AB 2901: School and community college employees: paid disability and parental leave.
- Session Year: 2023-2024
- House: Assembly
Current Status:
(2024-08-28: Ordered to inactive file at the request of Senator Gonzalez.)
First Committee Review
First Chamber
Second Committee Review
Second Chamber
Existing law requires the governing board of a school district, and the governing board of a community college district, to provide for a leave of absence from duty for a certificated employee or an academic employee of the district who is required to be absent from duty because of pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, and recovery from those conditions.
Existing law authorizes the governing board of a school district, and the governing board of a community college district, to provide for a leave of absence from duty as it deems appropriate for a female employee in the classified service of the district who is required to be absent from duty because of pregnancy or convalescence following childbirth. Existing law authorizes a governing board to adopt rules and regulations about leaves of absence for classified employees for these purposes, and authorizes a governing board to provide in the rules and regulations whether the leave granted shall be with or without pay, as provided.
Commencing January 1, 2028, and only if an appropriation is made for these purposes in the annual Budget Act or another statute, this bill would delete the latter provisions authorizing a governing board of a school district and the governing board of a community college district to adopt those rules and regulations. The bill instead would require a public school employer to, for a certificated employee or an employee in the classified service of the public school employer, and would require a community college district to, for an academic employee or an employee in the classified service of the community college district, provide up to 14 weeks of a leave of absence with specified pay benefits for an employee who is required to be absent from duty because of pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from those conditions, as provided. The bill would authorize the paid leave to begin before and continue after childbirth if the employee is actually disabled by pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or a related condition. The bill would prohibit a leave of absence taken pursuant to these provisions from being deducted from other leaves of absence, as provided.
Discussed in Hearing
Senate Standing Committee on Appropriations
Senate Standing Committee on Labor, Public Employment and Retirement
Senate Standing Committee on Education
Assembly Floor
Assembly Standing Committee on Higher Education
Assembly Standing Committee on Higher Education
Assembly Standing Committee on Higher Education
Assembly Standing Committee on Education
Bill Author
Bill Co-Author(s):