Sacramento City College
Related Organizations
Data about an organization is collected from a variety of government sources and there is no standardized name or common identifier across data sources. Digital Democracy experts make judgments about which entries are related, such as an organization that has various spellings or a corporation and its affiliates. Those relationships are used to determine financial contributions and advocacy on legislation. Below are the entities that Digital Democracy has linked to the organization above:
- Sacramento City Colleges
Past Affiliations
Bill Alignment
Bill | Representing | Last Recorded Position | |
AB 2586: Public postsecondary education: student employment. | Self | Support | |
AB 1855: Open meetings: teleconferences: community college student body associations and student-run organizations. | Self | Support | |
AB 1885: Student Success Completion Grant program. | Self | Support | |
AB 938: Education finance: classified and certificated staff salaries. | Self | Support | |
AB 796: Athletic trainers. | Self | Support | |
AB 811: Seymour-Campbell Student Success Act of 2012: repeating credit courses. | Self | Support |
AB 1855
Open meetings: teleconferences: community college student body associations and student-run organizations.
AB 1855
Open meetings: teleconferences: community college student body associations and student-run organizations.
AB 1855
Open meetings: teleconferences: community college student body associations and student-run organizations.