Assembly Standing Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection
- Jesse Gabriel
Good afternoon, everybody. There we go. Welcome to the Assembly Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection. For what we will be a very brief hearing today. We have only one Bill that we're going to hear. While we're waiting for an author I'm going to go ahead and do some announcements, and then hopefully, we're going to establish quorum. So, to effectively manage our time today, we will be limiting testimony to two witnesses in support and two witnesses in opposition to this Bill.
- Jesse Gabriel
Each witness will be allowed three minutes to present their testimony. After the support witnesses conclude their testimony, the committee will call up additional supporters. No further testimony will be permitted. Additional supporters may only state their name, affiliation and position for the record. For this hearing, and until further notice, the committee will be returning to in person testimony only as reflected in the file notice, but I'd like to note that we are accepting written testimony through the position letter portal on the committee's website. With that, let's work to establish a quorum. Madam Secretary, please call the role.
- Mimi Holtkamp
Gabriel here. Patterson. Bauer-Kahan here. Bennett here. Essayli here. Vince Fong here. Irwin. Lowenthal. Papan. Wicks here. Wilson here.
- Jesse Gabriel
We have a quorum, and we will wait until we have an author. All right, Senator, Umberg, welcome to the Privacy Committee. The floor is yours.
- Thomas Umberg
Thank you. Mr. Chair Members, I appreciate your patience. This is simply a cleanup Bill from SB 35, the CARE Court. I want to thank Jith for helping us work out some of the challenges. I accept the amendments. It's simply a vehicle to assist the upcoming implementation of CARE Court this fall. I urge an aye vote.
- Jesse Gabriel
We have a motion by Assembly Member Bauer-Kahan and a second by Assembly Member Fong. Do we have any witnesses in support of the recent amendments on this bill?
- Jolie Onodera
Thank you. Jolie Onadera with the California State Association of Counties here in support of the recent amendments on data sharing for counties. Want to thank the committee staff for all of their work in working through this. Thank you.
- Jean Hurst
Thank you, Mr. Chair Members. Jean Hurst here today on behalf of the Urban Counties of California and the Rural County Representatives of California also in support. Thanks very much for everybody's work on it.
- Jesse Gabriel
All right, thank you very much. Do we have any witnesses in opposition to the Bill?
- Chao Jun Liu
Chao Jun Liu with the Electronic Frontier Foundation in respectful opposition.
- Becca Cramer Mowder
Becca Cramer Mowder with ACLU California, also in respectful opposition and Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of California and Disability Rights California have also asked me to "Me Too" in opposition for them as well.
- Jesse Gabriel
Okay, thank you very much. Seeing no further support or opposition in the hearing room, we will bring it back to the committee. Any questions or comments? All right, seeing none, we have a motion and a second. I'll just thank you, Senator, for your leadership on this very much. Appreciate your work in this area. Thank you for working with the committee. And I know that due to timing, you're going to taking these amendments in the Appropriations Committee.
- Jesse Gabriel
But again, just want to thank you for taking on such a complicated and challenging and difficult issue, but one that is certainly vital to our state. So with that, we have a due pass recommendation to the Appropriations Committee. Madam Secretary, please call the role.
- Mimi Holtkamp
Gabriel aye. Patterson aye. Bauer-Kahan aye. Bennett aye. Essayli aye. Papan aye. Wicks. Wilson aye.
- Jesse Gabriel
Your Bill has nine votes. It is out. We will leave the role absent Members. Thank you very much.
- Thomas Umberg
Chair Members, thank you.
- Unidentified Speaker
- Jesse Gabriel
Let's reopen the roll on SB 35 Umberg, the motion is due passed to the Appropriations Committee. Madam Secretary, please call the roll.
- Mimi Holtkamp
Vote is nine 9-0. Lowenthal aye.
- Jesse Gabriel
Bill now has ten votes. We will leave the roll open for absent Members with the last name Wicks.
- Unidentified Speaker
- Jesse Gabriel
...All right, last but certainly not least, let's reopen the roll on SB 35 Umberg, the motion is due passed to the Appropriations Committee. Madam Secretary, please call the roll.
- Mimi Holtkamp
Wicks aye.
- Jesse Gabriel
That Bill is out 11-0. With that, this hearing is adjourned.
Committee Action:Passed
Next bill discussion: September 7, 2023
Previous bill discussion: August 28, 2023