Showing 33-48 of 120 results found

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First NameLast Name
Headshot of Blanca Rubio
BlancaRubioBaldwin ParkAssembly District 48
Headshot of Greg Wallis
GregWallisBermuda DunesAssembly District 47
Headshot of Jesse Gabriel
JesseGabrielEncinoAssembly District 46
Headshot of James Ramos
JamesRamosSan Manuel Indian ReservationAssembly District 45
Legislator image
NickSchultzBurbankAssembly District 44
Legislator image
CelesteRodriguezArletaAssembly District 43
Headshot of Jacqui Irwin
JacquiIrwinThousand OaksAssembly District 42
Legislator image
JohnHarabedianPasadenaAssembly District 41
Headshot of Pilar Schiavo
PilarSchiavoChatsworthAssembly District 40
Headshot of Brian Jones
BrianJonesSanteeSenate District 40
Headshot of Akilah Weber
AkilahWeber PiersonLa MesaSenate District 39
Headshot of Juan Carrillo
JuanCarrilloPalmdaleAssembly District 39
Headshot of Steve Bennett
SteveBennettVenturaAssembly District 38
Headshot of Catherine Blakespear
CatherineBlakespearCardiffSenate District 38
Headshot of Gregg Hart
GreggHartSanta BarbaraAssembly District 37
Legislator image
StevenChoiIrvineSenate District 37