California Ambulance Association

Related Organizations

Data about an organization is collected from a variety of government sources and there is no standardized name or common identifier across data sources. Digital Democracy experts make judgments about which entries are related, such as an organization that has various spellings or a corporation and its affiliates. Those relationships are used to determine financial contributions and advocacy on legislation. Below are the entities that Digital Democracy has linked to the organization above:

  • California Ambulance Association PAC

Past Affiliations


Known Affiliations

Lobbying Representations

This list shows when this lobbyist testified in a hearing, who they were representing and which bill was involved. The data covers 2015-18 and 2023-present.

Bill Alignment

Bill Alignments represents this person's position on legislation and, where it applies, the organization they were representing. These positions are captured from in-person testimony and written positions that have been submitted to committees. The data covers 2015-18 and 2023-present.


Below is a list of financial exchanges between this organization and current legislators including campaign donations, gifts, independent expenditures or travel expenses. The data covers 2015-present.
Current Legislator:
Transaction Type:
Time Period:
Total org contributions to current legislators from 2015-present
Transaction Type
California Ambulance AssociationSteven GlazerCandidate DonationsMay 5, 2022$1,000
California Ambulance AssociationBlanca RubioCandidate DonationsMar 21, 2020$1,500
California Ambulance AssociationSusan RubioCandidate DonationsMar 19, 2020$1,500
California Ambulance AssociationTyler DiepCandidate DonationsNov 13, 2018$1,000
California Ambulance AssociationPatricia BatesCandidate DonationsNov 5, 2018$1,000
California Ambulance AssociationJanet NguyenCandidate DonationsNov 5, 2018$1,000
California Ambulance AssociationCatharine BakerCandidate DonationsNov 5, 2018$1,000
California Ambulance AssociationJordan CunninghamCandidate DonationsNov 5, 2018$1,000
California Ambulance AssociationJesse GabrielCandidate DonationsNov 5, 2018$1,000
California Ambulance AssociationLuz RivasCandidate DonationsNov 5, 2018$1,000
Showing 1-10 of 68 rows


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AB 3179

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