Assembly Floor
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
The Assembly is now in session. Assemblymember Bryant noticed the absence of a quorum. The sergeant of arms will prepare the chamber and bring in the absent Members. The Clerk will call the role.
- Reading Clerk
Addis, Aguiar-Curry, Alanis, Alvarez, Arambula Bains, Bauer-Khan, Bennett, Berman, Boerner, Bonta, Bryan, Calderon, Carrillo, Cervantes, Chen, Connolly, Dahle, Davies, Dixon, Essayli, Flora, Mike Fong, Vince Fong, Friedman, Gabriel, Gallagher, Garcia, Gipson, Grayson, Haney, Hart, Holden, Hoover, Irwin, Jackson, Jones-Sawyer, Karla, Lackey, Lee, Lowenthal, Maienschein, Mathis, McCarty, McKinnor, Muratsuchi, Nguyen, Ortega, Pacheco, Papan, Jim Patterson, Joe Patterson, Pellerin, Petrie-Norris, Quirk-Silva, Ramos, Reyes, Luz Rivas, Robert Rivas, Rodriguez, Rubio, Sanchez, Santiago, Shiavo, Soria, Ta, Ting, Valencia, Villapudua, Waldron, Wallis, Ward, Weber, Wicks, Wilson, Wood, Zbur, Mr. Speaker.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members, we would like to get started, so please get your keys in. Members, a quorum is present. We ask our guests and visitors in the rear of the chamber and in the gallery to please stand for the flag salute and the prayer. The day's prayer will be offered by Assembly chaplain. Imam Yashir Khan. Imam Yeshir.
- Imam Khan
In the name of God, the most Gracious, the Most Merciful, almighty God, as we gather today, we invoke Your divine presence and guidance. We humbly seek your wisdom and understanding to navigate the important decisions and responsibilities that lie before us today. Grant us the strength and humility to serve the people of California with sincerity and dedication. Help us to transcend our differences and work together for the common good. Recognizing the diversity that enriches our state.
- Imam Khan
We pray for the welfare and prosperity of all our fellow human beings irrespective of their backgrounds or beliefs. May the decisions we make today reflect justice, fairness and compassion for the least fortunate amongst us. Almighty God, inspire us to be stewards of the environment, protectors of human rights and champions of social justice. Guide us in our pursuit of policies that promote unity, tolerance and the well being of all residents of California.
- Imam Khan
As we deliberate and legislate, may our intentions be pure and our actions be in alignment with the values of integrity and accountability. Keep us mindful of our responsibility to create a more just and equitable society. We ask for your blessings upon this Assembly and upon the people of California. May our efforts be a source of hope and progress for our great State. In Your name, the most merciful and most compassionate, we offer this prayer. Amen.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Dahle will lead us in the pledge.
- Megan Dahle
Good morning, Members. Please join me. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Reading of the previous day journal.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Chamber, Sacramento, Wednesday, June 28th 2023. The Assembly met at 07:00 A.m..
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
The honorable Freddie Rodriguez and Mr. Lackey seconds that the reading of the previous day journal will be dispensed with presentations and petitions. There are none. Introductions and reference of bills will be deferred reports of committees will be deemed read and amendments deemed adopted messages from the Governor there are none. Messages from the Senate? There are none. Moving to motions and resolutions the absences for the day there are none. Majority Leader Bryan, you are recognized for your procedural motions.
- Isaac Bryan
Thank you, Madam Speaker I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 45.5 to allow Assemblymember Sanchez and Petrie Norris to speak on adjournment and memory today.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Without objections such shall be the order.
- Isaac Bryan
I request unanimous consent to suspend Assembly Rule 118 A to allow Assembly Member Gabriel to have a guest in the rear of the Chamber today.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Without objections. Such shall be the order.
- Isaac Bryan
Please move the following those to the inactive file item 119 SB 357 Portentino, at the request of Assembly Member Davies, and item 127 SB 445 Portentino, at the request of Assembly Member Berner. Clerk will note a move to suspend Assembly Rule 77, the one day waiting period for concurrence measures on items four through 77 to allow authors to take up their Assembly bills today.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Such shall be the order.
- Isaac Bryan
I move to suspend Assembly Rule 96 to withdraw SB. 525 and SB 567 by derasso from the Rules Committee and order the bills to the second reading file.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Such shall be the order. No, with objection.
- Heath Flora
We object to this motion. Ask for a roll call vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Mr. Hart seconds. The motion is not debatable. Majority Leader Bryan is asking for an aye vote. The Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Majority Leader is asking for an aye vote. Mr. Flora is asking for a no vote. Members, this takes 41 votes. The Clerk will close the roll. Tally the vote. Ayes. 41. No. 16. The motion carries. Members, pursuant to Assembly Rule 77 two, I am re-referring the following measures to Committee item 22 AB 1587 Ting to the Banking and Finance Committee and item 52 AB 709 McKinnor to the Public Safety Committee. Members, we have a birthday today and he's trying not to look at me.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
So please wish Assemblymember Juan Carrillo a happy birthday. I would like to urge Members of both houses to immediately identify floor managers for your bills on the floor of the other House. Moving to business on The Daily File Members, the one day wait on concurrence items has been waived. Members, I hate to repeat myself, but the one day wait on concurrence items has been waived. Please be prepared to take up your concurrence items today.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Moving to The Daily File. Concurrence in Senate amendments beginning with file number one, AB 1540. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1540 by Assemblymember Mike Fong. An act relating to postsecondary education.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Fong, you are recognized.
- Mike Fong
Thank you, Madam Speaker and members, Assembly Bill 1540 streamlines the process for undocumented students to apply for financial aid. Senate amendments require a higher education institution that receives the AB 540 affidavit from the California Student Aid Commission to share the affidavit with other departments that also require the affidavit. This bill has received unanimous support in the Senate. I respectfully ask for an aye vote on concurrence.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. The clerk will open the roll. All those vote who, vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 46, noes one. Senate amendments are concurred in. Moving on to pass it temporarily on item two, file number two. File number three, AB 399. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 399 by Assemblymember Boernor. An act relating to water.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Boerner, you are recognized.
- Tasha Boerner
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members. AB 399 is a good governance Bill that seeks to give ratepayers a voice in decisions that impact the cost of one of their most basic needs water. AB 399 is also a district Bill specific only to San Diego. County. It modifies a San Diego-specific law dealing with our water authority and is intended to increase transparency and accountability for reorganization proposals that impact water rates in the county.
- Tasha Boerner
AB 399 is specifically written to be consistent with the LAFCO Process for city detachments under the San Fernando rule, which requires two separate votes of the affected residents, those in the community attempting to detach, and a second election by those the remaining region who will be affected. This Bill adds a requirement in the San Diego County-specific county water authority law to ensure the entire affected region also has an electoral voice in any future detachments.
- Tasha Boerner
AB 399 came about as a result of a San Diego Lasco proceeding that recently authorized two smaller water districts in the county to pull out of San Diego County Water Authority, which provides water for an entire county. While many in the region opposed the defection of these two water districts due to the increased water rates their departure would cause, the San Diego LAFCO hurriedly jammed through the detachment vote in July.
- Tasha Boerner
They did this despite there being a huge disagreement over the necessary exit fees, with LAFCO setting the price at 24.3 million and the county water authorities estimates at 189,000,000, the problem is the rest of San Diego region 3.4 million people will have to absorb that more than $164,000,000 difference in the form of higher monthly bills. Members, if this had happened to any of you in this district, I guarantee you'd be carrying substantially similar legislation.
- Tasha Boerner
Despite the unfortunate and short sighted action by Alfco, the process illuminated a significant defect in the San Diego Water County law that allows any district to defect from the regional water authority with no input from the entire impacted region. This Bill is supported by a wide spectrum of local and statewide interests from the California Labor Fed to the California Chamber of Commerce, as well as the County of San Diego and plenty of cities and water districts in the region.
- Tasha Boerner
Members, AB 399 provides a necessary safeguard moving forward for utility customers in the region struggling to make ends meet. I ask for your aye vote on this district Bill to ensure that all water rate payers in San Diego County have a voice when changes in governance have a direct impact on them.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Gallagher, you are recognized.
- James Gallagher
Yes. Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members I mean a lot of the concern with this Bill is impacting local control and the ability of Lafcos to make decisions regarding districts and changes in districts. My understanding with the urgency so a question of the author with the urgency being amended out of this Bill. Is it your intent that this is now a prospective Bill and would not impact Falbrook and Rainbow's detachment proceeding which is going on this year? Is that correct?
- Tasha Boerner
It is correct that the Bill without the urgency clause is prospective in nature.
- James Gallagher
Sorry just would not impact Rainbow and Fallbrooks which is going on right now.
- Tasha Boerner
And it was already it's going on right now. Then election set for November 7. This Bill without the urgency clause would go into effect January 1 if signed by the Governor and passed out of this body.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no other further discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote all those vote who desire to vote all those vote who desire to vote all those vote who desire to vote all those vote who desire to vote. All. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Boerner, what is your desire? All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk close the roll, ayes 42 noes seven. Senate amendments are concurred. In moving on to file number four, AB 230. Assembly Member excuse me. Clerk will call the roll.
- Committee Secretary
Assemblymember 230 by Assemblymember Reyes and others in accolading to menstrual products.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Reyes, you are recognized.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members, AB 230, the girl scouts period equity act, is back from the Senate on concurrence. The Bill requires schools serving third through fifth grade to restore to stock restrooms with free menstrual products for the children. Senate amendments added coauthors, I respectfully ask for your aye vote on the concurrence.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, close the roll ayes 54 no zero. Senate amends are concurred. In moving on to file number five, AB 299. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 299 by Assemblymember Holden in accolading to hazing.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Holden, you are recognized.
- Chris Holden
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members, AB 299 is back for concurrence. This Bill allows for a civil action to be brought against an institution of higher education that knew or should have known of the hazing practices of an affiliate organization. Senate amendments require a court to grant consideration to an institution, provided they implemented the preventative measures described in the Bill, as well as additional clarifying amendments. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll ayes 47 to no. Senate amends are concurred in file number 6, AB 426. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 426 by Assemblymember Jackson in accolade in the foster care.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Jackson, you are recognized.
- Corey Jackson
Thank you very much, Madam Speaker. AB 426 is back for concurrence. This Bill aims to protect youth's welfare by keeping our foster youth out of business offices and other inhumane placements that could further perpetuate, neglect and abuse. AB 426 is the first step in making sure all foster youth have a safe place to call home. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote desire to vote Clerk will close the roll ayes 55 noes one. Senate amends are concurred. In moving on to file number seven, AB 452. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Clerk will read Assembly Bill 452 by Assembly Member Addis and others in accolading the childhood sexual assault.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Addis, you are recognized.
- Dawn Addis
Thank you, Madam Chair and Members, AB 452 is back on concurrence. This Bill seeks to promote justice for survivors of child sexual assault. It previously passed our house unanimously and received bipartisan support throughout the process. Amendments in the Senate clarified the intent of the Bill to make it prospective, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
See no discussion or debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 60, No one. Senator demands are concurred in file number eight, AB 494. Clerk. will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Row 494 by Assemblymember Arambula in accolade of healthcare.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Arambula, you are recognized.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members, today I rise to present amendments and concurrence on Assembly Bill 494. This is a sunset extension for the Robert F. Kennedy Medical plant. This past weekend, I was back in my hometown of Delano for the 50th anniversary of the passing of Nagi Daifallah and Juan De La Cruz, who died in vineyard strikes 50 years ago.
- Joaquin Arambula
And while I was there in my hometown, I had the opportunity to speak with many farm workers who spoke about the benefit that comes from this RFK medical plan that is both culturally and linguistically competent to address the needs of our farm workers. And so I'm here to urge your support in this sunset extension to make sure that a medical plan that is for farm workers by farm workers is passed. I respectfully ask for an aye vote on Assembly Bill 494.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 42, noes nine. Senate amends are concurred. In moving on to file number 9. AB 548. Clerk, will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 548 by Assemblymember Boerner and others in accolade to housing.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Boerner, you are recognized.
- Tasha Boerner
Good morning, Madam Speaker and Members. I rise to present AB 548, which is back on concurrence. Senate amendments delay implementation, clarify notice requirements to landlords of violations found, and incorporate technical feedback from the administration. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion during debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk all those vote who desire to vote. We need 41 votes. Members. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. ayes 42. No, 15. Senate amends are concurred in file number 10. AB 57, nine.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 579 by Assemblymember Ting in accolade to school buses.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Ting, you are recognized.
- Philip Ting
Thank you, Madam Speaker. AB 579 is back on concurrence. Our Bill requires that new school bus purchases be zero emissions after 2035. It does not require that the fleets turn over by 2035, but that only if you are purchasing a school bus after 2035 that it has to be a zero-emission bus. We took amendments in the Senate in particular, to give rural districts more lead time to comply with this Bill. So they don't have to purchase zero-emission vehicles until 2045. The Bill has enjoyed bipartisan support respectfully vote on AB 579
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 47 and noes 10. Senate amendments are concurred. In moving on to file number 11, AB 6116.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 616 by Assemblymember Rodriguez and others in accolade to healthcare.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Rodriguez, you are recognized.
- Freddie Rodriguez
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members, AB 616 is back from the Senate Amendments are technical and clarifying. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Vote see no discussion or debate. Clerk will call Clerk open the roll all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 41, noes 15. Moving on to file number 12. AB 656 Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 656 by Assemblymember McCarty and others in accolade to the public post-secondary education.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
We will Assemblymember McCarty, you are recognized.
- Kevin McCarty
Thank you, Madam Chair. This Bill is back on concurrence. This expands doctoral degrees for the CSU system, allows the CSU as well as the UC to now offer doctoral degrees in a small manner, rolling out over the next few years. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 61. No, zero. Moving on to file number 13. Excuse me. Senate bills are concurred in temporarily pass on file number 13. File number 14, AB 753.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 753 by Assembly Member Papan and others an act relating to water quality and making an appropriation therefore.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Papan, you are recognized.
- Diane Papan
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I'm proud to bring this Bill back on concurrence. AB 753 will reform the State Water Board's cleanup and abatement account and ensure that fines paid by water quality violators actually find their way back to the community that was impacted by the pollution. Senate amendments reduced the funds sent back to the community from 50% to 40%. This Bill has bipartisan support and received 78 votes when it was last on the Assembly Floor. I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, this is a 54 vote Bill. Clerk open the roll all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those Clerk close the roll. Aye, 65. No, zero. Senate Amendments are concurred in. Moving on to file number 15, AB 755 Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 755 by Assembly Member Papan an accolade of water.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Papan. You are recognized.
- Diane Papan
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Assembly Bill 755 requires public utilities to determine how major water users affect system wide costs. In response to stakeholder concerns, Senate amendments address the hypothetical cost savings from the required analysis. We're good to go. I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Aye's, 48. No's, 17. Senate amendments are concurred in. File number 16, AB 800. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 800 by Assembly Member Ortega and others in acclaiming the pupil instruction.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Ortega, you are recognized.
- Liz Ortega
Madam Speaker and Members, today I rise to present AB 800 for concurrence. The amendments made in the Senate were technical in nature. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open up the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Aye's, 49. No's, 7. Senate amendments are concurred in. File number 17, AB 911. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly vote 911 by Assembly Member Shiavo an accolade into real property.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Shiavo, you are recognized.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you, Madam Speaker and members. AB 911 is back for concurrence. Our office is really prioritizing making sure that we not only build housing, but we make sure that it's affordable housing. And so this is really a cleanup measure to AB 721 Bloom in 2021 that provides confidence to affordable housing developers who want to purchase real estate for 100% affordable housing developments. Senate amendments were technical in nature. This bill received bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for your aye vote. Thank You
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote, excuse me. Excuse me. We are going to do a retake here. Are you okay? I apologize. Sorry. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 52, noes 11. Senate amends are concurred. File number 18, AB 1283. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1283 by Assemblymember Chen and others. An act relating to pupil health.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Chen, you are recognized.
- Phillip Chen
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Amazing Bill. Please vote aye.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk close the roll. Ayes 65, noes zero. Senate amends are concurrent in. File number 19, AB 1377.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1377 by Assemblymember Friedman and others. An act relating to homelessness.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Friedman, you are recognized.
- Laura Friedman
Thank you, Madam Speaker and members. I rise today to request concurring in technical Senate amendments on a bill that is enjoyed unanimous bipartisan support. This measure would compel transparency and better coordination between local transit agencies and homeless agencies so that we can offer people the services they need to get off the streets and off our transit agencies. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 64, noes zero. Senate amends are concurred in. Moving on to file number 20, AB 1400.
- Isaac Bryan
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1400 by Assemblymember Bryan. An act relating to student financial aid, making it appropriation therefore.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Bryan, you are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
Thank you, Madam Speaker and colleagues. AB 1400 is back for concurrence. Has enjoyed bipartisan support in both Houses. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 61, 63, noes zero. Senate amends are concurred in. Moving on to file number 21, AB 1481.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1481 by Assemblymember Boerner and others. An act relating to MediCal.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Boerner, you are recognized.
- Tasha Boerner
Thank you, Madam Speaker and members. I rise to present AB 1481, which is back in concurrence. Senate amendments would require providers who are participating in the Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant People Program to provide information to people enrolled in the program on how to contact their county, to expedite determination of a medical application, and modify the window to begin on the date of the presumptive eligibility determination and lasting through the last day of the subsequent calendar month. I respectfully ask for an aye vote on this women caucus.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 54, noes zero. We're going to go back in the file. Excuse me. Senate amendments are concurred in. We are going to back up to file number 13, AB 719.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 719 by Assemblymember Boerner, and act relating to medical.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Boerner. You are recognized.
- Tasha Boerner
Thank you, Madam Speaker and members. It is Tasha B Hour. I rise to present AB 719, which is back on concurrence. Senate amendments do three things: clarify that medical transportation services provided under this bill apply to the public paratransit operators based on DHCS's fee for service rates, move the contents of the bill to a more appropriate code section regulating managed care plans and specify that the bill's implementation would be contingent upon receipt of any necessary federal approvals and the availability of federal financial participation. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 46, no zero. Senate amendments are concurred in.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Without objection, we will return to motions and resolutions to allow. Assistant Majority Leader Hart, you are recognized.
- Gregg Hart
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I request unanimous consent to suspend Joint Rule 62 A, the file notice requirement to allow the Banking and Finance Committee to hear AB 1587 Ting on Wednesday, Sept. 13 upon call of the chair in a room to be determined.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Gregg Hart
At the request of the author, please move item 190 SB 586 Eggman to the inactive file.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will note. Moving on to file number 23, AB 1684. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1684 by Assemblymember Maienschein, an act relating to local government.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Maienschein, you are recognized.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you, Madam Speaker and members. AB 1684 is back on concurrence. I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 60, no zero. Senate amends are concurred in. File number 24, AB 418. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 418 by Assemblymember Gabriel and others, an act relating to food.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I am elated that AB 418, the California Food Safety Act, is back on concurrence. As you know, this bill would ban four toxic chemicals that have been linked to significant health harms, including cancer, reproductive harm, and behavioral and developmental issues in children. All of these chemicals are banned in the 27 nations of the European Union. They are banned in many other countries all over the world, and many companies in the US have voluntarily stopped using these companies. One of the best examples of the failure of the FDA process is Red Dye Number Three, which is subject to this bill, which has been banned by the FDA in cosmetics since 1990, but is somehow still allowed in food. To be clear, this bill will not ban any particular foods or result in any products coming off the shelf. It will simply require companies to make the same minor modifications that they use in their recipes. In Europe and so many other places around the globe, we have been engaged in careful conversations with opposition and have taken amendments. And as a result of those amendments, the California Chamber of Commerce and the California Business Roundtable, as a result of another, others have removed their opposition. I'm proud that this bill secured strong bipartisan support in the Senate. I believe the issue of food safety should be bipartisan. This bill, supported by former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and a coalition of healthcare, environmental, consumer protection, public health and cancer prevention groups like Papan says, we're good. And I respectfully request your aye vote on the California Food Safety Act.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Bryan. You are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
Question for the author: Will Marshawn Lynch still be able to eat skittles in California?
- Jesse Gabriel
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Are there any other discussion or debate? Seeing none. Clerk open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 44, nos five. Senate amends are concurred in. Members, we will recess under call for lunch. Democrats may go to the Members' Lounge. Republicans may go to room 125. Members must remain in the chamber or their caucus rooms. We will reconvene at 1:30 p.m.. We are recessed under call, again, please be back here by 130.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Democrats to your Members' Lounge. Republicans go to room 125. Thank you. Yeah, we'll take vote changes, if anybody has any.
- Gail Pellerin
I'd like to do a vote change on file item seven, AB 452. I was a no and I want to change it to aye.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assemblymember Pellerin, Assembly Bill 452. No to aye.
- Tom Lackey
Assemblymember Lackey. Vote change. Assembly Bill 1540, yes to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assemblymember Lackey. Assembly Bill 1520. Aye to not voting. Correction, Assemblymember Lackey, Assembly Bill 1540. Aye to not voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Welcome back, members. Members, we are starting with file number two, AB 1677. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1677 by Assemblymember Mckinnor and others, an act relating to public employment.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Mckinnor, you are recognized.
- Tina McKinnor
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Back on concurrence, I introduce AB 1677. The amendments taken in the senate were to add co-authors. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor a debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will ... Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 44, nos one. Senate amendments are concurred in. Members, we're moving to file number 25, AB 912.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 912 by Assemblymember Jones-Sawyer and others, an act relating to youth.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Jones-Sawyer. You are recognized.
- Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer
Thank you, Madam Speaker. AB 912, the SAFE Act, is back from the assembly for concurrence. Amendments taken to the senate were cost-saving and technical in nature and added co-authors. The SAFE Act has received bipartisan support throughout the legislative process and has no registered opposition. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 58, no zero.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Senate amendments for... are concurred in. File number 26, AB 1063. Temporarily pass. Moving to file item 27, AB 1136. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1136 by Assemblymember Haney and others, an act relating to business and making an appropriation therefore.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Haney, you are recognized.
- Matt Haney
Thank you, Madam Speaker and members. AB 1136 will ensure that licensed professional mixed martial arts fighters have access to a benefit fund, is back for concurrence. Senate amendments are technical and clarifying in nature, includes changing the name from MMA Pension to MMA Retirement Benefit, and clarifying that the bill will have no cost to the state, it has received broad bipartisan support, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote on concurrence.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, this is a 54-vote bill. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. 54 votes, members. All those vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 60, nos zero. Senate amends are concurred in.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members, we are moving to third reading file senate bills. File number 85, SB 727. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 727 by Senator Limon and others, an act relating to civil actions.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Senator Ortega. You are recognized.
- Liz Ortega
Thank you, Madam Speaker and colleagues. I rise to present SB 727 on behalf of Senator Limon. Economic coercion plays a significant role in human trafficking. Individuals who experience coerced debt commonly face years of debt repayment, financial and housing instability and poverty. This bill has no opposition and has received unanimous bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk close the roll. Ayes 66, no zero. Measure passes. File number 87, SB 713.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 713 by Senator Padilla and others, an act relating to land use.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Alvarez, you are recognized.
- David Alvarez
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise today to present Senate Bill 713. SB 713 clarifies that for purposes of State Density Bonus Law, development standards applies to local ordinances and local initiatives. The State Density Bonus Law has proven itself to be a successful tool for constructing affordable housing by providing regulatory incentives in lieu of government subsidies to developers who commit to creating affordable housing. SB 713 codifies a recent technical assistance memorandum from the Department of Housing and Community Development that explicitly restates existing law that local government cannot impose standards that stop state density bonus projects from moving forward. This greater certainty allows developers to proceed with confidence to develop more housing, faster. Affordable housing developers cannot afford to waste extremely limited and important funding on unnecessary delays and SB 713 would simply provide that much-needed clarity streamlining affordable housing projects. And I respectfully request your aye votes today.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 60, no zero. Measure passes. File number 88, SB 448.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 448 by Senator Becker and others, an act relating to juveniles.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Santiago. You are recognized.
- Miguel Santiago
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Juvenile cults are... juvenile courts are prohibited from keeping minors in detention centers based on a minor status as dependent on the court or the Child Welfare Services and ability to provide placement for that minor. Some youth are detained even though it's a matter of necessity... even though it's not a matter of necessity for one's protection, but solely because the youth is out of the county residents. While juvenile courts are prohibited from keeping a minor based on their dependency status, the law is silent if the court can keep a minor detention based on their County of residence. This Bill would allow all youth to be considered for the same alternatives to detention, regardless of their county of residence and prevent children from unnecessary exposure to the criminal justice system. In doing so, the bill would establish equal treatment for all youth, regardless of where they live. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 67, no zero. Measure passes. Pass temporarily on item number 89, file number 89. Moving on to file number 90.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 392 by Senator Bradford and others in accolade to alcoholic beverages.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Santiago. You are recognized.
- Miguel Santiago
Thank you, Madam Speaker. This Bill simply establishes a typical Tide House exemption for Intuit Dome in Inglewood, which is home of the LA Clippers, which is scheduled to open in 2024. Respectfully ask for an aye vote
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Aye, 69. No zero measure passes file number 91 SB 494.
- Committee Secretary
Clerk will read Senate Bill 494 by Senator Newman in accolade in the school districts.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Mike Fong. You are recognized.
- Mike Fong
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members, I am presenting SB 494 on behalf of Senator Newman, which requires school district governing boards to use the regular meeting process rather than host a special or emergency meeting to terminate district Superintendent and or Superintendent without assistant Superintendent without cause. SB 494 would also prohibit school district governing boards from terminating a district Superintendent or assistant Superintendent without cause until at least 30 days after a general election.
- Mike Fong
Under its common sense provisions, SB 494 will show greater transparency and accountability in school district governing board proceedings while promoting stability and transparency in school district governance. I simply ask for an aye vote on behalf of Senator Newman.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, those excuse me. Assemblymember Bill Essayli. You are recognized.
- Bill Essayli
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I don't understand why we're interfering with local government and telling them how to do their business. The Superintendent works at the pleasure of the school board who are duly elected by the residents in that district, and they serve at their pleasure. So the only reason it passed this Bill is that we're trying to protect government bureaucrats from accountability from their elected officials. So I strongly oppose this. I encourage my colleagues to oppose it. It's an attack on democracy.
- Bill Essayli
Local school boards are a democratically elected board, and they deserve the authority and the space to conduct their affairs without interference. So I respectfully oppose.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Assembly Member. Assembly Member, seeing no other discussion or debate, Assemblymember Fong, would you like to close?
- Mike Fong
Thank you so much. This Bill will just allow school board to really make sure that they have the opportunity, in a transparent manner, to common sense provisions to make sure that any firings are held in a regular school board meeting to make sure that there's permanent stability and transparency, school district governance. I simply ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
See no further debate or discussion. We'll move on. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 53, noes 12. Moving on to file number nine measure passes. Excuse me. File number 92, SB 412.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 412 by Senator Archuleta in accolades of criminal procedure.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Ramos, you are recognized.
- James Ramos
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Today I rise to present SB 412 on behalf of Senator Archuleta. This Bill will ensure all crime victims are treated equally by clarifying how much notice they need to provide. The Board of Parolees Hearings in order to attend, this Bill would simply require that all victims need to provide 15-day notice to the Board. By aligning all notifications to 15 days, this Bill will eliminate confusion and ensure the voices of victims can be heard. I ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk close the roll. Aye 60, no zero, measure passes. We'll move now to item number 94, SB 40. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 40 by Senator Umberg in accolade into attorneys.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Maienschein, you are recognized.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you. Madam Speaker and Members, I rise to present SB 40 by Senator Umberg, the annual state bar fee Bill. Thank you. And I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 46, no 11, measure passes. Moving to file number 95, SB 728. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 728 by Senator Limon in accolades solid waste.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Luz Rivas. You are recognized.
- Luz Rivas
Thank you, Madam Speaker and colleagues. SB 728 transitions the state away from the sale or distribution of plastic gift cards by January 1, 2027, towards more environmentally sustainable gift card options that are readily available at many retailers. According to Beyond Plastics, in 2021, over 3.4 billion gift cards were sold in the US, which is approximately 89 tons of gift card waste. Roughly 8.9 tons of gift cards are generated in our state annually.
- Luz Rivas
Over 70% of these gift cards are made of PVC, which is considered to be the single most environmentally damaging plastic. Many businesses are already offering more environmentally friendly gift card options. Now, I respectfully ask for your aye vote thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 44, no 16, measure passes. File number 96 SB 676. Clerk, will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 676 by Senator Allen in accolades to local government.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember. I'll get it. One more time. Assemblymember Schiavo.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you. Madam Speaker and Members, the Legislature passed a law at the height of the drought in 2015 that prohibits local governments from banning or regulating artificial turf in their jurisdictions. However, the US EPA research indicates artificial turfs utilize toxins like PFAS and have been linked to numerous health problems. Artificial turf also negatively impacts soil ecosystems and usually ends up in landfills, where it continues to leach toxins and microplastics.
- Pilar Schiavo
SB 676 by Senator Allen will restore local control to cities and counties, allowing them to decide whether to ban or regulate artificial turf. The Bill has received bipartisan support, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 52, noes nine, measure passes file number 97. SB 667 Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 667 by Senator Dodd and others in accolades of healing arts.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Schiavo. You are recognized.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you. Madam Speaker and Members, I rise again to present SB 667 by Senator Dodd. Improving access to midwifery has been shown to reduce racial disparities in maternity care and is especially important in rural communities and other maternity care deserts. SB 67 or 667 builds upon recent efforts by the Legislature to expand access to women's health care across the state. The Bill before you today represents significant collaboration. There is no opposition, and stakeholders have been involved in amending the Bill. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Aye 62, no zero, measure passes. Moving to file number 99, SB 91. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 91 by Senator Umberg in accolade to environmental quality.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Lowenthal, you are recognized.
- Josh Lowenthal
Thank you, Madam Speaker and colleagues, on behalf of Senator Umberg, very pleased to present SB 91, which seeks to permanently exempt projects which convert motels into supportive or transitional housing, from the California Environmental Quality Act CEQA, and grants a one-year extension of the Transit Environmental Leadership Statute. This Bill has received broad bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 59 and no zero Bill passes file number 15, SB 291. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 291 by Senator Newman in accolading the pupil rights.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Muratsuchi. You are recognized.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you. Very much, Madam Speaker, I am presenting SB 291 on behalf of Senator Newman. This is a measure that will require elementary schools to provide at least 30 minutes of recess. Daily study after study shows that recess is a very important part of child and youth development, not only for their physical as well as their emotional well-being. This is received bipartisan support, no opposition, respectfully asked for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no further discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk close the roll. Aye 65, no zero measure passes. That is file number 108 SB 373. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 373 by Senator Menjivar in accolading to professions and vocations.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Jackson, you are recognized.
- Corey Jackson
Thank you very much, Madam Speaker, my rise to present SB 373 on behalf of Senator Menjivar. With the expansion of telehealth and mental health since the Pandemic, we've seen a drastic increase in the number of mental health professionals providing services out of their homes. SB 373 would protect the well-being and safety of licensees and registrants under the Board of Behavioral Sciences and Board of Psychology by limiting access to their personal home address. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Aye 62, no zero measure passes. Moving on to file number 109, SB 515. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 515 by Senator Stern and others in accolade school facilities.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Schiavo, you are recognized.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members. As a mother, I rise in strong support of the Bill, SB 515 Senator Stearns Bill that will address one of the challenges that we have, especially in Los Angeles in my area, where children do not have covers over their play structures because of the incredible cost. So this important Bill would help to protect children from the impacts of extreme heat by making it easier for schools to build shade structures on their campuses.
- Pilar Schiavo
Children who attend schools in urban areas are especially at heightened risk for suffering from heat related illness, poor health outcomes, and reduced ability to learn. Unfortunately, red tape and administrative barriers can cause the cost of shade structures to quickly become too expensive for schools and community colleges to build. SB 515 streamlines this process, making it easier and more cost-effective. This Bill has bipartisan support, no opposition, and has received no, no votes. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Aye 66, no zero, measure passes. File number 113, SB 267 Clerk will read
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 267 by Senator Eggman and others in accolade to housing.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Kalra. You are recognized.
- Ash Kalra
Thank you, Madam Speaker. And Members presenting SB 267 for Senator Eggman. As a proud coauthor, SB 267 will allow prospective tenants with a housing voucher to have the option to provide lawful, verifiable documentation demonstrating their ability to pay rent in lieu of a credit report. This bill's current language is reflective of the author's work with various stakeholders, including the California Apartment Association, and partners who became neutral with the amendments worked on in the Assembly.
- Ash Kalra
Housing vouchers assist in preventing homelessness across the state by providing rent subsidies to very low-income individuals and families. We can expect that voucher holders will have no or low credit, but our current law simply fails to reflect the realities of those struggling to get off the streets. Under this Bill, property owners will still be allowed to ask for credit information from all rental applicants.
- Ash Kalra
But a prospective tenant with a government rent subsidy must be allowed to submit alternative evidence of financial responsibility of financial responsibility and ability to pay in lieu of a credit report if they choose to do so. The goal of SB 267 is to create a common sense way to assess a voucher holder's ability to pay their portion of the rent.
- Ash Kalra
When credit reports simply aren't sensible, it's often a tool to screen out those facing severe economic challenges, despite the fact that most of their rent will be paid by the government directly to the landlord. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 46, noes 10 measure passes. Moving on to file number 114, SB 281. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 281 by Senator McGuire and others in accolade to arson.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Wood. You are recognized.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Our state is facing unprecedented destructive wildfires. 14 of the largest 20 fires in California history have occurred in the last decade. These massive blazes represent a real and lasting threat to every corner of the Golden State. And some of these fires have been set by arsonists. In the last five years, CAL FIRE law enforcement reported 563 arrests for arson. SB 281 will extend the Sunset Date on our state's aggravated arson statute until January 1, 2029.
- Jim Wood
We need to ensure this effective deterrent remains in place in order to protect our communities and first responders. In this era of new normal, this Bill is now more important than ever. I respectfully ask your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Aye 66. No one, measure passes file number 116. Excuse me. We're moving to file number 213, SB 326. Clerk will read.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 326 by Senator Eggman and others, an act relating to behavioral health and declaring the urgency thereof to take effect immediately.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Wood, you are recognized.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Madam Speaker and members. I rise to present SB 326 by Senator Eggman. SB 326 conveys Governor Newsom's proposal to modernize the behavioral health system in California. Change is hard, but change is certain. The behavioral health challenges we faced 20 years ago when the Mental Health Services Act was first enacted are not the same ones we face today. We addressed those challenges two decades ago with the programs, resources and processes we thought best suited those needs. Now we have revisited and rethought them and need to adapt to what is needed today, and 20 years from now or even sooner, we will probably need to pivot again. That's pretty much guaranteed. We have an opportunity to make changes because we know that something has to be done and what we have been doing isn't quite working as well as we'd like. Even while we acknowledge the passionate efforts of our dedicated public health, mental health and social service partners, the needs to adjust to face the reality we see on our streets as well as the needs of the people we don't see who are also struggling. As chair of this body's Health Committee, along with my colleague, the chair of Housing, we held a full-day informational hearing on this proposal and we listened carefully to the many stakeholders and advocates. We heard from courageous individuals who shared their most personal situations, their success stories, their heartaches and continued struggles, and took that in as we considered how to make suggestions that would make the proposal most responsive it could be to be the most responsive it could be to meet today's needs. The intersection of behavioral health disorders and homelessness is playing out every day on our streets, in our schools, in the smallest of rural communities, in our largest cities. The services covered in this act help the very young to the elderly, many of whom are unsheltered, as well as those who are housed but still suffering from severe mental illness and substance use disorder. SB 326 is before you to address the tragic reality of unhoused people we see on our streets, as well as those suffering behind closed doors, the mental health and substance abuse issues that many experience, but also pays heed to the need to the Housing and Wraparound Support Services that many people struggling with homelessness need. It addresses a changing world, and this provides Californians with an opportunity to weigh in on how we address it. Thank you, and I ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Waldron, you are recognized.
- Marie Waldron
Thank you, Madam Chair and members. SB 326 will transform the Mental Health Services Act into the Behavioral Health Services Act, expanding it to include treatment of substance use disorders, changing the county planning process, and expanding the services that counties in the state can use funds for. This action is truly needed as we've seen where our mental health basically how we service mental health and substance use currently it needs help with our improved understanding of behavioral health and substance use disorders and changing community needs. This legislation extends the range of services that are available. We know how the system currently is. People get picked up and sent to the ER, sitting there maybe getting treatment, maybe not. Then they're back on the street. We've seen it growing and growing. This cycle of need that is not getting addressed. Maybe they end up in the criminal justice system. We're not addressing both of the co-occurring disorders together of mental health and substance use disorder. I agree with the fact that SB 326 is a great start. There's a lot needed to move a big bill like this. It is critical that we remove the existing barrier to supporting access to the substance use treatment part. Getting people who have that need through this system is going to be major. Allowing people with co-occurring disorders to access treatment easily as well as those with justice involvement. Somehow when they're in the criminal justice system, especially in the county systems, they get separated out and then they're arguably some of the people who need it the most. So the current reality is that we need accountability for where the funds are being spent. We need outcomes. We need to know the successes and the failures of where our money is going and what we're doing. We've all been talking about how the money has been spent. We can see the results which are not where we want them to be. So we want to know what equity standards are and measurements where those can be. Knowing that it's data-driven and has critical prevention opportunities the prevention part for our young people can't be stressed enough and it's important we continue to focus on that. SB 326 is a great start and I strongly urge your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Arambula, you are recognized.
- Joaquin Arambula
Thank you, Madam Speaker and members. I rise in support of Senate Bill 326. This bill now includes amendments that address the needs of our children, adolescents, LGBTQ plus and transitional-age youth. First, I would like to begin by thanking the administration that has done more for mental health than any previous administration in California history. I also want to thank the author of this bill who has done tremendous work in this space that has been so vital for us to be working on. But finally, I want to thank the advocates who because of their hard work and steadfastness have made improvements through this process. They have been determined to make sure that we are uplifting the needs of our youngest Californians. And I am grateful that through their hard work, we will now have a better chance to have equity in local conversations at the county level. I am grateful that this process has led us to this product and respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Muratsuchi. You are recognized.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you very much. I also rise in support of this measure, although I do want to raise my concerns that while we all recognize that evolving realities since the original passage of the Mental Health Services Act that we need to adapt to the current realities, many of us have been talking, especially in recent weeks, about the youth mental health crisis. And specifically the provision that raised concern in my mind is the 30% set aside from the Mental Health Services Act for housing support. We all recognize that you can't achieve mental health without having a roof over your head. But at the same time, it just highlights the critical need for funding, the overwhelming need that is not being met with existing funding sources. And so I wanted to raise my concern about how we are losing this dedicated ongoing funding for mental health services, including youth mental health services. I also want to acknowledge, of course, that the governor has been championing one-time youth mental health funding. But we need ongoing mental health funding. And I know that the chair of the Health Committee and I are working to make sure that our schools can successfully and effectively, efficiently Bill to draw down, to get more Medi-Cal funding for mental health services in our schools. And I look forward to working with the Governor to make sure that we are getting, not leaving any federal dollars on the table, but drawing down those dollars so that we can ensure ongoing funding for youth mental health services.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Joe Patterson. You are recognized.
- Joe Patterson
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise, I'm the vice chair of the Housing Committee and it's an area that I love working on and there's a lot in this legislation. There's good things I'm sure we all can look at. There's some things we might not love, but one thing I just wanted to say is a general policy for the state and I've talked about this on a few issues within the Housing Committee. And if you haven't had the pleasure to be in Housing Committee to hear me say it now, you get the pleasure of hearing me now. There's a shelter actually right here in Sacramento that serves hundreds of women a year. And they have a 75% success rate of when they leave the shelter of actually getting permanent housing. It's for women and children. And they have a 96% chance of women that complete the job training, of actually getting jobs after they do that. Those are things we want to be promoting. But because they have women and children, they require that the people going there are not actively on substance, don't have substance use disorder when they're there presently. Obviously what happens in the past and things like that are different. Right. But I think as a state we really need to think about we should be incentivizing programs like this because the truth is sources are very limited. But the way our policies work in California with housing, first it disincentivizes shelters like this that have huge success on getting women and children, in this case into permanent housing. Those are things we need to incentivize. And so I just want to put that for food for thought. You know, this was my first opportunity to say it and it's a great opportunity. By the way, if anybody would like to tour, it's not in my district. So we'll leave it to the legislator whose district it's in. But I'd love to go with you there so you can check it out. But thank you for hearing me out and you'll, to be continued on how I vote on this. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, assemblymember. Assemblymember Wallis, you are recognized.
- Greg Wallis
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members I support SB 326 and will be voting aye. I agree with what the floor manager and my seatmate have said. We do need to modernize the MHSA and I appreciate the hard work that the author has put into getting this done. I've had many conversations with my two counties and needless to say, they have some nervousness about how this will impact their budget and how this will be implemented. We have systemic inequities with funding across the board for counties experiencing growth. I look forward to continuing those conversations as we implement this reform program. But vote yes.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, assemblymember. Assemblymember Gipson, you are recognized.
- Mike Gipson
Thank you very much, Madam Speaker and members. I just want to just add my voice to the chorus in support of this bill and thank the author of providing us with Senate Bill 326. For the new members who are here, last year I talked about my godson who lost his mother and father. Always give stories because I think these stories are relatable to the bills that's on this floor and I want to give a real-life situation. So my godson, many of you know his mother and father died of AIDS and it's the reason why I champion about AIDS awareness and things of that nature. And both mother and father grew up with me in the church and so the biological grandparents never got him the kind of help that he needed. He lost both mother and father at six years old and as a result of that, it spiraled out because he didn't get the kind of help that he needed to deal with losing both mother and father. And so today my godson stands somewhere in Los Angeles on crystal meth and this kind of bill will address this kind of issue. Not only is he dealing with it, but there's so many people that are dealing with substance abuse and searching for helps and answers. And so I just want to say to the author, this is again one of the tools in a toolbox that we need, we desperately need to try because one size doesn't fit all. And so we're looking at multiple ways of trying to address it. So I want to thank you for, one, bringing this before us today. As many of you know, I've spent the night with homeless people from the age, from 2015. I was elected in 2014, 2015 to 2019. My team voluntarily stood with me as I spent the night with homeless people in Los Angeles throughout my entire district. One, why did I do that? One of the reasons why I did that to get a better understanding what the needs are. Two, to understand that there are multifaceted issues that people are homeless. And this is a direct correlation to the homeless crisis that we're faced with here, dealing with those who are unhoused. So I strongly ask for an aye vote and thank the author for bringing this before us.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no further discussion or debate. Assemblymember, would you like to close?
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Madam Speaker. First of all, I want to say thank you to the Newsom Administration for giving us the opportunity to work on this. During the recess, my team of Health Committee consultants spent that period really working and diving deep into this, meeting with advocates, learning about the issue. And I appreciate that. We started with great raw materials. I think we have a really great product and it's the opportunity to collaborate and meet with so many people across the state to give us a path forward here. One of the things that has always been important to me, and members who have been here for a while hear it from me all the time, and that is that my communities that I represent are much different than some of you all. I represent a very large, significantly rural district in California, and I'm always asking for flexibility for our communities. One-size-fits-all approaches usually hurt my constituents. And so I want to thank the administration for their working with us on that. There are flexibilities here that are really significant for our communities, and I really do appreciate that. I also want to point out that the author of the original MHSA, Darryl Steinberg, is in support of this, and I think that's significant as we move forward. He recognizes, too, that 20 years ago, things were quite different than they are today. So, members, change is difficult, and I know that. I recognize that. But change really is certain, and it's important that we move forward on this. There is a companion to this which you will get to vote on again. AB 531, the author from Thousand Oaks, a funding piece of this that's going to be combined with this bill on the ballot. And I urge you to support us today. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members, this is a 54-vote bill. Clerk, open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those... clerk, close the roll. Ayes 63, nos five. On the urgency, 63 to five on the bill. Measure passes. Members, we are going to acknowledge one of our members today. Let's extend our congratulations to Assemblymember Mckinnor on her grandson's birth. Cooper Michael McCullough, born 9/11/23. Weighs,six pounds, 14 ounces, at 8:45 last evening. This is her first child of her son Noel and daughter-in-law, Jessica. So congratulations. Assemblymember. Without objection, we will return to motions and resolutions to allow majority leader to make a motion. Mr. Bryan, you are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Please move the following bills to the inactive file: item 124, SB 422 Portantino at the request of Assemblymember Garcia and item 137, SB 675, Limon at the request of Assemblymember Wicks.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will note.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Moving to file number 116, SB 309. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 309 by Senator Cortese, an act relating to correctional facilities.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Reyes, you are recognized.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I'm pleased to present SB 309 on behalf of Senator Cortese. SB 309 would create a statewide policy that ensures a right to religious clothing, grooming, and headgear in state and local correction and detention facilities. Californians still maintain their basic civil rights when they become incarcerated. When a member of a religious minority is serving time, they should always have the protection to observe their religion. This bill has garnered bipartisan support in the Senate, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote on SB 309.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk close the roll. Aye 63. No 0. Measure passes. Moving to file number 84 ACA 7. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Constitutional Amendment 7 by Assembly Member Jackson and others, an act relating to government preferences.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Jackson, you are recognized.
- Corey Jackson
Thank you very much, Madam Speaker. I rise to present a Legislative Black Caucus priority measure, ACA 7, which will allow the Governor to approve exemptions to Prop 209 for the purpose of saving the lives of communities who have suffered from marginalization and oppression due to the racist laws of this country and the State of California that has caused gross biopsychosocial inequities since 1996.
- Corey Jackson
Prop 209 has served as a barrier towards implementing potential programs to assist vulnerable communities who have intentionally been neglected and left behind for over 400 years. That is why the newly released Reparations report affirmed that Prop 209 substantially limits the state from revving the systemic racism in California, in California, in education, housing, wealth, employment, and health care, which is implanted in laws, policies, and institutions that perpetuate racial inequities. Therefore, Prop 209 is an unjust law.
- Corey Jackson
It was St. Thomas Aquinas who argues that an unjust law is no law at all in civil disobedience obedience. Henry David Thoreau also called into question the legitimacy of any law that was unjust. He says unjust laws exist. Shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once? Prop 209 is an unjust law.
- Corey Jackson
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. says in his letter in a Birmingham jail, "One may well ask, how can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others? The answer is found in the fact that there are two types of laws there are just laws and there are unjust laws." I will be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has only a legal, but not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.
- Corey Jackson
Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust. It is also found in the book of Isaiah 10, one through four. Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees to deprive the poor of their rights, and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing. Fatherless, what will you do on the day of reckoning when disaster comes from afar? To whom will you run for help?
- Corey Jackson
So this amendment to our Constitution is meant to fix an unjust law by allowing research based or research informed and culturally specific programs that will increase the life expectancy of, improve the educational outcomes for, or lift out of poverty specific ethnic groups or marginalized genders. California has a number of crises, and we must prevent a number of more crises that are yet on the horizon. Therefore, we must have access to as many proven solutions as possible.
- Corey Jackson
I also want to bring notice to the fact that this measure is not about college admissions or any quotas at all. And while it was never the intent of this measure, it is certainly now impossible due to this year's Supreme Court decision. So we must do the right thing and stand in solidarity, because one of us, if one of us is being harmed, we must all have each other's back. Join the Black Caucus in voting aye on this measure.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Essayli, you are recognized.
- Bill Essayli
With all respect to my colleague from Marina Valley, I have no idea what he's talking about. We are all created equal, and we are endowed by our Creator with rights. And our Supreme Court has reaffirmed that it is unconstitutional for the government to consider race when making decisions affecting people. It's unconstitutional. So I don't know what all of this is about, about an unjust law. I can't think of anything more unjust than having a racist government.
- Bill Essayli
And the fact that Martin Luther King was cited, I find offensive because Dr. King said that he wanted his children to be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. So I fundamentally oppose this. It's wrong. As you know, my parents are minority. They immigrated here. We did not come here to be treated special or different. We came here to be treated equally. And that's all we ask for. So this is a very dangerous agenda.
- Bill Essayli
I believe it's rooted in Marxism, to be honest, where you separate society either by class or race. Excuse me. I'm entitled to speak, and I will speak. And it's true. If you understand Marxism, they want to divide our society either based on socioeconomic class or based on race. You can laugh, you can giggle, but it's what's happening when you pit society against each other. Certain people benefit from that. We need to be uniting Californians and Americans.
- Bill Essayli
We need to be treating each other equally with dignity and respect and stop the division. So I urged in opposition to this, the voters have rejected every attempt to reinsert affirmative action, and I believe they would reject this again. So I respectfully disagree and ask for a no vote. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you, Member. Assemblymember Weber, you are recognized.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise in strong support of ACA 7, which will create a process by which the Governor can approve state-funded money to implement more programs that have demonstrated to improve educational outcomes, increase life expectancy, or lift out of poverty historically marginalized population. Despite what our colleague from Corona just mentioned, yes, we all are created the same. However, research continuously shows us that communities of color in California still suffer significantly higher rates of poverty and greater disparities in both health and educational outcomes.
- Akilah Weber
Outcomes that have only been exacerbated by Prop 209, which has significantly limited the state's ability to invest in programs that would fix many of these problems and uplift historically vulnerable communities. Thankfully, there have been instances where institutions have taken initiative and decided to do the right thing. For example, in 2017, Fresno Unified established the Office of African American Academic Acceleration, where they invested $9 million to identify and address the causes of why certain students had lower academic achievement outcomes.
- Akilah Weber
They were also the first to launch the HBC Step Up Pathways program, the state's first dual enrollment program between an HBCU in South Carolina and Fresno high schools to offer online courses, support services, campus visits, and a glimpse of an HBCU experience. And as an alum of an HBCU, probably the only one on this floor, a proud alum of an HBCU, Xavier University of Louisiana. I am very happy that Fresno Unified decided to do this.
- Akilah Weber
We want all of our children to be successful here in California. We want all of our residents to be successful here in California. And if we need to implement programs that will target certain groups that are struggling, that is our job. And for that, I urge you to vote an aye on ACA 7. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Gallagher, you are recognized.
- James Gallagher
Yes. Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members, I do have a lot of trouble following the author's logic. I don't know how it's possible that a law could be deemed unjust. That one is specifically designed to ensure that you do not discriminate based on race. And furthermore, that was passed by the voters. And not only passed by the voters, reconfirmed by the voters just recently.
- James Gallagher
Which leads me to believe that the author, like many of his measures this year, seemed to be about imposing his view and how he thinks things should be as opposed to what the people have said, and imposing his views. Again, sort of a secular, progressive nationalism that we continue to see being pushed. Why don't we go by what the voters have said they want? They don't want discrimination. They specifically passed this. I thought that we want to respect democracy, not undermine democracy.
- James Gallagher
And so, look, we need to reject this kind of thought process again, a thought process that says, we are going to impose this upon you. If you don't agree with us, we're going to push this anyway. We're going to go against what the voters have already told us time and time again. We've got to stop doing this. And so again, I just urge this body to please reject this illogic and vote down this measure today. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Bonta, you are recognized.
- Mia Bonta
Madam Speaker and Members, I rise today as a proud co-author of ACA 7 and would like to thank the good gentleman from Marina Valley for introducing this groundbreaking constitutional amendment. ACA 7 begins to right a wrong inflicted on every Californian almost 27 years ago with the passage of Prop 209, when Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence we hold these truths to be self-evident.
- Mia Bonta
That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, and that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He didn't mean all men. He didn't mean women. Different conversation. As Californians and legislators, we know that all people have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And that's why we need ACA 7.
- Mia Bonta
ACA 7 will allow the Governor to approve a very limited waiver of Prop 209 Fund research and programs to increase life expectancy, improve educational outcomes, and lift out of poverty our historically marginalized communities. We recognize the ways in which the legacies of slavery yes, it exists. And systemic racism have impacted and continue to impact all Americans and Californians.
- Mia Bonta
In education, we know that black and brown students continue to lag behind their white counterparts with an achievement gap of close to or greater than 30 points for black and Latino students in math alone. In health, racial disparities persist in life expectancy, with our black communities ranking last in life expectancy at 75.1 years, much lower than our average of 81, 15 years. And our racial wealth gap continues to grow and grow and grow. A continued demonstration of our systemic inequality.
- Akilah Weber
As legislators, this is our chance to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to fighting the legacy of racism, discrimination, and inequity that impacts our society still to this day. ACA 7 is our opportunity to make sure that California no longer has to look past proven ways to help communities facing the greatest inequities in health outcomes, education, and poverty. ACA 7 reaffirms the rights of every Californian to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With that, I respectfully request your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no further discussion or debate. Assemblymember Jackson, would you like to close?
- Corey Jackson
Thank you very much. Madam Speaker. To say that government can oppress communities for hundreds of years based upon skin color, but not do anything to remedy the genocide, dehumanization, slavery, rape, and destructions of an entire people is immoral. It is unjust. It is also glaring that those in opposition they have no clue because they don't belong to a group that has been impacted by Prop 209.
- Corey Jackson
And every black person in this room would love to have that kind of privilege, to not even have a clue what we're talking about. We must do everything that we can to correct the legal oppression that this state has done to our Native American brothers and sisters, African Americans and other similarly situated populations. The research is clear. If you cannot see me, you cannot serve me. We cannot let ideology get in the way of the facts that will save lives.
- Corey Jackson
This is personal to the Black Caucus. And to those who plan on voting against this should heed the words of James Baldwin, who said, we can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist. Therefore, there is no tolerance for respectfully disagreeing on this issue. There is no room for decorum when it comes to the very existence and atonement of my people. Join the Black Caucus in voting aye.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members, this is a 54 vote. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 56, noes 15. Resolution is adopted. First, we're going to pick up where we were. File number 117. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 311 by Senator Eggman and others in accolade to MediCal.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember wood, you are recognized. File 117.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Member.
- Jim Wood
Sorry, I got distracted. Anyway, I rise on behalf of Senator Eggman to present SB 311. Enrollment in qualified Medicare beneficiary program is incredibly difficult. Part A enrollment is only open three months out of the year, and applicants have to jump through a series of obstacles to qualify. California can simplify the process by entering into a Part A buy in agreement with the Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
- Jim Wood
This would make this complicated system easier to navigate and reduce the payments our MediCal program makes for hospital costs for people who are eligible but not enrolled in Part A and the late enrollment penalties incurred by those who do not immediately roll in part A due to confusion about the program. This Bill is a simple fix that would improve access for consumers, will save money, and for the state in the long run. Members, this measure has had unanimous bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for you aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, all those voter desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Aye 62. No zero, measure passes. Moving on to file number 120. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 381 by Senator Min and others in accolade to vehicles.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Davies, you are recognized.
- Laurie Davies
Thank you, Madam Speaker. SB 381 will require the Manetta Transportation Institute at San Jose State University to conduct a study on electric bicycles. Electric bicycles are essential transportation device, but it's important to take a closer look at the potential implications of this new technology. In recent years, cities have seen a surge of accidents involving ebikes resulting in injuries and occasionally a death. The responsive patchwork of regulations by cities has created lack of uniformity in ebike policy.
- Laurie Davies
Because of the benefits provided by electric bicycles, it is critical that we have data in order to assess any future policy decisions that will need to be made in this area. SB 381 will provide the Legislature with the data necessary to consider future ebike safety measures. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 58. No zero, measure passes file number 122, SB 391. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 391 by Senator Blakespear in accolade to worker's compensation.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Grayson, you have been recognized.
- Timothy Grayson
Thank you, Madam Speaker and colleagues. As a co-author, I am proud to present SB 391 on behalf of Senator Blakespear. SB 391 provides our state's park rangers, Fish and Wildlife Game wardens with a rebuttable presumption that skin cancer they develop is a result of work-related sun exposure. This Bill will provide parity to our state park rangers and game wardens who have been left out of the equivalent rebuttable presumption we provide to the rest of our public safety and law enforcement officers. This Bill comes from the Senate with unanimous bipartisan support. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Aye 63 and no zero measure passes. Moving to file number 123, SB 4119. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 419 by Senator Roth and others, in accolade to taxation to take effect immediately, tax levy.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Muratsuchi. You are recognized.
- Al Muratsuchi
Thank you very much. I am proud to rise in support of or to present Senate Bill 419 on behalf of Senator Roth to extend an existing property tax exemption for commercial space flight business inventory to January of 2029. When I first arrived here in the Legislature, SpaceX, the world's biggest rocket ship manufacturer, bigger than China, bigger than Russia, right here in the State of California, was threatening to leave the State of California to go to Texas or Florida.
- Al Muratsuchi
In 2014, the Legislature and I worked together to pass Assembly Bill 777 to establish this property tax exemption to keep and to grow this vibrant, robust commercial spaceflight industry right here in the Innovation State, the State of California. But states like Florida and Texas continue to try to poach companies like SpaceX from the State of California that is located in our colleagues district representing Inglewood SpaceX is located in the City of Hawthorne.
- Al Muratsuchi
They went from zero jobs in 2006 to today employing over 8000 good middle class jobs, manufacturing jobs, representing hiring diverse workforce. We need to keep those jobs here in the State of California. We need to keep growing. The commercial spaceflight industry as part of our robust aerospace industry is actually bigger than the GDP of our entertainment industry and our agricultural industry combined. We need to make sure that California's aerospace industry continues to be competitive. Keep those jobs here in the State of California.
- Al Muratsuchi
Ask for your aye vote. This Bill has received strong bipartisan support. No no votes with no opposition. I respectfully ask for aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Fong, you are recognized.
- Vince Fong
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise too in support of SB 419. I want to thank my colleague from Torrance for helping this Bill be moved along. Only a decade after the provisions included in SB 419 were first passed, California's commercial space providers have returned the majority of the world space launches to the United States.
- Vince Fong
California's spaceflight industry has been able to conduct regular launches in support of critical national priorities, including regular missions with astronauts and cargo to the International Space Station, national security and intelligence satellites, next generation broadband and remote sensing payloads. And even more, we should be immensely proud that Californians now manufacture the most advanced and reliable rockets and spacecraft. And we must keep this industry in California.
- Vince Fong
And these rockets and spacecraft could not fly without the parts and technology available only at California's cutting edge manufacturers and suppliers standardizing the property tax treatment of the commercial space industry's. Business inventories sparked an unprecedented expansion of economic growth in California, supporting a network of thousands of small businesses, business suppliers, and hundreds of thousands of highly skilled manufacturing and engineering jobs which indirectly support millions of more jobs across the state.
- Vince Fong
Members, other states want what we have and we have to stay competitive compared to these other states. And so this is an important measure. I ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no further Assemblymember Muratsuchi, did you have a comment? Seeing no further discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. This is a 54-vote Bill, Members. All those vote who desire to vote all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Aye 64. No zero measure passes on the urgency. It wasn't an urgency. Sorry, no urgency.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Passed temporarily on file number 126. Moving to file number 129, SB 514. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 514 by Senator Archuleta in accolade into wiretapping.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Rodriguez, you are recognized.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you. Madam Speaker, Members, today I rise to present SB 514, which was simply extend the sunset date for the provisions that authorize law enforcement authorities to wiretap and otherwise intercept electronic communications to January 1, 2030. This allows law enforcement officers to gather evidence without being in direct contact with the perpetrators and without the perpetrators knowledge that they are under surveillance. This reduces the risk of harm to police officers and the public. This Bill has received unanimous bipartisan support and has no opposition. I respectfully ask for aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 55. No zero, measure passes. Moving to file number one 30, SB 519. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 519 by Senator Atkins and others in accolade to corrections.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Weber, you are recognized.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise today to present SB 519 by Senator Atkins. SB 519 will bring additional transparency and accountability to our county jails, specifically around in-custody deaths. In 2020, there were over 150 in-custody deaths statewide, and currently, there are at least 10 county jails under a federal court consent decree regarding the treatment and care of people in custody. SB 519 is intended to provide local governments and the public important information in order to help address these issues at the local level.
- Akilah Weber
To that end, SB 519 would ensure that full reports of investigations related to in custody deaths are publicly accessible. Consistent with the State Auditor's recommendation, SB 519 also establishes a Director of in custody death reviews within the Board of State and Community Corrections to review local death investigations and provide recommendations in order to prevent more deaths. SB 519 is a product of significant conversation and negotiation with stakeholders, including the Administration, law enforcement, criminal justice reform advocates, and families of incarcerated people. I respectfully ask for your aye vote on SB 519. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 41. No 14, motion passes. Pardon me. Bill passes. Thank you. Moving on to file number 132, SB 544. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 544 by Senator Laird in accolade to, state government pass and retain. Is that correct? File number 133, SB 557. Senate Bill 557 by Senator Limon in accolade in the State Government Administration.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Hart, you are recognized.
- Gregg Hart
Madam Speaker, colleagues, the California Prompt Payment Act ensures the government agencies pay grant contracts awarded to a certified small business or nonprofit in a timely manner. Failure to award contracts by an agency in an inappropriate time frame may result in a penalty if the grant is in an amount more than $500,000. SB 557 expands the Prompt Payment Act to include all nonprofit grants, including grants and contracts under $500,000, and sets a $250 or 5% minimum allowable discrepancy amount, whichever is lesser.
- Gregg Hart
California nonprofits are a bridge to our local communities, ensuring that critical services are accessible to residents while contributing to the social and economic growth of the region. This Bill has no opposition as is received bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote all those vote who desire to vote all those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 54. No zero, measure passes file number 134. SB 601 Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 601 by Senator McGuire, in accolade to professions and vocations.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Berman, you are recognized.
- Marc Berman
Thank you, Madam Speaker and colleagues. I rise to present SB 601 by Senator McGuire, a Bill that will protect homeowners struggling to rebuild their homes from fraudulent contractors. California continues to face unprecedented disasters such as mega-fires, earthquakes, and floods, and thousands of Californians have lost their homes in these devastating disasters. Losing a home is tough enough, but ending up with a contractor that cannot do the job has made the rebuilding process and the healing process incredibly traumatic.
- Marc Berman
Unfortunately, many homeowners do not realize they are dealing with an unscrupulous contractor until far too late, preventing the contractor estate licensing board from taking appropriate action. To address these issues, SB 601 will increase the statute of limitations for the unlawful use of a license from one year to three years, ensuring that contractors working in disaster declared areas are held accountable, accountable for their actions, and that disaster survivors have the confidence that their homes will be properly rebuilt. I respectfully ask for your. aye vote on SB 601.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 54. No zero measure passes file number 135. SB 664. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 664 by Senator Stern in accolade to energy.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Schiavo, you are recognized.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members. I rise to present Senate Bill 664 by Senator Stern to require the California Energy Commission and the Public Utilities Commission to include additional details about projects in the transmission of grid infrastructure pipelines in their quarterly reports. SB 664 would also require the Energy Commission to include in its website a tracking energy Development Dashboard, which makes these and other assessment details more transparent and accessible.
- Pilar Schiavo
With these changes, the Joint Reliability Planning Assessment will be more responsive document in helping the state and energy project developers achieve our energy goals. The Bill has no opposition and received no, no votes. Respectfully ask for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 49. No zero, measure passes. Moving to file number 146, SB 816. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 816 by Senator Roth in accolade to professions and vocations and making an appropriation therefore.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Berman, you are recognized.
- Marc Berman
Thank you, Madam Speaker and colleagues. SB 816 is a business and professions code omnibus Bill. This Bill makes necessary fee increases raised by the Board of Psychology, Board of Pharmacy, Board of Accountancy, and the Landscape Architects Technical Committee. It makes clarifying changes pertaining to the Board of Vocational, Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians and Veterinary Medical Board. It extends existing fee and application requirements for junk dealers, and it makes numerous policy reforms stemming from the California Council for Interior Design Certifications sunset review in 2022. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Stand by. Okay, I'm gonna say pass. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk close the roll. measure passes. Ayes 41, no six, file number 126, SB 429. Clerk will read pass temporarily file number 189, SB 582.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 582 by Senator Becker in relating to healthcare.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Boerner, you are recognized.
- Tasha Boerner
Thank you. Madam Speaker and Members, I rise to present SB 582 on behalf of Senator Becker. SB 582 would protect healthcare providers, including small doctors practices, and community clinics, from price gouging by their technology vendors. The Bill simply states that vendors cannot charge unreasonable fees for health data sharing as defined by the federal government. To ensure that price gouging does not block streamlined medical data sharing, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will close the open the roll. those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 51. No zero, measure passes. Members, we are going back to Senate Amendments concurrence. Let's start on file number 28, AB 1213. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1213 by Assemblymember Ortega in accolade to workers compensation.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Ortega, you are recognized.
- Liz Ortega
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members, AB 1213 is backed on concurrence. Amendments taken in the Senate were technical and cost saving. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. ayes 42, noes nine. Measure passes. Excuse me, Senate Amendments are concurred in file number 29, AB. 1272. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Senate Bill 1272 by Senator Wood in accolade to water.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Wood, you are recognized.
- Jim Wood
Thank you, Madam Speaker. AB 1272 is back on concurrence. Amendments made in the senate were largely technical and conforming in nature. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Tally the vote. Ayes 44, nos 10. Senate amendments are concurred in. Pass temporarily on file number 30 and file number 31 will start on... excuse me. File number 31. Wait.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 1345 by Assemblymember Hart and others, an act relating to contracts.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Hart, you are recognized.
- Gregg Hart
Thank you, Madam Speaker. AB 1345 is back on concurrence. Amendments taken in the senate help remove opposition and clarify that the bill only applies to single-family residents. I respectfully urge an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 45, no zero. Senate amendments are concurred in. Pass temporarily on file number 32. Moving over to file number 33, AB 1366.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1366 by Assemblymember Maienschein, an act relating to consumer protection.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Maienschein, you are recognized.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you, Madam Speaker and members. AB 1366 is back on concurrence. I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to... all those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 55, no zero. Senate amends are concurred in. File number 34, AB 1423.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1423 by Assemblymember Schiavo, an act relating to product safety.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Schiavo, you are recognized.
- Pilar Schiavo
Thank you, Madam Speaker and members. AB 143 is back for concurrence. It protects the health and safety of young athletes by phasing out the use of PFAS in artificial turf fields. Senate amendments delayed implementation and made clarifying changes and updates the testing requirements. The bill received bipartisan support and I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk, close the roll. Ayes 47, nos two. Senate amends are concurred in. Moving to file number 35, AB 1439. Clerk will read
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1439 by Assembly Garcia and others, an act relating to taxation to take effective immediately, tax levy.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Garcia, you are recognized.
- Eduardo Garcia
Thank you, Madam Speaker and colleagues. This is back from the senate for concurrence. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Members, this will be a 54-vote. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. 54 votes, members. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 54, nos zero.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Senate amends are concurred in. File number 36, AB 1598. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1598 by Assemblymember Berman and others, an act relating to gun violence.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Berman, you are recognized.
- Marc Berman
Thank you, Madam Speaker and colleagues. AB 1598 would expand what is covered in the firearm safety certification test to include information on the increased risks of bringing a firearm into the home, as well as California's life saving firearm laws. Amendments taken in the senate were technical amendments from the DOJ, as well as amendments that address chaptering issues. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 47, nos nine. Measure passes. File number 37, AB 1614.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1614 by Assemblymember Gabriel and others, an act relating to airol resources.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Good afternoon, Madam Speaker and college. AB 1614 is back on concurrence. This bill would study the feasibility of transitioning our gas stations into EV charging stations. The senate amendments were minor, and technical nature would respectfully request your aye vote on AB 1614.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
See no further discussion or debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk close the roll. Ayes 44, noss 14. Senate amends are concurred in. File number 38, AB 1673. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1673 by Assemblymember Pacheco and others, an act relating to outdoor advertising displays.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Pacheco, you are recognized.
- Blanca Pacheco
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Today I present Assembly Bill 1673, which is back for concurrence. The amendments taken in the senate were technical in nature. This bill has received bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 59, no zero. Senate amends are concurred in.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
You moving to file number 128, SB 476. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 476 by Senator Limon and others in accolade to food safety.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Friedman, you are recognized.
- Laura Friedman
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. And Members many years ago worked as a waitress. And I remember that I would go and I would interview for my waitress jobs. And it was pretty common at the time that I would have to train for one or two days for those couple of days of training. I wasn't paid for that work. I had to literally train for free. Now, that may sound bad to you, and it was bad for me at the time, and really, really hard.
- Laura Friedman
Imagine if, during that training, I was told that I also had to pay for my training, whether or not I got shifts from that restaurant. Well, that's exactly what we allow here in California. Every three years, everybody who works in the food industry, whether they're scooping ice cream or working in the back of a grocery store or working as a waitress, has to do state mandated food safety training. But in California, many employers make the employee pay for that training.
- Laura Friedman
Now, there's a lot of other training that's required under the law. We require safety training. We require sexual harassment training. And in those cases, we say the employer has to pay for that training. It's just a couple of hours, but the employer provides that training for their employees. Why are we doing that? For food safety training. These are a lot of vulnerable, Low income employees who need that money.
- Laura Friedman
Under this Bill, this very righteous Bill, SB 476 food handlers would still be required to complete the state mandated training every three years. But it would no longer come at the employee's expense. This Bill will ensure that workers will not have to be paid for the training as a prerequisite for employment. This should be the employer's responsibility. This is something that, for some employees, is impossible. It's onerous. And we can end that practice here today. I would humbly request an aye vote. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debates, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 43. Nose 15. Measure passes. Moving on to file number 39. Back in order. AB 1061. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1061 by Assemblymember Rendon and others in accolade to electricity.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Rendon. You are recognized.
- Anthony Rendon
Thank you, Madam Speaker. AB 1061 would clarify that energy sources held in DWR's Reliability Reserve Program are subject to the same reporting and participation requirements as other power sources. This Bill has no opposition and has received bipartisan support. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes for 50 no-six, Senate amends are concurred in file number 40, AB 248. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 248 by Assemblymember Mathis and others, in accolade to individuals with disabilities.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Mathis, you are recognized.
- Devon Mathis
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members bills back on concurrence. Thank you for your aye votes.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk open the roll. All those voter desire to vote. All those voter desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk close the roll Ayes 57, no zero. Senate amends are concurred in file number 41, AB 376. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 376 by Assemblymember Villapudua in accolade to student financial aid.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Villapudua. You are recognized.
- Carlos Villapudua
Thank you, Madam Speaker. AB 376 is back from concurrence. 376 extends the Cal Grant C eligibility to students enrolled to the entry-level driving training program. The Senate amendments makes minor technical changes. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those voters who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 57, no, zero. Senate amends are concurrent. Now file number 42 AB 1096. Clerk will read.
- Committee Secretary
Assembly Bill 1096 by Assemblymember Mike Fong in accolades educational instruction.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Mike Fong. You are recognized.
- Mike Fong
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members. Assembly Bill 1096 clarifies that a community college district may offer courses in a language other than English. Senate amendments make a technical clarification. The Bill passed out of the Senate with unanimous support. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk close the roll. Ayes 55, no, zero. Senate amends are concurred in file number 43, AB 57. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 57 by Assemblymember Kalra and others in accolade to forest
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Kalra, you are recognized.
- Ash Kalra
Thank you, Madam Speaker. AB 57 is back on concurrence. Amendments taken in the Senate designate public community colleges, public universities, and state and local community corps as eligible entities for pocket forest demonstration grants and adds a Senate co author respectfully ask your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll ayes 49. No, nine Senate amends are concurred. In moving down to file number 46, AB 360, Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 360 by Assemblymember Gipson and others and accolade excited delirium.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Gipson. You are recognized.
- Mike Gipson
Thank you very much, Madam Speaker. Members, I rise to present Assembly Bill 360. This Bill is dealing with excited delirium. It's on concurrence. As received bipartisan support. I respectfully ask when aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote desire to vote, all those voter desire to vote, all those voter desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 59, no, zero. Senate amends are concurred. In file number 47, AB 363. Clerk will read
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 363 by Assemblymember Bauer-Khan in accoalding to pesticides
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Bauer-Khan. You are recognized.
- Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members, AB 363 is back on concurrence. This is our opportunity to save the bees. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 41, noes 14, send them in or concurred. In file number 48, AB 368, Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 368 by Assemblymember Holden in accoalde to community colleges.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Senator Holden. You're recognized.
- Chris Holden
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members, AB 368 is back for concurrence. The Bill has passed through both houses on consent and requires the governing board of a community college district participating in college and career Access Pathways, or CCAP partnerships to enroll high school pupils in any course that is part of a CCAP partnership offered at a community college campus. The amendments taken were technical in nature as it relates to defining underrepresented groups. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those voted desire to vote. All those voted desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Aye 55, no, zero. Senate amends are concurred in file number 40, pass temporarily on file number 49, file number 50, AB 658, Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 658 by Assemblymember Mike Fong in accolade to public employee benefits.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Mike Fong. You're recognized.
- Mike Fong
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members, Assembly Bill 658, deals with CalPERS benefits. Senate amendments were requested by the Senate Labor, Public Employment, and Retirement Committee to clarify language that was enacted by the Committee's annual omnibus Bill SB 885. This Bill passed the Senate with unanimous support. Respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Aye 56, no, zero. Senate amendments are concurred. In file number 51, AB 699, Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 699 by Assemblymember Weber and others, in accolade to workers compensation.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Weber, you are recognized.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise to request concurrence and Senate amendments for AB 699. These amendments only address chaptering issues. I respectfully request concurrence and Senate amendments. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 54, no, zero. Senate amends are concurred in. Moving on to file number pass temporarily file number 53. File number 53, AB 7116. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 716 by Assemblymember Boerner and others, in accolade to medical transportation.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Boerner. You are recognized.
- Tasha Boerner
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members, I rise to present AB 716, which is backed on concurrence sitting. Amendments were negotiated with all stakeholders on established rate based on jurisdiction, and allows a health planner, insurer, or a provider to seek relief in an appropriate court for the purpose of resolving a payment dispute. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those voted desire to vote. All those voted desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 55, no, zero. Senate amends are concurred in file number 54, AB 723. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 723 by Assemblymember Quirk-Silva and others and actuating pupil and placement.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Quirk-Silva. You are recognized.
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
Thank you, Madam Speaker and members. Assembly Bill 723 is back on concurrence. AB 723 clarifies the definition of a foster youth school of origin to also include non-public schools. AB 723 has enjoyed bipartisan support and no opposition. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 59, no zero. Senate amends are concurred in. File number 55, AB 752. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 752 by Assemblymember Blanca Rubio and others, an act relating to transportation.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Blanca Rubio, you are recognized.
- Blanca Rubio
Thank you, Madam Speaker and members for allowing me to present AB 752 relating to the state highway and worker safety, which is back from the senate on concurrence. Amendments were taken in collaboration with Caltrans and stakeholders to ensure the implementation of the measure will be as smooth as possible. The bill has not received any opposition or zero no votes, and is a common sense and cost-effective method of safety reform that will help roadway workers. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
See no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 58, no one. Senate amends are concurred in. Moving to file number 56. Okay, moving on to pass temporarily on 56, 57. Let's move to file number 58. AB 843. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 843 by Assemblymember Carrillo, an act relating to public social services.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Juan Carrillo, you are recognized.
- Juan Carrillo
Thank you, members. Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise today to present AB 843 on concurrence. The senate amendments are recommendations from the California Department of Social Services. This bill has received unanimous support. I respectfully ask for your aye vote. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 58, no zero. Senate amends are concurred in. Moving to... we are going to jump to file number 182. File number 182, SB 485. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 485 by Senator Becker, an act relating to elections.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Pellerin, you are recognized. File number 182, SB 485.
- Gail Pellerin
Hello, I'm here. Thank you, Madam Speaker and members. There has been an unprecedented increase in attention to elections over the last several years, and as a result, elections officials' jobs have become more and more dangerous. SB 485 clarifies the definition of an elections worker and a voter in existing code to better protect those facilitating and participating in an election from intimidation. Existing law also makes it a felony to interfere with officers conducting an election or canvas or voters exercising their right to vote. This bill extends those protections so that they apply to other groups that are at risk for harassment, namely temporary election workers and remote voters. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 44, no six. Measure passes. Moving to file number 222, SB 35. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 35 by Senator Umberg, an act relating to the courts, declaring urgency thereof and to take effect immediately.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Gipson, you are recognized.
- Mike Gipson
Thank you very much. Madam Speaker, I rise to present a Senate Bill 35 by our colleague, Senator Umberg. This Bill is a simple vehicle to ensure that the successful start of the Care Act this fall the amendments were various technical changes that were requested by the California Judicial Council, the California State Bar, the California Health and Human Services, and counties to assist them in the implementation of this Bill.
- Mike Gipson
This Bill also contains an urgency clause that hopefully, once it passes, it will go into effect this October. I respectfully ask for a strong aye vote on SB 35.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Members, this is a 54 vote. Clerk open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the rolls. Ayes 56. No zero on the urgency. Ayes 56 no. zero on the Bill. Bill passes. Moving to file number 59, AB 875, Clerk will read.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Bill 875 by Assemblymember Gabriel in accolade to courts.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Gabriel, you are recognized.
- Jesse Gabriel
Thank you. Madam Speaker, Members, I'm pleased today to present AB 875, which is back on concurrence. This Bill will enable the collection of essential data to develop stronger data informed responses to our homelessness crisis. This Bill was amended in the Senate to make technical and clarifying changes is supported by legal aid organizations, local governments, the California Apartment Association, and my district Director, Catherine Coddington respectfully request an aye vote on AB 875.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk open the roll. All those voted desire to vote.All those voted desire to vote, Clerk close the roll. Ayes 53, no, zero. Senate amends are concurred in pass temporarily on file number 60. File number 61, AB 970. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 970 by Assemblymember Luz Rivas and others and attributing to insurance.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Luz Rivas, you are recognized.
- Luz Rivas
Thank you, Madam Speaker. AB 970 is back on concurrence. Amendments taken in the Senate make technical changes on reporting and add two additional pilot project locations. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those voted desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 52, no, zero. Senate amends are concurred. In file number 62, AB 1037, Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1037 by Assemblymember Berman and others in accolade to voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Berman, you are recognized.
- Marc Berman
Thank you, Madam Speaker and colleagues, I rise to present AB 1037, a Bill that would authorize a county elections official to offer the option for a voter to cure the signature problem electronically. Senate amendments added, a co-author, corrected a typo an existing law, and addressed chaptering out issues with another Bill. Respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those voter desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk close the roll. Aye 44, no. 13 Senate amends are concurred in. We'll pass temporarily on file number 63. File number 64, AB 1126. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1126 by Assemblymember Lackey and others, in accolade to cannabis.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Lackey, you are recognized.
- Tom Lackey
AB 1126 is back on concurrence It'll provide a tool to combat the cannabis illicit market and respectfully deserves your aye support.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the rolls. Aye 58, no, zero. Senate amends are concurred in. Okay, pass temporarily on file number 65. We're going to move back to file number 30, AB 1273. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1273 by Assemblymember Bonta and others in accolade to classified employees.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Bonta, you are recognized.
- Mia Bonta
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members. Senate amendments to AB. 1273 narrowed the scope of the Bill and changed the reporting date to align with the end of the state's fiscal year. This Bill has no opposition. I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 44, noes 10 Senate amendments are concurred in file number 66, AB 1203. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1203 by Assemblymember Bains and others and others in accolade in taxation take effect immediately. Tax levy.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Bains, you are recognized.
- Jasmeet Bains
Thank you. Chair, Members, I am pleased to bring back AB 1203 from the Senate. AB 1203 seeks to establish tax parity between breastfeeding and formula feeding through a sales tax exemption for breast pumps, pads, and storage supplies. As a family Doctor, I know how important it is to support breastfeeding mothers Memphis taken in the Senate. Bring on more co authors. I ask you for your support in creating tax parity between formula feeding and breastfeeding. Thank you. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote? All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 53 no, zero. Senate amends are concurred. In moving to file number 67, AB 1210, Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1210 by Assemblymember Kalra in accolade to product safety.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Kalra, you are recognized.
- Ash Kalra
Thank you, Madam Speaker. AB 1210 is back on concurrence with amendments to add findings and declarations lower and clarify penalties are for a general failure to label not per unit and address trafficking out issues with AB 119. The Bill has no opposition as enjoyed by part of the support. So if we ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Vote, seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk close the roll. Ayes 57 no zero Senate amends are concurred. In file number 68, AB 1259, Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1259 by Assemblymember Soria and others in accolade to local government.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Soria, you are recognized.
- Esmeralda Soria
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members. The Senate amendments to AB 1259 add co-authors and clarify required payments the City of Merced must take before forming or participating in an enhanced infrastructure finance district. This is a district Bill and I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the rolls. Ayes 43, noes eight Senate amends are concurred. In file number 69, AB 1264, Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1264 by Senator Berman and others in accolade to healing arts.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Berman, you are recognized.
- Marc Berman
Thank you. Madam Speaker and colleagues, I respectfully present AB 1264, the California Acupuncture Board Sunset Bill, which is back on concurrence. Senate amendments clarify that the board may perform site inspections and examine records during investigations. Respectfully ask for aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 56 no, Zero Senate amends are concurred in file number 70, AB 1271, Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1271 by Assemblymember Gipson in accolade to gambling.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Gipson, you are recognized.
- Mike Gipson
Thank you very much, Madam Speaker and Members, I present to you Assembly Bill 1271, which is back on concurrence. With technical, non substantive amendments, I respectfully ask for an aye vote on this bipartisan piece of legislation.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion no debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the rolls. Aye 53, no zero. Senate amendments are concurred in file number 71. Pass temporarily on file 71, pass temporarily on file 720, lucky day. File number 73 AB 1412. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1412 by Assembly Member Hart and others, and after relating to parent trip diversion,
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Hart, you are recognized.
- Gregg Hart
Thank you, Madam Speaker. And Members, AB 1412 is back on concurrence. The amendments taken in the Senate addressed a chaptering out conflict. I respectively request an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those voter who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk close the rolls. Ayes 47, noes one. Senate amends are concurred in file number file number 74, AB 7, AB 1474. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1474 by Assemblymember Reyes and others in accolade to housing.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Reyes, you are recognized.
- Eloise Gómez Reyes
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members, AB 1474 is back from the Senate on concurrence. The Bill would require that the California Department of Housing and Community Development consider and incorporate the housing needs of veterans into the statewide housing plan. Senate amendments made technical changes to the Bill for chaptering purposes, respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 58, no, zero Senate amends are concurred in. File number 76, AB 1606. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1606 by Assemblymember Gipson in accolade to drivers licenses
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Gipson. You are recognized.
- Mike Gipson
Thank you very much, Madam Speaker, Members, I rise to present Assembly Bill 1606, which is back on concurrence. With technical and non-substantive amendments, I respectfully ask for an aye vote on this bipartisan Bill with no-no votes.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the rolls. Aye 52 no zero Senate amends are concurred in. File number 77, AB 1756. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1756. The filing Committee on Judiciary in accolade to State Government.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Maienschein, you are recognized.
- Brian Maienschein
Thank you very much, Madam Speaker and Members, AB 1756 is back on concurrence. I respectfully request an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote. Who desire to vote? Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 59. No, zero. Senate amends are concurred. In moving to file number 72, AB 1399, Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1572 by Assemblymember Friedman and others in accolade to water.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1399 by Assemblymember Friedman and others in accolade to veterinary medicine.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Friedman, you are recognized.
- Laura Friedman
Thank you. Members, I am proud to bring back from the Senate on concurrence a Bill that's received wide bipartisan support. This is a Bill that will allow for vet telehealth. Recent amendments strengthen the guardrails and move the Veterinary Medical Board to support and the California Veterinary Medical Association to neutral. So I would hope to have your support here today. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the rolls. Aye 62. No, zero. Senate amends are concurred. In moving to file number 75, AB 1572, Clerk will read.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Friedman, you are recognized.
- Laura Friedman
Thank you very much, Madam Speaker, the amendments that were taken in the Senate will move a bunch of the water agencies to neutral. And this Bill is co-sponsored by NRDC Hill, the bay metropolitan water district of Southern California, and supported by about a dozen water agencies. So I'm not going to read that. But this sets us on the path of true water sustainability in California, and I would request an aye vote on the concurrence. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk close the roll. Ayes 41, no 17. Senate amends are concurred in.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
File number seven. File number 71, AB 1355. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1355 by Assemblymember Valencia and others in accolade to employment.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Valencia, you are recognized.
- Avelino Valencia
Thank you, Madam Speaker, when I started as Members, I rise to present AB 1355, which is back on concurrence. Senate amendments were technical and clarifying to resolve a chapter in conflict. I respectfully ask for a yes vote. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 57. Nose one.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
File 191. SB 616 Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 616 by Senator Gonzalez and others in accolading to Employment.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Haney. You are recognized.
- Matt Haney
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members, I rise today to present SB 616, of which I am a proud coauthor on behalf of Senator Gonzalez. SB 616 will increase the number of paid sick days and expand the current safety net for all workers. In 2014, California led the nation in establishing the Healthy Workplaces Healthy Families Act, which requires employers to provide three paid sick days to all employees.
- Matt Haney
Since then, 14 other states and nine cities across California have passed policies that surpassed the state minimum and provided upwards of nine paid sick days. The COVID-19 pandemic and other widespread outbreaks have illustrated that three paid sick days is not enough for most people to recover from these illnesses. California's pandemic emergency paid leave policy prevented the spread of approximately 400 new COVID-19 cases per day. Unfortunately, those benefits were only temporary.
- Matt Haney
SB 616 will address this problem by increasing the amount of paid sick days that employers are required to provide from three to five days. Without adequate paid sick days, workers are forced to go to work sick in order to provide for their families or stay home from work without pay, which can cost a family their entire grocery budget for a month.
- Matt Haney
Providing paid sick days to workers also decreases the probability of job separation by at least 25%, which saves businesses money on turnover expenses such as interviewing and training. SB 616 will grant working families across the state the ability to take care of themselves and their loved ones. Thank you, and I respectfully ask for your aye vote on behalf of Senator Gonzalez.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote. All. Those vote who desire to vote. All. Those vote who desire to vote. Close the roll. Ayes 43, noes 18 measure passes file number 60 AB 910 Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 910 by Assemblymember Wilson in accolade to county officers.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Wilson. You are recognized.
- Lori Wilson
Good afternoon, Madam Speaker. Members, AB 910 is back on concurrence. The Bill took amendments to require candidates to submit documents to demonstrate their qualifications in addition to statement under penalty of perjury that they are qualified, but does not require the official receiving those documents to verify them or document their authenticity. As a reminder, AB 910 will set clear requirements for individuals who want to run for County Auditor Controller by providing more information to the experience and educational requirements in Government Code Section 26945.
- Lori Wilson
This Bill would also amend Elections Code 13.5 by providing more direction to registrars to verify the background and claims of the candidates prior to pasting their name on the ballot. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 59 no zero. Senate amends are concurred in file number 65, AB 1171. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1171 by Assemblymember Blanca Rubio and others in accolading to cannabis
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Blanca Rubio, you are recognized.
- Blanca Rubio
Thank you, Madam Speaker. And Members, AB 1171 is back in concurrence from the Senate. The Senate amends ensure this measure meets its intended goal and clarifies when these types of actions can be taken. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members, this is a 54 vote. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, 54 votes Members. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 59, noes four. Senate amendments are concurred in yes. What's? What's? Hanging file number 32, AB 1356. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1356 by Assemblymember Haney and others in accolade to employment.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Haney, you are recognized.
- Matt Haney
Thank you, Madam Speaker. And Members, AB 1356 is back for concurrence, which strengthens California's Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act or Warn Act by expanding protections for workers impacted by mass layoffs. Senate amendments address the opposition's concerns by extending the notice requirements to 75 days instead of 90 days and adding in an hour requirement for contract workers to have worked before qualifying for the Warrant Act. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 42, noes 15. Senate amendments concurred in moving to file number 57, AB 8116. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 816 by Assemblymember Haney in accolade to minors.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Haney, you are recognized.
- Matt Haney
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members, AB 816 would allow physicians to oversee Buprenorphine treatment for youth suffering from opioid use disorder. It's back for concurrence. This is an important way that we are confronting the fentanyl epidemic, particularly among young people. The Senate amendments are technical and clarifying in nature. This has received no opposition and passed out of this House with bipartisan support. And I respectfully ask for your aye vote on concurrence.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 44 noes four. Senate amendments are concurred. In file number 63, AB 1119. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 1119 by Assemblymember Wicks in accolade to civil action.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Wicks, you are recognized.
- Buffy Wicks
Hi, Madam Speaker. Members, AB 1119 is back on concurrence. It reforms the consumer debt collection process to make it less likely to result in the issuance of a bench warrant for a defendant's arrest. The Bill provides a way for individuals who owe debt to share information about their assets, particularly when they are indigent and not subject to collection. This Bill does not end the responsibility for consumers to pay debt they owe.
- Buffy Wicks
It strikes a better balance in our legal system for consumers to resolve their debt cases without facing the threat of arrest or jail. Respectfully ask for an aye vote,
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate. Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 43 no 17. Senate amendments are concurred. In moving to file number 126, SB 429. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 429 by Senator Bradford and accident of transportation.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Boerner. You are recognized.
- Tasha Boerner
Thank you. Madam Speaker and Members, I rise to present SB 429 on behalf of Senator Bradford. SB 429 will modernize the current vehicle inspection requirement for transportation network company drivers by authorizing them to utilize a remote or virtual vehicle inspection. Virtual inspections are already being performed at Caltrans and over 2000 TNC drivers have submitted their support for this Bill. This will make work opportunities more accessible to drivers and importantly, ensure that drivers are compensated for the time it takes to complete the inspection. I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Move the call file number 49 AB 581. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Bill 581 by Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo in accolade to corrections.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo. You are recognized.
- Wendy Carrillo
Thank you, Madam Speaker and Members, AB 581 is back on concurrence. Amendments taken in the Senate make minor changes to some of the definitions in the Bill and other technical changes. This Bill has received bipartisan support and no opposition. Respectfully request an aye vote. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 48 no zero. Senate amendments concurred in.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members, we will now do vote changes for those that would like to do that. So I will recognize you from your desk. So if you don't mind, just stay at your desk. And I'll start from right to left, so we'll go down. Assemblymember Davies. Thank you. Davies vote change. Where is it? ACA 7 aye to no. ACA 7 aye to no. Vote change. Assemblymember Davies. Assembly concurrent Assembly Constitutional Amendment 7 aye to not voting. Assemblymember Jackson, you have a vote change.
- Corey Jackson
Vote change. AB 752 no to aye.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Member Jackson. Assembly Bill 752 no to aye.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Dixon.
- Diane Dixon
Thank you, Madam Speaker. AB 1423 no to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Dixon. AB 1423 no to not voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Flora.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Madam Speaker. SB 485, Becker aye to no.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Flora. Senate Bill 485. Aye to no.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Pellerin.
- Gail Pellerin
Hi. Yes. Thank you. SB 281. I'm changing from no to aye. Thank you.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Pellerin. Senate Bill 281 no to aye.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Weber.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you. File number 97. SB 667, aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Assembly Member Weber Senate Bill 667, aye to not voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Rodriguez?
- Freddie Rodriguez
Yes. File item 95 SB 728. Aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Rodriguez. Senate Bill 728. Aye to not voting.
- Juan Alanis
Madam Speaker. File 57, AB 8116 from no to not voting, please.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Are there any other vote changes? Assembly Member Alanis.
- Reading Clerk
Could you repeat that? I'm sorry.
- Juan Alanis
AB 8116 from no to not voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Alanis. Assembly Bill 8116, no to not voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Quirk-Silva?
- Sharon Quirk-Silva
Yes. File, vote change on AB 399, aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Quirk-Silva. Assembly Bill 399, aye to not voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Alanis.
- Juan Alanis
I am back. SB 267 from no to not voting also.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Alanis. Senate Bill 267, no to not voting.
- Juan Alanis
Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Villapudua.
- Carlos Villapudua
File item 146, SB 8116 from aye vote to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Villapudua. Senate Bill 816 aye to not voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Hart
- Gregg Hart
AB 1673. Aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Hart. Assembly Bill 1673. Aye to not voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member. Dixon.
- Diane Dixon
Thank you. I need to change my vote on AB 299 from no to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assemblymember Dixon. Assembly Bill 299, no to not voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Voice change. Assembly Member Flora.
- Heath Flora
Thank you, Madam Speaker. AB 1355, Valencia no to aye.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Flora. AB 1355. No to aye.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
We're going to lift the call on file number 126, SB 429. Clerk will post. All those voted desire to vote. All those voter desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 44, noes one. Measure passes. We have a roll. A vote change. Assembly Member Villapudua.
- Carlos Villapudua
Yeah. Change of vote. File item 47, AB 363 from an aye vote to abstain.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Villapudua. Assembly Bill 363 aye to not voting.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Members, we are going to take up item number 2220, SB 789. The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 7899 by Senator Allen and others. An act relating to elections and calling an election and take effect immediately.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Assemblymember. Aguar Curry. You may open.
- Dawn Addis
Members, I rise to present SB 789 by Senator Allen. This bill identifies several measures that, if passed by the Legislature, would appear on next November's ballot. I simply ask for your aye vote.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Seeing no others wishing to speak on this item, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. The Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 42, noes six. Measure passes.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members, do you have any more vote changes? Assembly Member Dixon.
- Diane Dixon
Thank you. Vote change on SB 789 to no.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Dixon. Senate Bill 789, aye to no.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Ta.
- Tri Ta
Yes, madame speaker. Vote change. SB 789 to no. Aye to no. SB 789, aye to no. Thank you.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly member Ta. Senate Bill 789. Aye to no.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Connolly.
- Damon Connolly
Thank you. Vote change. SB 429. Yes to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Connolly. Senate Bill 429. Aye to not voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Member Petrie-Norris.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Petrie Norris. SB 789. Aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly member Petrie Norris. Senate bill 789, aye to not voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
I have another vote change for Assembly Member Mathis.
- Devon Mathis
Thank you, Mathis. SB 789. Aye to no.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member. Mathis. Senate Bill 789. Aye to no.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Okay, we're going to take up file number 163, SB 261. Clerk will read .
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 261 by Senator Stern and others. An act relating to greenhouse gases and making appropriation therefore.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Senator Ting, you are recognized.
- Philip Ting
Thank you Madam Speaker, I rise to present SB 261 on behalf of Senator Stern. The Bill requires the largest corporations doing business in California to biannually, complete and post a climate related risk financial disclosure report on their website starting on January 1, 2026. The disclosure required under the Bill is the one that has existed since 2017, so it's nothing new. It's been adopted by an international task force on climate related risk disclosures. It's already being used by public agencies like CalSTRS, and CalPERS.
- Philip Ting
In addition, you have a number of companies that are already doing this. Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Patagonia, Target, Walmart, and many other companies. AB 261 makes that responsibility more transparent by allowing the public to understand how the corporate world is assessing and mitigating climate risk to their industry. The report itself does not require any business decisions. It only seeks to shed light on how these decisions are being contemplated. I respectfully ask for aye vote on AB 261.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk close the roll. Ayes 41, noes 17. Measure passes. Whoa.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
You moving to file number 162, SB 244. Members.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 244 by Senator Eggman and others. An act relating to Solid Waste Management.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Senate Member Wicks. You are recognized.
- Buffy Wicks
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Members, I'm presenting SB 244 the Right to Repair Act on behalf of Senator Eggman. This Bill will make the parts, tools, documentation and software needed for consumer electronics and appliance repair accessible to independent repair shops and to consumers. In California, we already have a law that says, based on the value of the product, most consumer electronics and appliance manufacturers must make replacement parts and tools available for either three or seven years.
- Buffy Wicks
Many accomplish this through their own first party and authorized repair networks. We want to make sure that our regulated, independent repair shops are not left out of this important market. I respectfully ask for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion or debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 50. Noes zero. Measure passes. File number 167, SB 306.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 306 by Senator Caballero. An act relating to climate change.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Pellerin, you are recognized.
- Gail Pellerin
Thank you, speaker and Members. In April 2022, the state report Protecting Californians from Extreme Heat outlined a multiagency approach to mitigate the health, economic, cultural, ecological and social impacts of increasing temperatures and heat waves. SB 306 codifies this extreme heat action plan and requires the Natural Resources Agency and the Office of Planning and Research to update the plan every three years. SB 306 also measures the progress of energy efficient upgrades in communities most affected and vulnerable to climate change and the emission reductions.
- Gail Pellerin
As a result, this Bill will ensure state strategies for long term heat mitigation goals are continually updated and will have a direct impact on the lives of Californians living in areas affected by dramatically rising temperatures. On behalf of Senator Caballero, I respectfully ask for your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those voted desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, all those voted desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 63. Noes zero. Measure passes. File number 199.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 694 by Senator Eggman, An act relating to MediCal.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Weber, you are recognized.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Member, I rise to present SB 694, a simple Bill that would help MediCal enrollees to monitor their blood pressure. In most cases, high blood pressure has no signs or symptoms. In California, almost 30% of adults have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, with communities of color being disproportionately impacted. High blood pressure or hypertension also has significant impact on maternal health.
- Akilah Weber
The dangers of high blood pressure in pregnancy include PreEclampsia and Eclampsia, which can increase the risk of an early delivery and even sometimes lead to death of the mother. Improving the control of hypertension is critical for improving cardiovascular health and reducing major cost drivers in the healthcare system. A key component to achieve this is selfmeasured blood pressure monitoring. This allows the patient to monitor their blood pressure outside of the medical office.
- Akilah Weber
SB 694 codifies the coverage of such devices and adds clinical support services as specifically covered medical services. This Bill is sponsored by the American Heart Association and the California Chronic Care Coalition, and is supported by many providers and consumer groups. Members, this measure has had unanimous bipartisan support, and I respectfully ask for an aye vote on SB 694.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 62. Noes 1. Measure passes. Thank you. Moving on to File number 214, SB 344.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 344 by Senator Rubio. An act relating to cancer.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Weber, you are recognized.
- Akilah Weber
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise to present SB 344, which helps streamline the process for reporting cancer data to the California Cancer Registry, making it easier for data to be reported in a timely manner and improve research. Access to cancer data amendments would require the Department of Public Health if it Deems a pathologist noncompliant with reporting requirements, the Department would notify the pathologist of deficiencies and provide an opportunity to cure those deficiencies.
- Akilah Weber
This Bill ultimately aims to strengthen the relationship between the state and regional registries. I respectfully ask for an aye vote on SB 344. Thank you.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, all those vote who desire to vote, Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 71. Noes zero. Measure passes.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
File number 207, SB 797. Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 797 by Senator Padilla, and others an act relating to taxation.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Garcia, you are recognized.
- Eduardo Garcia
Thank you, Madam Speaker. This Bill would create the Oversight Committee for the lithium extraction tax that would be collected by the State of California and reinvested in the areas where the lithium has been recovered. Respectfully asking for your ivote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 56. Noes one and measure passes. File number 174, SB 394.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 394 by Senator Gonzalez and others, an act relating to school facilities.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Calderon, you are recognized.
- Lisa Calderon
Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise to present Senate Bill 394 on behalf of Senator Lena Gonzalez. SB 394 will require the California Energy Commission to collaborate with various state agencies and education stakeholders to develop a master plan for healthy, sustainable and climate resilient schools. Students, faculty and staff on our school campuses are increasingly facing the impacts of climate related threats like extreme heat, flooding, and wildfire smoke. A master plan will help California school districts increase their climate resiliency.
- Lisa Calderon
For our students and educators, thank you and I respectfully ask for an aye Vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 64, noes 11. Measure passes. File number 89, SB. 341.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Ward. You are recognized.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 341 by Senator Becker. An act relating to housing.
- Chris Ward
Good afternoon, Madam Speaker and Members. I rise today to present SB 341 on behalf of Senator Becker. Under current law, private developers are unfairly penalized when applying for state programs based on the lack of a pro housing designation in the jurisdiction in which they plan to build. This Bill would end the use of prohousing points in ranking applications to the qualifying infill project portion of the IIG program, giving developers a fair chance to obtain funding for projects in the areas that most need it.
- Chris Ward
The Bill also makes other technical clarifying changes to the IIG program of 2019, and supports developers who are doing the right thing to build affordable housing in less housing friendly jurisdictions. I respectfully request your aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate. Clerk will call open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Close the roll. Ayes 63, noes, zero. What? Reopen the roll. Close the roll. Ayes 65 noes zero. Thank you for catching. Measure passes.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Members, when the roll was open on item 220, SB 789 Allen by Aguiar-Curry, there was an incorrect information posted on Republican Members tablets. Without objection, we will rescind and expunge the roll call vote on item 220, SB 789, the roll call vote is expunged. We will now take a new vote on item 220, SB 789.
- Stephanie Nguyen
The Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 789 by Senator Allen and others. An act relating to elections and calling an election to take effect immediately.
- Stephanie Nguyen
Members, we've already held debate on this Bill. Hearing no further debate, the Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. The Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 51, noes. 14, the measure passes.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Moving to file number 142. What's the Bill number? File number 142, SB. 753.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will read.
- Reading Clerk
Senate Bill 753 by Senator Caballero and others. An act relating to Cannabis.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Dahle.
- Megan Dahle
Thank you, Madam Speaker, Members, I rise to present SB 753 on behalf of Senator Caballero and as a proud co author. For years, thousands of illicit cannabis growers primarily in rural areas like my district have put the health and safety of Californians wildlife and our water supplies at risk by engaging in water theft and environmental pollution as part of their operations. SB 753 addresses the impact of illicit cannabis farms by establishing the theft of groundwater.
- Megan Dahle
Unauthorized tapping into water conveyance or storage infrastructure or digging an unpermitted illegal well may be punished as a misdemeanor or imprisonment as a felony. Providing deterrence to water theft and groundwater pollution. Appropriately recognizes the dangers these illegal grows pose to long term to both humans, our environment and wildlife. This Bill has received unanimous support and respectfully asked for an aye vote.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Seeing no discussion nor debate, Clerk will open the roll. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. All those vote who desire to vote. Clerk will close the roll. Ayes 64, noes zero. Measure passes. Members, are there any additional vote changes? Assembly Member Dixon.
- Diane Dixon
Thank you, Madam Speaker.
- Diane Dixon
Yes. Changing SB 797 from no to yes.
- Reading Clerk
Please vote change. Assembly Member Dixon, Senate Bill 797. No to aye.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assemblymember Valencia.
- Avelino Valencia
Thank you. SB 244, aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Valencia, Senate Bill 244. Aye to not voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Mike Fong.
- Mike Fong
Thank you so much. Vote change. SB 429 from aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Mike Fong. Senate Bill 429. Aye to not voting.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Vote change. Assembly Member Bennett.
- Steve Bennett
SB 694 from a no to an aye.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Bennett. Senate Bill 694. No to aye.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Gallagher.
- James Gallagher
Gallagher. Assembly Bill 1412. Aye to no.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Gallagher. Assembly Bill 1412. Aye to no.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank. Yeah. Did you let them know that it's hard?
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Without objection, we will return to motions and resolutions to allow Majority Leader to make three motions. Mr. Bryan, you are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
I move to re-refer item A21, SB 516 Skinner to the Rules Committee.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Without objection, such shall be the order.
- Isaac Bryan
I move to suspend Assembly Rule 46 and Assembly Rule 74 D as it relates to the Senate Joint Resolution.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Without objection, such will be the order.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Essayli, we are not under motions and resolutions at this time. This is to allow Majority Leader to make three motions.
- Isaac Bryan
Speak. Thank you, Madam Speaker. In Joint Rule 62 A, the file notice requirement to allow the Public Safety Committee to hear AB 709 McKinnor SJR 7 Wahab and AJR 8 Essayli tomorrow, Wednesday, September 13, at 09:00 a.m. in room 126.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Clerk will note.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Majority Leader. You are recognized.
- Isaac Bryan
Colleagues, another incredible, fantastic day. We have less than 100 Senate bills left to do. Incredible, incredible work. We've got two days left. Come back ready to work.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Members, without objection, the quorum call is lifted. Please take your conversations off the floor. We'll be now be moving to adjournments in memory. Please give your respectful attention to those who were granted prior permission to speak on adjournments in memory. Assemblymember Sanchez. Members, you are recognized. Assembly Member Sanchez.
- Kate Sanchez
Yeah. Thank you.
- Kate Sanchez
It's my honor today to recognize a very special person who passed away on Tuesday, August 29, in Orange County. Mr. Richard Reese helped plan and develop cities like Anaheim, Claremont, Covina. And helped plan and develop cities like zero. As a master planner for the Irvine Company, he was recruited to build a new city from literally a blank slate of rangeland. This urban village concept was simple create an open and planned setting where residents could work, shop and enjoy the great outdoors near their home.
- Kate Sanchez
That vision and a lot of hard work would eventually become the City of Rancho Santa Margarita. The city celebrated its 20th anniversary in the year 2020 and is now home to almost 50,000 residents. Rancho Santa Margarita will forever be grateful for Richard Reese's amazing vision. It is an honor to adjourn in his memory today.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Assembly Member Petrie Norris. You're recognized.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker and Members, I rise today with a heavy heart to adjourn in the memory of Mary Ann Guido former Irvine City Council Member, planning Commissioner and Transportation Commissioner who passed away on September 6 after a battle with cancer. Mary Ann was a beloved leader and a dedicated public servant, a committed environmentalist and a champion for affordable housing. Her vision and her lifetime of work indelibly shaped Irvine from the earliest days of the city's inception.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Following the city's incorporation in 1971, Mary Ann was appointed to the Planning Commission where she helped to shape the city's very first city plan. She went on to serve on Irvine City Council from 1976 through 1984. As a councilwoman, Mary Ann directed the city to purchase the cattle camp land in Bomber Canyon for public use and helped to establish Irvine's nationally recognized 10,000 acre open space preserve. Mary Ann's lifetime of service to our community is truly remarkable.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
She was Vice President of advocacy and government relations for St. Joseph Health System. She has served as President of the Irvine Community Land Trust Board of Directors, the Chair of the Irvine Planning Commission, and she was a founding Member of the Boards of Irvine Housing Opportunities, jamboree Housing, the Kennedy Commission of Orange County, the Orange County Community Housing Corporation and the Orange County Affordable Housing Clearinghouse.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
Just this year, Mary Ann was recognized with the Ralph Kennedy Award at the 2023 Affordable Housing Breakfast, honoring her decades of work here in Irvine and throughout Orange County to increase affordable housing and advocate for our neighbors most in need.
- Cottie Petrie-Norris
As Irvine residents learned news of Mary Ann's passing, tributes poured in from all across our city and beyond, honoring Guido as one of Irvine's most beloved leaders, one of our city's heroes, and a titan of excellence, Mary Ann will be deeply missed by our community, and her legacy will live on for generations to come. Members, I respectfully ask that we adjourn in the memory of Mary Ann Guido.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Thank you. Assembly Member. Members, please bring the names to the desk to be printed in the Journal. All requests to adjourn in memory will be deemed read and printed in the Journal. Members, as a reminder, please identify Senators to manage your bills on the Senate Floor. Everyone should expect to work into the evening hours for the remainder of the week. Please plan accordingly the session schedule is as follows Wednesday, September 13, floor session at 10:00 a.m.. All other items the remaining will be passed and retained.
- Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
All motions shall be continued. Seeing and hearing no further business, I am ready to entertain a motion to adjourn. Mr. Bryan moves and Mr. Hart seconds that this House stands adjourned until Wednesday, September 13 at 10:00 a.m. The house is adjourned.
- Eduardo Garcia
Vote change. File 126, SB 429. Aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Garcia Senate Bill 429. Aye to not voting.
- Sabrina Cervantes
Vote change. Cervantes Assembly Bill 429. Aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly member Cervantes. Assembly Bill 429, aye to not voting.
- Reading Clerk
Correction. Assembly member Cervantes. Senate Bill 429. Aye to not voting.
- Avelino Valencia
Vote change. Valencia. SB 244. Not voting to aye.
- Reading Clerk
Vote change. Assembly Member Valencia Senate Bill 244. Not voting to aye.
Bill SB 601
Professions and vocations: contractors: home improvement contracts: prohibited business practices: limitation of actions.
View Bill DetailCommittee Action:Passed
Next bill discussion: September 14, 2023
Previous bill discussion: April 25, 2023