helped lead Drag Story Hour and co owns the Stud Bar. She directs San Francisco's Office of Trans Initiatives and is the Chair Emeriti of the San Francisco Democratic Party. From Assembly District 18 is Holly Joshi, escorted by Assemblymember Banta. Dr.
- Committee Secretary
Holly Joshi is currently the Chief of the City of Oakland's Department of Violence Prevention. She has vast leadership experience and a track record of successfully implementing evidence based violence prevention and intervention strategies. An Oakland native, she is committed to increasing gender and racial equity and improving community health and safety.
- Committee Secretary
From Assembly District 19 is Leslie Ann Hu, escorted by Assemblymember Stephanie. Leslie Ann Hughes, Pierce's heartbroken mother, founded Pierce's Pledge to honor his legacy. Her mission is to promote child safety through risk management and volunt voluntary weapon separation during conflicts. She urges parents to consider custody from the child's perspective and their own.
- Committee Secretary
From Assembly District 20 is Monique Berlanga, escorted by Assemblymember Ortega. Monique Berlanga is the Executive Director of Central Legal De La Raza, which provides legal services to 10,000 Bay Area immigrants, tenants and workers annually and just launched Alameda County's Rapid Response Hotline, the first in her family to graduate college. She holds a J.D. from UC Berkeley.
- Committee Secretary
From Assembly District 21 is Donna Colson, escorted by Assemblymember Pappin. Donna Colson, a UC Berkeley graduate, spent 25 years in investment management before founding a youth soccer facility. A Burlingame City Council Member since 2015, she chairs key regional committees on the energy, housing and climate.
- Committee Secretary
A dedicated philanthroper, she serves on numerous boards advocating for youth, mental health and the environment. From Assembly District 22 is Erica May Inacio, escorted by Assemblymember Alanis. Erica May Inacio, a Central Valley native with roots in Metrocon, is dedicated to uplifting her community.
- Committee Secretary
As Deputy Executive Director for Stanislaus county, she leads transformative projects like the Crows Landing Business park and Stanislaus 2030 blueprint. Her commitment earned her the honors as a Citizen of the Year, nominee, Hero, Latina and Unsung Hero. From Assembly District 24, Janice Gebhart, escorted by Assemblymember Lee.
- Committee Secretary
Janice Gebhardt is a lifelong Californian and retired embryologist with over 27 years of experience at Stanford's IVF lab. Since retiring in 2015, she has devoted herself to community service, working with nonprofits like Safe Alternatives to Violent Environments, Daily bowl, and the Hope Empowerment, Renewal and Support Breast Cancer Foundation.
- Committee Secretary
She also serves on various local boards advocating for those in need. From Assembly District 25 is Dr. Cynthia Tientiente Madsen, escorted by Assemblymember Kara Dr. Cynthia Tiniente. Madsen became San Jose State University President in 2023, returning to the California State University system after leading Texas A and M University, San Antonio.
- Committee Secretary
With over 30 years of higher education experience, she championed student success, diversity and civic engagement while serving on the national education and civic boards.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 26 is Angelica Ramos, escorted by Assembly Member Ahrens. Angelica Ramos is a Brown Filipino American woman and public policy professional with over a decade of experience in strategic planning, policy development, and coalition building. Currently, she promotes children's success and well-being.
- Reading Clerk
As President of the National Women's Political Caucus of California, she champions women in politics. From Assembly District 27 is Dora Westerlund, escorted by Assembly Member Soria. Dora Westerlund is the founder and CEO of the Fresno Area Hispanic Foundation, a non-profit organization that fosters entrepreneurship within minority and underserved communities.
- Reading Clerk
Under her leadership, the organization established a Downtown Business Hub, the first bilingual business incubator in the Western U.S. serving as a one-stop shop for small businesses throughout California's Central Valley. From Assembly District 28 is Teresa Hernandez, escorted by Assembly Member Pellerin.
- Reading Clerk
Teresa Hernandez, a San Jose native, holds bachelor's and master's degrees in social work from San Diego State University. A former writer for the Gay and Lesbian Times, Terry founded a woman's career group in San Diego and later established Pride School South County, a non-profit advocating for and supporting LGBTQ plus communities.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 31 is Debbie Darden, escorted by Assembly Member Arambula. Debbie has committed to serving her community as an activist and prioritized change in education, health and wellness, and economic development. Her focus is on collaborating with other organizations to achieve a shared goal for the benefit of a sustainable community.
- Reading Clerk
She is a fierce champion for the Southwest Fresno community. From Assembly District 33 is Shirley Rowe, escorted by Assembly Member Macedo. Ms. Shirley Rowe is a retired teacher and president of the African American Farmers of California and a lifelong resident of Lemoore. After retirement, Ms. Rowe returned to farming to support the next generation of farmers.
- Reading Clerk
Ms. Rowe operates a small farm on the same land where she was born, growing alfalfa. From Assembly District 34 is Leigh Holland-Siordia, escorted by Assembly Member Lackey. Lee Holland-Siordia is a devoted wife, mother, and caregiver. Married to Miguel for 41 years, she became his primary caregiver after a tragic accident left him a quadriplegic.
- Reading Clerk
A former checker, manicurist, and funeral director, she serves as a DAR chaplain and church worship team member. From Assembly District 35 is Nancy Guardado, escorted by Assembly Member Bains. Nancy Guardado is an entrepreneur from Shafter, California. Her shop, Candy Land Party Supplies, specializes in providing supplies for authentic Mexican celebrations.
- Reading Clerk
She has also--she also earned local recognition for her business and commitment to the community. She credits her family, who played a crucial role in her success. From Assembly District 36 is Carissa Carrera, escorted by Assembly Member Jeff Gonzalez.
- Reading Clerk
Carissa Carrera is currently in her eighth year as a Coachella Valley Teachers Association President in the Coachella Valley Unified School District. Carissa has been an educator since 1997, teaching in La Mesa Spring Valley for seven years before moving to the Coachella Valley. This is her 28th year of teaching.
- Reading Clerk
She attended UC Riverside for a BA in psychology, National University for multiple subject teaching credential, and San Diego State University for her MA in curriculum and instruction. From Assembly District 38 is Michelle Ascencion, escorted by Assembly Member Bennett.
- Reading Clerk
Michelle Ascencion made history as the first woman and person of color elected to Venturas County Clerk Recorder and Registrar of Voters, marking a milestone in her 20-year public service career. Committed to transparency, security, and accessibility, Michelle champions education and outreach to empower the Ventura County community she proudly calls home. From Assembly District 39 is Leslie Irving, escorted by Assembly Member Carrillo.
- Reading Clerk
Leslie Irving was elected to the Victorville City Council in 2020, becoming the first Black woman elected and the city's first Black female mayor pro tem. A special education teacher with 30 years of experience, she has also served on the Compton Unified and Community College Boards. She enjoys family time at museums and Harlem resistance literature.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 41 is Victoria Knapp, escorted by Assembly Member Harabedian. Victoria Knapp is the Chair of the Altadena Town Council. Despite losing her home in the Eaton Fire, she has devoted her time to serving her neighbors and advocating for Altadena's needs. Her dedication to putting others above herself has inspired the entire community.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 42 is Dianne McKay, escorted by Assembly Member Irwin. Dianne McKay is a dedicated public servant and former three-term Ventura County Community College District Trustee. She served as Chair for the Greater Conejo Chamber of Commerce and is the current Chair of Ventura County Families Justice Center, advocating for education, public service, and community well-being across Ventura County.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 43 is Olivia Robledo, escorted by Assembly Member Celeste Rodriguez. Olivia Robledo is a retired LAUSD principal with a bachelor's from CSUN and a master's from Pepperdine University. Olivia is an active member of the CSUN Alumni Board, La Raza Alumni Association, and the Cesar Chavez Commemorative Committee. She also teaches with Padres Pineros.
- Reading Clerk
She is passionate about serving her community. From Assembly District 44 is Lindsay Imber, escorted by Assembly Member Schultz. Lindsay Imber is a professional musician, hockey organist, basketball referee, baseball rules analyst, and Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council President. She also serves as Chair of the council's executive and government affairs committees, emphasizing human rights and dignity for all in Sherman Oaks.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 45 is Eunice Abel, escorted by Assembly Member Ramos. Eunice Abel is an advocate for youth homelessness and the current Youth Leadership Coordinator for the Youth Advisory Board of San Bernardino County. She formerly served as Chairperson of the Youth Advisory Board and has been committed to finding solutions to end youth homelessness.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 46 is Donna Bender, escorted by Assembly Member Gabriel. Donna Bender has distinguished herself in business, politics, and community activism.
- Reading Clerk
A nationally respected community leader, she has held prominent roles in the Jewish Federation, AIPAC, Birthright, and Valley Beth Shalom, and has worked closely with numerous elected officials including Kamala Harris, Alex Padilla, Hakeem Jeffries, and Pete Aguilar. From Assembly District 47 is Dawn Rowe, escorted by Assembly Member Wallis.
- Reading Clerk
A Southern California native, San Bernardino County Third District Supervisor Dawn Rowe has served since 2018. She has strengthened public safety, advocated for rural communities, and led efforts to enact Laura's Law. She lives with her husband Pete, and is the proud mother of Blake and Caitlin. From Assembly District 48 is Kaitlyn McGuire, escorted by Assembly Member Rubio.
- Reading Clerk
A Charter Oak High School senior, Kaitlyn McGuire has embraced numerous leadership roles beyond school. A member of the LACOE, Student Advisory Council, the Women's Foundation of California Leadership Institute, and YWCA's Youth Advisory Board, Kaitlyn's advocacy provides valuable input on policies affecting young women and students.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 50 is Charlayne Sprague, escorted by Assembly Member Garcia. Charlayne Sprague is an experienced educator and Superintendent of the Etiwanda School District since 2022. She has held roles as Deputy Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and Principal.
- Reading Clerk
Her leadership has driven improvements in student academic achievement, equity initiatives, professional development, family engagement, and creating positive, engaging school cultures focused on student success. From Assembly District 51 is Dr. Kathryn Jeffery, escorted by Assembly Member Zbur.
- Reading Clerk
Dr. Kathryn Jeffery is the Superintendent and President of Santa Monica College, an institution that consistently leads California in transferring students to the UC system. SMC is a true anchor of the community. When fires devastated LA County in January, SMC hosted events, roundtables, and served as a key hub providing support and resources for those affected by the Palisades wildfires.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 52 is Angelica Salas, escorted by Assembly Member Caloza. Angelica Salas is the Executive Director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights. For over two decades, Angelica has transformed CHIRLA into a mass membership immigrant-led organization that empowers immigrants and their families to win local, state, and national policies that advance their human, civil, and labor rights.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 53 is Karen Comstock, escorted by Assembly Member Michelle Rodriguez. Karen Comstock, Chino's first female police chief, dedicated 34 years to law enforcement before serving on the City Council. She has served on numerous boards including the Chino Valley Fire District and the League of California Cities. A lifelong resident, she uplifts her community through leadership and service.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 54 is Yvonne Wheeler, escorted by Assembly Member Mark Gonzalez. Yvonne Wheeler, a lifelong labor and civil rights activist, has led unions like CWA, AFL, CIO, and AFSCME. She bridges the African American community and labor movement. Now she is the first African American woman to lead the LA County Federation of Labor and holds key roles in California labor organizations. From Assembly District 55 is Rabbi Sharon Brous, escorted by Assembly Member Bryan.
- Reading Clerk
Rabbi Sharon Brous is the Senior and Founding Rabbi of ICAR, a Jewish community in Los Angeles. Recognized as a justice and human rights leader, she is the author of the Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom to Heal Our Hearts and Mend Our Broken World.
- Reading Clerk
Rabbi Brous blessed President Biden and Vice President Harris at the inaugural national prayer service in 2021 and lives with her husband and children in Los Angeles. From Assembly District 56 is Nancy Lopez-Kazarian, escorted by Assembly Member Calderon.
- Reading Clerk
With over 20 years in the nonprofit sector, Nancy Lopez is a steadfast leader in community development, public service, and civic engagement. She has built a career fostering partnerships that connect government, corporations, and local communities to drive change and promote cultural preservation and historic revitalization. From Assembly District 57 is Rachel Brashier, escorted by Assembly Member Elhawary.
- Reading Clerk
Rachel Brashier is a seasoned political strategist dedicated to equity in Los Angeles. As Senior Advisor to City Council President Marqueese Harris-Dawson, she shapes policy on homelessness, public safety, and jobs. A former mayor press secretary, she co-founded the California Black Women's Democratic Club and advocates for reproductive rights.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 58 is Sophia Betancourt, escorted by Assembly Member Castillo. Sophia Betancourt has deep roots in the City of Corona. She serves on the Board of the Corona Norco Settlement House, is a 14-year member of the Women's Improvement Club, and part of Corona Elks Lodge Number 2045.
- Reading Clerk
She leads the Day of the Child Committee and organizes Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society. From Assembly District 59 is Cindy Lau, escorted by Assembly Member Chen. Ms. Cindy Lau is the founder and President of Miracle World, Inc.
- Reading Clerk
A leader in the VIP Travel World since 2004, a Northeastern University graduate with a BS/BA in marketing and management information systems, Cindy is dedicated to helping others, especially those facing language barriers and supporting her community. From Assembly District 60 is Linda Krupa, escorted by Assembly Member Jackson.
- Reading Clerk
Linda Krupa is a single mother of three adult daughters with seven grandchildren. She was elected to the Hemet City Council in 2010 and will leave public office in December of 2026 after serving 16 years. She has been a member of numerous county, regional, and state boards throughout her career.
- Reading Clerk
Her community involvement includes the Hemet Library, Historic Santa Fe Depot, and Ramona Padgett. From Assembly District 30 is Julie Packard, escorted by Assembly Member Addis. Julie Packard founded and served as Executive Director of the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
- Reading Clerk
She is an international leader in ocean conservation and a leading voice for science-based policy reform in support of a healthier ocean. From Assembly District 61 is Linda Lucks, escorted by Assembly Member McKinnor. Linda Lucks has lived in the Venice area since 1970.
- Reading Clerk
She coordinates community engagement for Venice Community Housing, a non-profit organization building affordable housing, and advocating for equitable, inclusive communities to advance racial and economic justice. She is a UCLA graduate, a California Democratic delegate since 2016, and past president of Venice Neighborhood Council, LA Board of Neighborhood Empowerment, and the LA City Beach Commission.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 62 is Terri Belch, escorted by Assembly Member Solache. Terri Belch has lived in Lakewood her whole life and loves her community. After retiring from Procter & Gamble, she joined the Lakewood Women's Club where members volunteer and fundraise for local causes.
- Reading Clerk
Terri has served as President, first Vice President, and Fundraising Chair, dedicating her time to community service. From Assembly District 64 is Rose Espinoza, escorted by Assembly Member Pacheco. Rose Espinoza, a La Habra City Council Member since 2000, has served as mayor multiple times. In 1991, she founded Rose's Garage to address gang activity and educational challenges.
- Reading Clerk
A former principal designer at Beckman Coulter, she has received numerous awards including the National Caring Award and Points of Life Presidential Service Award. From Assembly District 65 is Dr. Ayanna Davis, escorted by Assembly Member Gipson.
- Reading Clerk
With deep roots in our communities, Dr. Ayanna Davis grew up in Compton and dedicated her career to creating opportunities for California students. A longtime public servant and educator, Dr. Davis has worked as a classroom teacher and principal and currently serves on the Compton Unified School District Board of Trustees.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 66 is Jihee Huh, escorted by Assembly Member Muratsuchi. Jihee Huh made significant contributions to her community, serving as the Asian American Pacific Islander Public Affairs Commissioner for the State of California and as a board member of the U.S. olympic Foundation, NPR Foundation, Human Rights Watch, the California Community Foundation, Children's Hospital of LA, and the Council of Korean Americans.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 67 is Jinan Montecristo, escorted by Assembly Member Quirk-Silva. Jinan Montecristo is an entrepreneur, restaurateur, and community leader who co-founded Les Amis in 2010, blending Lebanese flavors with contemporary twists. Under her leadership, the restaurant became a Fullerton staple. With a background in real estate, hotel management, and event planning, Jinan continues to drive cultural and economic growth.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 69 is Carol Williams, escorted by Assembly Member Hart. Carol Williams is the founder and CEO of Interval House, a Long Beach based agency that has won seven presidential awards under her leadership. Interval House operates six emergency and transitional housing sites and 12 Long Beach and Orange County community service centers.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 70 is Kim-Anh Nguyen Dang, escorted by Assembly Member Ta. Dr. Kim-Anh Nguyen Dang is a seventh degree black belt and director of education at Grand Master Duc Dang School of Martial Arts and Education. She is a veteran professional tennis player and UCI graduate. She holds an MAT and ED from USC. A world and national taekwondo champion, Dr. Dang trained students using taekwondo principles to facilitate individual and community development.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 71 is Julie Ngo, escorted by Assembly Member Sanchez. Julie has a long standing commitment to service and is dedicated to promoting economic growth in the Riverside area. Her collaboration with local businesses also include preserving the historical charm of Old Town, Temecula, which is evident through her participation on numerous nonprofit boards that serve the most disadvantaged families in the community
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 72 is Jill Dominguez, escorted by Assembly Member Dixon. Jill Dominguez, executive director of Mary's Path, works tirelessly to provide housing, support, and treatment to teen moms and babies in foster care who are victims of sex trafficking. She also raises awareness about the scourge of commercial child sexual exploitation in California and promotes best practices for treating victims.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 73 is Sirisha Bandla, escorted by Assembly Member Petrie-Norris. Sirisha Bandla is the vice president of government affairs and research operations at Virgin Galactic. In July 2022, she launched to space as a part of the Unity 22 mission, Virgin Galactic's first fully crewed space flight.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 75 is Valerie Aguilar, escorted by Assembly Member DeMaio. Valerie Aguilar from the San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians, chief operating officer of Inner-Tribal Treatment, a nonprofit organization established at the height of the nation's opioid crisis. Ms. Aguilar has been a steadfast advocate for streamlined, comprehensive, culturally competent SUD treatment for those struggling with substance use disorder.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 76 is Dr. Star Rivera-Lacey, escorted by Assembly Member Patel. Dr. Star Rivera-Lacey, superintendent and president of the Palomar Community College District, leads one of California's largest single community college districts. She is dedicated to social justice and student access. Her accomplishments include Wheelhouse Institute on Leadership, National Community College Hispanic Council, Aspen Institute Rising Presidents Fellowships, and a second degree black belt in karate.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 77 is Dr. Rebecca Rakow-Penner, MD, escorted by Assembly Member Boerner. Dr. Rebecca Rakow-Penner has been a, has a medical degree and PhD in biophysics from Stanford University. Her research is dedicated to improving women's health care and advancing diffusion magnetic resonance imaging for evaluating early response to radiation treatment and cervical cancer. She is a radiologist and associate professor of radiology at UCSD.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 78 is Andrea Guerrero, escorted by Assembly Member Patel. Andrea Guerrero is the founding executive director of Alliance San Diego, a community organization building collective power to create more inclusive democracy. Originally from Mexico City, she now calls California home. She holds a law degree from Berkeley, a policy degree from Texas, and a college degree from Stanford.
- Reading Clerk
From Assembly District 79 is Tinesia Conwright, escorted by Assembly Member Sharp-Collins. Tinesia Conwright is a visionary nonprofit executive and workplace development expert dedicating to empowering women and girls of color. As founder of the DETOUR Empowers, she has impacted 2000 plus girls securing college and career pathways. She is a published author and an award winning changemaker who drives equity, leadership, and economic mobility across communities.
- Reading Clerk
And from Assembly District 80 is Patricia Alvarez de los Cobos, escorted by Assembly Member Alvarez. Patricia Alvarez de los Cobos is the founder and CEO of Energy Communications Corporation, an Emmy winning multimedia company connecting businesses with the Hispanic market. A visionary entrepreneur, she has led media, marketing, and philanthropy efforts, serving on multiple boards and earning numerous awards for her leadership and community impact.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Members, you can find more information about these incredible 2025 Women of the Year in the program on your desks. On behalf of Chair Aguiar-Curry and the Members of the California Legislative Women's Caucus, thank you for helping us commemorate Women's History Month. We applaud and appreciate the contributions of this year's honorees and the women across our state and nation. Thank you.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Members, we will next be moving on to guest introductions. If I could have you return to your seats please.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Members, we still have some business to attend to. Please take your seats. Thank you. Assembly Member Nguyen.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members, please let me... Thank you. Just, I know we're all excited to take photos, and I just like to have this opportunity to introduce someone to the floor. He is the very first, the very first Vietnamese American district attorney here.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Not only in California, but the first and only Vietnamese American district attorney in the country. In my opinion, he is the best district attorney. He is Sacramento's District Attorney Thien Ho in the back. Please help me in recognizing him.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Assembly Members, I ask you to return to your seats, as we still have business to attend to. Moving back to motions and resolutions, Assistant Majority Leader Garcia, you are recognized for your one motion.
- Robert Garcia
Madam Speaker, at the request of Assembly Member Flora, please remove item 7, AB 321, Schultz from the consent calendar.
- Celeste Rodriguez
The Clerk will note. Next we have another guest introduction. Assembly Member Hoover, you are recognized.
- Josh Hoover
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members, please join me in welcoming today, we have VSP Vision Care's president and CEO Michael Guyette and Senior Vice President Douglas Stoss. VSP Vision Care is celebrating their 70 year anniversary of providing low cost, high quality vision insurance for the residents in my district and in the State of California.
- Josh Hoover
VSP Vision Care's headquarters is proudly located in Rancho Cordova in my district. They are the nation's first nonprofit vision provider to make high quality and affordable eye care for the masses. Through their Eyes of Hope program, they have provided vulnerable populations worldwide with free eye care and eyewear serving over 4 million people in need. I am proud to celebrate VSP's 70th anniversary, and please join me in welcoming Michael and Douglas to the State Assembly. Thank you.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Assembly Member Avila Farias, you are recognized for your guest introduction.
- Anamarie Farias
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise proudly to recognize and welcome a special guest to the Assembly Chamber. Joining us in the gallery are the EMTs, paramedics, and ambulance support staff who are in the Sacramento this week to be honored and celebrated by the California Ambulance Association. I'm just looking around. We can't, if they can stand.
- Anamarie Farias
I think they're all in uniform today. These first responders are being honored for their exemplary service in our communities and for saving lives. And some are even here for heroic efforts in the recovery and response process in the recent Los Angeles fires. Members, I would also like to acknowledge our former Member, Mr. Rodriguez, Assembly Member who also had a 30 year career as an EMT. So thank you all and we honor you for your support today and continue to welcome you here in the State Capitol. Thank you.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Moving to a vote on the consent calendar, does any Member wish to remove an item from the consent calendar? Seeing and hearing none. The Clerk will read the second day consent calendar.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 78 by Assembly Member Chen, an act relating to attorney's fees.
- Celeste Rodriguez
The Clerk will open the roll for the consent calendar. All Members vote who desire to vote. All Members vote who desire to vote. Members this is for the consent calendar. All Members vote who desire to vote. The Clerk will close the roll and tally the vote. Ayes 71, noes 9. The consent calendar is adopted. The Clerk will read the remaining items on the consent calendar.
- Reading Clerk
And Assembly Bill 223.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Ayes 71, noes 0. Moving... The quorum is still in place. Please give your respectful attention to those who were granted prior permission to speak on their adjournment in memory. Assembly Member Schultz.
- Nick Schultz
Thank you, Madam Speaker and colleagues. It's been a really wonderful day celebrating so many incredible women that make the State of California such a special place. If you'll indulge me for just a couple moments, there's one more woman from the 44th I would like to celebrate, and hopefully I'll ask that we all adjourn in her memory today.
- Nick Schultz
Today, I rise to ask that the Assembly adjourn in the memory of Barbara Beckley, the artistic director emerita and founding member of the Colony Theatre Company located in Burbank, California. Barbara was, suffice it to say, a Los Angeles theater icon, mentor, and friend to so many.
- Nick Schultz
She made a home for thousands of theatrical artists and theater lovers across the globe. Barbara grew up in the State of New York and attended Middlebury College in Vermont before graduating from New York's Neighborhood Playhouse. And then she relocated to Los Angeles where she co-founded the Colony Theatre Company in 1975.
- Nick Schultz
That theater company has since produced most of the company's, she has produced most of the company's main stage productions. Barbara was incredibly accomplished, as highlighted by all of the effort that she put into her work.
- Nick Schultz
For example, in 1993 she received Women in Theater's Outstanding Contribution Award and was a keynote speaker at Showbiz West's 1994 West Coast Theater Expo. She has served on the peer review committees for the Pasadena Arts Council and the Los Angeles County Arts Commission.
- Nick Schultz
For three years, she served as president of the board of Theater LA, now known as Los Angeles Stage Alliance, and in 1999 she received Theater LA's James A. Doolittle Ovation Award for Leadership in Los Angeles Theater. In 2000, she led the Colony to its new home, a 270 seat equity theater created for it by the City of Burbank.
- Nick Schultz
And starting in 2003, the company has appeared every year in the Encyclopedia Britannica Almanac on its list of 25 notable United States theater companies, and in 2006 was voted by readers of Los Angeles Daily News as the best live theater in Los Angeles.
- Nick Schultz
Barbara was a board member of Burbank's Arts for All and served on Burbank's Cultural Arts Commission. Everyone who knew Barbara knew that, at a time when we so often seem to divest from the arts, there is nothing more important to invest in than artistic creativity and the chance for everyone to learn more about themselves by expressing themselves. Though Barbara may no longer be with us, she is not forgotten and her legacy truly outlasts her lifetime. With that, I ask that we all adjourn in her memory. Thank you, Madam Speaker.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Thank you. Please bring the names to the desk to be printed in the Journal. All requests to adjourn in memory will be deemed read and printed in the Journal. Moving to announcements, we have one committee hearing this afternoon. Revenue and Taxation Committee will meet today upon adjournment in Capitol Room 126. The session schedule is as follows.
- Celeste Rodriguez
Tuesday, March 11, check in session. Wednesday, March 12, check in session. Thursday, March 13, floor session at 9am. Seeing and hearing no further business, I am ready to entertain a motion to adjourn. Ms. Aguiar-Curry moves. Mr. Ta seconds that this house stands in adjournment until Thursday, March 13th at 9am. The quorum call is lifted, and we are adjourned.
No Bills Identified