AB 436: Vehicles.
- Session Year: 2023-2024
- House: Assembly
Current Status:
(2023-10-13: Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 803, Statutes of 2023.)
First Committee Review
First Chamber
Second Committee Review
Second Chamber
Existing law prohibits a local authority from enacting or enforcing an ordinance on matters covered by the Vehicle Code unless expressly authorized by the Vehicle Code. Existing law authorizes local authorities to adopt rules and regulations by ordinance or resolution regarding specified matters, including, among others, crossing guards, the operation of bicycles, the removal of illegally parked vehicles, and cruising, as defined.
This bill would remove the authorization for a local authority to adopt rules and regulations by ordinance or regulation regarding cruising.
Existing law makes it unlawful to operate a passenger vehicle, or commercial vehicle under 6,000 pounds, that has been modified from its original design so that any portion of the vehicle, other than the wheels, has less clearance from the surface of a level roadway than the clearance between the roadway and the lowermost portion of any rim of any wheel in contact with the roadway.
This bill would repeal that prohibition.
This bill would incorporate additional changes to Section 21100 of the Vehicle Code proposed by AB 825 and SB 50 to be operative only if this bill and AB 825, this bill and SB 50, or this bill, AB 825, and SB 50 are enacted and this bill is enacted last.
Discussed in Hearing

Senate Floor

Assembly Floor

Senate Standing Committee on Governance and Finance

Senate Standing Committee on Transportation

Assembly Standing Committee on Local Government

Assembly Standing Committee on Transportation
Bill Co-Author(s):