Past Affiliations


Known Roles

  • Lobbyist

Lobbying Representations

This list shows when this lobbyist testified in a hearing, who they were representing and which bill was involved. The data covers 2015-18 and 2023-present.
Showing 1-10 of 13 rows


Preview image for AB 129614MIN
Jul 3, 2024

AB 1296

Bar pilots: regulation of vessels.

Preview image for AB 22577MIN
Jul 3, 2024

AB 2257

Local government: property-related water and sewer fees and assessments: remedies.

Preview image for AB 22989MIN
Jul 3, 2024

AB 2298

Coastal resources: Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies Program.

Preview image for SB 31212MIN
Jul 1, 2024

SB 312

California Environmental Quality Act: university housing development projects: exemption.

Preview image for SB 61022MIN
Jul 1, 2024

SB 610

Fire prevention: wildfire mitigation area: defensible space: State Fire Marshal.

Preview image for SB 107211MIN
Jun 26, 2024

SB 1072

Local government: Proposition 218: remedies.

Preview image for AB 22989MIN
Jun 11, 2024

AB 2298

Coastal resources: Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies Program.

Preview image for SB 107227MIN
May 1, 2024

SB 1072

Local government: Proposition 218: remedies.

Preview image for AB 22986MIN
Mar 19, 2024

AB 2298

Coastal resources: Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies Program.

Showing 1-9 of 13 testimonies