Showing 97-112 of 120 results found

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First NameLast Name
Legislator image
SadeElhawaryLos AngelesAssembly District 57
Legislator image
LeticiaCastilloCoronaAssembly District 58
Headshot of Phillip Chen
PhillipChenYorba LindaAssembly District 59
Headshot of Corey Jackson
CoreyJacksonPerrisAssembly District 60
Headshot of Tina McKinnor
TinaMcKinnorHawthorneAssembly District 61
Legislator image
JoséSolacheLakewoodAssembly District 62
Headshot of Bill Essayli
BillEssayliCoronaAssembly District 63
Headshot of Blanca Pacheco
BlancaPachecoDowneyAssembly District 64
Headshot of Mike Gipson
MikeGipsonCarsonAssembly District 65
Headshot of Al Muratsuchi
AlMuratsuchiTorrance areaAssembly District 66
Headshot of Sharon Quirk Silva
SharonQuirk-SilvaFullertonAssembly District 67
Headshot of Avelino Valencia
AvelinoValenciaAnaheimAssembly District 68
Headshot of Josh Lowenthal
JoshLowenthalLong BeachAssembly District 69
Headshot of Tri Ta
TriTaWestminsterAssembly District 70
Headshot of Kate Sanchez
KateSanchezTrabuco CanyonAssembly District 71
Headshot of Diane Dixon
DianeDixonNewport BeachAssembly District 72