Sunset illuminating the tall skyscrapers of San Diego in California from Centennial Park in Coronado with artificial water reflection.

Carl DeMaio

Republican, State Assembly
District 75, San Diego
Time in office:
  • Assembly: 2024-present


Carl DeMaio, 50, is a conservative activist, podcast host and founder of the Reform California politician action committee. He was elected to the San Diego City Council in 2008, the first openly gay man to be elected to the council. As a council member, he drew the ire of police and firefighters’ unions for efforts to cut public pensions. He also helped lead the successful recall of Democratic state Sen. Josh Newman and helped place an unsuccessful proposition to repeal the gas tax in 2018. DeMaio lives in San Diego with his husband, who runs a public relations firm.

Bill Activity


Of 13 bills:
13 Pending

For this session year, this legislator initiated 13 bills: None passed, None failed, and 13 are currently pending.

Alignment Meter

See all-time percentage of this legislator’s alignment with any organization based on total votes.

xx%votes: xx


This feature tracks three sources of money intended to help a candidate win election: 1-Money given directly to a candidate’s committee, 2-Money given to an Independent Expenditure Committee, 3-Money given to a political party. (NOTE: Senators are elected every four years. Twenty of the 40 Senators are on the ballot in even-numbered years, so Senators may do little or no fundraising in the first two-year session of their Senate term).


This display shows money given directly to the incumbent’s campaign committee (NOTE: The industry categories for donors come from Open Secrets, a nonpartisan research organization for campaign finance. Some contributions are “uncoded,” meaning they have not been assigned to an industry sector. As a result, the total for each sector is also an estimate).

Independent Expenditures

Money from Independent Expenditure Committees (IEC) for advertising or grassroots activity to help a candidate win office is unlimited, but it cannot be spent in coordination with the candidate or the candidate's campaign.


Grand Total for Elections


43.0% lower than the average legislators

This is a total of the money to help this legislator win office including direct donations to the candidate, money from Independent Expenditure Committees and money from political parties.


There are three categories of donations to legislators after they are elected that encourage a working relationship between the donor and the legislator. The three categories are: 1-Gifts, 2-Travel, 3-Behests.

No personal gifts data found


Most of the policy work in the state Capitol is done in “Standing” committees. Legislators also work on budget subcommittees. There are also “Special” and “Select” committees with a more narrow topic focus. And there are “Joint” committees with members from the Senate and Assembly.

Interest Group Rankings


Featured Comments

Below are links to the video and transcript of recent, substantive comments by this legislator in committee hearings or floor sessions.


View of map with yellow overlay for Assembly District 75 boundaries.
District 75 is a Safe Republican District
Republican Party candidate has a very high likelihood of winning in an election

Previous Election:

Andrew Hayes
Carl DeMaio

Party Registration

Census Data

Median age010203040

Median age